chapter 7- Spyro and Cynders frozen love

Story by dracilius on SoFurry

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#7 of Spyro and Cynder

Hey guys, heres the next chapter, I don't want to give to much away about what I'm thinking but lets just say Spyro and Cynder may end up getting a lot closer soon.

If your over 18 then get out, that's all I'm gonna say, no funny jokes or long rants, just a plain old warning that you can only legally read this if your over 18, if you're under 18 and get caught you could be in a lot of trouble and you could also be quite embarrassed. If you're over 18 and get caught you can't get in trouble, but you still might be embarrassed.


Chapter 7- Spyro and Cynders frozen love

As Ryan sat down next to Spyro he breathed in slowly and deeply, drawing in has much air as he could without gasping, as his fast beating heart demanded more air, he had just finished yet another training session with Theodore and was battered and bruised but none the less much more proficient in battle. Shortly after Maverick joined them, he had been much more out going since Ryan had had his little talk with him, and he had spent much time talking with the elders, and also getting to know Spyro, Cynder and Ryan. That was a week ago now and since then Ryan had been training a lot, he had only one lesson so far with Ignitus, but he said that he taught him all that he could of breathing fire and simply encouraged him to practice with his fire often so that he would be able to hold it longer while making it stronger, but since then he had been training with Theodore, usually one on one, but today he and Spyro had a battle, it was quite an impressive display as they flipped, twirled and rushed through the air. All the while they raked at each other with claws and spitting fire at each other (Spyro had agreed not to use the other elements so as not to hurt Ryan to much and to make the fight a lot more interesting). In the end though it was a draw, as both he and Spyro forgot that they were inside in the heat of battle, and promptly flew full tilt into a wall at the exact same time. Cynder, who had been given a day off, was watching their fight and quickly rushed over to them as they both groaned on the floor, they had both sat up weekly as she arrived and tried to stand up to continue the fight, and ended up on the floor again. Ryan smiled as he thought back to that, then he snapped back to the present as Spyro stood up to go fetch dinner, and Ryan insisted that he go instead.

"But you've gotten it every day this week!" complained Spyro "I feel so lazy letting you get them all the time".

"Its okay" insisted Ryan as he went outside and took off, but Spyro jumped into the air beside him and flew with him.

"You don't have to do this every day, I went and got the food before you came and I can still do it" said Spyro "why do you insist on doing it so much?"

"Well" said Ryan, trying to put words to thoughts "there are a few reasons, it's a lot easier for me to get it because I only need two feet to walk, and I can't think of anything else I can do to repay you all for your kindness. But mostly, I do this so that I get some time to think."

"Really? About what?" asked Spyro curiously.

"Just about everything that's happened in this past week" said Ryan with a smile "to be donest I've always wanted to meet a dragon, and now look at me, I'm living with some very powerful Dragon guardians, an extremely strong, not to mention rare, purple dragon, and a beautiful dragoness that isn't exactly weak."

"You been checken out my girl?" asked Spyro jokingly "I might have beat you up for that"

"Good luck with that, the only thing that saved you today was a concrete wall" said Ryan with a grin "besides, I can't check out one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen?"

"Not when it's my girl you can't" said Spyro, trying to sound intimidating, but couldn't help smiling "even though she is the most beautiful things you've seen".

"You're girl? You can't call her that forever, maybe something more affectionate, like ‘girlfriend', anyway, how are you going in your other training?" asked Ryan.

"You're just trying to change the subject. But I'm doing ok." Replied Spyro, there was a short silence as he and Ryan landed. As they started to collect berries Ryan continued his conversation without looking at Spyro.

"Oh come on, It must be awesome to freeze and zap stuff, all I can do is make it go fwoosh, even though it is pretty fun I still would like to be able to do what you can". As Ryan examined another berry he threw it up into the air and had a thought.

"Hey Spyro, can you use your frost breath on this a bit, just chill it a little". Asked Ryan, and he threw it to Spyro who caught it and proceeded to breathe on it lightly, and handed it back to Ryan, who put it in his mouth and smiled.

"I think I have an idea, and Cynders gonna love it."

"Where are we going?" Cynder asked Ryan, not for the first time on there journey, when he had arrived back with only enough for him and Maverick, and without Spyro, he had asked Maverick to wait for a bit so they could eat together when he got back, and added in a whispers so that Cynder couldn't hear him, that he'd tell him when he got back. Then he had told Cynder to follow him and had taken off.

"You'll see when you get there" answered Ryan, also not for the first time.

"Well, how long till we're ‘there'?"

"Not long, in fact, I think we should land right here" said Ryan as he slowly landed in a small clearing, as soon Cynder had landed he told her to wait here for a second, and before she could reply he darted off into the dense bush that surrounded this particular clearing, and she could hear the river flowing slowly somewhere near her. She jumped as a bush rustled and Ryan's head appeared from nowhere.

"Follow me please" he said as he grinned at her and his head disappeared into the bush. She trailed behind him as they walked silently through the faint light, when he stopped abruptly she almost ran into him as he turned around and bowed to her, they were standing in front of a wall of bushes.

"As soon as I take off feel free to find out what's behind these bushes" and with that he jumped up into the air and started to head back to the temple, and he laughed to himself, boy was Cynder in for a surprise!

"Wow" whispered Cynder as she entered the clearing. The ground was covered with snow and the trees were covered with a light coating of frost, the sky wasn't visible over head as the trees came over the top of the clearing to make a tight woven canopy, the river slowly flowed past as she walked to the middle of the small clearing and gazed around, as she sat down next to a large pile of snow she sighed contently.

"It's, so, beautiful" she said, still whispering.

"Thanks, I did my best to make you happy" came a muffled voice from nowhere making her jump.

"Spyro? Where are you?" she asked hesitantly and laughed hysterically when the pile of snow next to her shook the snow of to reveal Spyro.

"So, what do you think?" Spyro asked, and was tackled into a kiss by Cynder, when they finally broke away she smiled.

"I love it, how did you think of this?" she asked him.

"Well, actually, you can thank Ryan for this when we get, back" replied Spyro, and he laughed when she gave him a questioning look. "What?"

"How did he come up with this?"

"Well, we were talking about my elemental powers, and he asked me to freeze a berry and..." Spyro trailed of mid sentence and quickly flew over to a bush with berries all over it, each of them were covered in a small layer of frost. Spyro picked a dozen of them and flew back to Cynder, but as she opened her mouth to ask him what was going o he put a berry in her mouth. as she closed her mouth she felt the berry begin to thaw slightly on her tounge as her body temperature made the frost melt, and as she slowly rolled it around her tounge she bit into it, and Spyro could tell that she liked it because her eyes lit up the instant she had bitten it.

"wow, thats amazing." she said quietly giving Spyro a loving stare,they sat there, Spyro feeding her, the only sound was that of their breathing and that of the water moving past slowly. all the while they looked lovingly into each others eyes, when all the berries he had brought over were gone he moved to get some more. but he was tackled to the ground by Cynder, she rolled him over onto his back and lay down on top of him, giving Spyro a long passionate kiss. he could feel her body rubbing all up and down his chest and he felt a familiar warmth between his legs, but by the time he realized what it was Cynder had felt something poke her in the stomach, she noticed Spyro turning red and realized what had happened, and he broke away from the kiss.

"i'm sorry, Cynder, i'm really sorry" he said embarrassedly as he pushed her off him and flipped over quickly so as to hide his member, but not before Cynder managed to have a look at it, and lay down while looking at the ground, "I'm sorry, if you want you can go ba...." he was cut off in mid sentence as she raise his head to hers and gave him a kiss, then smiled at him warmly.

"don't be sorry, i know that it's completely natural for you. and i wouldn't want to leave you here alone, besides, how could i when i'm feeling the same way." she said, and Spyro looked up at her with complete surprised.


"of course" she said and she pushed him over onto his back to reveal him in all his glory, causing him to turn even redder.

"a-are you s-sure, Cynder, that you want this?" asked Spyro, Cynder climbed up onto Spyros chest and kissed him lovingly, his throbbing member rubbing against her scales made him shiver with pleasure, she broke away from him then and looked into his eyes.

"of course i am, i love you Spyro, and this is going to happen eventually, so why not now."

as she finished talking she slowly lifted her body of his and moved forward so that her slit was just touching the tip of Spyros dragon hood, as Spyro looked into the eyes of his love she lowered her glistening slit onto his now rock hard cock. they both groaned in pleasure as Spyro entered her for the first time, neither of them could believe that anything could feel so good, as she slowly lifted herself off him they gasped in unison, and she lowered herself onto him again, faster this time and again they both gasped with pleasure, her vaginal muscles clamped around him tightly making him groan as she again slid up his cock, then down again, repeating this process, faster and faster each time, their breathing quickened as they both climbed towards their climaxes. she let out a roar as she climaxed and as her juices rushed over him it sent him over the edge and he to roared as he released wave after wave of his hot dragon seed into her, their was so much that it spilled out of Cynder and onto Spyro, as she got off him and lay down next to him breathing heavily, see looked lovingly into his eyes as he gazed back into hers. they gave each other a long kiss and then they just lay there for almost an hour.

When they returned to the temple they were greeted by Ryan and maverick, even though it was late and the guardians were asleep they had stayed awake to make sure they returned safe and sound. as soon as Ryan had stood up he was bowled over by a black streak, when he opened his eyes Cynder was standing over him and she gave him a quick kiss, making him blush a bit. and making Spyro and Malefor laugh, as Ryan slowly got up he looked at Cynder curiously.

"i know i'm hard to resist but i get the feeling thats not the reason i was attacked"

"your so modest" said Cynder sarcastically, "but i must admit that you are quite smart, and also, it would seem, quite the romantic type" by the time she had finished he Ryan had started to blush slightly again, but his mouth was spread in a huge grin.

"i'm guessing you liked it, but just remember that were it not for Spyro here it would never have happened, he did all the work after all" Cynder walked back over to Spyro and nuzzled his cheek.

"i know, he is quite talented", as Cynder said this Spyro got the feeling that she wasn't just talking about the frost, and Ryan picked it up to, he gave Spyro a quizzical look and he gave him a wink. Cynder gave a huge yawn and Spyro laughed.

"alright, i think you should be off to bed, you to Malefor" said Ryan as Malefor yawned to. Cynder nuzzled his cheek again and looked up at him.

"what about you, and Ryan aren't you guys going to bed?" she asked him, he assured her that he and Ryan would be along shortly and with that Cynder and Malefor walked off to bed. Spyro walked out onto the balcony and was closely followed by Ryan, they both sat down out in the moonlight and gazed up at the stars.

"how did it go?" he asked Spyro curiously. as Spyro thought back over all the events that had occurred he smiled and looked at Ryan.

"i had one of the, no, THE best night of my life, the only thing that i can even compare to it was when me and Cynder confessed our love for each other". he thought back on that time and his smile only widened.

"i can see that, you two were practically glowing when you came in, and i can smell Cynder all over you" said Ryan, he didn't think anything of it until he saw Spyro look at the floor, blushing, and realized the significance of what he had said. "ooooooooh".

"well, i guess i don't really need to say anything" he said, his cheeks were now as red as the scales of Cynders stomach. "you seem to have figured that out rather quickly, how will i stop the elders finding out?". Spyro had expected Ryan to be shocked when he found this out, or at least taken aback, but when he looked back up at Ryan he was smiling slightly as he looked at the moon.

"you lucky bastard" he said in a whisper. Then he looked over at Spyro and gave him a huge grin "you got lucky with the most beautiful dragoness in the world, you shouldn't be ashamed of that, i agree that you shouldn't tell the elders because it might be a touch awkward, but still." he emphasised his point by patting him on the shoulder.

"you're right, why should i feel embaressed about it, thanks Ryan." he looked back into the temple and stood up "we'd better get to bed". As they walked inside ryan smiled to himself.

"you just want to be with Cynder, don't ya?" Spyro nodded with a grin. "well, i think it's only fair that you know something about me since you told me something so personal".

"well, i didn't actually tell you anything, you worked it out yourself" said Spyro as they reached the door to Spyro and Cynders room as Ryan moved to his bed he looked up at Spyro "so what were you gonna tell me?"

"i'll tell ya two things, and they corrospond to each other, first off, after tonight you and me have one less thing in common" he said as he rolled over to sleep "and secondly, i need to find a girl like Cynder, that is, for me.