A Place in the Sun - Mythics 4

Story by Lampwick on SoFurry

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A young teen's encounter in the woods leads to a somewhat different relationship with his beloved Great Dane.

Martin gripped the leash firmly and leaned back to try putting on the brakes just a little. Although he was pretty strong for the average 14 year-old, he was no match for the 140-pound Great Dane who was dragging him through the woods. Even on normal days it was hard to tell if he was taking Kayla for a walk or she was walking him. On this first exploration of the campsite, it was no contest at all. He just hoped she would eventually let him guide her back to the motor home before they got halfway to Canada.

He stumbled on a root and just barely managed to stay on his feet. Dammit! He hated camping. Sure, the motor home had beds and a bathroom, so it at least wasn't tents and sleeping bags anymore. His parents were nature freaks, and the first ten years of his life had been a nightmare of bugs and backpacks. He had finally had enough at age 11, and thrown such a fit that Mom and Dad had actually stopped camping for almost a whole year.

Then Dad had come home with the old, but decently comfortable Winnebago and they were back on the road at least once a month. Martin tried not to complain too much, since they had gone to a lot of expense to make him happy - well, less unhappy. Still, he often thought he must have been adopted. Both his parents were more active than many of his friends at school, playing tennis, running, biking, and of course, exploring every campsite they could find within 200 miles.

Martin was more like Kayla, at least at home. Great Danes were couch potatoes, happy to sleep all day and flop together with their masters to cuddle. Mom said he and Kayla were soul mates, wanting only to eat, sleep, and watch TV. She'd probably meant it to be a dig, but he'd happily agreed and asked if he could stay home from school if he wore a collar.

Kayla sure wasn't being a couch potato now, though. Her sudden energy was surprising. It wasn't because she hadn't been to a campsite before. In the three years since Martin had picked out the wriggling puppy, the two of them had endured dozens of such excursions. Whatever the reason, the Great Dane seemed to be on a mission, her nose to the ground and tail wagging furiously.

He started to get a little worried, not sure that he could find his way back. Oh, he had his cell phone, and even out this far they had a decent signal. Maybe even enough to stream a movie on the tiny screen later. The prospect of watching something other than another 'glorious sunset' distracted him enough that he almost ran into Kayla's hind end. His annoyance turned to surprise and then fear when he saw the cause for her sudden stop. A large wolf-like creature was sitting in front of them, looking at Martin with a cocked head and lolling tongue.

A coyote! Though he had never seen a real one before, the boy recognized the species. He didn't know they got this big, though. It looked almost as large as Kayla. That didn't ease his fears any, but he came to the gradual realization that the Great Dane was still wagging her tail happily and the coyote looked just as friendly.

"Uh, good dog?" He felt sorta silly, but then grinned as the coyote actually sat up in the classic 'begging' position that he'd never managed to get Kayla to do. Then the animal kept rising up, and up. Martin blinked and his mouth fell open as the coyote blurred and turned into a man! OK, not quite a man. He had pointed, furry ears and a black nose, and his body was somewhere between canine and human.

"Coyote!" This time his reference was not to an animal, but one of the odd beings that made up the Mythics. They had shown up back when Martin was little, aliens who just happened to be a perfect match for various creatures from Earth's mythological past. His fear evaporated, replaced with a sense of awe. "Oh, wow! I didn't know you guys were anywhere around here!"

The humanoid canine grinned as he reached out to rub Kayla's chin with a paw-like hand. "We move around a lot." Even his voice was canine, a little rough and growly, but more playful than fierce. "Sorry if I startled you."

"Oh, that's OK. At least you got her to stop. I was afraid we'll still be walking away from camp this time tomorrow." Martin patted his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. "Is it OK if I take a picture? This is so cool! None of the guys will believe I actually saw a Mythic."

Coyote raised his paw. "Not quite yet. Maybe later." He looked back the way Martin had come. "You here with your family?"

Martin nodded. "Yeah. Mom and dad . We have a motor home, though, not just a tent. You want to come meet them? They will freak!"

"Yes, I do think I will. But not quite yet." Coyote regarded him with a friendly expression, and Martin found himself staring into the golden-brown eyes far longer than would have been comfortable with a human. It was more like looking at Kayla, the happy, loving expression she always had for him.

"You must be warm after walking so far." Coyote settled back on his haunches. "Why don't you take off your jacket?"

Actually, Martin did feel sorta warm. The brisk fall afternoon had prompted him to put on his windbreaker, but now the air felt a little stuffy. "Yeah, good idea." He dropped the leash and slipped his jacket off, feeling immediately better. But still warm.

Kayla woofed once, and then twisted her head to look back at her master with obvious curiosity.

"What is it, girl?" Martin's attention shifted to his dog and he squatted down to ruffle her neck fur. Kayla suddenly decided to shift into affection mode. She turned and started licking his face energetically, covering his face with slobber. "Gah!" He pushed her away half-heartedly, more because the Mythic was watching than any real objection, even though he ended up rocking back to sit on his butt. He sometimes licked her back in a kind of challenge to see which one would tire of the impromptu bath first. She almost always won.

Coyote grinned at them, and Martin flushed as he realized he had fallen into the game without thinking about it. He pulled away after licking her nose, and was relieved to find that she got the hint and also stopped. "Uh, sorry. Guess that looks sorta gross." Dammit. He felt silly now.

"Not at all." Coyote cocked his head slightly. "You love each other and show it. That is nothing to be ashamed of."

Relieved, Martin nodded and gave the Great Dane a hug that started her lapping at his ear and neck. "Yeah. She's my best friend. Slept with me since she was a puppy." He grinned ruefully. "Won't be long before the two of us won't fit any more."

It was still very hot. He shifted uncomfortably and plucked the bottom of his T-shirt free from his pants, but that offered little relief. After a moment, he pulled it off over his head and set it on the ground by his jacket. That felt much better, though his lower half was still burning up.

"You look uncomfortable." Coyote was still petting Kayla, who continued to nuzzle and lick Martin.

It was unusual for her to accept a stranger so quickly, and the trust put Martin at ease. "Yeah. It was so cool earlier. Must be some kind of heat weave." The boy loosened his belt, then undid it and opened the fly of his jeans. Normally he would be much more reserved, but Coyote was fully nude and had the easy, nonjudgmental presence of a dog. Kayla was taking advantage of his exposed flesh, her tongue leaving a spreading trail of slobber over his chest and down his belly.

"Not too keen on the woods, are you?" Coyote sat behind Kayla, keeping one hand on her back as he spoke. "Bet you'd rather be curled up on the floor with Kayla."

That created an odd picture in his mind, but Martin found himself nodding. "A nice warm spot in the sun., with a good movie playing."

Kayla whined, her tail wagging furiously as she nosed at his fly. "What?" He gave the dog a bemused look.

"I think she wants you out of the rest of your clothes." Coyote gave him that odd, lolling tongue grin. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

Yeah, it did. He felt confined and hot and uncomfortable. A few tugs got sneakers and socks off, and he slid his thumbs into his waist jerked pants and underwear down together. Martin sighed in relief as he kicked the garments off, grateful that he could strip out here where no people would see him. Kayla saw him naked every say, and Coyote... well, the Mythic just didn't seem to count.

"So, have you ever thought about getting a mate for Kayla?" Coyote sat back with his legs spread out, and Martin found himself copying the position. "A nice male to share that sunny spot?"

Martin wrinkled his nose. "Mom and Dad talked about it, but I don't know. It would probably spoil things between her and me. "

Coyote chuckled with a yipping noise. "Not necessarily."

Martin grunted and flushed as Kayla nosed his crotch and her tongue began lubricating his manhood. He'd never allowed this before, but the sensation was very nice. He hardened quickly, as he usually did, but his shaft was far more sensitive this time. It was weird having a spectator, yet he just grinned sheepishly at Coyote. "We've never done this before."

The Mythic nodded. "I know. But this is just the beginning." He reached out and held his odd paw-hands palm up. They had pads like Kayla's, with stubby fingers. "Give me your hands."

The sensations from Kala's attention were getting more intense, distracting Martin and making it hard to think. Still, he did as directed and felt a pleasant pulsing start in his fingertips and flow up his arms.

The Great Dane's nose pushed his rigid penis forward, and he gasped and looked down in surprise. He'd had erections before, but this time he felt rigid. And there was a strange pulling sensation. He had to angle his head to see past Kayla's muzzle get a clear view of himself.

Martin blinked in amazement. The slick, pink penis that Kayla continued to slurp was pushing out of a tan-furred sheath. He recognized the pointed shape. A dog's penis. A Great Dane's penis. He looked up at Coyote, torn between panic and delight. The grin on the Mythic's muzzle helped push him to the happy emotion, which expanded when he saw that his hands and lower arms were now canine forelimbs and paws.

The pulsing had continued up into his shoulders and chest, and a similar sensation was building in his feet. He grinned as he saw golden fur spreading over his thighs. "I'm going to be a Great Dane."

It was a statement, but Coyote nodded anyway. "You and Kayla will be my dogs. You'll be very happy together." The Mythic leaned forward to rub one of Martin's ears. It felt really good, though the sensation seemed to come from higher up on his head than expected.

Kayla stopped licking and backed away, her tail wagging and ears perked. Martin was feeling flushed and warm again, but now the heat was internal. He was rock-hard and felt pressure building as his testicles swelled. Muscles pulled in his legs, and he shifted forward to rise onto all fours.

Coyote blurred again, becoming even more human in appearance. He looked familiar now, but Martin was having trouble thinking about anything but Kayla. She smelled good, and he could sense a growing need in her that was matched by a building desire of his own.

The Mythic stood and got out of the way as Martin and Kayla circled each other. Martin felt new muscles pull in his rump, followed by the curious swinging weight of an emerging tail. He was excited now, following powerful instincts that were new and yet familiar. The female whined and dropped her head, her tail lifting to the side as she offered herself to him.

Quivering, Martin pressed against her, and then pushed over her back. He missed the first time, but a second thrust scored a direct hit to Kayla's welcoming, slick opening. It was all automatic from that point on. He drove deeper, feeling the pressure at the base of his cock, both of them yelping and whining as he pushed harder. There was resistance and a yip from Kayla as his partially-engorged knot finally made it past her tight clit and ballooned out to lock them together.

Martin was dimly aware of someone picking up his clothing, hands stroking his neck, his head, his back. Each touch focused his thoughts even more on the female he was mounting, made his position more natural. He and Kayla rocked together, overwhelmed by instincts until he jetted into her. They both yipped and howled some more, multiple ejaculations and orgasms leaving them both panting.

Martin tried to pull free, but they were still tied together. Someone chuckled and patted his back, and he turned to see a human boy wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a windbreaker. "That's a good boy." The teen spoke with Martin's voice and had Martin's face. Which was fine, because Martin was now a dog. There was something a little puzzling about that thought, but the more he tried to reason it out the less important it became. Martin. What was a martin?

The male finally relaxed enough to pull free, and the two Great Danes licked each other, tails wagging as they recovered. After a few more minutes, the human picked up Kayla's leash and then made a small gesture with his free hand. A collar appeared around the male's neck, with a leash that the boy picked up. "Time to go home."

The new Martin gave the leashes a light tug, and his dogs immediately started trotting back towards the distant campsite and a nice warm sunny spot on the floor.
