New Home Chapter 1 :New Love

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of New Home

New Home : Chapter 1 : New Love

Characters: Wolf, and Max Michael .B ( Max The Wolf < Yiffstar & LT_Max_W_Charger < FA)

Star, Tamu, and Angel Angelwolf602 (Yahoo messenger)

Disclaimer is as It is once more....this story may contain some mature content so do not view if you are under 18 or 21 depending on where you live. This is also a story I am doing for my good friend Angel...I do have to thank him because he is the one who helped me get back into writing once lets get onto the story shall we? Enjoy. And also comments are welcome.

From 2-27-09 to 3-2-09 Edited 4-24-2009 (Fixed spacer errors...replaced one word...)


Intro song

Look up the song ( A Million Miles Away - The Offspring ) because I don't have the song lyrics typed down just yet....sorry.


The sun was just setting into its final resting place in the west sky leaving the world in a beautiful blanket of oranges, reds and gold with darkness quickly fallowing behind it. The streets were still full of people, traveling from work and to anywhere they wished to go at that time...a kid stood silently near the park looking at the entrance contently, he was dressed in baggy blue jeans, a lose fitting white T-shirt but also what set him apart from all the others around him was the Indian made choker and bracelet on him both fitted with a wolfs head made of bone on them.

"Well...I guess this might be easier than last time...I just hope it won't turn out into a battle again...."

He sighed deeply as he ran his fingers through his medium length blonde hair before he started on his way into the park...the lush green grass giving off a delightful smell around him as he walked, some of the small animals scurried on among the trees and bushes getting ready to settle down for the night just as some were just waking up to start there day.

Soon a snap came from behind causing him to spin around in mid step looking out at the trees behind him carefully soon seeing nothing he returned to his short trip to the other side of the park but soon it became longer than expected as a voice called out from beside him

"Where you think you're going know we hate you wolf lovers on our turf...and I thought we made that clear to you last time.".

He stopped walking and sighed slightly and turned around looking to the one who spoke, looking into the eyes of the gang leader who ran the park, he was tall....maybe six foot he was also skinny to the point it didn't make him look like a major threat.

"Well what do you have to say for yourself Wolfie Boy.? You know you'll have to pay this time." the gang leader smirked slightly as the rest of the members joined in making a circle around him.

"My names Michael...but if you have to call me by a can use Wolf. Now I don't want no trouble with you John so just back off and leave me alone...don't you have a date at the Police Department...or the morgue you jackass." Wolf smirked slightly as he crossed his arms, knowing deep down he was going to regret what he just said but it was too late to take it back now just as a punch from one of the gang members hit him right in the stomach making him double over falling to his knees as John walked up slowly.

"You do know I don't like being insulted by trash like you Wolfie Boy...maybe its time we put you down like the mutts you love so much."...and with that John delivered a hard kick into the side of Wolfs head sending him rolling to the ground sprawled out on the ground as the rest moved in to attack him when he was in his dazed and nearly unconscious state.

"Maybe you all should pick on someone your own size eh?"

A deep voice came from around them all before something hard lashed out downing the gang in one single blow! Wolf looked up at the sky, his vision swimming in and out of focus before he saw a dark shadow standing over him and what looked like a pare of wings spread out wide behind the figure...its face holding something that looked more wolf than human before it spoke softly " are safe now...", soon after the words were spoken Wolf passed out fully.

It felt like years had passed him by slowly as he slowly started to come back to his senses, his head throbbing viscously, but was soon eased by the feeling of something cold and wet upon his forehead fallowed by a soft soothing voice, defiantly female.

"'ll be okay..."

The words fluttered to his ears like a breeze on a summers day calming him fully as he sighed softly slowly opening his eyes looking up at the sky through a small round open hole in the top of what looked like to be a grass hut.

"Uh...My head..." he reached up to his head finding a bandage wrapped neatly on his head before something soft graced the top of his hand making him look to what had touched him only to find a blood red furred arm. Slowly fallowing the arm up to the face of a beautiful she-wolf, her fur just as red as the fur on her arm, her eyes a soft blue and a pare of blood red wings upon her back...she then smiled softly showing her ivory fangs.

"You have a pretty nasty cut on your shouldn't become infected with the aid of the herbal leaves I applied to the bandage." spoke the She-Wolf.

Wolf looked at her silently before he closed his eyes relaxing "Who are you?" he once more opened his eyes to look at her.

She blushed slightly "Ah where are my manners...Its just been so long since the last time we have ever seen another human around, my names Star." she then stood up and moved to fetch a gourd off the wall of the hut moving back over to him. "You must be is some water." the smile never leaving her muzzle as she helped him sit up carefully to drink.

Wolf slowly leaned back in her arms once he had his fill he then looked at her carefully "A Blood-wolf...". this got him a surprised look from Star before she tilted her head with a puzzled look.

"How did you know?".

Wolf smiled softly closing his eyes slowly "I have a obsession with wolves...I do a lot of reading and studying. Wolves are my number one obsession and love.".

Star giggled softly as she stroked his cheek with her paw, her paw-pads soft to the touch as she leaned close "Seams there is more to you than what I thought.".

(Two hours later)

Wolf was sitting up on the bed that was nothing more than a grass mat on the ground...he slowly looked around the small hut taking in his surroundings noticing a small fire pit in the center and also herbs of different kinds along the walls and in small glass jars "So...when do I get to have the lovely lady give me a look around the town?" he smiled softly watching Star turn around from a shelf on one side of the hut and smile.

"Well are you feeling up to strength to walk around?" she moved over kneeling down in front of him looking deep into his eyes finding them to be the most beautiful hazel she ever seen. Smiling softly while trying to hide a blush he gave a nod slowly moving to get up with a bit of her help...soon being cradled in her arms to help him regain his balance as his strength slowly built up in him, he then gave a soft smirk.

"And Rich...I pick what's behind door number one." he pointed slightly as the only doorway in the hut which was nothing more than a deer pelt.

Star smiled softly He's quite cute...I wonder if I can keep him.' she giggled to herself as she guided him out and into the middle of the village. Wolf looked around slowly as it reminded him of something from the old Tarzan movies he used to watch with his Adopted father for so many years. The area was small with vast amounts of small grass huts all over with one large fire pit in the center of the grounds. Off to the side was a large hut that easily dwarfed the others.

She murred softly into his ear while she guided him along to the larger hut "We're going to go see the God/Goddess of the village...she decides who shall stay and who shall must seek her blessing to stay.".

Wolf just gave a slight nod as he looked around once more, other wolves standing up to look at him silently...some young and some just no more than pups. "I take it that there somewhat shocked to see me hmm?" he glanced back to her as she gave a nod.

"As I're the first human to be seen in years...".

Upon reaching the hut both of them heard two voices inside speaking, Star softly stroked his shoulders as she held him steady with her soft wings while the voices moved between the two inside.

"Was he allowed to be shown the way here? You know I have done so much to protect my people love..." spoke a feminine voice before a males voice spoke up in protest.

"It was this or let him surely die...I know you have watched out for your people and so have know I would never bring harm to our home...".

Star sighed softly before calling out to the ones in the hut "He's awake.".

That alone caught the twos attention inside the large hut before a snow white she-wolf stepped out through the door looking at her while spreading her white wings out wide while stepping close to the two of them her eyes a beautiful Emerald Green along with her hair "I am Angel...the leader of these people and there God/Goddess...".

Wolf looked at her silently before something hit him like a hornets sting between the eyes...this beautiful she-wolf didn't have a single stitch of clothing on her what so ever! Upon looking around a bit more he noticed now that no one had any clothing, not even Star.

He then looked back to Angel slowly tilting his head searching for the words he needed but his brain was so fried, he didn't know if it was from major blood loss or pure shock till he then blurted out one word "Hi!".

Angel slowly shook her head softly and moved closer, a red gem nestled between her ample breasts glowing slowly through her fur as it gave a spark across her mounds in a display of her power as two more wings sprouted out behind her, smaller than her main pair but still slightly large. Star flinched slightly as she bowed down respectfully to there leader not from fear of the power but just more of respect as Angel spoke once more "I will allow you to stay can live peacefully here and mate even...but if you bring harm to my people I will make you suffer terribly.".

Wolf gave a soft nod looking at her before giving the best bow of respect he could in his current state without passing out from dizziness "I would never bring harm to these people...not after such care I have gotten from this beautiful she-wolf that has guided me to you.".

Those words made Angel smile as she let her powers fade and return to her normal self while she stepped up to him placing her paw upon his head before removing it slowly once more leaving a small puppy paw print on his head with wings "You are now under my protection for as long as you live here young one.".

Wolf stood up fully with a smile "You won't regret it.". Just then another figure moved out from the hut behind Angel, his form just a bit taller than her with his fur a deep gray and black, his body heavy toned but unlike the rest he was clothed in blue jeans, white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. His eyes held a deep power behind the golden pools that they were and folded upon his back was a pare of jet black wings with blood red tips that just barely touched the ground.

"I see you are doing are lucky I was around when you happened to have that bit of a scuffle at the park." the male spoke with somewhat of a deep voice.

Angel smiled moving to stand beside him. "This is my mate... Max.." Angel spoke up softly while she took his paw in hers holding it tightly.

Wolf gave a soft nod "I do thank you for the help..." he smiled before Star stood up and moved closer to him wrapping her wings around him while looking to Angel.

"May I keep him?" she asked softly her eyes shining brightly with hope.

Angel smiled softly "I think that is up to him Star..."... just then Wolf spoke up slowly.

"Well...judging by the care she has taken to make sure I am fine...I don't see why I can't be hers. She's quite lovely as a matter of fact.". this just made Star blush but it wasn't seen due to her red fur.

Angel giggled softly and nodded "Very well. take him back to your home and treat him well.. I have some matters to attend to at the temple." and with that she walked off with Max fallowing her slowly behind. Star smiled and helped him back to her hut carefully before she sat him down upon the mat and made a fire before she started cooking. Strips of deer meat hung from stone hooks over the burning coals while she idly shucked some ears of corn and laid them on the coals while cutting up some unknown fruit with a small stone knife.

Wolf just watched her silently awed by her true beauty making him truly loss for words Good god...she's so beautiful..' he thought while watching. Star slowly smiled having heard his thoughts about her sent butterflies through her stomach along with a slight shiver up her spine. Soon a young wolf pup walked in to the hut and looked at Wolf silently as Star turned around with a smile.

"This is my son...Tamu...he's a mute but he is able to talk telepathically when he feels like it." she then returned to her cooking as Tamu moved to fetch the small wood bowls from a small box then returning to his mother with them.

Meanwhile Wolf had adjusted himself on the mat unknowing that a small photo fell from his pocket and onto the floor. Tamu though noticed this and lifted the photo up with the will of his own mind looking at it silently and carefully, it was nothing more than a photo of a young woman about the age of thirty, her long red hair flowing nearly past her shoulders with slight curls, she was sitting under a maple tree that was surrounded by flowers of all sorts. Star looked back and noticed the photo "Tamu! Its rude to take things with out permission." she scolded him sternly as she took the photo into her paw, unable to help but look at it before handing it back just as Wolf looked up at her, then to the photo taking it silently and putting it back in his pocket.

"It's okay...." he looked around some "It's my mother...few years before she died." he looked down to the ground slowly before Star handed him a bowl of food.

"I'm sorry...I know what its like to lose some one dear to you." she sighed as she started eating slowly while watching him slightly from the corner of her eye.

Wolf idly ate some of his food before he sat down the bowl "Pardon me." he sighed as he then made his way out of the hut silently. Star was about to fallow him but soon stopped when she felt a paw rest upon her shoulder keeping her from getting up.

"Leave him be Star...let him have his peace." a soft elderly voice spoke softly through the soft wind as Star sighed knowing it was the voice of her own mother as she gave a soft nod.

(Next Morning)

Star was up early leaving Tamu with Angel as she set out to find Wolf, moving along and out of the village and fallowing his scent to the stream where she found him at the waters edge, his shirt resting upon a rock nearby as he silently washed off his arms and face and the back of his neck. Star noticed something upon his arms just near his biceps was two lines cut into his flesh mimicking crosses, both of them dried with blood at-least three days old...she sighed softly and moved up to him just as he finished and picked up his shirt putting it on slowly "Wolf...are you okay?" she asked, her voice full of worry and concern.

Wolf just gave a soft nod as he walked up to her "Yeah I'm okay...sorry about last night...I just felt like being alone at the time.." he sighed before he blinked as he soon found himself in a warm loving embrace from the beautiful she-wolf, but this wasn't a embrace to help him balance or was a loving, caring embrace. Soon he found himself wrapping his arms around her holding her close as he rested his chin on her head, his nose buried between her ears taking in her beautiful scent.

Soon Star looked up to him with a few tears in her eyes "Don't leave me...Please....I want to be loved, held and cared for..." she whined softly just looking at him.

He looked at her carefully before he held her closer, his hands resting upon the small of her back close to the base of her tail as her furry breasts pressed up against his chest through his shirt "I'll never leave you Star....I....I...I love you.". Those words caused her to freeze up, her eyes shining softly with pure love as she held him tightly before she gave him a soft slow kiss...her soft lupine tongue slipping across his lips and softly meeting his, intertwining and wrestling with each other with a pure bliss before both of them leaned back taking much needed air.

"I love you too..." where the only words that she spoke to him.

They staid in there loving embrace for what seamed like hours before she moved back and tugged at his hand "Come...I want to take you somewhere private..." she murred softly as she took him into the woods away from the village and soon coming to a clearing full of wild flowers and lush green grass, the tree tops casting the whole area in a gentle shade. Soon they both found themselves locked in another deep passionate kiss as Star slowly worked with his shirt, slipping her paws up under the fabric and stroking along his chest softly while his hands moved down along her back and to her hips before he gave her rear a firm squeeze extracting a surprised yelp from the blood red she-wolf.

Soon Star stared to pant softly her neathers became wet from excitement as her scent drifted around them oddly emitting the smell of tulips. Slowly she removed his shirt then moved to work on his belt that was nothing more than a black leather with a wolf head buckle while she slowly licked along his chest and nipples causing him to groan softly at the new feeling as she undid his pants letting them fall to his feet. They were both caught up in the moment that caused Wolf to forget entirely about his boots that still remained on his feet...and while he tried to get his pants off he ended up getting hung up, falling backwards and landing upon his back with a solid thud with Star on top of him.

He looked up at her silently then smiled softly "Well...I think next time we should remember the shoes?." he snickered as Star licked along his neck with a murr "I think so." she replied softly in more of a cooing noise before her paw shot down and gripped his already rock solid member stroking it slowly, the feeling of her soft paw-pads making him moan softly having never had this feeling in his life.

He then looked at her stroking along her back looking into her eyes "Go easy on me okay...I'm...heh....a virgin.".

This caught her attention quickly as she licked his chin "Don't worry I will take good care of you my love." and with that she moved down slowly to his shaft taking him slowly into her muzzle sucking on him softly while her tongue danced along the underside of his throbbing meat.

Slowly he leaned his head back groaning softly just letting her do her work...and boy was she skilled, her tongue doing things he never thought possible while she sucked more firmly upon him, slowly rubbing the head of his member along the ridged on the roof of her muzzle causing him to tense up slightly as he let out a gasp, his nails digging into the earth below him causing blades of grass to be caught between his fingers in a death grip. Stars paws moved down to quickly untie his boots and pulling them off along with his pants, flinging them to the side along with his shirt...never once faltering in her pace upon his shaft drawing him closer and closer to the edge till he couldn't contain himself any longer. He let go, flooding her muzzle with his thick seed causing her to gag slightly on the shear volume but she soon recovered and swallowed as much as she could, some of the pearl white seed dripping from the corners of her muzzle as she sat up causing a thin string of cum to hang from her muzzle as she slowly licked at her fangs with a content murr.

"Well I do have to say...its a lot better than I had hoped for... I just hope you have more to give me." she smiled before she was pushed onto her back with him on top of her grinning.

"Oh hun...I got enough for you. I wouldn't deny you what you crave." and with that he moved down licking along her breasts, his tongue matting her fur along her nipples before he gently took them one by one into his mouth and licked softly, then trailed his tongue between her breasts...he soon started kissing his way down to her stomach and around her navel area getting soft moans and giggles from the lovely she-wolf.

His licks and kisses moved lower till he was right over her moist cunny, slowly and most teasingly he leaned closer and gave her a slow, soft lick over her mound causing her whole body to tense up with pleasure. He then buried his tongue inside her warm depths tasting her sweet fluids inside her treasure, finding the taste very much to his liking which only fueled him to keep up his work, licking and nipping softly at her nether lips before he turned his attention to her clit.

Slowly and softly he started his assault on the hard nub, licking in soft slow strokes and small circles before giving a soft nip from time to time...he soon had her on the edge and with one final lick Stars back arched up off the ground with a deep howl as her climax hit her like a tank, her hips thrashing wildly as her honey gushed from her in waves. Slowly she came down from her peak of pleasure and orgasmic bliss while Wolf leaned down and licked along her sex cleaning her in a wolfish manner till he moved over her body kissing her once more on her soft muzzle causing her to murr. Soon he adjusted himself and slowly buried his thick shaft in her, inch by inch causing her to moan and gasp each time till he hilted her with all six inches of his meat, her vaginal muscles rippling and rubbing every inch of him before he started off with slow thrusts allowing her to get used to his girth while she replied with soft slow moans of pleasure.

It Didn't take long till they set a pace just right with there pleasured bodies, her hips thrusting up to meet his, soon there groins were matted with there sex making it that much easier for him to burry a little bit more of himself in her burning hot depths, her velvety walls caressing his length with a will to milk him from all of his seed. Soon there breaths came in ragged pants in-between moans and whines...there love making becoming a burning passion between them of two lone hearts coming together as one, there bodies moving in time, there breaths synchronized as there eyes locked onto one another. Star had her breasts pressed up firmly against Wolf as her whines and moans turned into yips and barks of pleasure, there climax quickly approaching like a raging river aiming to swallow them into the deep abyss then soon it happened. Wolf gave one last ditched effort to hold back his orgasm but soon lost the battle, slamming his hips into hers one final time he moaned loudly as he flooded her with his seed, reaching deep into her womb as she howled her climax with him...her walls milking him hard draining every last drop he hand into her body.

They laid there silently in the grass basking in the after glow of there powerful lovemaking, both of them clinging to one another as if the world was ending, there breaths slowly becoming normal as she looked up to him slowly "God...I never felt so alive...Don't ever leave me my mate." she whispered softly.

He looked down at her silently for a while before he gave a nod "I'll never leave you Star...I'll gladly be your mate.". Soon tears form in her eyes as she kissed him deeply as they laid there not wanting to move...slowly she broke the kiss and laid down contently closing her eyes and drifting off into a peaceful sleep, with Wolf fallowing soon after, both as one forever with a bond that will never be broken.

To be Continued.


Well this is another series I am starting... this is for my loving friend Angel who I love with all my hart.. He's the best friend I have ever had and I am glad to know him..