Pkm journal day 1: introductions

Story by shadowolfie on SoFurry

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my story about a boy and his new eeveelutions this is the first story so no sex but in the next story i promise there will be some sex.

I layed in my bed waiting for my mother or father to come in my room to wake me as a surprise for my birthday but they never showed up. I sighed and got up out of bed and got dressed then went downstairs to the living room I looked around then thought to myself *why is it so quiet I thought mom had got me a pokemon from her job* I looked around again. Then I heard what sounded like many tiny paws running toward me. I turned around to see seven colorful eon pokemon pouncing at me they tackled me to the ground licking my face I laughed as squirmed under the eeveelutions "ok, ok I get it its nice to see you guys but where did you come from?" I looked at each of them and then saw a note on the umbreon. "you guys must have come from mom" I check the note and It said.

** dear Jacob I had my assistant Marie bring your new pokemon I hope you like them it took me a long time to get them for you I got them from a collector he asked for a ridiculous price but I talked him down this is luna she is the oldest of the bunch. they used to clean around the house for that collector I bought them from so if they start to run around and play a lot its totally normal they didn't really have to do much with there old master. But if you have any problem with any of them talk to luna and your father left you a gift on the kitchen counter.**

PS~ your custom pokeballs for each of them are with your fathers present each ball is custom colors for each pokemon's type and there fur color I hope you like them~ love mom

*I smiled as I stood up and walked to the kitchen I saw seven different colored pokeballs on the counter then I saw a box on the counter and I opened it up and saw a poketranslator inside I put the small device in my ear and turned it on it made a beeping sound then the beeping stopped and I wondered if I broke it or if it was working. I looked down at my eon pokemon "ok lets see" I walked into the living room and sat down and all of them followed me into the room " ok luna do me a favor and introduce me to them" she nodded "ok that is fawn (flareon) that's iris (glaceon) that is brook (vaporeon) that's lily (leafeon) that's gypsy (espeon) and that is rena (jolteon). Oh I forgot myself im luna (umbreon) I smiled "well its nice to meet all of you from what I understand you like to play a lot" they nodded "well have fun lunch is around noon and dinner is around seven you don't have a bed time so don't worry about that ok?" they looked at me kinda surprised "are you sure master?" I nodded "yhea im sure go have fun and another thing don't call me master my name is Jacob" they smiled and ran off. *

** throughout the day I watched them to make sure they didn't get into trouble lily spent all her time in the garden and brook helped her water them. Iris and fawn play fought with each other almost all day. Luna and gypsy decorated and cleaned around the house and rena stayed with me all day curling up in my lap whenever I sat down. Me and her sat on the couch for a hour "hey rena get up I need to go cook dinner" she stood up and stretched before jumping off the couch and going to the kitchen "let me help you" I followed her into the kitchen "sure I guess you can help" we both got to work cooking the meal for us and the others. After a hour or two we finished cooking and called the others into the kitchen. "come on guys Its time to eat!" I got eight bowls and filled them with the soup me and rena made we used berries to make the taste unique. "I hope you guys like the soup we made we tried to make it good for pokemon and humans" I sat down and started eating the soup had a sweet taste to it because of the oran berry's I put in it. Everyone looked like they where enjoying the soup and soon after gypsy finished she turned to me and said " can you make it a bit more spicy next time it tasted great but I would prefer it spicy" I laughed a little "sure I guess ill put in some hondew berries in next time" she nodded "thank you" I got up after finishing my food and went to the sink and washed the dishes before going to the living room and turned on the TV.**

** I looked at the clock it 11 pm and I was feeling sleepy my new friends where all asleep on the floor I quietly stood up and walked around them and up the stairs to my room little did I know I had a little sleepy red pokemon following me. I opened the door to my room and turned on a lamp so I could see my room it was clean and my bed made I smiled knowing that I had gypsy and luna to thank for how clean it was. I yawned and turned off the lamp and climbed into bed them I felt something jump on the bed then I reached for the pokemon that had jumped in bed with me and when I touched her I felt my hand get warm "fawn why didn't you stay downstairs with the other?" she licked my cheek "I saw you get up and I thought you would get lonely sleeping by yourself" I smiled "that's sweet thanks" I took the poketranslator out of my ear and rest it on the night desk beside my bed and I layed down under the blankets. I felt fawn wiggle herself under the blankets and curl up beside me I pulled her closer I felt her warm body against mine and I felt great then I heard her say something in pokespeach but I couldn't understand her and I was to sleepy to ask her what she had said so I just decided I would ask her tomorrow and went to sleep. **