
Story by GabrielClyde on SoFurry

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A stallion returns to his old school for the ten year reunion. There are some unusual memories to be dealt with, and secrets to reconcile...and a surprising compannion for his evening. How will she deal with the news of his unusual profession...and how will he deal with her unexpected link to his past?

The main gate looked just as I remembered it, though the ivy had grown that extra bit. They had trimmed it back, enough so you could see the discrete bronze plaque beside the gate.

The Roecastle College.

Not Roecastle College, mind. The Roecastle College. That was some extra super level of pretension right there. Of course, there weren't many highschools in the country who had been around for 130 years, as they pointed out every opportunity they got. That gothic revival monstrosity was real gothic revival. Well, most of it. When they extended the science wing, they built it in imitation gothic revival style to match the quadrangle. Nothing says high tech and science quite like gargoyles.

I walked down the gravel path ignoring my fellow travellers for the moment. Some new things had appeared, amongst the familiar. A little grove, by the admin wing for starters, containing bronze busts of the school's headmasters through the ages. Doctor Wilson had some balls. Not everyone went to the trouble of arranging for full busts of eleven other guys just so he could get his own one done without appearing like the total narcissistic prick he was.

It should have made me angry, but instead I managed to crack a smile. If only people knew.

"Well well well. Now there is a face I did not expect to see."

I turned to my left to find the source of the voice, and gave a slight double take. It was a familiar feline one, but the view was not what I expected to see.

Caroline had been an earnest, bright, dedicated student and completely, insufferably boring. It did not surprise me one iota that she was here, if anyone was going to be, it was our dux of year twelve and school captain. She was practically tattooed with the school crest. What surprised me though was what I was seeing.

For someone so conformist, so preternaturally sensible, the cheetah appeared to have taken a turn for the better in the intervening years. Her headfur had been dyed a spectacular purple, the nose ring was a stunning surprise, and her outfit, while elegant, left nothing to the imagination. Ten years is a long time, I mused. I liked the change, if I was honest. I always had admired her, from a distance though. She would not have a bar of me I always assumed. I was too imperfect for her perfection. And she was too stuffy for my crazy. Now though...

"And good to see you too Caroline. Let me guess...I have detention again, don't I. It's the tie...not regulation..."

Her eyes sparkled with mischief, and she gave me a warm smile that went all the way to my hooves for some reason. I found myself hiding behind my forelock, which I hadn't done since I was...well, probably since I was last in this godforsaken hellhole.

She came to my side and slipped an arm into mine. It felt reassuring somehow, if not a little possessive. I liked the possessive though, and my skills came to the fore. I watched her keenly, as I had learned to do since I had left. My nostrils flared a little, just enough, my eyes scanned, and I watched her eyes, her ears, her tail. There was data to be had, interesting, useful data. I had long since come to appreciate such data.

"No partner I see?" I phrased it neutrally, noncommittally. An opening sally, with just enough to prod a reaction. I wasn't disappointed; she laughed. Not a self-conscious laugh, a happy laugh.

"Well spotted. No, there is nobody to help me through this ordeal. Unless you, my gallant steed, would agree to act as my consort?"

It was done magnificently, with just enough mixture of need, playfulness and command, that I had to almost applaud. Instead I gave a happy nicker and my ears perked in appreciation. The night was looking up already.

"It would be an honour, fair lady, if you would permit this poor knave to be your champion..."

"Oh knave! Yes, you were a knave..."

I snorted. Now she was going a little too far.

"Perhaps. I plead youth, and I forgiven?"

Her eyes sparkled, and her whiskers almost quivered. "Partly. If you stay by my side for the night, I think I might forgive you."

"Then take my arm my lady, and I shall be your knight for a to speak..."

I got a slap on the ass. That drew another nicker, and now my ears went all bugeyed as they did when a woman got frisky. That had been how it started...of course.

"Bad puns will get you in the shit horse."

"A familiar place for me, if you remember oh School Captain"

"I remember well, don't you worry about that."

We reached the main hall, and the big sign proclaiming the 10 year reunion of the class of 2000. The Y2K bugs...and boy, was I considered a bug.

On the door was the head of the organising committee, another earnest one back then, a badger with horn rimmed glasses who now had graduated to contacts and a carefully cultivated goatee. He was a respected lawyer now, as he always said he would be. It was kind of nice some of us made their wishes come true.

The other member of the welcoming committee was our year level co-ordinator, Mister Freeman. A portly bear of florid phrase even then, he had become even more portly and more florid in the last ten years. His eyes went wide seeing me, as did the badger, but the bear had the good grace and the extra years of maturity to handle it better.

"My God! As I live and breathe, it's young Richard! And my colt, you have turned out well I see."

I had made a supreme effort. My best suit, and that really meant something. Saville Row, tailored just right, charcoal. A silk tie from Paris, Loakes hoof boots, a Patek Philippe watch, discrete but very expensive cufflinks. I wanted to make a scene. I needed to make a scene. It seemed I was making scene, not the least due to the cheetah on my arm.

"And Caroline...consorting with the devil hmmm? I always told you that was something you should try..."

She gave the bear a kiss on the cheek, and a hearty handshake for the badger. I gave him a noncommittal wave, and a more friendly handshake for the bear. He had been in my corner, had mister Freeman. On many occasions, and I had not really helped him much I knew.

We headed for the bar together, and I had my next surprise. My demure companion ordered a martini, straight up, and drank it like a man. I gave my whisky a long pull, and watched intrigued. What on earth had happened I wondered...

She noticed me noticing, and gave an eye roll.

"I thought a lady was allowed a drink..."

"I never said otherwise my lady. I merely remember a certain lecture from you..."

I remembered because it stung. My reputation at parties around the traps in my final year was getting out, and it was mostly as a beer swilling joker. I didn't mind, because it was better than some alternatives. I wasn't a nerd. I wasn't a fag. I wasn't a loser. I was just your mate, a beer drinking, footy playing, friendly horse who had a way with the ladies. Especially at a party...

"I know. And I shouldn't have butted in where I wasn't wanted. You probably thought I was being a sanctimonious windbag like the good Doctor..."

I almost choked on my whisky then. She smiled and patted my back with a look of sympathy.

"I can get you some lemon squash Richard if you can't handle the heavy stuff..."

I gave her a withering look and composed myself. "Thanks, I think I can manage oh hardened drinker. I was...surprised, is all. You were the great Doctor's most fervid supporter, if I remember right. I thought the sun shone out of his anal sphincter and all of us were mere specks of fecal matter by comparison"

Now it was her turn to give me the look. "Well, some things change in ten years Richard."

"Clearly..." and I let the word linger as my eyes roamed over her body. She really was a sight tonight, an enticing one...I could make out nipple under the silk, and I let my gaze take it in, just enough, and looked up to see her noticing. I gave an apologetic smile, my best boyish 'aawww shucks'. She pursed her lips.

"I should have reported you more often. You needed even more detentions it seems."

"Hey, I had just about one every week. There weren't many available slots left."

She gave me another smile then. This one was a little...disturbing. A remembering smile, and a fond one. I felt a little warm, and took refuge in the whisky.

"He really hated you didn't he."

"Oh yes he did." The good Doctor Wilson, our headmaster. He really did hate me, it was that simple. I seemed to be everything he hated in one crisp equine package, and he let me know in no uncertain terms. He even tried to get my parents to take me out of the school, but they dug their hooves in and made me stay the course. So I put in a terrible year twelve and barely passed, much good their many tens of thousands of dollars had done.

"You were all right horse. Even then. I'm sorry I didn't...well, I knew he was treating you like shit, and someone should have stood up for you. Someone other than your thick footy mates..."

"Thick us footballers may have been, but at least they were loyal. I'll take that over your fancy Doctor and his educational ramblings any day..."

"I said I was sorry Rich..." I felt her hand again. Not on my ass, but on the hollow of my back. I tensed and relaxed a little. It was a possessive gesture again...but a supportive one too. And it may serve my purpose anyway.

"I'm sorry too Caroline. I know I was a bit of a lad, and a couple of your friends...well..." I had behaved badly, I knew that. Once I discovered sex, I wanted to share it around, and I didn't think much of fidelity even then. She patted my back.

"It's ok. They forgave you, so shall I. Besides, you are my knight tonight...and I need to trust you. I can trust you, right?"

Her eyes were the most beautiful golden colour.

"Yes. My lady"

"Good. I need...well, I didn't really want to come."

"So why did you Caroline?"

"I wanted to show...I wanted to show I was good. You?"

"Same, to be honest. I wanted to make a stir, and make some doesn't matter."

"Looks like we have more in common that we realised back then Richard."

I fell to my knees and gave her paw a lavish kiss, for effect. It drew the right effect, many a laugh, a round of cheers from some of my footy mates who had already well and truly found the beer. And a look. I saw the look. She saw it too.

"He doesn't look happy."

The good Doctor, our former Headmaster, didn't. He was over by the head table, in earnest discussion with one of the more successful of our merry band, an otter who had become an internet gazillionaire when he sold his app. The Doctor was probably trying to eke out another donation for the foundation, probably so he could build a new ski chalet and name it after himself. He was going to have a fun time with the otter if that was the case. Declan despised the stag, and everything he stood for.

I looked again, and saw someone else beside the good Doctor, a doe beside the stag. That surprised me, and I stared. The doe looked up and we locked eyes. Both of them were staring at me now, the doe astonished, the stag terrified. I gave them a cheery wave and raised my glass in salute. They turned away.

"Wow...he really doesn't like you Richard..."


I didn't know why then. I had a pretty good idea of why he still might though.


My employer had been very clear.

"Richard, I know this is slightly different, but that is part of the territory. Do not disappoint me colt. I have big plans for you."

She knew how to get me to do what she wanted. All she had to do was get stern and motherly, mixed with support. It worked every time. I needed that. So I would do what she said. I was good at this, I had a talent. Everyone has to find their talent, and use it. I was just using mine, that was all.

The house was as I expected, a perfect Edwardian terrace in a quiet elm-lined street. They clearly had money, but of course if they could afford this and had been accepted by my employer, they would be both socially and fiscally impeccable. I knew that by now.

I told the taxi to continue round the corner and drop me off near the station. Nothing too overt. Discretion was part of the service. When I reached the front gate, I buzzed the intercom and waited. A melodious female voice answered.


It was polite but distant, like she was addressing an annoying parcel delivery man. Which probably was how I might have looked, but for what she had specified that I wear for the evening.

"It's...Terence, ma'am. May I come in?"

The front gate buzzed. She had been warned to expect a Terence. I was used to taking new names for these gigs. Terence suited the client for tonight, so Terence it was.

The gate slammed definitively behind me and I trotted along the terrazzo pavement to the front door. A three story terrace, it must cost a fortune. The door opened, and I spied my client for the evening for the first time. An elegant doe, in an elegant dress. I sniffed the air, and caught a hint of Chanel. Opulent, and not very subtle. Like the doe.

She looked me over, from my ears to my hooves. I waited.

"Acceptable. Do come in."

I gave a rueful smile and followed. Only in my profession would that exchange have occurred...or would what I was wearing make it acceptable.

I was decked out in school uniform from top to bottom. It wasn't that long ago I had worn one for real, only last year, though this wasn't mine, a little white lie I had told to avoid stupid questions. I had taken great delight in burning mine when I finished, on a nice hot bonfire until I stood drunk and naked under the stars then made wild passionate love to my latest girlfriend until my cock was sore and the eccies began to wear off. A symbolic casting off, if you will, and it left me without an old uniform when the time came. A mate of mine from uni, another equine and as big and bulky as me had provided his when I asked, though I steadfastly refused to tell him why I needed it. I made up a story about a fancy dress, and he knew I was bullshitting but wouldn't get me to cough.

I hoped he didn't need it back too...unsullied.

It was the summer uniform, though it was a bit cold for that. Drill shorts in grey, long socks up my fetlocks, black hoofboots, a white shirt, red tie and black blazer with white and red piping. My mate had been a sports nut like me, so his school colours were a mirror of mine in some ways, and it didn't matter anyway. I didn't expect the customer to go to the level of querying my prowess at rowing or rugby based on my blazer. She had other things she was interested in.

She led me through the long corridor, past an elegant dining room, and up a long staircase with plush carpet that muffled my heavy tread. It felt nice; as an equine, I was used to clopping all over the place even in hoofboots but this carpet even deadened my heavy tread. It felt...reassuring.

"I hope you don't mind if we get right down to business?" the doe asked it as a question, but it was an order. I had the grace to treat it like a question.

"No ma' problem at all."

The door to the master bedroom beckoned. So be it; dulce et decorum est...

I stopped just inside the door and stared.

"Is there a problem? I was led to believe that...well, that you were aware of the situation..."

I was aware, to a point. Nothing quite prepared me for this though.

The bedroom was tasteful and comfortable, as well as huge. It occupied the full width of the front of the second level of the terrace, with its own balcony at the front looking over the street. An antique fireplace sat in one corner by an equally antique standing lamp. A big four poster bed occupied the wall, nearest the door, flanked by a door to the ensuite and a door to the walk in robe. Heavy wooden dressers covered one side wall, and windows the other.

In the corner across from the fireplace and the standard lamp sat a heavy armchair. In the armchair was a stag, naked. He was obviously tied down, his arms behind the chair, manacled, and his legs manacled to the legs of the chair. He had a nice big ball gag in his muzzle, and a wide open staring look to his eyes. He was staring at me, body rigid, and I stared back.

It was my former Headmaster, Doctor Wilson. My nemesis, who I still had bad nightmares about, was there in the room where I was about to...well, I assumed I was there to fuck his...wife? Holy motherfucking shit...

", ma'am. No problem...just..."

"Well then, time for you to undress then!"

I looked at her, the pursed lips, the slightly angry look in her eyes. This was some A plus level shit right here, the kind of psychodrama that only comes in acid trips. And I had trotted right into it on my big clumsy hooves...

"Is there a problem Terence...or maybe...yes I will call you Terry. a good colt you are, Terry. I assume you are a good colt..but just enough bad eh what?"


"Good. I can get someone else you know, if this is too much."

I gulped. I wanted that, really, but I knew I couldn't. The truth was, we were poor as church mice. My parents had overextended everything to have the life they wanted, and my dad had kept up the pretence for us by borrowing from the company...then not so borrowing. One of the creditors who turned up to the bankruptcy was the kind of burned to know we still owed those pricks.

We had been tossed out of our home, and dad had gone to jail, and it was only me and mum and my little sister. I paid the bills. I just didn't tell how.

This month, I really needed the money. And this gig came with a premium due to the...unusual add-ons, that meant I was foregoing a huge wad of coin if I bailed. I didn't want to do that.

"No, no problem at all. I was just surprised to see him...ahh...bound like that?"

The doe walked over to the stag. I watched, kind of fascinated, as she rubbed his antlers almost lovingly. And then she kissed him on the forehead.

"My husband has been bad. Very bad. One of his students...did you ever hear such a thing? So I am going to show him what it is like to feel...worthless. He will remain bound like that while we...well, have some fun. Tell me...Millicent never confirmed or denied, but are you really a schoolboy?"

I didn't quite know how to face that one, so I went for the truth.

"No. Not any more. I'm only eighteen though...left school end of last year."

She nodded and smiled.

"Close enough. I only just found my husband's indiscretion this year too...once she had left school. But she was also in year twelve last year, and I thought we could trust her. Trust no one, I should have remembered. Even my good husband, let alone that little slut...yes Gerald?"

She was patting the stag's head, not kindly now, and he nodded staring into her eyes begging bodily for forgiveness. She let her hand drop, stroking his chest, then down to his sheath, and I almost bolted watching her stroke his sheath. My headmaster's sheath...oh fuck, there isn't enough brain bleach for that image.

"Now young schoolcolt...I think it's time I see exactly what I'm paying for."

I was on slightly more familiar territory now. I took my time, stripping slowly. Hoofboots first, and socks. Always start woman actually likes a guy in socks alone. Total turn-off. I learned that in year eleven when one of my girls finally fessed that having me fuck her in my footy socks made her laugh instead of cum.

Then the blazer, which I hung over a dresser, and carefully undid my tie. The doe had come closer and wrapped her hands round mine as I worked on the tie, and I stopped. She wanted to take the lead, and I knew enough to let her.

She took great pleasure in my tie, sniffing it, wrapping it round her own neck then walking over to Gerald and tying it round his antlers. It made a nice decoration I supposed, before she unbuttoned my shirt and stripped it off. Then she stood back, admiring my chest. I had been a gym junkie since year nine, and continued in uni, and it showed. I saw the look of admiration, even lust, and took it as my due. The tuft between my pecs jiggled under her gaze, and my nipples hardened a bit in the cold air. She reached forward and ran a fingertip over me, across my collar bone, then touched each nipple and twisted a bit, ignoring my gasps. This one would be a handful.

My belt went next, tossed to the floor, followed by my school shorts leaving me in grey briefs. They hugged my package well, accentuating my large scrotum and stallion's testicles. Some girls had loved to just fondle them for ages, fascinated. This doe was more direct, and she hooked her fingers under the waistband and pulled, until the discarded underwear dropped to the floor and I kicked them off with a hoof.

She nodded, apparently pleased.

"Good. Perfect in fact. Do you see him Gerald? More man that you will ever be."

At some point I began to get into it. I think it was that, when she compared us like that. My nemesis was being humiliated, by comparison to me. To me, of all the guys. The rush was...indescribable. And it had an effect.

I dropped, involuntarily, and hardened in an instant, all the while watching my bug eyed tied up Headmaster helpless to prevent me fucking his wife.

Her hands gripped my horsehood, giving a leisurely stroke. I let out a startled whinny before I caught myself.

"Now colt, don't resist. I will treat you well...and your magnificent stallionhood here. Look Gerald...look how big he is...magnificent, isnt he?"

The stag looked mortified, absolutely mortified. If the ball gag wasn't there, he would probably be screaming. Instead he sort of gurgled. I saw him looking though, and his eyes focussed on my length. That should have made me feel all icky...instead, it made me more aroused, and my flare pulsed and I shot a droplet of pre onto the carpet.

"My, such a potent young stud...I wonder how many times he can fill me Gerald? More than you I can barely give me one these days. How your little slut coped with you I cannot fathom..."

He tried to struggle a bit then, but he was tied too well it seemed. I gave him a cheery wave and a smile, and lay my head back and closed my eyes and enjoyed what his wife was doing to my cock. She was good...her hands were like velvet.

"Now boy...will you be good, unlike my very bad stag there?"

"Y...yes ma'am!"

"Good, lay on the bed with your legs over the end."

I hastened to obey. This was too good to miss, and I lay back and enjoyed the comfort of the huge bed and the Egyptian cotton, with my fetlocks dangling over the end and the stag staring at me. He had a perfect view of me laid out there, balls, cock extended along my belly like a fat hose, chest thick with muscle, muzzle, eyes gleaming at him. I let one hoof swing lazily above the carpet, and my tail swished against the bed. The doe undressed, casually, dropping her dress to the floor.

She was wearing stocking suspenders and nothing else. My heart skipped a beat.

"Now, let's see how your muzzle is, shall we?"

I gulped again and nodded, and she straddled my head, gently stroking my ears, before she turned over me so she was facing her husband at the far wall. I couldn't see him anymore, all I could see was the underside of a doe, from her little diamond of white tail down across her pert anus, long soft taint, pink lips of her pussy, and finally a perfectly rounded clitoris for now hiding under a pink hood. I swallowed, muzzle suddenly full of saliva.

"Now colt. Perform!"

Well, if she insisted...

I used my tongue first, just lapping gently at her outer labia, and listening for her moans. I was good at this by now. No, I was a fucking expert, let's be clear. Outer labia...until they thickened, and darkened, and the rich fluids of an aroused doe began to flow and make her glisten. Then her inner lips, gradually building pressure, until she forced her pussy down harder against my muzzle and I let my tongue snake into her and tasted deep of her sex, lips against her sensitive opening.

She rode my tongue, hard, then I finally concentrated on her clit, nibbling at the hood as her nub swelled and poked out before finally lapping at her. She came finally, explosively, with a great rush of fluids, and kept on riding. I felt my tongue beginning to cramp a bit so I set about exploring to change things up.

Her pert little ass beckoned. I figured, why not, and brought my hands into play, spreading her cheeks and stroking her cleft. She didn't object, so I kept on, getting bolder. My fingertips teased her taint, enjoying the soft fur of her cleft and teasing her little doe tail, before finally going for broke. I pressed a fingertip against her little pucker and pushed.


She came again, harder, and pressed against my finger. She wanted more, and she let out a shuddering yessss as I fingered her while I kept up a long slow lick on her pussy.

"Ohhh God Gerald. He's...ahhh....fingering my never did that, and you won't get to either...ohhh it feels so wrong and so!"

My muzzle bathed in pussy fluids, so much so I thought I would drown. I had to take a break, my tongue was about to unspool. Thankfully, the doe seemed to have reached a natural end there. Or maybe her clit hurt. Either way, she was ready for round two.

"Now stay there colt..."

She shimmied down my body, along my chest, across my belly until she was straddling my hips. I lay back, propped now on my elbows, watching. I could see Doctor Wilson now, and he clearly was enjoying the show. His cock was fully erect, red and angry, and precum drooled into his lap. He was wide eyed and staring, and destined to be unsatisfied. I realised with a sudden shock that he was getting off on this. He actually...liked it.

"You're so big..."

"Ma'am...the condom..."

"Ahhh yes..."

I had left the box on the bedside table. Always bring an extra large box, no such thing as too many. Stallion maxi, thin. I had learned some control, enough not to need the thick ones, and if I did shoot, I had the capacity to stay hard and go again so it didn't matter. I might need it tonight...I was fit to burst already and we hadn't fucked yet.

I had a view of her back, and not the action, though it was still a pretty good view. Her little tail flicked rapidly against my belly and chest, and her back looked great but nothing compared to her ass. A perfect pear shaped mound, with a deep pronounced cleft that started with the cutest dimple under the hollow of her spine and her tail. I lifted my body and brought my muzzle down to her, lapping at the very start of her ass cleft under her tail and she moaned and fumbled with the condom packet but got it open. I felt the reassuring presence of latex on my horsehood and she smoothed it down with a playful motion of her hands.

" Gerald."

I looked across. There seemed little chance Gerald would not be watching. He was openly staring, cock flexing and twitching as his wife gripped my horsehood, lifted her body, and slowly sat down on my cock reverse cowgirl style while I got to watch my length disappearing from between the mounds of her ass. It felt like disappearing into warm honey.

She gasped and groaned with each new inch. I tried to keep still but couldn't resist, flexing my hips a bit and driving into her. She bit her lip and cried out and I stopped as she waited, then continued, and I held her waist and guided her onto my length. It hurt a little, reverse is not the most comfortable for a guy and my cock was bent forward at an unnerving angle but I didn't mind. All I could think of was the perfect view my headmaster would have of my cock disappearing into his wife's pussy. That was worth the discomfort.

I used one arm to prop my torso up against her, and the other to grip her body, hand clasped to her breast and fondling her nipple. She bounced slowly on my length and I felt each new stroke, each pause at the top before she plunged down my length and the heat returned and I gave a sigh and she cried out and sighed when she hit bottom. Then I whispered in her ear, teasingly.

"Go on...touch yourself. Make him watch..."

She shuddered, but she did it, reaching for her clit to rub herself into a frenzy while she rode my cock, and it unleashed something in her it seemed because she began to taunt him openly while swearing like a dockworker.

"Ohhh fuck....fuck...he's so big...fuck...oh are nothing compared to hard...such a big young stud....fuck me stud...fuck me harder..."

I began to lift my hips, plowing into her, and she slammed down on my length with increasing hunger. I stole a glance at the stag...he had a glazed look in his eyes, and a long thick line of clear pre drooled from his cock all the way to his belly where it pooled in his navel. I have him a mocking smile and closed my eyes to enjoy, feeling the slap of the doe's ass on my hips and the clench of her pussy as she built and built and...

"Oh yes...yes...yes...fill me damn you!"

I knew an order when I heard one. I groaned, and filled the condom to overflowing, my balls emptying into the end and still she rode on until her own climax hit and she screamed and dug her fingernails into my thighs so hard it drew blood. Then she relaxed and stroked my empty balls and cooed and made promises to put a bandaid on my wounded thighs once we finished, but for now, she needed more.

This time I got to fuck her missionary, with my ass pointed towards the stag. I spread my knees nice and wide, and lifted her dainty hooves over my back, so he had a ringside view, a perfect sight of my length disappearing into her swollen lips and my balls slapping her body and the rise and fall of my ass then even the final clench of my tailhole and the dance of my balls when I shot a second load into her mercury hot snatch and kept fucking while my tail slapped hard and her fingerhooves dug into my ass cheeks so hard they bruised and she begged me for more.

I looked back at the defeated stag. He was crying, but his cock was still red and sore and hard, and he had shot a load sometime during the last fuck, and his chest and belly were covered. There was a long string hanging from his muzzle too, thick white and embarrassing, and I smiled and gave him a wink as I looked it over. Then went back to my task. The doe was a cruel and demanding taskmistress, but they can be the best kind.

When she finally had enough, and we lounged on the bed together with her land on my scrotum, I kissed her nose and gave her a playful pat on the head.

"Was I a good colt?"

"The best."

"Better than your husband?"

"So much better...oh God...he is terrible."

"And bad know what, if he's so bad..."


God, I almost hated myself.

"If he's so bad, he should get a spanking."

The doe recoiled at first, then her muzzle split in a grin and she gasped in pleasure.

"Oh yes! That sounds fair!"

The stag was wide eyed now and pleading, his head shaking from side to side. I stood and approached him with all the predatory grace of a panther. Even an equine can learn to be a predator it seemed.

"How should we..."

"I think you should do it in your uniform colt."

"Hmm...and the stag?"

"I think my husband should be just as he is..."

He began to rock the chair trying to escape, and a continuous muffled torrent came from his gagged muzzle, but the doe had made up her mind now. She gripped his muzzle and stared into his eyes.

"We had a deal, remember?"

The stag gulped, and nodded.

"Over to you Terry..."

I sat on the end of the bed after I dressed, and motioned to the stag. Reluctantly, but finally, he draped himself over my lap. I felt his hardness poking into my groin, and gave his ass a friendly pat.

"Liking this a bit too much Doctor?"

"How did you know he was a Doctor?"

I backtracked furiously. "Ahh, saw his degree on the wall..." it was a hail Mary, but it worked.

"Yes. Such a proud one my Gerald. Not proud now, are you dear?"


"Yes. Carry on Terry. My husband is a very bad deer..."

I lifted my hand up high. I had a big hand, big enough to make a football look small. The deer looked back at it, pleading, shaking his head. Fuck this was good...



"Stop struggling dear...again Terry..."



"Hmmm...much more I think..."

I gave him ten hard swats before he suddenly shook against me and I felt dampness in my lap. The stag hung his head and wouldn't look at me.

"Why have you stopped Terry?"

I looked down at the stag. "Do you think we should tell her Doctor?"

I'm afraid I ignored his pleading look. I think I owed it to him.

At least I made sure I got the uniform drycleaned before I returned it.




"Richard? Where are you? Snap out of it horse!"

I looked up to see the cheetah looking worried, and gave her a smile. I felt the hardness in my groin though, and adjusted my stance a bit to relieve the tension. A flicker of motion caught my eye, and I looked back at the head table. The doe had finished some sort of argument with the stag, and stormed off with a last look in my direction. Not before I caught her gaze at my groin though, and I gave her a wink. It looked like the stag hadn't confessed who I was. Now he had some explaining to do.

"I don't know what she saw in him." The cheetah mused, eyes distant.

" mystery."

"I didn't know you knew her too."

I shook my head a bit, trying to regain my composure as the cheetah gazed at me in surprise.

"Just..once, that's all. Just seemed...well, he was a prick wasn't he. She seemed nice enough I guess."

"She was anything but nice I thought. He was under her thumb...she had the money you see, and used it."

I took a fresh look at my companion.

"You seem to know a lot about them." She seemed nonplussed, sort of taken aback for the first time that evening. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, so I changed the subject. What she said did make sense though, and explained some of the things I had speculated on ever since. I had to hand it to her, she had balls. More than he did.

When in doubt, always ask a lady about themselves. It never fails.

"So...tell me about you. What have you been up to?"

We walked out onto the balcony beside the hall, ignoring all the others, and talked. She had been a star, and still was. Aced university, as I knew she would, a Masters, and she woke up and decided she really didn't want the world of corporate accounts and business everyone thought she should. Instead she got into the not for profit sector and heavily engaged in advocacy. I had to hand it to her; she was trying. The words stopped finally, and she looked at me.

"You are being awfully quiet Richard. We have been here all this time, and I realised I haven't asked about you at all. And yet I didn't notice; when did you become so good at making a woman feel at home?"

Ahh now that was a question. I think I always had it, I was just too lazy to use it. It was Millicent who showed me how to do it.

In first year uni, when the shit was hitting bad and I thought it would never stop, I took any job I could. I ended up working for a company providing waiters for the marquees at the races, and there I ran into Millicent. She was assertive, no nonsense, and up front about what she wanted. She propositioned me right off the bat, after I had poured her a glass of Moet.

"So colt...I like prime horseflesh. Exciting isn't it?"

"Err...yes ma'am. The racing is exciting, I don't get to see it much."

"I wasn't talking about the racing, colt..."

The demure red fox was in no way as demure as her clothes would suggest. My first time with her was one long lesson on how to actually pleasure a woman, and not just fuck. Then came the bombshell.

"You know Richard, I might just have an opening for pun intended. Consider this a trial run, and you passed..."

It seemed so easy at the time. I found I knew what to do, once I actually made myself care about them enough to do it. That was the problem I guess. I had to care...and not.

"Richard...what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much, dead end course in business, lots of casual jobs...learning..."

"And yet here you are, decked out in an outfit that cost more than anyone here though most wouldn't know that, looking a million dollars...what gives? And what have you been studying?"

I took another swig on the whisky and gave her an appraising look.

"You are wearing Collette Dinnigan...from her off the rack collection, but a good one, and under that Victoria's Secret. Your underwear is showing a bit, and your nipples just enough to know they are there, and there are combinations within that price range that could easily conceal so you did that deliberately to make a point...and get noticed."

"Richard, what the fuck?!"

"I noticed, by the way. And approved, but that's by the by. You are wearing a nice Rolex, old, probably your mother's yes? And opal earrings that accent the colour of your beautiful and fire and green, so beautiful. I missed that when we were in school together...a failure on my part?"


"There is a spot on your ring finger, an obvious line where a ring once sat. An engagement ring I'm guessing...but not there now. I don't think you took it off for today though...I think it's no longer there..."


"Your shoes are Dianna Ferrari, and you are wearing a hint of Cabochard...imported, from the house of Gres. You can't get it easily in Australia, so I assume you get is specially, or you went to Paris perhaps...Sorbonne, maybe an exchange, where you met the future Mister right who wasn't, and learned to drink martinis like a man?"

More silence. I hated the bitterness that came out at the end, but with any luck it would do the job.

"Richard...are you..."

"I like to use the term Male Escort..."

"Holy fuck. A gigolo!" she doubled over in laughter, and I let her laugh it up. Truth to tell, it was kind of amusing if you stopped to think.

"How the hell did you...what the..."

"It started by accident, and I sort of wound up staying. I was good at it..the only thing I was good at. I know I'm thick Caroline, now don't shake your head. I knew I was slow...not as slow as Ferret Features made out, but it took me ages to assimilate the hard won knowledge you seemed to take for granted. I joked around and put my energy into footy and fucking around and getting pissed because I didn't want people to see that I was fucking useless even when I tried. So if I goofed off...people wouldn't know you see..."

She held me tight, no longer laughing. I couldn't work out why I was telling her all this, nobody else would have got it out of me.

"I never thought you were dumb Richard. Clueless in some ways, but not dumb."

"You called me dumb enough times..."

She kissed my lips to shut me up. She tasted of peppermint.

"And I was wrong to do that. Now I know your big bad secret..."

"I don't fuck all the time. You'd be surprised; often it really is an escort, someone to take them to the opera or the races or a dinner where they don't want to be alone. I learned how to make conversation...and how to know things that made a difference. When I do fuck though..."

"Are you good?"

"I'm better than good. The best. I'd offer Tristy and Siobhan a freebie if they want, in case they want to sample the new improved me, if you are still in touch. They got the worst of me..."

"We...aren't in touch. More of my deep dark secrets...but let's not go there. Yours is...something else I must admit."

"There are others...some I won't tell you, I probably should..."

"Yes horse?"

"It was kind of me who put that rotten fish in your locker before the year twelve dance."

I got a punch for my troubles.

"You bastard! And to think I wanted to go out with you..."

She stopped. I stopped. We looked, and an eternal heartbeat waited, before we both took a swig of our drinks.

"Probably should have just pulled your ponytail instead..." I managed it deadpan, and we both collapsed in laughter. We had exchanged vulnerabilities, at least a little. Now I knew one of her dirty secrets it seemed; and the thought made me wonder a little.

"You really...well, even knowing I was such a louse with your friends?"

She gave a rueful nod. "Yep. Total moron me, I fall for all the wrong guys. Complete sucker for a bad boy. You were right by the way, though Mister Wrong was Spanish."

"Ahh...Senor Mal..."

"Very good...hey, what now?"

I grabbed her by the hand and led her off the courtyard next to the hall. The door to the Quad was open, and I rushed through, heading for our old locker room. They had left it open, for the night though everyone was in the hall for now or congregating in the courtyard having a smoke and a bullshit. We were alone for the moment.

"Richard, what are you doing?"

"Apologising, my lady fair. Long overdue. And giving you the kiss you should have had here ten years ago."

She melted in my arms, and I felt her melt. Part of me that normally wasn't awake seemed to be this time. It wasn't just professional. It meant something, somehow. I hoped to fuck she felt that. When she came up for air, I could tell the thought had crossed her mind though.

"Richard...are you just...well..are you treating me like you treat know..."



"Caroline, one day I will tell you some of the stories. You will then know, categorically, that both you are not like them, and I am not like I am with them, with you. Till then, you will have to take my word for it. Scout's honour, cross my cock and hope it turns purple."

"That would be a shame..."her deep throated purr made my mane twist of it's own accord. "God Richard, I wish this had have no idea how many stupid things I did when I gave up on you..."

"Carol, you have no idea how many stupid things I did. We're even ok?"

"Worse than filling Doctor Wilson's car with shaving cream on the last day of school?"

"That expulsion was so fucking worth it..."

"Well...let's see if you are worth it now. After all...not every day I get to sample the best..."

My ears shot up, and I tried to step backwards, but I felt cheetah paws on my ass. Something about cheetah paws on your ass is impossible to fight against. Trust me, I'm a professional.

She was sitting on the bench now, where we used to dump our schoolbags. I had never thought to use it for this purpose while I was there; a major oversight it seemed I was about to make up for.

Her paw found my bulge, and slid up to lift my shirt from the safety of my pants. Claws rasped on the muscled ridge of my abdomen, leaving little furrows in the fur and making me nicker and gasp. Then fingers slid under the waistband and I felt the first touch of cheetah claws on my pubes. I bent down and buried my tongue in a heated kiss, feeling the heat build.

My hand reached for it's own target, under the hem of her dress. My fingertips reached the lace of a pair of Victoria's Secret, and I smiled as I slid one fingertip under the fabric, teasing the very edge of her labia with a fingerhoof almost but not quite touching the silken flesh of her sex. Her meowling became deeper, throatier, and she rested her head on my shoulder and shook with building need.


"Kitty? Why...why him?"

The cheetah was staring at the door, over my shoulder. She went rigid, then relaxed, and began to laugh.

I was about to get slightly angry when I looked back to find the headmaster, Doctor Wilson, standing in the doorway, staring at us. And I remembered that stare...yep, bulge at crotch, check...

And then it dawned.

"Gerald? Kitty?! Holy shit. I wondered afterwards who it might have been, but I never ever thought it might have been you..."

"Richard! What are you talking about..."

"Right Doctor?"

"Young stallion, I think you should go and..."

"Come on Doc...I know you like to watch..."

The stag stiffened and stormed off. Not before I caught him looking again...and subtly fondling his distended groin.

"Richard...what was that about..."

I gave her a kiss on the nose.

"Nothing. I'll tell you later...let's just say, you might be right. We do have more in common than I realised."

"Richard...I can explain...and how did you know"

"Errr....I'll tell you another time. And no need to explain Caroline. It's not as if I'm an angel anyway...and I must admit, if I'd known you were not as straight laced as you seemed..."

"I was in no way straight laced..."

"Yeah, told you I was dumb."

"Come here you big dumb horse then...but, what do we do if he, I don't know...calls the cops or something..."

I gave her another kiss.

"Somehow I doubt that. And if he does..."


"I have a mind to put him over my knee and give him another damn good spanking."

She dissolved in giggles at that.

"God, now that I would pay to see....hang on though...another damn good spanking?"

I realised I had to pull out the big ones. I kissed her. When you run out of things to say, or you need to change the topic, go for a kiss, it always works. She melted again, and my fingers slid under her Victoria's Secret for a second try at nirvana.

Sometimes I hated how good I was at this.