Scooby Doo Chap 7

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#7 of Scooby

The gang finally windup this adventure...

Scooby Doo

Chap 7

As Cameron herded them down the dark rough tunnel, he handed each of them a small rebreather. "There's poisonous gas ahead, put these in your mouths and lock hands." Cameron instructed as the screams behind them slowly died down. "Walk straight and fast holding hands I'm bring up the rear." He gave Fred's ass a little squeeze, as pushed them down the tunnel. "Don't stop for any reason." The big hillbilly instructed as the air around them grew more and more bitter and foul. While the tunnel ahead began to glow with a faint light, the foul air around them growing hotter. And soon they saw why, as the cave floor dropped away into a vast chamber where rivers of glowing hot magma shimmered and bubbled. The Gang paused to stare in wonder, but Cameron quickly prodded them to go on. Soon the cave walls enclosed them again, and the air began to grow cool and damp as they pressed on. At last they came to the marking that told them the air was safe, and Cameron took a quick breath before announcing. "Ok we're in the clear."

The tunnels ahead of them looked different somehow... almost cheery and well lived in. They were lit be flickering globes of greenish light, that hung at regular intervals along the rough hewed stone walls. A carpet of fluffy moss covered the tunnel floors, muffling their foot steps as the walked on. Turning corners a few times, when a long lank and very familiar figure appeared in front of them, his pale skin almost glowing in the strange light. As he strolled along carelessly, a huge platter of sandwiches held out in front of him. "Shaggy!" The gang exclaimed half in relief, half in horror at seeing that lanky naked body, the girls surprised at the size of his semi hard prick.

"Zoinks! Oho hi... hi gang." Shaggy stammered looking surprised and more than a little embarrassed, juggling the tray as he tried to cover himself. And then gave up, deciding that the food was much more important than his modesty, besides they had already seen everything anyway. Seeing that the others were to stunned to talk much, Cameron stepped forwards and smiled at Shaggy.

"Hey Shag... Where's Dev and Scooby?" The big red head asked, as he watched Shaggy's hefty cock begin to stiffen just from talking to him.

"Oh their in Dev's room with Daphne." Shaggy explained, making Freddy jump and look at him sharply for a instant to see if he was serious.

"Daphne's here... she... she's ok?" Freddy choked as he crowded closer to Shaggy who was looking at him steadily.

"Like yeah man she's fine, come on I'll show you where Dev's room is." Shaggy assured, as he turned around and lead them down the tunnel, and around a corner coming to a hall with a number of doors. "Yeah like Dev rescued her from the bad guys first, brought her down here with his granddad to keep her safe." Shaggy explained as he showed them to the door, and asked Cameron to open it for him. The big red head smiled and winked, as he opened the door so the others could go inside following after them. The room was large but had no furniture at all, the floor was covered with pillows and the walls in shelves.

And in the center of the room, the huge brown and black spotted Great Dane was humping away furiously. Drawing soft moans from the sex tanned body of the red head, he was slamming his massive foot long canine cock into. Daphne's head was bobbing up and down, between the shaggy fur covered thigh's of a handsome young Satyr. "Oho yeah I forgot to tell ya... Dev's like a Satyr... like a real Satyr crazy right haheha." Shaggy laughed nervously, as if he was half afraid the others would see what he was seeing himself. As across the room Dev detached himself from Daphne's pretty red lip's, and came over to greet them with a smile. Daph looked back at them and blushed, but did nothing to stop the hard pounding Scooby was giving her.

"Cameron. I see your rescue mission was a success, I am glad your friends are alright. Would you like to join us?" Dev flashed the a winning smile, and to Freddy's shock the girls began undressing at once. Cameron smiled weakly as he shed his own clothing, while across the room Velma had jumped on the helpless Shaggy. And Larena had taken Dev's place in front of Daphne, guiding her tongue around that blonde pussy. As she told her all about Scooby Dum doing this to her, while Scooby Dum was sniffing and licking at Scooby's tail hole inquisitively. Freddy was gulping and blushing furiously, as he watch his worse nightmare happen as Scooby's foot long doggy bone plunged in and out of Daphne's dripping sex. Suddenly his view was block by the Satyr's handsome face, Fred blinked hard a couple of times feeling hot tears streak down his cheeks.

"I can help you." Dev assured softly as he leaned in to kiss Freddy passionately on the lip's, below Fred could feel hot hands on his tiny prick. Jumping in shock as he realized that somehow he was naked, and Dev was fondling his hard but tiny organ. How had that happened... he could remember stripping down and yet he obviously had.

"Wha... wha... but how..." Freddy stammered in confusion, as he blushed a deep red at other males seeing how small he was. "Wait... how did... you'd better not lau.."

"I can make you bigger... if someone is willing to give up some of their selves to make it happen." Dev looked over at Cameron, who he was fondling with his other hand; the hillbillies cock was huge compared to Fred's. "You don't really want all of this do you?" Dev asked, his voice dripping with honey as he leaned over and kissed Cameron hard on the mouth.

"Ummm Ummmm nawww." Cameron breathed his voice low and husky with passion, that big cock bouncing up and down with lust. Long string's of slimy pre-cum dropping onto Dev's fist as the Satyr pulled Cameron's cock over to Freddies.

"You prefer the cock of others..." Dev explained, as he rubbed Cameron's big purple cock head against Fred's whole shaft. "I will give you all the cock you could ever want... if you'll give yours to Freddy."

"Ok... ok take it." Cameron breathed weakly, as the Satyr turned his attention to those two aching hard erection. Stroking his hands over them both, as he muttered incoherent words under his breath. The slimy pre-cum that covered both organs began to shine bright and bright silver, Cameron opened his mouth moaning as his stiff organ quivered. Fred watching in fascination as that big cock began to shrink, and his own began throbbing harder and harder. It was slow at first but as the pleasure quivered through him, Fred watched his cock grow larger and larger. He was as big as Shaggy now, and still it grew longer and stronger even as Cameron's shrank rapidly. Both of their hip's were bucking and humping into Dev's hot hands now, as Fred's cock grew to enormous size, while Cameron's shrank to a tiny button. Just a cock head flat against his groin, with fat hair ball's dangling below.

"Ahahah it is done." Dev breathed letting those organ go and smiling at the two men for a second. "I think Scoob's about done Fred, why don't you go show Daphne a good time with that big dick of yours." Dev encouraged and then turned to smile widely at Cameron. "As for you... I think it's about time you bent over for master." Cameron's eyes widen, and he reached down taking Dev's huge erection into his hands sliding it between his leg's.

"I live to serve." The big hillbilly moaned as Dev pushed him down onto the pillows spreading those hefty thigh's and shoving that huge cock into Cameron's waiting asshole. Forcing the big hillbilly to bury his face in the pillows, biting hard on one of them as that massive cock pounded deep inside of him.

While across the room Scooby had dropped down off Daphne, licking his own shrinking erection as Fred moved up behind her. Sliding the huge purple helmet of his new cock into her, hot, wet, silk drew tight around his trembling organ as he pushed it deep inside of her. "Ohoooooo Fred!" Daphne moaned weakly, looking back over her shoulder at him as his crotch slapped against her firm round ass-cheeks.

While Scooby Dum had gotten Shaggy rolled over, and was mounting him hard as Velma rode his face. Shaggy eagerly licking his own cum out of her hot sex, as she stroked and petted Scooby Dum absently watching Dev and Larena across the room. The horny goat man had finished with Cameron, and was happily pounding between Larena's wide spread thigh's. Even as the big hillbilly lifted that short goat tail and began rimming Dev's tight pink plucker lustfully.

The orgy that followed would leave them all blushing and stammering awkwardly in the days to come. But that night opened up many eyes, and set the coarse of more than a few lives to come. They ventured out of the deep tunnels the next day, but found nothing of the sheriff or his two deputies. But laying on the edge of that deep void they found the dusty skeleton of John Cornelius Jenkins, clad in his ragged robes. With the gang's help Dev lay the old man to rest deep in his tunnel home, and then they all made their way to Larena's house. Dev was excited to see the sky and feel the sun on his bare skin, as it turned out in that night of passion Larena had purposed to Dev. And the Satyr had agreed if Cameron could join them, Larena had laughingly agreed. And so in a small ceremony along the lake the pair were wed, the gang were of course invited on the honey moon. But they had gotten word a few hours before that Daphne's cousin in Florida wanted them to come down... something about a swamp fiend.