The Original Jem Snippets (by Portentous1975)
#1 of The Jem Snippets
The Jem Snippets
"The Jem Snippets" is a cooperative set of stories written by myself (Kkatman) and Portentous1975.
Set in a futuristic boot-camp, these stories chronicle the ongoing sufferings of Jem's breasts. The original snippets were very short and deliciously cruel bits written by Portentous1975. With his permission, I continued the tales in a slightly more story-like format, with snippet-like mini-chapters. I hope to post these in that format. The project is ongoing.
Fair warning and disclaimer: these stories are wicked, and the hurt that befalls Jem's breasts is brutal. Due to fantastical sci-fi elements, there is no blood or real damage. Likewise, this story involves no yiffing. This is fantasy, not reality. And in fantasy, sexual torture is hot.
The whole punishment detail had their chameleonware on; even the
master sergeant behind her. If she just squinted a little and ignored
the telltale shimmering, and Jem could almost imagine she was
standing alone on the parade ground, alone, naked and her arms tied
behind her.
"Tail _up_," a voice hissed behind her, and the young bitch
automatically caught her tail from slinking down behind her legs. She
bit down on the equally automatic "Yes, sir!" -- prisoners were not
allowed to speak during a gauntlet.
A hand grasped the back of her neck firmly, even painfully, and the
master seargeant barked out the order to "draw bayonets!" As if by
magic, vicious bayonets appeared seemingly out of thin air; two lines
of blades stretching out in front of her.
Jem swallowed. She knew, intellectually, that the bayonets, no
matter how sharp and vicious they looked, could not actually penetrate
her skin with the dermal armour that her infantry nanites gave her,
but try telling that to her hind brain. Besides, she also knew that
with her pain-handling nanites dormant it wouldn't hurt much less than
if they could have.
"Prisoner, forward march!" The fingers on her neck tightened. Forcing
back a whimper Jem started forward, down between the two shimmering
lines of steel.
With a sudden swosh the first bayonet on her right slashed out and
struck her right breast fully. Jem bit her lip, forcing herself to
keep -- the bayonet on her left landed on her left breast with full
force and Jem howled. The hand on her neck pushed her forward
another step.
One hundred and nine soldiers in the company. Two spaced every
meter. One hundred and seven strokes remanining. Fifty-four meters of
She didn't scream at the third stroke, or on the fourth. On the fifth
she managed to bite it back after just a second, on the sixth she
could no longer keep her tail up. On the seventh stroke she
screamed. _From_ the seventh stroke she screamed.
She lost count after the twelfth. Her breasts were nothing but
pain. Line of line of white, flashing pain. She couldn't see through
her tears, and all she could hear was her own screams. Only the master
sergeant's hand on her neck kept her steady, guided her down the line
of punishment.
Pain was everything. Her breasts were her entire world: shuddering
with every stroke in a flash of agony, pain pulsing up with every beat
of her heart. Her nipples were like rocky cliffs of needle-sharp pain
surrounded by a storm-tossed ocea of pain. Each strike was a flash of
lightning, momentarily painting the painscape in stark black and white
before it was gone, leaving spots before her eyes and the storm raging
even harder.
Then the lightning flashes stopped coming and there was just the
storm, slowly abating. When she came to her senses again she was
standing doubled over, gasping desperately for air, her breasts a
throbbing block of solid pain. Only the hand on her neck kept her on
her feet. Right then she loved that hand: it was the only thing in her
world besides her painful gasps and the hurt.
"Prisoner, about face!"
Jem reacted without thinking; even after just a month at bootcamp
that movement was drilled into her. She faltered when she saw the twin
lines of bayonets stretching out before her again.
"Prisoner, forward march!"
Jem stood rooted to the spot. Nobody walked two times! That wasn't
in the regulations.
The hand at her neck tightened its grip and another hand grabbed the
root of her tail. They pushed her forward, in between the lines of
bayonets. There was a new flash of lightning, and another one, and she
was back in the storm.
Jem lay whimpering, her breasts still ached with every beat of her
pulse, but it was manegable now, barely. She didn't know how many
times she had had to walk the gauntlet -- at least twice, and she
thought many more, but it alled blurred together.
In the end the master sargeant hadn't turned her about for another
round, but had marched her to the end of the parade ground and the
shallow, plank-covered ditch that was dug there. They'd tied her up
and placed her in the ditch, put a length of wood under her back to
raise her chest up and covered the ditch with planks. They'd left a
gap for her breasts -- it was a narrow gap, and it had hurt when
they'd tugged her breasts up through it, but nothing like the
She could hear someone running. Lying on the ground she could feel the
thuds of his steps -- seemed like they were running towards her. For
some reason the thought of a football player making a penalty kick
flashed through her tired mind.
Jem surreptiously wiped her palms on the grass and gripped her rifle
more securely and made sure the stock was flush against her
shoulder. Her target was a girl from Echo company, a stocky
Stiefelgeiss goat that Jem's company had caught during last
weekend's maneuvers. She'd had her painblockers disabled and was tied
to a post a hundred meters downrange, stripped to her waist.
Jem drew a deep breath and lined her sights up on the woman's
breasts. They gleamed brightly in the sunlight; they had been
spraypainted white for better contrast. Ignoring the sinking feeling
in her gut, Jem centered her sights on the left breast and breathed
out slowly and evenly as she pressed the trigger.
The rifle bucked sharply in her grip with a sharp krack. Downrange,
the targetted breast flattened and jerked, then bounced desperately as
the woman twisted and pulled against her bounds. A split second later
they could hear her scream, a shrill, primal howl you wouldn't think
could be made by a sapient. Her heart racing, Jem did her best to
close her ears to the sound, already lining the sights up to the same
breast again, watching its bouncing and twisting for the opportunity
to take the next shot.
They were using metal jacketed bullets of lead, nothing that could
damage through the subdermal armour, but it would hurt, even through
the pain blockers. Without them... Jem tried not to think about
that, or the math of their orders. One prisoner, two breasts, twenty
rounds in a magazine, one magazine per soldier, one hundred and nine
soldiers. Two thousand, one hundred and eight shots in total. Two
thousand, one hundred and seventy nine shots still left.
For a split second the prisoner's twisting brought her breast
perfectly back in line with Jem's sights, and Jem's finger pressed
down almost on its own. Krack. Two thousand, one hundred and seventy
When she had emptied her magazine (two thousand, one hundred and
sixty), Jem secured her rifle and got to her feet, leaving the
firing position for the next soldier in line. Jem felt weak, her
stomach was a deep pit, her heart was racing and she was lightheaded
and her legs felt shaky. She did her best to seem in control as she
got back in line. Behind her, there was a new sharp krack. Two
thousand, one hundred and fiftynine.
Her legs wobbled for a moment and as she caught herself she bumped
into someone's shoulder with her own. Her rifle went clattering to the
ground. She was on it immediately, grabbing it back almost before it
landed. But it was too late.
"Private Barmfager!" came the all too familiar shout, "What the hell
did you just do?" The sergeant was already thundering over towards
Jem flinched but pulled herself up straight, hands tight fists on
the rifle. Try as she might, she could force her tail to stay up
straight. At least it wasn't so noticeable under her battledress. "I
dropped... I dropped my rifle, sir!"
"What the hell was that, private? It almost sounded like you said you
dropped your rifle?"
Jem fought down a whimper. "That's what I said, sir."
"Oh, it couldn't _possibly_ have been what you said, because surely no
soldier in my company would be butter-fingered enough, stupid enough,
clumsy enough, _weak_ enough to drop their gods-fucking-damned
hell-raising fucking rifle! Well, _would they_?"
"I ... yes, sir! I was, sir!"
The sergant was in her face now, teeth snarling, his white, damaged
eye only inches from her own. Jem could feel the panic bubbling
inside her, but army discipline and terror froze her into a semblance
of control.
"You worthless little piss-gnat dropped your rifle?!"
"Yes, sir!"
He growled, glared death and daggers at Jem then to the two soldiers
standing on either side of her.
"Well then you're fucking dead! Shot because your rifle wasn't ready."
He shoved Jem hard in the chest, sending her flailing to the
ground. At least she managed to hold on to her rifle. If she'd lost it
again... She didn't even dare to think about it.
"And he's dead, and she's dead," the sergant continued in fury,
pushing first the soldier on Jem's right and then on the left also
to the ground. "Because you little worthless _prick_ was too fucking
_stupid_ to hold on to your rifle!"
He loomed over her, wrenched the rifle from her grasp and gave her a
punch in the stomach for good measure. "You can have your rifle back
once you've learnt to _keep it under fucking control_! Punishment
detail! As for you two -- once you're done here, you're one kitchen
duty for the rest of the week. Now _move it_!"
Jem scrambled to her feets, ignoring the daggers glared at her from
the two team-mates who'd be peeling potatos and stumbled off at a
trot, an arm pressed against her stomach. That sinking feeling in her
gut was back again, and she couldn't keep tears from forming. Behind
her, the sergant had turned his ire to the soldier firing.
"Did I fucking tell you to cease fire?! GET ON WITH IT!" Krack went
their rifle. Two thousand, one hundred and fifty eight.