The party! [PART 8]

Story by LunaticLens on SoFurry

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#8 of The party!

A little longer part, took me longer to write. :p

Hope you all have fun reading.

BTW: When there's a '[...]' it means that quite some time passed. to all those confused peeps out there. :)

After the group had left, Luna felt very bored.

He felt like taking a long and relaxing bath,

so he walked into the bathroom and started letting the water in.

After the bathtub was filled, he got undressed, removed the bandage around his muzzle and dipped a toe into the water, slowly going deeper until sitting in the tub.

Luna didn't notice the significant size of the tub before sitting in it.

It made sense to him that it was so big, Joe wasn't the smallest either.

With the wolf drifting away into thoughts and the warm water surrounding him,

his eyelids got heavier and heavier.

The wolf yawned. "I think i can risk it." The wolf stretched a little as his eyelids closed.

Meanwhile the rest of the group in the car were discussing the night before.

"I really like Luna." Benji began.

"Yeah, me too." Chester agreed.

The leopard was quite happy to see his friends liked him.

"I do, really, but he's kinda weird. Lika some kind of maidservant." The cougar said with a more shy tone.

"What do you mean?" Joe asked.

"He's socially very awkward." The cougar explained. "He doesn't seem to like talking."

"I dunno, he was very open to me." Chester said a little confused.

Benji laughed. "I think he's a open person, especially after telling us who's top."

George chuckled. "Guess he's not a virgin anymore."

"Eh..." Joe stuttered. "Im top, but we never actually did it."

"So, how do you know if you're top?" Benji asked.

"Making out n' stuff." Joe answered silently.

"Meh, that was clear." Chester yawned.

It didn't take long until the group arrived.

After everybody went out of the car Joe waved behind and made his way back.


Joe arrived at his home and was looking for Luna.

He knocked at the bathroom door and got in,

immediately noticing the naked wolf in the bathtub.

He blushed a little as he saw Luna, sleeping in a fetal-position inside of the tub.

The leopard got his bathrobe and wrapped the wolf in.

The light weight of Luna and the strong arms of Joe made it easy for him to carry the wolf to the bedroom. He gently laid Luna on the bed and sat next to him, slowly stroking the head of his boyfriend. Suddenly the wolf stretched, and grasped for the leopard.

After the wolf had successfully found what he desired, he pulled himself to Joe and firmly pressed his head against the chest of the leopard.

Joe began stroking the head of the wolf again, holding him with the other arm.

As the leopard slowly lowered his hand from Luna, the wolf gave a displeasing moan.

"Ohw, ywou want wittle Jwoe baby to swnuggle you?" Joe whispered.

The wolf tiredly opened his eyes a little and nodded.

The leopard sat completely on the bed and lifted Luna on his lap.

The wolf began to purr.

"Don't cha' wanna change before falling asleep?" Joe asked.

The purring of the wolf stopped as he crawled into the bathroom with a set of clothes and got out in a t-shirt and boxershorts.

The wolf pressed down the leopard by his shoulders so he would lie down.

After he had pushed down Joe, he sat down on top of the leopard's abdomen.

"Oh, watcha' wanna do?" The leopard asked in a sassy tone.

"Cuddling." The wolf said before rolling to the side of Joe.

"...So?" The leopard asked.

"Sh.." Luna hushed, giving the leopard a side hug and laying his head on Joe's chest.

"Are you comfortable?" Luna asked.

The leopard nodded.

"Are you sure?" Luna asked again.

"Yes, Loonie." Joe said, wrapping his arms around Luna.

"So..." The wolf began. "What did you guys talk about?"

"Uh...N-nothing.." The leopard said with a very silent tone in his voice.

The wolf raised his head up from the leopard and began starring at him with wide open eyes.

"You're lying." The wolf said. "Now tell me the truth."

"Ok- Ok...I asked them what they think about you." The leopard excused.

"And what do they think?" Luna said, lying his head back on the chest of Joe.

"Well.." The leopard began to explain.

"Chester likes you just how you are.

Benji thinks you're open-up.

And George thinks you're weird."

"Weird?" The wolf asked.

"Yeah." The leopard said. "He said you're like some kind of maidservant."

"So...Im weird...But not in a bad way?" The wolf asked confused.

"You're my little weirdo." The leopard said, kissing the head of Luna.

"And you're my...Big kitty-cat." The wolf laughed.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Joe asked.

"You're soft and cuddly." Luna purred.

"Oh...Ok." The leopard whispered.

"You know," Luna began. "Im quite happy to know you a little more now.

Because everything we ever did together before isn't quite qualified as something friends would do. Learning kinda fits, but silently sitting around isn't.

We were people who knew each other. Strangers, to that matter."

"I understand." The leopard nodded.

"The day where 'it' happened was the time we became closer friends." The wolf laughed. "I feel like a cheap slut now that i think about it."

The leopard gave a worried look. "What do you mean?"

"We became 'close-friends' after a day." The wolf grinned.

The leopard was silent.

Luna crawled on top of the leopard. "Well, i love you, so that doesn't matter."

The leopard began to blush a little. "I love you too."

The wolf silently looked into the leopard's eyes. "So..."

The leopard looked around awkwardly. "You know what i wanna do?" The leopard asked

"I wanna go party."

"Again?" The leopard sighed. "Well, at least tell me where you want to go."

"It might sound weird." Luna said. "But how about a male strip club?"

Joe cringed a little as he heard the idea.

"We can get George, Chester and Benji too." Luna suggested.

The leopard shrugged. "If they got the time."

The wolf smiled. "But we'll do that all tomorrow, because im tired as fuck."

Luna cringed for a moment. "Oh...I-im sorry for the language."

Joe laughed. "I swear alot too. It's like me telling you to 'stop the fucking swearing!'."

"Goodnight, sweetheart." Joe said.

"Goodnight, Joe." Luna replied, laying his head on the pillow.


The following day had it's normal going;

The couple woke up and had breakfast and so on.

At 8pm they got dressed and called Chester, George and Benji if they wanted to come.

Surprisingly enough, only Chester denied and told them that he had something to do.

The wolf took hold of Joe's hand after he had opened the door.

Slowly stepping towards the car, Luna let go and got into the passenger-seat.

Immediately after the leopard had entered the car,Luna began to speak. "You're very silent today. Is there something you want to tell me?"

The leopard shook his head and smiled at the wolf. "No. But let's hurry up and pick up Benji and George."

The drive was pretty silent, but Luna quickly changed that. "When's your birthday exactly?"

"Im born on march 23rd, 1984. And you?" Joe asked.

The wolf counted on his fingers away, not answering the leopard's question. "So you're 30?" Luna asked.

"Yes, but your birthday..." The leopard answered.

"Oh, im sorry." The wolf excused."Im born on april 15th, 1990. So im about 6 years younger."

Joe laughed. "I didn't know you were that much younger."

Luna gave a surprised look. "So you thought i am older than you?"

"No. Not really." Joe said. "I thought we were kinda close in age."

The conversation was interrupted by Joe. "And there are Benji and George."

The doors on the back opened and the two got in.

"Hey!" Benji immediately said, after entering the car.

George only gave a small wave with his hand, before beginning to talk. "So who planned this? It must've been you, Joe."

Benji nodded. "I'd bet it was Joe."

But Joe shook his head. "Nope. It was this gentleman."

Luna gave a awkward smile. "Eh...Yeah, it was my idea."

Benji gave a warm smile. "Well my thanks to you!"

George gave a confused look. "But do you guys even know where a , especially, male strip club, could be?"

Joe had a confident look in his face. "We have a gambling mile. There usually are a phew strip clubs nearby."

Luna looked at Joe with wide open eyes. "And where did you get that information?"

George and Benji began to laugh. The laughing of the two stopped after the car began moving.

George leaned back into his seat. "I find it funny how the dancers don't actually have big dicks, but rather have this guy or girl fumbling around their genitals."

Luna giggled. "You mean 'fluffers'?"

Everybody in the car looked at Luna with wide open eyes.

"What?" Luna said with a confused tone.

Benji laughed. "I'd bet you would be pretty damn good with all that yoga."

Luna turned his head towards Benji with a devilish look on his face.

Benji went silent.


"We arrived!~" Joe cheerfully said.

Luna got out of the car and looked at the club. The name read 'Furryous' in a big red font.

Benji, George and Joe got out of the car, walking towards the entrance.

Luna walked after Joe until he got next to him.

"Is something wrong, hun?" Joe asked.

George and Benji looked at Luna.

"Nothing.' Luna said silently as he looked up at the leopard.

Joe wrapped his arm around Luna. "That's great."

"There don't seem to be many people around." Benji said. "Let's hurry up before that changes."

Luna nodded as he picked up a faster frequency of footsteps.

In front of the entrance were barriers in a snake pattern. However, there weren't any people.

"Are you sure the club's open?" George asked.

"There's a doorkeeper." Luna said, pointing at a bear in a tank top and army trousers.

As the group made their way through the barricades, Joe walked towards the bear.

"How many are ya'?" The bear asked.

"We're four." Joe answered, pointing at the rest of the group.

The bear looked throughout the group, before facing Luna and saying: "The little one has to stay outside."

Luna walked up to the bear and looked him deep into the eyes, again with a devilish look in his eyes, before grabbing out his ID card.

The bear took a look at the card the wolf had handed over, before opening handing it back and opening a metal door behind him.

Luna, George and Benji simply walked in, but Joe was held back by the bear. "That little guy had one freakish look on his face. Ya' better watch whadd'ya doing."

Joe gave a confident look. "I know. He may only look like a sugar-ball, but in reality he's a sugar-coated ball of pepper."

The bear gave a tap on the shoulder of Joe before Luna came and dragged him inside by his hand.

"Good luck buddy!" The bear said, closing the door behind him.

Luna was dragging his to a table near the stage. "We're sitting over here." The wolf said, pointing at a table for four.

The two sat down next to George and Benji. Luna immediately began to talk after sitting down. "Since this is a club for women and gay men i guess they have what i usually drink."

George was interested. "What >do< you drink?"

Luna shrugged. "Shirley Temple, Smoothies."

George looked at Luna. "So basically everything non-alcoholic."

"No. Not really." Luna explained. "I do drink red wine, champagne and cosmopolitan's. But then again, only on special occasions."

"Like?" Joe said in a sassy tone.

"Like New-Year, Birthdays, Thanksgiving and so on." the wolf said, bumping his elbow into the side of Joe.

"The club doesn't seem to be that full." Benji said, resting his head on one of his hands.

"Why so sad?" George petted the head of Benji. "Did you want to meet the one?"

The lion gave a awkward look. "Myeah...Kinda..." He huffed. "But i more thought about getting laid."

"Nuh-uh." Luna shook his head in disagreement. "Im not gonna clean up cum from the bed sheets." George and Joe gave a soft giggle.

"Don't worry though." Luna said. "Someday somebody will be with you. And he will also fuck with you."

Benji raised his head from his hand and looked at the wolf with a more confident look, not completely happy, of course. "Thank's for cheering me up a little."

The talk of the group had been interrupted by a announcement coming from loudspeakers

that hung from the ceiling. "The show start again in only a phew minutes!~" a enjoyable voice said.

Luna gave a small grin.

"So that's what you're here for." Joe said giving the wolf a interested look.

"Nah." The wolf said in a sarcastic tone. "Im here because i want to listen to the music."

The leopard giggled a little, before the exciting voice began to speak again. "Ok boys and gals!~ Our first dancer is Mars!~"

Fog machines began to smoke full the entrance area to the stage.

Luna chuckled. "I can't wait for Uranus."

The table bursted in laughter. "Oh my word, Luna." George said. "You became such a perv!"

"I gotta agree on that one." Benji said, whipping away tears that build-up during his laugh attack.

During their laughter the dancer had already began dancing.

'Mars' was a rather small, topless canine in leather pants with a cowboy hat on.

The dance-moves were underestimated by the whole group; Mars was dancing around the pole like it was nobody's business.

During his show a phew waiters strolled around the club with notebooks.

A larger otter was standing at the groups table. "May i take y'er order?"

Luna drifted into thoughts and remembered what he said. "This is a club for women and gay men." As he snapped back to reality he immediately said "I'd like a Shirley Temple, please."

The otter was confused. "Um...Excuse me, but how old are you?"

"24." The wolf said a smile on his face. "So please, use ginger ale."

"Ok!~" The otter noted the order in his notebook.

"I'll take a beer." Joe said.

"Do you have sake?" Benji asked.

"Yeah actually." The otter said, noting the order of Benji and Joe.

"I'll take a..." George stuttered before leaning towards Luna. "What i'zzat drink called again? Cosmo?" he whispered.

"Cosmopolitan?" Luna guessed it.

"Yeah!" George said excited. "A Cosmopolitan for me."

"Ok!~" The otter said, before putting the pen he had in his mouth and grabbing out a calculator. "That's...12'36."

Luna grabbed out a stash of money as he counted out 20 bucks. "Here." Luna said, handing the money to the otter. "You can keep the rest as a tip."

"Thank you!~ Your order will be brought here in a phew minutes, enjoy the show!" The otter then walked off into the crowd.

"Thank's for the drink, Luna." Benji said, giving the wolf a high-five.

The conversation was interrupted by a pair of girls. One a squirrel the other one a drake. "Oh!~ Look what we have here." The squirrel said. "Fresh flesh!" The drake completed the sentence.

Luna wrapped his arm around Joe. "This guy's mine."

"Aw." The squirrel huffed. "You guys really do not look like you belong to each other."

"Why?" Wolf slightly growled.

"You two have alot of differences." The squirrel explained.

"But i guess polar caps attract each other." The drake laughed, before walking away.

"The drake doesn't seem to know much, but she had a nice ass." Luna giggled.

Joe began snapping his fingers in front of the wolf's eyes. "Somekind of perv-ghost must've possessed you."

"He just seems to be very sassy." George laughed.

During their laughter a plate with their drinks had been placed on the table.

Luna wanted to grab his drink but he immediately cringed back as he noticed that somebody had pinched his behind.

"What's the matter?" Benji asked, pouring himself sake into his cup.

"I-i don't even..." Luna stuttered. "N-nothing."

Luna had grabbed his drink and after a short time the happy voice from the speakers came back. "Our lap dancers are ready now!~"

"Oh~ Lap dancers!" Benji said in excitement.

"Let's vote for who should get the first one." Joe said, sipping from his beer.

"I don't know about you..." George began "...but it seems most logical if Luna would have the first one. It was his idea to come here, 'might as well appreciate it."

Benji nodded. "I agree. The rest of us will have a rock-paper-scissors tournament."

Luna giggled. "I do appreciate all of your guys ideas, but-"

"No." Joe said. "No 'but' you will have your first lap dance today."

Luna laughed a little as he stood up from the table. "Ok then, see you guys in a half-hour again!"

Luna disappeared into the crowd and Joe huffed. "They're growing up so fast.."

"Hey, hey, hey." George said, slightly boxing the shoulder of the leopard. "He's your waifu, not your cub."

Joe and Benji deeply laughed.

Luna was pretty lost in the crowd before being grabbed and dragged by his arm.

He looked behind him and saw the otter-waiter from before.

"Uh-Eh...H-hi.." Luna awkwardly said.

"Hello 'ere." The otter said, dragging Luna into a more silent area.

"Excuse me, i didn't introduce myself, did i?" The otter whispered into Luna's ear.

"N-no...Not really." Luna stuttered.

"Ok, then." The otter said, walking with Luna into a unknown room.

After the otter closed the door he lead Luna to a couch without a back-part. "Please sit down."

The room was in complete darkness, so he could just barely make out what he was sitting on, but he realised that the otter wasn't there anymore. "H-hello?"

Suddenly the lights went on; it were dim red lights.

"Welcome to the champagne-room, sweetie." The otter said, stepping out of the shadows of a iron door.

"Your name?" Luna asked again.

"Seth." The otter said, sitting down a flask of wine and 2 wineglasses.

"So, Seth, you're my lap dancer?" Luna crossed his legs.

"Yes, my dear." Seth confirmed, sitting down next to Luna and pouring wine into the glasses infront of him.

After Seth grabbed his glass of wine he sat next to Luna. "I'd be sitting on ya' lap normally, but you're so small and cute, i would feel like im stepping on a porcelain doll."

"Thank's." Luna said, grabbing and sipping from his wine.

"You know why i choose you?" Seth asked. "Because you didn't feel like the others. You felt...Nicer and...Trustworthy."

Luna gave a smile, before noticing a paw run over his inner thigh.

"I'd really like to blindsight the club-rules for you." Seth whispered into Luna's ear.

Luna felt uncomfortable with the situation; he had a boyfriend and he didn't want to cheat on him. Luna slowly pushed Seth away from him, as he bagan noticing two more hands grab-hold of his arms.

"Vermont, hold him for a little, until i am done." Seth said, crawling towards Luna.

The otter began to gently stroke over the crotch area of Luna. "Don't worry, hun. It's not cheatin' if we only touch you."

The hands on his arms went up to his shoulders and slowly began massaging them.

"Oh...!~" Luna gave a moan of pleasure.

"Ya' like that, doggie?" Seth said, slowly undoing the buttons on Luna's shirt.

After he had successfully undone most of the buttons, he began rubbing around Luna's abdomen and chest. "C'mon buddy, just forget about yer' boyfriend. Just for now."

Luna's comfy was gone in seconds. He loves his boyfriend and would never cheat on him for a hooker. The hands on his back fastly made something as Luna stood up.

"No." Luna said in a strong voice he never knew he was capable of having.

He redid all the buttons on his shirt and looked behind him. Behind Seth was a huge canine with black fur, who had a 'sorry' face on him. He must've been the one massaging him.

Seth gave a sad smile and a little wave before Luna left. After he wanted to go back to his table, he noticed something uncomfortably sitting in his back pocket of his jeans.

He looked around in the pocket and found a note;

"Hey. You look nice.

Maybe we can havesome beer together

sometime. 000-000-000-0


Luna looked at the paper and reminded that larger kanine in the room. "Im just too fucking gorgeous, am i?" He thought as he finally reached the table.

He sat back down again.

"Done already?" Benji giggled.

"No." Luna awkwardly bit his lower lip. "That otter-guy wanted me to cheat on you, Joe."

"He- WHAT?!" Joe yelled, but he was interrupted by Luna's hand that covered his muzzle.

"Hush." Luna calmed down the leopard "I didn't do it. He only grinded around on top of me. And please, you do that twice as good. We're having fun now. If you want to yell, do that at home, i promised i'll be your sandbag."

Joe calmed down again and rested his head inside of his palm.

"Woa..." George was surprised. "You really know how to calm somebody down, do you?"

"He's not calm yet." Luna said, petting Joe's back. "He might be a little more calm now, but he's still angry, i feel it. We should really get going now."

Benji looked at Luna with a smile on his face. "You really care for Joe, do you."

"Of course." Luna drank the rest of his drink and then stood up.

Luna felt that Joe was really angry and didn't want to tell him about the number he got and he really is tempted to call Vermont.

He got into his jacket as Joe and the rest of the group got up too.

The group headed towards the car and entered it normally; Luna on the driver-seat and the rest spread across the car. Luna let on the motor and they began their way home.

Benji passed out after 5 minutes or so, followed by George about 5 minutes later.

Joe was throbbing with anger. "I'll find that little bitch and then ill rip his head o-"

He stopped talking after he saw that worried look on Luna's face.

"I-im sorry. I-... Urgh." Joe pressed his eyes together tightly.

"Sh..." Luna's soft voice filled the car. "It's ok."

The car slowly stopped. "But now, you need to help he get these two into the house them waking up."

Joe nodded and he got out of the car. First, they got Benji by his arms and feet and got him in the house into a guest-room. They went back and did the same with George, laying him next to Benji. Luna went out the last and parked the car in a valid spot.

Luna went back and slowly closed the guest-room door and headed towards the bedroom.

Whilst Luna was parking, the leopard already got bed-ready and was sitting on the king-size mattress, his face buried in his hands.

Luna sat next to him and petted the back of Joe again. "Sweetheart i-"

Luna was interrupted by a huge punch on his shoulder. Luna pressed his eyes together as he held in a phew tears that were coming up. "I...Want to talk."

"What do you want to talk about?" Joe buried his face in his hands again.

"That otter-guy...Seth...He was very sweet to me and all, but he wasn't like you."

"Like me?" Joe asked.

"Nnnh..Kgh" Luna swallowed down the pain coming from his arm. "He compared me to a porcelain doll, told me h-h-OW nice i look and- Fghh...-And how much more c-urg...cuter i'd look than any.. anyo-Ergh.."

"Does it hurt that much?" Joe worriedly asked.

"Ye-AH!" Luna firmly took hold of his shoulder and curled up. "How much cuter i'd look than anyone else..." Luna pressed out each word violently. "B-but that isn't why i am with y-ough..." His talking was hardly identifiable by Joe. "I...Am with you because...You ARGH... who you are, and don't act-ughp infront of me." The words of the wolf were spoken and he began to shake and shudder, his tail wrapping around his leg. He shred a phew tears, looking up and seeing Joe's worried face, before passing out.


The party! [PART 9]

[...] Luna woke up quite late, which wasn't something he's used to. As he stood up from the empty bed he stretched a little and immediately regretted that decision. A huge cracking sound came from his shoulder. "Hnggg-ARGH" His eyes twitched a little...

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The party! [PART 7]

[...] Luna was already up and brewing some coffee in the kitchen, as the leopard was just waking up he began to think about what happend the night before. "Luna. Please help me repeat this. I cheated on my boyfriend, who i met a phew weeks ago, with...

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The party! [PART 6]

[...] A long time had passed since Joe disappeared behind the door. Luna has been thinking about this the entire time the leopard was gone. "Was it my fault? If yes, what did i do? Can i change what happened?" The questions were overwhelming his...

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