Chapter 1: Meet The Family

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#1 of The Skunk and The Hound: A Love Story

This is the first chapter in a story that will follow Samantha Johnston of the Pool Pals as she discovers romance in the most unlikely of places.

Mike and Liam Bullworth are copyrighted to SPARTASTICUS.

The Pool Pals are copyrighted to Theplayfulskunksky and are used with permission.

Dilly and George Vanderspot were created by SgtKlark.

It was a beautiful morning in Nashville. Tammy 'The Vigorous' Reynolds, a ten-year-old fox girl, was riding up the road on her bike; her best friends; Samantha 'The Gentle' Johnston, a skunk, and Sherry 'The Mighty' Philips, a pony, were behind her on their bikes. The girls were all riding to their friend's house because she had called them and asked them to come up; the only thing was, none of them knew why.

"So why do you think Cindy called us out this early?" asked Samantha.

"Ah dunno!" said Sherry with her heavy southern accent, "But she shore sounded eager, so it mus' be somethin' really important."

"All I know," said Tammy, "Is that if she needs us, then it's our responsibility as her BFFs to go and help her."

"It might be some kinda summer plan," said Sherry, "Y'know... te ensure that we all make the most of this summer before goin' back to school. An' after what we all did at the pool last week... well... 'Ah reckon this summer might be our best one ever!"

"I agree," said Tammy, "That really was a life-changing experience for me, Sherry. I'm so glad you suggested it."

"I think it was kinda fun too," said Samantha, "But... I think that we should definitely keep that kinda stuff just between the four of us. Who knows what would happen if someone found out?"

"'Ah like the way ya think, Sam," Sherry replied, "But remember, ya can't always let fear stop ya. Ya might jus' miss out on a wonderful experience that you'll remember forever." Samantha had to think about that one.

In another couple of minutes, the girls rode up the driveway of Cindy's house. They parked their bikes by the garage, went up to the front door, and rang the doorbell.

Sure enough, the door was opened by a pretty ten-year-old Dalmatian pup; this was Cindy 'The Swift' Vanderspot. "Hi, girls!" she said, "I'm sooooo glad you could come by!"

"We're glad too," said Tammy, "Though we'd all like to know what this is about."

"Okay," said Cindy, "I'll tell you." She invited the girls in and brought them into the living room.

"Whoo-wee..." said Sherry as she, Tammy, and Samantha sat on the sofa, "Looks like you've been puttin' the spit-an'-polish on yer home. You expectin' company?"

"As a matter of fact, I am!" said Cindy, "My cousin is coming to visit me for a week!"

"That's great!" said Samantha, "It would be great to have someone else to share a week with this summer! What's her name?"

Cindy just gave Samantha a sly look; leaned forward, and said, "Liam!"

"Oh!" said Tammy, "So your cousin is a boy?"

"That's right!" said Cindy, "And that's not even the best part... He's bringing one of his own friends with him!!" She squealed with delight at the very thought, "It's got FUN written all over it!"

"Whoa, nelly," said Sherry, "We dun wanna go overboard with them. We might end up makin' them scared of us rather than makin' them feel welcome."

"Sherry's right," said Samantha, "What we did in the pool changing room was fun, Cindy, but you have to remember, there were only girls, no boys in there. And I..." she paused for a moment because she was getting nervous, "I'm not sure I'm ready to mess around with boys; I... I guess I just... don't believe in that."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Tammy.

"I guess... I guess I try to look for loyalty in people," said Samantha, "If I choose a boy, I want to make sure that he'll stick by me, and I can stick by him. I really don't like the idea of cheating." The other girls just stared at Samantha; they had had no idea that she was that deep into her idea of a perfect relationship.

Sherry put her arm around Samantha. "Dun' worry, Sam," she said, "We won't force ye into anythin' yer not comfortable with; that jus' ain't what friends do."

"Yeah," said Tammy, "Besides, maybe you'll warm up to Liam and his friend in a few days; we've got all week."

Samantha sniffed a bit before saying, "Thanks, girls; I'm so glad I have you as my BFFs." The others all smiled at her.

"Well," said Cindy, "We wanna make a good impression for my cousin and his friend, and that means you can't greet them when you've been sweating from riding your bikes!"

"You're right!" said Sherry, "We should all take showers."

Tammy thought for a moment, then said, "Why don't we all shower together!? It'll save time and water!"

"And it'll be fun!" added Cindy, "My dad's on a firefighting shift and my mom's grocery shopping and won't be back for a while anyway, so I say let's do it!"

"Well..." said Samantha, "Alright. At least I know I'm in the good company of my best friends."

"You shore are." said Sherry. So with that said, the four girls went upstairs to shower and clean themselves up.

Meanwhile, over at the Nashville train station, an Amtrak streamliner was sitting in the station loading and unloading passengers. From one of the passenger coaches stepped an adult Pit Bull and an eleven-year-old Dalmatian pup. The Pit Bull was Mike Bullworth, the hot-shot driver of the Law Dawgs, Modesto's elite police unit and the Dalmatian pup was Liam Bullworth, Mike's adopted son and the team's sharpest shooter. They were on vacation to visit Liam's cousin, Cindy.

"Here we are, Liam!" said Mike, "Nashville, Tennessee; the deep south."

"I can't believe we're finally here!" said Liam, "I am so looking forward to seeing my cousin again! And I'm excited to introduce you to her."

"D'ya think she'll like me?" asked Mike.

"Of course she will!" said Liam, "You're my father, Mike; and when she sees that, I know she'll accept you in a heartbeat! Trust me, Mike, Cindy's gonna love you!"

"I hope so!" said Mike. He had taken Liam under his wing after arresting his alcoholic father. He had known the little guy would need guidance, but even he would never have guessed that Liam would turn out to be such a kick-ass cop! It was almost hard to believe that he had once been a scared little pup, and was already an out-and-out officer of the law. Mike really loved that kid; he was really something. Once Mike had cleared his thoughts, he said, "Okay. How 'bout we go pick up the Impact Weapon and get going?"

"Let's go!" said Liam, and he and Mike made their way to the loading dock where their tricked out police car, the Impact Weapon, was being lifted off a flatbed car and set to rest on the ground. The two of them threw their luggage in the trunk, then Mike climbed behind the wheel and Liam grabbed the shotgun seat. Once Liam had plugged Cindy's address into the navigation computer, Mike started the V-10 engine and drove out of the train station heading for Cindy's house.

Over at Cindy's house, the girls had had a blast in the shower and were now chilling in Cindy's bedroom. They were lying around like girls do, except they were wearing nothing but their panties.

"That was a lot of fun, wasn't it!?" Cindy asked the others.

"It sure was!" said Tammy, "You know what we oughtta do sometime, girls?"

"No;" said Sherry, "What do ye think we oughtta do?"

"Well" said Tammy, "We should put together a time capsule or something! We could fill it with things like pictures of us and some of our old toys so we could dig it up when we're older and remember all our fun times together." The room fell silent at those words. All the girls looked around at each other and thought about what Tammy had just said.

"As weird as this sounds," said Samantha, "I actually think Tammy's got a good idea here."

"Yeah..." said Cindy, "I mean... With all the fun we have together as we are now... we wanna always remember it, right? You know... Things may come, but they go as well; so, by the time we're grown up and ready or college..." her voice trailed off and tears began to form in her eyes.

"It'll all be... gone forever..." breathed Sherry.

"Aw..." said Cindy, "C'mere, girls, I... I wanna promise you all something." Tammy, Samantha, and Sherry all joined Cindy on her bed, and the Dalmatian girl spoke. "Ever since we first met in kindergarten and made the junior swim team... I had always hoped that we would be best friends forever. As we grew a little bit older, I realized that eventually we would all grow up and... *sniff* go our separate ways..." The other girls were beginning to get tears in their eyes now. "But..." Cindy went on, "That day we went to the pool on the first day of vacation, and all slept over at Tammy's place; I... I guess I had an epiphany. I guess I realized that we're more than just friends. I want to promise you girls I will never, never, EVER forget the times we've had together; and I won't need time capsule to remember them."

"That there's right darn sweet of ya!" Sherry said, starting to cry.

"I'll never forget you girls either!" sobbed Tammy.

"Yeah! You girls are the best!!" wailed Samantha.

"Then let's all make a promise..." said Cindy. The girls all formed a circle hug and linked their arms. "No matter what happens," said Cindy, "No matter how many times we may fight, or what schools we go to in the future, or whatever may happen to us... We'll always remember each other. We are Tammy, Samantha, Cindy, and Sherry; the Pool Pals. Best... Friends... Forever."

"FOREVER..." they all repeated. With that, they all lay back on the bed and cuddled up with each other, determined never to let anything tear them apart. But little did any of the girls realize, a force that threatened to test their friendship and possibly separate them all was just around the bend...

More specifically, it was just coming up to the driveway; it was the Impact Weapon with Mike and Liam on board.

"This is it!" said Liam. Mike made a left turn and drove up Cindy's driveway. He stopped in front of the garage and shut off the engine.

"Not much for welcoming committees, are they?" said Mike.

"Don't worry," said Liam, "I bet Cindy's just upstairs with her friends; they're probably having too much fun to hear us." With that, Liam got out of the Impact Weapon and grabbed his backpack out of the trunk.

"You want me to get their attention, buddy?" asked Mike.

"Just blow the horn." said Liam, "That should be enough to make them hear us."

"No problem!" said Mike. He straightened himself out and pressed the horn button. " HONK!! HONK!!" went Impact Weapon.

Up in Cindy's room, all four girls jolted upright at the sound of a very loud horn.

"Oh SHIT!" cried Cindy as she scrambled off her bed, "That's either my mom or my cousin!" Tammy, Samantha, and Sherry began to panic until Cindy said, "Stay calm, girls! You take your time getting dressed and I'll buy you some time!" Cindy franticly threw on her shorts and her shirt and rushed downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs she paced herself; she didn't want to look too rattled. Once she had gotten situated, she went up to the front door and opened it to see... "LIAM!!"

"Hi, Cindy!" said Liam as he opened his arms for her. Cindy gave Liam a huge hug. Her eyes were closed so she completely missed the monster police car in her driveway. The two cousins broke the hug and went inside. "I can't tell you how excited I am to see you!" said Liam.

"Neither can I!" said Cindy, "My dad's at the fire station and my mom's out shopping, but I can introduce you to my friends right now."

"Lead the way!" said Liam. Cindy began to walk up the stairs with Liam close behind her. Inside she was sweating; what if her friends hadn't gotten dressed yet? At the top of the stairs, she knocked on her door and said, "Girls! I've got a visitor!"

"C'mon in!" she heard Sherry say. Cindy sighed with relief and opened the door. Sure enough, the other girls were fully dressed and lying on the floor, playing go-fish.

"Girls," Cindy said, proudly, "This handsome dog is my cousin, Liam!"

"Nice to meet you, Liam!" said Tammy.

"Darn pleased te meet ya!" added Sherry.

Samantha didn't say anything at first. She just stared for a moment, then said, "Uh... Hi, Liam; Welcome to Nashville, Tennessee."

"Happy to be here." said Liam, "It's so nice to finally meet you girls."

"Well ain't you a gentleman?!" said Sherry as she stood up and put her arm around Liam. "Cindy told us all about you!" she said, "You mus' get purdy lonely out there on the west coast!"

"Actually no," said Liam, "I've got friends of my own, and believe me, they are the best friends I could have asked for."

"Well," said Samantha, "I'd be more than happy to meet them, Liam."

"Well you're in luck!" said Liam, "It just so happens that I brought my best friend out here with me! C'mon down to the driveway and you'll get to meet him face to face."

"Oh boy!" said Tammy, "The anticipation is making me shake!" Liam gave Tammy a bit of a look.

"It's alright, Liam," said Cindy, "She's just really excited about meeting a cute boy. From what you've told me about him, he must really be something!"

"Well," said Liam, modestly, "I don't know about cute, but he's something alright! C'mon! Let's go meet him!" With that, he led the girls out of Cindy's bedroom and down the stairs. The girls had no idea that a huge shock awaited them just outside the door.

As the girls exited the front door, they glanced to the right, and the first thing they saw was the Impact Weapon standing in the driveway with an adult dog standing in front of it.

"It's the law!" cried Sherry.

"Calm down, girls." said Liam as he walked over and joined the adult dog, "I want to introduce you to one of Modesto's finest."

"Hi there, girls!" the friendly Pit Bull said, "I'm Mike; and I'm Liam's dad!"

"Mike;" said Liam, "This is my cousin, Cindy Vanderspot and her friends, Sherry, Tammy, and Samantha."

"A pleasure to meet you all, girls!" said Mike. For a moment, they just stood there; face to face; the four Pool Pals and the two Law Dawgs.... Mike leaned over to Liam, "I think my welcome just went poof..." he muttered. At the same time, Sherry leaned over to Cindy,

"He's like, as old as our dads!" she whispered. Cindy' mouth hung agape in disbelief; this... cop was the friend her cousin had been talking about? And on top of that... he was Liam's adoptive father; that meant that he was her uncle! How were she and her friends supposed to have a good time at all with an old dog like him?!? Never mind the fact that he was a cop! Tammy shot Cindy a look.

"We're going to have a GREAT time, huh?!?" she said, sarcastically. With that, Cindy turned back towards the house, taking the girls with her. Liam motioned for Mike to follow. Mike shrugged, and followed them. Once they entered the house, the girls all sat along one wall of the living room, while the Dawgs stood awkwardly across the room. The silence hung heavy in the room, until Cindy spoke.

"What's it like to be a cop?" she asked dryly. The tone of Cindy's question did little to relieve the tension. Cindy didn't like cops, a fact that she made no effort to hide. Mike thought for a moment; he'd worked a lot of different duties in the Modesto P.D. including juvenile; he'd try to save the situation.

"Well, it's a job like any other, you know?" he said, "Most days are pretty routine- patrol, investigations, desk duty sometimes. It's not all cops and robbers...." Liam, meanwhile, had been chomping at the bit; he was itching to talk about what he did.

"Yeah, there's a bunch of boring stuff, but we get to chase bad guys, too! We've had car chases, and shootouts, and a bunch of really cool stuff like that...why just last week...." At that point, Liam felt a firm hand on his shoulder, pulling him back.

"WOAH, Tiger!" said Mike, "Everyone's on vacation, and we don't need to bring work into this. Time to relax and have fun" Mike was like a stepfather to Liam, which meant reigning in the younger dog from time to time. It was then that Samantha broke in.

"We were gonna go to the pool tomorrow!" she enthused "You wanna come, too?" Cindy and the other girls looked at her with shocked expressions, but it was already too late.

"Absolutely!" said Liam.

"Count me in! I love a good swim!" Mike added. Cindy shot Samantha a death glare; but the young skunk girl only looked confused and said,


A couple of minutes later, Cindy's mother, Dilly Vanderspot, got home from her grocery shopping and was introduced to Liam's new father. Needless to say, she too was surprised that he was a cop, but when Liam explained how Mike was such a great father to him, she gave him a much warmer welcome. As Mike and Liam were settling in to where they would sleep, Cindy gathered her friends in the backyard.

"I just can't believe this..." she said, "I just can't believe that my cousin's turned into one of... them..."

"How are we supposed to have a super fun week with a cop breathin' down our necks?" asked Sherry.

"Well..." said Samantha, "We could always open up to them." The other three looked at her like she was crazy. "Seriously!" said Samantha, "We shouldn't go judging them right off the bat just because they're cops! Who knows? They might actually be really fun!"

"Yeah right!" said Tammy, sarcastically, "And I'm the queen of England!"

"Tammy's right, Sammy;" said Cindy, "You've seen one cop; you've seen 'em all!"

"An' they're all spoilsports an' party poopers!" added Sherry.

"Well... Look at it this way;" said Samantha, "We're gonna spend some time at the pool with them tomorrow, and that's when I'll pass my judgment on them. If they do turn out to be ones for rules, there's nothing we can do but make the best of it; but I'm sticking to my theory that they might actually be fun."

"Right..." said Cindy, "You keep on doing that."

"In any case," said Tammy, "We're gonna need some shut-eye before tomorrow, so I guess we should head home."

"Ride safely, girls;" said Cindy, "We'll meet here tomorrow morning so we can all go together." With that, the Pool Pals said their goodbyes. Cindy went back into her house, and Tammy, Sherry, and Samantha mounted their bikes and struck out for their homes. As Samantha broke off in her own direction, she couldn't help but feel her friends were being a little too judgmental towards Liam and Mike. She really wanted to get to know them before labeling them; especially Liam; he seemed like a really nice person. At that moment, Samantha shook her head and asked herself...

"Was I just thinking about how I liked a boy...?" After pondering this question for a moment, she found her thoughts drifting back to Liam again. "Yes..." she said, "I was thinking about it; could that mean I actually like him?" This was a foreign feeling to Samantha; she had never felt this specific feeling with any of the boys she knew from school or even those she saw at the pool. She thought back to how nice he had been when they first met, and how he hadn't gotten upset when Cindy kinda snubbed his dad for being a cop; and it didn't hurt that he was kinda handsome. After a few more minutes of thinking about it, she finally decided, "I guess I'll find out for sure tomorrow." and rode up the driveway to her own house.

To Be Continued...