*PDS* TMNT Splinter and Irma - Pool Party For Two -2012

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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#7 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Story description for https://www.sofurry.com/view/793005

Irma takes Splinter to her bosses penthouse suite and shows it off. Since he's away, she invites him to join her in the pool. Things get hot from there and even hotter once they get to the hot tub.

Splinter and Irma - Pool Party For Two by tannim November 24, 2012

Irma unlocked the door and shoved it open dramatically. "Here we are, Mr. Splinter. I told you there was a pool."

"There is no need for Mr. or Master, Irma. You may simply call me, Splinter." Splinter looked past at the luxurious pool with diving board under the open sky. "I didn't realize he was so well off. This looks quite expensive."

"Oh he's plenty well off." Irma happily jangled the keys. "Plenty well off on vacation for two weeks. He didn't really SAY I could use the pool, but I am supposed to babysit the condo for him so I just included this with that job. Have to test the water after all." She turned to the large mature rat. "I'm glad you agreed to come."

"You are welcome. It is good to have somewhere to go outside of the sewer." He stiffened when Irma leaned in to kiss him, then smiled gently. "And to have somebody to be outside with."

"It's good to have a boyfriend who doesn't laugh at everything you do too." The woman turned her back to him before tugging her shirt off. "Could you undo my bra?"

It was strange for Splinter. He'd never had to work the hooks of a bra or decide which bathing suit looked good on a woman. He'd never been asked to go swimming with a woman either. It was enjoyable having somebody who was not family to be with. Especially when she enjoyed showing off for him.

Irma held her bikini top out to him without turning around once her bra was off. He had to grope around to feel where to fit the cups. She loved how soft his touch was and especially how soft his fur was brushing against her bare skin. He enjoyed touching her as much as she liked being touched, judging by the bulge in his robe.

"There, now how about helping me into my bottom?" She held out the flimsy panty like portion of her suit. "Then I can help you into yours."

Irma tugged at her pants, but only to pull them down until the top of her pubic mound was visible. She just lifted her hands away after that and waited. Splinter hesitated only a moment before slipping his thumbs in and pulling down. His date wasn't wearing anything under them.

When he had them to her ankles, Irma dropped the bit of her suit on his muzzle. He pulled it off and she lifted one leg, then the other to let him slide it on. The old rat took his time sliding it up her legs. She was giving him a good view of her pretty vulva and he wanted to enjoy it.

Her nether lips were a bit darker than the rest of her skin under her thin pubic fuzz. She was already aroused, he could smell that even if he didn't see it. Irma was quite a lovely woman wearing just a top. He tugged her bottom up fully. She was lovely fully clothed, too.

"Alright. My turn, Mas... Splinter." Irma giggled. "Sorry, habit. Come on, stand up, I want to do it the same way."

Irma tugged her furry friend to his feet, then tugged on the sash holding his robe closed. The knot came loose and the front slid apart revealing his well toned chest, belly, and his bare groin down lower. Splinter's stiff rat dick stood out proudly above his hefty scrotum. She couldn't resist giving the pair a stroke just to feel the tufts of fur running along the middle of his pouch.

Splinter dug the thong he'd chosen out of his robe pocket and dropped it on her as she had done for him. The human woman laughed happily and gave his right inner thigh a fond pat before picking pulling them off her hair. She stepped back to take in a good view of him standing with his robe open for a few seconds before finally crouching down.

"Foot up, Splinty." His wince made her face flush red. "Not a good nickname, is it? Ok,I'll stick with Splinter... Foot up, Splinter."

"What about my robe?"

Irma hesitated. "I... er... it just looks so sexy like that. I really like you in it with so much covered and so much exposed. Oh..." She dug her camera out of her purse and moved back again. "I'll just take a few pictures first, how about that? Then you can lose the robe. Could you smile a little less. Try just a confident expression... good!"

So much work to go swimming, Splinter thought, but so very exciting. He stood still while she took the initial pictures, but he couldn't resist at least shifting to a more active position after the fourth. If she wanted to see him, he may as well give her something to see.

Splinter pulled the robe closed a little more, then let go so the sides spread a bit wider than before. For a bit more fun he suddenly crouched down so that the tufts of pubic fur on the bottom of his balls brushed the floor. He splayed his legs wide apart at the same time, which spread the bottom of his robe wide open around him. Irma looking away from the camera, then right back to it to take a few pictures told him she liked the view.

"Wow, I have got to get you to do more posing like that, Splinter!" The woman put the camera down and held up his light blue thong. "But... I think I need to get you into this before I lose my mind."

He stood up for her with arms spread. "And will wearing that really hide anything?"

"YES!" Irma walked around him to tug his robe off one arm from the back, then the other. "It'll hide just enough to make you sexy. My dad used to say anybody can be naked, you have to hide something to be sexy. Of course he didn't know I was listening at the time. Foot up, please."

Splinter thought the saying could use some work, but it was wise enough. He wasn't surprised when she took her time pulling it up along his furry masculine legs as he had her smooth feminine ones. He wasn't surprised at the way his thong didn't hide much of anything so much as condense it all into a single bulge with bits of his nuts sticking out the narrow strap running between his legs.

"There, you look sexy now." Irma walked around him, enjoying the way it dug into the rat's muscular rump, then tweaked his right ear. "Come on, let's go swimming."

Splinter didn't dip a toe in. He simply dove in. Irma dove in a few feet away a moment later. Their entry bubbles obscured everything, but soon they saw each other under the water. Irma looked a lot different.

Her hair floated around her head in a wild mess. He hadn't even noticed her take the band off that held it up! She looked a bit silly with it like that, but no less lovely. His own short fur stayed more or less the same. When she swam along side him, Splinter brushed her wild hair aside and took her hand.

Both stayed under for as long as they could until Irma pushed up. He followed and broke the water just in time to receive a playful splash. She hit the water again with her other hand to give him another. Splinter shielded his eyes with one hand and retaliated with the other to give a splash of his own. Such games were a lot more fun with a lady friend than with his sons.

They spent close to an hour in the water, Swimming, splashing, and diving. Irma found it great fun to catch him by the tail, he found it great fun to tickle her with his feet or hands until she let go. Being under water gave a lot of good excuses to touch each other. Whether to push past, to brush against, or even shove away or pull against, they both took liberties fondling each other. The underwater kissing was Irma's favorite, though, and she stole many kisses during their time together in the water.

By the time the afternoon was fading, Splinter and Irma both were tired. Irma pulled out a pool float and climbed aboard. She tried to help him up too, but it was too small for two.

"Sorry, Splinter, looks like it's a one person float."

Her older friend swam to the ladder out. "I will see if there is another. You should just relax and enjoy it. I know I will enjoy watching you do so."

"Hehe, not as much as I'm enjoying watching you climb that ladder. I never noticed how your tail swings before. It shows off your ass really well!"

Splinter smiled and glanced back at her, but didn't stop on his way to the pool's storage closet. There was nothing he wanted to sun himself on it it, just a few old battered floats. The diving board drew his attention on the way back. It would work just as well and even keep his arms and legs out of the water. It wouldn't be quite as comfortable, but... it would make up for that with the higher view of Irma floating nearby.

She had tugged her top off once he'd wandered off. Her breasts were smaller than April's, but pleasant handfulls still. He admired them and her legs on his way up the short diving board ladder. Splinter really hoped they could spend another intimate night together after the pool.

As he lay back on the diving board, he found himself thinking about nothing else. Her body had felt wonderful just a few days before. His first real woman that he could remember had been exactly what he'd needed. After that teasing earlier, he really needed her again!

He he let a hand drift down to his groin while basking in the sun. The thong was too tight to really rub. A quick tug down to his ankles took care of that, though and he wrapped his fingers around his pulsing erection for some relief. It wouldn't take long at all with such inspiration.

No. The rat sighed and rolled over onto his belly after a few strokes, however. He should wait for Irma instead of doing it himself once again. Thankfully she'd dozed off and hadn't seen.

"Oh... Sssplinter..."

Splinter's ears perked up and he stared over at her. Her eyes were still closed, but she was squirming on her float. Talking in her sleep? Yes, and getting off in her sleep too by her thighs squeezing together. Splinter found his own thighs clenching too. He couldn't stop himself from humping against the diving board. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give in just a little.

The old rat's erection ground against the non-slip surface and he was glad to find it rubbery rather than just rough. It wasn't nearly as good as his hand or, especially, Irma's moist vagina, but it was enough. After the first few thrusts nearly shook him off the board, he wrapped his legs tightly around the diving board for better stability. His arms and hands followed until only his arching back and pelvis were moving to pleasure himself.

Irma thrust her hips up as though meeting his cock in her dream and Splinter thrust down as though he really were driving it in. The board bounced a little at first with his efforts, but as he sped up, so did the flexible platform. Soon it was flexing up and down enough that the metal holding it in place creaked. It wasn't too loud, but it was enough.

His lady friend opened her eyes and he greeted her with a lovely view of his thong around his ankles, ass in the air, balls and diving board swaying as he steadily humped it. Splinter opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't think of anything to say that would explain his position. Irma's smile said he didn't have to.

"Ready to go in, Splinter?"

"I think... I am." He wasn't sure what he meant as he kept grinding against the board. She just watched him do it as he thought desperately for something to say. "Did you, er, sleep well?"

"I just dozed off, silly. It did let me wake up to a lovely sight though." Irma finally paddled to the edge of the pool and climbed out. "You look really sexy doing that."

Splinter forced himself to stop and felt his cheeks flush like any young boy receiving a compliment about his body. "Thank you."

His still stiff member stood out in front of him as he climbed down and hurried over to her and their clothes. It was reddened a bit from dry humping the diving board but his thoughts were more on what to do with it rather than what it looked like. The rat's lust demanded attention and he wished he knew how to get it. He looked around desperately for inspiration.

"What is that, Irma?" Splinter pointed to the low rounded platform as he held his robe.

"Huh? Oh. That? It's just the hot tub. They feel great when you're all sore and stiff."

Splinter set the robe back down and ran his fingers down her back. "We used the big pool, why not try the little one for a while too? I'm feeling a bit stiff and... would like to feel great... with you."

Irma let her hand drift back to her friend's erection. "Oh, You! Hee... Let's do it!"

The water wasn't exactly hot when they got to it, but it was warm in the afternoon sunlight when they stepped in. A couple minutes of charging, both the tub itself as well as Splinter and Irma kissing and cupping, everything was steaming hot and ready. They both wanted it to happen and Irma's body was as hot for him as he was for her.

"Put it in me, ratty!"

Splinter ignored the name and pulled her down with him into the bubbling water. She felt his cock tip press against her vaginal lips and immediately thrust herself down harder to pop him through. He pressed his muzzle between her breasts and held her tight for the first few seconds after entry. Savoring with self control rather than going wild was good, but when Irma licked his large ear, he decided that was enough discipline and went to it.

Water churned around them both with his hips thrusting in. She pushed right back down on him in return. Her hands explored his masculine chest, he kissed and cuddled her neck and breasts. There was plenty of both to go around.

Splinter's breathing was rapid and shallow as he pumped away. He'd been aroused for a long time. After the earlier self pleasure, he was closer than he'd have liked, especially since Irma's vaginal walls squeezing around his rathood felt so much better than the diving board. The rat settled deeper in the tub to slow down his movements, it helped a little and scattered bubbles more fully around them.

"I missed being with you, Splinter..." Irma took a deep breath after her moan. "It's been too long since last week!"

"I... agree..." Splinter kissed her neck. "Life can be lonely."

"You... You're slowing down!"

"Sorry. Too close." He panted hard, then looked up when she lifted his chin with a finger.

"If you finish too soon we can do it again if you like." Irma kissed his nose, then his lips. "I won't mind being with you longer."

Splinter let himself lay back in the water. He looked relieved and stared up at her. It was funny, he only just noticed she'd put her scrunchy back and tied her hair back into the usual knot. He let a lazy smile drift across his face before grabbing her hips to thrust rapidly again. So close!

His tail lashed about in the water along with his and Irma's feet. Water sloshed out of the tub where they splashed too hard. Every thrust sent another wild wave out around them. Every thrust Irma's breasts jiggled above and his ears and whiskers bounced below. She set her hands on his shoulders, he dug his fingers into her hips. He could feel himself losing control as the bliss of orgasm hit.

His muzzle opened wide, his eyes clenched, he couldn't help but call her name. She stared down at him, grunting and feeling his cock pulse inside her cunt. The rat's hips thrust with wild abandon as he filled her, unwittingly hitting her special places just right in his pleasure. Irma clenched down hard in time to his release and before he'd even finished cumming, she threw her own head back and called out to him as well.

Splinter slumped back as his need eased. He watched Irma coming down through his own orgasmic haze and took a slow deep breath. She sagged forward against him, finally, and they smiled at each other, still intimately joined. Neither wanted to pull away and the old rat's shaft didn't diminish inside.

Irma let him cup her breast and traced his ear with a finger. "Was it too fast for you?" Her voice was husky from arousal. "Maybe we should we try again to be sure."