Side Bet

(Note: This story was inspired by a 2004 line art drawing available here: []( Pete felt the pat on...

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"I swear I checked the weather report!" Brandon threw up his hands in a mix of frustration and annoyance, getting more than a little irked by his best friend's disgusted scowl. "You think I wanted to get half drowned and lose all my stuff?" "All OUR...

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Just a Little While

Kelly slumped in her chair, scowling out the window. There was no point in throwing another tantrum. Mom and Dad had locked the door, turned up the TV, and pointedly ignored her screams and shouts for over an hour. Maybe her ways of getting what she...

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Martin was a satyr. Charlie was sure of it. He'd been reading fantasy and mythology since he was a kid, seen all the Narnia movies, and didn't do drugs. So what he'd seen the past few weeks was most likely real. It had started off with a gust of wind...

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By Lampwick Bradley settled on the grass, having carefully chosen a spot where the grass was both dry and free of deposits by the local residents. Several of the large, shaggy goats were already wandering over, curious about the young human. He...

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A Place in the Sun - Mythics 4

Martin gripped the leash firmly and leaned back to try putting on the brakes just a little. Although he was pretty strong for the average 14 year-old, he was no match for the 140-pound Great Dane who was dragging him through the woods. Even on normal...

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Appreciation - Mythics 3

Tim fidgeted with his iPad, making sure that the video link was still active. He could have used the stored file, but he wanted to make sure it was clear that the source was remote. If his expected audience thought there was only one copy, this meeting...

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Corey heard the pipes first. The music was so faint that it took him a while to identify the sound as man-made, instead of just another bird chirping in the trees around them. "Hey, Sam!" He called softly to the dark, stocky teenager fishing about a...

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Power of Suggestion

Chip flushed and averted his gaze as the object of his furtive attention caught him looking and grinned. The stall Chip was standing by was empty, but he turned and made a show of examining the worn water bucket and soiled straw. Maybe the kid would...

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Alternate Resources

Luke winced as he stepped on a twig. "Shhhh!" Carter's hissed warning was louder than the twig, and Luke rolled his eyes. At this rate, they'd either spook the horses grazing calmly in the pasture or alert the sentry they had snuck in to see long...

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Fertile Soil Detour

"Hey, Mike!" The well-muscled teenager stopped outside the main barn and looked back. Mr Cooper, his boss, had stuck his head out of the side stable door. Mike grinned and walked over. "Hi, Mr. Cooper. Sorry I'm a bit late. My bike had a flat and I...

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Thunder rumbled in the distance. Andy stopped at the top of the trail and saw Bob pedaling up behind. "Looks like the storm is coming this way." The older boy frowned. "Fuck. I told you we shoulda turned back. Now we'll get soaked." "Oh, like you're...

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