The Jackal and the Boy.

Story by The Trickster on SoFurry

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#2 of The Boy

Here's your damn sequel.

This one's a little short and rushed, I'll probably fix it up in a few days.

"What's your name?" The Jackal asked. Having stopped for a moment to let the boy catch up.

"Huh?" The boy responds. Not at all paying attention, his mind wandering.

"Your name." The Jackal asked again, gently. The boy seemed to wake up slightly and gain some awareness.

"Oh...uh...Connor. It's...Connor." He stuttered. The Jackal smiled and nodded in response. Then turned to continue walking, the boy trailing behind wearily, wearing what they managed to salvage of his clothes.

The Jackal in question was Yellow and Black, stood a good deal taller than him and wore nothing but a loin cloth & bag over his shoulder. His build, while lithe and slender, was far more impressive than his own. Connor had little doubt as to what would happen in the event the Jackal wanted to harm him.

Best not let it come to that, He thought. He walked a little faster, trying to keep up with him.

"What about you?" He asked nervously "What's your name?" This question was ignored, and before Connor could ask again, the Jackal asked another of his own.

"How old are you?" Connor was a little nervous about this. After...what just happened he was having difficulty trusting these new animal people. Even if this one just saved him. You could hardly blame him. What if this Jackal just wanted him for himself? None the less, he answered.

"Sixteen" The Jackal brightened a little at this, for some reason.

"So you're a man then?" Okay, this was getting out of his comfort zone.

"Yeah...I guess. Uh, where are you taking me?" Clear unease creeping into his voice. The Jackal turned, a knowing smile on his face.

"I'm taking you home. Where else?" He looked up and scanned the horizon. "You live in that camp over that Kopje don't you?" He pointed to the distance and got an affirmative nod from the boy. "Then let's get you back to your parents."

That stung. He had a father, but he'd hardly call him a parent. And his home wasn't back there, it was as far from there as he could get.

The Jackal saw his expression change and started to ask, but soon thought better of it. Instead saying; "Better sit & rest for a bit. You've been through a lot and you probably shouldn't even be walking." He was walking because he insisted the Jackal put him down, not wanting to be completely at the mercy of another Beast Man. All in all, Connor didn't feel much. He was certain that eventually the horror of what had happened would kick in, but right now he felt numb all over. He was physically exhausted and mentally absent. He felt powerless. He swallowed and nodded. The two sat down on a log leaning against an ant hill, Connor stared at the ground in silence while the Jackal eyed him over. Making Connor a little uneasy.

"Does it hurt?" He asked suddenly.

"Huh?" A baffled response.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" Conor blinked, he never really thought about that, his mind had been wandering.

"Uh...yeah, some scratches around my shoulder and sides rear."

"Can I see?" Before Connor could respond, he added "The scratches I mean." Connor, thought for a second before sighing and nodding.


The Jackal stood up and walked around behind Connor, as he stood Connor wondered about the contents in the Jackals bag he carried over his shoulder.

"Food and water I guess" His thoughts were interrupted when the Jackal tapped his sides and motioned for him to lift his arms. With a sigh he complied and the Jackal began to lift his shirt.

He definitely didn't like where this was going.

The Jackal ran his hands over his back and shoulders, pressing down in some places...rubbing in others. The icing on the cake came when the Dog leaned in and sniffed his neck. Horrified, Connor began to object.

"What are-"

"These are going to get infected." The Jackal said calmly, ignoring Connors outburst. "I have to treat them."

He wanted to play Doctor now?

"I'll get them looked at back at camp." He protested, but they fell on deaf ears.

"And tell them what exactly? The truth? Or will you lie and say you were attacked but miraculously survived with Scratches?" Connor was at loss for words, he had a point.


"Besides, they don't know how to treat this. It needs the touch of a healer, not a surgeon."

"But I don't-"

"You don't trust me. I know. And I can hardly blame you." The Jackal responded sternly. "But let me ask you this...Have I done anything to harm you?"

"No. But-"

"Then why won't you let me help you? The 'doctor' at camp can't, if you don't let me help the infection will take hold and there's nothing that can be done to save you." His tone softened. "Please. Trust me."

Connor speechless again. He was right, the Jackal had saved him and he'd repaid him with suspicion and mistrust. He needed to trust someone.

He swallowed and whispered "Okay."

The Jackal smiled again, pulling some things out of his bag. "Thank you."

*You're welcome* Connor thought. He didn't say it. Even after all that, he was still afraid.

He felt paws on his bare back again. Followed by liquid. The Jackal was pouring water onto his back.

"The bleeding's stopped at least." The Jackal began to grind some herbs with a stone Mortar & Pestle "But the threat of infection still stands. I'm mixing a salve that'll prevent it. In the meantime, drink this." He handed a small flask to Connor, who eyed it suspiciously. The Jackal rolled his eyes. "It'll work with the salve to prevent infection. It's good for you. Tastes nasty though."

Connor hesitated before knocking it back, grimacing at the foul taste. "Ugh...tastes nasty."

"Told you so." By now the salve was mixed, and the Jackal moved up behind the boy.

"This is going to hurt. A lot. Here..." He handed Connor a stick. "Bite down on this." Connor took it and put it in his mouth. A stick is simple, a stick he could handle. He bit down, closed his eyes and waited for the pain. It came with the fury of burning hell fire and the hazy drifting between states of consciousness.

"Almost there. Hold on, you're doing well."

He could feel the Jackal rubbing the salve in, it almost seemed to boil as it touched his wounds. The fire sinking deep into his body.

And then, as quickly as it began, it ended. There was no pain, in fact he felt as if there never was any in the first place.

He spat out the stick, now severely indented with tooth marks and twisted round to see the wounds, or rather, lack thereof. They seemed to have completely closed and scabbed over. He gawped in wonderment, running his hand over the scars.

"You did well. Most pass out completely." The Jackal was putting some stuff back into the bag.

"What was that?" Connor asked in amazement. Still rubbing his shoulders.

"Old family recipe." The Jackal grinned. "Helps with just about everything."

"Amazing!" Connor could only gawp.

"Yup. How do you feel?" Connor paused...he felt...

"Good." He said in surprise. "I feel...good."

"Very good I imagine." The Jackal stood up. After a moment of silence, Connor lunged forward and hugged the startled Jackal.

"What's wrong" He asked, suddenly concerned.

"I'm sorry." The boy mumbled. "You saved me and I was so ungrateful. And now you've done this. I'm sorry I didn't trust you."

"It's okay." The Beast responded. "In your position I'd be mistrustful too." He Gently pushed the boy away and handed him he shirt.

"Better get going. It'll get dark soon and you don't want to get caught out at night. Let's get you home."

Connors smile flickered a little, but remained.


The Jackal stood for a second before reaching into his bad a pulling out another Flask.

"Here." He reached out to hand it to Connor. Who didn't take it. "Drink this."

"Why? What's this now?" Connor wasn't keen on drinking another foul brew.

"It's just another medicine. To help with the walk...Tastes better too." At that he uncorked it and took a sip before handing it back to Connor.

Connor looked at the bottle, then the Jackal, whose smile never faded. He shrugged and drank it down.

"That wasn't so bad." He said, wiping his mouth and handing the empty bottle back.

"Told you." The Jackal replied, accepting them and returning them to his bag. "Now let's get going." He turned away and walked a few steps before turning back to the human.

Connor began to follow him but found he couldn't take more than a couple of steps. He began to feel drowsy and stumbled to one knee as he tried to walk. He began to worry.

He tried to say something but found he couldn't form words. He looked to the Jackal for help only to find he wasn't where he was before. Now he began to panic, frantically looking for him.

"Already?...That was quick." The jackal stepped in from the side. "Should take a couple of minutes at least...tsk, guess you are smaller than most people I've used it on." He looked directly into Connors eyes. And for the first time, Connor felt true fear. Even the lion had not inspired this. But this time, Connor knew what was coming.

The Jackal placed a paw on his chest and pushed him onto his back. Connor tried to struggle but found his limbs weighing a ton. He could only look at the Jackal.

"You're afraid." The Jackal noted as he leaned forward. "Sorry for having to trick you. It's just my nature"

As the sickening numbness rolled in, Connor began to ask himself. "Why me?"

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