Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 12

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#30 of Enochian

"Stop that now, Mister Zerrex... it's not doing anything to help you." said a gentle voice, and the Drakkaren's eyes opened in surprise to stare at Little Arcy, who was looking at him with great sadness from across the room, sitting on the cushion he usually used for reading. He blinked slowly, then crawled forwards towards her as she put her bookbag and teddy bear aside... and he halted, trembling, before she ran to him and tackled him, hugging him tightly around the neck, and he hugged her back, burying his face against her neck as best he could as he shivered violently.

The little angel sighed softly and caressed his side, nuzzling into his neck as she murmured softly: "Poor Mister Zerrex... look at you, just look at how messy you are!" She stepped back, grasping his thick muzzle and gazing over him admonishingly, and then she murmured with a flush as he looked over her quietly: "I'm sorry... but you were crying out for help and I had to come and see you, even if Heaven will reprimand me for this if they find out about it. Angels, after all, aren't supposed to go down to Hell, especially not to see demons... and especially-especially not to see the demon that killed them while they were alive."

"I'm sorry..." Zerrex murmured quietly, and he held out a hand â€" so huge compared to hers! â€" and she smiled faintly, taking it gently in both her little ones. His fingers easily covered hers entirely as they looked into each other's eyes, and then she leaned up and kissed his nose gently, before blushing deeply.

She leaned hesitantly forwards and kissed his lips gently... and Zerrex kissed her back as he wrapped his other arm around her, sliding it under her a bit to heft her off the ground as their mouths worked slowly and tenderly together, pulling her up against him, tasting her innocence as she breathed in his darkness... and then the kiss broke and they gazed into one-another's eyes as she turned beet-red and murmured: "I... I shouldn't've done that... Mister Zerrex, I'm sorry..."

"It's... it's fine." Zerrex stammered, and he swallowed thickly before pulling her tightly against his chest. Her little hands reached up and played through his hair, one arm wrapping around his neck and the other loosely pushing through the rough ivory strands, one of his arms under her little body and the other hand resting on her back as he kept her close, and they felt each other's bodies, each other's heat as he added in quiet murmur: "You're... you're beautiful, Little Arcy. You would have grown up to be a fine lady..."

"I would've grown up to be a spoiled fat chick." Little Arcy replied with a faint smile, and Zerrex laughed a bit as she stroked slowly under his muzzle, before whispering: "You let me retain my innocence... I should be thanking you for what you did."

"Don't... don't say that..." Zerrex swallowed thickly as he gazed down into the little white kitten's eyes, feeling a tremble run through his body. "I mean... I... I killed you. I took away the life you could have lived... I took away everything from you, I didn't give you anything."

He lowered his head slowly... and then Little Arcy shook her own with a faint smile, saying softly: "Lord Zerrex... death is just another experience, another part of life... and it leads to things that are both wonderful and terrible. Death is another path to enlightenment, happiness, and experimentation... death is simply another path to life, another chance to live. Look at the path you've chosen for yourself... you have died, but yet now here you live on as a demon... here you have grown stronger and stronger, despite the pain you face down..."

"But I'm still so weak..." Zerrex whispered, gazing into her eyes... and when she gently pushed against his chest, he allowed himself to fall backwards, carefully holding her sides as if she was a fragile china doll instead of an angelic prophetess, looking up at her as she sat quietly on his chest in her pretty little sailor's outfit, her hands grasping his muzzle with surprising firmness as their eyes locked.

"You will always be as weak as you are strong... it's the rule of balance, Lord Zerrex." she said quietly, gazing up at him with a mixture of sadness and what could be love. "So what if you are frail emotionally? You learn to cope... so what if you have trouble with magic? You do fine with your physical prowess, and you make up for it with your other strange abilities. And no matter how much they hurt you or you hurt yourself, you keep going, you keep fighting the world and Hell and even Heaven when you have to...

"Why don't you look at the good, or even at the necessity of your darkness?" She looked at him with sorrow, stroking his face gently before leaning over and kissing his forehead, before leaning back and looking into his eyes quietly. "I fell in love with you a long many years ago, Lord Zerrex... with your morals, your passions, your beliefs, and your dark and twisted soul. I look at you, and I hear them speak in whispers of the corruption of your soul towards demonkind... but yet what I see in your eyes is a demon spared the corruption of Hell, a demon who is free from the chains demons knit around themselves, a demon who will become powerful and strong, but will still always bear his mortality, will still always stand up for right and what he believes in and go against the Codes of Hell when he sees they are wrong..."

She trembled a bit, then leaned down, and they kissed slowly again, this time with a bit more force and hunger... and then she leaned back, breathing a bit harder as she whispered raggedly: "Lord Zerrex... Lord Zerrex... I... I never imagined this, never thought that one day, we would be here, like this, defying the laws and rules of Heaven and Hell..."

"Little Arcy... I... I can't..." Zerrex stared up at her with surprise as she stroked down his chest, seated so primly on his chest, the little three foot-tall at most doll-like girl and the enormous, eight-three demon made of bulging muscle and terrible scars... and then she smiled faintly and shook her head slowly as she silenced him with a gentle touch to his muzzle.

"It doesn't matter how big you are, or how rough you go... you won't hurt me..." she said softly... and then she slowly reached up and pulled off her hat, tossing it aside before carefully struggling out of her sailor's shirt... and Zerrex swallowed, staring as she slipped off him and walked over towards the futon, and she smiled over her shoulder as she wiggled out of her little miniskirt and the underwear beneath, kicking off her shoes last as she turned to face him.

She was smooth, her fur short, with little pubic growth and a tiny little vagina that was almost artistic on her tiny body... and the Drakkaren shuddered as he looked over her, opening his mouth quietly... but then he closed his jaws at the nervous-but-firm look in her eyes and he stood up slowly.

His trembling hands took a moment to undo the fly of his pants, but then he simply pushed them down with his boxers and stepped out of them, swallowing a bit as she looked impressed at the size of his huge, dangling shaft... and the Drakkaren felt almost ashamed of himself as he felt his member twitch once, grasping his flaccid penis as he felt it throbbing already under his grip and beginning to engorge... but Little Arcy only laughed quietly and stepped up onto the futon, before turning around and sitting down with her legs spread, saying softly: "It's perfectly natural, Mister Zerrex... I know you aren't much into the whole little girls thing usually, after all... so I appreciate your interest in my body. Don't worry, I'll only bleed a little bit... and I promise you... I won't let you hurt me, and I won't hurt you, either."

Zerrex nodded a bit, swallowing thickly as he stepped forwards onto the futon and kneeled down, stroking himself slowly as he felt his penis grow thick and hard... and she laid back, spreading her legs for him, revealing her small, little girl's sex. It wasn't like with the other girls... and when he looked at her, he thought of Cindy, he thought of his first time with her, of the ‘cleansing' sex they'd had together... and he breathed softly as he leaned over her and used the other hand to guide his huge shaft down, pressing the enormous head of his shaft â€" fuck, my penis is almost longer and thicker than her... oh Gods, don't let me kill her, don't let me harm her, this is crazy... â€" against her tiny little sex... and he thought desperately there was no way he'd fit...

She only smiled up at him, though, seeming almost to glow as her angelic wings faded into existence and spread slowly, her vagina glistening a bit as she flushed deeply and reached down to touch the head of his length... and her hand felt hot, felt good against the head of his shaft, and he couldn't help but slide his huge member up along her vagina and against her palm as she let out a soft sigh of surprise, feeling a bit of his pre leak out already. She massaged slowly and almost-hesitantly around the huge head of his penis, and then she murmured softly: "Whenever you're ready, just push into me, Mister Zerrex... and please don't worry about hurting me... just... just be gentle, okay? This... this is my first time with a demon... and with someone as big as you are..."

Zerrex nodded and swallowed a bit, breathing softly as he positioned himself against her sex again, and she rested back against the futon, gazing up into his eyes as he pressed firmly forwards against her lips, making her gasp a bit... and then she moaned loudly when he grunted quietly and thrusted hard.

She stretched, and he saw a bit of blood leak out as she bit her lower lip with a wince... and he immediately wanted to pull back, but he resisted the urge as she shook her head a bit, despite the fact he hadn't even penetrated her yet. She breathed softly, then nodded as he looked at her questioningly again... and he swallowed before leaning forwards over her and moving his other hand up from his penis to grasp her hip, and he thrusted hard forwards again.

But this time the head of his shaft slipped upwards instead, and he only ground his huge shaft firmly against her lips and body... but she moaned quietly in what was definitely not pain, licking her muzzle slowly and looking at him needingly... and the Drakkaren slowly guided himself back to her sex, and this time he gritted his teeth and thrusted hard downwards the moment his huge head touched her tiny entrance, and she let out a shriek of surprise and arched her back as her legs stretched ridiculously wide, as her back arched and her eyes bulged, and he let out a groan of surprise and shock as her sex stretched around his massive shaft... and he looked down at her with terror for a moment, seeing the impossible bulge in her body, already too deep to be healthy...

Little Arcy moaned after a moment, her legs twitching as she winced... but when he began to draw back, she shook her head and rasped: "No! Stop!" A pause, and she panted quietly before looking up at him as he leaned down over her in concern, his hands moving to grasp her hips tenderly... and she gently touched his face with one hand, saying softly: "I... I want it all the way in. Only stop when you're all the way in... no matter how hard you have to push or shove."

"Arcy... that... it's not possible..." He stammered... and then she put a finger against his lips, her eyes both pleading and somehow sure... and he finally nodded with a sigh and a tremble, unable to deny that at the same time... he felt an immense amount of pleasure. He leaned over her, closing his eyes as he spread his legs in a V, his huge navy testicles gently grinding against the futon as he pushed forwards with a grunt and pulled her firmly back at the same time, and she arched her back with another moan of pleasure and pain, that huge bulge in her body moving and growing...

He pushed harder as more blood leaked out of her stretched body, his eyes opening to stare down at her helplessly... and then looking shocked as the bulge moved, but ceased to grow. Yet at the same time, it felt like he was still being cradled tightly by her passage, like he hadn't damaged or torn through anything... and she looked up at him with half-lidded eyes, a tear leaking down the side of her face as she whispered: "More."

The Drakkaren pushed forwards again, jerking her hard back at the same time, forcing more than three-quarters of his huge cock inside of her as he leaned forwards over her, grunting hungrily and keeping his eyes on her, watching for any sign she wanted him to pull back... but her hips only bucked, and she moaned loudly that single word again, so he thrusted forwards hard, feeling the pleasure mounting at the same time. She was hot and tight, gripping him with a passage that seemed to massage firmly along his length as he forced inch-after-inch of a penis that was almost the same size as her entire body into her form... and finally, after what seemed like an hour, the widely-stretched lips of her sex kissed his waist, his testicles tapping gently against her buttocks as she panted hard beneath him, gazing up at him with a mix of exuberance, pain, and ecstasy.

She bucked slowly against him, making him grunt as he leaned his huge, masculine form over hers... and then he groaned quietly as she twisted her body slowly back and forth, exposing a sexual talent hidden by her childlike appearance he hadn't expected at all. He shuddered, his enormous muscles bulging and flexing above her as she gazed up at him, and then she whispered: "Mister Zerrex... please take me. Take me to a new world... make love to me, be gentle and kind... show me that warm, tender side that you've kept even here in Hell as part of you..."

Zerrex trembled violently, and then he nodded, arching his back so he could lean down and kiss her quietly... and she kissed him back as he took one of her hands into his own huge one, grasping it tightly as her other hand wrapped firmly around his wrist. She moaned into the kiss, their tongues dancing, breathing each other's breath as he began a slow and gentle thrusting, each movement long and powerful... but at the same time, tender and loving, despite the fact his shaft was soaked in her blood.

They moved together, her hips rocking gently back against every slow and long movement of his obsidian member, and as their muzzles drew gently apart, she gazed up at him lovingly as he looked back down into her eyes with deep affection. Demon and angel, killed and killer, moed together in chorus, their lips teasingly, chastely kissing again for a moment as she squeezed tightly into the huge hand that held her own with surprising gentility, his other resting on her hip as he moved firmly in and out of her body, his testicles patting quietly against her buttocks as she tilted her head from side to side and opened her maw in a long, quiet moan.

The Drakkaren watched every movement of the kitten beneath him, drew in the smallest flicker of her muscles, the way her wings twitched, and feeling his own body reacting in perfect time with hers. He felt her working back against him, always with equal force, and they didn't rush in their lovemaking: they felt no need to speed things up or move for the end, both succumbing to the wonderful bliss of the forbidden sex of child and older male, angelic being and unholy monster, innocent girl and murderous adult.

He began to speed up his thrusts after what felt like hours, leaning his body over hers and grasping her sides gently, feeling the movements of his huge shaft inside of her tiny body as she moaned quietly and pushed her hands up against his chest, shivering gently and beginning to breathe a bit harder as her own movements quickened against the huge male. They rocked and ground together, her body not crushed but snuggled and protected by his huge one, his testicles smacking quietly against her lower body as he began to angle her up a bit, lifting his own huge form a bit higher into the air.

She gladly moved with him, moaning and closing her eyes, letting her head fall back at the change of angle and the increased pace of the Drakkaren, trying to wrap her widely-parted legs around his thick waist to cradle it as he grunted quietly above her... and as he arched his back to lean down over her, she reached up and grasped his shoulders as tightly as she could, her wings spreading wider as she began to rock her hips firmly up against him over and over, moaning softly and saying in a rushed, hungry voice: "Oh Mister Zerrex... Mister Zerrex... oh, oh, you're so big... Mister Zerrex, it feels so good, I love it... I love you Mister Zerrex, oh make love to me, let me feel how much you love me..."

The lizard growled quietly in return, beginning to pant hungrily as he began to thrust with greater strength, her body easily matching his movements and inciting him to start moving even faster, a bit more blood flowing out of her stretched and torn lips as he slid in and out of her with rising speed and power. Her moans grew louder as her eyes gazed up at him, burning and intense, her expression ecstastic as Zerrex ground his huge shaft down into her body with a quiet growl of pleasure, her body bulging and twisting... and he knew he didn't have to reply to her as she continued to murmur her adoration up to him between her quiet cries of bliss.

He felt himself stiffening, and he tried to draw things out longer, even as the tightness of her sex became painful around a shaft so hard it hurt... and finally he arched his back as he pistoned in and out of her, holding her sides tighter as he gazed down at her, and then he leaned down and she arched her back and screamed in ecstasy into the kiss, their tongues twisting and dancing, mouths moving even as he groaned and she cried out in pleasure at the feeling of the reptile beginning to release, triggering her own powerful orgasm.

Her passage squeezed him tightly and massaged firmly around his sex, her fluids bursting out down to greet the first volley of seed he blasted up into her... and he could swear he could feel her bloating up beneath him, as he finally arched his back, pushing his huge form down into her, letting out a roar and looking every bit the demon he was with his massive, muscular body grinding down into the little girl's pinned beneath him, as Little Arcy's screams of bliss rose into the air, his orgasm continuing, mixing with hers and feeling like it would never end until finally he began to slow, panting hard... and he let his body collapse gently over hers, keeping one arm above her head and resting quietly on it to avoid squishing her as she rested beneath him, her hands moving slowly down her body and little legs trying to grip his bulky, massive body, apparently content there beneath him.

Then, slowly, he leaned up and began to pull back, letting out a soft groan as he watched his thirty-two inch member slowly draw out of her tiny but massively-stretched, destroyed sex, seed and blood splattering out with his cock... and finally, he pulled free, and Little Arcy let out a moan of surprise as a thick river of his seed and her juices flowed out of her sex, splattering down her twitching legs and forming a wide, deep puddle on the floor. Immediately, Zerrex winced and opened his muzzle, and Little Arcy smiled up at him as she closed her eyes, resting her hands on a stomach that did indeed look a bit bloated as she whispered softly: "Just wait a moment..."

The Drakkaren did so, swallowing a bit and touching his bloodstained, seed-splattered, still-sensitive but rock-hard shaft... and then Little Arcy sat up as her vagina slowly closed back to its small little slit from the stretched cavern he had created, and she waved a hand over the puddle, causing it to vanish before opening her arms and saying softly: "I like to cuddle afterwards."

Zerrex smiled a bit and laid down beside her, and she immediately jumped onto his chest, nudging his huge shaft with one leg and causing him to grunt as she slid up his body and smiled up at him lovingly, kissing his cheek as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, the little girl nuzzling into his neck as her wings flapped slowly once before vanishing as she said softly: "You know, I wouldn't mind another romp... every part of me stretches, after all."

"You're dirty." Zerrex said softly, and they shared a gentle laugh before trading a quiet kiss, and once more they gazed into each other's eyes as Zerrex said awkwardly: "I... I do love you as... as a mentor, almost, and a friend... and... you're so... adorable... I just want to hold you tight and keep you close..."

"And keep me yours." Little Arcy added with soft entertainment, and the Drakkaren blushed deeply as she stroked his face gently, kissing his neck softly at the same time. "I know, Mister Zerrex... I know. In a strange way, we're like... family. We've taught each other a lot, and given to each other a lot of strength... and I am yours, Mister Zerrex. I might have the body of a four-year old, but I'm a many-million year old prophetess in Heaven... and believe you me, I've had my fair share of sexual romps. Maybe not as many as a lot of mortals, even, since in Heaven it's rather frowned upon for a prophetess to give her body away to someone else... but I have spent many years watching you, and I know the way you work.

"You don't have to say it back if it makes you uncomfortable, or if you don't feel it." Little Arcy added softly, smiling a bit as she nuzzled into Zerrex's neck slowly, and the reptile closed his eyes embarrassedly, tilting his head to the side. "Well, I know you feel it, you feel the warmth and the connection, because I feel it and I feel you... but I don't think you feel it in the same way I do. Admittedly, after so many years of watching you, helping other angels understand you, and building up a resource list that's unmatched even here in Hell about you, I've become a little obsessed..." A pause as she gently stroked a finger under his muzzle, and then she smiled softly. "But I think that's helped me in understanding you and my own feelings for you.

"Part of the reason I'm attracted to you is because you're my killer, admittedly..." Little Arcy said softly, and Zerrex glanced at her with surprise as she shrugged a bit and nudged his muzzle slowly with her own tiny one. "What's so weird about it? You... you ended my pain, like I've said many times before, and in reality, you gave me a gift, a new experience. I don't hate you, and I never will hate you... no matter how dark you are, or how evil you are, or what you do or say to me."

Little Arcy paused for a few long moments, then she sighed and murmured a quick incantation that Zerrex recognized as a strange variation on a cleansing spell, and a moment later they were both cleaned up and her clothes were back on instead of scattered over the floor. "Wonderful. I'm hearing my name being called... they have no idea where I am, but they're not suspicious yet. Heaven, thankfully, is an enormous place... and I like to meditate and take walks whenever I can. But I have to run." She paused, then stood up and looked down at Zerrex sternly, adding quietly: "And Mister Zerrex... even though I know how odd it is for me of all people to be saying this to you... stop worrying about much of what you do in Hell. Stay strong... but let yourself explore where you want to explore. In time, you'll either find more pieces of yourself, or you'll realize that whatever it is isn't for you... either way, it will help you cope, and that's the biggest thing right now in Hell."

She halted, then smiled and reached down to stroke his face quietly again, before trading a quick, chaste kiss and saying softly: "I love you with all my little heart, Mister Zerrex. You're like a second father to me. Now you take care of yourself..." She smiled softly, then created a portal of golden energy behind herself with a simple point of her finger, then held out her hands... and a moment later, her little teddy bear and bookbag flew across the room. The strap of the latter slid over her shoulder as she caught the stuffed animal in her hand, and then she bowed a bit to Zerrex and stepped through the portal before the Drakkaren had a chance to speak.

He glanced down... then murmured softly: "I love you too, Little Arcy, like one of my daughters... and... I'll try my best." He paused, then made a face as he looked down at his erection, muttering: "Why won't you go away?"

But he knew why... it was because now that he had fed his nicer, tender side, the other dark side wanted to gorge itself... and the reptile made a face as he climbed up to his feet, first pointing at the broken floor and mumbling an incantation to repair the damage he'd done during his tantrum before he walked over and picked up the golden sword, placing it carefully into an available holster on the wall.

He glanced over the blade, but whatever traces of blood had been on it had vanished... so he simply shrugged and left it in place before grabbing his pants and pulling them on. He checked his pockets, then walked over to his dresser and searched it quickly to produce a small bag of silver coins.

The reptile knew what his body was craving now, twisted as it was... but he sighed and mumbled: "Well, whatever. I just screwed a four-year-old angel. That's probably a lot worse than having some fun with the twisted bitches I bring home..." A pause, and he made a face, rubbing the back of his head slowly. "I think."

The Drakkaren was still reeling from what happened mentally... but his body was eager to fulfill his other lusts, and guided him quickly out into the street, before the Drakkaren winced at the sight of an armored transport rolling by, and he ducked quickly over to the side of the house, watching as it passed and giving it a minute or so to get far ahead of where he was now before carefully making his way along the side of the road, passing a few other prisoners in the Circle of Lust before approaching a jailor with a sigh of relief.

The jailors existed on every level as basic soldiers and aides to the higher-up demons: in the case of Lust, the Slavers and Masters. Jailors, however, were given explicit orders to only use aggressive tactics on prisoners who were hostile, and to keep the peace on all sides, making them sort of like a police force on the mortal world... and this particular jailor Zerrex knew fairly well.

He was a deer with a double set of ram's horns instead of antlers, and black-and-grey marked hair covering what was visible over his body, which wasn't much due to the long-sleeved tunic and baggy black pants he wore. The jailor was currently ordering two goblins â€" Zerrex had learned they existed all throughout Hell, like minotaurs, but weren't demonic in any way â€" to do some menial task, but he brightened as the Drakkaren approached and said amiably: "How're you doing, Victor?"

"Fine, fine, fine... just a lazy day today, thankfully, but I heard that you and Feldspar got into quite a fight out in the Eastern Section of the Circle... now, we might all technically be our own ‘Central Province,' but I think it's pretty obvious at this point the Warlord doesn't respect traditional boundaries." The deer paused, making a face, and then he punched the Drakkaren's chest with a grin, Zerrex letting out a bit of a grunt. "But hey, I heard you kicked ass!"

"Yeah... but it was a setup by Feldspar." Zerrex shook his head, making a face of disgust as he asked dryly: "Why the hell is she still in power, anyway? I hear that almost no one likes her... and it's like whatever she does, the Princess just scolds her but in the end allows her to carry on like a lunatic."

"It's because of Feldspar's talents as an alchemist..." The deer shook his own head, then paused and held up a finger, turning to the goblins and saying clearly: "No, you can't have another break already... get back to cleaning up litter, right now, or we'll go to the pen, and I know neither of you want that."

The goblins squeaked and growled, shaking their heads and exchanging a look, and then one of them dropped the large burlap sack he was carrying and spilled garbage everywhere, and Zerrex snorted, watching as Victor shouted at them angrily before deciding he wasn't going to get any more information out of the deer for today. Instead, he continued down the path for a few more minutes, thinking quietly on how powerful Feldspar must be and wondering for a moment not only if he had the power to kill her, but if killing her could actually create more problems for him in Hell... and then he paused and glanced back and forth before slipping quietly into a field of wheat.

The Drakkaren made his way slowly to the center of the field, before halting at an old stone well with an iron lid... and he carefully shoved this aside, cursing under his breath at the weight of the enchanted metal before hopping into the well and moving the lid carefully back into place.

He had landed on a dirt floor in a tunnel lit by a blue torch burning on one side of a heavy metal door all the way at the end of the passage... and the Drakkaren carefully made his way down the smallish passage before knocking twice, pausing, and knocking twice more.

A metal slit slid open in the door, and then a Dius on the other side giggled cheerfully and whispered: "Lord... Lord Zerrex? Is it really you, are you really here, come back to have some more fun with us?"

"Yes, I am... is that you, Rose?" Zerrex asked softly, and the Dius giggled again, which he took to be a yes as he swallowed before saying carefully: "I'm here for... a snack."

"Oh, silly, you know you don't have to tell us the passcode! Just come on inside!" The Dius laughed and shoved the door open, revealing her heavily-scarred body... and she grinned widely, bowing to him and closing her eyes as she announced loudly: "To the patrons of the Forbidden Fruit Secret Alliance, I present to you none other than Lord Zerrex himself!"

There was a series of whistles and applause as Zerrex stepped into the club, swallowing a bit as he grinned embarrassedly around at the others in the medium-sized room. He could at least stand comfortably in here, though, with the moderately-high ceiling... and he had to admit, he loved the ambience of this place. It might be small and private, but it beats the Hell out of Bones's club... no pun intended.

The walls were all made of chiseled stone, and the floor was packed dirt with flower petals and hay here and there to keep it clean and smelling nice... and the entire room was lit not by glowing orbs, but cheaper â€" and in Zerrex's opinion, far-nicer â€" oil lanterns burning with eternal blue flames. There was a total of five large round tables, and a small stage with a short walkway leading down to a round platform with a plain steel pole that went up into the ceiling... it was only a few feet off the ground, but Zerrex thought it was perfect for a small club like this.

The bar was small as well, sitting in a corner of the room with only four or so plain metal stools bolted to the floor with old red cushions that had been worn down by many a butt... and the bar was always manned by a wolf named Reginald who had one eye and sawed-off horns, and he was always dressed in a starched white shirt with a red vest overtop and a black bow-tie, vaguely reminding him of Cindy's deceased godfather, Elliot. He got the feeling that Reginald â€" who was always a Reginald, never a Reg or Reggie â€" had met just as unsightly an end as the poor, bartending cat had, too... but the wolf wasn't exactly much of one for chatter or talk.

The stage was accessible from either side by three small steps, pressed against the center back wall of the room with two tables on one side and three on the other: the dancers who got on the pole were of any sex, any variety, and usually amateurs over professionals... but there were a few shapeshifters who usually hung out in the back dressing room, which Zerrex had been invited into... several times. It was one of the three rusted doors at the back: the other two were what mortals called ‘VIP Rooms' and what demons just called the fuck-rooms. You could take anyone back there and do whatever you wanted to them in the comfort of a small, circular room with a nice soft rug, a hard metal table, and a big cushioned bench... and Zerrex had visited back there many times as well.

But the reason this bar was so secluded, with only a dozen and some patrons â€" Zerrex included â€" was because it was a specialty club that catered to one of the more-hidden fetishes in the Lust Circle. One of these was being served up right now, as a nervous-looking Royal Guard and a grinning Wentaku who was egging him on watched as a scarred Dius lay back on the wide counter of the bar, and Reginald walked over with a large butcher's knife in one hand and a small basket in the other.

Zerrex walked over to watch this, noting the other patrons were mostly chatting... but likely because he could only see the sexual demons that made up the small harem who lived and worked here. Rose immediately pranced up beside him, licking her lips as she clung to his arm, and he asked casually: "Is that the first meal of the day?"

"Not only that, the minotaur there looks like he's going to piss himself... he's scared as shit of all of us, this is his first time in a meat club." Rose muttered back, grinning widely, and Zerrex admitted he felt a bit of amusement but also some sympathy. When he'd been here his first time, dragged down by a succubus with a lot of strange scars on her body, he'd been a bit freaked out himself... but then again, he also hadn't looked like he was going to toss his cookies. At least, I don't think I looked as bad as him.

With the ease that only came from long practice, Reginald spun the knife around and stabbed it into the naked succubus just above the waist, before pulling firmly upwards, making her shriek and writhe... but the expression on her face was one of ecstasy. Zerrex paused for a moment, watching as Reginald drew another expert slash across her midsection this time before pulling the four flaps of her stomach open wide, and he asked curiously: "Is that Shimmer?"

"Good guess." Rose looked at her enviously, muttering under her breath: "It's the lack of a collar, right? Yeah, the damn bitch just loves this whole thing... fuck, I wish I was half as twisted as her, then I wouldn't pussy out so often when my collar's off."

Zerrex nodded, watching as Reginald calmly began to dice Shimmer's organs with the knife while pulling a jar of seasoning out of the basket and glancing down at it, before pushing the lid up and beginning to sprinkle a bit of it in with the intestines as the minotaur began to shiver, his Wentaku friend laughing beside him and slapping him on the back. Most of the demons here â€" seventy percent of them female, thirty percent male â€" wore collars that turned all pain to pleasure, aiding in the experience of enjoying having your body torn up or having parts of you eaten alive... and almost all of them were skilled healers as well. A few of them, such as Rose and Shimmer, were also priestesses who worked at local temples or went around towns on occasion offering their services to raise a bit of money... but they always returned here.

Rose had started this club, after seeing larger versions of such sadomasochistic places in the large Lust cities... and she had hidden it away for now, not wanting to attract too much attention as she constantly tried to get funding to pay for more materials and upgrade the facilities they had. Right now it looked like a basement bar at some skank's house, as she'd described it once... but she wanted professionalism, and a lot more... and to avoid, of course, paying the ridiculous tariffs and taxes that the Masters, Feldspar, the Princess, and everyone else who could get a piece of the pie would charge, which was why it was such a carefully-guarded secret... and also why it was carefully built deep into the earth and just far enough into the cliff side to ensure that it would cause an ownership dispute between the Hell of Pride and the Hell of Lust, which would give them all more than enough time to evacuate the club and move to another location, as Rose said they'd done three times already. Something about how Greed exists in every Circle... and that the Masters of Lust would always war with the Masters of Pride to determine what belonged to who, and why. Everything's still about money to some people, even long after their own death. I'm starting to feel that mortals are indeed a sicker race than us... after all, we just want pleasure.

The Drakkaren licked his lips hungrily, unable to deny how delicious the current "meal" looked and smelled to him, as Shimmer put her hands behind her head with a loud sigh of pleasure... and the Royal Guard turned green and fell off his stool, moaning and covering his muzzle in horror. The Wentaku immediately laughed, then paled when Shimmer asked curiously: "So are you going to have a bite, then?"

"N-Nah, I... I'm not hungry." He winced and coughed, immediately slipping off the stool and throwing some money on the table, before saying dumbly: "I mean, people don't seriously..."

"I'll eat her." Zerrex said mildly, and the Wentaku and minotaur stared and did a double take as the Drakkaren walked over with Rose still clinging to his arm, exchanging a nod with Reginald before he sat down on the stool and Rose slid into his lap, kissing his neck teasingly.

"No way. No shitting way. I will pay you ten silvers if you even take a bite." The Wentaku said immediately, and the other Royal Guard picked himself up off the floor and leaned around to Zerrex's other side as the Drakkaren inspected the specially-prepared guts as Shimmer looked up at him with adoration.

She murred and grabbed a wooden fork, offering it to the Drakkaren and saying playfully: "Unless, of course, you're going to just use your hands... I love it when you're rough..." A pause, before she added teasingly as she picked up a shaker of seasoning: "Wait, wait... some extra spices..."

Slowly, she shook it out over her guts, moaning softly, and Zerrex watched with quiet entertainment before he gently pushed her hand away, saying softly: "Now don't ruin your own taste there, darling... are you going to have some, Rose?"

The smaller Dius squirmed in his lap, shaking her head and saying in a delighted voice: "No, no, I just want to watch you show these pussies how a real male isn't afraid of anything, no matter how different or strange it is... and that there's pleasure in all things." A pause as she licked her muzzle slowly, then she simply reached in with one hand and stirred the female's insides around before drawing it back, soaked in blood and ichors, and bringing a finger gently up to Zerrex's muzzle.

The reptile grasped her wrist, squeezing hard, and she let out a squeak of pleasure before he pushed her finger into his mouth, suckling on it for a moment before drawing it slowly free and instead lapping quietly around her hand, the Royal Guards staring in horror as the Drakkaren glanced down to Shimmer, who looked blissfully back up at him as he asked mildly: "Can you pass me up a spoon, please?"

"Of course, Lord Zerrex!" Shimmer said brightly, and she passed the wooden spoon beside her over to the Drakkaren, who took it and then gently tapped her nose with it, making her giggle, before he simply spooned up a large chunk of her flesh and blood and put it into his muzzle, tilting his head musing upwards as he chewed slowly before swallowing, and looking over at Reginald with surprise.

"That's a new recipe, isn't it?" A pause as Reginald grunted and nodded, and the lizard smiled slightly, the two Royal Guards going completely pale on either side of him. "It's delicious... has a nice extra kick to it. Are you two sure you don't want some? There's plenty here to go around..."

They shook their heads slowly, backing quickly off, and then Rose leaned past Zerrex, bearing her sharpened, curved teeth a terrible grin as she asked in a low, purring voice: "And of course you boys aren't going to report us to the Princess or anyone, are you? I mean, we're just a private club..." A pause as several of the scarred females grabbed the males, holding them in place with surprising strength as they grinned, one of them slowly licking the Wentaku's neck. "But as you can see, we serve a particularly-special kind of patron, and all our employees are very... ready to do whatever it takes to protect ourselves. I'd hate to see you two end up on the menu here..."

"We won't say a word... in fact, we're both putting in for transfers to the outpost in the Plains of Despair." The minotaur squeaked, and then Wentaku nodded madly before creating a portal behind himself as one of the girls rose his hand to her muzzle and nipped it firmly, and the two leapt through the portal as laughter rang out through the club. Zerrex grinned widely himself, then went back to his ‘meal' as Rose smiled cheerfully and curled against the scarred reptile, her own patterns of old wounds making a strange mix-and-match against the Drakkaren's.

Zerrex loved this place, even though he didn't come very often... mostly because it scared him how well he fitted in with everyone here. Almost everyone was covered in scars, making him feel less embarrassed about his own, and everyone was friendly and traded stories, content and secure in their own sexuality... and furthermore, their own love of pain or causing pain. Here, the Drakkaren could just be himself... and there were no rules, no restrictions that ever bothered him: for obvious reasons, snuff was off-limits, but he was free to cause any pain he wanted to anyone... and they trusted him enough to wear the scars he caused instead of healing them immediately, and even permitting him to use blessed or cursed weapons to leave permanent scars on their bodies if he wanted, saying it would be like they would forever bear his signature if he did so... and many of them wanted the autograph of Lord Zerrex.

He'd gotten to know the people here well... well enough he could almost call them a surrogate family. He'd even brought Selena here once or twice when she'd been on leave or able to sneak away from the military, and she and Rose had finally goaded Zerrex into trying on the collar and letting himself be a meal for all the Dius interested in taking a bite... and many of them certainly had been. The Drakkaren smiled a bit at this thought as he finished the last spoonful of Shimmer's guts, and then he put it aside with a soft sigh of pleasure as he said mildly: "I remember when you guys all took a bite out of me... collar or not, it was scary as all frigging hell, and since I'm here I know that's pretty damn scary."

Rose laughed at this, leaning backwards against him and primly crossing her legs â€" rather pointless, since she was dressed only in a g-string that matched the collar around her neck. "Oh, now that was a fun time indeed... I wouldn't mind having another go, if you want to put on one of our collars..." She grinned up at him widely, licking the underside of his muzzle slowly as she crossed her arms over her sumptuous bust, then she followed Zerrex's gaze to a shapeshifter who was currently in a hermaphroditic form dancing around the pole with a massive, throbbing erection and an enormous pair of breasts currently sandwiching the dance pole, his-or-her muzzle pushed against the other side of the metal pole as Rose asked curiously: "Has someone caught your attention there, Lord Zerrex? I believe that's Bren, one of our new recruits..."

Zerrex nodded a bit, glancing the shapeshifter slowly over and leaning in towards Rose, asking curiously as the dancer became slowly fully-male: "Is that a Dius or a Daius? I'm still no good at telling, although I'd guess a Daius from the name..."

"That's right... see, you do fine." Rose winked as Reginald strolled over and pulled Shimmer gently down the smooth counter before beginning to heal her, both hands placed side-to-side overtop her and emitting a strange green glow, causing Shimmer to moan and twist on the counter with a wide grin on her face, her eyes half-closed with pleasure as her insides slithered slowly back and forth as they lengthened and grew back into place, before the long cross-cut that left her stomach open in flaps slowly began to heal closed as well, leaving not even a trace of a scar. It all took under twenty seconds, long enough for Zerrex to lose interest in Bren for a moment and turn his gaze over to Shimmer with interest. "But I can see the healing rituals still provide you with far greater entertainment... you are a strange one, Lord Zerrex."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Shimmer said breathlessly, as she sat up and hugged herself with a squeal and a shiver. "Oh, fuck, but do I ever feel good! I hope I was tasty enough, Lord Zerrex... and there's plenty of other things you can eat if you're not satisfied..."

She leaned forwards with a wide grin, stroking a finger gently under his muzzle, and Zerrex grinned back in entertainment before glancing over at Bren again and asking curiously: "Oh, you were as tasty as ever, don't worry about that... what I was curious about is the Daius, there. Those are some very large scars on his body... has he been in combat?"

Rose darkened, shaking her head slowly. "No... they're from Inquisitor Faulk. The fucker thinks just because he's a masochist he can do whatever he wants to poor young Bren... he's only been in Hell for a little while longer than you, after all, Lord Zerrex, and he just became a Daius a century or so ago. I think he's developed surprisingly-fast, but his shapeshifting skills leave a bit to the imagination... it's why he's able to do female body parts, but he isn't yet able to become completely-female at will."

Zerrex nodded slowly, making a bit of a face: Faulk was right up there with the Bloody King from what he'd heard about him, and he certainly wasn't going to go looking to find out whether that was true or not. But the extent of those scars... "Alright... Rose, I'm going to go grab a table. Will you let him know I'd like to talk to him? And Shimmer, if you'd bring me a pot of tea, that'd be quite appreciated."

"Mighty fine." Shimmer slid off him, winking and kissing his cheek gently before strutting around the bar, and Rose giggled before sliding off his lap and wandering over to gossip and giggle with the other girls of the harem. Zerrex, meanwhile, stretched before heading over to a table, sitting down and watching Bren's movements with interest and the way he held himself on the stage.

He obviously hadn't been doing it very long, with the embarrassment on his face... and it made Zerrex think back to Mahihko, and the time the wolf had participated in amateur hour at the gay club. The wolf had been a blushing mess at first, while Zerrex had stood on the side of the stage, muttering for him to dance, dance... but finally he'd started up the pole routine he'd practiced with the Drakkaren, and from there things had gone swimmingly. He was sure that if the wolf hadn't wasted almost five minutes flushing and shucking around embarrassedly on the stage indecisively, he would have actually won one of the little prizes they were giving out... but as it was, being hit on by most of the males in the club seemed more than enough of a prize for the little gay sexfiend.

Zerrex smiled a bit to himself as he glanced around the room, enjoying his moment of privacy in the small space... and then he paused a moment later, tilting his head oddly as he heard a double-knock at the door. There was no following double-knock, however, but instead a muttered curse... and then someone simply hammered on the frame, and the soft music that was playing from the enchanted lanterns cut out as Rose approached the doors, tapped her throat with a wince, and then shouted in a rough, masculine baritone: "Who the fuck's there? Leave me alone, I'm busy and I don't like visitors!"

"Just let me in Rose, you're transparent as you've always been." responded an irritated, high-pitched voice, and then it added in a vicious sing-song: "Oh Lord Zer-rex! I know you're in there and I know you've been a naughty little boy! Feldspar has us all out looking for you to teach you a good, harsh lesson!"

Zerrex grimaced, waving a hand at the Dius... but then he winced as Rose immediately stormed to the door and threw it open, and Orphus swaggered in a moment later with a cackle, glancing disdainfully over the Dius behind him before his eyes widened slightly as he looked around the room, apparently not noticing the door being slammed shut again behind him as he whistled and said cheerily: "Well, Lord Zerrex... what a nice spot you've found here! Full of like-minded sickos, I take it?"

He glanced over his shoulder at the harem of Dius behind him, several of them flushing angrily and trying to cover their scars as he grinned slowly, the bat-demon licking his muzzle slowly with his exceedingly-long tongue. "Brilliant! I have to say, I'm amused..." Orphus strode over to Zerrex, putting his hands behind his back and leaning down cheerily so he was almost nose-to-nose with the Drakkaren, saying playfully: "Golly, the hate in your eyes... I bet you'd just love to kill me right now, right? It's really too bad you can't... because the first thing I do when we leave here, is force you to tell Feldspar about this nice little club here... and you know she'll want to come down here right away and make you rip these girls apart yourself, but I guess they'll probably like that, right?"

"You're right, I can't kill you..." Zerrex paused and pointed behind him, and Orphus frowned before glancing over his shoulder, and then growing pale at the snarling Dius, many of their bodies twisting to become monstrous and muscular as they slowly surrounded the bat. "But they can."

Orphus turned around, raising his hands, and he was immediately tackled to the ground, and Zerrex winced, leaning away at the first splatter of blood that went up. The bat-demon screamed in agony as huge, vicious claws raked across his body and face, and then Rose leaned forwards with a snarling grin, her eyes now glowing white and a double-set of long horns forming a tall crown on her head, her body gone from petite and pretty to muscular and hulking. She reached down with her enormous claws, then tore open the bat's robes before slashing her hands down and ripping into his stomach, at the same time beginning to chant under her breath, and the incantation rose as Orphus continued to buck and scream.

The bat was held firmly in place by the other Dius and succubi, however, and he was unable to struggle free as the others continued to rip and tear into him before his eyes widened... and Zerrex stared in horror as, a moment later, Rose reached into the bat's chest and ripped out his heart, and the others roared and howled as the Inquisitor twitched once on the ground before his body slowly turned to ashes and burned away into nothingness. The Drakkaren didn't even know what to say or do as he mouthed wordlessly, then watched as Rose slowly walked over to him with the bat's still-beating heart... and Zerrex took it, looking down at it slowly as blood leaked down his arms.

He could faintly hear a voice as he stared down at badly-blurred image of Orphus through the heart wall, watching him scream and cry as he slammed his fists against the walls of his own organ, and when the Drakkaren looked up a moment later in shock at Rose, she had already reverted back to her usual body, saying softly: "It belongs to you now, Lord Zerrex... but we'd recommend that you go right on ahead and take a bite. I think eating the sick little bastard would be poetic justice... and it will only add to your growing power. You are our Master, our Lord, and some would say our Savior, Lord Zerrex... and we are all humble and loyal servants..."

Rose slowly dropped to a kneel, bowing her head, and the others behind her followed suit, the reptile feeling a shiver roll through his body before he asked weakly: "But... I... won't he be protected by... by the powers of the Scholars? I can't..."

"The Scholars can't help him now... he's dead, and that's only his spiritual essence inside there. Orphus is weak and needy, barely worthy of his own rank... he had no idea how to defend himself against the spell we used and our combined power easily overwhelmed his own pathetic abilities." Rose responded quietly, and then she smiled faintly and stood up, gently taking the thudding heart and raising it to Zerrex's muzzle, murmuring softly: "Open up."

The Drakkaren did so, closing his eyes... and Rose slid the heart into his maw. The Drakkaren's mouth closed, and he chewed a few times, hearing Orphus's screams echoing through his mind... and a moment later he swallowed with a grimace, and the screams were silenced. He heard the faintest of ringing bells in his head, however... and then Rose turned towards the others as they all reverted back down to their smaller, prettier bodies, saying coldly: "Everyone should get out of here, just in case they come and search for Orphus. I'll keep them busy... leave by portal, not by the main door. If you can't portal, then leave with a friend... Lord Zerrex, can you wait behind a moment?"

The reptile nodded, looking over at her curiously and wondering stupidly if she was still determined to introduce him to Bren... but then he noticed that the Daius had already left, and he cursed under his breath before Rose asked hesitantly: "Can... can you ask the Lady Sin to come here, please? I'd... I'd like her help."

"I dunno if she can hear me but... Sin!" Zerrex called loudly... and nothing happened. He made a bit of a face... and then there was a loud knocking at the door, and Rose winced and flushed deeply as the Drakkaren looked stupidly around the room. "Right, I forgot, there's a Portal Trap in here. You can go out but you can't come into the room."

Sin looked horribly concerned as Rose opened the door, staggering over to Zerrex and seizing him in a tight hug, causing Rose and the two remaining succubus in the room â€" one of them Shimmer â€" to gape, as Reginald merely began to clean a large glass stein... and then she looked over him quickly, patting along his body as she mumbled in an ashamed voice: "I... I'm so sorry I didn't come sooner, Lord Zerrex! I heard all about what happened from one of the other Naganatine, and I was so worried with... especially when I heard Queen Feldspar is going on a rampage through the Lust Circle looking for you... I... I... oh, I'm sorry..."

She pushed away, looking embarrassed and glancing over at Rose, nodding to her a bit, and Rose bowed deeply in return. A moment later, she looked up as if barely able to believe what she was seeing... and then she asked in a mumble: "I... forgive me, milady, but Lord Zerrex speaks often of you, of how generous and kind you are... and... and I was wondering if you could put a barrier over the door, to make sure no one can break it down..."

"Oh, that's no problem at all..." Sin blushed a bit and offered a bit of a smile as Rose closed the door tightly, and the female simply rose her hand and closed her eyes, and a moment later white, glowing runes scrawled themselves over the metal, before she let out a sigh and relaxed as Rose stared in amazement. "There we go... I... I thought a Blacksmith's Circle would fit best here, but I took out the Sla Rune and put in a Murtoi Rune... oh, silly me, I shouldn't be talking about such things..."

She shrank back, looking embarrassed, and Zerrex squeezed her shoulder quietly before glancing over at Rose, saying softly: "I think you'll be safe. Even Feldspar couldn't break down the protection Sin put up at my home... is there anything else we can do for you, Rose?"

"No... but from now on, Lord Zerrex, you and Lady Sin can come here and indulge for free in anything and everything, as often as you like." Rose said firmly, then she knelt in front of them both and tossed a glare over at the two succubi, who immediately dropped into a kneel themselves. "It's an honor to serve you."

"It's an honor." echoed Reginald gruffly, and he offered his own small bow, more a hunching of the shoulders and a slight bob of the head than anything else. Zerrex and Sin both nodded in return, then the reptile turned his eyes back to Rose with a slight smile.

"The pleasure is ours... but we should get out of here for now, and I just hope Feldspar hasn't burnt down my house by now." Zerrex said dryly, before he pointed beside him and created a portal, and he shared a last tight hug with Rose and Shimmer before stepping through with Sin, reflecting mildly: Well, I guess it could be worse, right? At least that deals with Orphus.

The next five thousand years passed, surprisingly, without a whole lot of incident. He managed to barely avoid Feldspar for the first thousand, although that in part was thanks to her being reassigned to the Northeastern Front: he thought it was both because of a sudden vicious series of attacks by the Warlord in that area and because Feldspar had spent half an hour screaming at the Princess in fury when she'd been reprimanded for the little stunt she'd pulled.

It also took just over a thousand years for Orphus to be replaced, thanks to Az'Iriel's troops attempting to advance on the Western Front in retaliation for his loss of control over the Eastern. Even the Bloody King and Terronius were called out to help with the fighting, leaving Bones alone to torture Zerrex for four days out of the week... but Bones wasn't much of an adversary anymore, and even when he'd tried to physically-torture Zerrex, the Drakkaren had sat through most of it reading and casting the occasional cleansing spell when Bones left to have a cigarette or a cigar every now and then. Yes, we all get it, axes look scary... but they take just a little bit of muscle mass to use properly, and now I have a whole new reason to call you Bones, you scrawny-ass mofo.

But for the last four thousand, Zerrex had fallen into a schedule, when Az'Iriel's forces had suddenly made a U-turn for the Northern Province, likely due in part to many of his terrifying half-demon battle tanks running out of fuel and spontaneously exploding, massacaring his own forces. All of a sudden, minimal troops were needed, and although the Princess had all soldiers move forwards to imprison Az'Iriel inside his own country, most of the higher-up demons were released from duty... meaning Zerrex was now back to training with Selena, and very glad to be doing so.

On the other hand, it also meant that a new Inquisitor had been selected and tossed out to torture Zerrex, named Lunata Fel'Tor Ra. She was tall, slender, and cruel-looking, and an expert in psychological tortures that were a bit more subtle than those used by the other bumbling Inquisitors Zerrex had torturing him... but he thought her abilities were so effective due to the fact she was telepathic as well.

It made for a lot of nasty sessions, and she was also very proud, very feminist, and very lesbian, making Zerrex her instant archnemesis... and the only entertainment the Drakkaren ever got was when Selena stopped in to meet Lunata, and the female had fallen head-over-heels for the larger dominatrix. Selena, however, had simply looked over Lunata with contempt: apparently Dius and Rakshasas didn't get along very well.

Lunata wasn't as bad as the others, however... as long as Zerrex kissed her ass a bit, she didn't aggravate or frustrate him too much. That was probably the worst thing about her... for two hours a week she'd actually do her job and torture him, and usually well enough to make him feel uncomfortable around her, but the rest of the time she tended to literally tie him up and whine at him. Zerrex felt like he was engaging in a really lame version of bondage with her, since all she did was piss him off until he wanted to punch her in the face... and of course, the moment he'd thought this, she'd gotten mad at him in return and threatened to cut off his penis, but they both knew she wouldn't. Not because she liked him, but because she was apparently scared of ever getting him fully naked... and furthermore, the only time she'd ever actually touched his groin area was when she had been wearing several layers of gloves, and even then it had been a mistake.

Other than a few minor inconveniences, however, the years passed in a gentle, easy rhythm... and despite how much Zerrex still missed his family, time was passing faster for him now in Hell, and he was amazed by how things seemed to flow by or time seemed to skip ahead by years, even decades, when he kept himself busy. The Drakkaren was still constantly training, and with both Selena and Sin helping him out, it meant even his magical abilities were beginning to improve and gave him some minor hope that he wouldn't be stuck casting minor spells at enemies forever.

Over seven thousand years into his sentence now, Zerrex felt strangely at-peace with things, and with himself. He had been here for many a lifetime now, suffering and working, improving himself and helping others... and Hell wasn't as intimidating anymore as it had once been to him. He could understand now what Cherry had meant about Hell being a wonderful place... and even though he was still only an Initiate, he felt like he belonged here.

Currently, he was standing in a small forest of apple trees, helping to cut down a few of them to build an addition on Bren's little home. The Daius had quickly warmed up to him after they'd been introduced, and looked at him with shining, adoring eyes similar to the ones Bondage tended to use on him...

Speaking of that zebra... "Hey, Bondage! Are you masturbating or are you cutting down that goddamn tree? Put those big-ass muscles of yours to work!"

"Sorry, Captain, but not all of us can lift a battleship above our heads!" Bondage called back with a wheeze, resting on his axe and glaring at the tree, which shook its branches at him before an apple dropped down and plonked off his head, and the zebra cursed before slamming his axe irritably into the tree's trunk, and the wood gave an unnatural groan. "Shit! Captain, this one's possessed again... a demon must have died here or something and its spirit has gone and attached to the tree, I don't know if I can hack it down."

Zerrex grunted a bit, glancing at the three trees he had already felled: he'd gotten lucky and only one of his apple trees had turned out to be possessed, but he'd found out when it had started puking blood all over him from a large hole in the top of the trunk. Okay. So maybe some things in Hell bug me, like bleeding, living trees. "Bren, do you want to see to that? Or should I go and get Rose?"

Bren shook his head a bit, and then he offered a small smile: now a pretty young male Drakkaren-looking Daius with effeminate features, he had been a tall fox in life, and thus retained the ability to shift his body into some furred beings as well... but like almost all Lust demons, his body had taken on the reptilian form of the Drakkai. That sure says something about our species. "No, no, I think I can handle it... Bondage, step back, huh?"

The zebra nodded, wiping sweat from his brow and letting out a sigh as he strode over to Zerrex, before smiling and offering him an apple... and then they both stared as the apple immediately grew small legs and hopped out of his hand to run away. The Drakkaren made a face at this, and wondered absently if he should tell Bren or not... but the Daius was already performing the incantation, and a moment later the tree shivered and then went still.

He let out a sigh... then squeaked and leapt backwards, his scales immediately blending against the tree's bark as his chestnut eyes stared in horror at the sight of a dozen apples dropping off the tree and rolling away... and the two others stared as Bren let out a sigh and relaxed, his scales returning to their normal purple-red coloration as he muttered: "What? They could have been Apple Crabs. And you two know as well as I do how unpleasant those things are."

Zerrex grunted a bit, not wanting to remember the strange little beast that had unfolded from its disguise as an apple just so it could take a chunk out of his muzzle and then run away up a tree. Bondage, on the other hand, covered his muzzle, likely remembering the way the Drakkaren had angrily chopped several large chunks out of aforementioned tree as he'd tried to chase after the Apple Crab. "Yeah, well... hurry the hell up."

"Excuse me..." said a quiet voice, and Zerrex turned around slowly to stare at Lily, who was blushing a bit and smiling as she gazed at him tenderly, her hands laced together in front of her waist and her two minotaur guards standing at a distance. She was dressed today in plain black clothes, and she had a large messenger bag over her shoulder... but Zerrex could barely believe what he was seeing. "Hi, Zerrex."

"Lily..." The Drakkaren stepped forwards and took her hands gently in his own, smiling at her warmly. He blushed a bit a moment later, drawing back and wiping his hands against his pants, but she only laughed and looked at him affectionately, ignoring the smears of tree-blood he had left on her hands. "Sorry, uh... it's good to see you, really good! What are you doing here, anyway? It's kind of dangerous around here..."

"I know... which is why I need a special bodyguard, if I'm going to be living here for the next little while." Lily said softly, gazing up at him with a quiet smile, and the Drakkaren blinked slowly. "Zerrex... Lord Zerrex, I should say... you look like you're in excellent condition, despite all the grueling work in the mines... but I hear that lately you're more interested in working on your magical abilities. I know a bit of magic here and there myself, and... I know you're as curious as I am about all of Hell.

"I'd... I'd really like you to serve as my personal bodyguard, since it'd be less noticeable than those two back there." Lily nodded towards the minotaurs, making a bit of a face, and Zerrex tried to repress a smile as the two bull-demons looked curiously over towards them. "And I'd like to offer you a salary of ten silver coins a day if you'd accompany me wherever I go... and of course, I'd also pay for whatever renovations would be needed so we could comfortably live together at your home."

Zerrex stared, blinking slowly a few times: even after he'd gotten a raise at work, he made only four silver coins a week, barely enough to pay for his clothes with the rate the mines wore them out at. He only felt fortunate that he didn't have to pay yearly rent like most of the other people he knew in the Circle of Lust... and a few moments later, he nodded a bit and said quietly: "Lily, it'd be a pleasure... but... that's a lot of money, and you know I'd gladly work for you for free..."

"Here we go again with that... you're a strange mortal, Lord Zerrex..." Lily said gently, and they traded a smile as Zerrex looked embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head. He thought part of the reason they got along so well was because they enjoyed just studying each other, since Lily was a purebred demon and he had come from the mortal realm, and still clung to his mortal views, mortal logic, and mortal passions... and then she laughed a bit and stepped forwards, hugging him tightly. "But twelve coins it is, Lord Zerrex! My father will be very pleased... perhaps you'll even get to meet him one day." She paused, then blushed a bit and quietly leaned up to kiss his cheek, whispering softly: "Take care of yourself, Lord Zerrex. I'll be back in a few days... don't worry, it's all already been arranged with the Princess, and you only have to go in to work one more time to hand in your badge and talk to Lieutenant Ambrose."

She stepped backwards, and then offered her hand with a smile... and Zerrex laughed a bit before taking his hand in both of hers and gently shaking it a few times, before she turned and strolled away, gazing at him fondly over her shoulder as he waved after her. She's so weird... so fond of all the mortal customs I taught her...

"So uh... is she going to be your next wife?" Bren asked curiously, and Bondage snorted laughter as Zerrex rolled his eyes and glared at Bren, who shrank back a bit. "What? Seriously, I'm curious!"

"No, she's just a friend." Zerrex said dryly, then he made a face and muttered: "And don't mention the Crazy Queen. She might hear her own damned name from wherever she is and rush to turn you to dust for saying it. Everyone's saying that she's gone even more over the edge, and I really don't want to bump into her again for as long as possible."

"Yeah, it's been... how many thousands of years now, Lord Zerrex?" Bondage asked dryly, leaning on his axe and tilting his head curiously with a slight smile. "You can't avoid her forever, you know..."

"Well, I can goddamn well try." Zerrex grunted, then he approached another apple tree, knocking against it to make sure it wasn't possessed before saying over his shoulders to the others: "We only need a few more each, and then we should have enough to finish the next section of your home, Bren. I'll have Sin come over later and enlarge it for you so you can be comfortable."

Bren blushed and smiled warmly, then hurried off to another tree with his axe as Bondage sighed and returned to the tree he had already cut most of the way through, and Zerrex went back to his own thoughts as he cut deep into the black, twisted bark of Hell's most common tree. Feldspar... why? And at first I thought you were doing better...

Despite the Drakkaren's best efforts, Feldspar had, of course, found him... probably the same year he'd first met Lunata. He just remembered hearing a knock at his door... and when he'd opened it, Feldspar had been standing there, looking apologetic and holding the leashes of four massive Dragokkaren Initiates, all of them huge and submissive males...

She'd been dressed in aquamarine, with navy scales the same color as his, and her eyes filled with what he thought was honest sadness... and Zerrex still thought she had been honestly upset about everything she'd done, after having so much time to think about it. And the time with her had almost been nice... she gave him a present as two of the Dragokkaren played music for them from mortal instruments, and another went about doing old-fashioned housework while the last prepared some soup in a self-heating cauldron. The gift had been a simple one, but actual thought had been put into it, and it had made the Drakkaren smile: an enlarged, silver .60 revolver with the Hez'Ranna Military markings still engraved over the rectangular barrel... and the enormous cylinder held eight silver bullets, each of them carefully inscribed with a runic pattern and blessed by a Priestess of Hell.

Feldspar had also included a speed loader... and Zerrex had stared when he pulled one of the rounds out, and another immediately regenerated in its place. She had explained she'd applied the same enchantments she did on archer's quivers to the speed loader, to make sure the reptile never ran out of ammunition... and when she'd looked up at him with her big puppy eyes, he had given her a tight, honest hug, and said he accepted her apology and wished that things continued along this gentle path for them. Zerrex had almost been able to forget what a psychotic bitch she was... but after supper, after the slaves had been dismissed, things had started to get nasty once more.

She had started to question him insistently about Orphus and what he thought happened to him, and then about Selena... and finally, she'd erupted into a sudden, reasonless rage and she'd wrecked much of his home, until Zerrex had finally managed to throw her to the ground and punch her hard in the face, which had started her crying. Immediately, Zerrex had created a portal beneath her and dumped her Gods-knew-where, but she'd come back half-an-hour later, hammering on the door and screaming things at him through the wood, until the Drakkaren had opened it and looked at her sourly.

She had raved crazily about Selena being a traitor, about Amiglion trying to kill her, about a thousand other impossible things... and finally, she had torn off her dress and thrown her arms wide, trying to force her way inside. Sin's magical barrier repelled her, however, since Zerrex had made it very clear he didn't want her inside... and finally, the Drakkaren had booted her over when she'd turned around and bent over to sway her buttocks back and forth enticingly.

That had set off another tantrum, as Zerrex slammed the door and went upstairs to watch out of a small window, and Sin appeared a moment later with a wince, mumbling that the Princess wanted an audience with him... but Zerrex had first been horrified as he watched Feldspar rolling around in the dirt and shrieking promises of vengeance, blue veins pulsing beneath her scales and her eyes glowing with fury before she'd leapt up to her feet and jumped through a portal... and Zerrex asked dumbly if Sin would mind going to check if the Princess was being attacked by Feldspar or not, first.

Sin had created a white portal, stepped through it... and a moment later, leaned her head through, looking relieved herself as she announced it was safe. Zerrex had then stepped through and onto the Southern Balcony, where the Princess was sitting with her cluster of handmaidens around her... and Sin went to sit with them, leaving only Feldspar absent.

For once, the Princess didn't seem entertained or pleasant, and she said coldly she wanted him to start following her instructions and stop seeing Feldspar. A moment later, however, she'd paused, then almost looked incredulous as she'd asked slowly: "You... don't have any interest in Feldspar?"

He'd shaken his head... and the Princess had conferred quietly with Sin and her handmaidens before ordering him to stay away from her as much as he could. He'd shrugged a bit, muttering about how he was already trying to do that, and the Princess had created him a portal and motioned for him to get out of her sight. He'd stepped through, wondering absently if this was upsetting her plans somehow...

And he wondered that again now, as he easily shoved the apple tree over and cut the last few remaining strands of black wood holding it to the stump he'd left behind with a single hard swipe of the axe, before staring as a voice purred: "Nothing I like more than a huge handsome male like yourself, all sweaty and at work, Lord Zerrex..."

"Feldspar." Zerrex said evenly, straightening and looking across at the female, who was dressed up today in a naughty schoolgirl's outfit, with a striped blue and black tie... and of course her scale pattern matched his perfectly, as he could easily see thanks to the tiny shirt and the very, very short miniskirt... and he also noted she wasn't wearing anything beneath these scanty clothes. "You know, maybe you shouldn't be talking to me while I'm holding an axe."

"Queen Feldspar!" squeaked Bondage, and he and Bren both bowed deeply... but Feldspar grunted and waved them away before giggling a bit and striding towards Zerrex, although she did look a touch wary at the same time. Bondage and Bren, meanwhile, backed quickly off to trees in the distance, as Zerrex thought absently about cutting her arm off and seeing whether or not she'd giggle then.

"I have something for you." she cooed, and she grasped his shoulder and leaned up beside his head, before whispering softly in his ear: "It's information on the war... don't you want to hear it before I have to leave? I'm supposed to be back on the front in less than an hour, and that's barely enough time for a raw fuck..."

Zerrex glared at her, then he grabbed the tie and jerked her close, causing her to grunt and stare as he shoved the head of the axe against her side with his other hand, saying coldly: "Listen to me, Feldspar, and listen well. I want you to talk, and I want you to stop showing up in stripper outfits and trying to screw me. I'm not interested in sex... I'm interested in knowing what you've got to say. Now tell me or very soon you'll be making partners with this axe and it'll bring a whole new meaning to the metaphor ‘I want to split you in half like a piece of lumber.'"

"Sicko." Feldspar grinned widely, however, licking his neck slowly, and Zerrex closed his eyes before opening them in shock as she whispered softly: "Az'Iriel's ‘faulty tanks' were a decoy operation. He's completely locked-down the Northern Province while he floods Lailland with troops... he's determined to take it, by any means necessary... and so he's sent some very nasty Generals there. But best of all? We hear the Narrius family is moving past their mourning to prepare to go on a demon hunt for Az'Iriel's head..."

"How... no, the Possessed are everywhere..." Zerrex said softly, then he shook his head slowly, releasing Feldspar as he lowered his arms and looked at her coldly, watching as she smiled and strutted slowly around to his side to grasp his hand gently in both of hers, pushing it slowly up and under her microskirt as she spread her legs for him... but he ignored the heat of her sex and her playful moans as he asked coldly: "What else do you have for me?"

"Fuck me first." Feldspar licked her muzzle slowly... and then she gasped and twitched, moaning and gritting her teeth as Zerrex grabbed her by the crotch and hefted her into the air, holding tightly onto his arm as she stared down at him with shock. "Z-Zerrex, it... it hurts, it hurts so bad, what the fuck are you doing?"

The Drakkaren snorted, his hand glowing blue as his energy surrounded it and burned into Feldspar's flesh, the female moaning and spasming on his hand, her sexual fluids quickly evaporating as she hissed and stared down at the reptile as he asked again in a calm voice: "Tell me what else you know."

"The... the Princess wants to... separate us... because she thinks I won't..." Tears began to leak down her cheeks as Zerrex's claws squeezed harder into her groin, bucking her hips against him as her voice broke down into sobs, and Zerrex flung her to the ground before stomping hard on her stomach. She wheezed, staring up at him in horror, and then she whispered raggedly through her tears: "You're unpredictable. You're powerful. Who knows what kind of demon you'll become? After you... after you become a demon... I'm supposed to make a series of restraining cuffs and armor for your demonic... demonic form. You'll... you'll serve her and only her as the ultimate weapon..."

"Restraining cuffs... she wants to enslave me?" Zerrex snarled a bit, then he took the axe tightly into both hands and glared down at Feldspar, his eyes burning with fury before a slow, cruel grin twisted across his muzzle. "But... I could take care of that one problem right now, couldn't I? You're the only one with the alchemical talent to make such cuffs, since the Inquisitors can only forcibly-control my movement for as long as the Scholars permit them to... but if you die..."

"No, no, no, no, wait! Wait! No!" Feldspar screamed and covered her head, ducking and wincing as the axe swung down... and then she looked hesitantly to the side before letting out a quiet breath at the sight of it buried into the ground next to her head, a shallow wound in her shoulder as she twitched a bit. Her body trembled, and she stared up at Zerrex before slowly giving a crazed smile, whispering: "Oh... lover, I knew... I knew you could never hurt me, and I'd never, ever hurt you, my darling husband..."

"Just leave for now, Feldspar." Zerrex stepped off her, yanking the axe out of the ground and Feldspar hissed as it tore the wound in her shoulder wider, sitting up and looking after him miserably as he walked away, before he forced himself to pause and say slowly: "I'll see you when you get back on leave. We'll... have a date together."

Feldspar brightened immediately at this, nodding rapidly and gleefully before leaping to her feet and bounding over to hug him tightly, Zerrex wincing before she turned and ran through a portal she created a moment later... and Bren muttered: "Wow. She's a fucking nightmare... not to mention crazy as batshit."

"Even crazier." Zerrex grunted, and then he sighed and shook his head slowly, glancing over the trees they'd felled and saying mildly: "Well, at least we've got enough logs now... let's cut off the excess, trim them down, and start piling them up."