No love greater

Story by SnowySnowpaw on SoFurry

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Kevin plopped him self down his bed, throwing his bag off at the door. He buried his head into his pillow and screamed. "God I hate that professor!" he yelled into the pillow. Kevin was an off black wolf. His father had been grey and his mother white so they were surprised when they had a black furred son. Kevin had long, loose fur that flowed with any breeze. His green eyes piercing the darkness of his room.

Kevin was a second year college student. College had always been cruel to him, and today was a prime example. His homeroom professor, Mr. Maning, a large brown bear, for some reason had a strong dislike of Kevin.

Today, once everyone settled in, Kevin had pulled out his next periods assignment, so he could hand it to his English teacher as soon as he walked through the door. Mr. Maning decided to take this as working on another class during this one, which was not true considering Kevin didn't even have a pencil out. So Mr. Maning took away the paper and put it through the shredder, giving Kevin an automatic F on the assignment. Then to make matters worse, his girlfriend broke up with him for no reason and no signs, just ended it. She left him for some bigger lion who Kevin had no clue as to who he was, but still it hurt him. He tried to think about anything that would make her leave him other than the temptation of a more masculine lion. He treated her well so that's out. He didn't ignore her but gave her space when she needed it so overcrowding wasn't.

He looked himself over in the mirror. Looks couldn't have been an issue. His muscles around his mid section are averagely toned but his arms and claves were huge. He was strong, smart, and good looking. He plopped down on the bed and went through every moment he had to think of one possible thing that could have cause her to leave.


Frost burst into the doors of his and his roommate Kevin's dorm room. Frost was your average everyday Arctic fox, if your average Arctic fox had three tails. He had a soft and very fine white fur coat and piercing crimson eyes.

He walked up to his bed and plopped down on it barely looking at Kevin. "What's up wolfie? Mr. Maning giving you shit again?" He got up again and looked at himself in the mirror admiring his feminine figure. "I've been asked out on a date again Kevin. I dunno if I want to go. What do you think? Should I go?"


Kevin looked up with tired, dreary eyes. He saw Frost walk in. Frost was one of the few people at the college who was open about their homosexuality, due to the fact that there was several violent gangs against people like Frost. On several accounts, Kevin had to help defend Frost. "Sure why not". He purposely ignored Frost's question about Mr. Maning. He figured forgetting about it would be better than remembering it.


Frost sighed. "I dunno. He seems nice but lately all the people that ask me out just want sex. I want that special someone to hold." He sighed and plopped back down onto his bed.

He turned and looked at Kevin before blushing a bit. He had a huge crush on the wolf but he knew he had a girlfriend so any relationship with him is out the window. "How was your day Kevi?"


Kevin sighed. "Well if you really must know, I had a horrible day". He winced to himself when he heard he sounded meaner than he wanted. He just really didn't feel like talking now.


Frost's ears lowered as he looked at Kevin. "Really? Mind sharing?" He was really worried about his friend.


Kevin turned away from Frost saying, "I don't want to talk right now". He huffed and scooted farther over. He didn't want to talk to anyone or do anything. He just wanted to curl into a ball and leave existence.


Frost looked at his friend in concern. He is a understanding guy but he is sometimes too curious for his own good. He was concerned but he was also very curious.

He got up and walked over to Kevin's bed and sat next to him. He put his paw on the black furred wolf's shoulder. "Please tell me Kevin. I want to know. Sometimes talking will make you feel better." He gave his trademark friendly smile.


Kevin shrugged the paw off. "Leave me alone damn it!" This time he purposely tired to come off as mean.


Frost looked hurt then angry. He got off the bed and glared at Kevin. "I just wanted to help you ungrateful son of a bitch!" He turned around and started to head out the door.

He opened the door and looked at Kevin. "If you want to have a pity party. Then be my fucking guest!" He slammed the door and walk out. He walked only a few feet away from the door and fell to the ground and started to cry.


Kevin winced when Frost slammed the door. He growled to himself and shoved his head into a pillow. "GOD DAMN IT!" he yelled. "Could this day get any worse?". He lost control and punched his wall, leaving a crack and a dent.

Under normal circumstances he would be worried about have to pay for the damage, but this was anything but normal. He now had tears in his eyes. "I fucked up school, I fucked up with my girlfriend and now my best friend hates me". he and started crying himself. "I hate this. Everything I do gets fucked over. I can't hold a girlfriend and I can't even hold a best friend".

Right now, Kevin couldn't go confront Frost, not now. he knew how sensitive Frost was yet he still yelled. "What am I going to do?". Kevin had tears flowing down his cheeks now, ruffling his fur.


Frost continued to cry and then his watch alarm went off. He had it set for 6:00pm which is when his supposed date was suppose to begin.

He looked at his watch and growled. "Fuck that. I'm not in the mood for a date." He got up and walked to the end of the hall before punching the wall. He muttered to himself, "I only wanted to help.".

He continued walking heading for the cafeteria for some ice cream, the only thing that made him feel better, which was known by everyone he knew.


Kevin stopped crying and now had his head in his hands, thinking. He had to do something. The only thing he could think of was how to make it up to Frost. He got up and went to his freezer. When he opened it he looked inside to see exactly what he wanted to, French vanilla ice-cream. It was Frost's favorite.

An idea popped into his head. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and held it thinking if he really wanted to go through with his plan. It might alter for the better or worse their friendship but he was willing to risk anything to keep his friend. He brought up the text menu and typed in, "hey. could u come by the room?" After sending it to Frost he waited with shallow breaths for a response.


Frost had his head down on the table. "Fucking figures. The freezer broke down and all the ice cream melted." He was sighing and grumbling on the verge of tears.

Then the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Stixs started to fill the air. That meant he was getting a text message. He looked at it figuring it was his canceled date, probably asking where the hell he was.

He looked at the screen and found that is was from Kevin. "What dose that bastard want now?" He looked over the message. "Hmmm might as well go back. Nothing better to do here." He got up and started heading back to the room.

He finally got to the door and opened it. "What the hell do you want? Want to yell at me again?"


Before Frost could say another word, Kevin threw his arms around the arctic fox. Tears were once again ruffling his cheeks. "I'm so sorry. I had no right to yell at you". He let go and looked his friend straight in the eye. "It wasn't just Mr. Maning that got to me. Right after he shredded my English paper, Carlen left me for some lion jockey. I was mad and I snapped at you. I'm sorry, please don't be angry".

Kevin quickly ran into the "kitchen" or the room and grabbed the already prepared bowl of ice-cream. "Here", he said handing Frost the bowl. "I know it's your favorite kind and it makes you feel better". He held the spoon and bowl out, hoping Frost would take his peace offering.


Frost looked at his friend for a bit. Kevin's tears had got to him. No matter how angry he got, when he saw someone cry it didn't matter to him what he was angry with. He walked over and took the bowl and sat down.

He looked at Kevin. "I told you Carlen was a slut. You should have broken of the relationship before this happened. I heard rumors that she was cheating on you as well. Now this lion thing proves it. She is after big muscular and more important, popular guys. Your a sweet boy that cares a lot about people, but you don't fit the popular boy standard must good looking girls go for."

He took another spoonful of ice cream and sighed contently. "I give up too easily. I can't stay mad and a crying cutie like you and ice cream." When he realized he said cutie he blushed. "" He went silent.


Kevin flipped a hand at him and gave him s relieved smile. "Don't worry about it. It probably just slipped". He brought a serious look back. "I know, you were right about her. But I just didn't want to believe it. I hate looking at people that way, with shadows of doubt and second thoughts. He sighed again. "But enough about me. Look... I know I probably ruined your date with... whoever. So I wanted to make it up to you and take you out somewhere".

Kevin realized how that came out. "It won't be like a date", he said stammering. "Just a couple of friends. What do you say?"


Frost sighed in relief. "Thank god he didn't figure out I meant that cutie remark.", he thought to himself. He smiled up at Kevin. "I'd like that a lot." He got up and straightened out his shirt.

He smiled back to Kevin. "So where are you taking me?" He giggled slightly and waited for the wolf's answer. "Kevin is single again. This is my chance. I'm going to ask him out tonight." I smiled to himself.


Kevin shrugged. "I dunno'. Anywhere you want I guess". He led Frost to his truck, an old 1993 Chevrolet S-10, and opened the door. "You can choose anywhere you want. It's all on me". They got in and Kevin turned the keys, the truck roaring to life. Kevin smiled with that of a proud father. He kept his truck in tune religiously, changing the oil every 2000 miles.

They drove out of the college campus parking-lot and drove down the street to the town. Not much in entertainment but you could find almost any kind of food in almost any kind of restaurant. "Go ahead and pick", he said to Frost.


Frost smiled. "Well, if you don't mind driving a bit. I'd like to go to that new Club that opened in the next town. Oh what was it called..." He tapped his chin in thought. ".....Oh right! It was called Fox Tail. Can we go there? Pwease?" He made his best puppy dog face, the one Kevin could never refuse.


"Come on! I'll do it anyway, you don't need the puppy face". He flipped his signal on and switched lanes to get to the highway on-ramp. "Highway's fastest right?" he asked.


Frost giggled happily. "Yeah! Now come on! We have some partying to do!" Kevin only sighed and kept driving forward and yelled occasionally at drivers who weren't paying attention.

"Turn your fucking turn single on you asshole!" Frost ears lowered as he heard the wolf's angry shouts. "Do you have to shout soooo loud?" Kevin only grunted a bit. "I guess not. Sorry."

After about a half hour of driving they reached the city of Saturia. Kevin looked at Frost. "Now where is this club?" Frost thought for a moment. "Ummmmm.....I forgot." He blushed and lowered his head.


Kevin just rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "Alright, lets ask someone". They drove until they found someone walking on the street. "Excuse me sir?" Kevin called. The small mouse turned to their direction. "Do you know where the- What's it called?" he asked Frost.

"Fox's Tail", Frost said. "Where the Fox's Tail is?".

"Ya it's down the street and on Spring street you take a right and it should be to your left a few minutes down".

"Thank you". The mouse nodded and Kevin drove off. He took the right turn and drove down the street until they saw the flashing lights of the club. Kevin slowly pulled into the parking-lot and found the nearest spot. He turned to Frost. "So what' so great about this club anyway?"


Frost just giggled as he stepped out of the truck. He threw off his jacket to show off a fish net top and a pair of pink short shorts. "Nothing in particular special but you should know me by now. I love to party and dance! Besides. this is a rave club."

He put on a necklace with three little glow sticks on it and then he took out a couple more glow sticks. "I picked these up from home. Now let's go!" He took Kevin's paw and ran into the club, they were instantly bombarded with the loud music playing in the club.


Kevin yipped in surprise and covered his ears. He had to slowly let his ears raise back up to get used to the loud music. "A little loud isn't it?" he yelled to Frost over the music. Frost only shrugged and threw himself into the mass over people all dancing.

Kevin however tried to stay on the outside of the mass. He remembered he had forgotten his wallet inside the truck. He tried to find Frost, but couldn't so he decided to just go out and come back quickly. As he ran back out side, he accidentally bumped shoulders with a large, burly bull dog. "Sorry", Kevin called behind him.


The bull dog only frowned and ran after Kevin and grabbed him. By the sent of his breath you could tell the dog was drunk off his rocker. "What'da say bitch?"

Kevin looked up and the dog and his nose wrinkled from the awful stench of the drunkard's breath. "I said I was sorry." His tone was a little more hostile then he wanted but he couldn't take back what he said.

The dog growled. "Sorry an't gonna cud it." Then without warning he punched Kevin in the stomach hard. The drunken bulldog let go of Kevin as the poor wolf staggered backwards in pain.


Kevin held his stomach for a few seconds before looking back up. With his teeth bared he roared, "FUCK YOU!". Kevin raked his claws across the bulldog's face, causing him to scream in pain. "Oh God my eye!" he yelled holding his face as blood oozed out of his hands. Kevin made a fist and rammed into the dog's stomach. "Pay backs a bitch isn't it?" he whispered into the bulldog's ear as he fell to the ground holding his face.

Kevin failed to notice the young girl who screamed as she saw the blood. She saw the bulldog not moving and instantly thought the worse, not noticing the dog's breathing. "Oh my god! He killed him!" she yelled, running back into the club.

Kevin tried to calm her before she ran inside. "No! No! You don't understand, he attacked me first". But it was already to late.


Frost was still dancing, completely lost in the music when he heard screaming. "What the hell?" He ran though the crowed of furs saying pardons all the way.

He came out of the club to see a girl run past him and a flustered and bloody Kevin. Frost only sighed. "What did you do this time Kevi?" Kevin only shot out in defense, "He's alive. He attacked me first!"

Frost looked over the squirming bulldog and his eyes were bleeding like hell. "I'm all up for self defense and all but you need to learn to not use your claws so much. Your fists are just fine you don't need to cut the guy."

He looked back at the club and sighed. "Lets make ourselves scarce before the security comes and we have to face the cops....again. I should stop taking you to clubs you always seem to get in trouble. That's why I wanted to go to one outside of town.


Kevin got in the truck silently, his head down. Once both of them were inside, Kevin said, "Frost, I'm so sorry. He attacked me and I got angry and I just couldn't help it. I hate people like him, get mad at such little things".

Kevin growled to himself, hitting himself in the forehead repeatedly saying, "Stupid, stupid!" with each strike. Kevin pulled out of the parking lot and drove back down the street. "Frost, I don't how I can make this up to you. Anything you want and you can have it. You want the most expensive restaurant, sure". Kevin looked to Frost, who had a blank expression. It was hard to tell what Frost's was feeling.

Kevin only sighed and turned his attention back to the road. 'Well Kevin, looks like you fucked something else up today', he thought to himself.


Frost thought to himself for quite the while before he looked at Kevin. "I do want to ask you something of you Kevin but not here. I wanna go to that really fancy Italian restaurant. You know the one right?" He couldn't remember the name nor pronounce it.

Kevin looked at Frost quizzically. He wanted to know why Frost couldn't ask him now but he decided to wait. "Um...yeah. I remember." He drove off still feeling like he royally fucked up again.


Kevin pulled off the highway back to the town near their dormitory. After about five minutes, Kevin pulled into a parking-spot for the best Italian restaurant around, The "Buca di Beppo". They got to the front podium. "Table for two please" Kevin said.

The waitress, a female cheetah, showed them to their table. As she asked for drinks, Kevin said, "Water please". She nodded and turned to Frost. "I'll have the house chardonnay". She left and Kevin turned to Frost. "So what did you want to ask me?".


Frost took a deep breathe his heart was beating a mile a minute. " I've had the biggest crush on you since like....ever. But you always had a girlfriend so I never believe you as gay or even bi. I just can't take it anymore, it's eating me up inside. I love you Kevin and I want to know...if you'll be my boyfriend."

Kevin looked at him in shock for a bit and blushed. Frost blushed as well and after about 5 minutes of silence he sighed. Their drinks have been poured so he just took a sip. "I'll take that as a no."


Kevin looked at his drink and could do nothing but stare. His best friend had a crush on him. "I..." he tried to stammer. He tried to think of reasons why this is wrong, but couldn't for the simple fact that he couldn't find anything wrong. "Frost..." he said. "I... I don't know what to say. I never would have guessed you thought that way of me. But..." he paused and took a swig of his water. "I guess all I can say is... yes". He looked up to see Frost's response.


Frost felt his heart stop for a moment then he got the biggest smile on his face. "R-r-really? You mean that?" Kevin only nodded in response. Frost let out a happy yip and leapt over the table and gave him a quick by passionate kiss on the lips.

Once the kiss was broken Kevin looked at Frost in a little bit of shock. "Wow. You actually kiss better then Carlen." Frost only giggled in response. "That's because my kiss was true. I meant it. Carlen was a slut. I bet she just kissed for the pleasure not love."


Kevin laughed. "You want to know the funny part, she may be a slut but I never got to actually have sex with her". Kevin shook his head. "Man everything is happening so fast". For some reason, kissing Frost felt more right than any other girl he has kissed. He thought that the first time with anyone of the same sex would feel weird and awkward. But this felt so right.


Frost smiled a little awkwardly as he took another sip of the chardonnay. "Mmmmmmm. Well then maybe I can be first. As I said. I heard Carlen was cheating on you, so I have no doubt that fur was the one she was fucking. I hate people like that."


Kevin was a little shocked by the remark Frost made about sex. "Um.. well....I think that's moving a little fast Frost." He blushed and the thought of having the fox in his tail-hole made his cock tip poke out of his sheath.


Frost only blushed. "Um. I'm sorry. I guess that is moving to fast." He blushed deeper and raised his tails up to his head to hide in.


Kevin laughed. "Well, let me get used to just liking you first". He shook his head. 'Wow, things are going so fast. I never could have guessed Frost liked me'. His thoughts snapped back to the present when their waitress came over and asked if they were ready to order. Kevin got the chicken Parmesan and Frost couldn't pronounce what he wanted so he just pointed to it.

When the food finally reached them, they ate and talked about past relationships. Frost was the more talkative one, considering Kevin only had a few others. After the meal, Kevin paid and walked with Frost out to the truck when they both got in, Kevin turned to Frost. "So what now?" he asked.


Frost thought for a moment and looked at the sky. It was a nice clear night with a full moon shining brightly. Their campus was on a town that was by the ocean. "I always wanted to lay on the beach wit my boyfriend and look at the moon.

Kevin smiled. "Sure. Sounds like it could be fun." Kevin never had a lot of romantic ideas so he really didn't know what was so special about this but he'd figure it would make Frost happy if he went. "Alright. Let's go."


Kevin turned the car on and drove down to the beach. On the way there, he kept looking at Frost, who again had a blank expression on. Kevin still couldn't believe this was happening. He was now the boyfriend of the same fox he knew since before third grade. Before they got there, Kevin had a question. "Hey Frost, how long have you had a crush on me? I've know you for so long that ‘ever' doesn't cut it". Kevin pulled into one of the many open spots by the beach and looked at Frost.


Frost thought for a moment then smiled. "Well. I guess you can say, your the one the made me realize I was gay. It was in the fifth grade. Remember that light tap on your butt? That was me." He smiled a bit.

Kevin only smiled back. "Wow that long huh? Wait? Your the one that tapped my ass?" Frost only nodded. "I was curious."

Kevin giggled then stopped. "Holy crap. I never giggled before." Frost laughed so hard he almost fell out the door.


Frost got out and sat in the sand, followed by Kevin who sat next to him. They just sat back and stared at the moon for a while. Kevin smiled lovingly. "You know what? This is romantic. I always love the moon".

Frost laughed. "Well of course, your a wolf. Don't you guys like to howl at the moon?" Kevin let out a howl just to play with Frost. "No not really" Kevin said. "We howl just whenever we feel like it, the moon doesn't dictate that".

Kevin laid a hand on Frost's thigh. "So where do we go from here?" he asked.


Frost smiled and looked up at the moon. "I say we go back to the dorm." He then gave a sly smile to Kevin and got up. He held out his paw for Kevin to take hold of which the wolf did and Frost pulled him up.

They both headed to the truck paw in paw and got in. Frost smiled lovingly at Kevin, never had he thought he'd be with Kevin. They drove off with only happy thoughts in there heads.


Kevin laughed at a thought that popped into his head. Frost looked at him. "What's so funny?" he asked.

Kevin just shook his head. "Everything that could possibly happen in one day did. I lost a girlfriend and gained a boyfriend. I got hit in the stomach and raked my claws across my attacker. I wouldn't be surprised if I won the lottery. Speaking of which". He pulled out a ticket with the words "LOTTO" across the top. "Could you see what the winning numbers are?" he asked Frost, handing him his cell phone.


Frost happily dialed the phone and nearly fainted. Kevin looked at him with a curious smile. "Well? What are they?" Frost smiled. "57894." Which was what was exactly on the card. "You won."

Kevin trusted a paw in the air. "LUCKY! hahahah! I can't believe my luck today!" Frost only giggled in amusement. Kevin smiled and continued to drive with his tail wagging.


Kevin got an mischievous idea. Thankfully, his truck was a clutch truck so this would be easy to do. "Frost, I'm feeling lucky, so hold ON!" Frost was about to ask what Kevin meant but wasn't given enough time.

Kevin slammed the clutch down and shifted from third to fifth gear. As he let the clutch up, he forced the gas pedal to the floor. The truck's back tire spun, summoning large clouds of gray smoke. The front end lifted off the ground as the truck shot forward. Kevin let out a "Yaaaahooo!" as the truck sped forward. Frost, however was clutching to the seat for dear life. He glanced at the speedometer. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90. Kevin brought the truck to 120 mile per hour before slowing back down.

They reached their room only seconds later and Frost could not get out of the car fast enough. "Don't... EVER... go that fast... again", he panted.

Kevin only laughed. "Sure, I just couldn't help it". He patted the front hood of his truck. "I've hand this since i was 16, and she still runs great".


Frost as holding his paw to his chest and he was panting hard. "I think my heart just stopped." Kevin smiled sheepishly and patted the foxes head. "Sorry. I just had to see." Frost only looked at him with a fire in his eyes. "Well then you owe me big."


Kevin looked at Frost curiously. "What d you mean?" Frost gave a foxy smile and got up. "You'll see when we reach our room." He started to walk back to the campus.

Kevin only shrugged to himself and followed Frost. As they walked through the corridors of rooms, they heard the usual gay remarks. One guy named John, a black panther, opened his window and called out to Kevin. "Hey wolf! Careful hanging out to much with him", he said motioning to Frost. "You might catch the Gay". He laughed and soon others were laughing so Kevin assumed that John had friend over. "Back off John", Kevin yelled. "I'll come up there and kick your ass". John quickly closed the window in fear and left them alone.

Back a few months ago, John had picked a fight with Kevin and Kevin mopped the floor with the panther. "God he annoying" Kevin said.


Frost giggled. "Yeah. He never leaves me alone. I pay him no mind though." They finally reached there room and Frost opened the door and slipped in and told Kevin to fall in a minute or so.

Kevin stood there with full wonderment in his eyes. "What does he want? Why can't I go inside?' he thought to himself. His foot tapped impatiently.

Frost called out from the room. "Come in." Kevin walked in and his nose started to bleed from the sight of Frost. Frost was sitting on the bed with only a pink thong on and giving him the most seductive look a fox can muster.


Kevin stood in the door way speechless. "I... I...". He couldn't think of any words, only of Frost and the tight thong he had.


Frost giggled and walked up to Kevin and grabbed his arm. "Come now hunny. Say something." Kevin was still speechless only blushing as he still stared at Frost's crotch.

Frost smiled and pushed the flustered wolf down onto the bed and started to undo his pants. "Mmmm. Well then I'll make you talk.


Kevin's mind was bombarded with numerous thoughts, taking away the capacity for speech. His brain instantly tried to find everything wrong with the current situation. But it couldn't find any. 'I shouldn't be doing this' his brain thought for him. 'Why not? I'm going out with him and there are no consequences' he reasoned him self.

'You had a girlfriend you shouldn't be doing this with another guy'

'I had a girlfriend. Besides, this isn't some stranger off the street, it's Frost. I trust him and... I'm pretty sure I love him'

His reasons won out a he finally spoke when Frost unbuttoned his pants. "You'll be gentle right?" he asked.


Frost smiled and leaned forward. "Sure hun". Frost pressed his lips to Kevin's and left them there for a deep, long kiss. Kevin closed his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure and love he felt from Frost's embrace. It was better than Carlen. It felt more loving, more caring. 'This must be what love really feels like' Kevin thought.

Frost murred and after, what felt like hours but was really only 5 minutes, he broke the kiss. He grinned and looked down at Kevin's crotch. "Mmmmm. I always wanted to know what your cock tasted like."


Frost slowly pulls the rest of Kevin's pants down and licks his bulge though the fabric of the wolf's underwear causing him to moan softly. "Ohhhh Frost." Frost only smiles and let's off a soft murr as he lowered Kevin's underwear and took his sheath into his maw.


Kevin felt his member poke out of his sheath. It felt so good and so right to have his first time be with Frost. He let out a sharp gasp of pleasure when he felt Frost lick the tip pointing through. "Oh my god Frost. This is too good". After a few more licks, Kevin was in full bloom. Frost started to rub up and down Kevin's dick. "You like it huh?" he asked.

Kevin could only nod yes. "Then you'll love this". Frost put the entire length in his maw to the knot. Kevin moaned and bucked his hips in surprise. Frost only chuckled and brought his head back up, only to push it back down. Frost gained a steady rhythm while Kevin could only squirm under Frost. Kevin started to lightly thrust into Frost maw, making his pleasure build.


Frost murred loudly as he bobbed his head up and down and rubbing his wet tongue all around the wolfs cock. He moved his paw up to start rubbing Kevin's ball sac.

Kevin let out a soft moan of pleasure. "Mmmmm. Oh Frost." He started to buck into the foxes mouth a little bit faster. "This feels incredible." Frost only smiled and went faster and lightly squeezing the wolfs sac.


Kevin couldn't hold out much longer. He felt his orgasm build to incredible heights. "Frost", he moan. "I'm close". In response Frost only bobbed his head faster and applied more sucking pressure to Kevin's cock. Kevin let out a few moans and then a howl as he came in Frost's maw, sending rope after rope on Frost's tongue.


Frost murred lightly and started to swallow as much of Kevin's cum as possible. Some, however, spilled out of his cheeks and onto the bed below him. When Kevin finally stopped cumming, Frost pulled of and started to clean his cock, licking off any excess cum that he didn't get before. "So how was that?" Frost asked.


Kevin panted. "Oh my god! It felt incredible." Frost giggled happily and wagged his tails. "Can you go another round?" Kevin nodded.

Frost jumped on to his bed and got down on all fours. He raised his tails up to sow off his tight virgin tail-hole. "I never let my ass get fucked. I wanted to save it for the one I believed I was going to spend the rest of my life with." He smiled at Kevin. "Take me Kevi! I want you in me! Please!"


Kevin only watched Frost. "I never done anything like that before. I'm not sure I know how." Frost giggled. "There's nothing to it. It's all instinct for the most part. I'll walk you though it though. Just stick your cock in me." Frost shook his rump anxiously.

Kevin nodded and walked up to Frost and climbed up on the bed. He the put the tip of his cock on Frost's tail-hole as he slowly pushed into him. Frost let out a moan of pleasure and a little bit of pain.


Kevin heard the pain in his voice and instantly stopped. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" he asked in one string of words. Frost smiled at him. "I'm fine. Keep going". Kevin slowly pulled out, the pleasure coming from Frost's tight pucker was more than anything Kevin could have imagined. "Oh god Frost. You're so tight". Once Kevin was entirely out, he pushed back in with more force and more speed.


After while, the pain died away to nothing and only pleasure was left for Frost. He bounced as Kevin thrusted his wolf cock into his tail-hole. Each time, Kevin gained more speed and strength with every thrust. Now Kevin was lost in the pleasure of fucking Frost's hole. As he thrusted, Kevin's member brushed Frost's prostate, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through his body. "Frost", Kevin panted after a while. "I'm close".

Frost griped the sheets in pleasure. "More Kevin! Oh god I want more!" Frost started to push back onto Kevin's cock faster.


Kevin was lost in pleasure. He only grunted and moaned as started to move faster. His cock went flying in and out of Frost's tail-hole. Frost gripped the sheets harder.

Kevin pounded into Frost's tail hole as hard as he could. Frost was right, instincts do take over after a while. Kevin felt his member slide in and out of Frost's slick hole. "Frost" he grunted. "Can I tie you?"

"Yes please", Frost pleaded. "Pop that knot into me". Kevin started to thrust harder so his knot could pop in.


Frost moans and lets out a yip as the knot pushed in. "Oh god Kevin! I'm close to cumming!" Frost moaned louder his pre cum dripping onto the bed.

Kevin howled. "Me too!" He thrusted in a bit more before he let out a primal howl and came hard into Frost, filling him up with cum.


Frost yipped out and came hard onto the sheets, shooting ropes of cum everywhere. He felt his legs go weak and he collapsed on the bed.


Kevin collapsed with Frost on the bed. Both of them were sticky messes. "That was wonderful Frost. I'm glad you were my first".

Frost smiled back at Kevin. "Me too" he panted. "I'm glad you were my first too. I love you". Frost leaned back and kissed Kevin before falling to sleep. "I love you too Frost". Kevin grabbed the covers and tossed them over both of them. "Good night love" Kevin whispered before falling to the realm of dreams.