MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter One
#1 of MLP: Friendship is Magic
Author's Note: I'm a bit new to the SoFurry game but what I do know about it is that there are MLP stories of adventure and romance on here. Thus, I felt that I should go ahead and upload what MLP material I have. Miond, my chapters area bit long. Like really long. So proceed at your own risk, I suppose. Anyhow, enough of my warning. What do I have to lose? I hope that you enjoy what I have to show here. Favs would be appreciated. Watchers would be awesome. Comments, reviews along with remarks - no matter how rare - would be epic.
Story Description: It's been a year since the day Twilight Sparkle learned what Star Swirl the Bearded couldn't, since she found out that friendship can truly conquer any trial, since she was announced as a princess of Equestria for creating new magic. During then, the times seemed happier for everypony. Now, however, darkness has returned... and it's influence is stronger than ever. Mysterious Everfree Forest threatens the ponies as do the swarming changelings in the badlands. In southeastern Vallhalla, the formerly allied dragons fight one another. Then, there are the eastern Zeklathine isles, the mightiest realm of the griffins... lost completely due to evil.
As her first anniversary as a princess nears, Twilight cannot keep from confronting these troubles. Everyone clearly needs aid. Yet, where can she get the needed help? From a forgotten other world, a forgotten other people? Perhaps. Join her as she calls to the stars... and get's her answer. A "Humanity will return to Equestria" story, if you will.
"It is when the sun is shining its brightest, when the moon is at its fullest, when the Elements of Harmony have been born anew and Star Swirl is amongst us once more... that there shall be a most remarkable sparkle of twilight. And from that twilight, from a place long thought as lost, from we who have been forgotten, a child of history will be brought back home as well as a millennium old prophecy will finally be fulfilled."
Chapter One: "The Starting Point"
"What is a life without friends? Without family? Hm, well, you've asked the right pony that kind of question. Without those things, I couldn't call that a life at all." - Princess Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic
"Spike? Are you ready with the list?"
"Yep. I'm more than ready to get this over with when you are, Twi!"
"Heh heh, trust me when I say the feeling is mutual. So let's get this right the first time through! Okay, let's see... Have we got the place cleaned up?"
"Everything is organized, dusted, polished, swept, and lacking in any kind of germy substance. So, that's a check!"
"What about food and beverages?"
"Check on that too. At exactly 7:00 this evening, the Cakes delivered what we had ordered the week beforehand. We have the wanted cupcakes, candy, ice cream, brownies, juices, sodas, junk food, and so on."
"Hm... Maybe we ordered too much of the treats and not enough other stuff? Knowing Pinkie Pie and her unstoppable appetite, she might very well overdo it and give herself a stomach ache. Still, there is Apple Jack. I'm not saying that the bearer of integrity is as reckless an eater but, with how much she eats too, she might even things out against Pinkie's rushing. Or am I over worrying again? Yes, that's it. I'm over worrying. There'll be no stomach problems from anypony at all. With what's going to happen tomorrow, they know better than that. Alright, Spike, now what about extra pillows and blankets?"
"They're all fluffed, tidied, cleaned, stowed away, and ready in the upstairs closet for anypony unfortunate enough to have forgotten anything on their way here."
It was within the limits of the town well known as Ponyville - a quaint community among the many throughout mystical Equestria that was located just south of impressively royal Canterlot and north of ominous Everfree Forest - that a serious exchange was underway. Yet, if awake to do so, one couldn't resist wondering how could that be? With "Princess Luna's" moon having had replaced "Princess Celestia's" sun some time ago and with all of the land asleep in turn, how could there be any kind of exchange going on? What ponies of Ponyville were defying the natural order of the world by rejecting sleep, by rejecting Luna's dream world?
Well, to be precise, it happened to be a fretful violet alicorn pony accompanied by her little purple-green dragon aid that did the certain rejecting. Together, ignoring how late it was outside, they purposefully walked, paced, ran, even jumped, from one spot to the other in no specific order. At an odd time, why did they show such peculiar behavior? What purpose did it serve them or anyone or anything?
Inside the sturdy tree that acted as both their home as well as Ponyville's local library, the lavender alicorn and her young dragon buddy had the thoughts of "resting up" last on their minds. Instead, they concentrated on a lengthy list in the dragon's claws that looked like it would be quite an achievement for them to complete. Truly, due to so much listed upon it, the parchment unrolled from its scaly holder's grip onto the floor to easily stretch outwards for several feet.
Despite this, the dragon's expression explained his attitude towards the situation pretty well. It had been a long, long, long time coming but it would be good to finally have everything checked off. However, considering how the alicorn with him, "Princess Twilight Sparkle", had always been, would everything on the ridiculously long list really be checked off at last? Or was she, the Element of Magic, going to be much too picky about what was planned to be a special night for her?
Yeah, just like how she handled everything else in her life, Twilight was probably going to be too overly-thorough about how she did things. Even if it was for a good cause, like for that night, she couldn't help triple checking the procedures. Still, that wasn't as big an issue as it sounded. Not for little "Spike" anyway who, since birth, had grown all too familiar with her ridiculous methods of being dramatically picky picky.
Having been Twilight's friend through the thick as well as thin for the longest time, Spike wasn't about to abandon her now simply over a bigger than needed list. If he did that, she'd be alone and, whenever alone with any massive task, she more often than not worked herself into a completely fitful mess afterwards. Really, his leaving her would most likely result in a usual eventuality. Due to nerves, Twilight would try to cancel the one-time of late, the coming night, she would have to not be royalty but be her normal self again. Seriously, as unbelievable as it sounded, she would deny herself any kind of possible relaxation before facing her biggest of big days tomorrow!
That ill possibility of Twilight trying to cancel what was going to happen that night, as a thought alone, made Spike's gut hurt. Seriously, it made him sick. Firstly, if it did come true, he'd be up moping with her for the rest of Luna's nighttime no doubt. Secondly, then there would be the tremendous next day to face afterwards! Ugh! Yet, nothing as bad as cancelation was going to happen! Not if he had anything to say about it anyway, which he did!
All throughout the day beforehand - to prevent the worst from happening - Spike had gone about aiding his dear yet reluctant Twilight Sparkle with the organization for that night. It hadn't been easy for him to do but, ignoring Ponyville's princess's arguments along the way, he encouraged her to keep going with the flow. Considering how the past year had been to her, to all of Equestria, what was about to happen would do Twilight more than a world of good and, deep inside his caring heart, Spike needed to see her enjoy herself after only being focused solely on her royal duties.
So, as a princess facing an immensely eventful next day and just as she desperately required Spike to keep her on track at the moment, Twilight needed what was to occur for her that night; a relaxed, simple, get together between herself and her dearest friends, the "Elements of Harmony".
Yes, it was preparing for a get together between dearest companions, a sleep over, a girl's night out, that was Twilight's as well as Spike's very reason for being awake rather than slumbering away the hours. Unknown to them actually, somewhere in Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna held nothing begrudging against their actions. Truly, with the pair facing an undoubtedly fun event during her nighttime, with her stars twinkling and her moon glowing brightly too, Luna couldn't have been happier for them while standing vigil over Equestria on that certain night.
Meanwhile, with the minutes speedily ticking away, the specified time for the sleep over to start at the library would be at hand soon enough. Even so, the partying couldn't start! Not without Ponyville's princess taking advantage of every opportunity to go over her preparations anyhow. Much like how Spike had worked throughout the day for her, Twilight wanted to make absolutely sure she was prepared for anything the night might throw at her while in the company of her friends. Being a very big part of her life, being responsible for her never ending happiness, the Elements unquestionably deserved perfection!
"Okay, not bad so far. Next, we need to go over the invitations." As she exited the kitchen after double checking what would be the night party's food supply, Twilight seemed to become the most concerned over this section of the list, "Firstly, we did invite everyone. Right, Spike?"
"You mean did I invite everyone," Spike corrected, showing a small grin from behind the parchment in his hands, "during the time you were summoned by Celestia to be formally invited to your one year anniversary as a princess that takes place tomorrow?"
While Twilight observed her companion take in a deep breath after having finished his long sentence, the dragon simply admitted next, "Yes. Yes, I did. After doing some of her animal grooming, I got around to inviting Fluttershy first. Still, she always has stuff to do with her woodland creature friends so she might show a bit later than everypony else tonight." At this, the dragon added under his breath, "I bet, even as we speak, she's especially having a fantastic time getting with Angel Bunny into bed. Blah."
"Hm, Fluttershy has always kept her word." In turn, Twilight couldn't help but release a giggle while she added about the Element of Kindness, "With how she handles dear Mr. Spirit of Disharmony, we know that for sure. But if she's late, then she's late with good reason and everypony else will be here to greet her then. In fact, if she's going to arrive later than the others, then she might even have Applejack to accompany her. Right?"
"Um, yeah, maybe. When I asked her to come, as expected, Applejack was more than happy to be invited. She definitely wasn't going to miss the exclusive sleep over that marked the eve of your first year of being a princess, Twi." Next, Spike chuckled at Twilight's humbled blush while explaining, "But, in her own words, Sweet Apple Acres doesn't keep itself in shape! If anything, ha ha, it keeps her in shape! Anyhow, if Applejack was going to be coming here later in the week, the farm needed a bit more extra work and, therefore, she'll be arriving later than the set time. But, one way or the other, she's coming. So, yep, Fluttershy might very well meet her on the road here."
"Leave it to Applejack to remain true to her element and not skip off work." Twilight happily chimed about the Element of Honesty. She, with her violet colored magical abilities, went about setting out things with levitation enchantments for the upcoming night next, "Not that that's very surprising. Work, work, work, is all she has ever thought about since first bucking for apples. Nonetheless, it's always been her friends that have proven to be amongst the rare things that drag her away from her duties."
"Hm, that sounds awfully similar to another certain busy pony I know."
"What? Oh, Spike, ha ha, don't go doing that to me!"
"Don't go doing what?" Spike answered, trying to innocently beam at his humored friend, "I didn't point fingers or say names. Guilty conscious? Paranoid much?"
"No, you didn't. No, I'm not. And whatever to the rest."
The friends shared a laugh that helped them wake up a bit more. As Pinkie Pie, the actual Element of Laughter, had always said during her lifetime: What better cure was there to be had than laughter shared by friends? Ha, there wasn't a better cure, you sillies!
Moving on to examining the ceiling décor, Twilight brightly said, "Ha ha, well, getting away from work will help Applejack and everypony tonight. She's always been the calm, collected side we need to keep these parties under control. Also, I bet that extra effort she's putting into the farm is for the upcoming Cider Season. Who knows, she may bring a bit here as a donation to the beverages. Apple Family Cider would certainly liven things up, don't you think?"
"If any of that stuff does show, it will liven Rainbow Dash right up. That's for sure." Spike replied casually before erupting into more mirth with Twilight.
It was common knowledge that Rainbow Dash, the Element of Loyalty, went head over hoofs for all apple cider. Especially, like most of Equestria, for the Apple Family's certain brand. If Applejack did bring some of her kin's homemade cider, it would be best if everypony secretly got a sip ahead of the fastest pegasus throughout the land because, when she did become aware of it, she would drink the rest of the stuff with a passionate gulp before ricocheting everywhere!
When they thought of the absurdity of Rainbow Dash bouncing off of the library walls from exposure to her most favorite drink, Twilight along with Spike couldn't help laughing harder than ever until they were rolling about on the floor.
Finally, with tears blurring her lavender eyes along with her ribs aching, Twilight began regaining a hold of herself. Getting onto her quivering hooves, she wondered aloud through her snickering, "W-would it be best, Spike, if we s-set up safety nets? Should we not tether the library down?" This suggestion only made Spike burst with laughter again and, unable to resist the energy of the moment, Twilight fell down onto the ground beside him once more! In an attempt to minimize the pain she felt with every laugh she gasped out, she tightly hugged her aching ribs.
Outside, several lights in houses flickered on. Noticing this, Ponyville's princess jumped to her hooves, beat her wings, then rapidly regained her composure as she strictly stated while giggling on the inside, "Okay, okay, okay. Spike, Spike, Spike... Let's tone it down so we don't wake up Mayor Mare along with the rest of the town. We may be staying up past our bedtime but the rest of Ponyville will need its energy for tomorrow." Holding his stomach, with the list forgotten, Spike just kept on laughing heartily. Against his will, mind.
Knowing that this hilarious behavior of Spike's wasn't just due to the funny thoughts of Rainbow Dash but because of sleepiness too, Twilight patiently took hold of a nearby pillow with her magic. She then passed it gently over to her dragon companion who used it to effectively muffle his chortling expression until getting a hold of himself. As the result, the lights throughout the community began to die out until there were none to be seen. Letting out a sigh of relief after a few moments, Twilight nudged the quieter Spike that things were okay. The party planning could resume. Yet, when he didn't move or do anything, she poked him a second time to only got the same results as before. What was wrong with him?
It turned out, when he was flipped over onto his back, Spike had literally passed out while muffling himself. In a matter of several seconds, he'd departed deeply into Luna's dream realm.
At the little dragon's snoring through his drool, if not more disciplined, the lavender alicorn princess would have broken down into her former mirth. Still, against the odds, Twilight barely kept her cool before she went about awakening him. She felt bad she had to do so but she still needed her scaly friend. Much like with everything else before her becoming royalty, she required Spike's support. Truly, no matter what the future brought, no matter the passing of time, she would always need him by her side.
"Spike? Spike, hey."
The little dragon didn't respond at all to Twilight's words nor prods. Even when she tried to be louder with him, he remained impervious to her attempts. This, honestly, had been what she expected of him. He hadn't been called a heavy sleeper during his lifetime for nothing. If only a fog horn were around... Yet, no, what a silly thought to bring up. Not only would using such a thing be cruel to do to Spike but it would wake up the whole town as well. Uncool. Uncool, indeed.
Not wanting to be too rough with him but faced with a dilemma nevertheless, Ponyville's princess eyed her slumbering companion thoughtfully. Then, with a devious grin, she thought of a solution.
Throwing back her indigo shaded mane to get into character, Twilight purposefully leaned in close to Spike's ear to playfully squeal, "Ooh, would you look at how adorable he is! Look at my little-wittle cutey-wutey Spikey-Wikey!" Immediately after copying the Element of Generosity, feeling she had imitated fair Rarity with some talent, Twilight watched Spike come back to life at once! He just couldn't sleep after that spot on performance!
"Rarity?!" The little dragon exclaimed groggily, his emerald eyes wide with astonishment as he believed that his marvelous crush or reason for waking up each morning was with him, "When did you get... here?" When not seeing Ponyville's fabulous fashionista anywhere, he turned to Twilight who, with an audible "Squee", beamed at him. Rather expectedly, he didn't join in the joke. Instead, he crossed his arms while he stated, "That was you? Not cool, Twi. Not cool."
"Well," Twilight smartly replied, nudging the unfinished list of things to do closer to the disappointed Spike meanwhile, "that's payback for commenting on me being like Applejack earlier." Next, she went back to checking over the library. By herself, she came to eventually find out.
When noticing that her dragon aid wasn't responding to her hints to help her but remained looking rather upset, the purple alicorn hesitated in continuing going about her business. Then, gently, she sat down before quiet Spike and, with her wings, looked to hug him.
Even before she had done so, Twilight had been completely aware that her previous tactic in getting the dragon awake had been a dirty one. To trick him with a Rarity impersonation, to use his love interest against him, had been small minded of Ponyville's princess. Time to prepare for the get together was running short, true, but that was no excuse for her arrogant behavior. Hadn't she been made royalty for her intelligence and not the opposite? Without a doubt, she could have definitely thought of a better road to take than use something so personal on Spike to awaken him. Now, as an Equestrian leader as well as practically his sister, she owed the shaken dragon a sincere apology for her actions.
It took a moment that felt like eternity but, to her relief, Spike accepted Twilight's kindly gesture. There, on the library floor, the two friends sat hugging before the purple alicorn admitted, "I'm sorry for that, Spike. I'm sorry for speaking like Rarity. It's just that you fell asleep and I still needed your help and I couldn't think of anything-"
"I know, I know." Spike abruptly cut in through her embrace. Surprisingly, he didn't sound upset with her anymore. Rather, it seemed he was humored. He even chuckled as he went on to say for the both of them, "I should actually be the one to say sorry. Whenever I fall asleep, there's just no easy way for me to come back. I'm just gone. That is, um," The dragon's cheeks turned noticeably crimson as he finished, "until Rarity is involved of course." Laughter, controlled along with hearty laughter, followed this statement.
"I'm not really mad or anything, Twi. It's just kind of, ha ha, disturbing to me how well you impersonated her is all. You weirdo."
"Weirdo? Me? Never! Well... I suppose I do have my moments, don't I?"
"That you do. In fact, nopony, especially Big McIntosh, has completely forgotten your little mental breakdown last year that involved you enchanting Smartypants which led to the entire town going crazy for it and-"
"Ha ha, okey-dokey, Spike! That's quite enough. Let's not go into that please? Pretty please?"
Again, the friends shared some laughter.
Off in the distance, looking out over the kingdom from the throne room's wide balcony, Princess Luna perked her ears up in Ponyville's direction. Then she assumed a pleased smile at hearing her friends enjoying the night with her. In turn, as several of her ominous lunar guards approached from behind with a bouncing pink earth pony in their midst, the nocturnal princess's gothic decorated carriage was purposefully drawn up as well as opened to her. First, with a graceful shifting of her wings as well as swirl of her starry mane, Luna trotted onboard. Then, after some respectful discussion, the pink earth pony jumped in too before the transport took into the air to head southwards.
Back in the library, while they shot friendly insults at one another with much snickering, Twilight and Spike remained in a tight hug. Truth be told, Ponyville's princess knew that the dragon wasn't only going out of his way for her alone but he assisted her with the party's organization due to other reasons too. For one, once he witnessed the one as well as only Rarity arrive to the library, he would then be able to easily go to sleep like a log with his heart all a flutter. Hopefully the beautiful white unicorn with her amethyst mane would visit his dreams afterwards. Second, at the request of Princess Celestia herself by letter, he really had no choice but to stay up. By royal decree, he had to keep the Element of Magic focused on her friends and not on her most recent studies.
Twilight may have very well discovered her destiny a year ago. She may have become a source of inspiration along with nobility unlike any other. However, much like how she was fretting now, the purple alicorn knew that she hadn't lost track of some of her old traits when only being a student. Just like in her past, she still got easily flustered when there was no order, she still did her best to learn everything about friendship and, most of all, her love for studying hadn't faded in the slightest. Yes, whenever having free time from her royal duties concerning Ponyville, she looked over her library's books. Some of them she'd read over a dozen times alone, in fact. Recently though, she had discovered something interesting while having access, as a princess, to the oldest of the "Star Swirl the Bearded" books in Canterlot Castle's archives.
Much like with her teacher before her, Star Swirl's novels had become a favorite pastime of Twilight's since her becoming royalty. It was partially due to him, due to his genius dabbles with the Elements of Harmony, that she was where she was at as a princess, after all. A year since then, she'd mastered plenty of his complex texts, incantations, spells, and so on. However, she was stumped on one of his particular magics. It was in the most faded section of one of his older books she possessed, with its title barely showing "The Yonderlands", that Ponyville's princess had ground her teeth, sweated, pondered, along with groaned in frustration for the past month.
This, by decree of Celestia along with Twilight's own well-being, was where Spike came into the picture.
The little dragon was aware, no matter the difficulty, that he had to keep Twilight away from her books. This, apart for wanting her happiness, was his reason for having helped her plan for the night's get together throughout the course of the day. So, shame on him for falling asleep! While every other important pony was busy, he was the only way the Element of Magic could properly participate in the approaching sleep over which was, truly, going to be the best of private celebrations between herself and her friends for what was to occur the next day.
To be clear, tomorrow marked Ponyville, Equestria itself, having had Twilight as a princess for a full year. As the result of such good tidings and known throughout the land, there would be a celebration in Canterlot with the other Equestrian princesses, foreign leaders, as well as more of Twilight's family.
That was in the future though. Right now, the present needed attending to.
In the next half hour, the Elements of Harmony were expected to arrive to the library and they would have their own little party for Twilight ahead of the future massive one Celestia would host. Yet, the parties weren't on Ponyville's princess's mind. Having worked on Star Swirl's troublesome Yonderland book for the past month, Twilight felt she was so very close to finally unraveling its secrets! She was so very, very close that she could practically feel victorious about it! However, she knew Celestia and Spike had the right attitude about her approaching one year anniversary.
Truly, at all times, Twilight considered her friends to be the most important of things on the ridiculously long list she had unrolled in her mind. Besides, a one year anniversary came only once in a lifetime. Star Swirl's Yonderland tomes wasn't going anywhere. It was there in the study room and would remain there until she could get back to it. Until she could... get back to it. Yeah...
Star Swirl's book wasn't going anywhere, true. Yet, no one had arrived for the sleep over, right? Things for the girl's night seemed to be in enough order, correct? All that was missing from the picture were the guests who would be arriving in the next half hour, no? So, what harm was there, for the next thirty minutes, in going back to the Yonderlands novel and studying over the certain power it kept mentioning until everypony-
This one firm word broke Twilight's train of thought.
Realizing she was firmly focused on the study room door, she shook her head to clear it before looking down at a grim Spike. She knew the dragon was already reading her mind and, giving a wide grin, she rambled out in the most innocent tone she could, "Oh, yes? What's up, Spike?"
"What's up?" Spike answered with the same grim expression, "What's up is that I'm not giving up my sleepy time for nothing! You need to stop looking at that door! You need to stop thinking about books and about what is more important - your royal anniversary!" When finished with his exclamations, the dragon jabbed at the long list he'd regained from the floor. He pulled out of Twilight's embrace next as he questioned, "So, shall we continue checking off things and not waste anymore time?"
"Of course! And me giving you a hug while apologizing isn't a waste of time, Spike!"
"No, that wasn't a waste of time... but always only thinking of your books and nothing else is."
"Okay, alright, ugh! Let's not get started. Now, where were we? Weren't we on the invitations?"
"Yep, we were actually on Rainbow Dash."
At recalling where they had been in the preparations and how they'd lost track, there was a series of irresistible giggling. Then, Spike controlled himself as he went on to explain to Twilight how the rest of the invitations had gone. As he spoke, he didn't notice the occasionally disappointed glances Ponyville's princess shot towards her study room door where The Yonderlands book seemed to somehow call to her. What power rested in that novel she hadn't learned yet? Nevertheless, Twilight ignored her nagging wants and, instead, respectfully gave her scaly companion - her very best friend sacrificing his sleepy time - her attention for the rest of the invitation results.
Gifted Rainbow Dash, who had been in the elite Wonderbolt Academy to enhance her aerial skills at the time, had been sent her fancy invitation in the mail days ahead. Her reply had arrived yesterday in the mailpony's urgent bag as well as had been quite excited. It read that there was no way she'd miss joining the private sleep over at the library along with the following celebrations at Canterlot the next day. Otherwise, what kind of Element of Loyalty would she represent? The crummiest one, obviously.
Then there was joyous Pinkie Pie: Ponyville's source of spirit, excitement, and so much more optimism. Honestly, the Element of Laughter had always known about Twilight's private get together with friends. How? Well, considering how it had been herself that had suggested the idea in the first place then that would explain things, wouldn't it? Still, being the expert on how any celebration went or should go, Pinkie was very much needed in Canterlot to advise Celestia on how to properly prepare for Twilight's one year anniversary.
After seeing the Element of Laughter having previously been in charge of her brother and favorite former foal sitter's - Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's - superb wedding the previous year, Twilight was sure she would witness quite an eventful tomorrow. Anyhow, Pinkie Pie had written she was going to be granted a "personal escort" from Canterlot to return in time for the sleep over and, in Spike's wise opinion, she was probably on the train back now as they spoke.
As for gorgeous Rarity, she would most likely be the one to arrive to the library first and, as Spike had just got done saying so, there came several delicate knocks at the front door.
Immediately, with Twilight snickering, the dragon dropped everything to answer. Behind him, Ponyville's princess used her magic to pick up the list as well as roll it up. One way or the other, the sleep over preparations for the night were as ready as they were going to be and, to be honest, they hadn't required the attention they had gotten in the first place. Everything, like always, would work out to be fine.
Twilight along with Spike both were fully aware of whom waited outside to be invited in. So, not surprisingly, the dragon eagerly looked to do the inviting inside. However, he hesitated momentarily to check his breath, brush back his spikes, before smoothly showing off his hopefully _handsome_improvement to his alicorn friend.
"You're absolutely dashing." The Element of Magic said with a smile, "You'll knock Ponyville's mares dead if you're not careful, Mr. Macho. Now as for our first guest? Care to let her in?"
"Right, right." Spike replied as he looked to allow in the first guest of the night. Yet, he paused when registering Twilight's words, "Wait, what do you mean by me knocking mares dead? Oh no! Did you mean that in the good way or bad way? I didn't mean to overdo it! Do I look that ridiculous?" He cringed when there was more polite knocking upon the door.
Trying not to be too loud but losing his once confident nerve at the same time, Spike questioned frantically, "Twi, do I look good enough or not?"
"Ha ha, Spike," Twilight giggled, finding it funny how the very thoughts of Rarity alone made the dragon hot on the spot, "you look fine. You really do."
"You're sure? You're really sure I look okay?"
"Spikey-Wikey," A regally charming voice chimed through the door, making Spike freeze solid and change from his purple-green complexion to a complete cranberry red instantly, "do I hear you questioning your good looks? Oh, why, you should be ashamed of yourself!"
In a squeak, Spike uncertainly asked back through the door, "I-I s-should be?"
"Why ask the door that," Twilight began brightly, "when you really know you want to ask who's behind it, Spike?" And with that, before Spike could do anything to stop her, the purple alicorn used her magic to finally open the front door for the first guest of the night.