This One Time at Fur Camp Part Three

Story by tygerboy on SoFurry

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#3 of This one time at fur camp

A very long overdue update to the series.

This is a continuation of my This One Time at Fur Camp series, which is a continuation of my wonderful world series.

"Crap" Mark muttered. Well this became task number one.

"Who wants to run back and get a new light bulb? "

They all stood in silence. "fine, rock paper scissors for it."

Moments later Adam was sulking towards the door.

The rain was so thick that Adam's rain gear did little to stop it. He was soon soaked through to the bone. He passed the lodge they stayed in the previous night, he noticed a light on in the main room. As he passed the main sliding door he stopped dead.

There inside the building was Cori in the middle of a deep kiss with a young black cat. Cori guided the boys hands to her breasts. The young cat grasped them readily. He ran his hands all over her. She tugged down his pants and exposed his pink member which stood out against his black fur.

Cori grasped him around His waist and sat him down next to her on the floor. Her tall frame practically dwarfing his slight body. She pulled him close one arm wrapped across his chest And the other wandering over his neck, then across his chest, then his belly then she gently took hold of his member.

Adam stood stunned watching this. The sight of Cori naked would make anyone hard, but her gentle yet coercive touch made her hard to turn away from. Cori nuzzled against the young cat's neck and pulled his back firmly to her bosom. She wasted no time stroking the squirming cat. His legs twitched as if he were running in place. Just then Cori caught Adam's eye through the door. They locked eyes and she winked dramatically at him.

The young cat was in another world entirely. A minute later the young cat stopped twitching and went rigid as he came onto Cori's hand. Adam was very hard but his nervousness got the better of him and he sped off toward the supply cabin.

The supply cabin was surprisingly well organized and he found what he was looking for right away. On his way back as he passed the cabin again crept up next to the door and peaked inside. In a flash Cori leaped through the door and grabbed for Adam. He jumped away just out of her reach. She chased him into the rain naked soaking herself within seconds. She grabbed him about the waist and hefted him into the air. His frame made him look very thin but he was even lighter than he looked.

Despite his half hearted protests she brought him inside the cabin. "what what?" He protested.

"I owe you a hand-job." She said flatly.


"You heard me" she said, betraying her excitement.

"whats your deal anyways. Screw everyone you meet?"

"Not everyone, just the ones I fancy, and you make it sound like a bad thing." she said poking him in the chest.

"It is a bad thing! It's not normal, or you know... You should not screw that many people. And you seem to fancy just about everyone."

"Who says I shouldn't have a much sex as I can get? Besides, I didn't hear any complaints while you were cumming down my throat." She said licking her lips.

Adam stopped for a moment thinking. "So... what makes you owe me a hand job? Assuming I want one anyways."

"Well, first of all you do want one because you're a guy and a canine."

Adam opened his mouth to protest.

"And if you weren't so prudish and reserved you would just say so. Second, because it wouldn't be polite to arouse you like I did without some relief."

Adam tried to find the words to argue with her, but could only stand dripping in the doorway

"So it's up to you. Prude and stuck-up or hand-job." she said.

Adam sighed deep in thought he opened his mouth as if to say something several times but never said anything.

"Fine, I'll sweeten the deal. Hand-job or blow-job whenever you want. Open invitation. All you have to do is say yes."

Adam sighed "fine." He said in defeat.

"Whats that?" She asked playfully.


Cori beamed at him.

She pulled off Adam's now useless rain jacket as he stood almost stunned. "You are soaked, better do this in the bath" She grabbed him by the wrist and led him into a nearby bathroom with a very large shower.

He stepped into the shower and Cori turned on the water. She motioned for him to lay down and he did. Adam was mesmerized by the rivulets of warm water cascading off of Cori's picturesque figure. His blood red pole was sticking straight up in the air twitching ever so slightly in time with his accelerated heartbeat. She rubbed her hands through the fur on his stomach and his thighs and she brought her muzzle right up to his cock and exhaled warmly onto it, "So pick one." she said looking at him. Adam lay there seemingly oblivious to the question taking it all in. "Pick one, blow job or hand-job."

"Do whatever." he said flatly.

"Not buying it." She said wrapping her fingers around the base of his knott.

Adam winced with a suppressed grin of pleasure on his face.

"Choose or I'll stop." She said taking her hand off of his cock and placing it on his steadily heaving chest. "How small he is...if I fucked him...I might break him." she thought.

"Ha...hand." he said, his voice wavering.

She gripped the base of his cock hard. He gasped loudly and almost sat up. Adam glared at her, she pretended not to notice and went back to slowly jacking him. She pumped him gently letting the water from the shower lubricate her paw against the tight skin of his cock. She watched his face as he turned his head from side to side breathing heavier and gritting his canine teeth. She let go of his cock and began massaging his legs and balls. He sat up and looked at her quizzically, she grinned wryly.

She immediately grabbed his cock again and started stroking. He was close again, his chest heaving. "Do you want to cum?" she asked him as she stopped and squeezed the base of his cock. He winced and closed his eyes. "What's that?" she purred. "If you don't tell me you want to cum, I will stop."

Adam sat up on his elbows and looked at her pleadingly. She just looked at him with a wolfish grin. "I want to cum!" he said almost angrily.

She gripped him hard and jacked him vigorously with one hand and gripped the base of his knott with the other. He bucked his hips against her firm hands and sprayed up into the air, with a guttural grunt. most of the cum landing on him.

"Oh wow." She said. "Poor foxie was all pent up with no release!"

Adam's chest heaved. Cori leaned down and licked his cock. "you have very nice tasting cum..." He looked at her confused.

"how often do you usually get off anyways?"

"That's a bit personal don't you-."

"You've cum in my mouth, that's personal."

"Umm...about once a week?"

"Most do it about once a day or so." she sighed.

"Well I don't care what most people do." He said looking at the puddle on his chest.

"Fine, come in here and let me wash you off."

"Fine do it fast though I need to get back soon."

"Getting cum out of fur might take a while, you should have let me blow you."

"I don't know what your deal can someone"


"No. I mean...yes...but...not..."

She grabbed him around the waist and stood him up. She stood behind Adam and wrapped her arms around him. She pulled him close and massaged his chest washing the cum out of his fur. She rested her muzzle on his shoulder and cupped his balls.

Adam let out an almost inaudible groan.

"What's that?" she said into his ear while massaging his chest.

"you can just...get me up...or I guess...any guy up just like that."

"Practice Practice Practice, and it probably Isn't fair. But it is fun....So what do you want?"

"I want to get clean and go."

Cori sighed. "Not true, the proof is long, red and right, here." she said as she gingerly grasped his cock.

Recognizing the absurdity of his previous statement he said, "Since hand-jobs are messy how about a blow-job...I can't believe those words just came out of my mouth."

"You wouldn't believe what has been in my mouth." she said as she said as she knelt in front of him pushing his back against the tile wall and playfully licked his cock.

"At this point, I think I would."

She began bobbing her head slowly and Adam closed his eyes. The water was still running and the shower sent rivulets of water through his fur and dripped down his chest, down her back and cooled their warming bodies. Cori reached up and gently cupped his balls. Adam's knees went weak for an instant and he had to steady himself against the wall.

"Lay down, we don't want to have to explain a bruise." she said.

He slowly sat down and she started in on him again. She watched his face intently as the water sprayed off of his muzzle.

"I can't believe I'm doing this," Adam thought. "I'm being blown in a shower by a vixen I hardly know... Am I actually this weak? Someone just has to offer me sex and I can't help it and I say yes?... I make fun of people who fool around a lot...It just feels is nice to be wanted...even if she seems to want everyone..."

His breathing got faster and faster and slowly Adam opened his muzzle and leaned his head back. Cori knew exactly when he was going to cum but she savored the moment as he shook a bit and let out a grunt as if he had just tried to pick up something far too heavy. She savored each squirt of cum and was slightly disappointed when he was through.

He stood up a moment later and shut off the water. "Ok now I have to go."

"No cuddling? no thank you?"

"Thank you. And no cuddling."

"Aww why not?" she said in mock sadness.

"Because it would end up with you getting me off somehow."

"oh well we all know you wouldn't want that."

He looked like he wanted to argue, but he couldn't think of anything to say.

"See you later!" She said cheerily as he left the cabin.

Adam was conflicted about all of this. He did not feel comfortable with all of that talk about sex. Or with exposing himself, or with how open she was. But he did love those hand jobs and blow jobs. Maybe there was some truth to what she said about being too pent up...or prude.

He re-entered the cabin with the rest of the gang. "What took you so long?" Mark asked.

"eh, got lost...hard to find..." Adam said expecting them somehow to know exactly where he had been and exactly how much he had enjoyed it. No one looked twice and the fact that he was drenched made complete sense given the weather. Once the light bulb was replaced the dusty room actually looked worse than before now that all of it was visible.

"Okay," Mark began, "we need to go over safety rules for tomorrow and see if we can't clean up in here. Oh, yes tomorrow we are going rafting down the river...rain or shine."

This news was greeted with mixed reactions.

"It is fun, I've done it before...although it was sunny and warm. Either way its not like we could do much to stay dry anyways."

They went through the motions of the safety lecture, most of which was common sense stuff. The cleanup of the cabin was not pleasant. It was full of dust and trash. The dust and dirt stuck to everyone's wet fur. Everyone felt crusty as the grime dried on their fur. With this many people the cleaning went rather quickly and they were done in a couple of hours. The cabin did not look good per-say, it was still featureless and dusty but at least it had less dust and no trash.

Adam wiped his shoulder with a paper towel and it came off brown. "ugh! this place is fuckin' nasty" he said.

"We could go to the showers after this, we do have the time." Mark said trying to brush grime from his arms.

"Or just stand outside for a while." Shane added.

"Stand outside in the forest naked? that sounds like a good idea.." Adam said.

"Why not?" Shane replied. "Its pretty much what the showers are anyways, or are you afraid Cori will come back and have her way with you again?"

"Not afraid..." Adam began. "Just...well it was pretty awkward."

"I dunno I could stand to have her visit me in the shower every now and then..." Mark said.

"If the stories are true that happens more than now and then." Wezz mused.

"What stories?" Mark asked avoiding eye contact.

" was going around that you the cabin...well...herd through the walls and." Wezz stopped.

They all stopped to watch this conversation. The sound of the rain on the roof became immediately apparent as if they all noticed it again at once. Seeing as how this demanded an answer Mark began, "Well...yes...its true...we did."

They all went back to their various tasks for a moment. "Doesn't it bother you at all?" Adam began. "How she gets around?"

"Well...a bit maybe...but, she does have a way about her." Mark replied.

"That's what I mean, can anyone say no to her?"

"Well...I don't know...but... I think we might have something going..." Mark said.

"Could you do that, I mean with someone who does what she does?" Adam asked with a level of concern.

"Hmm...I hadn't thought about that...I suppose I'm ok with it on some level otherwise I wouldn't have gone that far." Mark said with his paw on his chin.

They finished gathering their things and headed out going back to the cabin. They dropped off their cleaning supplies and grabbed their towels and soap before heading to the showers. They held their towels at arms length trying not to get them dirty but of course the rain simply drenched them. At this point no one was bothering with rain gear anymore. Turning on the water at the showers almost felt redundant but it make things easier, although they had gotten half a shower from walking.

Adam was still pondering the earlier events of the day. Mark being okay with Cori fucking around, the fact that he said okay to her...twice. The replay of the mental images of her vulpine muzzle lovingly wrapped around his cock got him up again. He instantly tried to hide it. Thinking it might somehow give him away. His erection was actually kind of uncomfortable since he had gotten off twice already. No one said anything and they finished washing. There was a heavy brown tinge to the water washing over the beams.

They walked back to their cabin holding wet towels around themselves for decency only. Back in the cabin they wrung out their towels outside of the door. They all stood in the middle of the room dripping wet with no way to dry off. Mark pointed to the small wood-stove in the corner, "lets light that." as he ran outside. He came back with damp logs and sighed. "Wait, I have another idea!" he said running out again. The rest of the group stood there stifling laughter.

He ran back in a couple minutes later with a small gas can. He packed the small stove with wood and doused it with gas. "Don't try this at home kids." he said as he tossed a lit match into it from a couple feet away. There was a rush of flame coming from the stove but it appeared no harm had been done.

An hour later they were all still standing around the stove. They had discarded their towels once they realized that they were not getting dry with it wrapped around them. Not that it was hiding anything that hasn't been seen before more than once. It would have been a rather strange scene to walk in on.

Mark picked up his watch. "Lunchtime." He looked outside, the rain had not let up one bit. "Why do we even bother?" Adam asked.

"I'll go and bring it back." Mark said. "Otherwise we'll spend all day standing around that stove."

He turned and stepped out of the cabin. Moments later he jogged back in and put on a pair of damp shorts. "I don't want to know what the reaction would have been." he said. The group laughed realizing that they had gone about messing around and lounging without putting clothing back on.

The rest of the day was left mostly unfilled. The rainstorm had left many plans impractical so they spent the rest of the day not doing much at all.

Some time during the night the rain stopped. When they all got up and left for breakfast the sun was beating down so strongly steam was coming up off of the ground. They started out on the rafting trip quite early and got going down the river. Each cabin was in it's own raft. The trip was mostly uneventful except for Adam and Jordan had a tendency to be launched into the air whenever they hit a bump. The trip was quite fun although the hot sun and the hours rowing around rapids made everyone tired.

A series of camp vans were waiting for the troupe at the end of the run. Arriving back in the camp they went directly to the large dining hall. The tables were empty as people took their food outside. A large white sheet had been erected again and they were showing a movie. The grass had dried enough during the day and a cool breeze had started blowing through the trees. A few campfires were lit to help keep the bugs away.

Blankets were provided as the sun dipped below the treeline and another movie began. The groups had lay out roughly together. Adam was laying on a thin blanket periodically sitting up to stretch his spindly arms due to his workout from rowing all day. Just as the opening credits for the second movie began Cori flopped down next to Adam. He immediately felt as if all of his friends were staring at him. In reality a few of them actually were...

Cori threw her blanket over herself and Adam as she snuggled up close to his slight frame. What seemed like an eternity went by before Cori whispered in Adam's ear. "Remember, whenever you want..."

"I don't want a blowjob." Adam hissed.

Cori grabbed his crotch through his light sports shorts, she felt a fully erect canine cock. "Liar!" she hissed. She slipped her hand under his waistband and grasped his cock. Adam breathed deeply still worried they would be seen. Cori manipulated the tip of his cock gently between her fingers. "Someone might see." Adam whispered.

Cori withdrew her hand immediately and placed it on his chest. "If you want me to stop, I will." she said unable to hide her vixen smirk.

Jay and Laurie were not far away under their own blanket. Side by side they were laying on their stomachs resting head in hand. They were both watching the exchange between Adam and Cori intently.

"I think she is teasing him really bad." Laurie said.

"I cant quite tell." Jay said

"I've seen Adam around, I think he could use a good fucking it might loosen him up." Laurie mused.

"Well he already got a bj from her at the showers once. I don't think it helped." Jay replied.

"Really? in front of everyone? what was that like?"

"I dunno, it was pretty unusual. Adam was like trying to hide enjoying it, it was pretty quick anyways."

"Sounds like someone else I know"

"Hey hey" he said nudging her.

Adam actually enjoyed having someone snuggle up next to him like that. The warm fur was quite comforting. His cock however was becoming quite uncomfortable, after several minutes he could not get rid of his erection no matter how much he thought of baseball. His cock began to ache ever so slightly as it had been touched but not released.

"Fine you can finish it." Adam said with a sigh.

"Ahh finally, I was beginning to think you were going to torture yourself forever. How? hand or bj?"

"Hand, people would notice you under the blanket."

Cori slipped her hand up the leg of his shorts. She caressed his inner thighs and gingerly manipulated his balls before gently gripping his cock. She felt a small stream of thin pre-cum dripping from the tip of his cock. She wiped it away with her thumb and started pumping his cock. With only a few strokes he came, thrusting against her strong paw and letting out a labored sigh. Cori held him close as he shook and continued to stroke him until he stopped cumming. Cori withdrew her hand and licked the cum off of her knuckles. "Well, with 3 in one day you are pretty depleted." she mused.

"Well it saved me from getting cum all over my pants I guess."

"We went over this, hand-jobs require cleanup. Blowjobs don't leave cum everywhere."

"Woah, look at him shake." Laurie said memorized by the scene.

"I think she has a lot of practice at that." Jay added.

"I wonder what her deal is, does she just love doing that to guys that much?"

"don't you like getting me off?"

"Of course, but its because you're you and I like you not just anyone."

"I dunno then."

"I can see the fun in in it but I don't know if I could do all of that. Hey look do you think that hand-job made him walk funny?"

"Its probably the jizz in his pants."

Cori kissed Adam on the shoulder and then walked off into the dim evening. Adam waited a moment before trying casually trying to look around to see if anyone was watching him. Laurie caught his glance and waved at him. Adam felt a rush of blood to his face. He was mortified.

Laurie reached over and grabbed Jay's butt. Jay moved to kiss her. They locked lips in a passionate tongue filled kiss. After a few minutes they broke off the kiss." Laurie slipper her paw into Jays shorts and gripped his cock. Jay slid his paw down her shorts and drew his paw over her pussy.

"not here." Jay whispered.

"Lets just go into the woods and see what we can find."

Jay nodded and they walked toward the forest passing Shane and Mark along the way. They looked up at the pair trying not to grin.

They stepped into the trees and the light faded quickly as they left the dim glow of the outdoor screen. Jay found a rock and sat down on it. Laurie immediately kissed him again and he grabbed her butt. Both of their hands went everywhere, just as her paws were going through his mane they both heard something.

They froze and looked around certain they had been caught. They saw nothing but after a moment they heard a muffled moan. Laurie sat straddling Jay motionless. The distant sound of the movie playing in the clearing was broken again by another moan. Laurie slipped off of Jay's lap and grabbed Jay's paw. They tiptoed toward the sounds a little farther from the clearing. Laurie ducked down behind a bush and crept forward until she could see the source of the sound.

A white bunny lay spread eagle on a blanket and beside her sat a tawny cat-girl. The cat-girl was zealously thrusting her fingers deep into the bunny's pussy. Laurie motioned for Jay to come lay next to her in the bush. He carefully positioned himself next to her and was instantly fixated on the unfolding scene.

The bunny's breasts heaved as the cat-girl fingered her. The cat girl wore a devilish grin as the bunny shuddered and clamped down on her fingers, shaking from head to paw The bunny let out a suppressed cry and bucked her hips into the cat-girl's paw.

Jay had been hard since he had seen Adam get a hand-job under the blanket and now he was aching for release. He glanced over at Laurie, she was staring at the two girls. Jay slowly reached down into his loose sports shorts and grabbed his cock. Laurie reached over and grabbed his paw, pulling it out of his pants. She shifted so she was right up next to him and pulled his shorts down just far enough to expose his cock. She hugged close to him as she pumped his cock with her small paw. Jay was so aroused that he sprayed his seed on the forest floor within seconds with a relieved sigh. Laurie pulled his shorts back up and patted him lovingly on the head.

The bunny lay still for a few moments catching her breath. The cat looked at the bunny and they both giggled.

"Woah that was good." the bunny said wearily.

"Oh I know...I'm good at that." the cat said wiggling her fingers.

"Ive never been touched by anyone before."

"Just yourself?"

The bunny nodded.

"No toys?"

The bunny shook her head.

The cat stood up letting the observing pair have a full view of her figure. She shuffled over to a purse next to a small pile of clothes seated next to a stump. She pulled out two vibrators and a bottle of lube and went back to the towel. The bunny looked nervous, these were not small vibrators.

"I love watching people have a first, so I'm going to be your first vibrator experience." "Those look...I don't know..." the bunny said timidly.

"I promise you will be cumming your brains out with these in you."

" in both?"

The cat nodded emphatically and poured lube onto the first vibrator. The bunny looked on apprehensively as the cat used her paw to make sure it was coated. She slipped it slowly into the bunny's pussy.


"You like that feeling of being all filled up?"

The bunny nodded.

"Than you will be glad to know you're only half way there."

The cat pushed a generously lubricated vibrator into the bunny's tail-hole.

The look on the bunny's face was a priceless combination of shock and pleasure.

"I...I could cum with these ...just sitting here." the bunny gasped.

The cat slowly turned on the one in her pussy and started sliding it in and out of her slowly. The bunny was frantically waving her arms and shifting her head. She let out a muffled yip but the cat did not slow down at all. She turned the vibrator in the bunny's tail-hole on full blast and the bunny's eyes flew open wide and she gasped and shivered. The cat went back to moving the first vibrator around and the bunny continued to gasp and breathe deep.

The bunny moaned shook and cried out several times before the cat-girl switched off the toys. The bunny looked exhausted.

"Okay your turn." The bunny said and the cat lay down on the blanket. There was a small patch of moisture where the bunny's pussy had been on the towel.

The cat nestled in and the bunny started massaging the slight cat-girl all over. "fuck...just finger fuck me already..." the cat-girl pleaded shifting around on the towel. Without hesitation the bunny shoved her fingers into the cat's cunt and she let out a sigh. The cat reached down and guided the bunny's fingers to her clit and toward her g-spot.

It took some more instruction from the catgirl but eventually the bunny got the hang of it. Jay noticed Laurie shiver next to him and he looked down to see she was fingering herself while staring intently at the two girls go at it. Jay slid a paw down to Laurie's pussy to take over. Laurie jumped with surprise as she was jolted out of watching the scene. "you really love this eh?" Jay whispered. "I cant wait anymore, I'm going crazy" she whispered back.

She straddled him and guided his cock into her with a silly look of satisfaction on her face. Jay had been pretty hot too and the rush of warmth and tightness around his cock almost sent him over the edge. Laurie rocked her hips back and forth Jay noticed she was really really wet. She whimpered and began to bounce up and down on his cock. Jay put his finger to his mouth trying to get her to be quiet but she paid no attention.

Jay knew he was not going to last much longer. He grabbed her and flipped her around on her back. He drilled her as hard as he could extracting suppressed cries of pleasure. Jay let go and let out his own grunt as he came into her. He rolled over onto his back panting cum still dripping down his cock.

"And that is how its done." a voice very close said as she clapped her paws. Jay and Laurie's hearts skipped a beat in surprise as they turned to look. The cat and the bunny they had been watching were standing not 5 feet away staring right at them. "Thanks for the show." the cat said with a wink and they both walked off back toward the clearing.

Jay and Laurie lay there a bit stunned, by both the pair they just saw and the afterglow of much needed orgasms. After a few minutes they gathered their strewn clothing and headed back to the movie.

They arrived back in the clearing just as the credits started rolling and people were heading back toward the cabins. The trail back was silent except for the crickets. Adam was looking like the fox that ate the canary and Jay was looking exceedingly relaxed.

"you are looking quite dreamlike." Mark said looking toward Jay.

"Oh...I...Its late..." Jay replied.

"Sure...sure. What was the movie about?"

"It was um....ok fine I wasn't watching..." jay said looking at his feet.

"I wish my girlfriend were here..." Shane muttered.

"Yeah then you could go bone in the woods and screw like Jay." Wezz said nudging him.

"You have a girlfriend?" Mark asked. "What's she like?"

"Oh, she's great...cute...has a thing for big cats..."

"oh well that explains it..." Mark mused. "Why didn't she come to camp?"

"well she's actually not a furry..." Shane said.

"Ahhh...well that explains why Cori has left you alone then..." Mark said

"Funny how she actually cares about that..." Shane mused.

"So what are you going to do for when you get back?" Mark asked.

"Well...I haven't seen her in weeks so I figured we" Shane trailed off.

"Screw like bunnies?" Wezz interjected.

"Well...yeah I supposed I hadn't thought much past that." Shane thought.

"If you want to earn some major points you should plan something. " Mark said.

"Plan something like what?" Shane Said.

"Like...dinner or....something..." Mark said.

"Well the bus gets back into town around and a movie isn't really an option...besides I don't know if we would make it through a movie..." Shane said stifling a laugh.

"Sounds like a plan then." Mark said.

"What" Shane asked.

"Take her to a midnight showing of something and you can have sex in the movie theater." Mark said.

"No way, I mean...I am all for having some fun public? that's..." Shane trailed off.

They had reached the cabin and had begun getting ready to go to bed.

The next couple of days passed uneventfully and when it was time for the adventure to be over people met near the fleet of busses to take people home. Cori was seen leaving the administration building with an application to be a counselor next year. Who knows what that may entail.