The Time of his Life

Story by FoxxyKattFur on SoFurry

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One day, a dragon named Kazzul was at school, a regular day of his teenage life. He had decided to skip math today, and went directly to PE. He was a new student, he was expecting everything, and hoping for the best.

There were the regular things going on in PE, as his last school, except there weren't any areas where he could change in solitude. He wasn't happy about his body, but he hasn't seen another male's body before. He started to strip down to his underwear, and he could hear people behind him snickering, and giggling. He sighed, and pulled down his underwear, revealing his quite large butt, and his extremely large black cock.

A silence in the room, and then quiet talking from behind him. He could swear he heard someone from behind him say, "I'd like to ride that..." he turned around and saw a well toned, cute bunny.

Kazzul looked down the bunny's body, as he quickly turned away. He then bent over, lifting up his tail slightly, showing off his tight tailhole. Kazzul then blushed deeply, and turned back toward his locker, hoping the bunny, or his friend hadn't seen him looking. Unfortunatly, the bunny obviously knew. Kazzul reached into his locker, aimlessly to keep himself from looking back. He then heard footsteps.

The bunny walked over, and sat on the bench near his locker, and looked at him and smiled, "Hey, I haven't seen you before... you must be the new guy! Its great to know you like me already." He smirked and giggled.

Kazzul looked back at him still blushing, "Uh-umm... b-but I don't..."

The bunny chuckled and said, "Well, how do you explain that?" he pointed at Kazzul's cock.

A look of complete emberrassment washed over Kazzul's face as he noticed his penis was fully erect. He jumped slightly, and then put his claws over his cock, trying to cover it up, but it was too large to cover it all, blushing even deeper, he exclaimed in emberrasment, "Umm... I uh..."

The bunny giggled, "Hey, don't worry about it. This isn't the first time, I was just trying to be nice. By the way, i'm Alex."

Kazzul then felt relieved, and sat down, letting out a nervous laugh. "H-heh.... I-i'm..."

Alex said, "Kazzul... right?"

He nodded, and scratched his head. "Yeah, thats me."

"Heh, I heard that a new guy was gonna be here soon. But, I didn't know it was gonna be a sexy dragon, like yourself." Alex replied.

Kazzul blushed even more, stuttering as he said, "S-sexy...? You think so?" his cock then started to throbb in excitement, as he pushed down on his cock, trying to hide it.

Alex started to move closer towards him, nodding, "Yeah, you're damn sexy. And the huge cock is a bonus."

"W-what...? Its not huge..." he said as he started to look around the room, noticing Alex's friend had left the room.

He turned back, as he saw Alex's paw moving toward him, he froze up, losing feeling in his arms as Alex's soft paws pressed up against his claws, gently pulling them away from his cock. Alex giggled, "That looks like its huge to me..."

"P-please don't say that..." Kazzul said, stuttering.

Alex started to rub Kazzul's chest, "Aww, why not?"

Kazzul quickly scooted away from Alex, standing up slowly and taking a step forward, "I... I gotta go..."

"Please stay? I won't say it again, if you'll stay." Alex said quickly, grabbing Kazzul's arm gently. "Please...?" Alex stared into Kazzul's eyes with desire, as he drooped his ears slightly.

He sighed, and sat back down, scooting back over towards Alex. "A-alright.... i'll stay..."

Alex's eyes lit up in happiness, "Thankyou!!" he hugged Kazzul tightly, gently kissing him on the cheek.

Kazzul blushed deeply, he let out a squeal. "O-of course..." He turned away in emberrasment, and accidently put his claw on Alex's thigh.

"Oh, really now?" Alex smirked at Kazzul and started to rub his chest again, starting to slide towards him.

"Ah! I'm so s-sorry!!" he lifted his claw off Alex's thigh, and put it on the bench. He was extremely nervous as Alex started to move close to him. He didn't know what was going to happen next.

Alex giggled, "Heh, no problem... but i'm going to make that, mishap, up to you." he moved his head doward, towards Kazzul's cock, he froze up again, staring down at Alex, as he stuck out his tongue and gave his cock a long lick.

Kazzul let out a loud moan. Speechless, and from his instincts, he put his claw onto his new friend's neck. This was Alex's sign to continue... he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the dragon's 14 inch cock, starting to push his muzzle downward, Kazzul's cock slowly sliding into it. Alex's cheeks blushed a beautiful rose red, the sheer ecstasy of Alex's tongue seemed to set Kazzul off, pre-cum slowly started to flow out of his cock. Kazzul let out a sigh of pleasure. Alex's tongue starting to twirl in circles around the tip of the dragon's large cock, starting to move his muzzle even further. As Kazzul's cock was sliding in and out of his new friend's mouth, his started to scratch at his neck, his grateful moans and groans got Alex to try harder. He started to twist and twirl his tongue around his cock faster, moving his muzzle up and down, going deeply, and quickly, Kazzul's cum started to flow more. Kazzul then started to roar loudly in pleasure, his dick throbbing un-controllably, he knew he was going to cum soon. And it seemed as if Alex knew too, because he raised up his paw, gripping it tight, and starting to stroke his cock up and down, sticking out his tongue, as he looked up at Kazzul's face. The expression of extreme pleasure was all over his face. Kazzul then clenched his teeth, breathing out flames, he roared loud, as his cum started to shoot out of his cock, flowing out, seeming to be endlessly. Alex's eyes seemed to glow, his cheeks a deeper red tint, swallowing all that was coming out of Kazzul's cock. The dragon started to pant, as his cum was released into muzzle of his bunny friend.

Alex looked up at Kazzul and said happily, "Well... that tasted great..."

"It felt better then anything i've ever experienced..." Kazzul quickly replied.

Alex rubbed Kazzul's head, and said, "Thats what I was going for." as he reached down, grabbing Kazzul's clothes, and handing them to him. "Get those on quick, I can't imagine that someone didn't hear you."

Kazzul nodded in a daze, "Y-yeah..." he slowly, but surely started to put his clothes back on. His shirt was inside out, his pants were too low, and his underwear was clearly visible. Alex tapped his shoulder and showed him a peice of paper with some writing on it, and stuffed it in his pocket, "Read that after your next class." he said. Kazzul nodded again, standing up and nearly falling back down. He started to make his way to the door, stumbling a bit, he stepped out.

Kazzul was dizzy, he never imagined a pleasure such as that. His mind was boggled with ideas, and plans for when he got home.

He got to his next class, and sat down. Time seemed to fly by, one second he just got there, and the next it was over. He walked to to his locker in the hall, and fumbled with his pocket, trying to get the paper out, he finally got it out, and started to read it. "Hey! That was great... I really hope you enjoy that. Hehe, I want you to come to my house today, if you can. I'd really love to have you over for dinner, my dad wouldn't mind... But to get back to the point, meet me in front of the school, at the flagpole after school. Okay? See you there? ~Your new bunny friend: Alex." Below it, there was a drawn heart.

Kazzul then thought to himself, he wanted to go. He couldn't wait... But he needed to talk to his mom. He pulled out his cell phone, and called his mom. It rang at least 5 times before she answered with a "Hello." it was a short conversation, he simply stated that he made a really good friend, and he wanted to go over to his house for dinner. She said yes, but she wants him over tomorrow.

The day seemed to go very slow now, 5 seconds seemed like 5 minutes. There was an hour left... Kazzul tried his hardest not to just get up and leave, and wait outside for Alex. But he didn't want to ruin the day by getting into trouble. 45 minutes went by, all his work was done. "Excuse me... Ms. Roo?" he said to his extremely young teacher.

"Yes, Mr. Dragon?" she giggled and looked at him.

He smiled at her, and said back. "Uh, I have all my work done... may I leave?"

She nodded and held her hand out towards the door. "Sure, i'll see you tomorrow."

"Thankyou, very much. Seeya." he said with quickness, as he walked out the door.

He walked down the long hallway, starting to get nervous, not knowing what to expect when he got to Alex's house. What his dad was going to be like, "Will he be mean?" he thought to himself. After he walked out the door, he sat on the ground near the flagpole. Moments later, the bell rang, and teenagers started to walk out of the double doored entrance to the school. He stood back up, and started looking for Alex, not knowing when he'd be outside. A couple minutes went by, and he didn't know where Alex was. He sat back down, hoping it wouldn't be much longer.

Another 5 minutes went by, and he saw familiar legs. He looked up and saw Alex.

Kazzul jumped up in happiness, and walked over to Alex, "Heya, Alex. How was cl-" he said, before Alex lunged forward and gave Kazzul a big mooshy, loving hug. Kazzul's eyes lit up in amazement, as he hugged Alex back.

"Great, thanks." Alex said as he giggled, and stepped back from Kazzul.

Kazzul replied saying, "Good."

The smile that is on his face is so damn cute, they thought about each other, as they started walking down the sidewalk. They started to have smalltalk with each other.

"How long have you lived here, Alex?" Kazzul asked with a curious tone.

Alex scratched his head, "My whole life... pretty much, its a really nice place."

Kazzul replied quickly, "Wow! Thats cool... Good to know that where we are was a good idea... Its already turning out to be better then anywhere i've been before, thanks to you."

Alex smiled, and blushed lightly. "Aww, thats great to hear, Kazzul." he said, as he reached his paw over to Kazzul's claw, and gently grasped his claw. Kazzul jerked, and looked down at his paw, and started to breath quicker. He got nervous, and started to sweat. Gripping Alex's soft paws delicatly, he smiled at Alex.

Alex then said, "Alright! Were here."

"Nice place." Kazzul said.

They both walked into Alex's house, almost instantly seeing his dad. Alex waved, and said, "Hi, dad." Kazzul waved too.

Alex's dad said, "Aww... thats cute, boys."

Kazzul's eyes opened wide, he realised that he hadn't let go of Alex's paw.

"Oh, dad... Don't emberrass me." Alex said before Kazzul could say anything. Kazzul looked at Alex's dad and smiled nervously. "Well, tell us when dinner is ready. I'm going to go study with Kazzul, okay?"

Alex's dad replied, "Alright, it will be done in about three hours. Study well!" he said as they started there way up the stairs to Alex's room.

They got to Alex's room, Kazzul was staring at all the things in his room. "Wow, thats alot of stuff."

Alex giggled and said, "Yeah..." He let go of Kazzul's claw, and asked him to sit down. He did, and then un-knowingly to Kazzul, he locked the door.

"So... what are we going to study?" Kazzul asked Alex.

Alex giggled, and sat next to Kazzul. "Hehe, that was a cover up, silly."

"What do you mean?" He replied, he had no idea what was going to happen next.

"Let me show you." Alex said, as he pushed Kazzul onto his back, and started to gently kiss him, delicatly laying onto Kazzul.

Kazzul's eyes slowly started to close. This was his first kiss... and it was better then what he'd hoped it could be. Kazzul started to kiss back, but then... Alex pushed his tongue into Kazzul's mouth. In amazement with Alex's extremely soft tongue, he was amazed that not only was he recieving a kiss from this beautiful bunny, he was kissing back. They both kissed each other for minutes, lost in the moment.

Alex slid off of Kazzul, grabbing his claw as he did, starting to pull of his shirt. Kazzul started to do the same, and then Alex pulled down Kazzul's pants, and his underwear in one swoop. A blush was on his face once again as Alex stood up and said, "Care to help me out?"

Kazzul nodded, still blushing he got onto his knees, gently pulling down Alex's pants, soon after, he noticed a bulge in Alex's underwear. He looked up at Alex, a smile was on his face. He nervously started to pull down Alex's underwear, his big cock popped out of his underwear, fully erect and in front of Kazzul. His eyes widened from the site of Alex's penis. Another first timer, he had never seen another boy in this way. Amazed that he started to get aroused, he decided to stick out his abnormally long tong and wrap it around his bunny friend's eager cock. Alex started to moan quietly as Kazzul's tongue tightened around his penis.

"W-wow.... it seems like you're a pro at this..." Alex stated as Kazzul's lips wrapped around his cock. A smile started to form on Kazzul's face, as he moved his head forward, Alex's cock slowly sliding into his mouth. Kazzul started to move his head back and forth, tightening and releasing Alex's cock from his tongue's grip. Slowly and delicatly Kazzul's tongue twisted around the bunny's penis.

Alex started to pull away from Kazzul, "Nng... I want this to be p-perfect for both of us..." he stuttered as he said. He slowly walked over to his bed and got onto it, on his knees he crawled to the middle of the bed. "Fuck me Kazzul." he stated calmly.

Kazzul's face had a look of emberassment, as he slowly walked toward Alex. "A-are you... s-sure?"

Alex nodded and smiled at Kazzul. "More then I have ever been." he said back.

"Alright..." Kazzul go onto the bed and started to move toward Alex slowly and nervously. When Kazzul got close enough, he started to rub his cock against the entrance of Alex's tailhole, not going in yet. Shivers went down there spines as his cock went up and down.

Alex started to moan, "P-please... d-don't tease me..." he said as he looked back at Kazzul.

"Ok..." Kazzul said. He then gripped his cock and adjusted it, the tip of his cock slowly pushing against his tailhole. There synced moans echoed in the room, as Kazzul's cock penetrated Alex's extremely tight tailhole.

"F-fuuuuck!!!" Alex screamed alloud as Kazzul's cock slowly went deep into his tailhole. Kazzul then leaned down and rested his body on Alex's back, slowly pulling back and then thrusting back in. "Oh god!!" Alex yelled repetitively as Kazzul thrusted in and out of Alex. Kazzul twitched slightly as his own tailhole had the desire to be penetrated as well... he thought to himself as he thrusted faster, he swung his hips back and forth. He was struck with and idea, he twisted his tail as the the tip of his tail reached his own tailhole. Quickly, Kazzul thrusted his tail inside his thirsty tailhole, his own moans rang out as a bit of pre-cum splurted out of Kazzul's cock. Alex tightened his anal muscles as Kazzul's hot pre-cum went inside his tailhole. Kazzul roared as he trembled in pleasure, he continued to swing his waist back and forth, his cock quickly going deeply, in and out of Alex.

"G-give me your claw..." Alex said.

Kazzul nodded, and reached his claw to Alex's paw, quickly after, Alex guided Kazzul's claw to his cock and put his paw back down. Kazzul then gripped Alex's throbbing cock, starting to quickly stroke it up and down. Thrusting in and out, Kazzul moaned and groaned in extreme pleasure, niether of them could belive that they could have this much pleasure. They both started to sweat, there faces going red, they both knew they were going to cum.

Kazzul couldn't bear to go much longer, although he didn't want Alex to outlast him.. he gripped Alex's cock as tight as he could, stroking with un-believable speed, thrusting deeply in and out of Alex, he started to tremble in pleasure, thrusting slower and slower as he started to cum. Alex screamed out, filling the house with the sound of un-imaginable pleasure, Alex slammed back against the bed, shooting his cum high up into the air in long strands, as Kazzul roared out louder then he ever had before, pushing his tail as deep as he could into his own tailhole, launching his cum deep into Alex.

Kazzul, now out of energy, pulling his tail out of his tailhole quickly, and collapsing on the side of Alex.

Alex then said, panting and exhausted, "My god..."

Kazzul smiled softly and looked at Alex, "Y-yeah... amazing..."

"H-have you done this many times...?" Alex questioned Kazzul.

"N-never... this was the first time..." Kazzul replied tiredly.

Alex opened his eyes widely, and said, "Wow..."

They then both heard a knock at the door, and someone jingling the doorknob. Almost instantly Kazzul jumped up, and ran to grab there clothes, tossing Alex's clothes to him. They quickly put on there clothes, still sweating like crazy. Another knock at the door, "Hey, you boys in there?"

"Yeah, dad! One second!!" Alex said quickly.

Alex then ran to the door, opening it slowly.

"What were you boys doing?" Alex's dad giggled and peeked into the room.

"N-nothing dad..." Alex said, looking at Kazzul, as he put his shirt on.

Alex's dad smiled at Alex and said, "You boys are too cute... and too loud." He then stuck out his tongue and opened the door the rest of the way.

Kazzul blushed and looked away from Alex's dad, "Were we that loud...?" Alex said quietly to his dad.

"Yeah! I could hear you over the TV, on max volume!!" Alex's dad replied quickly.

"Wow..." Alex and Kazzul said in unison.

"Come on boys, its dinner time." Alex's dad said as he walked away.

Alex started his way to the staircase, and then he was stopped by Kazzul. "W-wait..." Kazzul said as he pulls Alex over to him.

"Yeah?" Alex asked Kazzul.

"Kiss me..." Kazzul said quietly, blushing bright red.

Alex blushed as well, moving close to Kazzul and kissing him gently on the lips. "Thanks..." Kazzul said, grabbing Alex's paw, as they both walk towards the door.

(To be continued!! :3)