Forest find

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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Wondering what a wolf healer finds in a forest? He found a warrior.

It's been a while but I've got a story request down! Haha! This was a story request from my kiriban in FA. I hit a milestone of 20k pageviews and got the first request.

Forest find

*Clink Clink Clink*

"That's it? That's all I get for a measly stone? I had to travel over the mountain for this!" The agitated wolf growled angrily while counting down the coins, "I had to risk my life for this!"

A horse stood in full height; probably three heads taller than him had his arms crossed against his chest. Utterly not amused at his current patron and he was obviously in no mood to entertain any one. With those pair of muscled guns, there's no telling how much pain he could suffer but that was his rights. "An occupational hazard, I'm sure."

"It wasn't a walk in the park either!" He fumed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Look, perhaps you could tell me where I went wrong. At least from there, I could get the right one."

The man sighed and took the stones that were on the counter. Few days ago, he had posted a bill for delivery. He required a certain amount of materials for a sword but didn't have the time for it and now, this mingy mutt got him something else that wasn't in the list. It looked similar to what he wanted but not what he needed. "Look, kid. It's not the same stones that were in the bill. It's different, despite having the same colour. In fact, I'm paying you for something that I didn't need."

The wolf bit his lips, "And how am I to know you're not lying?" He was relentless.

This time, the horse sighed away, "Kid, I've been in this business longer than you'll ever grow up to be. Now begone, I have work to do."

He sighed in defeat and humbly took the small bag of coins that the horse gave. Albeit frustrated over such measly reward, it was better than nothing and he required them to live. This town was quiet and peaceful but that was all a façade. Plenty hides within the shadows and prey on wandering travellers that seek fame and fortune. Unfortunately, Markus looked like one. Carrying over his bag of supplies, he sulked away.

Perhaps being a healer wasn't all fun and games when it comes to survivability but he ain't built like a warrior or assassin either. Markus was just a grey furred wolf with black hue around his head and shoulder, an average body and nothing more. Not that he was completely useless or battle worn but he did learn a few moves here and there. It was better to know some than knowing nothing. Being as a wolf species, he was quick and fast enough to avoid attacks but none that required heavy running. However, what he lacked in all of this, he made it up with healing but that was probably due to his profession. Markus excelled as a healer and was constantly needed in every campaign.

However, no matter how adept he was at it, he was always the last to receive bounties. "All you did was stand at a distance and wave that pretty paw of yours while chanting. Meanwhile, we risk ours in the front line and start getting wounded. You've never been deeply injured by a sword before!"

Those words were usually uttered out after the end of it but no matter how much he tried to fight back, it was to no avail. Leaving the town with nothing but a few gold coins, he decided to search for that stone once more. He wasn't going to give up just yet and the reward for such an item was enough to feed him for a month. Bills like those rarely appear. At least now, he knew what he was looking for. Trudging through the forest, he retraced back his path but this time, with much determination.

A sudden roar had the jungle shaking with birds quickly escaping from any potential danger. Markus stopped in his tracks and listened attentively, trying to pinpoint its location. It was common to hear grunts and groans within the vicinity but there's no telling who or what could be lurking about and with him being just a healer; he wouldn't be able to fight off a group of bandits. Another cry had him wincing away. This was definitely the sound of an injured warrior.

"Do your worse!" The voice roared defiantly, "Fuck!! Argh!!"

Snrkt!! Crack!!

That was definitely the sound of bones breaking! Markus winced and cringed at the same time. Should he really interfere or just pretend he heard nothing? The latter sounds tempting but with the former, it meant fulfilling his duty as a devout healer.

"Shit!! That's all you got! Argh!! C-C'mon!!"

The wolf gripped his battling staff and sprinted off towards the direction of that voice. Probably just a few steps away and true enough, there stood a monster as tall as a house. With hide thick and rough, normal attacks would be rendered useless. Sharp teeth and claws that may have caused the warrior to yell out in pain but what sent fear coursing through his body was the hungry and pissed off monster. It practically drooled when a second meal had come running along, "Holy fucking shit!"

"Get out of here! Now! That's an order!"

Markus turned to the severely wounded warrior and from the looks of it; this may take a while to heal. "Not with you like this!"

An earth shattering roar had them both on the alert. The warrior picked himself up, grimacing at the pain that had stabbed his body. He was built like a brick house and being in the bovine gene pool helped tremendously. Clothes and armour ripped apart, revealed much of his upper torso and from there, Markus knew that this was a hunk in the making. The wolf had to slap himself from imagining this man in full strip and was swift enough to dodge another death blow.

"Get the fuck out of here or so help me, I will rip you apart!" The bull spat as he held on to his injured rib, "You can't do shit against his monster."

"But a support is better than no support. I'm a healer, okay? Just hang in there." Markus yelped and leaped away once more as his now opponent slammed against the ground again, feeling tremor underneath. A bright shimmering light emanated from his right paw as he concentrated on a simple light spell and it quickly hovered to the warrior, slowly regenerating. "Just keep up for a little while. Distract him while I'm at least done healing part of you. It's going to be far more difficult with this bastard coming for me."

The warrior grunted and breathes in deeply, feeling the slow and cooling heals of that light. "I can do that but it ain't gonna kill it. This has no known weakness that I could find."


"Fire? Are you fucking kidding me? If a sword couldn't penetrate through that thick hide of it, do you think fire works? I think not!" He scowled.

"Will you stop and listen for a minute?" Markus cast another quick heal and this time, his ace companion was slightly getting better. "But you need to get through his heart."

Without another word, the wolf propelled backwards and landed right on his feet, growled like a wild beast. The sound of sword clashing against the monster was heard and he took this as an opportunity to cast its elements. A ball of red glow gathered on to his paw and was immediately fused with that weapon, heat flowing from the tip towards the bottom. The bull smiled and had his fighting stance ready, arms up and legs wide apart, eyeing on to the monster as he found an opening.

True enough, an opportunity arises and with a spine chilling roar, he charged and had it in the right position. Tip of the sword pierced through that thick skin but it took more than just a normal thrust. The bull had to exert even more as the blade hissed, smoke rose from all over and before he knew it, the monster flailed around furiously. He was knocked back and slammed next to the nearest tree. Markus growled and made his way towards the now unconscious bull.

"Get up! This isn't over!" The wolf shook away, slapping against his cheek. "Get up, get up! Oh god!"

It continued to go on a rampage and from the looks of it; it was far more injured that it could ever be. The sound of that roar could have alerted the whole nation and if he didn't know any better, the town that he visited earlier on would have guards coming towards their directions within minutes. He couldn't linger here any longer or else questions would be asked and he had no answers to them. But it wasn't easy! This man was heavier than a sack of potatoes and the only way he could at least budge him off was to drag away and he wasn't going to do that for miles. Trees were beginning to uproot and felt like the world was changing. A large circle of them were gone but the monster didn't go far. Its breathing got heavy and blood drizzled down its mouth, trying harder to stay alive but its time was up.

The monster roared aloud and fell to the side; the ground trembled under its weight as it gave out its last and final breath. Both fighters looked at it and despite its death from all those damage, there's no telling what kind of tricks this monster could be hiding. But from the looks of it, it doesn't seem to move any longer. Then again, another problem had risen. Rustling of trees and loud voices echoed in the distance and it was getting closer and closer. Markus bolted off as quick as possible and the bull followed along. They knew not where they were headed to but as long as it's away from this place.

They travelled for a while and finally settled down on a safe and beautiful clearing, away from that monster corpse. "That was rather intense, don't you think?" The warrior gasped as he caught his breath.

"Heh... Guess you can say that." Markus craned his neck and loosened up those sore muscles, sweat wiped off with the back of his paw. "C'mon, we gotta clean up those wounds. Come, get."

The bull chuckled for being treated like a child. It was rare for him to have such hospitality and it was rather unusual to him. Armour stripped off and now revealed a very much toned and muscled body. His arms were bloody from top to bottom and took no heed from it. Each relative movement had him winced in pain and from the looks of it, this was going to be a long evening. The warrior finally got down to his undergarments, stretched out as much as possible without feeling the pain that may have surged through his exhausted body.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw the wolf peeking like a child drooling over a candy. It was to no surprise that he got this much attention and he kinda got used to it. Whenever he visited a village, be it for trade or leisure, plenty would turn their heads and admired the powerful bull. Yet, he found it exciting rather than creepy. Now, he's got the heartfelt gaze of a shy canine healer. "He never changed..." He whispered softly.

The nearby river was clear and pristine with not a hint of dirt but a single wolf contaminating it. He was down to his loins and from what he could deduce; he was not just a stereotype healer. Most healers he'd known were skinny and frail, constantly waiting to be saved. Granted, healer class does not bear much resemblance on the beefed up stature but they'd at least train themselves in order to hold on. The bull gritted his teeth as a sharp dull pain stabbed against his side. Damn, he suffered far more injuries than expected.

Markus saw the warrior in pain and came to his aid, casting another simple spell to soothe the ache and pain. "You shouldn't exert yourself too much or else it'll slow down the healing process. How are you feeling right now?"

"Ungh... Just... peachy..." He replied in pain while dipping his right leg into the stream. An instant jolt of cold water spiked but in seconds, he was enjoying it all. His sore muscles thanked him profusely and the blood and dirt that caked his muscled frame were finally washed off. "So Markus, I see that you've been training."

The wolf stopped on his tracks and stared at him like he'd just grown another head. "Excuse me?"

He stifled a guffaw as his muscles were massaged gently, "I know who you are and you've not changed much. Though, you were a shy puppy back in the village. Always alone and looking at the other kids playing from the window."

"Do I... Know you?" This time Markus was genuinely curious.

"Name's Gorith by the way," the bull relaxed against the riverbank while he smirked knowingly. If that didn't trigger any memory, he had more than just one up his sleeves.

Markus was wide eye at this point and stammered profusely before finding his voice. "Gorith? Fuck! You mean THAT Gorith? The one that's popular with all the ladies back in the village and constantly helping around Gorith?"

"Seems like you've remembered me now," the man laughed away, "And I remember you as well. You always shy away from me."

If only the ground would open up and swallowed him whole right now. He blushed openly and the only way to cover up was to cower away behind his paws. The wolf had a major crush on the massive bull when they were still teenagers and as they grew up, Gorith was at the top of his game. Girls flocked around him and constantly offered for a hand in marriage but he always declined them all. Till then, he was like a chiseled God in the making. Men wanted to be like him and kept bugging about it but once more, he paid them no heed. As time goes by, Markus had grown fond of him and it didn't helped that the fact that they were neighbours.

Every other morning, he would watch the handsome bull chop firewood and constantly admired him from afar. It may have been young love but it made him swoon always. It took a lot of guts to make eye contact and when he did, was always tongue tied about it. Gorith would laugh and encouraged him to get out of his shell but he'd, once more, shy away. Despite all that, Markus took that to heart and with it, he was now an adequate healer. It has been years but time had a funny way of making fate up. It wasn't a surprise that the hardened bull would take up warrior as a job profession and... by the Gods... he was far more masculine than he was while a small calf.

Gorith continued to smile and started making small talks. It has been years from then on and judging from the looks of that blushing wolf, he still had a crush on him. He wasn't very subtle about it, always trying to get his attention, giving in gifts once or twice and not to mention countless stares. Through the years, Markus didn't change much but he was far more outgoing than usual and his healing definitely improved! His body was lax and could have slept in the river if he wanted to but that would have bothered the wolf thoroughly. Even now, he was having a hard time keeping his paws from shaking.

Somehow, his body was responding to something completely different. Thank god for being underwater because right now, as weird as it seemed, he was trying to conceal a hardening erection. Perhaps it was the healing process because this doesn't feel like any normal procedure that he was used to. Most magic had him growling and snarling in pain but this had a warm and gentle feeling to it. Gorith looked at him with genuine concern. "Question: why are you here?"

Markus had his paws along the man's wounded shoulder, "To fulfill a quest. Some smith posted a bill about a much needed material and I thought I could get it by myself."

"Where?" He questioned.

"Up above this hill. I got through it but apparently, it wasn't the right stone. So now, I have to get up there again and get the right one." The wolf growled in annoyance from the horse smith.

"I'll help."


"I said I'll help," Gorith clasped his large paw against the other, "I'll help you with it and we'll be on our way."

"But the prize... I'd want it to myself..." The wolf replied sadly.

"Take it all. Consider this as my payment for keeping me alive. At that very moment, I thought that that was the end of me but you helped me get through and I'm gonna do the same for you," the bull grinned from ear to ear.

Markus was stunned at that right moment and was lost for wards. The man that he had a crush on for several long years was offering to help and this meant journeying up a treacherous hill! Fuck! Gorith raised his right paw up to shake. The wolf gulped a mouthful of saliva and accepted the offer. From there, Markus would have went weak on his knees but kept his composure. If this was a dream, he'd never want to wake up and fortunately, it isn't.

Just as they've cleaned themselves out, it was time to hit the road but not without a bagful of supplies. Once everything was set, they were on their way. Thankfully, the weather was just right and encountered not a single bandit attack but that was probably due to the presence of the bull. Nobody would want to mess with that! The road was easier compared from Markus' previous trial and soon enough, they were about halfway through the hill. There were several paths that needed more brawn than brain and Gorith was more than willing to help. In the end, the bull was out of his armour and had to drag it along as he sweat profusely.

Night had begun to roll in and camp had been set up. Cool air wafted and brushed against their fur, having both men shuddering from the caress. Fire was lit and dinner ready, Markus couldn't stop his heart from racing. Seeing the bull after years apart had resurfaced old feelings of nostalgia and puppy love. Gorith was friendly enough within their journey and had been a great help but it wasn't long enough to spend tuality time with. They ate in silence and the bull could feel the tension in the air.

"Something on your mind?" He asked while chomping down another mouthful of food.

"Nothing..." Markus replied slowly.

He was lying and both of them knew it. Nothing comes across as lying through their teeth when the word 'nothing' comes out. Gorith was silent as well and the sound of crackled woods burning was the only melody between them. Evidently, he couldn't take it anymore. He knew that this mutt had a heavy crush on him since they were teenagers and judging from how he acted, he was either afraid of talking or just plain shy.

"Markus, you're not very good at lying. Not ever since back then and will never till now. Tell me what's wrong. You've been a little distance after telling you who I am."

The wolf lets out a huge sigh and nibbled on his dinner, "Just thinking about the journey and what do we do with the money once we get back."

This time, Gorith wasn't going to sit and look at the wolf sulk away. If he wanted him, the boy better suck it up and confessed. He placed his remains of food down and leaned in towards the wolf backed up a little. "I know that you like me and don't lie about that as well because your eyes speak differently. Those small little peeks that you took, it wasn't very subtle."

Fear and surprise had Markus shaking under his pelt but what came next was unimaginable. The bull had his large paws behind his head and pulled him in for a full-fledged kiss. Their lips met but he did nothing. Eventually, the more dominant male had to show him the ropes. Tongue pried open those slightly dried lips and once successful, had canine groaning under his ministration. The wonderful touch of another male had him weak and as he tried to process all of this, his lustful urge for the man grew. Everything about him was just as he dreamed off every other night before.

His paws roamed about and unconsciously landed on to the bull's massive pectorals. Strong and sinew, just the way a warrior should be and with the help of genetics, that man was on his way to be a perfectly sculptured model. Seconds turned to minutes and Gorith pried himself off, leaving an out of breath mutt to himself. "Now you'll tell me what's wrong?"

Speechless beyond comparison, Markus touched his lips and had to pinch himself. "What was that?!"

"That was kissing," the bull said as a matter of fact.

"No! That's not what I meant!" The wolf was panting by now and his heart beats quicker, "I mean... Why did you do that?"

"To ease your heart and fulfill your deepest fantasies. That was to open you up... and this..." Mighty paws grabbed hold on to him and kissed his cheek, gently brushed his lips upon those sensitive ears. "This is how you show whose dominant... and this... to accentuate your desire."

His rough paws were more than enough to have him shivering under such circumstances and added with that sand papery tongue of a bull, it was nearly enough to have him reach orgasm. Markus grunted and whined like a little puppy but that only fueled the bull even more. Each touch was as rough as he imagined it to be and each kiss was a dream come true. By then, Gorith had him eating out of his paws. He lowered even more and the strong musky scent of canine assaulted his senses. He wasn't an amateur when it came to sex and he knew how a man works. A simple caress of their nipples would have them moaning for more and he knew how to get to it.

The wolf is no different.

Markus was completely helpless by now and a simple tug from his layman trousers had it flopped on to the ground. To his enjoyment, a simple throb of an erected maleness greeted him and he smirked all the more. The wolf whined and had to grab hold on to the male before he fell over. "Gorith! S-Stop!"

"Don't you want this?" The warrior paused momentarily as he looked into his eyes, "Don't you want a piece of me? Don't you want all of me since the beginning?"

"Gorith... I-I do... just that... t-this is going all too fast and we just met!"

The bull pulled off and shook his head. "Look at me and see if we've 'just met'. Both of us have known each other since we were kids and now you're telling me that we've just met? What kind of joke is this?"

Markus had to smack himself silly for saying that. "No. That's not what I meant... What I meant is just... Gorith... you..."

His words were practically eaten up when the muscled warrior undressed every piece of garment that was laid on his body. Not a strand of string was left on him and he stood nude in the open. Presented was a strong man that was spoken by the Gods themselves because everything about him was beautiful. Nothing more could be said and here he was with both biceps flexed away, showing off every valley of muscles that he had sculptured in his past days of working hard. If that wasn't enough, a hard and bouncing cock was there for his enjoyment. Never once did Markus saw the man fully naked before and to have him aroused in this state was truly magnificent.

Gorith laughed and came in closer once more but this time had the wolf down on to the ground. His large body loomed over him and clasped on to his healing paws, gripped upon them tightly. Their cocks rubbed against each other and the bull purposely made it that way to have his submissive male agree to it. Markus gulped down and panted heavily, eyes seeking refuge on words that could make this entire event stop but nothing was coming out. All he could mutter was several undeciphered sentences that Gorith took no heed in.

"Tell me, once more, with every fiber of your body that you want this. If not, I'll stop right here and we shall never speak of this again. We will finish this quest and shall depart thereon. What is your will, Mr.Healer."

Markus couldn't stop himself from saying no because deep down, he wanted this and given the circumstances, there was no reason to decline. The wolf bit his lips and looked away. He couldn't tell the truth but Gorith knew his desire. "I will take care of everything. Markus, look at me, please."

The shy wolf couldn't afford to look but after several seconds, he did. "Gorith... if this is just for your own personal enjoyment, I do not want to be a part of it."

The man smirked and nuzzled on his neck, inhaled a hefty amount of musk from him, "This is not personal nor is it out of pity. This is my true feelings. Heck, you stupid mutt, I've been secretly crushing on you. Don't you know that?"

"How could I when you're so fucking busy with everything in the village. We need this, oh great, we can call the big man. The head village needed muscles, good, we can call Gorith. Someone needs to organize a big wedding, Gorith to the rescue." Markus was slightly agitated at that.

"It is true that I do all those things but I do it for the sake of the village. I'm sure you've seen the way I treat the ladies. All of those disappointed face after turning them down. Some men even asked me personally about having them as partners but I declined all of them," the bull licked his ears and nibbled at them gently, quickly calming down the wolf, "I decline them all because of you. You struck me as a man that is mysterious and I like that. Everyone came after me except you and that makes you different. Much different from the rest and you didn't disappoint me at all right now."

"Gorith... Ah..." His voice was now shaking and so was his body.

The hardened warrior showed a lot of promise and Markus was willingly accepting such ministrations without any qualms. By then, the wolf's body was responding likewise. Each of their scents lingered in the air that a single whiff had them growling away like savage animals. The bull went southwards and claimed his mighty prize but never missed a beat along the way. His form wasn't sinewy like his counterpart but the tone and definition that this man had was enough to have him salivate. Each lick and kiss on his torso elicits a warm and inviting moan that says everything is going great. Soon, he was down to a substantially large phallus and it didn't disappoint.

Markus drooled with tongue rolled out, his paws clenched and slammed on to the ground as this amazing feeling had him yearning for more. The warrior was good... too good in fact and his powerful paws didn't went idle at all, not even for a second. It was rough and coarse as he caressed against his chest and abs, all the while having his cock warmed up. Gorith licked on that beautiful cock head and it sent shivers down the wolf's spine. His tail was wagging uncontrollably by now and slowly turned into a craving pup, enjoyed those wonderful laps that were given to him. The man's encouraging moans was enough to kick into gear and the tip was fully engulfed immediately.

Camp fire burned and danced in flames, heated up their breeding ground and they minded it not one bit. Up and down that expert muzzle went and heavy laps on tongue instantly coated that shaft. It was slick enough to give a decent pawjob and the bull was more than happy to do so. His loud slurps and smack of lips had an after effect to it and it showed how much he was wallowing in this sensation. Fingers rubbed against a forbidden part of the wolf's body and Markus had to yelp out of the sudden intrusion but let off a sigh of relief when his love button was hit.

Gorith had planted a finger deep within the wolf's bowels and it didn't take much effort to have him craving for more. That engorged shaft throbbed and leaked profusely as rivulets of pre ran down from the tip. It was definitely a gorgeous sight to behold and both males were very much eager to get to the next step. It was then that Markus had to take things up a notch. He sat back up and leaned towards the crush of his life and gave a peck on to his lips. "Alright, I admit. I wanted this for the longest time. So now we have set an agreement, how about we get comfy and set off for a big round of mating."

"Oh ho! I love this turnabout!" The warrior carried the healer up and cradled him in his arms, walking over to the tent that they had set up. "I will make you remember me, always."

"You promise?"

"I promise," leaving a kiss on his forehead, "And in more ways than one," and this time, a growl of dominance. "I want that piece of ass and you're gonna give it to me."

Markus growled in tune, "What if I don't?"

"I don't have to worry about it. You'll just give it to me on a silver platter," Gorith smirked and gently laid the wolf down, his body still, by far, larger than him.

Markus would never deny this but he wanted this more than anything else. It was like a dream come true, to have the man of his dreams come sweeping him off his feet and in one way or another, returning the love. Inside, they were slightly cozier than the outside and it helped with the atmosphere. It wasn't too hot nor was it too cold but just right. Their radiating heat and musk could have attracted thousands of bitches in heat and fortunately, none present. Gorith hiked both of his legs up and got a full view of that pink pucker hole. It looks unused but he wasn't too sure.

He did felt tightness present when he got a finger in there but to accommodate such great length of a bull may not be enough to open up. Gorith started inhaling a massive amount of scent that permeates from that hole. So much so that it had a huge effect on him. He leaned forward and started tonguing out that bubble ass. Spreading out as much as possible to gain better access and soon enough, he got a simple rhythm going. Markus clenched and unclenched as much as possible as those powerful sensations kept crossing through his mind, trying to ease the pain that was beginning to hurt.

The bull, by now, had his eyes closed and enjoyed every nook and cranny of that beautiful ass. He didn't get to see many asses these days and out of everyone that he had related to, Markus definitely was one of his top ten asses that need to be ravaged. Copious amount of pre leaked from the wolf's cock and drizzled down towards his chest, making a puddle of in between them. "Gorith! Oh god! Fuck! Did you learn how to do that all by yourself?"

He knew that the wolf was shuddering in pleasure but he kept silent. Secrets like this shouldn't be revealed and that got another evil smirk from him. "You think that was good? Wait till you've got at least ten inches of bull meat lodged inside your ass, and then you tell me what you think."

Markus trembled from his words and gulped down loudly, "Please be gentle down there..."

Gorith had those legs hiked against his massive shoulders and carefully aimed his cock against its destination. "Alright... this is gonna hurt but you're a strong wolf, no?" The obvious tip of that mammoth shaft pressed against his entrance and Markus shuddered from it all. He didn't know how this was going to fit but thankfully, with how much pre the bull was packing, it was good enough to slip right in.

It has been a while that his back entrance was used and this wasn't going to be easy to take in. A small glimmer of light glowed from the wolf's paw and hovered towards his cute tail hole. The familiar soothing warmth was pressed against it and within seconds, he felt slightly numb. Markus trembled and wrapped both of his arms around the bull, looking intensely towards him and never batting and eye. Gorith gave a knowing smile and quickly got in, spreading it all and the tip slipped through like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Great amount of moans and howls echoed in the forest and with how large the initial penetration was, this may take a while. In and out he slipped but the pain was subdued from the light magic. If anything, it helped to ease at least half of that massive length and the bull had no qualms about it. As long as the lustful healer got what he wanted, he was more than happy to provide. Markus winced for a moment and the dominant man saw how much he was in pain despite his healing spell. His eyes closed shut and arms clinging on like a drowning man. Everything seemed to be a haze to the wolf and all he could think off was the tightness of his clenching hole.

Gorith grunted and shoved another inch and by then, he was down to the base, balls slapping against the other. "Fuck... wolf... you... ungh!"

Markus hissed and clawed against the back of his bull, "Just let me get use to you. You're not exactly small, which is good!"

The bull laughed for a second and gave him a simple kiss. Markus blushed at such intimacy and from the way the massive male was moving and landing in small little interest; he was pretty much in love with him. "Gorith... do you like me?"

Those words were short and meaningful. Yet, unable to give a straight answer. He has been debating on this matter for quite some time now. Through the years in the village, it was just a simple crush but now with such kindling of fire and passion, it quickly blossomed into something more. "Not the perfect timing for that now, is it?"

"Mm... I could wait for your answer later,"

"That sounds like a great moment," he man grunted and pressed harder for another inch to bury inside. About half was taken up and it was good enough to have the bottom wolf filled with glee. A sudden thrust and push had the man whimpering for more as his pleasure senses was discovered. His cries were enough to encourage the bull to push in for another inch but the better man inside of him emerged. Sure, Markus was enjoying such treat but this meant nothing if he hurt him this much. He knew how hard it was to accommodate such a massive amount of meat and to cry out in pain and agony than pleasure was something that he didn't want.

"Markus, you alright?"

"Argh... j-just... give me a moment," hissed away as he held on tightly, never letting go. His breathed heavily with chest heaved up and down. Sweat streaked down his beautifully coated fur. His musk was getting stronger by the minute and it puahed the bull back into full force. Never had he been so aroused by such sensual aroma. He'd heard from the nearby village shaman that the smell and musk from another was the perfect indication that he or she was perfect for you. If you couldn't handle the smell that lingered on to them, you would never take it all for eternity.

Perhaps the old man was right about something here because no matter how much he had inhaled the wolf, even with his muzzle buried deep in between his tail hole or neck, he could never get enough of it. He even felt that the wolf was ready for more as his body relaxed and sighed aloud. A slow and rhythmic pace built up and the following tightness that enveloped his cock was something that he'd always wanted. Nothing speaks more of pleasure than having a tight hole surrounding your man hood and with woman, they were quite loose and open. Unlike a male, it tightens up and with those strong ass muscles clenching about, it was like a machine trying to milk away your semen.

Gorith snarled and gave another powerful thrust and this time had him down to the base, balls finally connected with the wolf's furry taint. Markus was held on and panted heavily, eyes closed shut as his guts were filled full with bull meat. "Fuck... stop... let me... oh Gorith..."

"Shh... it's going to be alright..." With the back of his paw, he brushed against his cheek lightly, planting a second kiss later on. "It's going to be okay."

The timid wolf nodded and tried his best to take it all in. Once again, it wasn't easy but he knew he could do it. He just needed time and true enough; the bull was beginning to slide in and out slowly, matched with their breathing. "Markus..."

His words were heard and never ignored. Markus closed his eyes and brushed nose against the other, "Y-Yeah?"

"In the past, I've actually always wanted you because you were unique, you were different. Girls and guys alike flocked around me but you didn't. You roused my interest so much that I was actually trying to gain your attention. I know that you've been trying to catch my eye and I acknowledged that. I just couldn't find the right words for this..." His voice trailed off.

Markus smiled and caressed against the bull's back, feeling up every valley of his strong muscled frame. As for the wolf, this was a dream come true. To have the man of his dreams wrapped around him, to be able to embrace into those strong arms and to never let go; it was truly something beautiful. "Now you've got my attention. What are you going to do about it?"

"Cheeky little bastard, ain't cha?" Gorith nuzzled and repositioned his hips to get a better angle. "What am I gonna do about it? You sure you want to know?"

"I do. I want to know what you are going to do about it,"

"Look at me in the eye, come on, look at me," his voice was commanding and not a question. The wolf did as he was told and what greeted him next was something completely different. He knew how handsome the bull was but never in this way before. Eyes crystal clear and as he gazed into his very soul, he found the man's inner feelings. To know an individual better, their eyes acted like a window to their heart and Markus could tell how much the bull wanted this as well.

Another push and as minutes goes by, they were patted into a perfect rhythm. Gorith would thrust in for a second and slowly pulled out and watched attentively as his cock emerged. There was something about this whole process that had him rock hard but he just couldn't pen it down but what he could note was how much the wolf enjoyed his companionship and sexual desire. For every wonderful prod that his now sensitive wolf was receiving upon each jerk, a ridiculous amount of pre had streaked down his pole and settled on his middle torso. The act itself was powerful and Markus couldn't even begin to describe how amazing this all felt.

Men after men had had him at the bottom but none like Gorith and he never fail to amaze him. Those strong arms were put to good use and memories of how he longed for the man began to creep but slowly hazed into reality. The toned wolf shuddered and pleaded for more but wanted to keep himself from being too desperate or submissive.

"I can't... keep going like this... shit you're tight!" The bull cried out and suddenly pulled the wolf upwards, hugging on to his body like a stuffed bear. "Gonna cum but I want to hold on to you as long as I can."

"Gorith... you can hold on to me any time, be it day or night." Markus winced at his new position and clenched his tail hole even tighter now. It left little to no room to move but he could work this out; instead of just sitting there idle, his hips begun to gyrate up and down upon that hard and thick pole. The man carefully slides off but kept that cock tip intact and tried to milk the man off. He knew that this was working because the warrior was gritting his teeth throughout the whole process and if he didn't know any better, he was trying to suppress his manly moans of joy.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Gorith clenched his teeth and clawed against the ground. This time, he was letting the wolf do all the work and he loved it all. He was usually the one fucking but to be in such position that had him moaning and helpless, it was uncommon. Bitches alike loved to take a ride on a good and strong bull but somehow, another male doing this felt different. Markus was taking control like he owned the bovine and his ass could take it all in. The pain had finally left and all that he could enjoy was pure pleasure. Constantly bobbing on up and down, his cock started spraying pre all over and the familiar feeling of cumming was beginning to show.

Harder and faster he went, both paws giving a deathly grip on to a pair of broad shoulders and the owner minded it not one bit. Instead, he was concentrating on holding off as long as he could but that piece of bubble butt was beginning to prove how much its worth. If this goes on, there's no telling how much longer he could withstand without fucking the brains out of him. Markus hissed and gave one last hump before clenching down to it, eyes dilated over and pleasure washed over him like a wondrous sheet. Several ropes of cum splattered on to the bull and it didn't stop there. On the third or fourth count it landed squarely on to his face and the rest faltered and wane, painting him white with seed. The actual act of cumming without touching himself was unusual and spectacular. There weren't many sex partners that he'd had within his journey that could make him cum hands free.

Unbeknownst to the wolf, his ass had massaged that cock to the point of orgasm and true enough, it filled his bowels up. Jets of bovine batter spread across his anal passage and it was too much for him to handle. The remains of it drizzled down his hole and painted against his back, marked not only his inside but his body as well. Musky scent of male and seed was far more powerful than before and both males loved the aroma till the end. Markus inhaled sharply and his body went weak, falling down to the man that held him on.

"Gorith..." His voice cracked and shuddered violently.

The bull panted and breathed in harder, watched as his beloved wolf nuzzled against him. "Fuck... I've not... you..." and words were lost in between them. He was trying to keep himself composed and as soon as his breathing came down, so did his cock as it softened inside.

"Gorith... Stop... You've yet to tell me what your feelings are," Markus whispered softly but didn't make eye contact.

He knew what that meant and now, perhaps, was just the right time for it. Gorith chuckled and leaned himself on to the ground, his arms kept the wolf close and despite his messy chest and abs, it didn't stop them from moving onwards. "You want to know what my feelings are? You really do?"

"More than anything," Markus moaned as his beautiful tail hole leaked ample supply of bull seed. "You just marked my tail as yours. Don't you think I at least deserved an answer?"

"The answer is yes. Yes, I like you Mr.Wonderful Healer and I plan to keep you that way," his words were quick, concise and not a hint of hesitation.

Markus blushed crimson and buried his face in between the bull's chest, nuzzled about as he finally heard those words that were hidden years ago.

Camp fire finally dwindled to amber and finally died; heat was lost but renewed within the two males. They slept that way and wanted nothing more than to be curled up to one another. Markus sighed aloud and finally felt safe in between the arms of his significant other. It took him longer than usual but in the end, it all paved out decently. The only problem here was feeling the cold breeze of the night and it sent shivers down his spine. His paw rose up and chanted a veil of protection as it lowered around them, covered around as they were now warm and toasty, shielded from the elements outside.

Looking back to the now sleeping warrior, he smiled and brushed against his muzzle, giving a small lick before cuddling closely. If this was a dream, he'd never want to wake up because what he wanted was now closed within his paws.