Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 1 - Saving Sally

Story by SPAMZZKRR on SoFurry

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#2 of KBM

A fuzzy, hazy mist slowly dispersed from my vision as the tranquilizer faded out of strength. Although she could not make out shapes or features, I could tell she was on a floor surrounded by heavy set people. The deep, growling voices around her made her apprehensive yet she was far too weak to escape or questions anyone. "This is the girl you were talkin' about?" remarked a sonorous toned male voice. "Yeah, you want her?" replied another, sternly. "I guess so. Name your price..." My willpower soon cut out and her consciousness diminished taking her back to the darkness.

The sound of scrapping blades echoed through the lair of the Novus Ingenero. Sparks brightened the darkness as Blaire stared meditation at her daggers, absorbed by the task at hand. Mitch entered her private room yet her attention was locked on her prized daggers. "And you need?" enquired a nonchalant Blaire. Taking his place by the fireplace, Mitch began his task of gaining more information. "I just thought you may like someone to talk to; it can get lonely at night," asked Mitch with the best of intentions. It seemed that Blaire wasn't in the mood for talk, "Well you thought wrong." Deciding to ignore her refutation he continued, "Do you have any parents?" "Not anymore." Mitch knew he should change the subject swiftly, "How did you get here?" "I didn't. I woke up here. The guys here patched me up and I'm just waiting for the rest of my wounds to heal." "Well what happen to..." "Look," she intruded, "I'm quite busy so..." She flicked her head lightly to indicate the door was the next place her should take his busy tongue. Mitch slowly left her to the scrapping of her daggers and the crackling of the fireplace.

The staid officials sat gravely behind the observation window to the well-decorated room. Only the finest satin sheets and smooth, silky curtains arching the large, barred windows. The warm, red glow to the room and sanded down finish on the oak furnishings gave the room elegance. My consciousness snapped back into life as my weary eyes opened of their own accord. The light was not blinding and so my recovery was quick. Even though I didn't want to be where I was (especially without my Krysy) but the convivial atmosphere helped to soften the blow. As I tried to rub my sore neck I found my new accessory, a heavy steel collar covered in soft, pink fur; they obviously had plans for me. All of a sudden the door opened to reveal a merry looking arctic wolf, no larger than me, standing only in a white shirt and baggy jeans. He somehow reminded me of my father, God rest his soul. He began to advance on me, slowly at first to give me my space. "Where am I?" I question my new friend. He failed to respond as he persisted to draw closer. Soon I was in his reach as he pulled me close by my waist. His muscles tensed and his eyes flared as he wrench me in tenderly for a kiss. For someone who had just embraced me so passionately his tongue seemed quite dormant; I decide to make the move and explore his mouth. As he pulls away I place my hands affectionately on his furry face as he slowly approaches mine for another kiss. Before her gets the chance, however, I grab his shoulders and send my knee smashing into his pair. His eyes widen as he falls to his knees in agony. "Nice try," I call to the hidden observers, "But I'm not used so easily." I could hear the fractious grunts behind the thick glass. A few minutes later and another guy in a suit entered my room with an imperturbable air about him. "You obviously don't understand why you're here," he stated with a straight face, "We own you now." "Own me?" I replied in bewilderment, "Like a slave?" "You were brought in as a slave and we paid our price." The suit offered me a chair and I take it just to see what he has to say, "You were caught by our clients and brought here; your slave collar is proof of that." I took the time to investigate the collar around my neck. Although it allowed full movement it was still very heavy and created a sense of claustrophobia. He held my head to move and flew my neck, "Yet it wouldn't restrict your ability to perform." Slapping his hand away I shoot him a sharp look, "'Perform?'" I question, spitefully. "Yes, perform. For you see you are in one of the most successful whore houses in the whole galaxy. Welcome to 'Club Love' where all a man's dreams and fantasies come true, and you are our newest member of staff." "I'm a whore?" I complained, "I don't think so. I'm more of a girl on girl sort of person." "That's good! You can play with the other girls but you also need to appease our male guests." I snuffed at him in a sort of aloof irritation, "And if I refuse?" He proceeded to pull a small remote from his pocket and lightly turned a dial. A powerful current ran through my body as I fell heavily to the floor with a thump before twitching uncontrollably. The pain was excruciating as all my nerves fired flinging my body about the floor like someone kicking a rag doll. Switching the dial back off he stood over me with an aggravating smile. "I forgot to mention that the collar comes with a powerful electrical generator. It can be turned from a little jolt to a voltage that would blow your head off. Now, I never caught your name..." "S...Sally..." I struggle as I slowly retrieve my tongue from the back of my throat. "Good start tomorrow."

The chameleon charged through the lair and soon reached Mitch leaving his breath behind. "Mitch *pant* you need to *gasp* see this," he cried with exhausted triumph. Mitch followed the excited chameleon (much slower this time) back to his computer terminal. The two entered the room only to find Jewel sneaking around. "Jewel?" enquired Mitch. Jewel jumped up and turned to find the two eager for an justification, "Oh hi Mitch...hi Sly..." Seeing the discomfort growing on Jewel's face, Sly pushed past her and sat down at the computer. "Never mind, look at this." Sly brought up a pink webpage with the URL 'www.clublove.derlock' and photos of women in lingerie and naughty positions. "Wow what?" hollered an puzzled Mitch. Sly clicked on 'New Updates' and pictures appeared of all the new girls. "There!" he exclaimed proudly, pointing to a name and pictures on the screen. Mitch read the page aloud, "'Sally Wolfe is our new arrival to the club. A cute little arctic wolf that will do anything your heart desires and more! Come and visit Club Love to meet her personally, she's waiting for you!' Good work Sly!" he cried, rubbing the chameleons fuzzy hair. He left in a hurry to find Ruby. "So this is what you do in your spare time, huh?" giggled Jewel. Sly scratched the back of his head as he held back his burning cheeks, "Yeah I...he he. I guess I'm passing the time till I find that special someone..."

The suit appeared again at the door with some clothes in his hand. "I hope you've rest has been enjoyable. Unfortunately it is time to work," he announced, holding up the garments for me to inspect. They were a skimpy French maid outfit with long tights and subtle heels. The top of the dress stopped at the shoulders with unconnected cuffs on the wrists. The dress itself ended way above the knees. The only thing past the dress was his perverted smile. "I'm not wearing this," I scowled. Again he produced the remote and waved it in front of me; I guess I had no choice. It took me some time but soon I was dressed and presented myself to him. "Good girl," he chuckled, "You won't be wearing that half the time anyway!" I displayed a weak smile to his twisted joke. "Right you must make your way into the main lounge and work at the bar. Just be a sexy waitress! If anyone wants you and they show you a ticket saying they have paid then take them to a private room. If I hear anything about your attitude or manners then I'll give you a shock to realign your loyalty." With a deep sigh and a sniffle I made my way out of the room. "Oh and Sally," he called after me as I turned to him. He placed a tiara on my head and caressed my cheek, "Smile." The main lounge itself was of a rare sight; a comfortable and sensual atmosphere of waitresses and horny men. The bar spanned far across one side with those of little capacity for more alcohol and those just getting started. The rounded tables were covered in all manner of filth eagerly watching the pole and stage in the middle for the next act. Waitresses could be seen dragging others off to backrooms and men exiting again, adjusting their ties or buttoning up their shirts. The perfect make paradise. I could see the bartender fervently waving me over. I stood anxious in front of the large horse in his tux, "You the new girl?" he bellowed. "Yeah," I replied hesitantly. He placed a silver tray out in front of me with cocktails and bottles, "This is for table six on the far side. Good luck." I picked up the heavy tray and swooned through the horde. It was strange how many eyes were on me; I could see people far off dropping cigarettes into their laps with gawking maws. With a few heavy slaps on the arse and more than one wolf whistle I reached the table. A wolf and three cats (two domestic and a panther) sat haughty at their table as the banging on the table and the wolf whistling began. "Well, well, well look at the hotty we have here!" jeered one of the cats. I placed the drinks on the table and turned to leave, "Oi get back here beautiful!" I knew that if I didn't obey I would suffer more electrocution and so I swallowed my pride as I rejoined the group. "Take a seat sexy," called the wolf. Before my backside touched the chair, the panther objected, "Actually I mean here." He patted his lap and so I perched myself on him. "What's your name beautiful?" he invited, squeezing my stomach lightly. "Sally Wolfe," I replied as proudly as I could. "Sally? I like it. That's the name of my third girlfriend." "How many girlfriends have you had Chuck?" posed a cat with a smile. "Two!" he roared as the others burst into laughter. Slowly I tried to squirm away until he pulled me further on his lap. "He hot stuff," said the wolf with a cheesy grin, "I got a present for you in my pocket." He signalled me for reach into his pocket for which I found a ticket inside. I knew what was coming next as I stuffed the ticket into my pocket and climbed off the cat. I took him by the hand as his friends cheered him on. "You should be grateful, that ticket wasn't cheap. You're worth it though!" I found the first private room available and dragged him inside, locking it behind me. Placing on my most sincere face I began my plea, "You have to help me! I need to get out of here and return to my friends! Please, I'm desperate!" His reaction was what I expected yet not what I wanted. "Isn't that a nice to story? I don't see how you flapping your gums all night gets my dick sucked..." Releasing my anger, I turned to leave, "Go fuck yourself." "Actually I was thinking of fucking you. Or I could tell the manager that I'm displeased with you." Approaching me from behind he tapped my collar. I could feel his smile burn the back of head and knew I was powerless. He took a seat in the near-by chair and watched me intently. "You're move sexy girl." Removing my tiara and dress left me in nothing apart from a thin bra and panties with my tights. I took to my knees in front of him and unzipped his fly to expose his impatient member already growing in size. The smell (although not new to me) was something of a reminder of my life before Krystal. It had been so long since I had pleasured a man apart from Mitch. Even then I was in a completely different state of mind. The length soon reached it's full measurement which was impressive to say the least. "Let's give your busy mouth a bit of a work-out..." he sniggered, grabbing the back of my head. Before I could get my bearings I had his meat pushing on the sides of my throat. I moved my tongue down and my teeth away as he progressed to fuck my mouth. I rapidly used my tongue to created some lubrication for his entry as every withdrawal I took some deep breaths. The feeling of his huge member throbbing deep in my throat sent my primeval female urges soaring; the heated sentiment of my pussy lips was enthralling. Using my right hand as support on his leg and the other to massage my tender entrance and clit sent me into wave after wave of powerful orgasm. "Such an expert slut!" cried the wolf as he pulled his dick from her mouth and pointed the tip directly at her face. "Close your mouth you ain't drinking any of this!" I prepared myself as he continued to vigorously stroke his swollen manhood. Finally he began his climax; a powerful rush down his length sent a stream of cum across my face. The salty delight, the creamy fluid over my muzzle. Apart of me shivered powerfully with my humiliation yet apart of desired more. "You're not finished yet..." panted the wolf as he shunted me to the floor to my hands and knees. Using my hips as support he lined up his pulsating member with my moist entrance. It seemed like his confidence had boosted (or the alcohol kicked in) as he decided to tease me, rubbing his tip against my imploring entrance. The spark of pleasure ignited deep within me as his head pushed through my barrier. His moans and groans made it all the more intense. He began his thrusts as his shaft rubbed brisk against my stretched walls. I used my left hand again to feel my swollen lips and bulging clit. I was coming close to my second orgasm as he increased the pace of his drives, digging deep within my pussy. "Oh your so wet and warm!" he called, biting his lip in ecstasy. From the quivering of his hips and his increased grip was evident of his closing climax. With one final, powerful thrust sent my juices flowing and mixing with his. I could feel his seed spurting from the tip deep inside of me. He was careful to withdraw only after his ejaculation was completely finished. I slumped to the floor out of exhaustion as he playfully slapped my worked lips and leave.

The next day rolled along and I had experienced quite a lot of action from the day before. My shift was in the afternoon as I turned up on the bar in my uniform. When I reached the bar, however, I discovered a large eagle waiting for me. The eagle had an unusually large chest and a lack of a ‘manhood bulge'. "Sally this guy's been waiting for you," stated the bartender, "He's bought a ticket so you know what to do..." With a silent sigh I grabbed the eagle's wing and pulled him into a room. "Sally Wolfe?" he asked in a strangely tender voice. "Yeah let's get this over with..." The eagle then started to removed his hat...then his moustache. It was a girl! "My name is Aerial Norvin and I'm a friend of Mitch's. I'm going to get you outta here!" It was difficult to contain my excitement as I jumped at her and wrapping my arms around her neck. She spaciously pushed me off, "I'll create a diversion and you make a run for it." "I can't. This collar will kill me when they find out I'm gone!" The eagle thought for a moment before pulling out a radio, "Raven? I need some help in here." Time passed and a teenage grey rabbit (dressed to look much older) appeared at the door. Removing his large coat to reveal a metallic arm, he opened the arm compartment and pulled out some tools. "Don't move," he ordered. He began to tweak and tingle with the device until it fell to the ground with a clunk. "Okay, let's get going," concluded Aerial. We opened the door to find most of the suits and male staff standing in our way. "Going somewhere. All our private rooms are monitored. No girls allowed apart from the staff." Aerial pulled out her radio, "Switch to plan B." The main door swung open violently to fabricate a small, teenage bat girl (soon to be known as Blaire). She seemed quite familiar in some way... "Come on guys we're going," called the bat gravely to us. A guard rushed over to her to stop her, "Oi, no gir..." Before he could finish his sentence, Blaire had elbowed him to the floor. The others rushed to his aid as we made a run for the door. As the first two approached the bat leaped over the first and kicking him on the back; she tackled the next to the ground and kicked his head into the floor. Using the pole in the middle of the floor to swing round and kick two others in the face. Tucking under one jab, a powerful uppercut took him back to the floor. Her sweep kick took out several more as she unsheathed her daggers and used the handles to but even more to the floor. One caught her in a hammer hold behind her back yet she flipped above them and pulled them back, slamming the back of their head to the floor. Several staff appeared from the back with guns as the bat kicked a table to it's side. Hearing the gunfire and helping us escape, Mitch rushed in to assist the bat. Sliding next to her behind the table and upholstering his pistols he began to blind fire to the staff. "Fuckin' hell this looks bad!" he cried over the fire. He looked over at the bat to find her holding her head in a deep agony. "Blaire, are you okay?" inquired a worried Mitch. "Mitch you need to leave," she directed breathing heavily. "But..." "GO!!!" Mitch saw a deep fire burning in her eyes and so he decided to take her advice and retreat.

Ruby strapped herself into the craft and started the engines as the rest of us waited patiently in the back for the bat. We had heard some screams and gunfire but that had stopped a while ago. The deadly silence was broken as the heavy doors squealed open and a cut up bat walked out. Her breathing was erratic and deep as she sheathed her daggers. Her eyes burned with the same lethal passion as Fang's did, a horrific blood lust that cannot be contained. She took a seat by Mitch and fell into a deep sleep. Cute for a killer... (((This is my new series, KBM or Krystal, Blaire and Mitch. I have tried at create a detailed and precise writing style for this series. Sally and Ruby Wolfe, Blaire, Mitch and Sly are under copyright of me, SPAMZZKRR. Jewel is under copyright of Dragon Knight. Aerial Norvin is under copyright of Kazufox.