Winter Coats

Story by KazanK on SoFurry

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Two kids learn the joys of being fat! :D

It may be a little bit late for the subject matter though...

If you're curious/interested in the characters' backgrounds, you should read my previous story (no weight gain):

Thanks for reading and feedback is greatly appreciated!

Edit: This story has been slightly modified for retroactive continuity.

The first snow of winter had finally arrived. Just in time too as all the neighborhood's children were released from school for winter break but minutes ago. While some lingered behind to play in the fresh snow, others hurried to seek the warmth of their homes. Among those who were eager to leave were a wolf and a culpeo. As the two steadily made their way through the snow, the wolf couldn't help but close his eyes and smile as he listened to the light crunch of the ice beneath his boots. Seeing his slightly younger but taller brother distracted, the culpeo had other things in mind as he mischievously reached down to gather a pawful of snow and unceremoniously dropped it down his companion's neck.

The wolf's eyes shot open as he let out a yelp and cried, "What was that for?!"

Whistling innocently with his paws behind his back and tail gently swishing, the other boy simply pretended as if nothing happened.

"Why you..." the victim growled as he bent down to prepare his icy revenge. Before he could even stand back up, a snowball had already planted itself on his face.

"Catch me if you can, Kazan!"the culpeo burst out laughing as he ran ahead of the wolf.

"You get back here, Deklan!"the wolf hollered while brushing the snow off his snout. Giggling and brandishing several of his own snowballs, he got up to pursue his attacker. As Kazan caught up to his somewhat stockier brother, he started pelting him with snowballs and yelled, "Is that all you got?"

Turning a corner and running toward their house, Deklan looked back and threw a few more snowballs in retaliation. "I could go all day, wolfy!" he cried with a smile, dimples appearing on his chubby cheeks.

And so they did! Once they made it home, they spent hours laughing and chasing each other around the house throwing snowballs at each other, hiding behind walls, and scuffling in the soft snow. After one last tackle as the sun began to set, the cubs finally agreed on a truce and ended their little war. Exhausted, they simply laid panting in the snow to catch their breath. After a few minutes had passed, Kazan shivered and broke the silence, "I'm cold."

"Really? I'm fine... Aren't you wearing more clothes than me?"Deklan wondered.

"Well, my winter coat hasn't grown in yet. Can we go inside?" complained Kazan.

"Yeah, okay."

Kazan jumped out of the snow and gave a long sigh of relief as he was greeted by a heat wave upon opening the door to their home. Deklan made his way in shortly after and followed his brother to their room to take off their extra clothes. While they were changing, the culpeo's shirt rode up his chest as he pulled off his sweater, momentarily exposing his creamy belly before he tugged it back down. In that brief moment, Kazan caught a glimpse of his brother's stomach slightly bulging over his pants and jiggling as he fumbled with his clothes. Even with his shirt pulled down, Deklan's belly could still be seen poking out ever so slightly. Not to mention Kazan couldn't help but notice how soft and squishy Deklan's middle was while they were rolling around in the snow.

A few weeks earlier, Kazan saw Deklan thickening out but he just assumed it was his winter coat. Regardless, it was now clearly apparent that he had gained a significant amount of weight since being adopted. Ever since the two met, the culpeo had always been lean and trim - no doubt due to the orphanage's limited resources. Now that food was always readily available to him, Deklan simply ate whenever he felt the desire to, expanding his waistline as a result. Immensely curious and somewhat mesmerized, Kazan just stood there staring at his brother's soft belly.

Confused by the wolf's actions, Deklan waited a few moments before snapping him out of his trance, "What?"

"Has this always been there?"Kazan wondered as he gently poked one of his brother's tiny rolls feeling his soft fur squish around his claw a little.

"What, this?" Deklan put his paws on his middle.

Kazan nodded.

"I dunno... I never really noticed. Is it bad?"he asked.

"No, no! I think it's good!" Kazan clumsily blurted out.

"Y'know... Now that you mention it, my clothes have been getting kinda tight..."Deklan said tugging on his shirt.

"Well, it keeps you warm though, right?"

"Yeah, I guess that would explain why I wasn't as cold as you outside," Deklan teased. "You should try bulking up too so we can play in the snow more," he said with a giggle.

Kazan's ears perked up as was caught off guard by this and found himself feeling oddly fascinated by the idea. "Oh! Uh... Sure!" he blushed while responding sheepishly,"Why not?"

"Actually, I think I will too. It'll be fun! We just need to make sure mom and dad don't find out," the culpeo exclaimed.

"But you're already bigger than me!"Kazan complained.

"Don't worry, Kazan, I'll let you catch up," Deklan replied as he gently squeezed the wolf. At this point, they both secretly admitted that Deklan's extra pudge made for undeniably better hugs. Not a moment later, Deklan's belly interrupted them and gave off an audible gurgle. "Starting tomorrow, I'm hungry," he corrected himself with a grin.

Kazan looked out the window. It was getting dark outside and he was also hungry from playing in the snow. Ignoring the fact that their parents would be home at any minute, the two brothers went to the kitchen for a snack and a head start on their resolve. They spent but a minute downstairs before running back up to their room, each with a party-size bag of chips and a can of soda in hand. Plopping themselves on the plush carpet and turning on the TV, they popped the chips and sodas open. To their surprise, the bags were filled to the brim with crunchy greasy goodness rather than just air. They each took a swig of soda and dug in to their snack with fervor.

The boys had only intended to eat for a little while until their parents returned, but that turned out to be far longer than they expected. The sun set as they crammed pawful after pawful of chips through their gullets and guzzled their sodas to wash it all down. Half an hour had passed and they already finished both the chips and their sodas. With their bellies now slightly distended, Kazan gave a satisfied belch and sighed, "Ah...That was good..."

"I told you it'd be fun!"Deklan replied with a loud belch of his own.

"Wait, what about dinner? Mom and dad will be home any minute and -" As if on cue, there was a deep groaning of chains beneath them as the garage door opened. They gave a nervous gulp and immediately noticed the mess they made as there were crumbs littering their shirts and muzzles. Not wanting their parents to find out about their little "snack," they ran for the bathroom to wash up before greeting them.

"Hey, kids! We're home!"their mother hollered as she held the door open for her mate who was making his way to the kitchen with two plastic bags in hand.

"Hi, mom!" they replied as they hastily dried their muzzles and left the bathroom. Belying their groaning stomachs, their maws began to salivate and their ears fell as they moaned from the overpowering scent of fresh takeout suddenly bombarding their snouts.

"Sorry we're late! We brought dinner!"their father called from the kitchen.

"We'll be down in a second!"Kazan called back before turning to Deklan and whimpering in a hushed tone, "What do we do, Dek? There's no way I can finish dinner now!"

"Me neither," Deklan agreed, similarly worried.

Taking another whiff of the takeout, Kazan complained, "Aww, but it smells so good!"

"Let's just try to go along with it..."Deklan sighed as they made their way downstairs. Once in the kitchen, the cubs saw their styrofoam encased meals had already been placed at their respective seats.

"You two must be starving. We thought it'd be best to just get some takeout so we wouldn't have to keep you guys waiting,"their father explained as his mate and he took a seat and started on their own meals, not noticing their children's somewhat swollen middles.

"Oh, thanks," Deklan replied calmly as he sat down with Kazan and opened the styrofoam box in front of him; it practically popped open with how much food was crammed into it. Noticing his brother staring wide-eyed at his similarly bulging box, Deklan kicked him under the table to remind him they still had to eat it. The wolf jumped a little in surprise, but their parents didn't seem to notice as they were preoccupied with their own mundane adult conversation. Kazan looked over to his brother and gave him a nervous glance before opening his dinner.

The boys managed to enjoy the first half of their meals as much of the rice and noodles went down their gullets with relative ease. Unfortunately, things quickly went downhill as their swollen bellies began to reach their capacity. Not wanting to draw attention from their parents, they did their best to forge on and stuffed themselves as much as they possibly could. Even that wasn't enough, though. With only a little more left, they were now painfully full - Deklan only slightly less so since his stomach's capacity was a bit bigger. Kazan's pants were getting uncomfortably tight and started to cut into his middle. Wincing in pain, he looked over to see that his brother wasn't faring any better. Deklan's clothes were already getting too small for him before this ordeal, but now it was almost comical. The culpeo's belly had swollen to the point where it almost rested on his lap, threatened to pop the button off his jeans, and caused his shirt to ride up along his gut, exposing his belly button. Luckily, the table hid their growing middles from their parents view.

Normally, the cubs -especially Deklan - would finish eating before their parents and run off to play. With the adults finished with their food, they paused their conversation and turned their attention to their children and lowered their ears as they noticed how slowly they were eating. "Is something wrong? Aren't you two hungry?" their mother asked them with concern.

"No!" Kazan said nervously, "Everything's fine." The two of them quickly forced the last few bites down their maws. As the last of the food was still heading down to their stomachs, the kids abruptly excused themselves with a fake smile and sluggishly shuffled off to their room, careful not to let their parents see their painfully engorged guts. The adults gave each other a confused look, but simply shrugged it off and continued their discussion. Clutching their stomachs the whole way, they eventually finished the long trek to their room and flopped onto their beds with a long groan. Without saying a word to each other, they let the imminent food coma gradually put them to sleep.

Saturday morning finally came the next day, the sun barely peering through the thick clouds. It wasn't snowing today, but there was still plenty left over from yesterday. As the light made its way through the window and across the room, Kazan rubbed his eyes open and sat up in bed. With a stretch and a yawn, he no longer felt the unbearable tension in his belly. Recalling the events of the previous night, he moved his blanket out of the way and looked down to find that all the food had digested and a subtle, but undeniable, layer fat had replaced the pain. He gently placed a paw on his belly and felt it squish slightly under his touch. Smiling at the odd sensation, he swished his tail slowly as it reminded him of what Deklan's belly felt like when they were playing in the snow. He couldn't explain it, but it just felt... good. He wanted more.

Several minutes passed as Kazan continued to examine his extra weight until his ears twitched as he heard his brother waking up as well. Turning toward the culpeo's bed, he greeted his brother, "Morning, Deklan."

Deklan just groaned in response and tried to go back to sleep. Leaving him to wake up on his own, Kazan got out of bed and left for the bathroom to go about his morning routine. On his way there, he could hear his mother preparing breakfast downstairs. Once finished with his business, he spotted the scale in the corner of the bathroom and curiously stepped on. The dial spun around and finally settled after a couple seconds. Kazan's eyes grew wide as he read the numbers on the scale: 79 pounds. The last time he weighed himself, he was just over 70 pounds. Staring at his belly, he squished it again to make sure it was real. At that moment, Deklan walked in and caught Kazan looking back and forth between the scale and his belly in confusion.

"How much did we eat last night?"the wolf asked.

"I dunno... A lot...?" Deklan mumbled, still groggy and half-asleep.

"I swear I was only 71 pounds a few weeks ago, but now it says I'm almost 80!" Kazan exclaimed.

Interested, Deklan peered down at the scale and said, "Huh... I guess it was more than I thought. Let me see." Kazan stepped off to let his brother on. The dial spun a little longer for him, but eventually stopped.

Now fully awake, Deklan's reaction was similar to his brother's, "103? Last time I checked I was only 94!"Kazan took a good look over the culpeo upon hearing this. Sure enough, Deklan had clearly gained a considerable amount of weight as well. While the wolf's new weight gathered almost completely in his middle, Deklan's spread out more evenly on his already thicker frame. It was harder to see on Deklan, but Kazan could tell his brother's belly was poking out from under his shirt and hanging over his waistline just a bit more than it was the day before.

"So, uh... W-what do you think?"Kazan stammered.

Deklan grabbed his jiggling belly and thought for a moment before smiling, "I think I like it... Feels kinda nice..."

Kazan gave a sigh of relief, "Really? I thought it was just me!"

"Yeah! It's all soft and warm and stuff!" Deklan reasoned, slowly wagging his tail.

Feeling his own slightly softer stomach, Kazan agreed and asked, "Do you think mom and dad will notice?"

"Nah. If they ask, we'll just say it's our winter fur," Deklan explained as he got off the scale.

Satisfied, Kazan simply nodded and was about to change the topic but was interrupted by his brother's growling belly. Bewildered, Kazan cried "You're hungry? After last night?!" Hardly a moment later, his stomach gave off an audible gurgle of its own. He blushed in embarrassment as his ears flattened against his head.

Deklan laughed and pat the wolf's tummy. "Come on, I think mom's almost done making breakfast," he said grabbing Kazan's arm and dragging him downstairs.

Their mother heard them bounding downstairs and pleasantly greeted them as they entered the kitchen, "Good morning, boys."

"Morning!"they replied cheerfully.

"What's for breakfast?" Deklan asked as they sat down, failing to notice the two glasses of milk, a bottle of syrup, and a stick of butter on the table.

"Pancakes!"their mother said while turning around with a large stack of pancakes for them to share. "Just make sure to leave some for your father"she added while walking over and placing them on the table.

"Where is he?" Kazan wondered before sipping some of his milk.

"He's still in bed," she grumbled while heading back upstairs, "I'll go get him."

Once she left, the cubs eagerly popped a few pancakes off the stack and onto their plates. They slathered a generous heap of butter on top, drowned them in syrup, and messily dug in, staining their fur with bits of pancake and syrup. Only pausing to clear their throats of the sticky goo with large gulps of milk, they quickly demolished the pancakes on their plates and went for more. Before they knew it, they cleared the entire stack and sat back with their bellies pleasantly stuffed anew and tails gently swishing back and forth.

A pair of footsteps approached the kitchen. "You two finished everything?!"their mother cried in disbelief.

Her mate followed in behind her and simply chuckled in response, "Oh, don't worry about it. They're growing boys!" Kazan and Deklan grinned sheepishly in response.

"I guess... But I made a lot of pancakes!" she replied as she went to make more for themselves.

"It's fine," her mate reassured her as he took a seat at the table, "They need their nutrition to grow big and strong!" Big? Sure. Strong? Maybe not so much. "Why don't you boys go wash up? You two are a mess!"he said as he noticed the crumbs and sticky clumps of fur on their paws and around their maws.

"Mmkay,"they said, grunting a little as they hopped out of their chairs and made their way back to their room.

"I think Kazan's winter coat is finally growing in," the man said once the pups were out of earshot, "I was getting worried; it sure took him a while."

"Yeah,"his mate agreed, "Deklan's came in quite some time ago, though...It looks like it's gonna be especially cold this year."

Back in their room, Kazan and Deklan prepared to take turns in the shower; Kazan let his brother go first. As Deklan removed his shirt, the wolf caught himself staring somewhat jealously at the culpeo's bulging belly again. "Winter break's gonna be fun this year," Deklan said while wagging his tail and patting his bloated middle, causing it to shake slightly, "We'll stuff ourselves every day!"

Despite looking forward to that prospect, Kazan only gave a nervous laugh as Deklan left to shower.

A week and a half later, Christmas had finally arrived and the cubs were happily playing their new video games and snacking on a bag of chips as their parents prepared a holiday feast. Although it wasn't immediately evident yet due to their thicker coats, their frames were slowly getting a bit thicker with each passing day. Kazan, now nearly caught up to Deklan, filled out nicely and resembled a chubbier version of his brother at the start of their break. His cheeks had puffed out slightly and his softening tummy occasionally poked out from under his shirt and squished over his waistline a little. Deklan, however, started showing signs of a second chin, his gut had grown too large for his shirt to cover past his slightly flattened belly button, and his pants were quickly becoming impossible to button no matter how hard he tried. Luckily, the two of them also received new clothes as part of their Christmas presents. However, assuming the majority of their bulk was just their winter fur, their parents severely underestimated their growth when picking out the new clothes.

What was evident, though, was their drastically increased appetites. Instead of paying it any mind, their parents just allowed the kids' portions to grow larger and larger to appease their hunger. "Dad? When's dinner gonna be ready?" Kazan called from their room.

"Just a little longer, but you two can come down now if you want!"their father hollered back from the kitchen.

"Okay!"Kazan replied. "Let's finish this level and go downstairs, Deklan. I'm starving!"

"Uh huh..." Deklan nodded in response, too absorbed by the game to pay attention to what the wolf was saying.

A few minutes passed and the cubs arrived at a save point in their game. Standing up and licking the crumbs off their muzzles, they stretched and made their way downstairs in anticipation to fill their softening middles. As soon as they left their room, their maws began watering uncontrollably as the irresistible smells of Christmas dinner led them to the kitchen. They stood slack-jawed as they witnessed the sheer volume of food weighing down on the dining table. There was an entire box of soda cans; a basket overflowing with soft, fluffy golden brown biscuits; a large bowl filled to the brim with rich, buttery mashed potatoes; enough gravy to make a hearty meal in itself; enough green bean casserole to stuff the family on its own; and to top it off, an enormous, succulent honey glazed ham practically oozing its savory juices out of its crispy, perfectly seasoned flesh sat at the center of it all - the boys paid no mind to the salad sitting on the edge of the table. They stood still staring wide-eyed at all the food until they had to suck up the drool dribbling down their chins.

"Well? What are you waiting for?" their father chuckled as he finished setting the table with his mate.

They rushed to their seats without saying a word and were about to stuff their greedy maws with the ham, but their mother interrupted them. "Uh uh..." she said in a singsong voice, similing as she picked up the salad and placed some on their plates with a pair of tongs, "Not until you two eat your vegetables."

Groaning, they submitted and began nibbling away at the lettuce. While their mother's back was turned, they quickly grabbed the dressing and poured an extra helping on their salads to make it more palatable. Their father quietly laughed to himself as he watched. Now finished with their richer-than-intended salads, they reached for the rest of the food to start on the main course. They each took a can of soda, grabbed several pawfuls of biscuits, scooped out a mountain of casserole and mashed potatoes, and piled slice after slice of ham onto their plates before drowning it all in thick, creamy gravy.

With their plates nearly overflowing with food, Kazan and Deklan hastily dug in as if they hadn't eaten in days. Biscuit crumbs fell around their plates, gravy stained their clothes and paws, bits of mashed potatoes and green beans stuck around their muzzles, and the ham's sticky juices splattered all over their faces as they messily chomped and slurped it up. The parents were somewhat taken aback by the cubs' fervor, but they simply let them enjoy the holiday feast as they ate at their own, far more moderate, pace. While their children were busy stuffing their faces, the parents whispered amongst each other as they quietly formulated a plan to get back at the kids for their gluttony.

Over an hour passed as Kazan and Deklan ate. After clearing their first plates, their bellies' were barely even half-full as the past week and a half of gorging had drastically increased their stomachs' capacities. Now going for seconds, they were still cramming food down their gullets at full speed. As their taught middles slowly pushed out further and further with each heavy swallow, the boys smiled inwardly at the increasingly bloated sensation they came to know and love. Once finished with their second plates just as quickly as their first, the young canines greedily went for thirds. At this point, they were about full but as usual; they kept on eating and eating simply for the sake of putting their guts to the test. With their bellies now sticking out several extra inches and already beginning to outgrow their new larger clothes, they just barely managed to finish their third plates as their eating slowed to more reasonable rate.

By the time they finally finished, the space around them - like their faces -was littered with various bits of food and drops of sauces. Murring and rubbing their tummies in satisfaction, they finally sat back to rest while finishing off the last of several cans of soda. Seeing the kids finally satiated, their parents gave each other a nod and smiled as they set their scheme into motion. "I hope you two saved some room in there," the cubs' mother innocently chimed as she stood up, gave their strained bellies a pat, and made her way to the kitchen counter, "We still have dessert!"

Despite having already eaten significantly more than their stomachs' considerable capacity, Kazan and Deklan seemed to forget how full they were and hungered for more. Much to their parents' astonishment, their ears and tails instantly perked up as they eagerly awaited the pie their mother was carrying to the table. Quickly masking her surprise, she set the pie down once her mate had moved enough of the dirty plates out of the way. As their mother sliced the pie into eighths, Kazan and Deklan's appetites returned with renewed fervor as the intoxicatingly sweet aroma of the mixed berry filling wafted into their snouts. Easily a foot and a half in diameter, the pie was baked to perfection and cooled enough to barely let off light plumes of steam. In an effort to tease their satisfaction, she took her time placing two slices in front of her mate and herself before slowly placing two more in front of the kids. She grinned as she watched their eyes following her hands' every movement and their tails wagging behind them in anticipation, waiting to receive their own slices.

It took a minute, but once they gobbled up half of their slices, Kazan and Deklan suddenly remembered how full they actually were. With their expanding bellies now taught as a drum, the delicate skin on their middles was stretched painfully tight and just barely began showing a slight tinge of pink through their fur. Regardless, the young canines managed to polish off their plates without too much trouble and slouched back in their chairs, massaging their aching tummies. What happened next, though, really took them by surprise.

"You two aren't done already, are you? There's still half of the pie left!"their father said, trying to provoke them into eating even more than they already have.

Groaning a bit, Deklan complained through drooping eyelids and fallen ears, "I think we're full... I couldn't eat another bite!"He let out a short burp to emphasize his point.

"Aww, come on! I'm sure you guys can handle just a little more pie,"the older wolf cooed. Unsure if he should take their father up on his challenge, the culpeo turned to his brother for counsel. Confident that his pups wouldn't be able to complete the task, he made them a proposition to help prod them along, "How about this: if you two can finish your dessert, your mother and I will get you each another video game."

The boys instantly sat up with their eyes wide open and ears at full attention before enthusiastically responding in unison, "You're on!"

Grinning, their father stood up and leaned over to place the remaining four slices of pie onto their plates, two for each. As they reached for their forks, Kazan and Deklan reconsidered their decision as a sharp twinge of pain shot through their middles. Lucky for them, they've grown accustomed to the discomfort that came with the amount of strain currently in their bellies and forged on, determined to earn their prize. Over the course of an hour, they forced down bite after bite of the sickeningly sweet pie. If it wasn't for the berries' natural tartness complementing the saccharine caramelized syrup in the filling, the cubs would've quickly fallen asleep long ago as they steadily shoved more and more pie down their greedy gullets. Never having stuffed themselves to this extent, the boys grew slightly nervous as their guts grew to the size of beach balls. Their bellies easily stuck out from under their shirts and aggressively pushed out against their pants that were digging into the tender flesh around their waistlines. Their parents simply stared speechless with their jaws hanging open as they watched their kids eat like the bottomless pits they were.

With one final, horribly labored swallow, Kazan managed to finish the last of his pie as his brother shortly followed suit. Exhausted from their victory, they slumped back into their chairs, panting as they caressed the absurdly swollen pink globes that were their guts pushed to their absolute limit. A few minutes passed after their triumph as the cubs slowly started digesting their feast. Suddenly, their parents heard a short pop and a ping from behind them. Turning to see what it was, they found the button to one of the boys' pants had popped off and ricocheted off the refrigerator door! As they watched the button spin around and rattle to a halt on the floor, there was another pop. However, this one was followed by a sharp yip as the button on the other boy's pants also shot off and hit his father square in the shin. Immediately, Kazan and Deklan's mammoth paunches visibly fell a few inches as their pants gave way and allowed their bellies to flop onto their laps. Now relieved from the enormous pressure of the confines of their pants, they gave a long relaxed sigh as they closed their eyes and gently rolled their heads over while they let the impending food coma overtake them.

After staring silently in disbelief, their father stuttered, "That - what? How?!"

"Do you think we overdid it...?" his mate asked, equally shocked.

"Maybe..."he replied, still in awe of what they'd just witnessed. A minute passed as the parents stared at Kazan and Deklan's immensely bloated middles which stuck out far enough to bump into the table.

"Well,"their mother started, "It doesn't look like they'll be going anywhere anytime soon. Would you mind taking them to their room while I clean up?"

"Yeah, I'm on it..." he said with a sigh as he stood up and pulled the unconscious wolf's chair out. Bending over to lift Kazan by his legs and shoulders, the older wolf paused for a moment and went bug-eyed as he realized just how much his pup had grown. With a grunt and considerably more effort than he expected, the slender wolf struggled to lift Kazan out of his seat. "Oh, boy - he's heavy -" he said bluntly through grit teeth. His mate chuckled in response as he carried the engorged boy up to his room. Once at Kazan's bed, his father did his best to pull the sheets back while still carrying him and gently laid him down. After lovingly tucking the cub in, he made his way back to the kitchen to do the same for Deklan. He hoped the culpeo would be at least a little bit lighter given his shorter stature, but that unfortunately wasn't so; it was even more arduous a task as Deklan was still slightly bigger than his brother.

Finally having put both Kazan and Deklan in bed, their father stood in the doorway for a few seconds to watch as they peacefully slept before turning and quietly closing the door behind him to help his mate with the mess their pups made. Underneath their blankets, their enormous tummies protruded nearly a foot into the air as they rose and fell with the boys' steady breathing. With their middles packed tight with food, they would slowly digest the contents of their stomachs overnight and allow their thickening frames to soften up even further as more fat is gradually added to their bodies.

From Friend to Family

_ There was a light pitter-patter of rain on the window and the occasional rumbling of thunder in the distance. In the newborn __'s room, two somber voices could be faintly heard over the sleeping canine__'s steady breathing._ _ _ _"What should we do...

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