Daughter's First Heat Pt3

Story by Dracasis on SoFurry

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#3 of Daughters First Heat

Part 3 of 3 for Daughter's First Heat chapter 1 ^_^

Still the same ol' incestuous dragon breeding story you've come to expect from the series but taking a different turn down an interesting path that some of you may or may not have seen coming ~.^

I may do a chapter 2 depending on what my story schedule looks like so if you want to more;


And leave comments ;P

Im not above considering requests either now that the full desired story has been told, mebe if you give me a really good yummy idea I'll see about wrapping another chapter around it eh? ~.^

Gift work for dear Usshun, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it =D

  • Incredible! That could be the only word to describe what had happened to hir this day. Poor Usshun, having hir body ravaged and fawked deep by hir own father, having his seed stuffed and bloating hir belly and even having the fresh eggs of hir womb assaulted by his ravenous sperm... But damn was he sexy in green!

  • There was much affectionate purring passing between them as shi laid there in his arms with hir head against his chest, just resting in the pleasant afterglow of that unimaginable orgasm. Kalruch was greatly pleased with his daughter though perhaps not in the way one might expect. It wasn't from hir willingness to open hir body for him nor from the pleasure he felt when shi let him steal hir virginity but instead, a deeper enjoyment at feeling hir acceptance of having a position beneath him as his own personal breeding ground. True he owned hir body, there was no denying that, but he wanted more then just that supple violet hide: he wanted hir submission.

  • Shi had always been his little girl, never offering resistance to anything he had ever asked of hir. In fact, if he had tried to mount hir years ago he was sure shi would have raised hir sexy little tail for him even then. It wasn't that he had raised hir to be his bitch, shi did that naturally on hir own; but he had never taken initiative, never taken the necessary steps to assert his dominance over hir. He knew there were ways to break a dragon but he didn't need to do that to his little girl. To bring out and make hir submissive nature flourish required only a strong paw a coax hir in the right direction. Determined, he leaned in and nibbled on the back of hir neck just behind the ear and whispered softly to hir.

" I want you on all fours little one." The great green male slithered his tongue out and ran it over the rim of hir sexy dark ear-tip for a moment before adding in a firm and demanding tone: " Right now."

  • Usshun didn't know what to expect next after what had happened to hir already. Shi knew hir father was still hard and horny and shi had to admit shi was too, but when Kalruch leaned in and whispered orders into hir ear with such power and presence shi couldn't help the enjoyable shiver that ran up hir spine. There was a part of hir mind that resisted as shi began rolling out of his arms, the part that kept hir tail down when shi wanted to raise it in offering, the part that made hir look stiff and uncomfortable when shi should be posing and showing off hir distended cum-filled belly to him. But shi did it all the same despite the resistance of hir own uncertainty.

  • His eyes washed over hir as shi stood there nervously. " Beautiful girl." He purred out as if it were the most natural thing to say about such a sight. The purple dragoness flushed brightly and looked down in embarrassment. " Now lay down. On your back dear one." Shi glanced up at him with a mixture of shame and desire, in need of reassurance. " Come now, roll over and spread your legs, I'm waiting. If you don't there will be consequences." He half-teased.

  • The violet scaled dragoness eyed the toothy grin that came with that punctuated word and for a second shi considered not doing it just to see what sort of consequences he had cooked up for a disobedient daughter. But even as those thoughts trickled through hir head, hir wanting submissive nature began lowering hir head to the ground. Shi slid over onto hir side and, with a twist of hir supple serpentine body, shi was over onto hir back lying exposed to the prying eyes of hir father once again. Shi could hear his loud rumble of approval as he laid there and just observed hir.

"I should have laid so he could see me."

"He can see you."

"_I meant where he could see... you know, me _."

"Oh, you want to show your father your pussy?"


"You could move."

"I cant do that!"

"Yes you can, just move so he can see between your legs."

"I... I cant just move!"

"Why not?"

"I... ...."

"Just do it girl, he'll like it."

"I... I'll... ... alright..."

  • The struggle of internal voices took mere moments before hir thoughts took on physical form. Hir two hind legs shifted, one after another, gripping the ground and sliding hirself slowly over the cave ground. Shi blushed hard, starring up at the ceiling as shi listened to the sound of the green male's vibrant dragon-purr change octave slightly. The naughty little voice in the back of hir mind whispered other dirty things for hir to do but shi couldn't bring hirself to touch hirself like that... Fortunately for the tortured young dragoness, Kal set his plans in motion at that very moment.

" That's a good girl Usshy." Shi could hear him moving and couldn't help but lift hir long neck up to see what was happening. He was gorgeous, flowing forward from his laying position with the liquid grace and the power known only to their kin. His body simply radiated with sexual energy, like a green glowing aura about him and shi shivered a little inside knowing how that unleashed energy could make hir body tremble when it was directed on hir. Like it was right now...

  • Hir resolve shrank away, whatever resistance shi might have had fractured under the weight of his will. With slow seductive movements he moved to straddle hir tail, sitting lightly on the thick appendage, neatly trapping it beneath his weight. Then he leaned forward slowly, his snout taking in hir soft scent. The purple-scaled female closed hir eyes, expecting him to drive his stiff pink fleshy member into hir warm inviting sex once again but the awaited penetration never came. Instead he slid himself up on top of hir own male arousal, electing a soft moan from the needy little girl as their twin cocks rubbed pleasantly against one another.

  • It was at this moment shi realized just how nice it felt to be touched there. After having had hir slit stretched and filled twice with a three-to-none female to male climax ratio today shi had built up quite a sensitivity in hir penis. It must have shown on hir face for he began shifting and rubbing their well endowed erections together until shi began to moan softly, hir tip leaking a little of its slick scented fluid with embarrassing eagerness. It wasn't until shi felt strong paw grip around the back of hir neck that shi blinked hir eyes open again.

  • It was Kalruch of course with his glowing golden stare daring hir defiance. He began leading hir head and neck downward toward the two awaiting cocks and shi knew what was coming. A tiny little voice squeaked at hir to resist but it was drowned out completely by the throbbing desire thundering in hir heartbeat. Hir entire body felt hot as shi curled inward on hirself being forced ever closer to the source of that delicious heavy male musk. He pushed hir head down and held it there a little less then an inch away from their dual cocks and held it there. Now so close to the two organs shi had to pause a moment to take in the vivid sight before hir in greater detail.

  • Father's penis was larger then hir own but being a dragon of greater age that was only to be expected. The thought that shi would one day grow to be as thick and filling as he only made hir appreciate the blood coursing through hir veins that much more. It protruded from his male slit stiff and slightly curved with a pleasant bulge to its tapered tip; its supple shape and form not unlike hir own. There was a slight gloss to it and shi wondered if it was from all their deep passionate lovemaking or if perhaps it was just another effect of his body being in heat. That's when hir eyes shifted to the other blood-gorged length of dragon meat before hir nose.

  • Shi knew hir own drakehood well, knew how it felt in hir paw, knew how it reacted when caressed just right, knew the perfect spots to stroke to bring fourth those lovely heated pleasure spasms. But shi'd never come down to look at it closely- not really. Shi was fairly well endowed, a gift from hir father it seemed though hir shaft was a deep inky black, tapered to a wedge-shaped tip; a perfect tool for prying open tight little holes. As shi eyed the thick bulging vein on the under side, shi imagined it throbbing, delivering powerful blasts of hir thick creamy seed deep into some tight warm wet little- eep!

  • A light pressure at the back of hir neck brought hir back to reality, a bit of drool having formed at the corner of hir maw. Shi almost resisted as he pushed hir further down but the moment hir lips touched the tip of hir own male arousal shi froze and released the tension in hir neck to let him guide hir. The large green male grinned with a slight smirk as his lovely daughter began going down on hirself, thoroughly enjoying the sights from his perspective above hir. Shi didn't so much open hir mouth as shi just let the natural shape of hir own cock an the pressure of hir father's paw force hir lips open. Kalruch growled his approval with a sly grin seeing his daughter's glorious length disappearing ever so slowly into that apprehensive purple maw.

  • As if with a mind of its own, hir soft forked tongue slid up and began caressing the head of hir shaft. Shi didn't remember telling it to do that but shi couldn't quite bring hirself to make it stop either. The taunt smooth texture of hir own arousal sent a spark of courage through hir body and shi eased hir lips open. Again of its own accord, hir tongue slipped out and gently cupped itself just beneath the flare of hir head, cradling the tender needy organ. Shi closed hir eyes for a moment and let a shiver pass through hir frame as all hir senses were assaulted by an invigorating powerful emotion. A flutter of indecision blossomed in hir chest as father continued to guide hir down on hir own drakehood... but it felt too good to stop him... too good to be his little sex toy.

  • Even buffeted by hir father's guiding paw, butterflies of apprehension still fluttered in hir stomach at the prospect of sucking hirself off in front of him. The logical, deviant aspect of hir mind reminded hir quite nonchalantly that he'd just stuffed his cock deep between hir legs and filled hir womb -twice- so this should be friggen a cakewalk! But that young innocent shy female within still struggling with its sexuality made things difficult. Shi kept up until shi felt the stiff tip of hir cock poke at the back of hir throat. Instantly, whatever courage shi had evaporated and shi tugged back, momentarily forgetting about the paw that held hir in place. Shi felt hir cheeks warm as shi looked up at him, his talons scritching the back of hir head with an encouraging rumble.

" That's a good girl my pet," He cooed softly. " Just take a deep breath and relax, I would never hurt you." The purple dragoness melted, a flush of heat flowing through hir body as he called hir 'pet'.

  • Rebuffed by father's reassurances shi closed hir eyes, took a deep calming breath and opened them, ready to continue. The large male slid his paw down around hir neck, cupping hir throat in the firm grip of his paw and held tightly as he pulled hir further down. Hir throat muscles resisted naturally both from a mental fear and a physical necessity but there was nothing shi wouldn't do to make daddy happy. Heartbeat thundering in hir ears, shi open hir maw just a little and allowed hir firm young shaft into the warm squishy confines of hir throat. Kalruch prumed his approval, feeling the taunt skin of his little girl's throat stretch and bulge a little by that thick juicy length of dragon meat as it slid in with ridiculous ease.

  • Poor Usshun was shocked by the intense sparks of pleasure that jolted through hir twitching drippy arousal as it slid into the luscious wet confines of hir throat. Hir tongue lay plastered to the floor of hir maw, too afraid to interrupt the sensation. The dominant male led hir down, inch after inch of hir glorious black length disappearing into that perfect violet muzzle of hirs. Shi wrapped hir lips around hir own cock tentatively as shi neared the base of hir own twitching needy drakehood. Oh this was heaven! Then shi swallowed...

  • It was entirely an instinctual response of course- the feeling drool building up in hir muzzle just caused a reflexive reaction; completely forgetting shi was gorging hirself on several inches of thick meaty dragon cock. The moan that followed was just as unexpected as the sensation that created it; Kalruch grinned toothily, excited to find his little girl's whorish moan could arouse him so. He squeezed hir throat with his paw, making that warm fleshy tunnel tense up nice and tight around his daughter's delicious pole. "That'a girl my little brood whore." He thought silently, letting hir enjoy the sensation of sucking hirself off for a moment longer.

  • When father began drawing hir off that delicious length of meat flesh shi resisted again only in reverse this time, hir neck stretched out to try and keep that oh-so wonderful length stuffed nice and deep within hir muzzle, but there was little use in resisting him. His grin widened as his daughter's glorious black penis dislodged from hir throat with a juicy wet squelching sound, its length glossy with hir own saliva. Shi looked up at him with that sheepish shy look as shi licked hir own lips.

  • No words passed between them but shi could almost feel what was going to happen next. Turns out hir instincts were right as he held hir gently but firmly by the throat and lead hir back down but towards his own stiff, slightly wet member. There was a moment of uncertain hesitation once again. Having hir own cock in hir muzzle was one thing but having someone else's...? Shi sniffed at it curiously. Hir own female scent tingled hir nostrils, the smell reminding hir that this massive thing had been inside hir twice already. Shi watched it closely, hir eyes taking in its finer details without going any closer.

  • Finally, feeling as if shi should do something, shi let hir tongue slip out and gave the tapered head a quick grazing lick. Father's low guttural growl caught hir off guard, his grip on hir throat tightening slightly. Fearing shi'd done something wrong shi froze but Kalruch was impatient to feel his little girl's warm muzzle and thrust himself gently against hir lips. The tip of that gorgeous shaft was apparently just as good at prying open maws as it was at prying open young innocent female dragons for hir lips parted neatly around its girth, allowing him to slide in unhindered over hir tongue. The horny male lifted his head and hissed in pleasure, letting his eyes close as hir warm wet muzzle engulfed him with only a moment's discomfort.

  • It was immediately apparent that shi'd never done this before, hir tongue fumbled around in hir maw, unsure of whether to keep the thick girth away from hir throat or if it was something to be swallowed whole like a small rabbit. Hir teeth grazed over his length as well but whatever displeasure there might have been was easily washed away by the fact that shi had taken him in hir mouth. Keeping one paw on the back of hir neck just behind the horns, he moved the other to hir chin and applied gentle pressure upward, encouraging his little girl to wrap hir lips around him.

" Mmm... yusss... just like that Usshy-girl. Use your tongue and watch the teeth and you'll do fine baby." He rumbled encouragingly causing hir ears to flick back and fourth both in pleasure at making daddy happy and embarrassment at what shi was doing.

  • Shi took to sucking cock the way a fish takes to water. For being hir first time shi was surprisingly good at it. Shi most defiantly had a female's muzzle, the soft curvature of it and velvet soft tongue made every accidental touch and caress spark jolts of pleasure through his fleshy spire. Even with the lack of experience displayed Kalruch was having a hard time resisting the urge to grab hir throat with both paws fawk that sexy muzzle of hirs deep and hard. His tail twitched from side to side as shi closed hir eyes and got down to it letting hir submissive instincts take hold. That long forked tongue curled around the head of his shaft and stroked it up and down, dragging and grinding against the sensitive stretched skin of his throbbing needy drakehood.

  • Shi suckled on him wetly, completely uncaring of the juicy slurping sounds shi made in the process. Shi used to do suck hir tail just like this when shi was younger, it had never occurred to him that those young instinctual actions would be put to such excellent use later in hir life but gawds did it feel so good right now! He grunted softly as shi slurped and sucked a nice thick glob of pre-cum right from the depths of his groin as if his cock was some meaty straw just used to access the tasty stores of his seed. The strange taste on hir tongue didn't even seem to phase hir and, if anything, seemed encourage hir to try harder for shi just swallowed it down like a good girl and kept the pressure on his cock nice and stiff. "Erp! Damn girl slow down! You'll get your treat soon enough." He thought to himself, as he began to pant softly.

  • To encourage a little slower pace, he warped a paw around hir own slick jet-black shaft and began stroking it. Shi hissed and tensed for just a moment, hir focus changing from one cock to the other as the sensation of having an alien paw around hir male length made heart flutter. But shi was already wet and ready, needing release... badly. Hir body tingled with so many hormones and pheromones mixed with the dirty thoughts of breeding with hir own father that shi was convinced shi'd cum without ever being touched. So being caressed like that brought on so many pleasurable sensations that shi didn't even care any more, all shi wanted now was to see the two of them cum together.

  • The purple dragoness pulled back, hir father's gorgeous length pop out of hir maw before shi gobbled it back down, the soft huffs, moans and groans coming from the feral horny male above hir only encouraging hir. Usshun worked hir maw up and down along his fleshy spire rapidly while he in turn let his paw glide over hir saliva and pre-slickened length with messy wet shloppy sounds. The heat and pleasure began rising rapidly for the two of them.

  • There was a point where even his mental restraint simply wasn't enough to stop instinct and, gripping hir head just below the horn, he held hir muzzle still and began thrusting into it. At first the change was so sudden and forceful that the poor young dragoness didn't know what to do and so just laid there, taking it. Perhaps it was the strong scent of male that seemed to ease the decision as he crammed his crotch into hir snout again and again but shi found shi liked this. Not just sucking him or having hir womb pried open by the generous spear of flesh between his legs but submitting to hir father's sexual desires, being used as little more then his plaything. Shi... liked it...

  • It was strange to feel everything else melt away so easily. Shi'd submitted to him on a subconscious level long ago, shi realized that now. Thought it had taken loosing hir virginity to the cock that had given hir life, shi now realized shi was his- had always been his; his daughter, his lover, his little breeding slut... Shi blushed at the thought but it only seemed to make hir drakehood throb with desire. Some day shi'd have his clutch, feel his eggs growing in hir belly and when those were laid shi'd offer hirself to him again and again and again...

  • The purple dragoness hissed sharply through hir nose and arched hir back as a powerful pleasurable spasm shot through hir incestuous daydream. A thick squirt of creamy white semen lurched from the tip of hir shaft and shot hir square in the nose. Shi moaned loudly as another fired from the tip lacing up the side of hir muzzle and another along hir chin, dripping thick creamy semen down to hir chest in long sticky strands. It kept coming, painting hir own muzzle with hir own hot fertile seed. Then father roared.

  • The sound might have startled hir if shi hadn't heard the exact same sound before; it was a blissful exclamation of release that made hir ears tingle in satisfaction. His first shot nailed the back of hir throat with the same intense dedication shi had felt deep in hir belly the first time he had cum in hir. However, to hir surprise he quickly yanked himself from hir muzzle the tip leaving hir lips just as the second shot fired off, smearing a fresh line of seed over hir lips and tongue. Hir entire body flushed red-hot as he held hir in place and ejaculated without reserve, plastering hir snout with his male fluid again and again. By gawd hir father could cum! Even after having gone three times today he still unloaded more of his thick creamy spunk in this one round then shi did after a day without release. Shi reviled in the feeling of him marking hir with his thick musky male scent.

  • With eyes closed, shi laid there panting, reviling in the sensation. Somehow father knew of the silent decision shi had made to be his little bitch and was marking hir as his own. If this climax had been purely for pleasure he would have just stuffed himself as far down hir throat as he could and made hir swallow every drop of his delicious seed- this was something more and they both knew it. By the time all was said and done, Usshun was literally dripping with fresh cum, hir nostrils filled with the scent of what they had done.

  • Giving himself one last squeeze to drain the last of his seed, he let off a loud exhilarated sigh of relief and looked down at his poor little girl with a toothy grin. " Mmm... My my, looks like your all wet again." The purple dragoness mewled softly, licking hir lips with wide exaggerated swipes of hir tongue getting a good taste of their intermingled fluids.

" I hope it pleases you papa." Shi purred back, for once without a moment's hesitation. Kalruch's grin turned to a lewd smirk.

" Oh yes, it most certainly dose little one. I have one last gift for you for being such a good girl." Shi prumed softly, hir tail tip twitching in anticipation as the great green male leaned forward and retrieved what appeared to be a ring of leather from atop the bed.

  • Usshun recognized it immediately, it was a collar; a plainly visible sign that would vividly tell any onlooker that, without a doubt, hir body was owned and claimed by another. Scant hours ago shi wouldn't have known what to think of seeing something like that in the paws of hir father but now, covered in his seed, shi extended hir neck to him without a moment's thought. Shi was his and there was no reason shi shouldn't be willing to proudly display that fact. Kalruch rumbled in deep satisfaction, sliding the thing up over hir slippery wet snout and down hir head, the creamy male fluid being put to good use lubricating the tight collar down over his daughter's head.

  • There was a little fussing and fidgeting but soon he had his scent smeared all over hir throat, the collar sitting perfectly around hir neck. Feeling the tight warm leather around hir neck made the young dragoness purr in pure delight, hir eyes moving to lock with hir father's. The two gazed at one another with love and affection. When the two moved into lock jaws in a deep embrace, Usshy could feel hir father's cock begin probing between hir legs, searching for that soft place to lay into.

  • This was going to be a long night...

The end...?