Something Different

Story by DarkWolf111 on SoFurry

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Jake and Louis try to spice things up in the bedroom when Louis suspects his boyfriend isn't being entirely honest with him.

Just a silly story but I thought it'd share it.

May be subject to the occasional edit, I'm a lousy proofreader!

Louis cuddled up to the panting shepherd lying beside him. "How did you like that? You're not too sore are you?"

Jake rubbed under his tail, feeling feeling his slippery rear curiously. "It's... Different." He mumbled, snuggling closer to the big bear. "But nice; I didn't know you liked it on top so much."

Louis grinned, "So is there anything else you'd like to talk about? As long as we're trying new things."

Jake paused, taking a breath before replying awkwardly. "I... Don't think so."

Louis growled slightly, "Jake Hun... Let's not do this again. This was good wasn't it? There's nothing wrong with trying something different and besides, you know you're not in any danger of freaking me out."

"It's... It's nothing. Lets just get some sleep."

Louis sighed, kissing him on the neck and rolling over.

The next few days passed in a busy haze. Jake was stuck on swing shifts and Louis was caught up making late night calls to the American branch. Once things had settled down he was truly sick of late nights at the office. The next day his mood brightened when he saw a text from Jake,

"I'm home, have tonight off. Quiet night in?"

Louis broke into a grin, throwing on his jacket and picking up the phone. "Hey Johnson... I'll be out of the office this afternoon, I'm going to spend some of my overtime hours. Call if anyone needs me."

Leaping behind the wheel he raced home. It was high time he was early for once. The traffic was more forgiving than usual and before long he was riding the lift up to his apartment. He stepped inside, the warm scents of home replacing the sterile corridor. He ran towards the living room and let out an enthusiastic cry.

"Honey I'm home!!"

He stopped dead, bursting out laughing as Jake hastily tossed his tablet aside and pulled his pants up.

"Sorry Hun... Should have said I was running early." He stepped inside, sitting down beside Jake and slapping his paws away when he tried to zip up.

"Not so fast..." He whispered, slipping a paw inside the blushing shepherds drawers. "Let me apologise for interrupting."

He gently gripped Jakes sheath, slowly teasing him until he was panting in his arms. The shepherd's paw slipping downwards to join his broad strokes.

Louis reached over, finding the discarded tablet while he had Jake distracted. "So what has the boss all worked up? Some nice piece of ass?"

Jake turned, stretching over to try and snatch the tablet. "Hey! Don't!"

Louis grinned, pushing him to arms length with a chuckle. "Now honey you know any good porn is worth sharing!"

He flicked the screen on, revealing a lithe Dalmatian smiling back. "I wonder what this guy has below the belt?" He teased. Scrolling down he froze when he recognised what the lithe canine in the picture was wearing. A thick, wet disposable diaper.

"Oh... Well that's different. Cute guy though."

Jake turned pale, looking away as he stammered a response. "It's not what it looks like! I mean I'm not. I don't!"

Louis dropped the tablet and pulled Jake closely to his chest. "Hey hey... no need to panic. I told you you can talk to me about anything. I'm not going to judge or anything like that.

They hugged for a few minutes until Jake got comfortable again, looking up at Louis with relief.

"So I take it this is what's had you all worked up lately? Silly mutt, you should have known I wouldn't mind talking about something different."

"Yeah... But this is kind of weird even by my standards."

"Really?" Louis chuckled, "Honey, remember how we met? At the club? I saw what you were doing to that little coyote up on stage."

Jake laughed, jabbing Louis with a playful elbow in the ribs. "Oh God don't remind me.... Though I seem to remember you watching with interest."

"I've stayed interested babe. So what do you think? Would you like to try out a diaper in the bedroom? Though I'm not sure where we are going to find any in my size."

"I'd love to," Jake replied, holding Louis' paw tightly. "And I know where they sell them in my size at least."

Louis smiled, he could always read Jake like a book and the guilty expression on his face was telling everything he wanted to know. "Do you? Well maybe you should go and get them for me to see. Where have you hidden them?

Jake inhaled sharply, looking up at him with a puzzled expression. "How did you... Never mind, I'll just be a minute."

Jake wandered through to the spare bedroom, his heart still racing. Louis knew! And he didn't even mind, he was interested!

He took a breath, pushing aside the spare uniform in the wardrobe to unearth a steel case, his name stencilled onto the scratched surface. Unlocking it, he pulled the small duffel of his supplies out and slammed it shut. He took out a diaper, unfolding the thick padding on the bed and sitting down to thread his tail through the hole before lying back and taping it up with a practised hand.

"Are you alright Hun?" Louis echoed from the hall.

"Just coming..." Jake stood up, struggling to button his jeans up as the door swung open.

Louis stepped inside with a curious expression. "Hmm it's harder to notice than I thought, apart from the waistband showing of course..."

Jake tugged his shirt down, covering the exposed plastic. "So... You're really alright with this?" He said, a bewildered look passing over his face.

"It's pretty cute actually, I can't remember the last time I saw you this shy."

He pulled Jake into a hug, wrapping his broad arms around him and feeling his padded behind.

"I think you look great whatever you're wearing sweetie. Now come on, I just feel like snuggling on the couch tonight."

Louis took Jakes paw, leading him along like a puppy as they settled down in front of the TV. Jake began to relax, forgetting the diaper as they opened a few beers and cuddled in front of the sci fi channel.

A few episodes into the universe quest marathon Jake tried to tug his arm out from behind Louis' back.

"Going somewhere?" Louis asked, a note of humour creeping into his voice as he leaned on Jake.

"Come on let me up! You know I only rent that cheap lager." Jake frowned, struggling to wriggle loose.

"Isn't that what the diaper's for?" Louis grinned. "I thought you used them as intended?"

Jake blushed profusely, his tail drooping with embarrassment. "Well... Maybe sometimes...but right in front of you?"

"Hun you're wearing a puppy's diaper; What would I think you were going to do with it? I don't think you need to go all the way to the bathroom do you?"

Jake whined, his embarrassment competing with the growing pressure in his bladder. "Fine... I can't do it sitting down though. Can I get up just for a minute?"

Louis released his arm and Jake sprang up. Glancing towards the door he took a painful step towards the bathroom before he realised he wouldn't make it. Turning away from Louis he felt the fur on the back of his neck stand on end as he released a warm stream into his diaper. The quiet trickling sound erasing any hope of subtlety before Louis pulled him into a hug from behind.

"Were you trying to run off to the potty? You're a naughty boy aren't you? Never mind, does that feel better?" Louis whispered in his ear, pulling him into his lap as they sat back on the couch. "You're just adorable! Widdling in your diaper like a shy little puppy."

"Puppy?" Jake gasped as he felt his boyfriends paws on his wet crotch.

"I think you'd make a very sweet little pup from time to time. Would you like that?"

Jake took a moment to process what his boyfriend was suggesting, squirming as Louis felt up his diapered crotch.

"I think that would be nice...Daddy."