Play Date

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#49 of Commissions

Commission for heru

Nerdy Luke had become good friends with high school jocks Troy and Greg, one night when the three of them are alone though, Luke decides to use a little psychology on them to get them to play around after they get hot and bothered about failed relationships in the past...

"Play Date"

** **"Hey, hey Luke check this out!"

It was a Saturday night in Plexton Point, a small town just a few hours north of Washington. It was a small place, not even a spot was set aside for it on the road maps, which made it a very close town. Luke Doyle was... in most circles considered a nerd. He had an IQ of one-seventy-eight, he absorbed information like most computers absorbed data. He was also fairly scrawny for his age. He graduated high school at nine, he was even off at college for a few years, earning a degree in psychology. Maybe that was where he began to develop his interest in the human mind. Two very interesting subjects who had become his friends after being his childhood bullies were spending the weekend house sitting with him.

Troy was a lifter; he was captain of the high school's wrestling team. At nineteen, he is finally on his senior home stretch after being held back two years for a regrettable incident involving a cherry bomb in the principal's private toilet. He had feathered short blond hair and his arms were like tree-trunks with boulders attached to them. Currently, he was shirtless, showing off a ring he'd just gotten on his nipple, the flesh around it was still pink from the piercing. Luke found it kind of sexy, actually. But he'd always had a thing for bad boys like him. He bit down on his tongue as he waved his hands back and forth with a firm grasp on his controller as he played another round of "Slash, Kill, Destroy" the latest video game on the violent video market. Luke didn't really pay much attention to what was going on in the screen, he was just enjoying the company of his jock friends.

Greg was lying on his stomach across the daybed. He was dressed, though his clothes seemed to be a little tight. Greg was also a jock, but more of a runner; his lean, well muscled form was barely hidden underneath his shirt and jeans. The way he was laying pushed his shirt up just a little bit, giving a peek at his tan flesh underneath. Greg was one of the few not-white folks in the town that Luke always complained saw such a lack in diversity. Greg's black hair dangled low along his head and dangled over his eyes, the tips of his hair were highlighted to a blond color, giving it a distinctive change from the way it was originally. Most people mistook him for being Asian, but he'd said his family was actually Native American, and he was proud of it. He wore turquoise jewelry like it was going out of style and he even had a feather earring dangling from his left ear.

It was a slow night, in this town, Fridays and Saturdays didn't get as much excitement as it did in larger places. All the boys had were videogames and their own company to keep them from dropping off the radar into complete boredom.

"Dude, this is so lame." Greg moaned after his fourth loss in a row on the video game. He threw the controller to the ground in frustration. "I mean, there's got to be something better we can be doing than sitting on our asses playing games all night... again."

"Well, we could go down to Dean's." Troy suggested. "I could really go for a burger right now."

"You just ate like ten minutes ago." Greg said. "I was afraid you'd bite my fingers off every time I reached for a fry."

"Yeah." Troy resigned to the thought. "I guess I was a little ravenous."

"You're always ravenous." Luke said with a bit of a laugh. "In fact, when we first met, wasn't it you stealing my money to buy yourself a third lunch?"

Troy frowned. "I thought we'd never bring that up again. Besides, I thought you were just some geeky little brat out to get my girlfriend. She was always hanging out with you."

"Because... she was my babysitter." Luke frowned in his shame. "Jeeze, that sounded lame even before I said it."

"Besides, that was before we even knew we had to be worried about being naked in a locker room with you though. Right?" Greg said smartly.

"Yes, Greg. I was a fag when I was eight years old..." He paused. "Well... I mean... I guess potentially my brain could have developed my sexuality a little earlier than my puberty did."

"The way I remember it, Troy gave you a black eye for looking at his ass in the shower."

"And the way I remember, that was worse than the cherry bomb thing." Troy admitted.

Greg shrugged. "But I guess we got used to your twerpy ass." He said with a laugh.

Troy sighed. "Man. I could really use a lay. Thanks for reminding me you jerk." He said with a swat.

"Hey!" Greg responded. "Dude, I haven't even been with anyone for six months, and I haven't been laid in at least twice that long." He counted his fingers off. "Like... a year. It's a really long time. How long has it been for you?"

Troy couldn't suppress his blush. "I haven't really had a good lay since Candy." He admitted. "And even then I never really got anything out of it, we were done and she was like, yeah, whatever."

"Candy?" Luke asked. "Man, Troy. That was like three years ago, was that your first time?"

"No, no. That ain't right. Didn't you say you got some head over at that T.W. Truck Stop down by the highway?"

"Getting a blow job ain't the same as getting laid." Troy tried to defend himself.

"Whoa, whoa... wait. You actually got head over at the T.W.?" Luke asked casually. "Oh Troy, welcome to the world of faggotry." He teased.

"It was just one time..." Troy's blush deepened. "And besides, it could've been a chick. I didn't really even see the person."

"Was it in the men's bathroom?" Luke asked.

"Did you feel whiskers through the hole you used?" Greg added teasingly.

"Alright quit it! Get off the subject, yeah I got a blowjob by some random dude. Fine!" He exclaimed, waving his arms all over the place. "I was feeling a bit blue-ballsy and he just happened to have his mouth right there, so I fucked it. Alright?"

Luke and Greg laughed, and Greg slapped Troy's leg. "Dude, we're just messing with you, we don't care. Hell, I'd probably have a guy suck me off too. I mean we probably know what we like, right?"

There was a long, awkward pause after that as their chuckles faded a bit and fell into silence. "So wait, you serious?" Troy asked. "You'd really get sucked off by a guy?"

"I dunno." Greg shrugged. "I guess if circumstances were good, I'd probably do more."

"Will you two knock it off?" Luke asked. "You're starting to get me all bothered now." He admitted, the tent in his trousers was still hidden behind the couch.

"Right..." Troy said. "Yeah, right, let's change the subject."

"Alright. Cool." Greg added. "So, yeah. What was Candy's last name? Mitchell? Myrtle?"

"Mantz." Troy said. "Remember? Her nickname was 'Candyman'."

"Yeah. I remember, you said you scored with her on your first date."

"HA! Yeah I guess I did say that." He paused and frowned. "Though it was kind of a lie, she broke up with me on the third date because I was the one who wasn't putting out." He sighed. "I guess I just wasn't ready."

"You were fifteen and didn't want to have sex with a hot girl trying to get you in bed? Dude, you sure you're not full-on-fag?" He turned to Luke. "No offense."

"Hey. Come on. I am not." Troy scoffed between almost every sentence. "I mean... jeeze, me? Hey... think we can crack a window or something? Or can I take my shirt off? It's getting ridiculously hot in here."

"You already have your shirt off." Greg pointed out.

"Oh." Troy said, shifting awkwardly on the sofa.

"But you could take more off if you want." Luke added, getting askance looks from his friends. "It's not like we've got to worry about parents, right?"

"Hm. I... guess not." Troy said. "Alright then, but you two better not look."

"Perish the thought." Luke said.

"Hey, it ain't my thing." Greg admitted as Troy put the game controller down and stood up.

He unhitched the belt tied around his jeans and opened his button. He slid the fly down to the bottom and tugged his pants down. It was very apparent he was hard as a rock underneath those white briefs of his. The thickness of his muscle, the size of his hidden cock seemed to tighten the underwear around his ass, leaving a rather vivid line for his crack. He sat down and sighed a bit. "There, that's better." He said as he picked up the controller again. "I just needed to let off a little steam."

"I'll say." Luke grinned a bit as he attempted to turn his attention to the game on the screen. "And hey, Greg, if you wanted to, you could strip down too." He said. "Not like anyone's going to know."

Greg blushed, the color on his cheeks darkened immensely. "Yeah." He said. "I guess I could if Troy could." He said as he tugged at his dark red shirt and pulled it off.

Greg's body was slim and smooth; a perfect runner's build. He didn't have any piercings on his torso, his nipples somewhat bare against his flat, un-ripped chest, but he had a nice treasure trail that picked up just under his belly button that Luke couldn't help but notice. He could barely keep himself from clearing his throat aloud, anything that might interrupt this little social experiment was a bad thing right now. Luke was already so hard under his pants that he had unfastened his belt already and was just letting his trousers slide down his legs. He sighed a bit as he used a finger to push his glasses up the ridge of his nose some. He was trying to not pay attention to the sheer sexiness of Troy and Greg sitting practically naked on his couch, but the fact that when Greg's shorts finally came off to reveal he was wearing a casual pair of jockstrap underwear, he about lost it. Greg's package was thick and pressed firmly against the fabric, almost outlining it against the red color. His legs were a bit fuzzy below the knees, but it was apparent that their star runner was apparently between shavings at this time. Luke noticed that Troy had passed a curiosity glance to Greg before the two of them returned to their game. The house had gotten pretty warm indeed, and Luke was stepping out of his pants by the time his friends finally settled in together.

Luke had worked up the nerve and finally walked around the couch in nothing but his own blue briefs. His cock was so hard that it had actually climbed to a view above the waistband of his undies. Thankfully he was still wearing his shirt and that particular detail wasn't seen by Greg or Troy; he had to be sure that they'd be willing to have fun before he showed them that one. He casually sat down between the other two and leaned back. "So, what's the goal in this game?"

"Oh, it's a head-to-head game." Troy explained. "You play the part of a psycho killer and you have to decapitate more camp counselors than your opponent psycho. There's lots of cool rewards for things, like a 'Jason' mask if you get over a hundred heads in a single round."

"Or a 'Freddy' claw as a weapon if you burn down ten cabins or more." Greg added. "It's actually kind of a cool achievement grab game."

Luke leaned back and grinned as he put his hands down, cupping Troy and Greg on each side of him. They didn't seem to notice, but their expressions did change a bit. "Luke, what're you doing?" Troy asked.

"Oh, just enjoying watching you guys play your game." Luke said with a smile. "Besides you two looked like you could use a little distraction anyway." Luke coyly let his fingers slip under the top of their waistbands as he stroked his hands up and down. He could feel them throbbing, bulging, pressing to be released from their underwear prisons, and they weren't arguing. Greg and Troy were just trying to focus on their games as they were molested rather shamelessly. Turning his head to Troy first, Luke dragged his tongue along the man's bicep, making him jump in surprise he then sniffed at his pits, letting his tongue sink further into it. Luke's hand sank directly down the front of his shorts, feeling a trail of wetness that led down to the man's hairy crotch. He whimpered and adjusted.

"D-dude, quit I'm trying to play..." He said.

"Don't let me distract you." Luke said, leaning over and biting that gleaming nipple ring Troy had on. "Just keep playing." He said. Looking at Greg he smirked, a hint of jealousy was in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. "Don't worry, I'll distract you in a few minutes too." Luke said as he dragged the front of Troy's underwear completely down and openly ran his tongue along its length.

Troy tasted delicious, Luke thought. Musky, sweaty, he smelled like he'd just spent the day at the gym and his crotch was only recently cleaned of sweat. But as Luke's tongue lewdly slurped on Troy's balls, he knew that there was nothing that could completely 'clean' the manly scent from his undercarriage. He instead took his time to enjoy the taste before wrapping his tongue, then his mouth around the head of his cock and he completely started to slide himself down the length of his thick pole. "Nngh..." Troy let out a bit of a moaning grunt as Luke did this, he felt Troy's feet knuckle forward and pop some as the anxious cock began to twitch, and spit remnants of precum immediately into that warm mouth of his.

"Ha. I'm winning!" Greg said triumphantly as he looked at Troy getting a heavy dose of head from Luke, who was now on his knees on the couch. Blushing, Greg placed his hand on Luke's ass and began to rub it. His index finger found its way under the waistband and started to tug at it slightly, exposing Luke's nicely formed ass.

"OH! Look who's taken the lead." Troy said triumphantly as the distraction turned Greg's attention from groping Luke. "Nngh... damn this is hard."

"What, the level?" Greg asked.

"N-no, just trying to keep myself together as I get the soul sucked out of me here."

Luke smiled as he brought his face off the joust of Troy's shaft. "Don't worry guys, just keep doing whatever, I'm just enjoying myself, let me do all the hard work." He said as he left the aching cock alone, forcing Troy to pull his underwear back down and finally kicking it off his feet all together as Luke turned to Greg.

The tan skin was very attractive to him. Luke had noticed Greg had returned to his original position of lying on his stomach on the open couch, probably to dissuade Luke from taking advantage of him. But Luke had other tricks up his sleeve as he trailed his fingers along the small of the slim man's back, he leaned down and kissed at the smooth area of skin just above the waistband before grabbing it and running his hands underneath them. As these were jock underwear, the back was pleasantly exposed. Luke's finger trailed the crevasse of Greg's ass along the fault line and occasionally dipped down inside, making the jock instinctively tighten up. Luke smiled at this, he enjoyed how virgin Greg's ass was. He tentatively hooked his finger and began to press it against the warm rim of flesh found within the valley.

"He-hey... not fair." He said argumentatively as he squirmed around.

Luke chuckled a bit as he adjusted himself some, his bulge pressing against the top of Greg's head as he slid over him. "Since when has any of this been fair?" He said as he walked around the couch to the back and placed his hands on the bare ass. He pushed the flesh up and apart some, revealing the ass in its entirety. Unable to resist, Luke leaned down and his tongue immediately found the spot he was aiming for.

"Ahhhh..." Greg squirmed, feeling the slippery tongue worm its way along his ass as Luke's hands moved up and started to drag his jockstrap off the back completely. Greg moaned and yet tried to maintain his concentration on the game. His tongue came out of his mouth and he bit down on it slightly. "Nnnh..." He gasped as he felt Luke's tongue work its way along the fabric under his balls now too, and then back up as the underwear peeled back. Luke grabbed the flesh roughly and used his other hand to remove the underwear completely, dragging his down as well to make himself more comfortable. The loud sound of his tongue pressing wetly against Greg's flesh was enough to even distract Troy who cried out in vain as Greg finally won the round they were on. "Damn this boy's good at what he does..." He exclaimed finally.

"Ain't he though?" Troy grinned. "So, you up for another game? I'm sure Luke can wait for us to give him what he's got coming to him."

"Oh, you have no idea." Luke said, finally parting ways with Greg's ass. "So, you guys want something to drink?"

"I bet you do." Troy said teasingly, then silenced himself as Luke looked at him. "Erm... sorry."

"Nah, it's alright. I could use a drink, and I'll get something for you guys while I'm up." Luke stood up and stepped out of the room.

"Damn, man." Greg said, wiping the sweat off his brow. "I tell you something, he is really good with that tongue of his." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I dunno, I might even let him fuck me, if he wanted to."

"Hate to admit it, but me too." Troy admitted. "I mean but he's got to be a good fuck too, right?"

"Maybe. But I mean, he's always been bullied, he's been pushed around. Maybe he's just trying to get back at us or somethin--" He paused as a beer found its way into his hand. Luke smiled pleasantly as he reappeared.

"Here you guys go." He said. "And you don't need to talk about me like I'm not here. I think we could have some fun though if you'd just let me." He said as he sat down.

Troy frowned. "Well, I mean it's not like I'm not flattered or anything..." He paused as Luke seated himself on Troy's lap, pressing his cock against the jock's shaft. Coyly rubbing them together as he tugged on his nipple ring and licked his chest. "Fff-fuck... that feels good. How'd you do that?"

Luke smiled, pressing his chest against Troy's and he pulled him into a maddening kiss. Grabbing the man's hair, Luke's tongue thrust its way into Troy's mouth like it was entering a wrestling match. His hands grabbed Troy's hips as he pressed himself harder against him, making Troy growl lustily as he did. He hissed as their lips parted. Luke's hand lowered and found the stiff member, he wrapped his fingers around it and slowly started to stroke it. His tongue found Troy's neck, and it was followed by a short lived kiss that left that area of the flesh slightly darker. Further down still, Luke craned his neck down and nipped on Troy's nipple.

"Nnnf...fuck..." Troy whimpered a bit. His cock was jumping and twitching wildly in Luke's hand. "L-Luke you... I'm... you're gonna make me--NNGH!" He couldn't finish his sentence, instead, Troy jolted and started to cum. Thick strands of sticky seed sloshed between them, shooting up as far as their necks, pressing in between their chests as Luke kissed Troy once more. The spasming wasn't calming down much, there was definitely the juice to keep it flowing. As he broke the kiss he looked at Greg, who was already well into jacking off to the two of them.

Standing up, Luke began to stroke his cock as he walked over to Greg. Wordlessly, he approached Greg and kissed him. Their tongues mingled, first more in Greg's mouth, then into Luke's. Luke leaned in a bit, coaxing Greg to lay back on the couch. He hoisted his legs, setting himself in place between them. Looming down over Greg's face, he watched his eyes, then his mouth as Luke began to press his cock against the ring. "AHHhhhuhhh..." Greg moaned as Luke penetrated him. There was a tightness Luke felt as Greg's ass clenched around him and then loosened again. He was definitely a virgin, he cried out and Luke bucked into him again, making his hips rise off the couch again. "Ah-god... fuck!" He panted loudly as his arms grabbed the scrawny nerd's shoulders as Luke showed him what dominance really felt like. "AHH!" He panted loudly as he felt Luke plunge in once again.

"Damn, if he keeps this up I'm not going to last long..." Luke thought to himself, biting his lower lip as he slid in slowly and then finished it off with a strong thrust. He definitely never thought he'd be seeing himself here... oh who was he kidding? He's wanted this since puberty. "Nnngh...AHH! Gaddamn!" Luke cried out, suddenly giving in to his lust. He felt himself explode into Greg's ass. His sweaty back suddenly felt cooled by the exertion of his orgasm as he shook and humped hard into his friend. His hand stroking Greg's cock wasn't doing much, but then he got an idea. "Hey, Troy... want a turn?" He asked looking at the other jock, who was still hard, trying to orgasm again to get rid of his erection.

Eagerly almost, Troy got up. "You mean it?" He asked innocently, like a child being told he was allowed to stay up after midnight.

Luke smirked. "Sure." He said, and slowly, he pulled himself free, letting Greg fall limp against the couch.

Troy was certainly much bigger than the both of them, when he came over, he dragged the lubrication of his first cumshot along his shaft before abruptly turning Greg over on the couch. He spread Greg's cheeks apart with one hand before angling his cock inward and pushing it into the ring of pink flesh.

"AHHH!" Greg cried out, obviously from a man twice as big as Luke, it would take some readjusting. "Ah-FUCK!" He gasped as Troy moaned, pushing himself in almost halfway, then abruptly to the hilt, making him cry out even louder.

Luke grinned at this, two of the straightest men in high school now fucking each other eagerly. He grabbed Troy's ass and began to experiment with it by pressing his index finger into the flesh. Troy groaned and grunted, but he didn't seem to be agruing about it, letting the 'nerd' have his way with it. Luke began to rim Troy's ass now, finding that the musky aroma was even stronger from this end, he moaned and panted as he dove his tongue deep into the man's hole. It was even more of a thrill than sucking his cock, though he did also run his tongue down to Troy's balls on occasion, smelling the combined odor of both of them together as he did so. It wasn't long before Luke himself was standing fully at attention now. He leaned forward and pressed the tip of his cock against Troy's ass.

"H-hey... I don't know about--" Troy started.

"Oh, I do." Luke grinned as he pushed himself in harder, suddenly breaking the seal and slipping into the jock's ass.

"AHHH! NNNGH!" Troy grunted, clenching his teeth together as he realized that he was still fucking Greg. He leaned down, giving Luke room to work with. Luke climbed partly on top of the big jock who proceeded to fuck Greg underneath the both of them, panting as his pace started to pick up speed. His ass started to slide off and back onto Luke's cock who was barely managing to hold onto the jock's muscular hips. He watched them twitch and twist and he could feel the heat pulling back against his cock again and again, the low swinging balls like tetherball between Luke's and Greg's balls as he fucked and was fucked in return.

Luke licked his lips, aiding in the thrusting by bucking into Luke hard enough for Greg to feel it. For a time they were a mesh of one person, each timing the rhythm as they pushed deeper and deeper into each other. Luke placed a hand on his own backside, helping to stabilize himself by holding himself still and pushing in just as Troy's ass came back on him.

"AHHH! AHHH!" Greg screamed loudly as he suddenly came. Luke could pick up the smell of cum flooding the room, covering the couch in his musk as the other two quickly approached their climax.

"Nnnf...FUCK!" Troy belted out next, suddenly letting out a boisterous cry orgasming and shaking like a tree leaf as he did so. He lunged his ass back into Luke's cock, suddenly mastering his own muscles and tightening his anus around Luke, pushing him even closer to the edge. But no, he didn't want to end it like this, he wanted to give them something else.

Breathing mostly between his teeth, Luke pulled himself free and bade silently for Greg and Troy to turn around as he came. "Nnngh... AHH!" Luke grunted as he suddenly came. Sprays of white seed, then a few long strands of cum rope shot from his cock, coating both Troy and Greg's faces in a fine, thin layer of his translucent seed. Luke grunted and twitched, he bucked and breathed so heavily that he could barely stand without passing out. "Nnnghh... yes... that's it..." He panted, watching Greg and Troy really get into this. The two of them kissed, and each began to lap the leavings of Luke's cum off their faces as Luke's own climax slowly subsided.

It was laying there, in the mess of their own making that their senses finally started coming back to them. Greg and Troy didn't really speak much afterward, both too shocked, or too shy to say anything about what had happened. Breathing heaviliy, Luke finally managed to speak up. "So... who's going to be cleaning up this mess?" He asked. Troy and Greg looked at him, then laughed before grabbing pillows off the couch and throwing them at him.


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