The Bond Between a Player and a Coach ~ Part 2

Story by TheBigDog on SoFurry

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#2 of The Bond Between a Player and a Coach ~Series

Seems like John and Felix are going to get to know each other's bodies with a little more privacy!

Decided to upload this today since it's Thanksgiving and all! Still interested in feedback for this series i'm attempting to start, and I added much more than the previous part. Hope y'all like it, and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Part 1:

A midnight-shaded Hummer sped down and away from a local high school on a concrete road. It's windows were tinted a slightly lighter shade of midnight and was lined with metallic apparel. The bright sun cast down upon the driving vehicle; heating it up from the inside-out. Following up, the tinted driving seat window rolled down to unleash a bulky arm swaying in the wind. Dark-gray fur was shown on said arm, revealing it to be John who was driving with a single hand.

On his side in the passenger seat was Felix who was holding his phone up to his ear as he spoke subtly towards the receiver of the call.

''Yeah, mom... I'ma be, uh... home tomorrow. Crashin' over a friends house tonight.''

The older wolf looked over with a sly smile before turning to watch the road again. He made sure to remain silent as Felix continued his conversation with his mother.

''Yeah, it's uh... Rick. Him and a few buddies are gonna go to a party an' sleep at his place. Yeah, love you too.''

After a few more moments of Felix saying his goodbyes to his mother, he finally got her to let him go. Mothers sure could squeeze the last bit of conversation out of someone when they're about to be hung up on... seemed to be a natural ability passed on from generation to generation. John let out a small chuckle, most likely towards the fact that... well, it seemed Felix was still a bit of a momma's boy!

''Shut up, John!'' Exclaimed Felix as he was putting away his phone. Without even realizing it at first, he just raised his voice towards his coach... Not something someone in their right mind would do under normal circumstances.

''Hey, don't tell me to shut up! I'm still your coach, and you'll treat me with respect kid,'' was ordered strictly towards the impudent canine.

Felix himself crossed his arms and pursed his lips outwards. He felt like he was being scolded by a parent, and the footballer didn't really like it though he somewhat admired John's definitive attitude. After a few moments of silence, John pursed his lips as well and released a sigh. He voiced his thoughts subsequently, attempting to settle the hostile mood now in the vehicle.

''We're lucky they never made camera inside my office, ya' know?''

The young adult's optics widened before shifting visage towards John.

''Oh... shit, I never even thought about if they did! You sure they don't have anything in there?...''

The coach nodded affirmatively towards the teen before responding with a rather sarcastic tone.

''Yeah, I would've been touchin' myself in my office, let alone lettin' you suck my dick, if there were a camera in my office.''

After having said this, he began to chuckle a bit more to himself. Felix himself emitted a grunt of annoyance. He realized how stupid his question was at that point, but he clearly just wasn't thinking previously. With a mere shrug of the shoulder, his head tilted to face the tainted window to his right to observe the trees they were passing by longingly.

''Why -were- you touching yourself in your office?''

''I was bored and horny, what else could a man say? I checked if everyone was gone, and I guess you were jus' hidin' or somethin'.''

Felix remained silent as of now, still finding it awkward to speak towards John in a manner like this. It was just... weird. Not in a bad way, but that didn't make it any less awkward. John decided to continue the conversation himself, not wanting to just sit in silence the whole drive.

''Hey, how 'bout we start listenin' to some music? What type you like, I probably got it on my phone.''

As this was said, the older wolf began to pull out his phone with his free hand instead of allowing it to wave in the wind.

The younger wolf shrugged nonchalantly before tilting his head towards his coach.

''Got any... eh, Thousand Foot Krutch?''

John nodded excitedly as his thumb made work on his phone's screen.

''Hell yeah! They're the shit.''

The dark-gray furred wolf slid through his phone whilst he drove in order to reach the song he wanted to play. An unsafe move, but he didn't really seem to have any fucks to give. After a few moments of scrolling and searching, John found the song he was searching for and clicked upon it via tap screen. The song (<---- Click) began to play through the car, starting with a male singing in a higher-type of tempo.

Placing the phone down, the coach would begin to rock his head softly back and forth in accordance to the sounds. His arm was sent back out his window in order to allow his palm to smack against the outside of the vehicle in accordance with his head movements. Felix noted the song, but it didn't seem like he was as into it as John seemed to be. But then, it occurred. John began to voice the lyrics with his rather, 'professional' singing skills.

''When it hits you like a wave!~ You're not gonna feel the paaain!~''

After this, he began to simply mouth the lyrics instead of singing. His head banging increased and his vehicle smacking followed suit. Felix fought the urge to laugh, but it... it was just too much! He's never seen his strict coach let go so easily and be such a normal person; quite the transformation! It surely wasn't for the worst, rather Felix enjoyed seeing the older canine like this.

John followed up the laughter with more whilst he spoke.


"Nothing! I've just never seen you like this before, John. I... sort of like it.''

A light smile was given by the older wolf before he spoke some more.

"We're here," was voiced in a happy tone.

After about twenty minutes of driving the duo finally met their destination; John's house. Both of them exited the black Hummer; closing the doors at slightly different times. Heading up the driveway, Felix examined the home. It wasn't that large and was a rather dim shade of pale. It was probably just two story with a built in underground basement from the looks of it.

Neighbors were lacking and trees were nearly everywhere. Almost as if this were the cabin in the woods. Though, Felix didn't seem to mind. It seemed to feel better being out in the wilderness, especially with the air and breeze. He could easily tell why John picked to live here rather than all places.

A few whiffs of air was taken into the younger wolf's system before finally heading towards the house where the coach was already one foot inside. However... when he got there, it was much different than he expected it to be. The only inviting fragrance of the household was the older wolf's musky stench of sweat. He could easily recognize it from the his locker-room office. To some it may have been disgusting, but... He sort of enjoyed it. Fitting for a person like John.

His visage switched over the entrance of the house, noting all the exercise machines and equipment around. There was benching, leg pressing, a treadmill, and much more. Almost like the coach's personal little gym inside his own house. Wasn't very surprising, given John's body. Must have nothing much better to do than lift most of the time!

'Makes sense...' thought Felix as he continued his sightseeing.

The walls of the housing were dirty concrete; evenly pressed everywhere there was supposed to be wall. The wood that made up the flooring seemed to be old, if not ancient. In fact, every step that was taken released a screech. It literally sounded like it was going to break any second... The only lighting in in the house, which was turned on, was a dim light attached to the ceiling. It hung down loosely over a couch, table, and other scattered weight equipment; constantly motioning in the air from gusts of wind that occasionally passed through the open windows.

Clothing seemed to be laying around everywhere, showing his coach's untidiness to it's fullest. He was sure to remember this during practices... Talk about being lazy. Albeit, he shrugged his shoulders and moved his attention to the alpha male of the hour. He was caught in visage taking off his shoes and socks before fully entering the house. A common trait most people did-- but that was for clean houses... Of course this wasn't the real reason. Why would it be?

The coach continued to undress himself. He removed his shorts in order to show his white-laced jock strapped, as well as his bare ass. The shorts were tossed among the pile before he took his shirt off to do the same. Felix's eyes widened quickly, a slight blush overcoming his face from seeing what he saw. The older wolf tilted his head to face Felix with a seductive smile.

''Please... after what we did earlier, you're still uncomfortable with this?''

This was a clear tease, and the younger wolf felt as if he was insecure.

''Please what?! This is a big change in our relationship, hop off my dick...''

''Or, you could hop on mine?''

The seductive smile turned into an intentionally comedic face. The alpha male's tongue stuck out in a playful manner, nearly enough to reach his beard. After doing this he began to head deeper into the unknown house, voicing a few words as he left.

''I'm gonna go check som'n real quick. Make yourself comfortable."

John disappeared into the darkness of one of the hallways. With a grunt, Felix shrugged his shoulders.

The younger wolf took a few steps forwards before looking at the clothing around him. Wincing a bit, he decided to join in with John. He removed his shorts and shirt fluently as John went among his own house. Doing so revealed his bulky body as well as his bare ass. His jock strap was pure white; white-laced and white fabric. It pressed up tightly against his sheathed knot and testicles, showing an outline of everything as if the fabric were just there for show.

Felix got comfortable as asked, placing his rear on the soft fabric of John's couch. Waiting for about a minute, John arrived from the depths of his own house back to where Felix was. He held two drinks; two Gatorade to be exact. A blue bottle was tossed to Felix and a single hand caught it skillfully.

''Hope you're thirsty,'' voiced the older wolf.

''Thanks, I am,'' spoke Felix as he unscrewed the top of the drink.

''No problem, seems you've got comfortable, big guy,'' was teased towards Felix as he began to take a big jug of the liquid.

Felix nodded a bit awkwardly. Everything here was still all new, and he wasn't familiar with everything. The scent was welcoming to him and made him happy, though he felt awkward... inexperienced. He didn't truly know what to do at this point. His azure optics switched visage to fully look over John. He scanned his bulky, shaggy upper-chest as well as his large gut. The final look over was his shaft. The large knot that was sheathed was easily shown through the green fabric of his jock strap; low hanging balls also notable. Felix's countenance blushed as it usually did at the sight of the jewels before John took initiative by taking a few steps forwards. After passing, Felix would take a large gulp of his Gatorade before placing it down on the table in front of the duo; John mirrored his actions.

His jewels bounced around in the strap, and his stomach swayed not too much as he passed the seated wolf. He aimed to take the seat next to him, leaning back in the soft couch so it could engulf his person partially. His wingspan spread across the top portion of the couch, one arm aiming to go around the younger wolf's shoulders. Both their heads tilted towards each other; John's golden iris' aligning with Felix's sapphire iris'. The alpha male slowly swiftly motioned his behemoth-like hand through the primitive air; aiming to gently grab Felix's hand and guide it.

The young wolf, of course, let this happen. The hand was placed onto the green jock strap and let go; both of John's hands now heading for behind his head and his lips transformed into a smile.

''I'll let you work the shaft again, buddy.~''

Felix gulped, swallowing some overflowing saliva in his mouth. It took little effort to lick his chops, body naturally doing it for the current moment. The hand gently motioned up and down on the sheathed knot to unsheathe it once more for the day. Whilst this happened, John's left hand glided through the air, grasping his footballer's chin. The alpha male leaned inwards as his member was currently being stroked to interlock lips with Felix. Each of them closed their eyes, savoring the moment.

A long, thin line of saliva connected each of their mouths as they departed. Both of the wolves optics fluttered open whilst John held a seductive gaze. Felix just seemed to melt from the mere sight of it. Looking down shortly after, they'd realize John's thick, eleven inch was fully unsheathed, breaking through the top of the jock strap to see the light of day.

John smiled and spoke with enthusiasm, getting quite excited now.

''Alright, now do it like you did earlier.''

The younger wolf nodded a few times cautiously, moving his paw downwards on John's knot so there was room for his muzzle. The maw of his muzzle opened widely, accepting the large member into it's confines. The young adult motioned his head back and forth onto the knot, deep throating it with passion. Many threads of saliva connected it to his muzzle, but he ignored that for now. Continuously, his head rocked to and fro before John began to take control.

The alpha male's giant hands went into play, wrapping around Felix's ears tightly to hold his head still. Strong legs pulled himself off the couch slightly before he began to vigorously thrust his member in and out of the light gray wolf. Grunts and sighs of acceptance from John protruded from his open maw. His eyes closed from the immense pleasure Felix's tight muzzle provided while Felix's optics fastened. Essentially, this was John skull fucking Felix, and it didn't seem like Felix minded. Rather, it seemed he enjoyed it. His snout occasionally smacked against John's sweaty, crimson pubic hair as this happened; sweat accumulating everywhere on both of the canine's persons. Whilst this occurred, Felix's member began to grow in size. It pressed up against his jock strapped tightly, aiming to push upwards just like John's did in the beginning of their activities.

After about thirty seconds, the skull fucking ended. Felix took some deep breaths before pouncing onto the elder, both knees resting on each side of the coach. His nine inch member stuck out of his jock strap, pointing up at John. His paws laid upon his coach's hairy chest, traveling through it leisurely. As he did this, his muzzle aimed to close in on John's, aiming to steal another kiss. The elder's beard rubbed against Felix's face gently and with welcoming sensations. More saliva created thin threads between both of their lips as they detached from each other.

''I..'' Felix started, ''I want you inside of me, John...''

A smile emitted from John's face as he replied.

''I was hoping you'd say that, buddy... You're doin' just fine.''

John's free hand grasped his own large member, aiming to make it make contact with Felix's anus. Once done, Felix would push down; successfully forcing the member into his tightly protected inner walls. The young athlete would open his mouth whilst releasing a short sigh of satisfactory.

''Oh god...'' was stated by Felix as he began to bounce up and down slowly with his member sticking out from his jock strap.

John himself stuck his tongue out slightly, wincing as his member began to thrust in and out of the tight space. He himself also sighed with significance; liquid swooshes became apparent as they continued onwards with the anal. John's large hands were placed upon his partner's hips, aiming to assist him on going down to the knot. Felix himself leaned forwards, beginning to kiss his coach as he bred his younger canine ass.

Gradually, the duo got faster and faster. John became more forceful as he slammed into Felix's inner walls harshly; fur clashed with beads of sweat. Both of them were caught in the moment once again right before John paused. His arms pulled Felix up and off his member as he finished their long mouth-to-mouth session. He licked his chops for the remaining saliva on his lips before speaking; emitting a seductive smile towards his smaller partner.

''Mmn... Let's try it this way...''

A single motion of the paw was made as he cued his partner to get off the couch for now; which Felix obeyed. John arose from his seat, fully pulling down his jock strap and kicking it off with fluent kicks and tugs. Felix mirrored the same motions. Footfalls came from John as he walked behind his partner, aiming to forcibly push his back down over the side of the couch. His legs separated slightly as he began to forcibly move his partner's legs as well. The young wolf's member pushed up against the couch as this all occurred.

''Ah... here we go...''

The coach's legs bent, forcing his muzzle to be adjacent to the younger canine's rump. Felix's head tilted, eyes fluttering upon seeing the coach's muzzle so close to his ass!

''Are you gon-- ... Ah!...''

Felix attempted to speak, but before he could even finish, John's tongue was already rubbing up against his pleasure hole. It lapped around the hole a few times, saliva treading and trailing with each lap around the outside of the footballer's inner-walls. Suddenly, the tongue stopped and retreated into the older canine's maw.

''Mn...'' started John, ''You're delicious.''

''T-thanks...'' was replied by Felix inbetween breathes. What else could he say? He wasn't even sure if that's what he was supposed to say. Though, he didn't sweat it. If he wasn't doing anything right, he wouldn't be where he was.


John's tongue leisurely sneaked it's way into his inner-walls, rubbing up against them softly. His large paws moved upwards to grasp the male's ass checks and spread them apart for easier access. And without resistance, Felix pushed his ass outwards for even more easy access for John, accepting the tongue gracefully.

Moments later, John removed the slimy tongue from the loose fit, standing upright once more. A red blush overcame his cheeks before he forcibly stuck his member into the now slimy anus from a different angle. His hands grasped the young wolf's hips once more, thrusting forwards and pushing Felix into the couch along with his member.

Each thrust was made leisurely, preserving the moment and feeling between the duo. Intimacy between the duo in turn became more intimate as John began to slowly transition into faster thrusts. To and fro his member went, also slowly going in farther and farther.

A thin sheet of sweat covered both of the canine as they continued their activities. Groaning and moaning occurred by both individuals as John became much more violent with his thrusts.

''U-ugh...'' mustered John as he leaned forwards.

His body laid upon Felix's as his lower-body was now fully controlling his member's movement. The knot of the male fully entered in and out of Felix's anus as John's hairy, sleek chin laid down upon his shoulder as the thrusting continued.

''O-oh go-...''

''Fuck, fuck, fuck... I'm gonna!'' was shouted by John as his member erupted a white stream into Felix's rump.

He didn't stop just yet, however. He continued to thrust into the semen soaked environment to get every last bit of cream out of his system. Soft sighs of pleasure were produced from both John's definitive voice and Felix's voice as he did this; the canine's tongues softly stuck out of their maws, enjoying every bit of the thrusting while it lasted.

Once done, he pulled out to exhibit a semen drenched rump. Streaks of white dripped down from it whilst his hard member still laid against the bed. Felix didn't move however. Not yet. He was getting used to how loose his anus was, but... at this point, John was already continuing. John trotted over to the front of Felix's maw with a excited look on his face. His soaked body hair caught his partner's attention before his semen cloaked knot was manifested to him.

Instinctively, Felix went to suck on the member to simply suck it dry of his semen to swallow the remnants of his coach's love. Whilst he did this, the coach reached passed the chair in order to grasp onto the footballer's member next. Quick and swift tugs were made on his member, using his pre as a lubricant of a sort.

After a bit John's cock was dry of semen, and Felix was essentially fucking John's hand on his own while still sucking on John's flaccid member. Mumbled high-pitch groans were created by Felix as he continued to suck and fuck. Without warning, Felix's love handle released a large stream of white onto and through John's hand as he continued to fuck it with his own thrusts. Once he stopped thrusting and laid down against the couch with heavy pants, John began to lick his partner's semen from his hand with a smile of satisfaction.

''Mn... good job,'' was stated by the coach.

John would finally pick up his partner from the couch and begin to head over through the dark corridors. He was still exhausted from the activities they endured through together, but he could power through. Golden-hued optics guided him through the darkness, as well as the previous knowledge of his house, aiming to swiftly close distance between himself and a single door down the corridor.

Eventually, they arrived at a bedroom which contained a single bed. Felix was placed down lightly upon said bed and John would join next to him, cuddling him with a single leg to hold him close to his knot. Felix himself reached and grabbed for one of the coach's arms, aiming to wrap it around himself as comfort.

''I'm so glad I stayed behind... John...'' Felix stated this tiredly with a hint of delight.

''I am too, kiddo...''

''... So...'' started Felix as he rubbed up against the older canine for comfort.


''What are we... exactly? As in relationship?...''

The coach blinked once, not really sure what to say. It took him a few moments, but in the end he responded.

''You're a player, and I'm your coach.~''

The Bond Between a Player and a Coach ~ Part One

Roaring and shouting vibrated off the tiled walls as the multitude of animals rushed into the locker room; each wore a heavy set of gear that was known for football athletes. It was very clear that they had one the game by judging everyone's smiling...

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