Thanksgiving, Part 1

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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It's Thanksgiving again, and Hunter's pumped for another feast of turkey, potatoes, and all that good stuff. But his mom has other plans for her teenage son.

Hunter lay in his bed on Thanksgiving morning in between sleep and being awake, half remembering the dream that he had had that night. He slowly opened his eyes, the morning sunlight spilling in from the windows with the plain blue curtains over them. He closed them again and enjoyed the early morning silence. He knew that downstairs, his mom and aunts and whoever else was starting Thanksgiving dinner, but he felt no need to get out of bed yet. He felt warmth throughout his entire body, even though he had kicked off the blanket in the night and reclined now in just his boxers. Well, not just his boxers. He had fallen asleep the night before immediately after pawing into a purloined diaper that he had abducted from his baby cousin. It had been such a rush that he still had it stuffed down his boxers. He murred and reached down to rub it against his groin again. He purred loudly and lustfully. His eyelids fluttered and it almost seemed like he could see things shifting, changing to how they were when he was younger. He smiled to himself, the warmth growing in his body. He could not tell if this was a dream or real life. Everything was bliss. He felt as though he might float away.

"Time to wake up, Hunter." His mom's soft voice came right by his ear. He opened his eyes and his jaw dropped as he realized that he was in a crib. He sat up quickly and crinkled. He looked down and his jaw dropped for a second time.

"What the fuck?"

"Language, Hunter!"

"But" He stammered. "My boxers." He stared down and all he saw was Suzy Ducken. "I'm wearing... why am I wearing"

"Perhaps you should tell me." Hunter looked at his mom and he knew that she knew everything. He stammered and blushed. "Stealing is wrong, Hunter." He looked about to protest, but she put a stop to that with a pacifier. "Don't you try and tell me that it wasn't stealing. There's no way that you were going to return that diaper to your baby cousin." Hunter blushed and looked down. There was something more than the diaper and crib amiss. What could it be? He looked back at his mom, trying to figure it out.

The lioness reached into the crib and scooped Hunter out. Since when had his mom been able to lift him? She carried him against her hip over to the mirror and the pacifier tumbled from his mouth as he saw his reflection. His mane was gone and he had gone from nearly six feet tall to four feet. He looked identical to his third grade picture. The lioness smiled and took his paw.

"Wave at the baby, Hunter." She said, making him wave. Hunter blushed.


"Simple. This is your punishment, if you want to think of it like that. A diapered sixteen year old is too unwieldy, so you're eight now." She kissed his cheek. "Mommy's special little duckling." She said, pointing to his diaper's decoration.

"C'mon, mom." Hunter tried his best to be reasonable. "Just let me get this thing off and we can forget the whole thing ever happened."

"Oh? Does baby need a change?" To Hunter's horror, she tugged out the back of his diaper and checked. "You're a little soggy, but no change for baby yet."

"Mom!" Hunter whined, squirming. "I'm not a baby! I'm sixteen." The lioness smirked. "Fine, eight." Hunter rolled his eyes.

"What are you wearing?"

"A diaper."

"Yep. And they're the same as whose diapers?"


"Yep. And Robby is your baby cousin, right?" She patted his puffy bottom. "Mommies know when their cubs are babies and you are one hundred percent a baby."


"No buts, Hunter." She kneeled and retrieved the pacifier, returning it to his muzzle. "You stole one of Robby's diapers, so you must agree that you should be in them." She carried him over to his dresser. "I've always been fond of this dresser, Hunter." The top was literally designed to be a changing table and she set Hunter down on it. He squirmed in place. "You always squirm first thing. No matter what." She observed. "Since the very first time I set you here." Hunter saw the nostalgia in his mother's eyes and blushed. She really did see him as a baby.

"I thought you said I didn't need a change." Hunter said as his mom opened what used to be his underwear drawer. It now contained baby powder and wipes, much to his chagrin.

"Mommy's just going to freshen baby up." She tugged his diaper down to around his knees as though it were underwear and Hunter saw what had become of his penis. "Told you you were a baby." She said as Hunter gaped at his shrunken groin. "Baby's weewee's just like cousin Robby's!"

"Mom!" Hunter whined loudly. He sat up and tried to get off of the changing table. He was done with this. His mom had gone insane or something. The lioness grabbed him and spun him around so that he was lying on his belly. A few quick spanks got rid of the defiant lion.

"Are you going to be good?" She asked. Hunter nodded his maneless head. "Say it. Say 'baby will be good'". Hunter sighed and squirmed, but she refused to let him up. She smacked his bottom again. "I can stay like this all day, baby." She smacked his bubble butt again.

"I'll be good." Hunter mumbled into the changing table, fighting back the tears welling up in his eyes. She sighed.

"That'll have to do." She summarily flipped Hunter over. "You'll just have to face the fact that you're my baby now." She powdered him and tugged his diaper back up around his waist.

"Can I get dressed now?" Hunter asked. She returned the pacifier, which had tumbled out during the spanking, to his muzzle.

"It's going to be warm in the kitchen, so just your diaper will be fine." She picked him up, shifting him to rest against her hip so that she could hold the shrunken lion with just one arm. Hunter squirmed, but the lioness hardly even reacted as she headed downstairs with her son.

He heard the voices of his dad and the rest of his male relatives in the living room, but Mommy carried him into the kitchen, where the lionesses were all hard at work. Hunter blushed as a few of them smiled to see him in his mom's arms in just a diaper.

"Alright. I've got the baby up. Where were we?"

"You can feel free to feed the little guy." Hunter's aunt said. "We can hold the fort down." Hunter's stomach rumbled as he wiggled a bit against his mom's hip.

"If you're sure." She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a baby bottle. Hunter's face burned as he realized that Mommy intended to feed him a bottle. There was little he could do as Mommy removed the pacifier from his mouth, only to replace it with the nipple of the bottle.

"He must be hungry!" One of Hunter's aunts exclaimed as she watched Hunter sheepishly start to suck. He did not know what she was talking about, since he was clearly embarrassed and apprehensive about this whole situation. The warm formula filled his mouth and he swallowed it, feeling it warm his belly. He could not deny that it was quite tasty, but he still objected to the whole baby treatment.

Everyone cooed at Hunter as he shyly sucked on the soft rubber nipple, the warm formula filling his belly more quickly than he would have thought. There was so much left, his belly swelling. Rather than look at the grinning, cooing lioness around him, Hunter examined himself. Every bit of him seemed so pudgy. Last night, he had been fairly muscular, a strapping jock, but now, he was a chubby little kitten. He moved his kitten thighs and felt the plastic of the diaper rub between them. The diaper constantly made its presence known.

"What size diaper does he have on?" Robby's mommy asked, looking at his diaper. "Those don't look all that different from Robby's size two Pampers."

"He's in size five now, but if he has another growth spurt, Mommy will have to get her big ball of fluff into size sixes." She smiled as Hunter's cheeks burned. "Of course, he's in Huggies at night. They just look cuter on baby." She leaned down to nuzzle Hunter's cheek, whispering to him as she did so. "You won't be ready for size six Pampers for quite a while yet, sweetie. Once you're thirteen or so, we can start your potty training." Hunter could not believe his ears. He could not, would not wear diapers for the next five years! Mommy smiled and nibbled his ears playfully as he suckled down the last few drops from the bottle. With an agility born from years of practice, the lioness removed the bottle from his mouth and shifted him to her shoulder for burping in one smooth motion. Hunter fidgeted as Mommy rubbed and patted his back, coaxing the gas out of him. He burped and wet his Pampers at the same time, much to his chagrin. Mommy did not seem to notice his now soggy diaper, handing him off to his cousin so that she could help prepare the stuffing.

Samantha was newly turned twelve, so she felt very mature to be trusted with the responsibility of holding the baby. He squirmed in her arms, but she made sure that he did not fall out of her grip.

"Hi there, baby!" She said in a sugary sweet high-pitched voice. Hunter grumbled. He had never really interacted with Samantha before this morning. She had been the flower girl at some wedding recently and he wondered why he remembered that, figuring it had something to do with the large white bow atop her head at the moment. "Aren't you just the cutest ever!" Hunter grumbled under his breath.

"Auntie! The baby wants his paci!" Samantha said. Before Hunter even knew it, the pacifier was back in his mouth. Samantha smiled and took Hunter over to one of the corners so that they were out of the way. She sat down and set him down in front of her. What was she planning? Hunter watched her cautiously as she covered her face with her paws. "Peek-a-boo!" She said in the same sweet voice as she uncovered her face. Hunter rolled his eyes. She just wanted to play peek-a-boo with him. "Peek-a-boo!" She said again and again, unperturbed by Hunter's less than stellar reaction. She simply kept trying. "Peek-a-boo, baby! Peek-a-boo!" Rolling his eyes, Hunter stood up, his eight year old legs quivering a bit as they adapted to the bulk between them. Samantha smirked and pounced, pulling him in close and patting his bottom. "I'm patting baby's puffy bum!" She chanted, pulling Hunter into her lap. He growled, but she paid no mind to his protests as she hugged him close. He felt her finger slip into the leg of his Pampers. "Soggy baby." She remarked, blowing a raspberry into his belly. Hunter squealed, the pacifier tumbling from his mouth as he broke into childish giggles, squirming desperately. He had forgotten how ticklish he had been as a cub.

"Stop!" His high voice with its slight lisp only made Samantha want to make him laugh even more. She began to tickle him mercilessly. "Tickle, tickle, baby!" Hunter found himself beyond the ability to produce coherent words as he tried futilely to bat Samantha's paws away. She renewed her efforts, giggling as much as Hunter did. Hunter was too preoccupied to notice, but most of the lionesses had stopped working to watch the adorable scene unfold as Hunter squirmed desperately, completely powerless in the face of Samantha's assault. Finally, Hunter escaped from Samantha's clutches, jumping up triumphantly. He did not notice, however, that his tail was flagging and everyone watched the eight year old fill the seat of his Pampers.

Hunter noticed all of them looking at him and blushed. What was going on? He shifted slightly. Something was tugging his diaper down. He tugged up on his diaper and felt something warm and sticky touch his butt. He whimpered as realization set in. Mommy, exchanging a look with a few of the other lionesses, picked Hunter up as a space was cleared on the kitchen table. Down went Hunter onto his back, his messy Pampers squelching audibly.

"Samantha, the diaper bag is over in the corner. Be a dear and bring it over here." She said. Hunter stared up at Mommy as several of his aunts volunteered to give her a hand. With twin rips, Hunter's Pampers came off and Mommy lifted him up, his chubby legs dangling in the air as Mommy carried her naked cub over to the sink. "We'll save time by spraying stinky here off." Samantha groaned as she got a bit too close to Hunter's Pampers and caught a snout full of the awful stench.

"Oh, my god! He destroyed that diaper!" "Baby boys tend to be stinky." Hunter blushed as Mommy inadvertently exposed his penis to the entire kitchen, her paws under his arms preventing him from covering himself. She returned to the task at hand, holding Hunter in position as one of the others sprayed his bubble butt down thoroughly. He squirmed, but Mommy kept him still with a few well-timed smacks to his thighs. Twenty-four hours ago, he had been a high school football player, contemplating skipping class to go lift weights and now, now he was getting his bottom sprayed in the middle of a diaper change. He blushed.

Mommy dried Hunter's bottom with a dish towel as his dirty Pampers were disposed of. Sara, one of his aunts, kissed his cheek.

"No need to be embarrassed, baby. Lots of five year olds still need diapers."

"I'm eight." Hunter whined.

"Sure you are, baby." Sara said, clearly not believing him. Hunter frowned at the lioness, remembering how the last time that he was eight he had secretly been convincing that Sara's name was actually Sarabi. Mommy returned Hunter to the table and all four lionesses went to work. While Mommy unfolded a new Suzy Ducken Pampers, Sara and another lioness both used wipes to put the finishing touches to cleaning up Hunter. He yowled as the cold wipes covered every square inch of his penis and testicles. Just then, his dad entered the kitchen, heading toward the fridge.

"Don't mind me, ladies." He said with a smile. "I'm just grabbing a drink." He saw Hunter and waved. Hunter felt particularly embarrassed to have his cubby body so exposed to the lion who was so proud of his son the football player. He shyly waved back and watched his dad's smile widen. His legs went up into the air and his butt given another good wiping down as the Pampers slipped under his rump.

"Can I go with Daddy?" Hunter asked, the idea coming to mind just then. The lion looked up from the fridge.

"Maybe in a little bit, sport. You keep Mommy company for now." He said, not wanting to admit that he would prefer to let the lionesses handle the diaper changes for the day. Hunter's face fell, but Daddy was already heading back toward the living room. A veritable blizzard of powder fell on Hunter's midriff and groin as the last step before diapering came up. He squirmed in place as the diaper came up between his legs.

"Thank everyone for changing you, Hunter." Hunter removed the pacifier from his mouth, but a frankly withering look from Mommy made him put it back.

"Thank you." He mumbled around the pacifier. "For what?" Mommy said. Hunter realized that he was not going to get away with anything less than the exact thing she wanted this time.

"Thank you for changing my diaper." He said shyly. Mommy picked him up. "Mommy will help baby. Kiss auntie Sara on the cheek and thank her for changing your poopy diapie." Hunter did as he was told, blushing and feeling so babyish as he did so three times before turning and kissing Mommy. "Thank you for changing my poopy diapie." He said as eloquently as he could with his lisp. Mommy smiled and gave him an Eskimo kiss.

"It's what Mommy's here for, hunny bear."