The Ronin And The Wizard- Part 1 [Prologue]

Story by firewolf91 on SoFurry

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So thanks to Lily the empress for helping me out of my writers block i was able to do this in record time.. i plan to make this a series and before anyone goes to asking if i am taking requests... no, i seem to get writers block when i take more then 1 request, so for now this is the only one i am doing, the "fun" part comes next lily. ;)

Story made by :Me Tika and Kirito Yoshimura belong to :Lily the empress [on Sofurry] If you want to repost this story link me it in a PM AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE REQUESTER'S PERMISSION AS WELL!! Or contact me at [email protected] enough mumbojumbo..... TO THE STORY!!!!

(The Ronin And The Wizard)

"*evil chuckling* That's it my pretty girl, fall right into the trap. I will have you begging for help before i am done." a mysterious voice said as it watched through an orb.

(2 Days Earlier)

Location:Yoshimura Province, Japan Year:1640 Time:3:37PM Weather:Rain Temrature:70:F

"Tika... tika!" A deep voiced figure said as he called out. "Master Kirito, she went out with her friends to the market." Said Kirito Yoshimura's closest advisor. I worry for her sake sometimes, she is too young, too blind- "Kirito Yoshimura!! Master!!!" a voice yells out worried. "Speak"... "Master, the wizard has gathered all his forces, they are marching here this moment!!" "Impossible, how could they get past the scouts!" "We do not know, but he is only a few day's march from the province."

"Master, we only have a few samurai groups here, she is not ready to lead them, you need to leave, both of you." Said Kirito's advisor. I will not bow to some wretched wizard, no matter how numerous his army may be, no matter how strong he is. I am a warrior of the Yoshimura clan. I do not concede to some fool, nor do i let them take my land. I will fight until they strike me down!" Kirito said in anger. "Master, it is not worth the fight to lose your life, we will regain our land and our homes. We should retreat while we can!" Said his advisor. "No! My decision is final!" Kirito yelled as he looked to his advisor. Very well master, we shall set up the archers on the towers.

(2 days later)

Time:2:30AM Weather:Overcast

"This day, i will claim this land, and all it's people as mine, you will not stop destiny this time! Archers, FIRE!" the figure commands, the night sky shortly after lights up with the brightness of hundreds of fire arrows as they light houses on fire, scorching fields as hundreds scream. "Dad! Something is going on, we are under attack!" Tika yelled to her dad who was still asleep at the time. Waking up he yells to tika. "Find your mother and brother, get them out now!" Tika runs into the room to see her dad putting on his samurai armor, the armor of his grandfather. "Go now!" "I won't, i won't leave you again!" tika yells disobeying her fathers orders. Tika there is no time to argue get your brother and mother out of here! I must deal with this personally. Running out of the palace, Kirito stands to see the province burning, people being killed as soldiers march up to the palace. "Soldiers! Form..UP!" Kirito commands as an army of samurai come out from behind the palace, the imperial guard. "It is pointless to fight kirito, you are hopelessly outnumbered. the figure stands, appearing in cloaks as he stands in the middle of the army. "I may be, but i will not stand, and let you run rampant through my province!" Kirito says as he unsheathes his katana. One of his father's prized possession, given to him through the throne line before him, crafted by a rare mineral that enhances a regular weapon's sharpness and effectiveness, the katana was razor sharp and able to cut a bone with ease. "Hmph.. you shall try and stop me." the figure responds before he commands "Soldiers, Double line!!" Not seconds later half of the army forms battle line, one reinforced with shields as the other with their swords and pikes, an effective wall like tactic. "Samurai hold your ground." Kirito shouts as the soldiers line up, holding the high ground of the palace. Very brave of you, too bad it was foolish not to charge as you would have survived longer "Catapults, FIRE!" the shout seems to echo as a wall of stones appear out of the blackened sky and strike the palace pillars, degrading the integrity of the palace building as it begins to rumble and shake. Kirito only has a moment to react and run forward before the palace crushes most of his troops, only leaving a few dozen alive along with him. "Now surrender, or die." The figure says, giving him one last chance. "You may come and destroy my province, destroy my palace, and kill my soldiers. But i will NOT surrender to you!" Yelling in a charge the rest of the samurai charge to the army.

(On The Other Side Of The Province.)

"Tika come on! He can handle himself!" said tika's little brother I know but... i have a feeling something is off, i'm going to go and find him. "Tika as your parent you will NOT disobey your father's orders and mine, come on we have to get out of here." said her mother.. Dad could be in danger, i have to make sure he is ok! Running off from her family tika goes back to the palace. She only gets there in time to see Kirito fighting for his life, only him against an army. "Dad! Run!" she yells only for him to turn to see her. "Tika.. run! Run now!" he yells out only for a soldier to fire an arrow at him, it piercing his armor as he gasps. "Dad!!!" Tika yells before being grabbed by an imperial guard soldier, trying to get her out of there. "Tika, don't worry about me, go on. " Kirito says to her as another arrow hits him, soon after being struck down by a sword, the figure appearing to kick his body to see if he is dead, looking to tika and the guard as they run. "Tika, your mother told me to find you, why did you go from them, you could have been killed!" The soldier said as they ran back to the rest of the group who had gotten out.

(A few minutes later.)

Arriving at the camp that the others had set up, their are bodies of fallen people, both civilian and soldier. Running as tears pour from her eyes, tika goes to check and see if her family is ok, only to find them lying on the ground... dead. "Who did this?!" Tika questions shouting in blind rage and sadness. "Tika, miss, we must go now, you're in grave danger, the killers could still be around." The guard warns as he looks around, alert for anyone who may ambush them. "I know this, and i intend to find the killers, i will not let my family die in vein i will find those who messed wi-" Tika says before getting cut off, hearing a movement behind them that sounds like a thunder of footsteps, as the guard is struck down by a bow. "Do not kill the girl, surround her." The figure calls out to the army as they encircle her, effectively trapping any escape. "Now my little girl, who might you be?" The darkened figure questions, still resilient to show himself to her. "Why did you have to kill them!? They did nothing to you!" Tika yells in rage, tears pouring down her face as she drops down on her knees and cries. "*evil chuckling* Little girl, you are lucky i am letting you live, please do not make me regret the decision and cry, your father would be upset to see you crying." He responds with, taunting tika to see what she does. Cursing in japanese she unsheathes her katana and cuts the nearest person's head off. "Do NOT say that EVER again, i will cut you down, everyone who gets in my way will be the same!" Tika shouts as she stares at the figure with rage. "Brave little girl." He says before motioning his hands, a soldier coming behind her and knocking her out for some time.

(Hours later.)

Time:5:30~Sunrise Location:Yoshimura Province ruins, Japan

*Moan* "What happened.... Dad? Mom? Brother?" she questions as the fires of the province lightly crackle and start dying out, the old dojo surviving most of the fire. Shuddering at the cold that had hit the area, she runs inside and looks around for anyone who may be alive. Everyone is either long gone or dead, including the army who she had seen last night. Noticing a map on the floor, she unrolls it to see a picture of the mountain overlooking the area, it being marked with a red X. "What does this mean?..." She questions before looking at the back of the map and seeing a marker showing it was a possible location for the wizard. Balling her fist in anger she sets out, walking to father's body before saying to him in spirit. "Father, i will avenge you, keep mom and the little brother safe. I will return honor to the Yoshimura family." She sighs as she grabs the katana and starts walking to the mountain, determined to hunt him down for his crimes.