Kovu and Kopa's first Kiss.

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The sun was high in the sky, The savannah as quiet as the dead of night. And all the animals were fast asleep as it were far too hot to do anything. Except for Kovu and Kopa. The two cubs had become good friends over the past month since Kovu arrived. They enjoyed going for runs out in the grass lands, sneaking around trying to avoid Timon and Pumba who had been put in charge of watching them. Usually Kiara would join them, but today was just a boys day out. In the sun, playing. Since the sun had poked its face above the edge of the land the cubs had been up. Simba and his pride all still asleep at that time. The king never seemed to get up until some lionesses convinced him. Kiara was spending the day with her grandmother Sarafina and her mother Nala. She apparently had some stuff to do. So now it was only the two energy filled male cubs. Tackling each other, pretending to hunt one another and also go adventuring.

Kopa ran up to a rock which looked like a minature version of Pride rock, He stood on top of it and yelled "IM THE KING OF THE WORLD". Kovu just walked up and bowed down to play along with this little game he and his friend had.

Kopa stepped back and gestured to the rock. "your turn Kovu, you can be king if you want"

Kovu blushed and looked at the ground. "No thanks Kopa, your the true king". Kovu still hadnt quite passed the fact that he wasnt a Pridelander by birth. He still saw himself as an outlander and not part of the Pride. Kopa picked up on this and walked over to him and nuzzling him in a friendly way.

"This is only a game Kovu, its not like its real life"

"I know Kopa, but I'm an outsider, not a king. I am supposed to bow to you." Kovu said in a slightly depressed manor.

"Your not an outsider, your like a brother to me. And when I am king, you will be a Prince and you can be King when I go away on patrols."

Kovu just blushed again. He didnt know that Kopa had such a high regard for him, sure he liked to think Kopa was a brother, but he never knew Kopa saw him the same way. He started to think of his actual brother. Nuka, He was always so mean to him and used to show how he was stronger. Nuka wasnt even a cub, how was he supposed to defend himself against Nuka. He decided the Kopa was a much better brother and that he loved him very much. In a brotherly way of course.

"Thanks Kopa, I want to be your brother" Kovu said quietly and shyly. "You are really nice to me, Even though Im not from your pride"

"What are you talking about, you are from my pride, actually, I mean our pride" Kopa put a paw on Kovu's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Thanks Kopa" Kovu said, again feeling quite shy but also very happy that Kopa cared for him so much. He looked at how Kopa stood there, smiling at him with his paw on his shoulder, Nuka would never have been this kind to him even on a good day.

"Anyway, lets explore some more my prince" Kopa exclaimed, Walking away and crouching slightly to give an element of stealth, pretending he was stalking something. Kovu just smiled and tried not to laugh. He watched as Kopa performed the least stealthy walk he had ever seen. He was able to be more stealthy than that when he was born. He ran forward to his friend and played along, not telling Kopa how terrible his stalking was because he knew it would upset his friend. They crawled along for a while, Kovu just slightly behind Kopa. They came to a small rock face with a few little caves. They both decided to exlpore it. Kopa went in first and Kovu followed close behind. The tunnels were very tight, only wide enough to fit one cub at a time.

"I wonder where this leads, pretty cool hey Kovu?" Kopa asked in a excited manner.

"yeah, its exciting" Kovu said, slightly distracted, he was right behind Kopa who happened to have his tail raised from excitment and the musk from his balls was filling Kovu's nostrils, reminding him of that day he smelled Simba's shaft a few weeks back. As they kept walking, it got darker, they were going very slow. they were perhaps twenty metres into this tunnel Kovu estimated.

All of a sudden Kopa stopped and Kovu walked straight into him, pushing his nose right up underneath Kopa's tail and accidenly sniffing Kopa's tailhole and kissing his balls. Kovu jumped back, embarrassed and not wanting to say anything.

"Im sorry Kopa" he squeeked quietly.

Kopa just turned and said "What for"

"For bumping into you and" Kovu trailed off. Still very embarrassed from kissing Kopa on the balls and smelling right in his hole.

"Thats ok. It didnt hurt"

Kovu sat for a second, relieved that Kopa didnt realise what he actually did.

"Thanks for the kiss aswell" Kopa said with a cheecky look on his muzzle.

Kovu went into complete shock from hearing that Kopa knew what he did. He blushed and Kopa saw the inside of his ears go red.

"I didnt mean it" Kovu turned to walk away, the embarrassment being to much for him.

"Hey wait, Kovu, Dont be sad. Its ok" Kopa followed him out of the tunnel and then pounced on his friend.

"Kovu, its ok."

"Kopa, I didnt mean to kiss you there and ummm"

"Smell my ass" Kopa put it bluntly and laughed.

"Kopa. im sorry, can we just forget it" Kovu was a little angered by his friends laughing and teasing.

"Why would I want to forget our first kiss. I was hoping it would be mouth to mouth but my balls will do." Kopa chuckled and sat down.

Kovu's eyes shot around to the young prince and stared in complete shock. Did he just say what he thought he said. Does he like males? So many questions were building in Kovu's head.

"Are you.... are you serious. About wanting my to..... kiss you?" Kovu asked slightly afraid to spit it out.

"Yes Kovu, I have always liked you, and when you came back from that walk with dad a few weeks ago and I could smell his cum on you, I knew we would get on great. I was hoping we could mate?"

Kovu lost it, he couldnt understand anything his friend was saying. He was the first male he had ever met that liked males and he was the first lion he had ever met who liked him that way. Even Kiara wasnt interested in mating with him yet. Kovu's nerves were increased when Kopa walked closer to him and nuzzled him. All the way down to his furry butt.

"Is it ok with you if I.... have a bit of fun with you?" Kopa smiled slyly and puffed out his chest.

"Ummm, I guess" Kovu was nervous, he had never done anything sexual, except for dreams he had about Simba. Dreams of licking the kings cock and sucking on the end to drink his male milk. Those dreams made his own sheath feel warm and fuzzy.

"so what did you and my dad get up to?" asked Kopa, curious about Kovu's experience with the King.

"Nothing. we didnt do anything" Kovu stated, still very nervous.

"Dont be shy Kovu, i know my dad dumped a load on you, its ok, I have sucked him off alot and he sometimes licks my tailhole" Kopa explained, without a single worry.

Kovu's eyes widened, he actually does things with his own dad. "Well..... Simba was asleep and he seemed to be dreaming. Thats when I saw his big uuhh"

"Cock?" Kopa finished. " its huge isnt it. I love my dads cock. It tastes so nice and I love his musky smell" Kopa smiled thinking to his times with his dad.

"Yeah, and I went to sniff at it and it spewed out milk, but it tasted different than normal milk" Kovu blushed at his story.

Kopa just laughed. "Thats cause it isnt milk, its cum. Us males have cum in our balls and when we ejaculate it comes out. here. I will show you how it works"

The cub walked over to Kovu and pushed him onto his back. Kovu was still a bit nervous but allowed his friend to do what he wanted. Kopa then spread Kovu's hind legs and sniffed at the brown furred sheath. Looking up at Kovu he gave a satisfied smile and started sucking on Kovu's brown balls, getting the entire thing in his mouth and sucking on them. making the furr on them all mattered from his saliva. Kovu started to moan, the feelings going through his body were amazing. Kopa then worked his way up Kovu's sheath to where the erect cock was standing nice, firm and smelling musky.

Kopa licked Kovu's penis and then held it in his right paw. "Kovu, this is your penis, it is the fun toy I get to play with but it is what you use to have sex." The young prince then nuzzled Kovu's balls. "these are your testicles, they are what hold the cum. I also get you suck on them whenever I please because thats what friends do to each other. You and me." Kovu looked at him with a smile. he was more relaxed now, Kopa had broken the ice of sexual fear and they were now comfortable together.

Kopa continued his lesson. "You and I will have sex by me sucking on you penis or as I prefer to call it, your cock. Or you can suck on mine. We can also stick them into each others tailholes"

Kovu just nodded, he was enjoying every touch that Kopa gave him. "Now, when im sucking on you, you will feel like your going to pee, dont worry, thats meaning your going to cum and it will feel amazing. just let it out ok?"

"ok" Kovu said anxiously. His nerves rising again as he felt a great deal of pressure to impress Kopa.

Kopa looked back down at Kovu's cock and placed his muzzle over it, sucking hard as he went down on him, massaging his balls and rubbing his belly fur for extra pleasure.Kovu went into a moaning fit, the feeling was so intense and there was a primal urge he could feel inside him, wanting to push the other cubs head down on him. His left paw landed on Kopa's head and pushed down. Kopa purposly gagged to make it feel even better for his friend. Kove was in complete bliss.

"Kopa, I think I'm gonna, uuuhhhh ooooh that feels so good" Kovu started to squeel with pleasure.

Kopa knew the cub was close and pushed his muzzle as deep as he could go, feeling the small adolecent barbs tickle his cheecks. Kovus cock tip touching the back of his throat. His pubic fur against his nostrils he inhailed the intoxication scent. The musk in the air so thick you could cut it with your claws. He felt Kovu's balls tense up and he let loose. Large ropes of cum erupting out of the young brown furred cub. Kovu screaming in ecstasy. Kopa just sucked it all down into his tummy. Loving the taste of Kovu's cum, certainly hoping he could try some again later.

After his orgasm died down, Kovu pulled himself out of Kopa's mouth and smiled at him. The tingling in his penis was so nice and the feeling of Kopa swallowing his cum and what felt like swallowing his dick just made it more amazing. Kopa saw a few beads of cum it the tip of Kovu's cock and decided to eat them up. Sticking his tongue into the tip of Kovu's shaft. Tickling Kovu as his penis was very sensitive now.

"Kopa, I like it when you touch my cock, especially with your mouth."

Kopa just smiled and then shoved his muzzle into Kovu's tailhole, spitting and licking all around it. Kovu started moaning again from the touch. Kopa started sucking and kissing his friends hole, probing it with his tongue. After a good minute of this, he stopped when it was nice and tender.

"Its my turn to cum Kovu, Do you mind if I mate you?" Kovu just smiled, he wanted to impress his friend. So he nodded and rolled over as Kopa was signalling him to do. As he layed on his stomach. He felt Kopa licking his ass again. He understood what was going to happen. He had seen Nuka do this to a female outlander. Mounting her and putting his penis into her. The rough tongue sweeping through his tailhole made him feel all funny on the inside. Kopa stopped and then jumped ontop of him.

"Are you ready for me to go in Kovu?" Kovu just moaned and nodded when all of a sudden he felt Kopa's hard length slowly entering his rear hole, the salive making it easier but still a difficult journey for Kopa's penis. Kovu was pulling all sorts of funny faces. It was painful yet wonderful. He enjoyed the pain, it was a good pain. But then he felt Kopa's balls rest against him and Kopa relaxed above him. All the way in. The warmth of Kopa's malehood feeling so good.

"OOOH Kovu you are so sexy, I want to do this everyday. are you alright"

"Yeah, im ok, It feels really nice having you inside me my Prince. I want you to mate me everyday, even when you are king" Kovu was in love, he had never felt feelings for anyone like this, especially a male.

Kopa started thrusting in and out of Kovu. Feeling all of his inside around his hard cock, pre-cum oozing into Kovu to make him more slippery on the inside. Kovu wondered what Kopa's cum tasted like, He would have to try it some day. As they continued their fun, Kovu started to pushe back against the thrusts, loving the feeling of Kopa's balls slapping against him, the wet sounds smacking and their moans of pleasure in the musk filled air. It was a true wonder.

"Kovu, I love your ass, Im gonna fill you with my cum. Im gonna mate you like My dad mates my mum. Im gonna make you mine" A couple more thrusts and Kopa but down into the back of Kovu's mane. Kovu moaning out loud.

"Make me yours, fill me with your yummy cum, I love your cock. Its so big" Kovu tried his best at dirty talk and it worked. Kopa went right over the edge as he pushed deep into Kovu and let his load fly into the intestines of his friend. Filling him with the warm goo. Kovu pushed hard against Kopa's cock. loving the warth in his rear. Kopa's orgasm died off but he stayed inside Kovu because he loved the feeling of his best friends ass. He pushed his muzzle forward and kissed Kovu who turned his head anf returned the kiss.

"Kovu, I love you brother. And I will always be here for you. Whether you want to mount me or be dominated by me. I will be here" Kovu blushed at the remark.

"Same here Kopa, I want to do this more often."

"Well you can sleep with me tonight if you want" Kopa suggested.

"I would love to but arent you and your dad going somewhere tonight"

"Yes Kovu, we are going to the waterhole together so I can suck on him and do things like this with him." Kopa said whilst pushing his cock into Kovu a bit more.

Kovu smiled at the idea.

"Come one Kovu. You will love the taste of Dad's cum and ass. And you can also suck me aswell"

And so, the two cubs layed together for a little while longer, then returned to Pride Rock to meet up with Simba.

Simba's new friendship.

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