A Long Night

Story by Vulpsis on SoFurry

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#32 of Requested Pokemon Fapfics

A small Eevee seeks refuge in a cave. Inside a group of Eeveelutions decide to take advantage of the vixen.

Far off from the city a little Eevee scrambled beneath the treetops for cover. Rain was pounding onto the Earth like a drum while the cloudy grey sky darkened with impending night. She would take a moment to calculate the nearest best cover and make a mad dash as if she were a fire type avoiding rain.

She made a mistake though. She ran from inside a hollow log and tried to go underneath a large oak. She didn't calculate the slippery mud and ended up skidding across the ground like ice before ending up going downhill in a muddy mess.

"Darn it, my fur..." She complained as she looked down at her dirty brown fur. She almost felt like crying but the rain was wetting her pelt fast. She had to find shelter soon, the rain was relentless and didn't look like it was stopping soon.

Looking around she noticed a nearby cave. It was hidden behind thick trees and tall shrubbery. She thanked Arceus before running inside without a second thought.

Once inside she shook her tiny frame like a dog and splashed rain and mud water against the cavernous walls. She then turned and peeked out the mouth of the cave to peer into the clouds. The rain continued and the sky grew darker. "Night time is coming, I have to sleep here for tonight..." She muttered to herself. She didn't even notice that behind her yellow rings glew in the dark as three pairs of eyes shimmered from the little light the rings gave.

Espeon was the first to step forth. A lilac paw stepped from the shadows as his eyes scanned the wet Eevee.

"Are you lost?" He asked with concern. Eevee jumped, shocked to hear another voice out of nowhere. She quickly relaxed though and flashed him a warm smile as she tried to laugh off the fright.

"No, I was just caught in the rain."

Another paw stepped out. One as black and inky as the shadows of the cave.

"You're all wet." Umbreon pointed out. Eevee glanced back, her smile now melting to a frown.

"Yeah, the rain does that."

"That's not good." Said a third voice. This time a smooth blue paw stepped from the shadows. A Vaporeon, one the easily towered over all of them appeared. "You're also in heat."

"In what?" Eevee asked, not understanding.

"You don't know?" Umbreon asked.

"She doesn't. She's still too young, and it's rather early so she doesn't feel its effects yet." Espeon explained as his eyes remained locked onto the Eevee.

Eevee felt uncomfortable. It was like Espeon was trying to read her like a book. She didn't like how there were three of them too, she suddenly felt small, vulnerable and exposed.

Vaporeon stepped up to Eevee, his face sneering down at her before he took another long whiff along her wet pelt.

"You're wet, water enhances a 'mon's scent. That's probably why we can smell the heat from you before you actually feel it." He explained. Eevee responded by pawing his face away with a disgusted expression.

"I don't care, step back. I don't appreciate you sniffing me like that."

"You don't understand, it's not every day a female just comes along in heat. Especially a female Eevee." Umbreon explained.

"That's why we have to take advantage, who knows when, or even if, we'll get another chance."

Eevee began to step back. She looked up in horror as the three approached them. They grew in size and looked like titans of immense power to her. She was just a lone Eevee, small and powerless compared to her superiors.

"I'm... going to go away now!" She finally replied before she turned around.

She didn't even get to take another step. An eery glow overtook her body and caused her to freeze. She turned around as saw that Espeon's eyes were glowing the same eery glow as well. (Darn it, he's a psychic! He's controlling me!) She cursed in her thoughts. Espeon smiled, the psychic type clearly reading her every thought.

"You're not going anywhere my darling." Vaporeon announced. He nodded at the two. Umbreon stepped aside as Espeon laid on his back. "You're going to do what we want, and there's no escape."

Eevee felt the psychic force guide her body like a gentle hand. She bit her lip as the muscles in all four legs moved on their own and walked over the Espeon who smirked up at her. Like a puppeteer, Espeon controlled Eevee with psychic strings and made her hover over his body, his large red member dragging ever so slowly across her tender belly.

Eevee glared down at Espeon who merely sneered up at her.

"I know you want to, I barely have to use my psychic to make you move."

"You're lying!" Eevee snapped. Umbreon chuckled before stepping closer and kneeling down to let his muzzle tickle against her long brown ears.

"I don't think he is, he isn't the type to lie."

"I don't want this!" She cried.

"Oh I think you do." Vaporeon butted in. He stepped up and gestured Umbreon to move around. "You could smell our arousal, and that's making your body react. We can smell your heat."

"And I can feel that you're already wet!" Espeon added.

"So, it's only natural for us to do our jobs as males and satisfy the female whose scent woke us up and made us like this in the first place!"

Eevee felt Umbreon's strong paws grip around her sides as he mounted her like a bitch in heat. She wanted to fight him off, she begged her body inside her head to obey her. The only kind of movement she achieved though was her little hind legs stretching higher to give the dark canine easier access.

"Ha! I didn't even need to use my psychic for that!" Espeon sneered.

"Sh-shut up! You're lying!" Eevee cried, her little brown face blushing like a pumpkin.

"The only one lying is yourself." Espeon responded before reaching up to lick the Eevee up across the bottom of her chin.

Eevee was repulsed at the fact that this pig of a male was licking her, but more disgusted at the fact the lick managed to draw out a moan from her. (I must really be in heat then...) Eevee thought to herself as she felt Espeon's member prod against her tight little slit. She didn't like how her own body seemed to be moving on her own as she began to kneel down, all the while Umbreon's tip began to ram into her tight little ass, unaided by any type of lubricant...

A sharp sensation shot across Eevee's entire body as she felt the Espeon's cock plunge deep into her folds. She cried out, her face flustered and fuzzy brown frame shivering from feeling her virginity taken right away. She wasn't given any immediate reprieve though as Umbreon pulled her waist closer to him and began to squeeze his cock inch by inch inside her virgin tail hole.

Almost immediately, as if through experience, the two Eon's began to hump in silent synchronization. As Espeon pulled out Umbreon pushed in. Eevee's mouth began to foam as she tried to suppress her cries from the painful sensations she felt. The two cocks were stretching her pussy and ass past their intended point. It felt like two throbbing hot rods were rearranging her very insides.

She found it difficult to breathe. She could barely catch a gasp and when she did she wasted the air by crying out once more. It was her own private hell, her untouched nerves were flaring up inside as Umbreon and Espeon rubbed along forbidden passages.

Gradually, she felt something different. Her body was adapting, her breathing came far easier in time. Those nerves that flared up were now cooling as her vaginal walls did as nature intended and began to produce a moisture that lubed up Espeon's rod. Not only that, but Umbreon's cock was also gaining lube. A sticky warm one produced by his own cock. The seed would leak over and smear across her walls and make the passage more slick and easy for both him and her...

"She's starting to like it..." Vaporeon mused as he watched the slow transformation on Eevee's face. She was still foaming, but now her defiant gaze was gone. Her bouncy black eyes were now half lidded and heavy with arousal. Her lips were curled into a smile as a trail of saliva, glistening like a moonlit lake, began to drip down the corner of her lips.

The water Eon moved on up now. He sat atop of his haunches and raised a paw to pull Eevee's head closer to him. Her eyes widened with life once more when she realized that he was dragging her closer to his own arousal that was now twitching with excitement.

Initially she shook her head, the length was bigger than both Espeon and Umbreon. She couldn't take that monster inside her mouth, she would choke and suffocate!

But Vaporeon didn't care of her well=being. With a snarl at her little rebellious nature he pulled her face in and jammed his member right past her lips.

At first Eevee tried to spit it out, but all she did was spit forth saliva that soaked his cock and dribbled down her lips. The little vibration actually gave Vaporeon some satisfaction before he began to hump into her maw.

"If you want this over quickly then suck you little bitch!" He snarled.

Eevee didn't suck at first, she was struggling trying to catch some air. She could only breathe through her petite little nose that only brought in more of that musky male pheromones. She gagged initially and tried to speak muffled words but Vaporeon only responded by bapping her on the head. She knew what she had to do.

Her tongue swirled around Vaporeon's surprisingly warm shaft. She pretended it was like one of those ice creams that humans gave her at the park. It was warm though, and very bitter. It was like licking a raw Durin berry. Vaporeon couldn't care less though, he merely sighed contentedly as he rested a paw above her fuzzy little head to pull her in whenever she pulled too far back.

The three were now a harmony of pushing and pulling. Eevee began to feel inebriated from the thick pheromone that she had been breathing in for too long. Slowly but surely her mind became a blank slate, one that only cared of the hot sticky feeling the rods provided for her.

Espeon and Umbreon's humps began to fall out of sync. They knew she was loving it, and no longer felt the need to limit her to one cock at a time. Espeon's cock would pleasure her and slam her cervix with its pre-soaked tip as her walls would squeeze and form around it to better massage him.

At the other end Umbreon's cock would rub along nerves and a certain spot that seemingly made Eevee more wet from her pussy. His cock was large enough to provide some stimulation along the nerves of little tight cunt as well and made it feel like she was getting fucked in the pussy simultaneously.

Vaporeon's cock lost that initial bitter taste. Her maw went numb from sucking on Vaporeon for so long. She disregarded it though and sought to suckle and caress his member with loving strokes of her smooth, warm tongue. She desperately wanted to taste his salty pre and craved for it like milk.

Vaporeon sensed her change in attitude and merely stared down at her sloppy face with a smirk. He was getting close now, the fact that she was being more open and receptive to their treatment enhanced the experience for him. He could also tell the other two were close as they grunted between humps.

All three were silent, nothing could be heard but the lewd slick sounds of 'Eon cock slipping in and out of Eevee from all three holes. She was a toy for them now, a bitch whose heat was being satisfied by three capable males. She didn't care about herself anymore, she didn't even notice that the rain outside the cave had passed. She didn't worry about anything. She just wanted to feel good, to feel those cocks fuck her virgin nerves and make her pussy wet, her ass stretch and her stomach full of hot male seed.

Espeon was the first. His paws reached up to tug Eevee down as he hilted her and jammed his cock all the way inside of her pussy. With a sudden gasp his cock spurted its thick seed directly into her womb. Eevee shuddered as she felt the hot stuff fill her up. Her belly grew cozy from feeling the creamy spunk impregnate her womb. The sensation alone was enough to push her over the edge and cause her to ejaculate her lady juices all over Espeon. The fluids dampened his lilac fur and pushed his cock out with sheer force causing a couple squirts of cum to spill onto her brown belly.

Umbreon was next. No longer needing to position himself awkwardly for Espeon's sake his paws gripped around her waist tightly before he began to pound against her ass at high speed. The rapid movements made an echoing thapping noise that caused Eevee to squeak against Vaporeon's crotch.

His cock was slamming against her, milking her Skene's gland and causing her to grow wet in the pussy despite his cock stretching her tail-hole. In fact it felt like he was fucking her right in the cunt and ass at the same time, his cock was large enough to stimulate both nerves. Her pussy dripped with cum as Umbreon caused her little body to sway back and forth.

She shuddered again. She felt that sensation to pee rise up faster than before and soon she was ejaculating her fluids against Espeon almost immediately afterward. Her little body buzzed with bliss and provided the needed added pleasure to Umbreon who pulled out to spray his own musky seed all over Eevee's furry back. A pool began to collect and soon her brown and white fur grew sticky with the Umbreon's essence.

Vaporeon was last. He smiled down at Eevee who was clearly enjoying herself. Espeon had dragged himself away as Umbreon stepped back. Now that he had her to himself Vaporeon held onto her head with both paws and uttered three words.

"Swallow every drop."

He then began to fuck her maw, his cock slid down her throat and caused her to gag. He treated her maw like a pussy, and Eevee was both hating it and loving it. She was submissive, and willing to satisfy Vaporeon. She clenched her eyes shut and endured it while she tried to swallow and milk his cock to obey his orders.

Eevee's embarrassment grew when she somehow felt that familiar peeing sensation develop once more. Her little ears splayed when she heard chuckling from the other 'Eons as she ejaculated one last time onto the cavernous floor below.

With a final grunt Vaporen delivered a powerful thrust against her maw and squirted out his sea-salty cum straight down her throat. Eevee coughed at first and tried to pull away but Vaporeon kept her head buried against his crotch. It proved too much, and soon cum began to shot out from her nose as she struggled to swallow every drop.

Once he was finally satisfied he pushed Eevee's head and let her fall back onto the floor below. She was left in a puddle of their fluids, her little body panting and trying to catch breath as her unfocused eyes remained open like a corpse. The three walked up to her, smiling and looking as intimidating as ever to Eevee.

The three nodded at each other before Umbreon laid on the floor. Eevee's eyes gained life once more as Espeon forced her back up onto her paws with some of his psychic influence.

"Wh-what's going on?" She asked barely above a whisper.

"You didn't think we were done, do you?" Espeon replied.

"You have to satisfy us again, we all get a turn pleasuring each hole!" Umbreon added.

"And after that we have to take you back to our land! Females are highly treasured there you know..." Vaporeon whispered ominously before he mounted her from behind. "So get comfy. It's going to be a long night for you..."

Queen of the Earth

This request was for Colossal Fighter a while ago. Inflation and soft vore ahead! The large Nidoqueen bellowed out a large roar and stomped the rocky ground below. The ground shook with tremendous tremors that the brave Audino warrior stood upon....

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A Sudden Change

The young Minccino was running away on all fours from the trainer's Pignite. She heard the human bark out another order before she felt the air heat up once more. She tried jumping out of the way of the Pignite's flame charge but it was to no avail....

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Trapped and Cornered

Light watersports near the end! So beware if it's something you'd like to avoid. The alarm clock buzzed loudly and pulled me out of some heavy dream. I already forgot quickly what it was about when I sat up in my bed. Lazily, I walked to the bathroom...

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