Fox and Surge

Story by WolfgangWolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of The treachery of Starfox

Fox walked through the ship proudly, the new recruit was about to board and he waited eagerly. He loved getting new recruits, he often wondered how slippy and the others had made it through the way he went through the newbies. Anyways, the ship docked now and it was time to finally meet him, what was his name again? Oh yes, Surge. Some cute silver fox who had quite the skill with guns.

He walked on board the ship carrying a bag, probably with provisions and such for the training course. He also wore a custom made costume that fit him rather well. The thing that really surprised fox was that this 2 tailed fox was nearly his height if not a little shorter. Surge smiled up at fox and held out a paw to him,

"So you are the great Fox McCloud I presume?" Surge asked, blushing a little. Fox simply smiled and shook the foxes hand,

"That's me, glad to have ya aboard." He said and began to walk back into the ship, giving Surge a brief tour.

"As you can see this is the bridge, we'll be spending a lot of time here, over to the right and down this hallway you will see the ships cabins. There isn't a whole lot of space so you'll have to stay in mine for the duration of the training courses." They walked a little further down to the galley and finally to the engine room, then after all was said and done they returned to the bridge to watch the take off.

"This really is an awesome ship Mr. McCloud." Surge said as the thrusters began to heat up, he stood and looked out the window watching the ship slowly pull away from the station. Fox smiled and laughed some as he heard this,

"Please, call me Fox, Mr.McCloud is my father." He laughed and pat Surge on his back, he then turned his attention to the two sitting at the controls. A blue falcon and a regular everyday frog.

"Slippy, Falcon, I want you two to take controls, I'm still showing the newbie around." He chuckled.

"Oh sure fox, heaven forbid you would actually do some REAL work for once." Falcon laughed and began to steer the ship manually.

Surge smiled but yawned some since it had been about a day since he had really slept, having to travel to the space station and all.

"Excuse me fox but, Ive been awake all day and I'd really like to just shower and go to bed." Surge said yawning some. Fox simply smiled and showed him the way to the showers, they were very well kept and surprisingly clean compared to the showers aboard other ships.

He gave the silver fox a towel and soap and began to change himself, not embarrassed in the least bit he began to strip down in front of surge. His well muscled chest was exposed fur, the orange and white fur mixing together perfectly. Surge blushed as he removed his own clothes, trying his best to hide his blush and erection as he looked over the fox a few feet away from him.

Trying his best to get away from the situation he quickly finished removing his clothes and stepped into the shower, the water turned on automatically and adjusted itself to a temperature perfect for Surge. Just as he stepped under the water he heard the shower door open, Fox simply walked in smiling, moving into the shower which was obviously for one crew member at a time but not a cramped space.

"its an amazing system isn't it?" he asked rubbing his paw over Surges chest, his claws digging slightly into his fur, his own sheath beginning to swell with an erection. Surge smiled and gulped some, "W,whats amazing?" he asked pressing both his paws into Fox's chest.

"The shower system, how it adjusts itself to your liking. You know the water pressure..."he said and moved himself closer to the fox and groped his soaked fuzzy balls, "The temperature..." he said and pressed their bodies together, the water rushing over there bodies warm and sensual. Both of their now fully erect cocks touched each other lightly.

"and the right amount of moisture it would seem too." He said and gave Surges sac another squeeze, slowly he began to lick and kiss down the foxes cheek to his neck, not missing an inch as he kissed down his slick muscles. All surge could do was moan in pleasure as he held Fox's head to him and scratched behind his ears. Fox looked up every once in a while and kept on kissing lower, finally, he was on his knees and reached his sac and painfully hard cock. He gave it a lick which cause Surge to spurt pre immediately, another few licks and it was clean again without the aid of the shower. Suddenly though and without a word of warning he took surges entire cock into his mouth and sucked hard causing surge to brace against the wall, panting hard. The additional paw groping and massaging his balls didn't help much either, he grasped the back of Foxes neck and held his head there as the fox bobbed up and down on Surges cock. His tongue slurping and licking the length of it while his mouth pulled it in up to the base. He then pulled it all the way out and begin to lick and slurp at the head and the tip followed by another powerful swallow.

That was all it took for Surge to blow his load, his doggy seed spurted into Foxes mouth and hw didn't miss a single drop of it, he grasped his balls again to make sure he had it all as he began to clean Surges pulsing cock. Another few licks and all the cum was gone.

He stood slowly and watched as Surge just panted and hugged him there to him under the showers. Returning the favor by kissing and licking at Foxes neck now, he moved up instead and kissed fox on his muzzle, allowing his tongue to make Foxes mouth a practical playground as the two kissed and explored each others mouths. In a few moments the water slowed and then stops as did the two of them. They opened the shower doors and walked out, their fur soaked with water and other things. The two began to dry each other off and wrapped towels around themselves and walked back to their cabin.

Fox sat down on the bed, nude once again and Surge sat beside him, the two nuzzling one another.

"You're not like most recruits ya know...Ive read your file and you're a real find." He smiled and licked his cheek,

"Then again I would guess that you don't find too many fox recruits either huh?" Surge said and prepared to lay down but fox grabbed him on his arm,

"Oh we're far from down Surge." He smiled and motioned for Surge to turn over and he did so without complaint. Fox moved in between his legs and laid down his face facing Surges bottom now, he smiled and moved the foxes tails out of the way and pressed his tongue into his puckered pink opening. Surge shivered at the feeling and a wave of energy coursed through the both of them. Fox simply shook for a moment feeling nothing but pleasure just before he licked at the cute foxes opening again,

"I guess they don't call you surge for nothing huh?" he asked and began to explore his anus with his tongue, surge simply smiled and shivered again, feeling a wave of electricity flow down his spine. Then just as he felt It couldn't get any better fox stopped his licking and positioned himself to mate with the Silver fox. Surge smiled as he felt Foxes hands on his hips, he had waited for this moment for so long and knew this is exactly what he wanted, just then the tip of Foxes cock found his wanting hole. The two of them groaned almost in unison as Fox continued to force his way in, having less trouble than he would have thought. Surge simply aided his entrance by backing up a bit taking in as much as he could, to the point that the base of his cock couldn't be seen. The two both just stayed like that for a brief moment before Fox got to work, he slowly bucked his hips in and out at first and slowly picked up speed, the both of them moaning and growling in pleasure.

Fox's thrusts grew stronger and faster, the tip of his cock pressing tightly against Surges prostate, causing him to squirt pre all over the sheets to the bed, Fox began to squirt as well into the foxes ass, lubing it up a bit and allowing him to go even faster when suddenly surge felt a warm gush deep inside him and he knew that It was over. He grabbed his own cock in his paw and came too, getting his spooge all over the bed.

The two collapsed on the bed, Fox still on surges back, his cock sliding out on its own now as he watched a little of his cum gush out with it. He smiled and Surge turned over, the two locking their muzzles once again.

After all was done the 2 laid in bed just holding each other in their arms, not making a sound, until Fox decided to break the silence.

"You know, I could give ya a real nice warm place to sleep..." he smiled and licked at Surges cheek, he simply smiled and answered,

"I think I know what you mean." He ran his paw over Foxes stomach, Fox looked a bit surprised at this.

"You do?" he asked and looked Surge directly in his eyes,

"Yes I do, you want to eat me. I know, its alright though. I was kind of hoping you would..." he smiled blushing bright red now, Fox simply smiled and shook his head.

"You never cease to amaze me... and Ive only just met you!" he laughed and worked his way down to the foot of the bed, where surges feet were just in front of his muzzle.

"So, are you ready?" Fox asked still looking directly in his eyes, Surge simply nodded and got relaxed.

Fox began to slowly lick at Surges feet, tickling him some as he did, causing surge to twitch and giggles, then he opened his muzzle wide and took one foot in followed by the other. Surge felt the warmth surrounding his feet and instantly went hard again, grasping his cock in one paw, moaning greatly. With one powerful gulp he could feel his feet sliding into Foxes gullet, who was doing very well for someone who was almost of equal size as him. He smiled at Surge as his mouth crept up his legs inch by inch, enjoying the sweet taste of the silver furred fox. He gulped again and his knees slid in, followed by his hips. Fox moved up again and grasped Surges ass, groping and growling as he did so.

Finally, he reached Surges groin and began to pull it into his muzzle slowly, the warmth and moisture almost too much for surge already. Another few spurts of pre coated Foxes mouth and before he new it he spooged again coating the foxes muzzle. Fox smiled and licked his lips then with another gulp Surge was halfway in his throat, his muscled tummy slipping into his jaws. Fox sat up on the bed now, his tight belly being bulged tremendously as the slender fox slips into his jaws farther now. All that remains of surge is his chest arms and head as Fox rubs the tight drum of a belly that appears before him. Another quick gulp and surges neck is Bathed in fox drool as he slurps at him, enjoying the taste of his sweet fur. Surge leans forward and kisses fox on the nose one last time before the ravenous space pilot finishes off his meal, surges head entering Foxes muzzle followed by his arms which slid down his throat quickly.

Fox sat against the headboard and rubbed his very full belly, he could almost see the outline of surges body as he curled up inside him. He smiled and muffled a burp as he sat and rubbed. A few moments later and he drifted off to sleep to work off his meal, Falco simply smiled as he stood in the doorway and watched Fox sleep.

"its amazing he hasn't been caught yet." He laughed and returned to the bridge.

The end

P.s. Comments and criticisms welcome, I'm wondering about some of these ratings...

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