Sunshine Days - Chapter 22

Story by Summerfox on SoFurry

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David and Jonathan shuffled over to meet with Leader Eddie, feeling the eyes of all the others in the room watching them like they were dead men walking.

"What do you think he wants?" David asked under his breath.

Jonathan shrugged. His tail twitched apprehensively.

"We already got talked to by the other Leaders..." David whispered, "Are we gonna get punished?"

"I don't know," Jonathan responded, not taking his eyes off the bear.

Leader Eddie made Jonathan nervous. There was something about the man that made him feel like he was constantly being monitored and made to hurry along. He was the kind of adult that got snippy when asked for more time on homework or gave an impatient little sigh when it took Jonathan too long to figure out how to answer a question. There was no shortage of adults like that in his life, most of them teachers and staff at school that made him feel like he was being silently judged. He remembered on his second day there after he'd wet the bed how Eddie had forced a smile despite the frustration behind his eyes. Since that morning, he'd been wary around the middle aged bear.

They met at the door and Eddie lead them outside. The rain had stopped but the air was still heavy with humidity and a mildly chilly breeze was coming down from the mountain. It wasn't freezing but Jonathan still wished he'd brought his windbreaker out with him.

A short distance away from the cabin, Eddie turned to them and asked, "I was told that you boys got lost from the group during the hike." He looked gravely at them and he crossed his arms.

David spoke up before Jonathan could, "Yeah, we fell behind and slipped down the side of the trail. We couldn't remember which way to go and we ended up walking back to camp instead."

The grizzly stared down at them skeptically, nodding to everything David said. "Uh huh. And how did you end up doing that?"

Jonathan felt a little alarmed at how close the truth had come to slipping out, feeling the urge to confess that he'd pissed himself and they actually went down to the river to wash himself off. He kept his jaw clenched shut and prayed to God that David would be courteous enough not to spill the beans on him.

David seemed a little nervous as well. The other Leaders hadn't really questioned him much further than his simple explanation. But Eddie had the air of stern, paternal authority about him, making him feel guilty for lying over something as silly as what they did.

"" David stammered a little, "We were just messing around and...we tumbled down into the woods."

Jonathan couldn't bring himself to look up at the bear. Hearing the pup fabricate an excuse almost made him want to fess up to what really happened. It felt more innocent than lying about horsing around but more embarrassing to let the adult know that he had a weak bladder.

Eddie nodded softly, still regarding them with stony eyes. "That's what happened?"

"Yes, sir..." David said softly, the energy gone from him. Even he couldn't bring himself to meet the bear's gaze.

Eddie softened a little around the edges, "Okay." He said, "I was just making sure you boys were okay. You had us worried until we called back to camp and heard that you'd made it."

The both of them looked up at Eddie. Eddie unfolded his arms and slipped his paws into his pockets.

"You shouldn't rough house or wander away from the group out here," He continued his lecture. "Either one of you could have gotten seriously hurt like that. Or worse, you could have broken a leg or run into a wild mountain lion or a rattlesnake."

Jonathan felt a giddy little giggle threatening to rise up out of him at the mention of running into a rattlesnake. He kept a stone face and nodded.

"Next time, try to stay together with the group. Okay?"

"Yes, sir." The boys said in unison.

Eddie gave a little smile. "Good. I'm just thankful that you're both alright. You had Vince especially worried, you know."

Jonathan smiled with the side of his mouth a little despite himself and looked back down at the ground. David answered for him. "It won't happen again, sir."

"Good." Eddie concluded their little chat. "You're both free to go."

The bear turned back around and headed to the Leader's cabin, relieving David and Jonathan of any punishment.


Jonathan needed to get away from David again. He couldn't stand to be around him or his cousin either after he'd learned what they'd done. Or what he'd thought that they'd done. In fact, nothing had been explicitly said at all, other than Vince's question and David's candid response. He supposed he could be mad at David for being so frank about their escapades but his gut told him that there was more between them that he knew. He didn't want to know. He wanted to be left alone.

He sat on the bench around the back of the cabin, wearing a blue plastic poncho. The rain had started up again, gentler this time. He had no music players with him. He just quietly listened to the raindrops pattering against the trees and against the hood of his poncho. He fumed quietly, seething in his own negative feelings while he still could. No doubt, David would soon be around there to-


Jonathan didn't bother to look. He gazed straight ahead into the forest as David stepped cautiously around the side of the building.

When Jonathan didn't respond, David shrunk a little but padded closer to the bench.

"Everything alright, man?" He asked carefully.

Jonathan gave a hefty sigh. "Yeah."

David frowned, standing a few feet away from him. He was wearing jeans and a thin jacket but no shoes. Jonathan wondered who on Earth taught the boy how to dress.

"You don't sound alright..." David added.

Jonathan kept his gaze away, his arms folded underneath his poncho.

"Was it something I said?" David asked.

Jonathan clenched his jaw.

David gave a light scowl and folded his own arms as well. "You know...not telling me what's wrong isn't gonna help me fix what I did."

Jonathan was both surprised and angered at the indignant tone in David's voice. He snapped his head towards David and scowled at him. David looked taken aback and hurt.

There was a moment of silence between them, only punctuated by the sound of rain.

In a soft voice that was unlike David's at all, both pleading and gentle, he asked, "Why won't you just tell me what's wrong?"

Jonathan whirled towards him again, almost coming up out of his seat. "Why did you tell Vince we had...!" His voice had started at a near shout but petered out towards the end, still unable to say what they'd done. David took a step back, his eyes full of wild hurt and his thin tail hiding between his thighs.

David opened his mouth to say something but Jonathan cut him off again. "And how did Vince know? Huh?" Jonathan was standing now, facing David with his fists balled up under the poncho. "Have you and Vince done it as well?"

David started to tremble and his eyes were brimmed with tears. Jonathan felt a pang of familiar guilt in his heart in spite of his over boiling anger he was now thrusting upon the dog. Every negative thing he was feeling then was being purged. All his anger and jealously. All his insecurity and fear. His vile emotions directed towards David were spilled forth and laid naked out in the open.

David's hurt expression turned into a scowl again. "Why are you so angry?" His voiced wavered. He stepped forward, now towering over the angry feline. Jonathan felt a little intimidated but refused to show it.

David looked down at his feet. "Look...I'm sorry that I told Vince that we fooled around. I mean, he did ask but..."

David shuffled awkwardly. Jonathan turned away and looked off into the forest again. After another quiet moment between them, David spoke up.

"Are you mad because Vince and I did stuff before?"

Jonathan didn't respond.

"Because...that's really unfair, okay?" David said, the resentful tone returning, "I've known Vince for a long time. He was there for me when I needed him and yeah, we fucked. I've fooled around with lots of guys too. And you weren't mad when I told you I'd done stuff with Avery."

Jonathan softened, sagging his shoulders a little. He said nothing.

"Look..." David sighed, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about me and Vince. I didn't think you'd be so angry about it but...I'm sorry. It wasn't fair for me to keep that from you."

Just like that, Jonathan felt the torrid rage drain away. It left behind the shame and guilt over the way he overreacted to it. He wished he could take it all back, everything he'd just said.

"I like Vince," David continued, "Vince is my friend. He's almost like a big brother to me. But..."

Jonathan turned his head a little, looking back at the canine.

"But I like you too," He added softly. "I like you a lot. I're a lot different than Vince. Vince is a buddy but you're..." A little pink blush bloomed along the sides of his muzzle and over his cheeks.

They stood there for a moment looking at one another as the rain fell from the gray, dismal sky. Whatever fear and anger Jonathan had felt before was now vanished. He gave a little smile which David gratefully returned.

"I'm sorry..." Jonathan said at last. "I acted like an ass. I shouldn't have been so angry about...all of that." The apology came naturally and didn't seem forced. "I like you too, David. I..."

David cut him off before he could finish. His paw stole around the back of Jonathan's head as they gave him a tender and meaningful kiss. That moment could have lasted an eternity for Jonathan.

When they parted, David smiled and rubbed at the back of Jonathan's neck.

"Thanks..." Jonathan said sheepishly. He could barely see David giving him his trademark grin through his fogged up glasses.

"You're welcome, kitty," David said, planting a peck on the bridge of Jonathan's muzzle.

They made their way back around the side of the building again. Their paws almost touched one another's, as if they instinctively wanted to reach out and grasp the other.

'If only...' Jonathan thought glumly. He loved how the canine's fingers had felt when they were interlocked with his.

"You still up to play tonight after lights out?" David asked while his tail cut through the air cheerfully.

Jonathan could have rolled his eyes at how promptly the question was delivered after they'd finished arguing and making up. He would have assumed that David only had a one-track mind if he hadn't been wondering the same thing himself. The only difference was, David wasn't afraid to throw out the question.

"Yeah I am," Jonathan said with a grin. He gave David a nudge with his elbow.

David looked elated.


By nightfall, most of the clouds had dissipated from the sky and some of the heat had returned with the added moisture in the air. Jonathan felt a sense of renewal as he and David spent the rest of the evening together. Their argument seemed far away by then and not even Avery could bring down the mood Jonathan was in.

After the last light was turned off, David and Jonathan waited an appropriate amount of time before sneaking out quietly and heading over to the Showers. They left the building together wearing nothing at all. Jonathan had left his pajamas in a locker after a quick cleaning and a shower. David, as usual, went the whole way au naturel.

They were able to hold each other's paws at that time, feeling a freedom that was rare and exquisite. Jonathan purred and curled his tail around the canine's hip as they neared the Rec Room door around the back of the Auditorium. David leaned against him lightly.

David wrapped his paw around the door handle and said very quickly, "Please don't get angry with me but..."

"But what?" Jonathan asked, a little confused.

David opened the door. Then Jonathan saw what.