Specs and Filbert: Dragon Fever

Story by Conformal_Invariance on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Whoa now. I definitely don't own Pocket Dragons. Real Musgrave does, but I don't. Anyways, this story contains non-consensual sex between two male individuals of indeterminate age, but possibly underage. Also, due to the tiny size of a Pocket Dragon, I think they're just half or a third of a foot tall or so, but if I attempt to use millimeters, it might result in accidental under or oversizing. Just think of them as rather small; three could easily fit in one of The Wizard's robe pockets on his chest. If you've seen an episode, you won't need to bother with it at all. Sorry for the confusing speech. If you don't know what Specs and Filbert look like, go here: http://www.area51collectibles.com/teance.html. Specs is the one with the pair of spectacles, and Filbert has a red bandanna around his neck. Also, this is my first time doing a story of this... particular genre. Be kind. Specs and Filbert: Dragon Fever By Conformal Invariance, the Parrot of Physics

  • * * The Wizard's house was quiet, quieter than it should normally be, because the Wizard had taken all the Pocket Dragons except Filbert and Specs out to the castle; this was mainly because Filbert had come down with a nasty case of dragon fever, and Specs thought it would be best if he stayed home and researched possible cures for the illness. All the other Pocket Dragons had helped create a tiny makeshift bed out of feathers and cloth in the library, in a little niche next to the desktop, so Specs wouldn't have to go too far to check on Filbert. So, there was Specs, who was flipping back and forth through books, scribbling notes and ingredients on little slips of paper while Filbert shifted back and forth, groaning and sniffling occasionally. "Mandragora... Silver Stardust... no, no, no, that'll get rid of his fever, but then he'll probably get dragonpox as a side effect... perhaps some Roseweed would be good..." mumbled Specs, adjusting his oversized glasses which hung off his snout, turning his head to look over at the ill Filbert, who was mumbling incoherently in his fevered sleep. Specs put down his pencil and paper and moved over to the older dragon, leaning in close to listen and perhaps discern a few words. "... Gotta... gotta listen to me... I'm the oldest..." mumbled Filbert, twisting and turning until he was upside down, his tail dangling over his face. Specs shook his head and made his way back to his books, then looked around nervously; he closed the book he was reading and pushed it off to the side. He quickly opened the book that was now in front of him, and unlike the other book, he took his time with this one, reading through it intently, making sure he didn't miss a word. In fact, Specs was so absorbed in his reading, he didn't hear Filbert shuffle up behind him, sniffling a bit and wiping his snout on his yellow star bandana he wore around his neck. "Kazootles, Specs... you're not supposed to be reading that book.. The Wizard's gonna be mad when I tell him you were looking through it..." whispered Filbert quietly, almost falling over onto Specs. Luckily, the bookworm dragon had a mind like a whip, and quickly whirled around, grabbing Filbert by the neck bandana and pulling him snout to snout, almost knocking off his giant spectacles in the process. "You can't tell The Wizard! If he knew I was looking through the book with all the courtship rituals of dragons and anatomy... I'd be on cookie hiatus for a year!" started Specs, glaring into Filbert's half-lidded eyes. Filbert tried to push Specs away, but the fever had weakened him severely, making the smart-alec Pocket Dragon seem as strong as the library cat. "Hey, lemme go, Specs... I'm gonna tell The Wizard, and you're not gonna stop me..." mumbled Filbert, coughing a couple of times. It was then that Specs realized that Filbert was far too stubborn to be sweet-talked, so he pulled the older dragon back towards him and undid the knot on his bandana, pulling it off and taking a few steps back. This made Filbert very angry; no one was allowed to take off his bandana. He gave a low growl and jumped at Specs, but his vision was slightly cloudy and the heat threw off his speed, allowing Specs to easily dodge it, Filbert ending up face first on the desk. Specs moved quickly and hopped onto Filbert's back between two of the spines that protruded there, reaching down and pulling the now weaker dragon's arms behind his back, then winding the bandana here and there... and in no time at all, he had tied Filbert's wrists together and pulled the bases of his wings close together, preventing them from moving. Specs hopped off his friend's back and wiped a bit of moisture from his face, then almost hopped back at a kind of half-snarl from Filbert, who wriggled about, trying to get his hands and wings free, but to no avail; Specs knew how to tie knots very well. "What do you think you're doing, Specs?! You're gonna be in so much trouble when The Wizard finds out ab-" his meager yelling was interrupted as he went into a coughing fit, making Specs frown a little bit... being this mean wasn't him at all. "Sorry, Filbert... you have to promise you won't tell The Wizard or any of our friends about this, and I'll let you go... if you don't, I'll just have to be meaner until you do." Even when he thought about it, the logic behind his thoughts was a little off; now he was just up for anything to hide his little secret from everyone else. "No way, Specs! Once I tell them about this... you'll never get a cookie again!" yelled Filbert, trying to undo his bonds again, but he just ended up rolling onto his side. Specs sighed, then moved over to Filbert's tail, and whispered softly, "Your energy will be all spent, and there will be no movement..." He then touched the tail in front of him, and a faint blue light worked it's way down the tail to the legs, until it had immersed the lower half of the older dragon, and Filbert looked back over his shoulder and gave a half snarl-cough, followed by another bit of yelling: "What in the name of Sir Nigel did you do to my lower half?!" "Paralyzing spell... you can still feel, you just can't move." muttered Specs, moving over a bit and placing a foot on Filbert's side, pushing him over onto his back. The helpless dragon tilted his head back, feeling his energy continue to fade; it was taxing to be so vocal when he was so sick. Specs looked over Filbert, and a slight bit of pity was shadowed by a feeling of intellectual superiority and a splash of ego. Filbert, the one who was always right, the biggest Pocket Dragon, was now helpless in front of him. The feeling it provided was intoxicating, and only served to create thoughts in Specs' mind, which he knew he'd carry out. He clambered on top of Filbert's thick tail and took a seat, effectively straddling it, then spread his friend's legs apart, Filbert managing a bit more strength to lift his head up. "Please... stop... I just want to go back to sleep..." whimpered Filbert; his anger now turned to hopelessness since he couldn't do a single thing to prevent Specs from doing whatever he wanted. Specs merely smiled softly, then shook his head, now completely seduced by his innermost devious thoughts. "Sorry, Filbert... you're always the leader. Always the one who makes the big decisions. Always right. And now, I'm the leader. I'm right, you're wrong. I'm making the rules now... and I'm going to show you what I can do." whispered Specs, crawling over Filbert's front and looking into his reddened eyes, which had produced a bit of tears. "But... but..." started Filbert, but was cut off as Specs stuffed a wad of paper into his mouth, trying to push it back as far as it could go. Filbert tried as hard as he could to prevent the paper wad from getting into the back of his throat, trying to press it out with his tongue as tears slid down the sides of his face. "Quiet! I'm sick and tired of you, Filbert! First you're angry, and now you're sad! I'm not letting you get out of this. I've learned a few things from the books I've read... and I'm going to try them out on you!" yelled Specs into Filbert's ears, making the dragon wince as he coughed out the wad of paper in his mouth, now reduced to a whimpering, helpless pile of Pocket Dragon. Specs slid back down Filbert's body, making sure to grind his hips against the paralyzed dragon's, running his hands across those still legs, moving his fingers lightly down to the lighter lime area between them and pressing a finger into the slit there. This provoked a whimpering moan from Filbert, who felt his cock spring to life, growing warmer and beginning to slide out a bit. "S-Stop it, Specs... p-please stop it..." whimpered Filbert, who was growing steadily more and more disoriented as time passed. Specs most certainly did not stop it, caressed the pointed tip of Filbert's cock, bringing it out slowly, teasingly, until all of the Pocket Dragon's pink cock was visible. It wasn't that long at all, instead it was rather thick and kind of cone shaped. This made Specs grin a little, gripping Filbert's cock firmly with a hand and giving it a harsh squeeze, bringing a cry of pain from his friend's throat. He then began to slowly slide his hand back and forth; there was no lubricant, so his hand tugged at the exposed cockflesh, causing additional pain and a few more whimpers from Filbert. Seeing as that was particularly effective, Specs continued doing it, moving his hand up and down, up and down, but eventually, this brought about a bit of pre from the tip of Filbert's cock, which Specs lapped up rather quickly. He quickly moved his hands back to the paralyzed legs and dipped his head down, taking about half of his friend's cock into his mouth, since it's cone-like shape forced his jaw open quite a bit. Filbert continued to whimper, although it went down a little in volume as the tugging pain between his legs was replaced by a warm, wet pleasure. It quickly ended though, as pain shot through his cock and wormed through his spine, making him pull up his head a bit to see what the origin of that pain was. Sure enough, Specs had bitten down on the tip of his cock, though not quite hard enough to puncture, but hard enough to cause pain. Specs moved his back down, taking nip after nip and sending sparks of numbing pain straight through Filbert's body, his tears coming back full force, almost fully in tears. Specs smiled inwardly, loving every second of this, and ran his tongue up the now red underside of Filbert's cock, taking a bit more of the pre off and onto his tongue, enjoying the taste. "We're having such fun, aren't we? And there's still a lot to do..." whispered Specs, reaching down to rub at the slit between his own legs, shivering a bit as the tip of his own cock poked out from within. He stepped off of Filbert's tail and moved around to his head, kneeling down so that the slightly visible tip of his cock poked against the ill dragon's lips. "I want you to suck on it. I so much as even feel a nip, and everything will get a lot worse." threatened Specs. Filbert had little to no choice, so he opened his mouth and took the tip of Specs' cock into it, then gagged as the bespectacled Pocket Dragon thrusted in deeply as the rest of his cock slid out, so he coughed the length out, going into another coughing fit. Specs had no desire to knock out his 'prisoner', so he paused until he was sure Filbert had his breath back, then thrusted right back into that warm mouth. Filbert was a little relieved that the second thrust didn't gag him since it didn't go that deep, but all he could do was lick and suck on the cock as it slid in and out of his mouth. Specs smiled, a tiny moan escaping his lips, and a tiny bit of pre leaking from his cock into Filbert's mouth; this felt even better than he had expected, and he wanted even more. Filbert tilted his head back a bit to prevent himself from being gagged, just wanting this all to end as quickly as possible, but Specs wanted to draw it out, pushing his cock in most of the way and spreading Filbert's jaws quite a bit. Filbert tried his hardest to lick around all the cock in his mouth, the occasional spurt of pre threatening to throw him into another coughing fit while his spread jaws began to tire and become sore, making him whimper again. This brought another frown from Specs, who pushed in even further, causing Filbert to gag and cough, but Specs refused to remove his cock from his friend's mouth this time. Filbert broke into a coughing fit, trying in vain to breathe, but little air actually got into his lungs. He began to twist and writhe, tears streaming down his face and splashing onto the floor, until a sudden twitch caused him to bite down on Specs' cock. Specs immediately pulled out and cursed, stepping back as Filbert coughed and cried on the floor, trying to regain his breath. "Son of a cockatrice... I said not to bite me, Filbert!" yelled Specs, kneeling down again to deliver a single smack right across the crying dragon's cheek, which only served to increase the volume of Filbert's cries. "I-I-I... I'm s-sorry, Specs... I-I couldn't h-help it..." sputtered Filbert, who received another smack across the cheek from his friend. "I told you what would happen. And oh, it's going to hurt you quite a bit." Specs made his way back to Filbert's tail, taking a seat on it and placing a hand on his cock, angling it downwards towards the tiny tailhole. "Hope you're ready, Filbert." mumbled Specs before scooting forward and giving a deep thrust, burying his entire cock into Filbert's rear end with a single motion. There was a second of silence, then Filbert cried out in pain, louder than he had before, wriggling his upper torso back and forth while his cries fell on uncaring ears. Specs, on the other hand, could've sworn he would have passed out from pleasure if it weren't for those cries; they pierced through the pleasure daze he received from the warm confines of Filbert's rear. There was no time wasted as Specs pulled out straightaway, shuddering as his friend's rear tugged at his cock for a second until the tip lingered inside, and then there was another deep thrust and a cry of agony from Filbert. "It hurts, S-Specs... please... P-please s-stop it..." begged Filbert, still trying to get Specs to stop doing that to him; but now, Specs was the stubborn one, and refused, continuing to thrust in and pull out as hard as he could, panting a little bit. "What's the matter, Filbert? Not having any fun? Here, I'll help you out..." whispered Specs, reaching down with a hand and jerking sharply at Filbert's cock, which was still fully erect; it was even dripping a bit of pre. "You like this, don't you, Filbert?" yelled Specs, angling his thrusts occasionally to bump into the walls of Filbert's rear, which provided a wonderful, smooth feeling across his cock. Filbert managed to raise his head again and managed a shake, sniffling as the pain became a little more bearable. "N-no... I'm s-s-sorry, Specs... I didn't m-mean to..." Specs cut Filbert off, growling as savagely as a Pocket Dragon could. "Don't try and make amends now, Filbert! I bet Zoom Zoom or Cuddles would be doing the exact same thing as me if they had the chance!" Filbert's head rolled back and forth on the ground as he responded shakily, "That's n-not true... they w-wouldn't b-be like you..." Specs responded in kind by giving Filbert a few thrusts as hard as he could, slamming into the no-longer virgin rear with raging strength. "You don't know... anything, Filbert! Like I said before, you're always the leader who makes the decisions. Don't you think we ever get sick of your ego? Don't you think I ever got sick of you saying that YOU were the wisest?" he yelled, pressing the tips of his claws into Filbert's cock as he gave it another painful squeeze. The older dragon cried out once again, trying to speak, except the only thing that came out was sobbing coughs. "Mmhmm... that's right. When it comes down to it... you're just a big scaredy-cat like Binky!" whispered Specs, panting quite audibly now, a bit of sweat trickling down his face. All through this, Specs continued to jerk, tug, and squeeze Filbert's cock, which, through all the pain, was still registering some pleasure, and gave a few little spurts of pre that dribbled down the younger dragon's hands. Then, there was a sudden burst of pleasure as Specs' cock ran against Filbert's prostate, which caused another bit of pre to make itself known, as well as a strange noise from Filbert; a kind of a moaning-sob, much unlike the other groaning he was doing. Specs soon realized what he done, and then began fucking into Filbert frenziedly, striking against his prostate repeatedly while jerking off his cock with an iron grip. Filbert felt such pain, yet such exquisite pleasure intertwined within it, but he didn't want it. It was making him feel even sicker than before. While Filbert may have had to deal with pain and pleasure, Specs was slowly becoming weary, feeling his climax come up upon him. But he had trained himself, so he could hold it off. At least until Filbert had came. He gave the cock in his hand a soft squeeze now, and began to masturbate the sore cock slowly; he soon sped up until his hand flew back and forth wildly over the pink member, some more pre spurting about onto Filbert's chest. There was a sudden groan, and Filbert unconsciously reached his orgasm, unaware except for a sudden tightening between his legs. A few shots of white seed spattered against his chest and neck, where his bandana had once been. Specs smiled softly and released his friend's cock, moving his hand back to its original position so he could thrust full force, grunting every time he pushed in, knowing his climax was just upon him. He gave a few more thrusts and pulled out, sitting back on Filbert's tail, almost having hit his climax; but he didn't want to cum in Filbert's rear... he'd rather do something else. So Specs moved off the tail and stepped up to Filbert's head, and then moved onto his knees, causing Filbert to open his eyes, which had turned bright red from all the crying. "Keep looking..." moaned Specs, reaching down with both hands and placing them on both sides of his cock, then began to masturbate with fervor, a moan escaping his lips, one eye closing and the other ending up half-lidded. Surely enough, he had been so close to hitting his climax previously that when he stopped for a moment, he was still able to bring the feeling of teetering right on the edge back to him, his hips also giving the occasional blind thrust. Even through his delirium, Filbert managed to catch on to what exactly Specs was going to do, and shook his head, trying to turn away. Specs didn't like this, and switched to one hand, shakily reaching over and pulling Filbert's head back over just as a sudden rush of pleasure surged straight through his body. Filbert got hit square between the eyes with the first spurt of cum, which was followed by a couple smaller ribbons of warm dragonseed that spattered across his face, having to squint out of fear of getting some into his eyes. Specs tapered off his climax quickly, and fell back onto his rear, sighing softly. "You know, Filbert, I don't think I've had that much fun in a while... and I don't think you've had fun at all." said Specs, his panting slowing down as his pleasure faded away. Filbert could only nod at that statement, to which Specs placed a hand on his forehead, moving it around to gather up all the cum. Once Specs had all of the rapidly cooling liquid in his hand, he dipped it down in front of Filbert's face and whispered softly, "Just lick it up." Filbert knew better than say no; he didn't want to have to deal with all that pain again. He extended his tiny tongue and began to lap up Specs' cum slowly, shuddering at its salty taste as he swallowed several times to get it all down, wincing in pain from a now slightly swollen throat. Once all the cum had disappeared from Specs' hand, he smiled and kneeled over, and gave Filbert a kiss on the snout. "I have to make you forget all this. You'll feel all the pain I caused you, but at least you won't be able to tell The Wizard or anyone else." Filbert merely groaned, just trying to fall asleep as his body throbbed with dull pain. Specs nodded, and placed a hand on Filbert's forehead, feeling the heat of his fever, then said quietly, "Little dragon, now still and nappin', you'll forget this ever happened..." There was a dull flash of light, and it was done; Filbert would no longer remember anything. Specs rolled the dragon onto his side to remove the bandanna and tie it securely around Filbert's neck, as it was before all this happened. Hopefully Dragon Fever wasn't contagious... * * * Yeah, I know. You're probably like, "Pocket Dragons?! What the hell?" or something like that. But, I had fun writing this, strangely... ah well. Hope you enjoyed it!