Bound By The Sound

Story by Cronicdragon on SoFurry

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This was a commission done for Ouros about poor introverted Soul going to a club with her friends for the first time. As you may expect there are some 'interesting' occurrences on the dance floor as Soul discovers the true nature of the club and the club-goers there~

As always comments and criticism are welcome

Soul rumbled quietly to herself; the feral, blue dragoness had finished all of her college work days ago. There was a soft, calming concerto playing out of her speakers in the background and she was lying comfortably on her warm, plush bed, deeply engrossed in the latest novel of her favourite romance author. She was completely within her comfort zone. Although she was not an unsociable girl, she had often found herself much more drawn to spending quiet nights at home rather than be out at clubs like most her age. After all, she wasn't a big fan of drinking or dancing or late nights and she never had got into dance/trance music.

No, she was much happier here in the comfort of her own company and the familiar, quiet walls of home and the eloquent story-telling of her favourite books. She finished the chapter that she had been reading with a satisfied sigh and, rather unwillingly, put down the book. A mug of warm cocoa was in order to top off her stress-free evening and see in a relaxed and uneventful weekend and, as engrossed as she was by her book, it would only be a few minutes before she was back on her bed.

She practically skipped down the stairs as her current contentment left her feeling almost weightless. Her curved, attractive body bounced along with her feet until she reached the cold, tiled floor of her kitchen where she slowed down, careful not to slip. She was neck deep in a kitchen cupboard, searching for the cocoa powder, when her doorbell rung and she was forced to postpone the hunt. Even as she approached the door she could hear the muffled giggling of at least a couple of dragonesses. Soul rolled her eyes knowing exactly who it was and exactly what they wanted.

"You girls are relentless, aren't you?" She joked as she opened the door, not even waiting to see who was there or ask what they wanted. She didn't need to though. Sure enough, stood on her path were three very bubbly, very giggly dragonesses, their tails swishing back and forth in excitement.

"Oh come on, you don't even know where we're going tonight yet." The lead dragoness replied, her purple scales looking closer to black with only the moonlight and a few dim street lights to illuminate them.

"If it's anywhere outside my house, then the answer is no. I happen to be halfway through a very good book right now and..." Her answer was cut short rather abruptly by the purple dragoness cutting in once again.

"You're -always- half way through a good book," She complained, getting agreement from the dragonesses behind her. "The book will still be there tomorrow. We only want you to join us for one night. You never come out with us." She whined, a small pout forming as she did her very best to persuade Soul.

There was a short silence and Soul couldn't hide an exhausted sigh from escaping her lips. She wanted to spend time with her friends of course, and she felt bad for always turning them down but she was all settled in for a relaxing night and she was itching to get back to her book. Besides, she doubted she'd even enjoy the kinds of places that they would take her to. She was about to deny them once again but the look of hopefulness on her friends' faces stopped her and, with a heavy sigh, she relented. Even if she didn't particularly enjoy tonight, she would at least be able to reject the next few invitations without feeling too bad about it.

"Fine, fine. I'll go with you tonight but you can't say I never go out with you any more." The joy in her friend's faces showed enough that they were more than satisfied with the deal and a chorus of agreement set it in stone.

Inviting them inside for a few minutes, she headed upstairs to get herself ready and grab a few things that she would need for a night out, all the while doing her best to avoid looking at her poor, half-read book.

Standing in the queue for the club, Soul found herself nervous and stiff, her stomach tight for some reason. She didn't really know what to expect inside and she doubted that it'd be as fun for her as her friends seemed to find it; after all, the loud trance music coming from inside the club was way outside of anything she'd ever listen to. Secretly she was wondering how long she would have to stay so that she didn't seem rude. All of this bombarded her mind and so whilst her friends were giggling and chatting excitedly to one another, she was quiet and shuffling from foot to foot awkwardly.

"Don't worry Soul," one of her friends teased, "We'll help you get into the spirit of things."

The blue dragoness just grinned and tried to pass off her demeanour as something other than disinterest and nervousness; she hardly wanted to seem rude. Just below the surface though, she was dreading this night.

As they entered the club, Soul was immediately struck by the thick, humid air of the room which was rich in the unpleasant perfume of alcohol and sweat, no doubt caused by the incredible heat within the building cooking its drunk occupants as they danced. It was no wonder that there were people simply hanging outside the front; it was uncomfortably warm inside and she found herself wanting to go and join the strangers on the street if just to be able to breathe easily. Her eyes were also struggling to handle the lights that were hanging above the dance floor and moving to shine in all directions; powerful beams of neon greens, lapis blues and rich purples being pulsed out across the swarm of bodies in time with the music and straight into her eyes. It was a striking contrast to the darkness around her. She could hardly even see her friends' tails in front of her face. She couldn't even attempt to appreciate the music with how loud it was; it seemed that speakers covered every single wall so she couldn't escape it no matter where she moved. Every body-wracking pulse felt like it was traversing through her entire body and beating out of time with her nervous, fluttering heart, making her feel sick to her stomach. It was not a good start to the night.

Her friends had no such problems though. From the moment they stepped through the curtain and into the club, their heads had begun to bob in time with the beat and huge grins had started to break out on their faces. Looking back at their first-time friend, they gave a slight point with their muzzle that they were heading to the bathroom. Soul was more than happy to accompany them, at least to try and save her ears from the abuse out in the main room. She followed them past the bar and around the side of the dance floor where she could see all the bodies pulsating and bobbing as one so that they almost seemed to be one horrific monster twitching in the poor light of the club. The dance floor itself was slightly lower than the rest of the club but that didn't make it seem any more inviting. If anything, it felt more like a Colosseum that she was about to be thrown into.

Luckily, they were in the bathroom before she had a chance to dwell on the matter any longer. In there the music was greatly muffled so that they could talk without having to shout in each other's ears.

"So what do you think so far, Soul?"

The question snapped the blue dragoness out of her inner reflection much to her friends' amusement.

"It's a little... overwhelming." She didn't want to lie and she was sure that they would've seen the troubled look she'd had since she entered the building but she didn't want to disappoint her friends either. It was a good enough response it seemed; the girls began laughing amongst themselves, even prompting an embarrassed giggle from Soul herself.

"The first time always is!" They laughed again before continuing, "We told you we'd help you loosen up and enjoy the night so don't worry."

Even in her agitated state, Soul relaxed a little hearing that. The club scene might not be her idea of fun but it wouldn't be that bad with her friends around. She'd just have to pretend that they were the only ones there and ignore everyone else. That way it wouldn't be so intimidating. With a few deep breaths she felt much better than she had upon entering the building. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.

She failed to notice however, that one of her friends had moved over to the door and locked it quietly. All she noticed was that one of the other dragonesses had her paws on her neck. She tried to look down at what they were doing but received a harder-than-necessary bat across the nose for her trouble. They were all smiling though so Soul couldn't take offence at all even though it shocked her.

"We're just going to put some glow rings on you Soul but you need to stay really still for it. You can help put ours on after we're done." She heard a voice behind her say and, only a moment later, someone was grabbing her tail and the last was going for her legs, moving to each one in turn. Soul had no idea why she had to stay so still but it was her first time and she didn't want to ruin anything so she kept her eyes forward and held her position, not even moving her mouth to form a response. Once they were in place she couldn't help but think they might be a little tight around her legs and tail but she knew there was no adjusting glow rings so she didn't bother telling them; she didn't want to ruin their good mood by refusing to wear them. The neck ring fit reasonably loosely though so she wasn't particularly worried.

"And now we're going to attach the glow rods."

Soul couldn't help but think she was going to glow brighter than the DJ's booth at this point and couldn't stop herself from asking about them, although she kept herself as motionless as possible otherwise. "Glow rods?"

"Like glow sticks, just longer. Keep still though. No peeking!" One said with a laugh that the other girls joined in with. Soul didn't laugh though; she had no idea what was so funny about that but she tried to dismiss any bad thoughts as just nerves brought on by the whole situation. These were her friends. They would never trick her.

Soul felt 9 clicks in total. They were very different to the throbbing that still passed through her from the music outside of the bathroom door. 8 of those clicks came from down by her legs and one from her tail; it seemed that they were simply attaching them to the glow rings that were in place. There was a small pause of a few seconds that was completely devoid of any clicks or noise before the three dragonesses started to snicker. It was obvious that they were trying to hold their laughter back.

"What's so funny?" Soul asked, still wary of moving but now very tempted to move.

Before she could get an answer though, she felt her tail being suddenly pulled upwards over her back. She gasped and felt her cheeks flush bright purple as she blushed under those blue scales. Her tailhole and vent were completely exposed! At first she assumed it was just a childish joke but as she tried to pull her tail back down, she realised that it had been attached to her neck glow ring. They must've used a glow rod!

She turned her head to rebuke her friends for their little prank but as she turned her head she saw something that left her completely horrified. The rings and rods that she'd been put in weren't glow-in-the-dark at all; they were just metal rods and rings used for bondage! It was only now that she realised that they'd attached her four paws together so that she could hardly even waddle and her tail was being held up by a thick metal pole that she had no chance of breaking. This wasn't just a small prank.

"You look perfect!" One of them exclaimed and the others joined in laughing. Their laughter didn't seem so innocent now.

"H-Hey! W-What is this?! Get me out of this!" Soul protested, unsure whether it was anger or fear or betrayal that filled her voice. She definitely didn't trust her friends any more but she was hoping that this was just a small scare prank and they'd let her go. Surely they had to, right?

"-That- is your outfit for tonight. We said we'd help you lighten up and have fun and this is how we're going to do it. We're going to make sure that you have nothing to hide out there. You'll have a lot of people watching you. They'll all want to watch you dance. It'll boost your confidence!" Another round of giggles followed this comment. Soul desperately tried to turn herself so that she could hide her cunny from their sight and she was slowly succeeding before they grabbed her and turned her back.

"L-Let me go! I-I don't want this! Please!" Soul's heart rate had doubled over the last few seconds as it became more and more obvious that she wasn't about to be let go anytime soon.

"It'll be good for you. Plus, you might even meet someone tonight thanks to us. We're just helping you. We're the ones who'll let you go so you'll stay until we think you've earned freedom." None of them seemed to show any signs that they weren't enjoying this and Soul realised that they were dead serious too. Her heart sank.

"Now for the finishing touches." There were a few excited giggles and Soul was forced to watch as they pulled out a small, rounded device with a number of small patches and wires attached to it. She had no idea what it was but she didn't like the way that they were looking at her slit. Without any hesitation and despite her calls begging them not to, the device was pushed into her unprotected vent, a finger accompanying it for an inch or two until it was safely inside. Soul's eyes went wide and she clamped down as tight as she could to try and push them back out but they weren't about to be stopped.

"N-No! G-Girls, stop!" She cried but they ignored her and that invasive finger began to adjust those little pads around so that they were all pressing up against different parts of her walls, one being attached to each one of her lips and the final one being pushed against her clitoris. She shook her rump and moved as much as she could to try and get rid of the pads and the digit that invaded her until the finger finally popped free but the device did not.

"You'll have to move better than that to get these restraints removed Soul" One said to a chorus of laughter.

"W-What was that?!" She shouted back at them, still far too overwhelmed to decide whether she was angry or upset.

"-That- is a set of vibropatches that we've had linked up to the club's sound system. Each note will stimulate a different patch so you'll be having fun and enjoying the music in no time. Oh, and the best bit is that, no matter what, it won't let you cum whilst it's in. We'll turn it on once you get out there." The thought left Soul's muzzle agape. How could they be so cruel? They were going to publicly humiliate her and sexually torture her.

"Now, I think 'someone' should get out on the dance floor." All three sets of eyes were set on her and Soul couldn't help but pray that this was a nightmare. This couldn't be happening. One of the girls unlocked the door and the other two began to push her out of the door towards the single step that led down onto the dance floor. Soul shouted and tried to fight it but her voice was drowned out by the music flooding in and, without full use of her legs, she could offer little resistance as they slid her over the slippery, drink-stained floor.

She was manoeuvred down the step and into the sea of people. They all moved to the side as they noticed her and before long she was stood in a ring in the middle of the floor, everyone staring in at the exposed dragoness. Her friends finally let her go but she couldn't move herself anywhere. There were so many people around her that she couldn't get past and there was nowhere that she could turn to hide her exposed cunt and tailhole without showing it off another group. Not to mention that if she wanted to leave the dance floor there was the step that she'd have to try and get up when she could hardly even walk. Her friends would stop her if she even tried and would drag her back even if she managed to do it. On top of that, even if by some miracle she made it to the door, she certainly couldn't make it the whole way home like this! She had no choice but to ride out this horrible experience and ride it out in front of all those peering, judging, hungry eyes.

She could hear cheers and shouts of encouragement from the crowd although she couldn't make out exactly what was said and she was somewhat glad for that fact as she knew they'd most likely be lewd and downright derogatory. Soon people began moving back towards her, a large portion of the group going back to dancing and even those that remained deeply intrigued in the vulnerable female eventually returned to dancing, though their eyes remained locked with the unsteady dragoness. Her 'friends' were nowhere to be seen.

Soul had completely forgotten about the vibropatches with all the commotion around her and the deep burning embarrassment of having her undertail exposed to a group of strangers. It was only once they were activated that the knowledge of their existence rushed back to her. All of a sudden her knees weakened and a bolt of pleasure removed all the air in her lungs and sent a cold chill down her spine. To her horror, she learnt that the patch that vibrated with the heavy, regular beat that accompanied every single song had been attached to her clit, leaving her body twitching along with the rhythm of the music.

She could only just about compose herself and, even then, it wasn't convincing. Her body still shook and quivered with every beat, each note of the melody sending a deeper additional stimulation that had her pink vent moistening already. The closest individuals to her could spot her awkward 'dance' as she wriggled and squirmed along to the music, a few more jeers accompanying her movements. They wanted to see her dancing!

"Come on! Shake it!" A rather crude drake shouted in her ear as he leaned in towards her. The look that Soul shot him was full of anger; she was not some slut! She wouldn't behave like that! She was a respectable female and she refused to lower herself to those standards. She just hoped that no one would try anything 'funny' with her.

Those small vibrating patches were more effective than she realised. Each one seemed to be spread out perfectly so that no single place was stimulated by more than one patch and, even though there weren't many of them, she couldn't seem to pin down exactly how many there were or where they were. It seemed like every time she thought she had them figured out another note would play through the speakers and a new patch of sensitive pink flesh would be stimulated. She was always caught off-guard.

She always preferred to save herself when she was reading romance novels so that she could dream about taking the place of the protagonist female and finding herself a noble, romantic male too. Although her books rarely mentioned it, she would always enjoy thinking about what would happen when they got some privacy and escaped under the sheets together. She just loved reading to the end of the book and building up all that raw, lustful tension before letting it all go in one drawn out, sweaty session alone with her toys and her fingers. It was now that she realised that it had played very much against her. She was already fairly pent up from being halfway through her novel without any release and now it was quickly being added to by the strange vibrating toy inside of her.

She hated how much they were turning her on. They were far too effective for her to just ignore. The music was perfect for them. Her clit was being constantly toyed with and the deeper patches were so unpredictable that she couldn't steady herself against their assault. There was always at least one that was vibrating so she had no chance of rest either and yet, as horny as she was getting, she remained wary about the males around her, the females too. Both genders were eyeing her up with lust in their eyes and she realised that the light must've been shining off the droplets on the folds of her cunny, showing everyone that she was starting to get aroused.

What would people think? They couldn't see her vibropatches, at least she was sure that they couldn't. All they could see was a restrained and exposed dragoness thrown into a group of strangers who was now aroused. They must think that she was into some kinky things if they thought she was enjoying this without stimulation! It was all too embarrassing!

Her tail twitched each time a patch hit one of the 'itches' that were starting to develop on those smooth, muscular walls but it only succeeded in jerking her own neck about. She started clawing at the floor a little, leaving scratches on the tiles as she tried to clench her entire body in the hopes of dulling the effects of the toy but that only tired her out and she needed her strength right now. It seemed there was no way she could stop their enchanting vibrations.

After what seemed like hours of torment, another dragon moved closer to her side, clearly a female, one that was somewhat larger than her. Her scale colour was impossible to identify in the ocean of colours that covered her body; it looked like she was wearing some kind of fluorescent paint all over her body. She pressed her side up against the smaller dragoness and began to sway her hips against Soul's, forcing Soul's rump to sway along with hers.

"Come on. You dance terribly. Sway your hips like this. Entice the crowd!" The larger female shouted down at her and Soul's cheeks immediately flushed crimson again. She had no intention of enticing the crowd, even with her somewhat aroused state. The last few songs had been particularly energetic and had left her undoubtedly horny from the teasing vibrations.

"I will do no such thing! I'm not -that- kind of dragoness!" Soul shouted back.

"Don't pretend you don't like it. You're practically dripping all over the dance floor. Relax a little." The dragoness called back before moving back to the group that she had originally been with, leaving Soul even more flustered than she had been. She had only been out on the dance floor for a few songs but she was already longing to get home and give herself an orgasm. She knew that it could be hours before her 'friends' let her go though and that thought was almost as frightening as the crowd around her. She was going to lose her sanity if she had to put up with this all night. Her mind was fogging over and she was starting to become distracted from her situation by the music. It was starting to grow on her. It no longer seemed so out of time with her body and she found herself becoming occasionally lost in the synth melodies. She found herself secretly craving the bass drop where her clit would get a sudden violent vibration that would push her right up to the edge but of course she never once tipped over. During those short bouts where she managed to forget her situation and focus purely on the pleasure, she was almost enjoying it. It was only once she snapped back to reality that she found herself cursing the whole situation; it was going to end up making her do something that she'd regret.

She was starting to really feel just how wet she was and she knew that was a bad sign. She would only ever getting like that whenever she treated herself to a long teasing session of fingering on special nights. The music was so powerful that she couldn't stop her hips from shaking sporadically as she tried to move the vibropatches about inside her, desperately trying to scratch an itch where there were no patches in the hopes that it would push her over the edge. She didn't even care that she would make a mess on the floor; she needed to orgasm soon before the pleasure started to sway her mind and make her do something she'd never normally do. It was all futile though. The girls had been right. The vibropatches were not about to let her cum. She started to panic.

She was so focussed on trying to find a way to suppress her libido that she was caught completely off guard when a paw slapped across her rump, hard enough to leave a mark there. She yelped and turned her head angrily but the culprit had already gone back to dancing and in the crowd of glowing, dancing bodies it was impossible to tell who did it. She grumbled a little bit to herself about how rude and disgusting these people were but she was just as disgusted with herself; that spank had given her another burst of pleasure and she couldn't deny that. She was far too aroused and she was beginning to realise it.

It seemed that the crowd was growing bolder with her too. Whether it was because they had seen one person treat her like that and get away with it or whether it was because she was not dancing as they had hoped and they wanted to punish her. Either way, she found herself the victim of a series of spanks and rather rough gropes. Sometimes the culprit didn't even attempt to hide themselves. One male, nearly twice her size, walked up beside her and grabbed her rump in his paw, taking his time to squeeze and rub over those smooth scales. He completely ignored her protests and she was helpless to stop him. All she could do was stand there and secretly draw pleasure from the intimate touch. He continued his perverted massage for a few more moments before dragging one of his digits down over her tailhole, pushing against it for a second though thankfully not penetrating in. Then he slid even further down, his finger just about parting her slit as he stroked all the way down to her clit and lightly tickled it.

Soul was speechless. She wanted to rebuke his actions. She wanted to slap him across the face and tell him he was perverted. But she couldn't. Not just because she was tied up or shocked, but because she was so turned on and his touch was so new and so taboo to her that she was completely withdrawn from reality for a few moments.

Gently he pushed his lips up against her ear and rumbled. "Mmm, you're one good looking dragoness. You feel pretty tight too." His voice was so deep and full of lustful growl that she could easily make it out over the music. She couldn't help but be flattered by both statements even when she knew it was wrong. He had caught her entirely by surprise and now she was frozen.

Before she even recovered she simply watched him pull his finger back towards him where he gave it a curious sniff and then sucked the digit clean, all the while staring her straight in the eye. He made no effort to stay though and it was obvious that he was just trying to rile her up. As he turned to go back to his friends, she almost felt herself wanting to call out to him but she managed to hold enough rationality to decide against it. It didn't stop her from watching his long semi-hard cock sway as he walked away from her though. Once he had left she felt dirty though. She told herself that she shouldn't be letting these people do those kinds of things to her. She felt sickened over her own response for not immediately lashing out at him and setting an example to the others that she would not be treated that way.

Once again she found herself irritated but this time it wasn't just because of the whole situation, it was from the fact that she was being so relentlessly teased. She hadn't been looking for anything like this tonight; she hadn't even wanted to go out, but now she needed some sort of release and she didn't want to fall into the hands of one of these lusty, teasing drakes. She didn't want to be their sex toy.

Another few, long songs passed and she was only getting more and more lost in the haze of arousal. By now she was drooling down the inside of her thighs and onto the floor. She still twitched and shifted to try and push herself over the edge but it was to no avail and it was becoming increasingly frustrating as it was the only thing she could focus on. It was driving her mad! Just when she thought she was about to break down, the crowd came to her aid once more.

An overly-friendly young female wandered in behind Soul, the blue dragoness far too distracted to notice the grinning female. It was only as half of her finger thrust straight into her dripping vent that she became aware. She cried out and turned her head back to see her assailant, much too surprised to scold her once again. There was nothing Soul could do to stop her and right now she didn't know if she truly wanted to; she was too confused! If the invasive dragoness noticed the vibropatches then she didn't mention them or seem surprised. Instead, she pulled her finger back out and began to rub it around those sensitive lips. Soul's bound legs gave her no chance to stop her and some part of her brain was stopping her from responding verbally whether it was from shock or fear or lust.

Soul melted from her touch. It was far too difficult to fight her desires now that this dragoness was teasing her even further and only making her needs worse. She had no chance of lasting the entire night at this rate. Another dragoness standing nearby seemed to notice that the willpower had almost completely drained and slid closer too. Soul watched her helplessly and she noticed that the grin on her face which earlier would have seemed like pure malice now seemed to contain purely lust.

The new dragoness cupped Soul's muzzle and, before she could figure out what was happening, she pushed their lips together. Soul gasped but found her lips quickly invaded by the other dragoness' tongue which then locked onto hers and began to lather it with saliva. Soul was making no attempt to kiss back but it did nothing to stop or even slow down the other dragoness. At the same time, the dragoness behind her pushed her digit up against her tailhole and managed to work an inch or so inside the torture Soul. Even as she clamped down around it, the relentless dragoness worked herself partway inside whilst the other licked the insides of her mouth to try and distract her as best as possible.

Then, as quick as they both appeared, they too had dispersed back to the crowd. Soul was now very flustered and feeling more agitated then ever. She had started to realise that they were all just teasing her and using her; none of them cared for her, none of them wanted her to cum. She was just a sideshow, a play-thing to them. She was horny and wanted release, maybe even wanted to meet someone special if he came along, but all they wanted was to abuse her, make her more horny, and then leave her to suffer. They really were against her. She felt a few tears escape the corner of her eyes and roll down her cheeks and she gave a little shudder. She never wanted to see this club or the people in it ever again, including her so called friends. Silently she vowed not to be so lenient with them next time, even as aroused as she was. These were not people that she ever wanted to be near her.

She didn't have to wait long for her next suitor either. Another large male, around the size of the one who had fingered her earlier padded up to her. He had a long smear of orange fluorescent paint running down his chest and he oozed confidence as he padded his way up to her. As aroused and needy as she was, she was determined not to let him have his way with her; she was not a slut for him or anyone!

The male pulled up next to her, clearly standing close to her on purpose where he started to dance beside her. He even shot her a pleasant smile, not that she trusted it. She shot him a cold glare back that seemed to dent his demeanour somewhat. It was hard to maintain such a constant glare with her cunt receiving such powerful sets of vibrations but she managed to hold it surprisingly well.

"I am not a slut!" She shouted up at him, catching the young drake rather by surprise. It was evident in his face that he wasn't expecting that. Good; he wasn't prepared for her to fight back. Perhaps he'd leave. However, after a brief moment he shook it off and began to chuckle, bringing his head down nearer to hers so that they could talk more easily.

"I never thought of you as a slut." His voice was calm and carried a bit of that chuckle with it. It was clear that her outburst had not upset him. The response was sincere or at least it sounded that way, but Soul was not in a particularly trusting mood. It knocked her back for a moment as she contemplated whether it was honest or not, but she cursed herself for even giving it a second's consideration.

"Then why did you come over here?" She replied, trying to keep the initial anger in her voice but faltering a little. He didn't seem as rude as the others.

"Because I think you're cute." He rumbled back to her. The noise was closer to a purr than a growl and it was clear that he wasn't being as lustful as those before him. Soul was shocked; perhaps there was a decent person amongst all of the club goers but still, could she really trust him? "Besides, I saw the way that the others were treating you and thought you might want some help."

"Y-You're going to let me go?" She asked hopefully, wondering if this male might help her escape this torture. His response was a soft shake of his head.

"I'm afraid not. I don't have the key to set you free. This is a sick joke that I've seen before here. They bring someone to the club and humiliate them in front of other people. It's disgusting. If you stick with me though then you won't be attacked again. We just have to convince them that you've 'chosen' me and they won't interrupt."

Soul felt her heart sink; her friends had set out to humiliate her from the start. They really didn't like her even when she'd been nothing but polite to them. She pushed that thought down and felt her hard glare return to her teary eyes and she turned it on him. This was blatantly some ploy to get her to do something even worse. "I have to choose you, do I? And how would I do that, hm? Sleep with you? Let you put your finger inside of me?" Her voice got angrier as she went on, ending in an intimidating growl for a dragoness her size. It was clear that the male somewhat expected this angry reaction though and he smiled once more, a soft, friendly, trustworthy smile.

"Nothing like that, trust me. Just dance with me. That's it." He gave her one last smile before raising his head again and starting to sway his hips and head in time with the music.

Soul still wasn't completely sure that she should trust him. After the way her friends had treated her, she was having difficulty trusting everyone and a complete stranger was definitely not going to earn her trust just like that. However, she had no one else right now and the idea of an ally was a very inviting one. Plus he -did- seem genuine and hadn't tried to put anything inside of her just yet. Maybe it was just her arousal talking but, as she stared up at him and watched him sway and dance with the music, occasionally sending her a friendly, confident grin, she found herself noticing that he was fairly handsome as well.

She shook that thought from her head as quickly as it entered; she was not about to fall for one of the cretins that had mocked and teased her just because he had a nice smile. Still, there were a lot of people still watching her and she had no doubt that one of them would soon come over and do something horrible to her. Her vent was still drooling all over the floor and there was a small puddle between her hinds where it had all collected; she -needed- her release but she didn't want to give in to it. Not for their satisfaction. That'd mean losing to the crowd. It'd mean giving in and being their bound slut. That wasn't something she wanted. She refused to give it to them.

The vibropatches were difficult enough to try and mentally suppress but she knew that with added teasing from the crowd she'd crack long before they let her go. The male beside her was her only hope at keeping them back. Rather begrudgingly she began to try and lean from left to right along with the music, just to make it seem as though she was dancing with him though her face clearly stated that she wasn't in the mood and she avoided looking at him to show him exactly how little she was really interested. There was no way she was giving him any hint that she was accepting him; not if it would entice him to try anything.

"What's that?!" The male asked with a rather amused grin, blatantly bemused by her rather pathetic attempts to dance.

"I'm dancing." She answered through gritted teeth. It was bad enough that she had to dance with him anyway to stop herself being ravaged and now he was going to mock her for it?

"That's not how you dance. You won't be able to move much with your feet in your situation so don't even try. Here, let me show you." He rumbled back, lowering himself to push his hip up against hers as the female had done earlier, his tail curling around the other side to hold her tight to him. Slowly he began to sway their hips together in rhythm, gradually swinging further and further until the action became as noticeable and as well timed as those from other dancers. "See, it's all in the hips"

Although she wasn't particularly happy with his firm hold on his hips, Soul was at least glad that he hadn't gone anywhere but her hips. Deep down she was somewhat thankful for the help. She stood out a lot less now in the crowd and it might help make people forget that she was tied up and exposed a few feet to their side. Plus the seemingly intimate moment had caused a few who had still had their eyes on her to turn away as though they realised that she was no longer available. It was clear they didn't want to go head-to-head with the strong looking male by her side.

A while passed where they simply danced side by side; no one interrupted them, no one called out anything at her and, for the first time that night, she felt herself becoming -less- stressed. Admittedly her slit was still burning from how much she needed to cum but the hip shaking helped to distract her slightly and she tried to simply focus on the music, shutting her eyes for minutes at a time. Each time she snapped back though, every note was agony and her face would give her away until she managed to drift off once more. Every time the male above saw her face contort he would give her a worried look which she would then do her best to avoid in the fear that if she admitted to needing to cum then he might try something. She couldn't look weak whilst already being at his mercy for protecting her from the crowd. Finally the larger drake couldn't stand it any more and bent his head down next to hers, giving her cheek a soft nuzzle and making an inquisitive noise to see if she was ok. She tried to ignore it but she knew that would just be rude so she tried to make out that she was fine. He didn't really believe her but he was worried about pressing her too hard for details what with her fiery attitude.

"I fucking hate those girls..." Soul growled under her breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear. It was purely for her own satisfaction. She thought it would release her stress a bit but it didn't feel like it now she'd done it. Lifting her eyes from her feet, she caught the male staring at her, his brow ruffled in confusion. He hadn't heard exactly what had been said but he had certainly heard the anger in her tone.

"I said I hate those girls!" She shouted up at him, making sure that he heard this time. With the loud music though he was the only one who could hear her. She wasn't angry at him but she couldn't contain herself any longer. What with the anger and her arousal both bubbling up inside her, she felt as though she was about to burst and she needed to do something, anything to let it out before she lost her mind. "They're spiteful, lying, horrible bitches! I've done nothing to them and they've betrayed me like this! I hate them! I hate this place! I hate everyone in here!" She shouted once more, though she instantly felt bad. She didn't hate him. He didn't seem so bad but she couldn't bring herself to apologise, not in this state of mind.

To her surprise though, he didn't get annoyed by her comment or, if he did, he didn't show it. Instead he gave her a small solemn nod and a soft, almost apologetic rumble. He honestly did hate the tradition of mocking those who didn't enjoy the same 'scene' as they did and it was horrible how close to tears that the small dragoness seemed. He didn't know how people could enjoy this. She seemed like an honest, innocent dragoness to him and yet they all mocked her to the point of tears. What animals.

"I agree with you. I don't like what they do here and, to do that to you, your friends must be horrible, along with a lot of people in this place." Even though he was shouting over the music, Soul still felt that he was trying to keep his voice soft. Whether he didn't want others to hear him or whether he just wanted to try and calm her she wasn't sure, but it was nice to have a like-minded person around and the moment of venting did help to settle her enough for now.

It wasn't long before the male's friends noticed that he had a new dancing partner and they suddenly swarmed around the both of them, laughing and chatting as they moved in to separate her from the rest of the crowd. At first she was worried by the sudden horde of people interested in her but soon their friendly smiles and calm chit-chat was enough to make her feel somewhat less panicked. It was nice to have a wall between her and the ravenous drakes and dragonesses that had been groping her earlier. She was also glad to be around a group of dragons that weren't so threatening. They were all smiling innocently and it seemed that they had no interest in intervening with their friend's dragoness.

She caught herself blushing when she thought of herself as his dragoness. As cute as he was, she was just horny, that's all. Even though he was being genuinely kind and trying to help her and even though he had saved her from the ravenous crowd of dancers, she felt as though her judgement was not to be trusted now. Perhaps she would be interested though even if she wasn't suffering from her arousal. She couldn't tell what he was saying to his friends but they had all stopped dancing and were leaning in to listen intently over the music; he must've been fairly popular. She liked the idea of being with a popular guy. They all came a little closer and interrupted her thoughts.

"...she's a cute one that's for sure." One of the males said, to which everyone nodded in agreement. They were all smiling around at her but, like him, none of them seemed threatening. She struggled not to take the compliment as though it was one that she was given in an everyday situation. It wasn't everyday that someone called her cute.

One of the dragonesses leaned in to talk to her directly. "We've been watching you two. You dance really well together!" She giggled and she seemed genuinely excited too, no sarcasm in her voice.

Soul found herself looking down at her feet bashfully. It was hard not to feel better around people who were complimenting her. It was something she needed after such a terrible start to the night.

"T-Thank you..." She managed to say after a moment of staring at her feet. For a brief moment she forgot that she was restrained and forced to show off her undertail in a public place. She forgot that these people could probably smell the arousal on her. She just wanted nothing more than to stay with these people until this whole thing was over. She wanted to stay with the male who had rescued her. She felt safe there and, as much as she fought the idea, she felt safe with him in particular. Although it seemed like a bit of a risk trusting these strangers just based on a few compliments, it was more than anyone else had done for her that night and she couldn't afford to turn her nose up at potential help. Her cheeks were glowing so much they were almost visible in the dark light of the club and her eyes were glinting with a few hints of tears but she managed to force herself to look up at her saviour and meet his eyes. "C-Can I stay with you for the rest of the night... please?" She felt ridiculous asking but she felt like she needed him to say it before she'd feel better. Even if she wasn't going to hook up with him another time, she still wanted to perhaps make a friend or, at the very least, get some protection for the rest of the night.

The male burst out laughing at the question and nodded emphatically. "Of course you can! I was hoping that you would. I'll keep you safe." He shouted back and gave her a little wink. She believed him.

Finally she could say that she felt almost happy. Although she knew that she shouldn't feel that way after how much of a nightmare the whole night had been but after so much panic and embarrassment just one act of kindness was enough to lift her back up. At least tonight wouldn't get any worse with him around.

With the fear and anger easing, her mind was drawn back to the one final thing that she hadn't been able to shake off since she first made it onto the dance floor; her libido. Without the worry of people possibly molesting her, the desire in her loins came rushing to the forefront of her mind and almost paralysed her when it hit. Her hinds were shaking with how desperate she was and the entire length of both thighs were glistening with her juices.

She went back to dancing with her male, though this time she was much more keen to stay near him. Her eyes darted over him more often, no longer seeing him in the light that she did before. Now he was a saviour, a hero, an honourable, handsome rescuer who came to save her and sweep her off her paws. He was not just some horny, club-going pervert. Whilst she was aware that her thoughts were not as clear as they usually would be, she couldn't put all of her attraction down to arousal. She was definitely interested in him. Bashfully, she began to edge her way closer to his side until they were practically scale-to-scale, moving together with the rhythm of the music.

The vibropatches inside of Soul's vent were still throbbing with every note but now she had learnt to dance through it. She was as horny as she had ever been and now the patches simply seemed to give a numbing buzz rather than a more powerful burst which she had experienced earlier. Hours of experiencing this torture had left her resistant to the pulses for tonight. However, even if the patches stopped now, she would still need to release all of that pent up sexual frustration and so they were now just stopping her from focussing on anything but her desire to cum and, of course, they were stopping her from actually cumming. She wanted nothing more than to give in to that base desire and she was far too horny to hold herself back.

Subconsciously she had been pushing her lithe body into the large male's side more and more firmly as the songs had passed, her hips held fast to his and her head leaning over to rest against his shoulder now and again. He could feel her rumbling against him whenever she did. As much as he was trying to avoid being so openly lewd to her, spending so long around a leaking dragoness was taking its toll on him. Her scents were testing his endurance and her beautiful, swaying body was capturing his imagination and making it harder. His own mind was growing more lustful and he couldn't help lowering his head to her neck to nip along its length playfully.

Soul's eyes shot open and she gasped, the feeling of his teeth on her bare scales was so strong and pleasuring that she couldn't help instantly exposing more of her neck to him. For almost an hour after, they danced side by side, Soul's male nipping, licking and kissing at her scales, teasing her more and more into a frenzy. He was becoming more riled too as her body responded so tantalizingly to his touch. He wanted her.

Daring to take it even further he climbed over her, the large drake easily able to stand over the top of her without having to position himself awkwardly. She fit snugly between his legs. Soul couldn't deny that she loved the safe feeling that she got from having her big, handsome male stood over her, guarding her and keeping her safe from all the lewd members of the crowd. Not to mention that she found it very sexy as well to have him stood over her in such a dominating pose.

With a cheeky grin on his face, he bucked his entire body slightly to swing his long, semi-hard shaft straight into her rear. The searing hot organ pressed up against her backside, hanging down over her tailhole and laying across her dripping opening as well. He watched her eyes go wide and she lifted her flushed face up to look at him, but there was no anger in her eyes, simply shock and a deep blush that revealed her desire. Reassured that she was enjoying herself, he pulled his hips back and repeated the action with a little more force, this time hitting with more of a slap to her exposed vent.

Whilst she had had secret fantasies about finding a kind, playful male who would treat her like this, Soul had never thought it would ever actually happen and she never would've thought that it would happen in public. But every time that his shaft swung into her, every time she felt him throb a little against her, she knew that she wanted to go home with him. If it hadn't been for the bonds holding her in place she would've dragged him back to hers in a heartbeat.

Even as morning came around and the sun was getting ever closer to rising, she still danced with him above her, his cock now resting on her back as they swayed together. Both of them had tired feet after a whole night of dancing and both were in need of some release as well as rest. She felt his paw come up to her collar and rub her neck there for a few moments, his head lowering to press his cheek against hers as he rumbled happily.

From almost out of nowhere, her 'friends' appeared at their side and seemed as bubbly as ever.

"See! We told you that you'd have fun and meet someone!" Soul's head snapped up and she felt anger rise up inside of her again; what they had done was not acceptable! They cut her off before she could talk however, two of the dragonesses moving around her to start uncoupling all of her bondage gear so that she would be free to move again.

"You really put on a good show Soul. The people here loved it!" Again Soul was about to lash out at her but once more she was cut off by the pleasure from the vibropatches suddenly stopping. "There! Now they're turned off. Anyway, here's the instructions for the vibropatches. We decided that you can take them out yourself and we'll let you keep them too, you know, in case you want to come back."

By the time she finished talking and had stuffed the sheet of folded paper into Soul's now-free paw, the other dragonesses had finished releasing the rest of her. Immediately she lowered her tail to cover herself up and then began to stretch her legs and neck to work out the stiffness that had built up there. She raised her head to really give those three dragonesses an earful only to be cut off by the male above her.

"Why don't you bitches just leave already? You've done enough, don't you think?" His voice growled in their direction. The smiles on their faces faltered and they looked both agitated and worried at one of the crowd berating them and they silently slunk away, not looking nearly as bubbly or excited as they had been heading over.

At least she still had her male. Her mood was partially ruined by the appearance of her 'friends' but it had snapped her a bit further back to reality and now she realised how late it was. She turned her head and looked up at her male, her body still full of rage and frustration.

He grinned down at her with an honest, caring smile. "It's getting pretty late. I should be heading home now. I'll see you again though, won't I?" He asked, obviously genuine in his question. Soul was somewhat sad that he was leaving. She had every intention of leaving as well but she still needed some release. Thinking about it though, she didn't even know his name. It would be very unlike her to just sleep with a stranger on the first meeting, even if he was so handsome and kind and she was glad that he hadn't pushed something like that on her. All of these thoughts rushed around in her head along with the agonising arousal and the tiredness from having been up all night so that in the end all she could do was nod.

He grazed her cheek gently with his paw and said his goodbye before turning and heading out of the club, leaving her stood alone on the dance floor. A minute or so later she exited as well and turned for home. As she walked, she thought of him. A stranger whose name she didn't even know but who she desperately wanted to know more about; it was like one of her romance novels! She wanted to see him again for sure. Though, now that she thought about it, how was she going to do that? She didn't have his number, his address; she had never even got a clear view of his scale colour!

She let out a frustrated groan as she walked into her house. All she could think was that she'd have to go back to that club and just hope he's there and hope that they bump into each other but the chances of recognising anyone in that dark, dingy place was unlikely. Climbing onto her bed she threw the instructions for the vibropatches onto her bedside table grumpily along with the book that was still waiting faithfully. She slid her fingers into her cunny to remove the device, wincing a little as her digits touched her incredibly sensitive walls but it didn't hurt to remove it luckily. Once that was removed and put on the table, she removed her tail ring and finally her collar. As she took the collar off, she noticed a small piece of paper that fell onto her sheets and curiously she picked it up.

On the back was a phone number; his phone number. He must have slid it into her collar near the end of the night.

With a happy sigh she put it on the side as well, making a mental note to get in touch with her hero the next day. She was completely exhausted now though and needed to sleep. More than that, she needed to cum though. She had barely managed the walk home with such a burning sensation in her crotch and such tired paws but now she lay back on her bed and shut her eyes. She dreamt about that male from the club and let her fingers slide down to her pink opening. All night she'd been dreaming of release and, even though it was only in her mind, her saviour was going to give it to her in the end.

Cyril In The Middle

This was a commission for the wonderfully patient and sweet guy; SADesian who waited patiently even when I took an age to complete the commission. This is a sequel to 'Iggy In The Middle' starring (you guessed it) Cyril instead of Ignitus. A shout out...

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New Faces

I'm well aware this won't be everyone's cup of tea but if it is your cup of tea then hopefully you'll enjoy it. This does contain both scat and watersports as focal points so if you aren't a fan of both then it might not be advisable to keep reading. ...

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Keeping Up Appearances

This was done as a doodle story just because i had a day off and there isn't enough Saphira stuff out there in my opinion! Comments and Criticisms are welcome but don't be too harsh, it was only a doodle. None of these characters belong to me, they...

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