New Home Chapter 2: Trouble in Paradise

Story by Max The Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of New Home

New Home Chapter 2: Trouble in Paradise

Story Michael .B ( Max The Wolf > Yiffstar, and LT_Max_W_Charger > FA.)

Wolf, Max, and Mystery Character at the end. Michael .B

Star, Tamu, Angel, and Temple God/Goddess (Whaya) Angel

Disclaimer is as it is...this story will contain some mature stuff so its not suitable for people under 18 or 21 depending on where you live.. So don't yell at me if you get caught by your parents or whatnot while reading this... Characters belong to there rightful owners. So don't go around stealing them with out there consent. Now on to the story..

Oh yeah... The Temple God/Goddess...Angel let me call her Whaya because its simple and such. ^_^

From 3-3-09 to 3-5-09 Edited 4-24-2009 ( Fixed spacer placements)

Edit 4-26-2009 (Redone the intro song and put down the lyrics.)


Intro song : Americana - The Offspring

Well I'd like to tell you all about my dream it's a place

Where strip malls abound and diversion's mere moments away.

Where culture's defined by the ones least refined

And you'll be left behind if you don't fit in.

It's all distorted in Americana my way.

Well my dream has come true.

My vision has come true.

Now give me my cable, fast food, four-by's, tat's right away.

I want it right now cause my generation don't like to wait.

My future's determined by thieves, thugs, and vermin.

Its quite an excursion but its okay.

Everything's backwards in Americana my way.

Well my dream has come true.

My vision has come true.

I'm a product of my environment so don't blame me, I just work here.

My rights are denied by those least qualified .

Trading profit for pride but its okay.

Everything's backwards in Americana my way.

My nightmare has come true.

My nightmare has come true.

Yeah, its all coming true. ) *Waves* take care. PS. Americana was my first Offspring CD I bought ^_^ after hearing the looped track of All I Want playing on Crazy Taxi for Dreamcast and PS2.


Wolf woke up slowly in the arms of Star, the beautiful she-wolf who healed him when he was brought into the village...his eyes slowly looked over the sleeping form beside him taking in every detail and curve of her body, right down to the beautiful contours of her well toned legs.

His mind plaid out yesterdays events, bringing a smile to the young humans face as he stroked his fingers through her soft red fur causing her to give a soft murr in her sleep before her eyes opened looking up at him lovingly.

"Good morning my mate." she spoke softly still with a hint of sleep in her voice before she gave his nose a soft lick with her soft lupine tongue...she slowly got up stretching out slowly as she spread out her wings, her shapely breasts rising and falling with her breathing and her movements.

Wolf slowly sat up yawning slightly before scratching his head, closing one eye before turning his attention back to Star who was now starting a fire and preparing there breakfast that consisted of meat and a few eggs from wild birds that he didn't feel in the mood to really know what -kind- of bird just yet. His eyes wondered slowly over her wings with a smile as he got up moving behind her as she stood up taking her softly in his arms resting his chin upon her shoulder as his fingers ran through the fur on her stomach just above her crotch as he kissed her neck "You're such a lovely lady...I am glad to be in your care." he snickered softly as he trailed his kisses up along her neck to her cheek then to one of her ears all the way to the tip before he gave it a soft nip extracting a surprised yelp from her.

Star giggled softly as she rested one paw upon his hands and the other paw upon his cheek murring loudly "If you keep this up my love...we may never be able to know your strength is important AHHH." she moaned as his fingers brushed over her slit with a teasing stroke over her clit.

"You was saying Star..." he snickered and kissed her head "I know I know... well I'll step out side and get some fresh air...I wont go far." he gave her one more hug before he stepped out of the hut and into the early morning sun.

He looked around at the village noticing that most of the inhabitance were up and taking care of there morning chores, while some of the pups plaid and messed around with the occasional mischief that comes with all youth. He smiled softly while taking a pack of Kool 100's Super Long Cigarettes putting one in his mouth while taking out a camouflage flip top oil lighter and lit it up taking a deep breath before he blew the smoke from his nose looking to the side at the rising sun. He had to admit it was a lot better than the city by far and as far as he cared he could care less if he ever went back to the hustle and bustle of a rat race life.

Star slowly walked out of the hut coming up behind him taking him into her arms murring softly while she plucked the cigarette from his lips and took her own slow drag from it and blew the steel blue smoke from her nose while she licked along his neck making him shiver. Her paw moving back in front of his lips returning the cig while licking more at his neck making him moan slowly.

"Ah God hun....what are you trying to do?" Wolf half moaned while struggling to keep his composure out in the open as some of the other villagers watched the show silently, some of them giggling at the sight while Star took his hand and nearly dragged him back inside the hut sitting him down upon the mat while she served up there breakfast with a soft smile.

" up. You'll need your strength later today... I'm going to show you around the forest." she spoke between bites of meat, her tail twitching slightly from side to side. Wolf gave a slight nod as he started eating...the rest of breakfast went with a silence, but nothing near a awkward just a happy content silence that both of them enjoyed in one another's presence. After breakfast both of them made there way outside and through the village slowly...Star explaining how there small society worked together to form a loyal community.

After some time they found there way into the woods surrounding the village, the trees lush and green like something out of a story book fairytale. Soon Wolf looked to Star with a smile "So...tell me about yourself.".

Star looked at him with a smile "Well as you already know...I am a blood wolf, but also I am one of the village's healers...magical and herbal..." she trailed off slowly before speaking once more "There's not really that much to say about me..." she smiled stepping up to him taking him in her arms "Tell me about yourself."

He sighed slightly with a smile holding her close to him "Me? you, there's not much for me to say really. I'm a wolf fanatic, and I've mostly been a lone wolf all my life never really knowing where I belonged and never finding love...till now." he looked into her eyes while scratching behind one of her ears. "I'm content to stay right here with you and grow old in happiness.".

Star smiled while tilting her head into the scratching with a soft murr as her tail went rigged "I'd like that also my love.".

They spent the better part of the day lounging around under a shade tree holding one another close and making idle chatter mostly about nothing and about a bit of there past, and before they both knew it, the sun had set wrapping the world in a blanket of darkness with only the silver silhouette of the moons glow to light up the land. Deciding to head back to the village the two of them made there way through the grasslands taking a shortcut back, unaware of a trouble that was lurking just ahead of them.

Soon they came to another small set of woods that about a mile away from the village before Star pulled Wolf down into the tall grass...he looked at her with a smirk "I don't think now is the time to have a rut don't you?" he asked softly with a smile before she tapped him in the head.

"Hush...there's someone out there near the woods." she slowly leaned up peaking out over the grass as a shadow moved along the edge of the woods till the moonlight illuminated the figure reviling a strange creature standing there, a blaster on one arm and heavy armor on its body, two glowing orange eyes scanned the area carefully while the moon reflected off its black and orange armor.

"Oh god...not them again." Star whimpered softly while moving back down under the line of grass.

Wolf looked at her carefully "Who is "Them"." he leaned up to look at what she saw before he dropped back down with out a look of fear but a dumbfounded look.

Star shook her head slightly "There Space Pirates...they invaded this world years ago, and Angel fought them off but at a high cost...but why are they back here again I wonder." she took out a small stone knife from her leather pouch at her side that held her medical herbs and placed her paw softly upon his shoulder "Stay here.." and with that she got up and stalked toward her target till she was close...then struck out with quick slashes with the knife leaving a few small cuts in the creatures body before stepping back, holding out her paw as the creature seamed to warp and form before it fell into a heap where it stood.

Wolf got up slowly looking at what happened before he moved up to her "Wow...and I thought I seen it all... lets get back to the village and warn the others.". Star gave a nod and both of them ran back to the village.

Once there the both warned Angel of what they saw, then soon a group of villagers moved close armed with weapons of stones and sticks while the ones who couldn't fight took shelter in the temple.

Angel looked around at the village with a sigh "I was hoping they wouldn't be back...but seams like they are. Lets hope this goes better than last time." she turned to look at Max who just gave a slight nod, holding a .50calaber BMG rifle in his paw, the whole gun was nearly as long as he was with a custom scope and barrel breach.

Everyone remained in there spots waiting and watching as the area was unearthly quiet before a plasma bolt flew from the woods and struck the ground in front of Max causing him to growl turning to where the shot came from as groups of the creatures moved from the woods in squads more like Soldiers.

"Lets rock" he grinned taking aim with the rifle and fired, the heavy round ripping through two of the Pirates knocking them to the ground...he then looked as Star had joined with the others in the fight while he tossed Wolf a Polymer framed BULL M-5 Ultimate Racer 45.APC handgun fitted with a Double port Compensator, match barrel and a C-more Optical Sight.

Now armed with a high-grade weapon, Wolf joined in downing what he could hit...Powers, bullets, and plasma rounds flew countless times before all went silent, a few of the wolves had been wounded and all the pirates had been killed till soon a large ship appeared high in the air just out of the gravity pull of the planet. Angel looked up at it and growled deeply watching as it aimed its heavy cannons right down on them "I wont let them destroy our home...even if I have to die to do it!" she snarled while bracing herself holding her paws up toward the ship just as it fired. She too fired a beam of energy from her paws, both waves colliding high above them struggling to force back the other.

Max growled knowing that noting he had would hit that far up before he grinned remembering one of the new upgrades he had done on himself, closing his eyes and opening up the program inside his head...soon his body seamed to flux as if something was trying to rip out of his own body till metal sprouted around him encasing him with solid platinum steel while he landed on all fours, his body growing and changing before he stood as a fereal metal wolf, standing at six foot at the shoulders...upon his back was two turret mounted Chain Cannons fitted with eight revolving barrels. Soon the cannons aimed up turning there attention to the mother-ship while he braced himself and let lose a hail of superheated High Velocity bullets that had the power to reach up and hammer into the ships armored haul.

Angel groaned under the pressure of the attack glancing over to her mate "If you're going to do something...make it quick...I...don't know...if I can...hold it back much...longer!".

The machine gun fire pounded into the ship while the barrels started to glow with superheated energy before both cannons fired every barrel at the same time unleashing a new attack, sending a super missile up into the ship blasting off the main cannons. Soon the attack stopped allowing Angels own attack to rip apart the ship. Everyone cheered in victory as Angel closed her eyes taking a deep breath before her focus was ripped back into place when cries of terror filled the air...she looked up seeing half off the ship falling toward them.

In one last draw of power, she flew up to met the falling ship just to try and push it back out into space, struggling to do just to try and stop the falling hunk of metal due to using nearly all her power in her attack. Max changed back shaking his head slightly before looking up "Hold on...I'm coming." and with that he spread out his wings flying up to meet her, his body glowing white using his power to change himself into a attack, becoming nothing more than a white streak of light that soon ripped through the ship, exploding. Angel soon started to free fall to the ground below till she was caught in the arms of her lover, landing upon the ground softly holding her in his arms watching her sleep as her body healed the major wounds and some of the smaller minor ones. Max slowly carried her into there hut while everyone started to rebuild what was destroyed and to burn the bodies of the dead pirates.

Wolf spotted Star walking from the group, blood pouring from her muzzle, nose, and eyes as she tried to wipe it away...soon she fell upon her knees screaming at the top of her lungs, but not a scream of pain...but of sorrow. Wolf moved up and kneeled down to her taking her in his arms holding her close as she just staid there like a ghost. Soon she got up and walked to the river to wash away the blood as Wolf stood there thinking before a voice came from behind him.

"It's a curse she is forced to live with...she has the ways to heal...but only take lives..." spoke Max as he sighed softly then returned to check on the rest of the village.

Wolf made his way to the river looking at her as she stood there silently just staring at the water as the blood washed away in small curving streams. He closed his eyes removing his boots and stepped into the water up to his waist moving close to her taking her in his arms

"I'm so sorry..." Star whispered "I'm sorry I tried to hide it from you...I'm nothing more than a monster...".

Wolf shook his head slowly and held her tighter "You're not a're the same woman I fell in love with...the only reason you didn't tell me is because you was scared what I would think of you...Well nothing has changed...I love you no less than I did when I became your mate." he stroked her cheek as she looked at him silently then soon she wrapped her arms around him breaking into tears holding on to him for dear-life.

When she had cried herself out she sniffled slightly "I love you.".

Wolf smiled with a nod "I love you lets get you cleaned off." he started running his fingers through her fur as he helped wash off the blood from her lovely fur...soon both of them returned to there hut holding one another close. He sat down on the mat while she insisted she cook for them once more even though he protested that he would do the cooking but he lost the battle...soon Tamu returned along with all the others that hid in the temple, he moved over to Wolf sitting down, both of them looking at one another till a voice filled his head softly.

*Will you be my father?*'.

Star spun around looking to her son silently, her muzzle open in surprise while Wolf blinked then smiled with a nod "Sure.". Soon Tamu wrapped his arms around Wolf and hugged him softly with a smile.

Star giggled softly and returned to cooking silently...after dinner all three of them sat on the mat passing the time with Idle chatter once more till Star slowly kissed her mate upon the lips, slipping her long lupine tongue into his mouth, both there tongues meeting and wrestling with one another. Tamu smiled and left the hut to stay with one of the other villagers while Star pushed Wolf down onto the mat with a grin "I think I should reward you for your bravery." she licked his neck softly as he wrapped his arms around her holding her close.

" that so...hmm...Hey are you able to change forms?" he tilted his head slightly as Star replied with a soft nod .

"Yes I can...after all...everyone here is able to change there sex, and there form." she cuddled up to him as she watching him lay there in thought, running her fingers through his soft blonde hair.

He smiled softly with a evil gleam in his eyes "Do you have a full Wolf form?" he tilted his head watching as she got up moving back some, then she changed into a full wolf, her fur still a beautiful blood red as she used he tail to knock over the bucket of water near the fire, casing them into darkness with only the moons light to shine down upon the mat from the hole in the roof.

Slowly Star moved around him giving a "Come an Get Me" noise...Wolf sat up slowly closing his eyes waiting for the right time before he reached out catching her tail in his hand before he moved close pulling her against him, wrapping his arms around her as he laid back on the bed pulling her on-top of him. She gave a soft yip as she landed on him, then started licking at his lips while he licked back softly and worked with getting his cloths off. After removing his cloths he shuttered at the feeling of her soft fur upon his skin...he then adjusted himself slightly brushing the head of his cock against her soft warm cunny lips, making them both groan.

As there tongues plaid with each other he slowly worked his shaft in her, burring himself inch by inch inside her tight sex till he was fully hilted in her...both of them rested silently just taking in the pleasure before he stroked along her back then up to her ears while he kissed her neck, breathing in deeply of her potent musk before he started grinding against her causing her body to rock softly against his while they once more shared a deep passionate kiss.

Star then slowly started to push back against him with a soft whine as she clinched down upon his throbbing shaft buried in her...taking the hint he started to give her slow soft thrusts, one hand moving down to the base of her tail while his other hand rested upon her shoulders, every push up into her body caused her hind-paws to just graze over the mat softly as he kept a nice slow driving pace. She whined softly that soon turned into a moan of pleasure, her tail softly swaying from side to side brushing over his balls causing him to shiver softly as he nipped at her neck playfully.

"I'll be yours forever my love." he whispered softly into her ear as he kept his pace.

Then it was her turn to set a pace as she started to hump against his thrusts, picking up the speed he had been set at, forcing him to move in time with her as she clinched down on him with a deep murr of pleasure as her body spasmed from her climax, her juices spilling out along Wolf's crotch, and coating the mat under them...soon the hut was filled with yips and groans of pleasure as they continued to move as one, there bodies together as the first time they mated...due to the tight squeezing of Stars Lupine cunt it didn't take him long to reach his peak. In ditched efforts to make it all last, he slammed his hips up against her, the sounds of there lovemaking filling the air along with there scents and cries of pleasure before soon he hilted himself once more in her holding her tightly as he moaned loudly as he pumped his thick seed in her...his climax triggered hers as well causing her to howl in pure bliss as she gushed over him once more.

Slowly they both came down from there high cuddling close to one another as sleep slowly took over there bodies into peaceful dreams.

Deep in the woods another lone figure moved about the area silently, finding its way to the temple...moving inside for shelter for the night, the light inside the temple seaming to be of its own shown upon the long figure, showing a gray wolf, dressed in only a pare of black pants. He then laid down in one of the corners of the temple curling up and falling asleep, soon a young human girl around the age of six stepped up to him, she had on a dress and also upon her back was a pare of butterfly wings...she softly giggled as she laid a deer pelt over him before once more disappearing into thin air.

To be Continued.


Another story for my good friend Angel. I do hope he likes it...this is all done from the RP we have been doing and most of this was by memory because I didn't have the YIM archive on my older blackberry...but I do now...well just figured out how to work it.. But anyways....yeah... hope you all enjoy it. ^_^ Hey Angel...Love ya!

Story Michael .B < Any stealing or altering of this story with out the consent of the owners, the person responsible will be hunted down and knocked senseless.>