Home Alone with You

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Another NaNoWriMo story. Was fairly fun to write-- maybe I get better and quicker at it the more depraved the story becomes.

You shouldn't read if you don't like diapers and watersports. Add tags if I forgot them, which I might have.

Art by Ceiling-Cat on FA

"Taylor, honey, we're heading out now!" called one of the Sylveon's parents. He pulled his headphone to the side slightly, still processing those words before calling out his reply.

"Alright Mom--have a good night out," he yelled back. His headphones remained off for a moment longer, face illuminated by the glow of his monitor. Just when he thought he was clear to return to his video games, his rabbit-like ears picking up the noise of a parent speaking again.

"Don't forget to take care of your brother," came a deeper voice from the garage. The Sylveon sighed out, pinching the snout of his nose before replying back.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it!"

With that, the door to the garage slammed shut, and the sound of a car engine rumbled to life, dropping off as the Sylveon's parents left for their anniversary dinner. What a pain, thought he, returning to his game. The fairy wasn't very skilled at the action-shooter, and the monitor blinked " GAME OVER" at him in bolded, bloody letters.

"Hffhh... this sucks," Taylor grunted, crossing his arms over his chest. The Sylveon teen was dressed in a lazy outfit--his Saturday best. Stretchy basketball shorts clung to his waist, and a simple white tee was thrown over his torso. It--like all of the Sylveon's shirts--was modified to have a wider neck, accommodating for his bow and those lengthy feelers. He clicked the mouse a few times, that text vanishing from the screen as the program reloaded the level from a checkpoint. Before the fairy could even begin, however, there was a knock on his door, and a twist at the Sylveon's locked doorknob.

"Big bro? Can I come in?" said the one who knocked. "I'm bored..." came the soft voice a moment later.

Sighing, Taylor hit the escape-key and spun in his chair, pulling himself up to a stand. He stretched, reaching for the ceiling--though failing to come within a foot of it, before stepping over a messy floor to the door.

"Yeah, yeah, you can come in--though it'll be just as boring in my room as out of it," Taylor grumbled, unlocking his bedroom door and opening it up. A rush of cool air blew in from the hallway--that fairy seemed to prefer to keep his room nice and hot while the other members of the house cut back on heating to save money. Wrapped in a fuzzy little blanket, an Eevee-boy's face brightened up as he felt the warm breeze, and slipped his way past his older brother, into that warm room.

"Nuh-uh! Big bro's playing video games, so it won't be boring at all!" said the Eevee, his short tail giving a quick wag underneath that heavy blanket, which he soon set down on his older sibling's bed, no longer needing it to keep warm. Like his Sylveon brother, that Eevee was wearing an old, well-worn t-shirt over his chest, but his lower half was hidden by Pokéball patterned flannel pajamas.

"Well, it's a lot more fun to play and watch when I win," grumbled the slightly peeved Sylveon. He settled back into his comfy office chair, rolling a bit closer to his desk--only to have his brother run up and plop his bottom right upon the fairy's lap. "Stephan--I won't be able to play if you're sittin' right there!"

"Awwe... c'mon!" the younger boy said, giving a pout. "You can just reach over me, you'll be fine!" As if to prove his point, the little Eevee pushed his back up against his older brother, wiggling so that the kid's shoulders were juuust underneath his sibling's bow-feelers, and that fuzzy head of his rubbed against the Sylveon's chin. "I fit!"

"Hffhh, fine, you can sit here," the Sylveon muttered, his feelers wrapping themselves around the Eevee's chest. The Sylveon didn't really have the energy or drive in himself to argue with the little eight-year-old boy. "What do you want for dinner later, huh?" he asked, unpausing his game and immediately directing his character to a firefight, tinny sounds of gunfire and grunts coming from those headphones on his desk.

"Uhhh... huhhhm..." the Eevee-kid mumbled, thinking a little. He even brought a finger up to his lip, tapping on it pensively like he had seen in the movies. "Oh! I want a grilled cheese sandwich! You make them the best," the boy said, giving an excited nod. True enough, that was Taylor's "specialty"--mainly because that older sibling was too lazy to make anything else that took more work than it, or made more of a mess of pots and pans

"Grilled cheese, huh?" the fairy-type mumbled in reply, squeezing the little Eevee closer to himself with those feelers, patting at the boy's sides. "Yeah, we can do that. You hungry right now, buddy?" One of his feeling tendrils rubbed itself on Stephan's belly, stroking in a slow and steady circle. He could feel that belly tense up as the Eevee squirmed around a bit.

"Nffh! That tickles!" whined the little cub, wriggling about on the Sylveon's lap, Stephan's eyes squeezed shut as his little legs kicked back and forth. Those too were clothed in little sock-slippers, a cute blue pair with Ditto's face designed upon the top of that clothed paw. "I can wait a bit--I'm not that hungry yet," said he, managing to answer between tiny giggles.

"Well, I'll start cooking it in twenty minutes or so, ok? That way you can get a liiiittle more hungry--and be just hungry enough to eat it all up when it's done," said the Sylveon in reply. Already that screen was flashing "Game Over" at him again, and Taylor mashed on the mouse-button to skip back into the action. He sighed a bit, leaning forward and placing his chin atop the Eevee's head, giving a little grunt as his character on screen took some damage.

"Oh! Big bro, there's a guy over there!" the small Eevee said, pointing to the right of the screen. The Sylveon's eyes flicked over, and he quickly aligned his character's reticle over the opponent, blasting him away. "And there!" added the boy, squeaking as his older brother scooted further forward in his chair, starting to push the cub off that seat as the Sylveon focused harder on the game. With his littler siblings help, Taylor found himself going further and further into that game than before--actually making it to a few new levels before ultimately succumbing to the increased difficulty.

"Dang!" the Sylveon grunted, tsking his tongue on the roof of his mouth. His feelers patted the Eevee's belly just a bit. "Well, it's almost been twenty minutes, so I'll go get dinner started, ok bud?" he said, scooping underneath the boy's armpits and lifting him up off his lap. "Hhfffhh... if you want, you can stay in my room where it's warm," said the fairy-type, grabbing a sweatshirt to pull over himself. It was cold out in the rest of the house, after all.

"Uuhh... I'll wait here, big bro! Your room's so toasty!" the young boy said with a beaming smile. He bounced across the messy floor, ending up on his older brother's bed, jumping on it a bit.

"Sheesh, don't hurt yourself now--Mom would kill me," the teen grumbled, before quickly slipping out of his room, not wanting any of the precious heat to escape out into the hallway. Wrapping his feelers around himself like a scarf, the Sylveon moved to the kitchen and flicked the stove onto medium heat. "Humm... grilled cheese, huh?" he muttered to himself, pulling out the various "ingredients" needed for that simple dish: bread, cheese, and butter.

Meanwhile that Eevee himself was busying himself with leaping on his brother's bed, as if trying to vigorously crack the wooden frame of it. He continued his boisterous bounces, giggling loudly until one particular jump was met with a sharp crunch of the Sylveon's bed giving under the Eevee-boy's motions, leaving a soft dipped spot in the middle of the bed.

"Uh-oh..." the little eight year-old mumbled, putting his hands over his eyes, as if it would make time reverse. "Big bro's gonna be so mad..." he muttered, stepping off the bed carefully and peering underneath the wooden frame. One of the slats that had been holding that mattress flat and off the ground had snapped in two--one of its pieces jabbing into a shoebox.

Stephan reached below, grasping hold of the box and gave it a firm tug, grunting as he tried to pull the thing out. It was heavy--both from the weight of that piece of wood (and the mattress it partially supported) down atop it and the contents of the container itself. With a firm grunt, though, the Eevee pulled it free. Hopefully his big brother didn't have anything valuable in it that got broken!

Giving a little tug upwards upon the box's lid, the boy opened the slightly damaged thing, only to breathe out a sigh of relief. There was only magazines in the box! Thank goodness he didn't accidentally break his brother's video-game collection and storage, or anything worse! Still though--magazines were a weird thing to have stored away in a shoebox... maybe they were old GameInformer magazines!

Thoughtlessly, the Eevee pulled the top one, flicking through it idly. He wasn't a good reader--flicking past most of the articles without a second glance, only to stop when some flashy colors caught his eye. What a strange situation that a Growlithe had found himself in--it didn't look very video-games related at all, in fact! After all, the only times Stephan had played games while naked was in the bath-tub with a ziplock baggie around his handheld!

"Heehee, how weird!" the childish, innocent boy said, wondering why the other boy--more of a teenager male--was stripped bare, with a few controller wires wrapped around his wrist, ankles, and muzzle. Even more strange was the fact that the naked Growlithe's peen--it was stiff, pointing upwards and dribbling a bit. Stephan didn't think he had ever seen a peepee grow to that size before! Still, childish curiosity got ahold of him, and the boy flipped to the next page, his eyes widening on that.

"Oh, eww!" he said with a little squeak in his voice. Even though he had quickly closed the magazine, the image was burned into his head. Two other males had entered the scene with that Growlithe, one pushing his own big peenie into the teen's mouth, while the other rubbed up between the pup's cheeks. It made his chest feel funny, heart beating fast in it, as if he had seen something he shouldn't have.

"Stephan, did you fall asleep?" came a voice at the door, the knob turning and it opening. Taylor stepped through the doorway, a concerned frown on his face. "I've been callin' you for a while--your sandwich is gonna get cold, y'know," he said. It seemed as if the Sylveon couldn't tell what sort of filthy material his little brother had accidentally stumbled upon from his "secret stash". It wasn't really secret if it was just under the bed, of course.

"O-oh! I'll go get it. Can I eat in here?" the boy asked, pushing the box and magazine partway under the bed in a motion he hoped was discrete--though it sure didn't look it.

"I suppose that's fine. Not like my room can get any messier," the Sylveon sighed. "Go and get your plate from the table," Taylor said.

The Eevee gave a nod, his face still feeling a bit warm. He wondered why almost getting caught looking at those things was making him so embarrassingly hot beneath the cheeks! Could it be because it was a secret his brother had hid? Before that cub could think any further, his belly gave a deep rumble, and he rushed out of the room to grab his grilled cheese from the cold dining area.

"Such a troublesome lil brat," muttered Taylor a bit irately, seeing his disheveled bed, stepping closer to remake the sheets atop it. Even if he would be hitting the hay in a few hours, it was always nice to have a well-made bed to slip into. Oddly enough, the center of his sheets had a consistent dip no matter how tightly he pulled them. It was only when he kneeled down and peered underneath his bedframe did the Sylveon make two important discoveries.

The first--his bed was broken in the center. That in itself was rather irritating--after all, who would want to sleep in a broken bed that dipped down in the middle and would mess with their back? But that second thing discovered was more pressing to the Sylveon than the first, and he gulped audibly down his throat. It seemed as if his younger brother had gotten into that not-so-well-hidden porn stash of his, and to make matters worse he had taken the most recent magazine out, and flipped through it!

"Ohh no," exhaled Taylor, rubbing his snout a bit, giving it a pinch between two fingers. "How am I gonna explain it to him... if he even asks me anything! Dammit, this should have been Dad's job!" the teen groaned, punching the side of his mattress. Thankfully the bedframe didn't creep beyond an inch from the underside of it--otherwise he'd be dealing with some broken fingers as well. "Hff... I'll just... I'll just tell him the best I can, I guess," the fairy muttered, chewing a little on the inside of his cheek in nervousness.

"Tell who what, big bro?" came the soft voice of the Eevee behind that Sylveon, who gave a startled sound, feelers tensing up for a moment. He wondered how long the younger boy had been behind him during that monologue, just munching away at his gooey grilled-cheese sandwich. It crunched in the boy's mouth as he chewed at it, already halfway done with the meal.

"Goodness! I didn't even hear you come in," Taylor said, still a bit shaken up. "But... well, did you break my bed?" he asked, looking at the Eevee's face. It was pretty obvious that the boy was the only one that could have done it--the bed _was_fully functional and made before the Sylveon had left to make that sandwich. The boy's eyes swished up and away from Taylor's own, and he swallowed his foot quickly, not taking another bite.

"Uhhh..." he mumbled, trying to think whether or not to tell a lie (that he certainly didn't have the time to make up), or to just tell the truth.

"Stephan. You were the only one in my room, you know. And I don't think my bed has been haunted by spirits," said Taylor in reply. To be absolutely fair--given how many times the Sylveon had jerked off and let that load soak into his sheets while in bed, there was probably a good deal of vengeful energy from his wasted sperm surrounding that mattress.

"Ok... I broke the bed, I'm sorry big brother..." the Eevee finally replied, his eyes downcast. Stephan turned his toes inward, almost making them touch each other as he gave a cute little pout and his lower lip wavered. "I didn't mean to! It just... it just broke!"

Taylor sighed at that admission--but at very least he got a confession from the cub. Usually such things were harder to come by. He lifted his body upwards, sitting down on the edge of his busted bed, legs over the side, looking at the Eevee almost at eye-level.

"Well, I know you broke the bed, but when you did that, you also looked underneath it too, didn't you? And you found something that you shouldn't have seen at your age," Taylor said, trying to keep his voice from cracking. He had to tread gingerly--if Stephan told their mom about the pornography that he had found... that Sylveon would be in oodles of trouble! The Eevee's ears drooped further, their tips pointing downward.

"Y-yes... I read your magazine..." he mumbled, finishing off the last of that sandwich and giving a guilty swallow. "Why do you have gross things like that under your bed, big brother?" the Eevee asked innocently, looking up from his downward-tilted head, eyes wide and innocent. Taylor pursed his lips a little, tongue flexed as he tried to think of the best way to explain sex to his younger sibling--and not just vanilla sex, either! It would have been so much easier if the boy had just walked in on his parents going at it like Taylor himself had.

"Well, Stephan, y'see..." the Sylveon began, curling his toes a bit. What did the Eevee see, anyway? He could have seen any part of that magazine in truth, and it did cover a wide variety of perverted tastes. At the same time, he couldn't very well just ask the boy, either. Again, biting the inside of his cheek, the Sylveon furrowed his brow and thought deeply. Finally he decided on what he was going to say. "When you looked at it... did you have any questions to what you saw?"

"Questions?" the Eevee asked, tipping his head to the side. "I don't get it..."

"I mean--were you confused as to why, uh, those boys were doing those things?"

"Oh! Yeah, I was confused!" Stephan said with a bright smile, nodding a bit. "I mean, why would you put your mouth on a peepee? That's gross!" the little Eevee said. Taylor sighed out a bit--it looked as if the Sylveon wouldn't have to do any deep explanations.

"Well, they do that because it makes the other person feel really good. Usually they do it with someone they love, too," Taylor said, trying to keep his explanation simple enough for the cub to understand without too much trouble. This time the Eevee frowned, as if in deep thought, processing his older brother's words.

"Mmm, okay then--but don't they find it gross, still? I mean, pee comes out of there!" Stephan replied. "And then there was that other one--he was puttin' it against the Growlithe's butt!"

So that was the picture the boy had seen--or at least one of them. Of all of the pin-ups in that were in the magazine, that one was probably the most moderate. Sure, it had a bit of moderate bondage in it--but at least none of the Pokémon were blindfolded in a sex-swing like most of the other pictures were.

"Ah, well, for that--that's because it feels good for both of them, sometimes," the Sylveon said. He was reminded of the time when he had attempted to sit upon a make-shift dildo, only to end up stretching himself rather painfully, and walking with a limp for two days in a row.

"What does that even mean, huh? Why's it feel good, big brother?" asked the Eevee, looking up at his older sibling with big, questioning, innocent eyes. They tugged right on the Sylveon's heartstrings, and he brought his feelers forward to rub and knead at the cub's cheeks.

"You're just full of questions, huh? Why don't you ask this many questions in math, when you actually need to learn?" teased the Sylveon, smiling a bit as his feelers squished together those cheeks, making the Eevee squirm a little in discomfort.

"Nyuh! Big brother, stop!" Stephan said exaggeratedly, squirming and struggling about. He wiggled back from his brother's feelers, only for them to extend after him in a chase. Dodging down, the Eevee darted forward, tackling his brother right in his belly, smushing his face to the older male's tummy, face rubbing against that cashmere sweater. Of course--it was probably the opposite direction the boy would have wanted to go to in order to avoid those ribbons.

"Gotcha now!" teased Taylor, eager for the distraction from the, quite frankly, awkward conversation he was having with his younger brother. Two paws dipped down, slipping underneath the Eevee's shoulders and started to tickle him firmly in the armpits. It was one of his little brother's most ticklish spots--the second most being his sides. Of course, Taylor didn't leave those home-free either, and he slipped his feelers underneath the boy's shirt and started tickling away at Stephan's poor, sensitive waist.

"Noooo!" exclaimed the poor cub, squeezing his eyes shut with about as much clenching pressure as his stomach tightened up. He squirmed and thrashed, laughing in almost a pained manner, tears welling up in his eyes. "B-big brother! Please stop!" he sobbed, unable to give his voice the true urgency it needed for his older brother to cut the tickling out.

"Huh? What's that? You want me to tickle more?" asked the Sylveon, cracking a grin as he rubbed a little bit of energy through his ribbons, causing those sides to seemingly grow more sensitive to those tickling rubs. His little brother squirmed further, kicking and squealing, trying to curl up into a ball and squeezing his arms over the feelers, which only were aided by the motion, pinned and stuck in place.

"I-I'm gonna pee!" he said, tears welled up by the Eevee's eyes, the poor boy giving a little sob and squeak, voice scratchy. His stomach felt tense and hard, gut clenching down hard as a reflex from those tickling paws under his shoulders. "B-big brother?" he cried, eyes squeezing shut. He could feel his poor little bladder straining to hold itself together without releasing. Just as he was nearing that point of no return, his sibling stopped those torturous tickles, and let those hands and feelers fall away.

"Mmm, about time for you to go to bed, don't you think?" the Sylveon said, his brother barely hearing and understanding those words as he huffed and puffed for his breath to get back. After a few moments, the Eevee's racing heart finally stopped pounding away in his chest, and the boy pulled away with a flushed face.

"O-oh, okay big brother... can I sleep with you tonight? It's really cold in my room again," the boy replied, looking up with big, innocent eyes. A paw padded down on the Eevee's head, rubbing it gently. He winced at first, worried that he was gonna be tickled again.

"Y'know what you gotta do if you wanna sleep in my bed," the Sylveon said with a little smile. His brother flushed at that.

"I've been getting better, though! I haven't--"

"No buts, mister. If you want to sleep with me, you gotta do it. Go on then," Taylor said, interrupting. The Eevee blustered a bit, puffing his cheeks out, before ultimately he gave up and sighed.

"Okay, I'll do it," he mumbled dejectedly.

"That's a good lil bro," praised the Sylveon, patting his sibling on the head once more. "Go brush your teeth and get ready, then."

With that the younger boy slipped away from his sibling and carefully darted his way over the messy floor, leaving the room. Taylor stretched backwards, laying on his bed with a sigh. He wondered if he should take care of that rather stiff arousal between his legs before his younger brother returned or if he should just hope it didn't pop back up. How embarrassing to get erect while tickling his little sibling! Probably illegal, too, if he acted on it.

Time seemed to fly past at break-neck speed--before the Sylveon could even make the choice to reach under his bed and pull that magazine out, his door opened and in wandered in his little brother with a blush on his face.

"Uh... big bro...? I can't get it on..." he mumbled, nervously squeezing the item in his paw. It crinkled a bit noisily.

Even though he was eight years old--and just 5 months from turning nine--the little Eevee boy still had a problem with wetting the bed. It wasn't so bad in his own room--he did have plastic sheets to protect the mattress--but Taylor much preferred having a bed-spread that didn't crinkle and crackle every time he rolled over on it. So, their parents found a compromise--if Stephan wanted to sleep in his older brother's room, be it for nightmare or just the chill of the evening, he would have to put on a pair of pull-ups.

"Mm, that so?" the Sylveon said, pushing off the bed, standing next to his little brother. "Are they too tight now?" he asked, taking the pair of pull-ups from his little brothers hands.

"Nn... sort of..." the boy muttered, giving a little whine. "My thingy is all... stiff. It won't go on over it," the Eevee said. "It's like how it was in those magazines! Is it gonna be like that forever?!" One of his paws hooked into his waistband, tugging it forward a bit. Almost on instinct, Taylor looked down them, catching a glimpse of his younger brother's maleness before pulling his eyes away. Sure, it wasn't the first time he had seen it--but it was the first time he had seen it stiff.

"No, no. You'll be fine," the fairy said with a soft voice, stroking his little brother with a sensitive feeler, ebbing out some soothing energy to the boy's cheek. Stephan sniffled a little, eyes just a bit wet--though that may have been from the earlier tickling.

"A-are you sure? How can I get it back to normal? I'll have to sleep alone if I can't, since I can't put on my pull-ups..." he whimpered. Taylor took his younger sibling into a hug, twitching a bit when he felt the boy's little stiffness touch against his belly. One paw rubbed at Stephan's back, gently stroking alone that spine.

"Well... if you just wait a little, it'll go down. Or..." Taylor paused, biting the inside of his cheek for a moment. He wondered if he should even offer what he was thinking. "Or you could sit on my bed, and I'll make it go down," finished he, giving a nervous gulp as he finally said that offer. His sibling gave a loud sniffle, wiping his nose off on the shoulder of his shirt.

"R-really...?" he asked, before moving past the Sylveon and coming to a seat on the bed. "I'll let you help, big bro... It's been like this since I went to brush my teeth," said the cub. When sitting, his stiff little peen was even more obvious, tenting the front of his pajama pants. Taylor gave another gulp, this time coming to the edge of his bed where his little brother was sitting, kneeling down there. It seemed as if the tables had turned from when the Sylveon was tickling his brother--though that fairy-type was still in quite the state of control.

"Okay... I'm gonna pull these off, first," Taylor said, reaching up and grasping hold of his little brother's pajama-bottoms. He tugged, fingers hooking the waistband and pulled them down slowly, letting that Eevee's short stiffy flip out from them, twitching up above a pair of two immature testes. Like the Sylveon, his younger sibling had an uncut shaft--though this one was mocha in color, with a lighter brown tip. Already the fairy-type could feel his own maleness stirring in his lounging pants, making them a bit tighter.

"A-are you gonna do what they did in the magazine, big brother...?" asked the Eevee, looking down at his older sibling's head right between his legs. The ribbons from that Sylveon's ear rubbed up and down along the boy's chubby thighs, giving a soft little squeeze. They ebbed out a soft, relaxing energy as they pressured the boy to spread his legs apart just a slight bit more and make room for his older sibling. "Nnhh..."

"It's the quickest way to get it to go down," the Sylveon said in reply--though that probably was a lie. Putting the boy in a cold shower would probably get that member down to a flaccid state in a flash--but it also was rather cruel in the cold-enough-as-it-is house. Setting his blue-sclera'd eyes at the boy's groin, Taylor pressed his head forward and gave a gentle kiss to his sibling's tip, pressing a tongue into the foreskin just a bare half-centimeter, stretching the tight flesh as he rolled and tasted around the glans.

"Aahh... big brother..." the cub moaned in response, Stephan reaching forward and putting his paws instinctively upon his older sibling's ear base. With his legs completely bare, the boy lifted them up and settled them over his brother's shoulders, squeezing just a bit and forcing the Sylveon closer to his shaft. "Nffh... it feels... funny..." he mumbled, eyes squeezing shut. His little peen tensed up inside that suckling maw, flexing a little and growing just a bit stiffer, before relaxing back to its normal, but swollen-stiff, state.

The Sylveon didn't reply, focusing all of his attention on his younger brother's shaft. His ear-ribbons wiggled a bit, no longer needed to spread those legs, and slid up along the outer edge of his sibling's thighs, wrapping around that eight year-old's cute little tush and giving the plump cheeks a slow rubbing. As their tips kneaded further to the cleft between them, Taylor gave a low rumbling exhale, hotly breathing out over that short shaft before reaching up with a paw. With just his forefinger and thumb, the fairy-type slowly stroked at his kid-brother's stiff prick, rolling the foreskin down and giving a quick lick to the exposed frenulum, feeling his brother tense up and squeak softly.

"Aahh... big bro... nnffhh... I feel like I'm gonna pee..." he mumbled, a steady tension building up in his tummy, swirling around and growing more and more intense the more his brother flicked his tongue across the lighter brown of his glans. His paws wiggled atop those ears, slowly stroking upon his sibling, needing something to do to keep them occupied.

The Sylveon ignored his little brother's admittance--more likely than not it was the sensation of a dry orgasm that was building up in his cute, lithe body, causing that tail to wag quickly behind his back, swishing back and forth. His ear-ribbons finally dipped down between those cheeks, giving a steady fondle and stroke to the Eevee's hind, releasing some teasing energy right against the boy's snug virgin pucker. It tensed up from the feeling, the Eevee whimpering a bit before his entire body followed suit, seizing up.

"Hhaaahhh!" he squeaked out, eyes widening for a moment as his head tossed itself backwards. The Sylveon had taken that member almost to the hilt, his nose by his brother's groin. It rubbed against the scentless region, his tongue smushing that glans-bared member up against the roof of his mouth, gulping deeply on that cubhood.

Stephan's boycock tensed and twitched within the Sylveon's maw, flexing and pulsing--though not a drop of fluid sputtered from the tip and into Taylor's mouth. Even so, he continued to suckle and nurse that shaft, rubbing his brother's soft pucker with a stroke of his feelers over it. The Sylveon even intruded one of those ribbon-tips into that snug hole, not managing to go further than a centimeter or so before the tightness of Stephan's orgasmic clench locked it out.

Still, it didn't take long for the boy to finish his dry spasming, and he flumped backwards, heart beating away in his chest, eyes dizzy and glazed over. His legs uncrossed from behind Taylor's back, flopping to the edge of the bed. With a firm suck that only made that hyper-sensitive shaft all the more stimulated, the fairy-type pulled off of his brother's short lil stiffness, licking across his lips with a small sigh. He was hard as a rock-type--but it looked like his brother was down and out for the night, sprawled on his back with closed eyes and a slack-open jaw.

"Poor boy... couldn't quite handle his first orgasm..." Taylor muttered to himself, before feeling a rush of slight guilt and embarrassment. Did he really just do that? Suck his eight year old sibling to the boy's limit? Not only that--the firm tent in his own lounging pants told him that he enjoyed it way more than any normal Pokémon should have. Biting his lower lip, the Sylveon tried to shake away those filthy thoughts, reaching for the Eevee's pull-ups and sliding them on the passed-out boy. With that stiff little erection gone, they fit perfectly snug around his waist.

After turning off the lights, Taylor then pulled the covers back, and slipped the boy underneath them, taking off both their clothes and slid into bed with his sibling, spooning the smaller cub from behind. His member rather embarrassedly prodded up between the boy's padded thighs, giving a soft crinkle as his uncut girth throbbed warmly against the underside of his brother's crotch. It felt a bit strange--normally he would sleep in his boxer-shorts with his brother at very least--but this time he wanted to touch. Taylor swallowed a small ball of guilt down his throat and tugged the covers over their bodies, throwing an arm over Stephan's chest and hugging him gently, feelers wrapping around that bare belly, just above the waistband of those pull-ups. Their parents were on a two-day anniversary binge at a casino-hotel, so he wasn't' too worried about them finding him in such a compromising position with his younger brother.

A dull buzz of a cellphone alarm stirred the Sylveon awake several hours later. Little had changed during the night--his arm remained draped over his brother's chest, holding the almost nude Eevee to himself. After turning off that buzz of his phone, Taylor sighed out a little, returning into bed with his brother. It was Saturday--he could afford to sleep in a little; not to mention the bed was rather comfy with his younger sibling sharing it.

The boy shifted a little, his pull-ups dryly crinkling against his older brother's groin. It seemed as if the young cub had managed to go a night without wetting, for once. Taylor would have to give him a little praise--after all, that poor little eight year-old was so prone to bedwetting, all the way to the point where he'd needed plastic sheets and pull-ups to sleep. The Sylveon's paw crept down that bare belly, gently stroking and rubbing in a little circle upon it.

"Nffhh... big brother..." he mumbled, toes curling, his belly tensing up a little and pulling away from the Sylveon's fingers. He pressed his backside up against his brother's belly and gave out a little whine.

Taylor smiled just a bit deviously, brushing his fingers through that soft, lush fur on his sibling's stomach. He swept a paw up a little, tickling at the critter's sides now, a few tendrils drifting down to wiggle underneath Stephan's arms. The boy's twitches and tenses came a little quicker, as he shifted in the Sylveon's grasp, almost trapped there. Still sleeping, the critter's little squirms seemed even cuter.

"Aahhh... nhhh..." that dozing little cub whimpered, his body tensing further and further. Finally a quiet squeak whispered out of the little Eevee's mouth, and his body's tenseness was met with release. "Hnn...." Murmured he, relaxing as that diaper of his flooded with wet warmth, urine soaking down into it. Still soundly asleep, Stephan hardly realized a thing as his pull-ups filled with heat, growing heavier and soggier, starting to sag downwards.

Taylor withdrew his hand back a few moments later, giving a little chuckle. It looked as if he had thought too soon--though in truth he did have a little bit of responsibility to take from causing his brother's wetting. Stephan groaned a little, his immature bladder now fully empty. He rolled back against the older male embracing him, giving a soft whine as his eyes started to peel open.

"Hey... morning sleepyhead," Taylor said quietly, giving a little bump to his younger brother's brow, smooching upon it with a gentle kiss. The Sylveon's feelers slowly slid away from those ticklish spots of the Eevee's sides and underarms before that cub came fully to consciousness.

"Mmf... morning..." he mumbled, still groggy and with his eyes partially lidded. A few moments passed, and one of his brown-furred paws dipped down to the front of his pull-ups, feeling their wet heat and sogginess. "Oh... I wet the bed again... I'm sorry..." he mumbled, face growing hot with embarrassment. Stephan's ears flicked downwards, twitching and flexing just a slight bit, a small pout forming on his face--not that Taylor could see it with the boy facing away from him, back against belly.

"Hey... it's not so bad," the Sylveon said with a soft voice, one of his ear-ribbons stroking at his younger brother's cheek, lightly petting at it with some soothing fairy-type energy. "We'll have you take a bath and get changed, and it'll be all better, ok?" Taylor received a sniffle in reply.

"But... it keeps happening... I thought I was getting better..." the Eevee replied, seeming to hold back some tears. "You're never gonna let me sleep in his bed again without a diaper, aren't you..." he murmured, voice quiet enough that the Sylveon had to strain to hear it.

"Sshh... that's not true. You're not gonna wet the bed forever," Taylor replied, wrapping his arm around his younger brother's form, giving the boy a firm squeeze from behind--though he inadvertedly brought the stiffness of his morning wood between the boy's thighs, squishing the dorsal side of his shaft against that sogging pair of pull-ups.

Stephan sniffled a bit louder, rolling just a little further forward onto his belly and snorted against his brother's pillow and sheets, rubbing his nose upon it. His fluffy tail, poking through a hole in the rear of his diaper gave a soft swish against the Sylveon's slim stomach, tickling it a little, mirroring the actions done by his older brother while he was asleep and unaware.

"Nnhhh... are you telling the truth...?" asked the boy in a quiet voice, finally bringing his nose back from the clutch of sheets he had stuffed it against, turning his head back. His eyes were wide and innocent, just the slightest bit watery. "Promise?"

"Of course--I promise," the Sylveon replied, Taylor giving a small smooch to his younger sibling's brow, who crinkled it in reply. The boy turned further, though he stopped when he felt that older male's thick stiffness between his thighs, pinning it against his inner leg with the movement.

"I'm not a kid... you don't gotta smoo--" the boy said, paused mid-sentence when he felt that hooded glans smush and dribble just a little upon his leg. "Big brother... you're all hard like I was last night, now..." he muttered, pulling the sheets up to look underneath them. So early in the morning, there was hardly any light to see--the Eevee's wet pair of pull-ups were rather concealed too, though the crude outline of Taylor's shaft was visible against the darker colored sheets.

This time the Sylveon's was a bit embarrassed, turning his hips to the side and away from the Eevee--only for his maleness to twitch stiffly against the sheets and make a tent within them. He brought a paw down a moment later, covering over his crotch--though the sensation of his own fingers, palm and wrist touching himself wouldn't do any favors in getting that morning wood to shrink down.

"Aa... don't worry too much about that Stephan... I'll take care of it later," the Sylveon said, immediately kicking himself for that choice of words. Like all curious kids, the boy seemed to pick up on his mistake in an instant, tipping his head to the side.

"Huh? Y'mean like how you helped me last night?" the little Eevee replied, innocent eyes now full of wonder. It was almost funny how quickly he shifted gears from embarrassment to sadness--and now curiosity. "Hehe... but big brother--who's gonna put their mouth on your peepee, huh?" Stephan's face slowly grew warm around his cheeks as he remembered last night. "That felt really good, though..." he mumbled, looking lazily into his older brother's eyes.

"I mean--I can take care of--"

Taylor was cut off by the Eevee throwing those sheets back fully, exposing his nude form from knees up. Before the Sylveon had a moment to exclaim a single word out, the Eevee had turned to face the end of the bed, reaching a shaky, inexperienced paw to his brother's belly, stroking down it until he grasped his smaller hand over the fairy-type's own.

"C-can I make big brother feel good like that too...?" the boy asked--partially for permission from his sibling. An eye glancing back caught a small nod from the gulping Sylveon's head, and that small paw easily brushed aside his brother's own, bringing that stiff malehood out into the open air, just a few inches away from the young boy's face.

"Just..." Taylor swallowed a pit in his stomach, biting his lower lip. Who'd know? Besides, he had already done a terrible deed to the Eevee to begin with... what was more corruption upon that? "Just, be careful, ok? Don't let your teeth touch it at all, alright? Maybe just... just lick it a little..." he muttered, voice growing quieter. It was one thing to think about doing such a heinous act--but it was an entirely different one to say it out loud.

The rush of pleasure he received when that soft tongue slipped up against his covered glans, however, nearly wiped those hesitations away. With his left paw, the Sylveon gripped at his bed-sheet, giving a low groan of pleasure, closing his eyes. He arched his back slightly, forcing it back down with a heavy breath before letting his younger brother continue those slow, soft licking kisses up along the ridge of his hooded glans.

"Mm... nnn..." came the quiet vocalizations from his younger sibling, his lips starting to press firmer against the Sylveon's foreskin, nibbling at the very top roll of it, where that opening was. The majority of Taylor's shaft had a light creamy-white coloration, though upon the inner ridge of that rolled up hood was a light blue color, the same as the very tips of the fairy-type's feelers.

"Oh God... Stephan... I," the Sylveon moaned, closing his eyes a bit as he felt his younger sibling lie an arm over his thigh, holding it down and moving his mouth over the entire glans. The young boy struggled to fit that girth into his maw complete and safely--not wanting to scrape his teeth against his older brother's sensitive peen--but soon he managed, and started to bob down upon it. Again, his age and size worked against him, only managing to unroll that foreskin down past the Sylveon's glans before reaching his limit, letting his muzzle slurp upon the slicker, muskier inside of it.

"Aah... you taste like... strawberries and cream..." the Eevee muttered, eyes lidded almost all the way, flicking his tongue over the very tip of that rod now that the more intense pockets of flavor had been swept clean by his tongue. A tiny swish of the boy's tail signaled his enjoyment--though it was waving and flagging right above that soaked crotch of his pull-ups.

A new, filthier thought crossed the Sylveon's mind, and he tried to shake it away, only for it to come back more resoundingly. He gritted his teeth, huffing a little as he felt those soft lips brush right over his strawberry-flavored shaft, until finally succumbing to the idea, and brought his paw up, brushing against his brother's hip.

"Hff... lemme do this," the fairy-type muttered softly when his sibling paused, looking up confusedly. With the help of his ribbons, Taylor lifted up Stephan's small body, pulling it atop his own in a crude sixty-nine--not that the boy would know what that is. He slid downwards a bit, letting his shaft flex just a half-foot away from the boy's face, while his own curled body brought closer to the Eevee's hind, wet diaper and all.

"O-ok..." the cub muttered, giving a slight squeak as he was lifted up off the bed. It didn't take long for his legs to be positioned on both sides of his older sibling, and rear to be nearly in his brother's face. "S-sorry..." the boy muttered, apologizing for his soggy pull-ups, though a bit unsure as to why he was in the new position. Before he could ask, the shaft wrapped in his grip gave a little twitch, and lowering his head, the boy gave it a kiss on the glans, returning to suckling.

Taylor paused for a moment, unsure about what he was about to do. He hadn't a clue why he wanted to--just that he couldn't help himself when he saw that cute little rump sway in the air. Shamelessly, the Sylveon brought his head forward to that tail's underside, and smushed his muzzle against it, giving a deep inhale. His lips brushed at the very edge of that yellowed portion on those pull-ups, and his chin met an even wetter and warmer spot as he breathed in the soft musk that eight year old produced. He couldn't make out much from it--the boy was still young, of course, and not as smelly as some pubescent kids would be. That fact alone seemed to make the inhalations to his hind all the more sweeter and perverse.

"G-gross... big brother..." the Eevee said, echoing the logical portion of Taylor's mind--though not the half that was controlled by his cock. Even more precum drooled and splurted from its tip, the boy working to suck and lap the fluid clean, not at all worried about where it came from if it tasted so well. As he made a loving kiss with his older brother's shaft, the boy felt two paws grasp hold at the back of his pull-ups, starting to pull them downwards and expose his tailbase. A soft nose pushed up against his pucker--and from there a wet tongue lapped out against his hind-end's entrance.

The younger cub gave out a soft squeak, pausing from his own licks as that tongue swiped across his rim, pressing atop the rim of his pucker and circled around the muscle, brushing down the small furs surrounding it. He shivered a bit, closing his eyes as his older brother pressed his tongue up against that rim again, this time with a little more pressure to the very center of that virgin hind.

"Nnnhh... big brother... that feels weird..." he mumbled, a sensation traveling through his passage and into his spine, stimulating the poor little Eevee's brain. "Ohh..." he sighed out, squeezing his eyes a little more as that tongue pressed and penetrated into his hole. It was slimy--easily slopping into that passage, drool dribbling from the Sylveon's lips, wetting Stephan's pucker both around and inside.

"Rrfhh... mmm..." vocalized Taylor, his lips coming in full contact with his younger brother's ass, nose pushing right beneath that puffy tail. His tongue forced its way into that gripping canal, lips applying just a little suction. With a curve in his taster, the teen's efforts were rewarded when he popped free of the rump, and his little brother's tailhole flexed back at him with a puffy wink.

A clear trail of spit hung from his lips to the boy's puffed out rim, snapping a moment later as gravity pulled that slick, sticking saliva down. One paw found itself upon his younger sibling's hip once more, giving that small rear a squeeze, thumb pressing into the crack and spreading apart one half of the cheeks while Taylor brought his nose and lips back up to that more-exposed hind. He brushed them against Stephan's taint, giving a gentle kiss to the soft, puffy stretch of perineum, moving his head lower so that he could lightly nibble on that tautly pulled sack, flicking his tongue out against those immature, undropped balls.

"Ahh... I'm all hard down there again..." the boy mumbled, just a bit embarrassedly. He seemed to have forgotten about the Sylveon's shaft in his paw, until the teen gave a firm flex to it, while pushing his thumb right up to the edge of that puffed out hole, stretching slightly as he pulled to the side. "Are you gonna help me again, big brother...?" he asked with a soft voice, slowly dropping his head back over to that strawberry-tasting length, giving the head a suckle. Its cream-colored hood had returned to wrapping over that glans, and slowly it filled with more musk and precum, spilling out when the Eevee accidentally tugged it a little too far down with his paw and maw.

The Sylveon thought for a few moments, giving a low purr from the back of his throat as his younger sibling smooched and suckled at his girth. He curled his toes a bit, arching back before the feelers at his ear drifted over to his nightstand and opened the top-most drawer, withdrawing a bottle of lubricant.

"Ahh... yeah, I'll help you out lil bro..." Taylor muttered, leaning his head back up to kiss at his brother's soft, virgin pucker. He didn't know what he was doing at this point, beyond following those urges his corrupted hindbrain brought before him, Id running rampant in his mind. "Mm... but you're not allowed to tell anyone, ok? Otherwise we'll both get in big trouble," he muttered, before muting himself, pushing his tongue into that hole and letting the firm, tasting organ stretch and slicken it up for himself. His little sibling wouldn't be able to take his girth dry, after all.

A feeler and the Sylveon's free paw popped the lid off of that lubricant, and then turned it upside-down, squeezing a copious amount of the substance onto his fingers. Normally that fairy-type was frugal with the lube--but this specific scenario called for copious use. Taylor kneaded his fingers together, lube stringing between them in a thick, slimy, water-based layer. It didn't take long for it to warm up to the temperature of his digits, and soon that Sylveon withdrew his maw from Stephan's rim--now even a bit more puffier--and pressed his index finger inside slowly.

"Aah...! W-what's that...?" the boy asked in reply. He hadn't even given a response to his brother's request before feeling that foreign object insert itself inside him--and it was considerably more dense and solid than the fairy-type's squishy tongue. "Big brother...? What are you gonna do...?" said that cub nervously. His tongue had stopped lapping at the Sylveon's tip, precum drooling a bit down blue-tipped glans and drawn-back pink shaft.

"Shh..." the fairy-type said in reply, bringing his lips to the edge of his little sibling's diaper, kissing against the cub's small pouch. "Big brother's gonna take care of both of us at once, but he needs to make sure you're all slick and stretched out back here, so you don't get hurt," he muttered with a soft little rumble. The sound and warmth transferred from his lips against those tiny balls, causing Stephan to groan out with a rich voice.

"Nnghh... okay big brother... I trust you..." he muttered softly, tipping his head to the side. He couldn't take that entire length into his mouth, but he could slowly smooch and suck along that girth at a different angle. His immature lips wrapped tightly against the base of Taylor's maleness, tongue pressing against a rather thick and prominent vein as he suckled and smooched. A soft little purr escaped his lips--pausing for a moment as he felt a second digit press its slimy way into his pucker, wriggling around and starting to rotate and scissor inside his hole. It was just the slightest bit uncomfortable, feeling that ring of flesh stretch out and his hole widen.

Taylor focused himself upon that young Eevee's pouch a bit more, teeth grazing against the tight surface of it. It hardly had any musk, like the rest of that kid's body, and what little scent it did have came from his wetting in the morning. Inexplicably the Sylveon was drawn down to that soggy heft of the boy's pull-ups, and he lowered his head a bit further, tipping his nose beneath the yellowed front of them and inhaled. It certainly didn't even smell like urine--at least, not much. It had more of a light chocolate-coffee smell, almost mocha-like, mirroring the boy's coloration and shaft. Such a scent wasn't strange--especially to a Sylveon whose own musk smelt like strawberries.

His shaft twitched shamefully as the Eevee bottomed out on the hilt, foreskin rolled back as far as it could go, stretching a little. The pink inside of it glistened with moisture, while that blue glans continued to smoothly leak precum from its tip, dribbling down the length of that maleness. Planting a soft smooch on the (mostly) dry diaper-groin, Taylor inserted a third finger to Stephan's rear, who gave a small whimper. That sphincter tensed up, clenching around those fingers, which held still for the moment, not wanting to disturb that passage until it has accustomed itself to their girth.

"Shh... just relax..." the Sylveon said, wanting to ease his little brother's soft grunts of discomfort and pain. A feeler from his ears swished up, rubbing against that tail's underside, ebbing with soothing, relaxing energy. Soon that tight clench subsided--leaving only a squeeze against that digit trio whenever they pressed just the slightest bit too deep, or swapped places with one-another, becoming three-fingers wide at their most stretching point.

Those lubricated fingers made a wet squelch as the moved around inside the Eevee's pucker, Stephan whimpering out softly again as he felt a small ache in his tailhole. The Eevee-boy curled his toes a little, pausing from his sideways kisses to that shaft. He panted just a slight bit, laying his head down on his older brother's thigh, softly groaning against his brother's large, nutpouch. As his tailhole began to adjust to the intrusion to it, a strange feeling of pleasure started to fill his body, much like that night earlier when his brother had smooched and suckled at his peen. His tail raised up higher, instinctively, before the Sylveon's pinky slipped itself inside his loosened hole, squishing around that lubricant and coating the insides of his pink passage.

"Almost ready..." mumbled Taylor--more to himself than anything. His shaft gave a firm throb, twitching just near the Eevee's face--though with those eyes closed, Stephan couldn't see its motion, only feel it through his grip around the base and cheek upon Taylor's tensing thigh. Slowly, his eyes opened just a crack, rim giving a small clench around the fingers, seeming surprised when they slipped away and slid back out.

"Aa... big brother... feels... nffhh..." the cub muttered, unsure as to what he wanted to say. His tailhole felt, well, empty. With no digits to stretch it, that passage was slowly closing back--not quite going to return to as tight as before completely. Stephan reached backwards, a little, pressing his paw on his rump and giving it a little rub, unintentionally spreading his cheeks further, making that hole stretch and gape out. Already that puffy thing was tempting to the Sylveon--but with that additional display the Eevee had added, his lust couldn't contain itself any longer.

"Mm, you're all ready now, buddy," Taylor rumbled, pushing his nose to Stephan's pucker, easily stretching the muscle now and pressing about an inch of his snout into it before pulling back. Slick lubricant clung to his snout, stringing from it to that gaped pucker. With a careful pair of hands and feelers, Taylor grasped hold around the Eevee's chest and pulled the boy back, setting the cub back down onto the bed next to him. The Sylveon then rolled himself over, coming atop the little Eevee, face to face with his sibling.

Stephan looked back up at his older brother with slight confusion in his eyes. He wiggled a bit, tailhole tensing and clenching, not quite coming to a close as the older male frowned, before pulling a pillow down and underneath the cub's bottom. That seemed to make him smile, and he leaned forward, planting a kiss upon the Eevee's brow.

"There we go... now let's lift your legs up by your shoulders like this..." guided Taylor, pressing the boy into a presenting position on his back, legs spread and bent upwards, the Sylveon pulling that sodden diaper off of them a moment after he got them into position. One feeler darted out to the bottle of lube, squirting another dollop of the substance onto his paw, which he stroked back onto his stiff shaft, giving it a few pumps to return full arousal and turgidity. "Mm... I think we're ready now," muttered the fairy-type, bending forward, and giving a soft little nuzzle to his little brother's nose, bumping his own with Stephan's. It was warm, but a little drier than the Sylveon's lube-moistened snout.

The Eevee remained silent despite his worries and questions. He gave a little gulp, nodding as the Sylveon leaned over him and pushed that slickened tip against his stretched pucker, whimpering quietly. It was certainly bigger than two fingers--probably more than three, even, and that fourth didn't really help stretch him much. His toes flexed near his shoulders, giving a little squeezing clench as Stephan closed his eyes shut.

"Hey... look at me," Taylor said softly, breathing onto his little brother's face. He waited for those eyes to open to continue. "You know... I love you, right? You're my family, and I wouldn't hurt family. This is gonna pinch a bit... and you're bottom is gonna start to hurt, but I promise you that it'll feel better once you stretch out and adjust to it, ok?" Precum steadily dribbled out into the Eevee's passage, adding to those already slick fluids within it.

"Oh... okay big brother... can I... can I hold your hand...?" the boy asked innocently in reply, his eyes watering just a little, looking nervously at his older sibling. The eight year-old's paw reached out, and was grasped by his brother's slimy own. Stephan made a face. "It's slippery..." he mumbled.

"That's a good thing," replied the Sylveon, slowly sliding his hips inwards, slipping himself past that virgin hole's stretched ring, penetrating inwards inch by inch, until the Eevee's grip on his hand tensed tighter, and the boy's eyes squeezed shut. Hardly halfway inside and already Taylor's shaft had bottomed out on that portion of stretched muscle from his fingers. "Just... bear with it for a little while..." whispered the fairy-type, before intruding further in.

Stephan cried out a little, biting his lower lip to stifle it. He didn't want his big brother to see him cry like a baby--he was going to be nine in five months! His hand tensed tighter against his brother's own, squeezing it hard as his tailhole clenched involuntarily against its intruder. That desire for a filling sensation was fulfilled and then-some, the Eevee's tailhole aching as it stretched and strained to contain the very base of that lubricated girth, which finally snugged itself right up against the cub's pucker, not a moment too soon.

Taylor laid his body atop the boy, giving a soft kiss to the kid's lips, stealing that first away from the cub he deflowered too. One feeler gently caressed and wiped away the tears on Stephan's cheek, shifting a bit as it pulsed out some soothing, calming energy. The Sylveon felt as if he could spend the rest of his life cuddled there with his younger brother, buried balls deep in that sweet, gripping and warm rear. He lightly squeezed at the Eevee's paw in gentle pulses, feeling the way that boy tensed back in return, until finally Stephan opened his eyes and gave a shaky nod.

"I'm okay now... big brother..." he mumbled, squeezing that paw once more for good measure. His tailpipe still had a good deal of ache in it--though it wasn't as nearly as pressuring as before, and it didn't feel as if it'd be getting any more accustomed soon. That painful stretch had caused his stiffy to die down as well--though as the boy adjusted to that length, accommodating its size, that boyhood began to twitch back to life once again, swelling up with need.

The sensations travelling though the poor little Eevee's body were so foreign and strange. That mixture of pleasure and slight discomforting pain added to further confusion, his body trying to push the intruder out, but the stretchedness felt so queerly_good_. Stephan's maw opened an inch, the cub giving a soft sigh of pleasure, paws dropping down to grasp hold of the sheets, bunching them up in his little hands as his older brother shifted above his body.

"Ohh... this feels... mmnn..." mumbled the Sylveon, not wanting to seem too eager to make love to his younger sibling--either to the boy or himself. Closing his eyes, he brought his head down and lightly bumped together their foreheads, his free paw reaching to those raised up thighs and giving a steady stroke upon that short, mocha-colored fur. "Mmffhh..." he moaned, Taylor's breath brushing across the Eevee's lips.

Very slowly, the fairy-type began to remove himself from that stretched wide rear, his well-slickened cock still pulling that pucker backwards with its motion, causing it to puff out pinkly from the boy's taint in a lewd manner. The Sylveon paused, halfway removed before reversing direction, pressing himself back inside centimeter by centimeter. Taylor grunted, his foreskin rolling backwards once more as it pressed inside his little brother's hind, easily gliding into that semi-stretched hole. Coming to a hilt again, the fairy brushed against a certain underdeveloped gland, causing a sharp jolt of pleasure to fill through his younger brother's body, almost canceling out the discomfort from that sudden and filling stuffing.

That little Eevee-boy seemed to have a small bulge on his belly, the shape of it tell-tale of its nature, moving further up towards his belly-button as the Sylveon adjusted himself inside that tensed pucker. As he withdrew, that bump too dipped backwards, sliding down along the cub's passage before vanishing from sight as Taylor was merely halfway outside. Once more, the fairy-type reversed direction and slid back inside--though this time with a bit more force behind the inward thrust. The copious lubricant making such a tight hole's violation possible squelched loudly--enough that it'd make the Sylveon worry that his parents would have been able to hear, had they been home.

"A-ah!" Stephan squeaked out--his vocalization just as loud as the squirch of that lube-filled passage. The water-based slickener drooled slowly out from that rear as Taylor began to more regularly pump into his younger brother, squeezing that paw in his hand tighter as that pleasure in his body built higher and higher. Another moan spilt from the Eevee's lips, quickly silenced by the Sylveon pressing into a kiss with the boy, holding that body still underneath him, tongue swirling and intertwining with the little cub's own taster.

Taylor shared his spit with his younger sibling, deeply grunting in pleasure as he kissed the boy passionately. His head tipped to the side, coming in at a slight angle, deepening his smooch and sliding his hips to the hilt within the Eevee's hind, Stephan's cheeks giving a slight jiggle from the impact. The tightness of his littler brother's pucker was starting to take its toll upon that fairy, drawing him closer and closer to orgasm with each sloppy hilting into that brown-furred tush. His heavy sack draped over and dragged along the top of that boy's tail, rubbing the fur back and forth as Sylveon rocked into that hole.

Those sharp, innocent cries of pleasure grew louder, fed to the Sylveon by that forcible kiss, swallowed whole by the kid-lusting teen. With a few well-placed feelers upon his younger brother's body, he could sense the way Stephan was tensing up, clenching in all the right places with each press of a thick girth up against his prostate, grinding back and forth over the button and further winding that internal tension of the boy's incoming orgasm--bound to be another dry one.

"Hyaahh... haahhh..." Stephan panted, finally able to take a breath as his older brother broke the smooch suddenly. The Eevee's eyes opened, looking up at his brother's ceiling, vision blurry and mind a daze. His toes curled and flex, tail swishing back and forth steadily behind himself as his mouth dropped open and tongue lolled out. The cub's face contorted in a grimace of pleasure, eyes crossing and tongue stretching out even further, jaw opening in a muted groan.

Stephan's small peen pulsed potently between his spread thighs, that well-plowed Pokémon-boy having the second orgasm of his life--dry as the first. Strings of saliva connected between the top and bottom halves of his jaw, wavering with the force of his hissing breath. His body clenched down tightly upon that shaft within it--gripping that maleness like a vice, only making it send a twinge of pain as it slid back and forth inside the smaller boy's bottom, and furthering that responding clench.

"Hfhh?" panted out the Sylveon, suddenly giving a tensing clench of his own as he felt the Eevee below himself squeeze tight around his shaft. A feeler of his had wrapped around the boy's small shaft, feeling it tense and twitch within its soft, warm grasp. It pulsed a quick millisecond before a squeeze rippled through the boy's pucker, constricting around that girth in a rhythmic motion, drawing that steadily built pleasure to its peak.

At last, the fairy-type hit his limit and let out a groan he had been holding in, breathing loudly as all the pressure and tension within his groin was released at once. His heavy balls had pulled in close to the base of his shaft, held snug against his hilt and the Eevee's lubricant-slimy taint. With great relief, they emptied themselves into the eight year-old's warm tunnel, flooding it in quick, thick jets of cum, each one pushing the former even deeper into the boy's body until his small little belly started to plump and bulge out with sticky warmth.

"W-what...?" the little Eevee gasped, feeling the twitch of his older brother's shaft within his passage, and the steady jets of liquid heat flood into his bowels. Still hazy from his own powerful, but dry, orgasm, Stephan could hardly recognize what sort of sensation that flooding to his tunnel was--not that the sex-ignorant cub would know the feeling of being inseminated. He did know, however, the fact that the sensation of that sweet, warm Sylveon-nectar filling into himself and his belly was quite an enjoyable one, and squeezed that paw grasped with his, feeling the squeeze back a half second later as Taylor bent forward to kiss his brother once more--though this one was a mere brush of lips before the fairy's own pair ended up at the Eevee's neck, nibbling and kissing upon it.

"Aahh... haah..." panted Taylor, breathing upon that neck, finally pulling back almost a minute after his balls had emptied themselves inside that tush, keeping himself hilted for as long as he could possibly stand it. The Sylveon's ribbons shuddered limply, pulling back to wrap themselves up amongst their bow-origins. "Mmffhh... when you're... ah... older... you're gonna... huffh... make a sticky kinda fluid like that..." grunted the teen to his younger brother's implicit question, exhaling a little upon the boy's chest, nuzzling between neck and shoulder, kissing at that sensitive zone there.

"Nnnggh...! I see..." came the quiet reply, the Eevee squirming a bit as his older brother kissed at his nape. For some reason it made him more embarrassed than usual, causing a bright flush to fill up at his cheeks beneath the brown fur, thankfully not very visible. Coming down from the high of his orgasm, Stephan gave a little whine at the pressure in his bottom, shifting a bit, feeling that hot load of thick goo stir around within his passage. That motion alone was just enough for softening Sylveon rod to slop free of that sticky rim, exiting with a wet schlorp-pop, leaving that puffy little pucker well fucked and gaped, bulging a half-inch or so from the natural, smooth line of the cub's taint and crack.

Semen steadily drooled from that permanently spread and stretched hole, oozing out and starting to pool on Stephan's tail, moistening the base with a thick cream coloring, scented with strawberries. A few dribbling lines of seed rolled over the side of that thick, fluffy tail even, starting to wet and stain upon the Sylveon's sheets.

"Oh... wait a sec..." Taylor muttered, reaching across the bed for that previously discarded diaper. Grasping hold of the pull-up pair, he slid them back up onto the boy's hips, their previous deposit of urine still warm within the soggy padding.

"Aahh... big brother... this is gross..." the Eevee whined, moving his hands down to the waist, trying to take them off--only for his older sibling's feelers to wrap around them and pull them to the side.

"Ah, ah--you know the rules," Taylor said softly, adjusting himself to lay upon his side, facing his lovely little brother. "You've gotta wear your diaper if you're gonna wet the bed," he said with a small tone of teasing.

"Yeah, but... I could just get a new pair... I don't wanna be in soggy pair," the little cub replied, pouting a little with his lower lip. It quavered for a moment in the air, the boy's eyes looking watered.

"Well... if you go get a new pair, you might as well just get out of bed entirely, since they're all in your room," said that Sylveon, bumping his nose up against the Eevee's cheek, brushing against it.

Stephan blustered a little, puffing his cheeks out and giving a little huff. With a reddened face, the Eevee turned over onto his side, facing away from his older brother, arms crossed a bit. The movement made his belly slosh with hot cream, that load steadily leaking out of his loosened bottom and into that diaper, steadily soaking it further and further--albeit with a different type of fluid--and from a different person as well.

"Mm... how about I make you some eggs for breakfast?" the Sylveon said with little brush of his lips against the back of the Eevee's neck. One hand fell down to that plump belly, giving the artificially swelled thing a small rubbing across its surface. "Hmm? What do you say?" Taylor asked. His little brother grumbled slightly, mumbling under his breath, pushing his shoulders back against the naked Sylveon behind him.

"Mmffh... hmmnn... mmm..." Stephan vocalized, twitching his nose a bit. Finally he sighed out. "Fine... I want French toast too, though," he bargained, turning himself a little, looking at his older brother.

"Whatever you say, buddy," Taylor replied, giving a small smile, though only half of it was genuine. The other half was disgusted in himself for taking advantage of his sweet, innocent younger brother.