Stress Test (gift for Enjay)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#2 of Gifts

So this story has quite a few firsts: first time I wrote about Enjay (on FA and SF here); first story I've done with male lactation (AND WOW!); first story I finished based on an RP which I did with said Enjay (NOTE: ONLY CLOSE FRIENDS MAY GET TO ROLE PLAY WITH ME!); and the first story I've finished since I last opened for commissions but no one has yet taken me up on it.

So enjoy! And if you liked this, and want your own story, send me a message to reserve a commission slot today!

**WARNING: Contains: anal sex, hyper, cock growth, muscle growth, cum inflation, and male lactation. If this doesn't interest you, you are under the age of 18 or don't like weird sexytimes between a horse and a cat, then get yourselves begone!**

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Lewd slurps, kisses and groans of lovemaking could be heard through the wooden door, creaking furniture and gasps of breathes and muffled names confirming the naughty things happening in the room.

The green and white cat lying on the couch in the middle of the room moaned and gasped into the sensual kiss the two shared as the bigger brown furred stallion on top of him grinded their speedo clad bulges against each other, the half hard equine and feline cocks providing just enough firmness to heighten their shared arousal, but not enough to convince either to end their making out.

Cimmaron at last pulled his muzzle away from Enjay's mouth, untangling their tongues and allowing both of them to grasp fresh air.

"So, what's the big, handsome stallion going to do to me now?" the unusually colored twink asked, wrapping his thin arms around Cim's neck.

"Well, I'm sure we can-OW!" Cimmaron brayed out as a sharp point hit him squarely in the ass where the small amount of spandex he was wearing didn't cover him. He looked behind to see a small dart sticking from his butt. Surprised and perturbed, Cimmaron reached out, and with a gasp, pulled out the offending dart.

"What's wrong?" Enjay asked, concerened.

"Nothing," Cimmaron assured him, before throwing the dart away. What neither of them noticed was the haphazardly thrown dart pierced through three thick books on a nearby shelf before embedding itself into the wall.

"Are you sure?" Enjay asked, and Cimmaron was about to reply but something clicked inside of him. While he had been horny before, it was suddenly like someone had flooded his system with testosterone, and now the only thing that was racing through his mind was fucking. And below him was the perfect person for that.

Cim grinned, a wicked chuckle escaping his lips. "Let me just show you," the stallion began, grabbing hold of Enjay's speedo before easily ripping it in two, exposing the cat's groin. Cimmaron's member stiffened and pulsed, the long horse length pushing it's way out of the band of fabric, the long length already drooling pre.

Before Enjay could say anything, Cim, using a strength and forcefulness he hadn't possessed before, roughly pulled Enjay up onto his lap, flopping backwards on the couch. Enjay mewled in surprised as he was suddenly launched forward, his chin impacting Cim's chest, which the cat absentmindedly noted seemed to be a bit bigger, a bit broader than before.

"W-what are you doing?" the cat asked, as he could feel the hot, pulsing spire of horse meat rub up between his tight asscheeks, prodding and poking for an entrance. With each throb, Enjay swore he could feel it getting bigger and bigger, pushing his ass wider and wider apart. And this when Cim was already a decent size (for an equine, at least), at least 18 inches when hard.

"Take a wild guess," Cimmaron muttered, before another weird feeling came over his body. It was a feeling like when you have a serious case of blue balls, but it wasn't with the two furry orbs still trapped in the stretching spandex, but in his chest. He could feel them pulse bigger with each breath, along with the rest of his body. While he had been athletic before (time traveling adventures would do that to you!) he was becoming ripped: arms and legs bulged out with new strength, the flat stomach turned into a deeply etched six-pack, and his ass taking a perfect bubble shape of firmness. But those pecs quickly dwarfed all the gains made by the rest of the body, and even Cim's nipples began to grow longer and wider, becoming more prominent. Cim began to twitch. They needed a mouth on them, the first thought that came to mind.

Enjay tried to take in what was happening, but Cim's hand starting to grope the cat's ass and push on his head toward the still growing pecs, While Enjay tried to resist, the horse was stronger, and eventually Enjay relented, and his muzzle was pushed into one of the big, hard nipples. Taking the hint, Enjay opened wide and wrapped his lips around the thick nubs, suckling on them.

To the green cat's surprise, he was rewarded for his sucking with a shot of warm milk.


Another couple shots proved it: milk, even though from a man. It was a bit saltier and muskier than actual milk, but it was pretty clear what was happening. Enjay tried to pull back, but the thick beefy fingers of the stallion kept him firmly planted. As the amount of milk began to increase, Enjay realized the only thing he could do was drink as much as he could.

The horse was starting to get impatient: his sexual desires had been kicked into overdrive along with the rest of his body, and he needed relief. Cim pulled his hand from fondling the cat's backside and slipped them in his mouth, slavering drool over his beefy digits. Satisified they were slick enough, he then retuned his finger's to Enjay's rear, pushing one finger into the tight tailhole.

Enjay let out a shocked cry as his butt was forced open, nearly gagging on the milk still pouring into his mouth. But when a second, then a third, then a forth finger slipped in, stretching his tense pucker, he couldn't do anything but shudder as he felt his anal passage be spread, groaning as Cim's fingers began to wiggle around and poke and prod the sides, trying to urge them wider. He couldn't help but get aroused by those fingers playing with his tail hole, and his own member, much smaller than the horses even before he suddenly began to grow, was now rock hard.

The fingers were roughly removed, leaving a sense of emptiness in Enjay's rear. Those fingers together had been about as big around as the horse had been before. But the kitty knew that was not the case anymore.

Cimmaron grunted, trying to use one hand to hold Enjay to his nipple and the other to both position his cock and the cat's rear together, but it was getting nowhere. With a snort of frustration, Cim at last let go of Enjay's head, allowing the kitty a chance to pull back and take a deep breath. But the relief was short lived, as almost instantly right after, Cim grabbed hold of Enjay's hips, and pushed them down on the flared cock head pushed up against his butthole.

Enjay cried out as he felt the broad, fat head get pushed in, wider than even he imagined it would have been: a two liter soda bottle would have been the closest guess for him as to the stallion's thickness now. He could feel his ass being stretched and ripped open to allow more of the stallion's spear to be shoved deeper, his body trying to accommodate. Enjay squirmed and whimpered as Cim began to pull out, but then rammed back in, even more inches being forcefully rammed even deeper into the green furred twink.

A loud mewl of pain came out of the kitty, muffled by the milk spewing nipple in his mouth. Hot tears burned from the edges of Enjay's eyes as he could feel his stomach being pushed out, distended by the huge pole roughly shoved into him. He latched even harder onto the man teat, if just to give him something to focus on than the pain of being spread open by an impossible sized cock. Despite it all, Enjay could feel his own cock ache with need, the horsecock pushing past his prostate forcing the cat's member to start to leak pre.

Up and down Cim forced his feline cocksleeve, pushing more and more of his gargantuan dick into the cat, despite the cat's protests and weak efforts to push up. But as more and more of the horse entered Enjay, the more those protests faded away to more pleasurable, sensual moans and shudders.

The sex craved stallion grinned. "Better get ready kitty. Got some more horsepower for you."

Enjay didn't have a chance to think about what that meant. With another shove, the horse's fat medial ring finally slipped past the poor, abused feline anal ring. With the cat now firmly impaled, Cimmaron grabbed hold of the cat's shoulders, and with a rough flip, turned the situation around. Enjay landed with an "Oomph!" on the couch, his mouth finally being dislodged from the milk bearing chest. The heavy weight of the horse over him, his stomach full of creamy milk, half the stallion's cock lewdly distending his belly, and his own boner sandwiched between his body and the ripped horse's abs made Enjay meow and shudder, copious amounts of pre leaking over his stomach and messing up both of the copulating animals fur.

But that was only part one. Now with the cat in missionary position, he began ramrodding his cock even deeper into Enjay than he could before. Pulling out, pushing back in, pulling out and pushing in, over and over, picking up speed. Enjay gasped and cried out with each deeper penetration, the tip of the bulge in his stomach creeping higher and higher over his abdomen. Cim's thrusts had taken a methodical, almost mechanical approach, trying to push as much of his cock in as deep into the cat as he could.

Enjay shut his eyes tight, hoping the massive horse was almost done with him. The pain was incredible, and was only barely being eclipsed by the sexual pleasure he was getting from being so abused. Fuck, tell me he's almost done...

"Oh... FUCK!" Cim roared out, as with a final hip thrust, he managed to hilt his entire cock into Enjay. The stallion's balls (still trapped in the speedo from before, despite the horse being much larger than before) slapped up against the cat's asscheeks, making Cim nicker and shudder as the sensitive testes were jostled around.

Enjay cried out again, feeling the flared tip of Cim's cock almost at his chest, a long pole of horseflesh obscenely stretching out his white furred gut. And when Cim started to pull that out, but then shoved it back in again, those tears began to flow out of his eyes. This rut was longer and harder than he ever imagined it could be. The horse hilted again and again and again, faster and faster, making Enjay cry out more and more, his own cock painfully hard and sore from the constant stimulation of prostate and furry stomachs brushing against the sensitive head.

Cimmaron grunted and nickered as he started jackhammering the kitty's ass. His pecs still felt bloated and full despite the long draining they had before, so Cim pushed his chest back into Enjay's face, forcing the huge swollen nipple into the cat's mouth. The cat began drinking again, despite the already full feeling of milk and horse cock in his stomach, once again to take his mind off what was happening to him.

But the horse's breathing was getting shorter and more ragged, and he wasn't pulling out much before ramming back in. Enjay could feel his own balls, squished between himself and the horse, were feeling full and right.

Cimmaron grunted, pushing his muzzle next to Enjay's ear. "Here... I... CUM!" he whispered, before pulling back, ripping his nipple out of Enjay's mouth, and letting out a loud, deep whiney of dominance and power, his cock spasming and unleashing their load deep into the cat. Shot after shot of virile horse seed flooded Enjay's body, his stomach visibly expanding outwards with each grunt and gasp by the horse as more streams of his cum inundated the cat's bowels. The horse's nipples also began shooting out hot horse milk, thick streams of creamy white liquid over the room, adding more of the horse's musk to the already overpowering odor of the room.

Enjay cried out as well, feeling his own cock at last hit orgasm. White streams of cum shot into the air, and arced down to land around his face, splattering like musky, pearly rain over his face and the couch behind him.

"Oh... fuck... yeah," Cimmaron gasped as he continued to cum, the cat's belly showing no signs of slowing down it's inflation yet. But eventually the tap ran dry, and Cim, his body still twitching and shuddering, gave a few last spasms, before he fell back, his massive cock slipping out of the slick, stretched ass. As the flat head lewdly popped out, it was like a dam burst and what looked like gallons of cum sloshed out, over Cim and Enjay, not to mention the couch, before waterfalling to the floor into a huge puddle of cum. His nipples still dribbled out milk as well, but only a trickle compared to the torrent a few moments before.

Enjay panted heavily, before feeling his stomach. He could audibly hear it slosh around, full of horse spunk and milk.

"Well, that was... fun," Enjay panted out, unable to move from the spot he was in. Cimmaron, his body starting to return to normal size could only nicker in reply.

"Though, I have to wonder, why did you suddenly grow so big?"

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On the other side of the door, a pen scribbled over a clipboard, recording observations and numbers. Both pen and clipboard where being held by a horse that looked a lot like Cimmaron, but with glasses, shorter brown hair and wearing a white lab coat with "CIMIndustries" embroidered over the chest, and the logo of interlocking horseshoes

A phone began to buzz in the pocket, and the AltCim reached in and pulled it out. "Hello?"

"Yeah, this is the office. How did the Stress Test go?"

"Fantastic!" the scientist horse exclaimed. "Didn't even hear the couch creak once."

There was a shuffling of papers and a click-clack of a computer keyboard. "Excellent. What about the growth formula?"

"Less successful, I'm afraid. Muscle growth and cock size was evident, but also lead to male lactation in extreme amounts. And as soon as the subject was spent, he began to return to normal."

More typing. "Very well. Make sure to have the room cleaned for the next test. Office out."

The AltCim tapped the end call button, and slipped it back into his pocket. The horse grinned. The other part, the part CIMIndustries didn't know about, was the secret camera's he had installed into the room. Let's just see the regular Cimmaron try to toy with him now that he got that tape!

Salt, Sea and Sand (Commission for JamesFoxes)

**Salt, Sea and Sand** **By: Cimmaron Spirit** **For: JamesFoxes on FA** **\*\*WARNING: Contains gay sex; oral sex; blow jobs; semi-non-concessional; transformation; cock, muscle and macro growth; hyperphallic individuals; excessive cum; cum...

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Mirrors and Gardens (Commission for Zead)

Mirrors and Gardens Zead Commission By Cimmaron Spirit **\*\*WARNING: contains a horse, skunk, gay sex, anal, hyper, cum inflation, mind alteration, domination/submission, fucking at an internationally recognized heritage site and a bunch of things...

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Top Secret

Arc One, Chapter Two; Tales of a Time Traveler Top Secret By: Cimmaron Spirit New York, 2013 AD \<\> \<\> \<\> The door to the apartment swung open and ten fully armored and armed FBI agents poured into Chris's tiny, cramped entry way. They...

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