Journey's Beginning

Story by Nightflurry on SoFurry

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#2 of Heaven's Son

Standard disclaimer. You should be over 18 (Possibly 21) as

this story contains some implied homosexual intercourse. I

have put labeled it as M/M even though it contains no actual

sex. If not comfortable with that, you might want to

consider not reading this. Use common discretion. The

characters and places are my creations, I'd be very unhappy

if anyone used them without asking. If you want to

distribute this then ask my permission, chances are I'll say

yes assuming it's unaltered. Feel free to contact me at

nightflurry(at) for comments. I highly recommend

reading the previous chapter(s).

I'm not sure I'm really happy how this chapter turned out,

but I can't seem to alter it without making it worse. It's a

bit dull, but necessary filler. I honestly didn't expect

there to be any 'action' nearly this early, but it just sort

of came as I was writing. The hot and heavy stuff will have

to wait though. Enjoy.

Chapter II. Journey's Beginning

Alexi let out an 'oof' as the badger pulled the straps

on the armour taut. "Too tight m'lord?" The raccoon nodded

and sighed. He'd been fitted and measured and hassled for

hours now, he felt like he was being taking shopping as a


The armoury was delighted to fulfill the special order

for an Enforcer's battle gear. The basic bit really wasn't

much different than the Lorica Hamata style armour that any

imperial soldier wore. Only to top if off they fitted a

large (soon to be dulled down) silver Musculata type

breastplate over the mail. Alexi had to admit it was a very

impressive piece of armour. Had the Imperial Standard on it

and the Enforcer's insignia as well. Tough leather straps

tightened it up over the hamata, and a purple cloak dangled

from the nape of the neck.

The unprepared raccoon nearly buckled under the weight

at first, he had no idea the armour could weigh so much.

This new line of work would defiantly take some getting in

shape. The short and pudgy badger looked up at him, "How's

that? Try walking around"

Alexi took a few heavy steps and tried shrugging the

armour into a better fit, but it didn't seem to get any

better. He could walk though, he tried kneeling and getting

back up, and to his surprise succeeded. Maybe it wasn't so

bad after all once it all got on properly. The blacksmith

grinned and nodded, more to himself than to Alexi.

Next came the silver greaves, the sporran, leather

pteruges on the waist and sholders, and a helmet with a

purple plume. Alexi quietly wondered how much this

outfitting cost. The last item handed to him was a sword in

the gladius fashion. It was newly, and rapidly, made just

for his paw size. The grip was corrugated ivory, the hilt

itself was more silver, and at the end was a sapphire.

A suppressed chuckle emanated from the doorway, and

when Alexi turned his head to determine it's owner he was

greeted by the sight of Naorume leaning against the

doorframe. The disarmoured fox smirked and advanced. It was

the first time the raccoon had seen him sans guard getup.

The vulpine looked a lot shorter in his linen casual wear,

not to mention he looked much younger and less intimidating.

He was a prime specimen of his species. Perfectly textbook

fox features, fur extremely well groomed and obviously in

top physical condition. "Well well, you almost look

convincing. almost."

Alexi cocked a brow. "Thank you. Your confidence is

appreciated." He glanced at the badger inquisitively. The

badger gave him a look saying it was alright to leave. The

raccoon nodded and trudged over to Naorume. Gods this

equipment was heavy.

Naorume started. "For all intents and purposes, I'm

your personal bodyguard. I choose the other forty-nine

guards as you requested. There's a good mix in age and

experience." Alexi nodded approvingly.

The raccoon and the fox stepped out of the armoury. The

others were waiting. Naorume and Alexi mounted their horses

and nodded to each other. There would be no time for

goodbyes. It was time to leave. Alexi wondered what the

journey would bring. It would take around a month's travel

to reach their destination. The trip wouldn't be easy

either. The young coon could look forward to endless days of

riding and swordplay.

Turning the corner onto the Via Arverius Alexi halted

his horse. Lining the sides of the street was a mass mob of

curious onlookers. More guards formed a line in front of the

now pointing and whispering people. Alexi looked over at

Naorume nervously. "Who told them?" The fox shrugged and

started his steed walking again, the coon followed


Alexi wasn't really sure what to do. He supposed he

should get used to such things though. As the group of

riders neared the crowd the cheering started. At first a few

shouts and blessings, then a drowning mass of noise and

motion. The raccoon winced and waved meekly. As they

approached the first triumph arch he was a bit surprised to

see women on the top tossing flower petals down upon the

riders. There was some commotion over to the left side and a

little girl broke though the barrier of street guards. She

ran up to the stunned Alexi, kissed his horse and handed him

a bouquet of roses before being hauled away.

The party neared the gates now. As they passed through

the din started to die down. There were more throngs outside

the city walls. These people had been stuck waiting outside

by the garrison until after the little procession. Upon

seeing the purple cloak and plume and the Imperial Guards

the crowd stopped their complaining and promptly bowed or

kneeled reverently. All except for one that is.

An old squirrel woman walked defiantly towards Alexi,

prompting him to stop. He wasn't exactly sure what to say.

She didn't have to bow after all; it was merely a sign of

respect for high officials. Naorume watched carefully as the

woman took Alexi's paw into hers and looked up at him. "I

traveled far to come to Doria. My grandson was killed in

battle. but the army won't grant me his pension, I'm all the

family the boy had." Alexi shifted a bit and nodded, this

kind of thing he would have to get used to for sure. He

thought a moment; a few bystanders looked and listened

curiously to see what the enforcer would dictate.

Alexi pointed to a nearby city guard and motioned him

to come near, the guard complied and awaited instruction.

"Guard, escort this woman to the army headquarters and

recover her grandson's pension. If they raise any questions

it's on my authority."

The woman started crying softly and kissed Alexi's paw.

"Thank you, my lord. your name will always be welcome in my


As the group again started moving, Naorume leaned close

to Alexi and spoke softly. "Be careful Alexi. Today the

people love you. Tomorrow they may curse the very ground you

walk on."

The young enforcer nodded to his guard, then smiled

broadly as he thought on what his father had told him about

serving the people. "It's alright Naorume. I intend to live

forever." The fox gave a confused look for a moment; his

silent question was quickly answered. "We only live once,

but if we live that life in selfless service to the people

we'll live forever in their hearts."

Naorume's face became less confused and he returned the

earlier nod, understanding now. His face now assumed a

somber and serious expression. "You realize Alexi, that all

our great heroes were forced to make great sacrifice to

become what they became." He paused a moment, drew a breath,

and continued. "There is no greatness without suffering,

Alexi. If you seek everlasting fame you'll have to accept

the gods payment; misery and suffering on your own part.

They take away what you love to give you the fame you

desired. and then when you have it you'll do anything to

take it back."

The young raccoon stared straight ahead and digested

the thought. He had never thought of it in those terms. What

kind of suffering did the gods have in store for him? He

needed to change the subject. "Will you teach me how to use

a sword? I know the basics, but I'm not the best." The fox

frowned, obviously annoyed at the subject change, and then


The two lead the group onward down the road. The riding

on the first day was notably uneventful. There was little

discussion and very few passersby. As night started to fall,

the party decided to make spend the night in a small


Alexi pointed out a lighted tavern. The guards and he

dismounted and secured their horses. The raccoon lead the

way into the building, finding it surprisingly empty. Only a

middle aged, pudgy porcupine barkeep and a handful of

patrons were present. All eyes in the tavern turned on the

newcomers. The barkeep cleared his throat and adjusted his

clothes in order to look a bit more presentable. "Evenin'

m'lord, and gents. What can I do ye for?"

The enforcer smiled and took a seat at the bar, Naorume

next to him. The other guards found spots and settled in.

Alexi unfastened his coin bag and produced two gold talents;

probably as much as the barkeep's yearly profit. "Give us

your finest stock, and something to eat."

The porcupine's eyes went wide and he tried his best

not to salivate. "Y-Yes, o'course m'lord." He quickly

vanished into the back room.

While the tavern owner went to fix the order, Alexi

stood up and turned to face the Imperial Guards. "I'm sure

I'll get to know all of you soon enough. For now, let's have

the going away party we didn't get at home, and drink to

this new adventure." The guards nodded their approval and

grinned happily. There was nothing more in line with the

Dorian tradition than soldiers using any excuse to get

slobbering drunk.

The porcupines returned hastily with a basket full of

opened wine bottles. He distributed them among the imperials

and hurried back to cook the food. Alexi poured himself then

Naorume a glass. Setting the bottle down and raising the

goblet he nodded to the guards. "To the trip!" The tavern

resounded in a cheer as they all tilted heads back and

chugged the wine down, slamming the empty goblets on the

table; another classic Dorian drinking tradition.

This process was repeated many times. Toasts to gods,

families, lovers, causes, cities, and anything worth

toasting to. By the time the food was brought out, the group

was already pretty inebriated. Nobody even really cared what

the food was, and most didn't even bother eating at that


Naorume stood up, slowly and unevenly. He ruffled

Alexi's hair playfully and raised his goblet. His speech was

a bit slurred but clear enough to comprehend. "And here is

to the cutest Imperial Enforcer that I think has ever


Giggles and laughs and a few wolf whistles burst out

from the crowded room, and Alexi himself blushed after his

brain computed what had been said. He squinted his eyes into

focus and looked up at the widely grinning fox. They locked

eyes momentarily and Alexi smiled back, well, he thought he

did. Was hard to be sure exactly what he was doing.

The barkeep and other guests had conveniently

disappeared at some point it seemed. Naorume winked and

shoved a large bowl filled with wine in front of the

raccoon. Alexi stared at it doubtfully. Someone in the back

settled that doubt. "Aw, c'mon, drink it all!" The crowd

again cheered and then gasped and wooed as Alexi grinned and

lifted the bowl, chugging for several long moments then

tossing the bowl, wiping his muzzle on his paw.

His eyelids were heavy but they opened, albeit slowly.

The world came into focus and he heard the patter of rain

outside. He groaned at his stomach, already turning slightly

and.felt something on his leg, and on his chest, and his

arm. It only took him an instant before he knew. He knew

before he looked in fact. Alexi lifted his head slowly and

looked down. What he found was Naorume's head upon his

shoulder, the fox's legs were entwined with his own, and

Alexi's arm ran behind the vulpine's neck. He whimpered to

himself quietly.what had happened?

Alexi ran the night through his head. The last thing he

could recall was the massive wine bowl. He concentrated. the

images slowly started coming back. After the large wine dose

he remembered seeing someone making out with a fox. Wait,

was that himself? He drew a blank on anything else, whatever

happened after the wine was simply not recorded in his mind.

Alexi gave the fox a slight nudge.

Naorume stirred slightly and opened his eyes. Looking

back up at Alexi he smiled and murred softly. His smile

turned when he noticed the look on the raccoons face. The

fox rolled his eyes and gave Alexi's chin a quick lick. "You

were too drunk to do anything. don't worry." The fox flicked

his tail and murred again. "Great kisser though."

Alexi crinkled his nose and sighed. He wasn't mad or

disgusted, but yet he was at the same time. He was mad not

at the fact that he was lying in bed with a male he barely

knew after a wild night of drinking. What he was upset about

was that he'd let himself go so easily.and the fact that he

didn't remember any of it.

The fox could clearly see this in the other's eyes, and

he untangled himself from Alexi carefully. Naorume stood up

slowly, revealing his nude backside. Alexi's eyes widened.

The vulpine's body was beautiful.

Alexi had never really examined his bodyguard's body.

Now he wasted not a precious moment in doing so. Naorume had

dark hair that came down just above eye level. His fox

features were picture perfect. Perfect black socks on his

forearms and lower legs, perfect black tipped tail and ears,

and perfect coloration: Vivid rusty red all down the back,

inside of the legs milky white. His build was just right.

Obviously in peak physical shape, his muscles were clearly

visible yet not bulging. The fox turned his head to look

back before turning him self fully around. Oh, those eyes,

big and bright sapphire blue in color. By the gods how did

Alexi not notice this all before? The raccoon's gaze fell

lower, down to the fox's chest. Again, perfect build, not

too lean, not too muscular. The vulpine looked more like a

piece of art than a living being. Down the cream colored

chest where the fox's sheath should be was instead his tail

tucked up between his legs, covering the region. Alexi

immediately looked back up at Naorume's face.

The fox smirked widely, he knew exactly what was going

on in those brief moments, and Alexi knew that the fox knew,

but it didn't matter. He winked and licked his chops. "So

anxious to see what you hoped you didn't last night?"

Alexi didn't get a chance to defend himself. Naorume

turned back around and flicked his tail, providing the

raccoon an instant's glimpse at the fur beneath it. If it

was possible, Alexi's eyes shot open even wider and he

suppressed a gasp. The white fur under the vulpine's tail

was matted. As Naorume dressed, Alexi got himself up as

well. The fox lied, they had done more than simply kiss. He

said nothing though. was probably best he feigned ignorance.

The little revelation was on Alexi's mind all that

morning as the group prepared to disembark. He thanked the

barkeep and asked if the two talents would be enough to

cover all the expenses. The porcupine was honest, and said

it was more than enough. As he went to exit the tavern he

halted by the door. He could hear muffled and quiet

murmuring between the guards. As he exited the gossiping

stopped and the soldiers all quietly mounted their horses.

Alexi patted Matthias and climbed up. A young otter

solder next to him was obviously biting his lip. The

enforcer grinned and winked. "Would you like to sit next to

me at the next tavern?" A few snorts and snickers were heard

as the otter beat a hasty retreat to the other end of the


Naorume shrugged. "His loss." He and Alexi looked at

each other a few moments before the coon shook his head and

turned his horse onto the road.

"Enough for now. What's the next major stop on the way."

"Well, there's a major city about a days ride north,

Varuspe, we'll stop there tonight. Tomorrow, we begin your


Alexi nodded as the pair led the cavalry. Tomorrow and

on it was down to business.

The Voice of the Crane

**Chapter I.** ** ** The figure in the bed gave another groan and forced himself to sit up. Shouting an acknowledgement to the announcer, he searched the...

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