Izer's Life 6: Army Slave 3 Revised

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#6 of Izer's Life revised

Hihi All, Its been a while! Sorry about that. But here it is! Slightly longer, with More details Added! I have now commenced work on the Next chapter. With any luck it will be out asap.

Stay Yiffy!

Izer had opted not to go to the execution. It had been highly televised, and allot of people had turned up to see the first military execution in forty years. The girls from his squad had decided to go to see it. From what he heard afterwards, they got to meet the President whom had come to be witness. He still found it strange that the punishment was so severe. He was only a slave, and as such could be treated like any gun, tank, or chair that the military owned. He gave a sigh and rested back in the bed. Why was he even being given his own room in the hospital? As a slave he was lucky he wasn't getting a military cot in the corner of a ward, or in a broom closet somewhere.

Soon the doctor returned to get him ready for the operation. He was arrogant and rude as always, and it made Izer remember he really was a slave.

"Ok Time to go, seeing as you decided not to go to the execution we will start on our original scheduled." he said "On your feet were going to walk down there, and be Quick about it!" Izer shifted, trying to get out of the bed and onto his feet. As he got into a standing position he was given a shove towards the door.

"Come on lets Get Moving!" Izer gave a soft yipe as he was pushed but started walking but was then smacked again "Answer me when I talk to you! And I go first as your superior! Stupid slave" the last bit was mumbled but Izer hear it just fine.

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry Sir" Izer waited for the doctor to go first and he walked along behind him

"Your lucky I don't Put a leash on you Slave" the doctor responded. Izer gave a soft sigh and nodded.

"Yes sir" He said as loud as he could manage.

They continued on down the corridors and elevators. It wasn't till they were passing the last nurses station that Izer tripped, falling forward onto his face with a loud 'oof'.

"Oh you Pathetic Slave" the doctor said loudly "Cant You even Walk right? Get up!" he gave Izer a sharp kick in his side making him yelp. As much as he tried, with the kicks coming every few seconds, Izer couldn't get up on his own without his arms. Luckily a Doctor and nurse walked around the corner after a few minutes.

"Oh my God what are you DOING!?" the doctor yelled rushing to push the other one away, pushing a bit more forcefully than he needed to and slammed the other against the wall.

"Back off I'm just Punishing a Slave!"

"Slave or not, You took an oath to do no harm! If you detest the idea of working on a slave That badly ill do the operation Myself!"

"You don't know how to Do the operation you Idiot"

"Actually I do, I've been doing research on it, and the higher ups decided that more than one doctor should know how to do it, Nurse help the slave up, well preform the operation" she helped him up and they headed on their way towards the operating theatre hearing loud insults about both the doctor and Izer himself from the one left behind.

"Please Excuse Doctor Burns" the doctor said as Izer lay back on the table "He's always been a prick to everyone he meets" Izer chuckled and smiled at the doctor

"Please be gentle Sir" he said with a whimper as the Doctor and Nurse put on gloves after scrubbing.

"Don't worry, Your in good hands, Nurse? Lets begin" he picked up a scalpel and the nurse gently lowered the mask onto his face turning the gas on, filling it and his nose with a slight smell aswell as the smell of new plastic from the mask.

"Ok breath deep and count down from Ten" she said with a smile and he nodded doing as he was told not getting past eight before he was out.

Waking up some time later with a twitch and a slight jump. having had a nightmare about his first home, Izer found a nurse, and both Doctor Burns and the Doctor who operated on him in the room.

"I'm Sure you Fouled it up Somewhere!" Dr Burns yelled "And why isn't he in the Slave Bed and ward where he is Supposed to be Hmm!?"

"Burns go polish the bottom of you Boots" The other doctor said snappishly"

"You Just wait! I'm going to the General About this!" Burns said angrily as he turned towards the door "Ill See you Court-martialed!"

"And Which General were you going to go to Doctor?" General Smith asked from the Doorway.

"General!" Burns suddenly snapped to attention "Doctor Potter here took over my operation! AND he Insists on this... SLAVE stay in here instead of in the Slave Wards! Its sickening to have this slave be treated as an equal to everyone else!" he looked to Izer with a glare of disgust and pure disdain.

"Burns, I gave the order for him to be in here" Smith said calmly

"And if I hadn't taken over, he probably would have died of Malpractice" Doctor Potter said with a chuckle

"And what's your point? The little rat is only good for this experiment, who cares if he dies there will always be more"

"BUTTON IT!" Smith boomed angrily "This Disregard of life is Exactly why your not head Doctor, In fact Many people here think your Jack the Ripper in Disguise!" Doctor Burns gave a huff and stormed out nearly running into a nurse.

By this point Izer pretended to be asleep, keeping his eyes closed and listening in to the conversation.

"That Burns, One day he will make a mistake on someone who isn't a Slave and I hope its not me" Smith said with a sigh, he turned to stand over Izer, a soft smile on his face "I'm Glad to see your awake at last" Izer's belly under the blanket flashed to a bright blue, and he couldn't stop the smile spread on his face.

"How did you know?" he asked opening his eyes slowly, the light a bit sharp to his eyes. He couldn't help notice that there was some technical looking readouts in his vision, but it was completely see-through.

"You think I wouldn't notice your breathing had changed when I walked into the room? I've been coming in here every day since your operation"

"Good try tho" Doctor Potter pipped up "You need to be damn good to fool a General"

"How long was I out?" Izer asked trying to sit up, now aware of weight on the stumps of his arms.

"Four days" Doctor potter answered helping him sit and pointed to the ends of his arms "We needed to make sure there was no rejection, Thankfully there hasn't been" Izer nodded

"What's with this stuff In my eyes?" he asked unable to get rid of it regardless of what he did, shaking his head a bit causing the room to spin slightly

"Ah, That's the Heads Up Display, Or HUD for your arms. Ill explain more in a little bit, you should go to the toilet and have some food first, ill go get the other parts" Izer nodded and a nurse brought in a tray of food.

Twenty minutes later the doctor returned with a trolley that had a cloth over it, Izer had had the nurse help him shower and dress by this point and General Smith had left shortly before the shower.

"Ok Izer" Doctor Potter said "Well start with the HUD"

"Ok..." Izer said slowly now trying to pay attention to it.

"Ok now, The HUD is an extremely important part of the implants. Its actually generated as Data in your arms" he poked at the arm stumps "The data is fed through your nerves and into your brain as visual data. Once there your brain will think its seeing more from your eyes than you actually are, hence why it is mostly transparent. The HUD shows you the current power level of your lower arms, their on or off status, damage, location in relation to you and so on" Izer nodded able to focus on each thing and as he concentrated on them they enlarged out and shrank back as he concentrated from one to the next. The doctor also 'pointed' them out as he spoke, waveing his arms in the directions they were in his vision.

"How Come it says 'no location available'?"

"Ah, Well if you'll go to your On, Off selection, and select on, it will change that" He said with a smile and moved to the cart "The arms cant give a location if the arms are turned off"

"But what if the power supply runs out?"

"In that case, there is a secondary battery backup that simply runs the proximity detectors, It will run for up to five days once the main power runs out" Izer nodded selecting the 'ON' in the HUD, and the detector changed to show an Arrow pointing to the trolley.

"And here they are" Potter pulled the sheet off, the arms looking exactly identical to the ones he had lost.

"Oh my God They look..."

"To call them to you, Just act like they were normal, if you catch my drift" Izer nodded, looking at them they quickly shot off the Trolley and to his sides. He held them up in front of his face. Marvelling at how exacting they seemed to his original hands and arms.

"These are truly unique. They get their energy from the magnetic field that holds them in place, so as long as you don't have lead plates between you and them, they should never run out of power. They have tactile sensitivity, acting like real nerves, so they can feel Heat, and textures with millimetre precision"

"I...I can feel!?" Izer asked quickly rubbing his face, able to feel every scale while Potter nodded and reached forward for one, gently holding it he turned it upside down and pushed against the underside, it giving a soft click and opening the arms giving the feed back of exactly how much pressure was used.

"Inside of both is a Cavity, In your left is your new medication, to be taken as often as possible, in the Right is the device to take it with" Izer nodded quickly looking to find a bottle of fluid in one, and strange device in the other.

"What is it?"

"Its a Vaporiser" he said with a smile "They are usually used for people who are trying to quit smoking, but in your case it will be for your medication. The anti rejection drugs used for this operation, and the pain killers you'll need to take work best when they get into the blood stream quickly, and the Lungs is one of the fastest ways possible" Izer nodded and watched Potter set it up for him.

"H..How long till I can go back to the Barracks?" Izer asked taking it from the Doctor and giving it a test, taking a long inhale and breathing out a breath of vapour. It had a slight medicinal taste to it, but there was the overwhelming taste of oranges.

"Well if your that eager, tonight. There isn't much reason to keep you here. But remember, any problems, ANY at all, Come see me Immediately." Izer nodded and stood up and Saluted

"Sir, Yes Sir!" he smiled getting a smile back

"Looking Good Cadet" he said and grabbed the trolley and started walking out.

Izer was a little surprised that he had been released so soon after the operation. He guessed it was due to being a slave, and that slaves were usually given the barest of care before being sent back to work and possibly due to having been there for so long they worked out any problems that may have arisen. He wasn't complaining of course, a few puffs on the new device and he felt little discomfort from his new appendages. He dressed himself in his new clean uniform, he had been given a sleeveless top as they were unsure of any side effects with material in in the way. He pulled on his pants and his leather ankle guards. Checking in the mirror to make sure that everything was right, he found he had an easier time doing up the tail button as his arms could reach it better than before. He grabbed his hat before walking out and walking the long walk across the compound to his barracks. When he got there he found a note on his bed signed by Tanya with today's date that they were out at the obstacle course and that they had left only a few hours prior. That was good news, they would be there for the rest of the day, and it was only about thirty minutes away. He changed into his replacement coveralls that also had no sleeves. He was again surprised he had all new gear, he'd expected them to just stitch up and alter the old gear and give it back, but this was so new the tags weren't even faded. He grabbed his utility belt and headed out towards the course, giving a soft murr as the sun warmed him.

"Well, well, well Look who it is!" Lisa called looking up at the Lizard walking towards them.

"Oh my God IZER!" Jess squealed and ran towards him giving him a hug so tight he thought she was going to break his ribs.

"Hey guys, Out for some exercise?" he smiled and semi wheezed hugging back

"Yeah, we've been waiting for you to get out for a while now" Tanya said walking over and gave him a tap on the muzzle "Nice arms By the way, Ready to see how well they work?" Izer nodded smiling and offered Tanya a hug as well.

"I Sure am" he said as she hugged him "I brought my Utility belt in case we need some patching up"

"With our luck we may need it" Lisa said with a chuckle "But anyway, Lets get to work!"

Izers Life 7: Army Slave 4

The obstacle Course was gruelling as usual. It was redesigned monthly which made it impossible to memorise. The walls could be higher, or mud-pits deeper. Izer went through all of it with a smile on his face, racing over the walls with new ease as his...

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Izer's Life 5: Army Life 2 revised

The tilt-rotor landed close by and Medics piled out and ran over to the Stricken Lizard. Jess, Tanya, Lisa and one of the guys from the other group, Cadet Sebastian, had stemmed his bleeding. The rest of the guys had fled quickly before the tilt-rotor...

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Izer's Life 4: Army Life 1 revised

The Jeep ride was uncomfortable, and Izer kept getting his tail crushed by the seat he was sitting on. Pulling up to the Military base Izer was pushed out roughly landing face first in the mud on the side of the road. He groaned and got up scraping...

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