Ruby's Bright Side

Story by Scan on SoFurry

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#2 of Ruby

So this is a direct sequel to the other story of Ruby. Inspiration hit me last night and I wrote it all down in one go, once again. Comments are much appreciated, I really want feedback on this one. So every reader, please try to make up a comment.

Warning: This story contains romance and longing. Also, there is bloody gore. If you don't like either, please go away. You were warned!

Now share and enjoy!

Ruby 541 yawned and blinked. She had not slept well. There was something she wanted ,but she could not figure out what it was. She turned in her bed and reached out for the clock. It was one of three things that she owned herself. One of them was herself, which was important. She always had a paper to prove it.

It was not even six. She had to get up at seven, to make her... master his breakfast. She had a bit of a problem with that word. But it had to do for now. There probably was no word for it, because she owned herself but still lived with him like the unfree girl she used to be. It just was her choice.

After five more minutes she decided she would not be able to get back to bed again, so she might as well get up. So the vixen swung her feet off the bed and opened the curtains.

Her room was tiny. It hat barely enough space for the bed, let alone the wardrobe. It was empty anyway, but it gave the room a kind of... complete look. It looked like a normal bedroom with it. Without it, there would be four white walls, a window that goes to the street and the bed. It was comforting to have it in here.

Ruby looked outside for a while. The sun was dawning behind the woods. There was a field in front of it. There worked some unfree girls just like her. Well, not right now. And also some men. All of them slaves. But the girls never seem to get very old. How odd.

There was still something missing. It was not the food. She was not hungry. Maybe it had something to do with her deeper desires. She could live for days without any food â€" a talent that made her survive to the present day. But during the recent four months another desire had grown inside her, one she wouldn't repress so well. One that frightened herself, but only in a lonely night and after a sad film on TV.

The vixen put on the pair of socks on the floor. That was the only clothes she was allowed to wear in the house. The floor downstairs was pretty cold. She only had two pairs anyway. Her other clothes were by the door â€" a dirty shirt she never got to wash and a tiny skirt. It was a thrill to walk with it outside.

She sneaked outside her room. Her master had removed the lock long ago. For one, she could get in and out whenever she wanted, but he could too. He never did, though. However, he was asleep and snoring like the wolf he was, he hated being waken up before it was time to get to work. He was the kind of man who only worked for the living, but he lived well for it.

Sometimes Ruby wondered why he had bought and kept her. Often he had said it had been because she had been so cute and smart. A vixen could not argue with that, yet she often thought of him a bit... nicer. He had a nice side, even though she had only seen it three or four times. Maybe he had a lot of love to share but was too proud to show it off. He did it in subtle ways, for example when he said "Today you may eat at the table with me." Instead of the floor, that is.

Ruby realised she had been watching him sleep from the ajar door. She sneaked on to the bathroom and threw some water into her face. Then she looked into the mirror and sighed. Still no hips. Still no breasts. She was fourteen and still looked like a eight year old girl. Well, she was taller, and she had a good deal of pubic fur, but still. It bothered her. Her breasts just refused to grow, they were just barely an A-cup.

She cupped them in front of the mirror. Nope. At least there was something, she consoled herself. A year ago she would have been mistook for a boy with the penis cut off. Maybe there was hope. As for the hips, she gave up hoping for real woman's hips. It was so not like her.

Ruby filled a cup, drank it up, filled it again and took it with her downstairs. From there, she went to the basement. It was locked, but the key was right next to it.

One eye blinked in the sudden light as she turned the switch. Ruby went down the wooden stairs and waved.

"Hey... Lydia? Was it? Ergh, can't remember names."

Tehre was a glare from the girl on the other wall. She was way older than Ruby, had real breasts and real hips, but only one eye left. There was a patch over the other one. She was a black cat of some sort, and her legs were chained to the ground.

Ruby went over to her and grabbed her head. "Drink a bit. Food has to wait."

The cat drank but hissed afterwards.

"Don't look at me like that," Ruby said and put the cup on a table. "I'm only here to play."

Ruby turned and went over to another table. On it, a young mouse boy was bound, eagle spread. Although, that was not fully correct, he was missing an arm. So it was eagle-that-lacks-a-wing spread. The boy was in a state of sleeping which was not really sleeping. Ruby knew that state from her own past.

The boy whimpered into his gag as Ruby started to stroke his penis. She glared at it and rubbed harder, but soon lost patience. At the beginning, just seeing her made him hard, but she had not been able to get him erect during the entire week. It was as if the boy wanted to stay soft. But that only made it worse for himself, didn't he know that?

Ruby slapped the boy's crotch and went over to the medicine cabinet. Yesterday she even had to use a toy because the stupid mouse wasn't worth a fuck any more! A toy! The toys were for the slaves in here. She deserved better.

The vixen had free use to all the stuff in the cabinet. It was full of all kinds of drugs, just like the one in every household. Nobody ever knew how it all got there, let alone what it was for. Just this stuff was probably not just not for kids, but also not for adults.

"Where is it..." she mumbled as she went through the painkillers and paingivers. There were more of the latter. Then she found what she was looking for. She went through the side effects and grinned. It was her boy. And if he needed it, he was not worth any further keeping.

Ruby tried to guess the dosing and put a bit more into the syringe. Then she rammed it into the boy's arm â€" the one he still had â€" and waited.

"Oh, almost forgot..." she said and spun around. "Gosh, in this mess you never find what you need. And I'm tidying up once a week!"

"I feel you pain," hissed the girl on the other side of the basement.

"There it is!" Ruby cheered. Then she grabbed the knife. It was stuck in the wood, pinning the cat's paw to the wall. The cat yelped in pain as Ruby pulled it out. Because it looked uneven now, Ruby took the hammer and a nail to restore the view.

The boy whimpered louder. Proud of herself, Ruby saw his penis full erect and throbbing. She boy whined as she put her paw around it. It was burning hot, and she could feel the blood pumping though it. It was bigger than it had been before.

Ruby rubbed a bit over her own crotch and climbed over the boy. With knife in her paw, she lowered and made the penis enter her. That was it. The feeling of that burning hot meet inside herself. Oh, and of course it felt even better now she could see it hurt the boy. She was tight, wasn't she?

"Don't fight it," she said. "Let it out and you'll feel better," she added as she started her movements. She felt the boy breathing heavier.

The mouse boy tried to fight the pain while the vixen enjoyed the pleasure damming up inside her. She loved that feeling. All the emotions seemed to flow right into her crotch, where she had the hot, throbbing male meat in herself.

Finally the boy gave in. Most pleased Ruby moved faster. They both knew what she wanted. She removed his blindfold, so he could see the knife in her paws. "Cum," she snarled.

The boy stared for a moment, then he clenched his eyes. Ruby moved faster. She was ready to release. She wanted to release it all. But not before him. She held it back as much as he did. It was a small fight, but she was to fun. The boy would always cum.

And then, suddenly, he twitched and Ruby felt the hot cream fill her insides. She came herself with a mild scream of pleasure and then rammed the knife into the boy's throat. She pushed it all the way through until it hit the wooden table.

The blood gushed and the boy stared at her. Ruby stared back. And she noticed, he was still filling her up with cream. So it was true, a dying guy would keep on ejaculating. The vixen stared and enjoyed the view, until the mouse boy was dead.

As he slipped out of her, it seemed as if he had pumped gallons into her. It flowed out and mixed with the boy's white fur. Ruby dipped her paws in the blood and started massaging herself, to get another orgasm out of it. She loved masturbating with blood. She loved blood in general.

"Ruby? Ruby, where's my breakfast?"

The wolf staggered through the living room. Where was his mobile phone?

"Here it is, sir," Ruby said obediently and handed him a sandwich. "Might I?"

"Oh, yes."

Ruby corrected the tie and the suit. "Big meeting?"

"Why are you wearing gloves?"

"I have blood on my paws." And my crotch as well, she thought. Lots of it.

"Oh. Please don't dirty the furniture."

"I won't, sir. I never do." Which was true. "And here's you're mobile phone. You left it downstairs."

The wolf took it and put it in his pocket. "Oh, thanks. You know, I can't really remember how I was living without you, Ruby."

She blushed, but the fur hid it quite well. She watched her master take off through the door. Then she sighed. She thought he would be angry about the gloves, because the rule clearly said no clothes except socks.

The vixen took them off and tidied them away. He blood was still on her paws, but it's dried. She knew better than trying to wash it off. You cannot get dried blood out of fur, she had learned that. But... she kinda liked it like that.

She went to the basement and got some more to decorate herself.

Ruby liked a walk. A walk would give her time to let her mind wander. She had killed off the mouse boy. That thought just went into her head. Well, her master was killing his toys more often, but the mouse boy had been her birthday present.

She should have cleaned up the mess as well. The table was full with blood. The body was still tied up. But she did not feel like it, not right now.

Instead, she took a walk in her dirty shirt and the tiny skirt, sans socks or gloves. She used to be tugging on the skirt so nobody would see her private parts, but she gave up on that. After all, she was a free girl, so everyone who looked down there had to deal with it themselves.

She went over the field and looked to the sheds. There was Tiffany, the bobcat. She was unfree, but well treated. Well treated considering the circumstances. The farmer was a good guy and he kept his girls and boys just for working. Tiffany was never raped or tied up. Okay, she was slapped when she did things wrong, but that was really nothing.

Back when Ruby's name had been Worker 451, at a factory, they hat taken girls and raped them without any reason. And whenever the guards felt like it, they had hit her. Compared to this, Tiffany was really happy.

"Hey," Ruby said.

Tiffany looked up from the chickens. "Oh, hi. How're doing?"

Ruby hid her bloody paws behind her back and tried to wag her tail. "Surviving."

"Good good. You look pensive, though."

The vixen forced a smile. "No, no. I'm fine."

"I got to tell you, the farmer's son likes me."

"Uh, good for you?"

"I mean, like like. You know?"

Ruby looked at Tiffany. The bobcat was covered in mud. Under the mud were way oversized overalls and under the overalls was probably nothing. Why had she just thought that? "No?"

"He says I'm... cute."

"Oh, that..." Ruby felt the mud between her toes. "Say..."

"Hm?" The bobcat gave her a huge smile.

"Do you think I could buy a chicken? For dinner?"

"Just a chicken?"

"I'll get the rest at the store," Ruby said.

"Fancy dinner, huh?"

Ruby nodded slowly and went through the mud. "Kind of."

Tiffany laughed shortly.

"So can I?"

"Talk to Joe. I'm just working here."

As the wolf came back from work, she checked on the chicken in the oven for another time. He ate in office so he wouldn't want to eat right now. He always needs to blow off some steam. And that was okay. He just rushed right through the floor into the basement.

Slowly Ruby picked up the clothes he had dropped. "Hello," she said quietly, so he would not hear her. She folded the shirt, the tie, put it into the clothed basked and went into the kitchen to check on the potatoes. Or cleaning the kitchen tables. Or just anything.

In the four months she had been here she learned how to cook. Before, she had got her food served. Mostly in a bowl, and with a swift kick into the back. She shuddered thinking of the stew she had been forced to eat. It had been surely made of cardboard and traces of meat.

Today it would be chicken. She had spent all day reading the recipe and preparing it. It was always easier when you see it on TV. Killing it had been the easiest part, but afterwards it got difficult. She hoped it would be good. And she hoped the master would appreciate the effort.

Ruby checked the clock. He took his time. Oh, he always had the decency to wash before dinner, no matter if it's just pasta with spinach or fancy turkey. There had once been cake. He liked cake a lot. Ruby made a small remark in her mind to get chocolate cake again as soon as possible.

She put plates on the table, polished them, then took one plate and put it on the floor. The checked on the chicken, almost burned her stomach trying to get it out and cursed quietly. An apron. She should ask him if she was allowed to wear an apron in the kitchen. It would still show her butt and tail so he should be fine with it.

Another thought crept into the vixen's mind. When was the last time he looked at your butt? it said. Why was he still insisting on her being naked in the house? Because he liked to look at her? Or just because of the authority?

Ruby shock her head and sliced the chicken. She put a leg on her plate and the rest on the wolfs plate. She decorated it with sauce and potatoes, sat down on the floor and waited.

It took the wolf another twenty minutes to get out of the basemen and wash his hands. Then he sat down and began eating. Ruby looked up to him and slowly nibbled on the leg. She was not hungry at all. She had not eaten all day, but she felt not hungry.

"Can you get me a beer?" the wolf growled.

"Yes, sir," Ruby said and got a beer from the fridge.

"Fucking idiots..."

"What is up, sir?"

The wolf swallowed. "Office stuff. You wouldn't understand."

"Of course, sir." Ruby sighed silently. "There'll be a nice film on TV..."

"I'll be in the basement all evening," the wolf cut her off. "Watch it yourself."

Ruby nodded and watched the wolf eating up the chicken she had been working for all day.

"I see you got rid of the mouse boy," her master said.

"Er, yes... he was... not... performing well any more."

"Ah. Do you need a new one?"

Ruby was a bit surprised. "Er, not right now..."

"Tell me if you need one, we can go to the market together."

The vixen nodded slowly. "That would be... erm, nice, sir. Thank you, sir."

"But I'd like if you got rid of the body, will you?"

After her master was done, Ruby went into the basement to clean up his and her mess. The cat was lying in a corner, curled up and bleeding, but clearly alive. She shrugged over her and went to the body, which was just as she left the boy.

He hadn't even noticed. Was it so hard to just say "it's nice, thank you, Ruby"? Would it hurt so much to just smile? Or to invite her to sit on the table? He had said himself she did not have to stay here! She chose herself to be his.. his... his little pet!

She stared at the knife. It was sharp. She tested it and cut her number into the boy's chest. 541. Ruby 541. Then she cut off the boy's penis and scrotum. Yes. She felt empty now, but a different kind of empty. Hungry.

Ruby stabbed the body several times. She was disappointed as the boy did not scream. She wanted to hurt something, someone. It was the rage. Oh, there was still her master's cat girl...

"Oi, turn around!"

The girl started shivering and looked up. "Y-yes, mistress?" she stuttered and turned.

Her master had cut off both her breasts. And her paws and feet were pretty much useless. There were some bloody tears on the cat's face.

"Nothing. You should sleep," Ruby said, in a soothing voice. She had to deal with her disappointment over the master herself. The cat had suffered enough for today.

She put the knife away and got the broom. You needed some very strong chemicals you get blood out of stone. They stung in her nose, but it hat to get done. When it starts to rot, this place will be crowded by insects. Not to mention that the small drain does not catch all of the girls' urine.

After scrubbing the floor for an hour, she carried the dead mouse boy upstairs and into the garden. It was already dark, but she felt not tired. Rather, Ruby felt like doing chores was a good way to keep of thinking. She feared thinking more than anything right now.

The vixen was not strong, so the hole did not get big. The mouse was small, but if the hole was not deep enough, the smell would pollute the entire neighbourhood. It was not illegal to kill slaves, they were property, but all the unfrees getting into the house but never out were frowned upon by all neighbours.

It was almost midnight as she threw the shovel away. She stretched and sighed. Before getting upstairs, she gave the cat girl a cup of water. It was just something she had to do.

After the shower, which took a long time because mud always stuck to fur, she pushed the door to her master's bedroom open. He was sleeping soundly. Ruby just watched. She wanted to lie down next to him. She wanted to cuddle up and feel his warmth. No stupid boy would give her that.

She realised what was wrong. Why she felt so empty. What was missing. After all, he had been the only man who had ever been polite to her. And... the only man who never had touched her, who never had looked at her as a piece of meat.

But she could never tell him. She was his pet. A servant. All she could do was stay and hope he will warm up to her. One day, maybe.

With a tear on her face she went to bed and stared outside. For hours.

One day, maybe.