No love greater

Kevin plopped him self down his bed, throwing his bag off at the door. He buried his head into his pillow and screamed. "God I hate that professor!" he yelled into the pillow. Kevin was an off black wolf. His father had been grey and his mother white...

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A lession in Biology

Hey. My names Sky. I'm a Arctic fox with sky blue hair and eyes. I'm also gay and everyone knows it. Death treats in my locker, getting picked on in and out of class, daily beatings ( if they can catch me that is.), the usual. I was leaning against a...

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A fox's frist love

Hiya, the name's Frost. I'm a 5' 2'' arctic fox with three tails and long black hair. I'm 15 and go to Pawston High School, but enough about me, this story is about a cute fox boy I know. His name is Kit, or at least that's what furs call him, even...

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