Stella and Vine
#1 of Stella and Vine
The story of Vine, an earth pony that has only lived on a farm all his life, and Stella, the unicorn mare that stumbled upon his farm and started something grand.
Taken from a year of roleplaying.
word count is 2,668
Stella: hey there.
Vine: sorry, I got excited
Stella: No worries
Vine: There's not many visitors on the farm.
Stella: That so? Seems like the kinda place that would attract all kinds of ponies
Vine: not really, it gets boring, especially on these lazy days.
Stella: Yeah, Mondays are harsh. What's your yield so far?
Vine: we're still growing but it looks like a good season this year.
Stella: That's good to hear. What do you do after all the work's done?
Vine: Slack off really. Go to town if I feel like walking that far, sometimes I want someone to spend some time with.
Stella: Don't cha got any friends to visit you?
Vine: They're around, but again, it's quite a walk. So what brings a mare like you around here?
Stella: Just seeing the sites. I'm from Manehattan, so all this country lifestyle stuff is interesting to me.
Vine: *I lean on the fence* open fields interest you? It's just life to me here.*
Stella: It just feels surreal to see so much... empty space. You can barely see the horizon in Manehattan.
Vine: That's right, have you even seen until its not possible anymore? I'll show you, come with me to the barn and I'll show you the distance.
Stella: Gladly.
Vine: *I show you the barn and we climb to the roof* Loo out there, you can see until the horizon.
Stella: Oh, Celestia... It's so... vast. I can even see the curve in the world, almost...
Vine: It hurts my eyes after a while. But yeah, it's impressive.
Stella: I could stare at this for hours.
Vine: if you like, I don't have any work left. It's one of those lazy days. *I lay back*
Stella: Oh, I'm sure you've got better things to do than sit on the roof with a mare you barely know...
Vine: Not really. *I shut my eyes and enjoy the sun* So, tell me about the city. I've never been.
Stella: compared to here? In one word, loud. Loud and big. So much hustle and bustle...nopony stops to smell the flowers.
Vine: So you're complaining?
Stella: Yeah, I guess so. I've never felt comfortable in the city. But out here, I feel serene.
Vine: It's not good to not like your home.
Stella: that's half the reason I'm exploring Equestria... looking for a place to settle down properly.
Vine: That sounds like a great adventure
Stella: It certainly opens a mare's eyes. I've seen a lot since I've gone, but this... it tops it all.
Vine: I like this life though, hard, honest work, and lazy days. I could certainly show you around, anything you want to see?
Stella: Sure. It may be hard to believe, but... there's not much dirt in the city... and I'd like to step foot into an open field.
Vine: Really? People always call it dirty. Mind your step on the way down.
Stella: yeah, it's dirty, but there's not much... dirt. It's all pollution.
Vine: Ew. Anyway, that field. *I guide you down and into an open field. We kick up crickets and butterflies as we walk along*
Stella: *The first cricket startles me and I jump up on your back* heh heh... sorry.
Vine: *I walk along carrying you.* Don't worry, they're harmless
Stella: Yeah, but I'm not used to the grass coming up and meeting me. Just... caught me off guard... *I slowly climb off you*
Vine: Enh. There's nothing that can hurt you, except maybe the timber wolves, but they're a ways off. *we reach a lone tree and I lay against it in the shade*
Stella: *I shudder* I came across one of those in my travels... it wasn't a fun experience...* I sit next to you.*
Vine: I like it here, it's hard to find me here. *I lay down with a sigh
Stella: *I glance over at you* Must be hard on the body doing all the work on the farm.
Vine: I grew up with it, I hardly notice it. Probably just like you.
Stella: I guess so. You certainly have the physique for it... Oh, dear Celestia! I never asked your name; where are my manners?
Vine: Don't mind it, I guess I never asked yours either. I'm Vine.
Stella: Well, Vine, it's nice to properly meet you. I'm Stella.
Vine: Long "A"
Stella: That's correct
Vine: Alrighty... Let me show you something... Listen, it's the sound of the wind.
Stella: I've heard some strong winds in my travels... but never a gentle wind. It sounds... soothing.
Vine: yeah...*sigh* It's so relaxing. *I rest my head on your sholder.*
Stella: I jump a little bit, but immediately become calm.* Thank you so much for showing me all of this.
Vine: No problem, I always wanted some company around the farm. *I say nodding of happily.*
Stella: *I rest my head against yours and lay a hoof on your back.*
Vine: *I give you a kiss on the cheek and snuggle closer to you*
Stella: *I start to feel a little uneasy... but I continue to melt into your side, regardless.*
Vine: This is making me sleepy...
Stella: You wanna take a nap, then head back to the farm?
Vine: Yeah... if you're feeling tired too.
Stella: I could go for a rest. I think I'd like sleeping by the shade of a tree, It's much better than air conditioning.
Vine: *I nod off leaning on you*
Stella *I start to go to sleep, but stop myself so that I can get a good look at you before I do...*
Vine: *You see that I'm as muscular as you expect. They are toned under my chocolate coat. I start to come to as the sun is starting to go down.*
Stella: *I notice myself getting aroused.* "Oh for crying out loud. You just met this guy, Stella, don't get hot under the collar until HE gives YOU a hint..., I mean... he obviously likes you, but...still. Better safe than sorry." *I think to myself as you wake up*
Vine: Am I still dreaming? *I say jokingly and yawn* It looks late, should we head back?
Stella: What makes you think you're dreaming?
Vine: Just the lovely mare next to me. ~
Stella: *I blush from ear to ear, and my heart flutters.* I was hopping you'd say that. *I giggle softly* Yeah... I guess we should head back.
Vine: Maybe tonight I'll show you the stars. *I get up and we head back home*
Stella: *Immediately, my head fills with dramatic imaginations.* oh that'd be nice. *I try to get a hold of my thoughts, but I can't.*
Vine: I promise, it will be magical
Stella: "hopefully it won't be the only thing" I bet it will be. *I walk a little closer to you and shiver*
Vine:*I smile and lead us back to the house, after a quick meet with the family and other company I grab a sheet and we go back to the tree as the sun dips into twilight*
Stella: I just want to say that I've had a great time today. Thanks again.
Vine: No problem, I love a change of pace. *I spread the sheet and lay down. I gesture for you to do the same.*
Stella: *I lay down, accidentally too suggestively. I notice after a few seconds and nervously correct myself*
Vine: *I smile and wrap a hoof around you* something on your mind? *I say with a smile*
Stella: No- yes-, nothing. I Nothing. *I blush heavily and look away.*
Vine: Confused? *I kiss your turned cheek.*
Stella: *I turn to you* Erm... yeah, a you... I mean, I know we just met, but do feel like... I mean...
Vine: A little hot? ~ *I rest my hoof on your lower belly*
Stella: *Nearly my entire face floods red. I can do nothing but stare at you, paralyzed.*
Vine: *I let my hoof slide down and start to rub your slit. I start getting hard too.*
Stella: *I snap out of my stupor and lunge onto you, knocking us both down into the grass.* Sorry... I got a little excited. *I close my eyes and lean down into you for a kiss*
Vine: *I kiss you back, though I poke you in the stomach with my member.*
Stella: *I simply melt into you, focusing on nothing but that kiss and wrapping my hooves around you.*
Vine: Have you waited a long time? ~
Stella: What if I told you... It's my first
Vine: I'd call you a liar if I didn't like you so much.
Stella: well you'd be right. I wanted to see how you'd react. *I giggle and reach down to your member, and stroke it softly.*
Vine: o-oh~ you're sneaky. *I rub your back and smile*
Stella: How's your situation? *I start to just fiddle with you playfully, no real rhyme or reason*
Vine: pr-pretty tender, I haven't had any alone time in a while. *My cock bobs fully erect between our bellies*
Stella: Maybe I can help you with that. You want the top, or bottom? *I firmly wrap your flank closer to mine so that your entire cock is sandwiched between us.*
Vine: I like you like this~ *I squeeze your plot and pull your hips*
Stella: You're really warm. It's cozy. *I gyrate my torso against you.
Vine: I gasp and sigh* you seem to know what you're doing~
Stella: I've done a lot of "research" but not much practice. Maybe five or six times.
Vine: Research? It's all trial and error for me. Maybe I'll show you what I've found out.
Stella: I'd love nothing more. You've never answered; top or bottom?
Vine: bottom~
Stella: oh, I see. Make the lady do all the work. *I giggle and roll us so that my hind legs are straddling your chest.*
Vine: scoot up a little and I'll do the work. ~
Stella: Why don't I just turn around then? I may not want to do all the work, but I don't want you to. *I rotate myself magically, with great difficulty. Then I lean over and expose myself to you, while putting your member against my cheek simultaneously.*
Vine: *I stick out my tongue out and start to lick your slick, slipping a little deeper each time.*
Stella: *I time and pace my own licks with yours, while fondling your balls with a hoof*
Vine: *you make me catch my breath and sigh, each time I do, and I send a wave of warm breath over your marehood. I push in deeper and lap your insides, getting your juice on my muzzle*
Stella: *I push myself into your face and begin wrapping your cock in my mouth. First just the flare, then suddenly half of the length at once*
Vine: *I moan into your marehood and I reactively buck into your mouth*
Stella: *with careful magical control of my gag reflex, I continue to take your whole length into my throat.*
Vine: *I moan and pull my wet muzzle from your pussy.* D-don't be too good. Hah... you'll make me embarrass myself...
Stella: *I send a telepathic message:* {Sorry. I wouldn't want the fun to end too early anyway.} *I back off a little and just let ¾ of you rest in my mouth for a minute, feeling my pulse against my throat mixing with yours."
Vine: *I get back to work and play with your clit with my tongue*
Stella: *Convulsions run through my body, and I begin to lose control of my reflexes. I begin to pull away from your cock, but the friction slows the process down a little. I barely get it out before I start to gag.* Oh, wow, you're not bad either. *I cough a couple of times*
Vine: *I wrap my lips around your clit and suck while you recover.*
Stella: *I arch my back and shudder.* I'm gonna cum!
Vine: *I muzzle into your pussy, ready for you to cum on my face*
Stella: *I shout loudly and convulse about on your torso, weakly spraying liquid onto your face and chest.* Oh, Celestia, yes!
Vine: *I blush harder and keep licking your slit*
Stella: *My orgasm is prolonged, and manage to get a few more squirts out before I relax.* Oh, geez, that was good... but I'm only warming up. You ready?
Vine: I wouldn't dream of stopping now~
Stella: *I turn myself around again and position my slit so that' it's parallel with your cock, vertically. After a few lubricating slides, I raise myself up and begin to sheath your cock within me, slowly.*
Vine: Oh yes! *I lean back in ecstasy, heightened by the smell of your cum.*
Stella: *I lean down and lick my cum off of your face, being sure to leave it around your nose, while sinking you into me.*
Vine: you're gonna make me cum. ~ I'm in your hooves. ~
Stella: That's the idea. *I stop dead in my tracks and simply tighten around you rhythmically.*
Vine: *I groan* wh-what are y-you doing to me?
Stella: Making you crazy. But that is mean. I should go one way or the other. Maybe on... *I slide further down your length.* ...or maybe off. *I begin to pull off of you.*
Vine: *I moan and grab your hips with my hooves and grit my teeth* I-it's working.
Stella: I figured it would. I could think of a few self-control games we could play... or we could get right to the mind blowing orgasm. Your pick. *I begin to take a steady pace pumping you.*
Vine: I'm cumming~ *I pull your hips down as I pump you full of my pent up seed. Spurt after spurt flows into you*
Stella: Oh! *It catches me off guard and I edge. I rub my clit to push me over, and spray our combined cum all over you. I shout loudly.*
Vine: *I lay back with a look of bliss and relief.* mmm~
Stella: *after I simmer down, I collapse onto you, smearing the filthy liquid all over our chests.* Thank you, Vine...
Vine: I could thank you, I never had a mare who cums like you do. ~
Stella: I've hear that squirters are kinda rare... if you'd like, you can have a little more. I'm still kinda hot.
Vine: I'd like that~. You're leaking my cum now, too/
Stella: Is that a turnoff? I could clean it up...
Vine: I don't mind~ we're getting pretty messy, more won't bother me. ~
Stella: Alright then. *I turn around once more so you can have access.* Bon appetite,
Vine: *I start eating your creampie. I'm amazed I came this much and my face is a mess of cum. My tongue flicks around as I try to work through the cum.*
Stella: *I'm moaning from the over sensitized pleasure. Within a minute or two I'm primed to cum again.* Almost there...
Vine: *I suck your clit hard, I'm not going to let it go*
Stella: I arch my back again, and forcefully spray my liquids onto your face. I scream sharply and squeeze your head into my crotch with my legs. This time, there is nearly a cup of the juice in the end.*
Vine: *I let you go when you stop flowing and let you see the mess you made of me. I have a deep blush and smile as I look back at you.*
Stella: Sorry... I didn't know I had that much in me. I may as well have peed on you... *I giggle and get up to lay next to you and playfully lick your face somewhat clean.*
Vine: I don't mind. ~ Anytime. ~ ready to sleep under the stars?
Stella: I'd love to. *I kiss you on the tip of your nose and lay a hoof on your chest, and thus in the slop.*
Vine: *I hold you as we drift off in our mess*
End Part One.