The Dream that came true

Story by Sisuke on SoFurry

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It was on a Friday night when it happened when his dream was made real but I'll tell you that later. Chris was in his room reading a book two weeks before it happened. His room was about medium size with a king size bed in the northeast corner of the room, a closet to the left of his bed, a dresser at the back wall, his computer next to his dresser, Dragon posters all over his room, and he had several swords hanging on his wall. Chris was stretched out on his bed reading a book about dragons. When ever he didn't have a book to read or was just plane bored he would go on his computer, talk to his friends and/or Role Played. (RP) When ever he RPed he was always human and his friends were always Dragons. Chris loved that his friends always played as Dragons when ever they RPed it was always interesting. Ever since age six he has had a love for Dragons he could never get enough of them. He had many cool Dragon pictures saved on to his computer.

Well one day while he was RPing with one of his good friends known as The Red Dragon (TRD) asked. "Hey Sisuke ever heard of yiff?" Sisuke was Chris's S/N that's all they knew him by. Chris replied, "No never heard of it. What is it?" TRD replied, "Hmmm its kind of hard to explain it'd be easier if I were to just show you." With that TRD sent Chris a link that took him directly to the scalies page on foxxfire's website. When Chris saw what was on that page he freaked out and quickly closed the page and wrote to TRD "What the fuck man! There's no way in hell that I'd ever like that shit!" though even as he wrote that he knew deep down that he actually liked it he just didn't want to admit it. TRD replied, "Sorry man since I know you liked dragons a lot I though maybe you would like that kind of stuff." Chris sighs, "I'm sorry I got mad I was just so shocked seeing that kind of stuff." A few days later Chris was RPing with one of his best friends Nakita-Kitagawa Also known as NakDragon or Na-Chan. Chris writes 'Dude Na-Chan ever heard of yiff?" She replies, "Yep it's some good stuff. Why are you asking? Do you like it or something?" Chris was silent for a bit then he replies, "Yeah.... I do..." Nakita replies, "*Giggles* Hey man don't be embarrassed about liking yiff. There are a lot of people that do." Chris smiles looking at what she wrote and replies, "Thanks Nakita." She replies, "Its what friends do."

That night Chris went back to foxxfire and started to look through the scalies section looking at every picture enjoying it greatly his favorite ones were the M/M ones he usually imagined it was him in the picture getting fucked or sucking. Later that night TRD signed on to AIM so Chris IM'd him. "Hey Red...well I realized I do like yiff so I went back to foxxfire..." TRD replied, "*smiles Brightly* Got you aroused didn't it?" Chris replies, "Yeah...I mostly liked the M/M ones they're my favorite." So every day Chris stay up late on his computer talking, RPing, and looking at yiff.

One of his favorite sites to go to was yiffstar Chris would read story after story and would imagine himself in the place of who ever the Dragon was fucking or who ever was sucking the Dragon off. Every night before he went to bed he would pray that some how some way that a dragon would come for him and have its way with him. Chris learned early on that if he were to meet a dragon he would love for it to just force him to the ground and have its way with him cause he was a submissive.

After every prayer he did he would wait to see if anything would happen and nothing ever did so he would just sit there and stroke himself sighing wishing that a Dragon would some how appear and give him the ride of his life just thinking about that usually sent him over the edge. The about a week after he started praying for a Dragon to come to him. It was on a Friday night something happened. It started out like any old Friday he went to school came home did his home work went on his computer, played Adventure quest, then did his home work, watched a little T.V then when he was done with that he went to his room to RP and look at yiff. Well as he was RPing and looking at yiff he heard a tap on his window. Chris looked out to see who or what did it but all he saw was the tree so he just went back on to his computer. A few minutes later there was a tap again he went to see what it was again this time though he saw a shadowy figure standing by the tree wearing a dark cloak covering it's whole body.

Chris nearly pissed his pants when he saw that the figure was now walking forward. Chris backed up against the wall freaking out wanting to call his dad but no sound would come out. The figure walked up to the window and opened it but didn't come in side. "Wh-who is you? Wha-what do you want with me?" Chris said shakily still scared. The cloaked figure held his hand out and said, "Do not be afraid Sisuke I'm not here to harm you." Chris looked at the cloaked figure dumbfounded "H-how do you know that name? Only my online friends know that name." Chris said still scared. The figure then said, "Many know that name. Now if you come with me." He chuckles lightly. "I'll make all your dreams come true." Chris stares at the figure wondering if he should trust it. Chris then stood and walked to the window feeling for some odd reason he could trust this caped figure as he climbed out the window the figure begin to walk into the darkness of the night with Chris following. "Um excuse me uuh sir. Where are we going?" The figure never turned around to answer, "Were going to meet a friend of mine. After that were going to a secret place."

Chris thought to him self. "A friend? A secret place?" He continued to follow the cloaked stranger into the darkness. They walked for a good thirty minutes till they came to a large clearing in the middle of the woods where another cloaked figure sat on a stump. "That your friend?" Chris asked. The Cloaked person nodded as the other figure started to walk towards them. "So this is he?" The other figure asked? The figure that brought Chris nodded. "So why have you brought me here? You said you'd make my dreams come true." Chris said. The two figures chuckled lightly and threw their cloaks off revealing that they were not people but two navy blue anthro dragons about 6 feet in height. Chris stood there in awe. "Impossible! You two are Dragons!" The two dragons smiled. "My names Toma." Said the one who brought him here. "I'm Gogashi," Said the one that met them here. Chris smiles. "And my real names Chris." Chris said.

Chris stood there not believing how truly lucky he is. Gogashi waved a hand signaling for Chris to come into the middle of the clearing with him and Toma. "So how are we going to do this?" Chris asked. Both Gogashi and Toma grinned as Gogashi shoved Chris onto all fours and started to rub his now swelling sheath in front of Chris's face. Toma moved behind Chris and was also rubbing him self. Chris watched as Gogashi's cock started to slide out and stopping at a length of 15 in. Gogashi put his cock to Chris's lips and Toma put his hard member up to Chris's ass smiling. "Now just relax Chris I'm not going to lie this will hurt so just try and bear it." Toma said, "Don't worry Chris just suck on my cock and it won't feel as painful," Gogashi said as he moved his cock into Chris's mouth. Chris sucked on Gogashi's cock liking how it tasted. Toma then began to push his hard member into Chris's virgin cheeks growling at the tightness of it. "God Chris you're so tight!" Toma said as he had half his length in Chris's ass. Chris grunted around Gogashi's cock as he slide more of it in. "Shhh... just relax and suck on my cock." Gogashi said. Chris tried to relax and focus his mind on sucking on Gogashi's cock but he could still feel the pain stabbing his ass. The pain nearly dissipated as Toma hilted into him. "Ooooh yeah...that feels good" Toma pulled out till only his tip was in then slowly pushed back in starting a slow rhythm.

Chris moaned in pain around Gogashi's cock but soon the pain turned to pleasure as Toma continued to move in and out of his ass. Chris started to concentrate more on making it pleasurable for Gogashi so he sucked harder his tongue working a sweet spot as he bobbed his head letting his teeth lightly graze Gogashi's soft member. "Ooooh yeah mmm you got talent Chris..." Chris smiled around his cock his own cock started to hurt begging for attention. Apparently Toma noticed this as he wrapped a claw around Chris's throbbing member and began to lightly stroke it. Chris moaned around Gogashi's cock as Toma continued to fuck and stroke him off.

It was just to much for Chris to handle he blew his load all over the clearing floor as Gogashi started to buck gently in his mouth his climax starting to rise as Toma fucked harder and faster his own climax rising. "Oh god Chris your so tight and wonderful!" Toma said in complete bliss as he went even faster into Chris's ass. Chris was loving every second of this he was in pure bliss as he could feel the veins of the Gogashi's cock in his mouth and the pulsing of Toma's cock in his ass. Gogashi was holding back his climax as best he could so it would be big when he blew. Chris tightened his ass muscles for Toma as Toma went harder to get in and out of his ass. "I'm g-going to...cum." Toma roared out loudly as he shot his hot sticky seed into Chris's tight ass. Hearing Toma roar out in ecstasy Gogashi roared out to sending his hot sweet seed into Chris's mouth who swallowed it greedily. They all sat there and panted in the after glow.

After what felt like an eternity Toma and Gogashi pulled out. "So how was that Chris?" Toma asked. Chris smiled "It was wonderful truly amazing." He replied. "So what is this secret place that you wanted to show me?" Chris asked. Toma and Gogashi chuckled and motioned Chris to follow and he did. They walked for about ten minutes and they came to a large bush, which Toma pulled apart. "Here we are Chris! This is where all the dragons live!" Chris walked in and saw a dragon who looked vaguely familiar. It was blue and purple it came up to him sniffed then suddenly gave him a big hug. "CHRIS!!!" It said loudly. Chris smiled and said. "Hey Na-Chan what up?" Nakita smiled brightly. "Just chasing Shadow around!" With that she bounded away after Shadow. Chris smiled and raced after Nakita thinking to him self. "Finally some where I can fit in."