Expendable: Pleasing Royalty

Story by Macabre Dragon on SoFurry

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#2 of Expendable

This story is the second part to my series 'Expendable,' which was mostly, (well... really ALL), vore in the first part. :P

Although most of you will be watching the series for that I would imagine, this second instalment will be nothing but sex. rolls eyes I know I know... how boring and

repetitive you say, but DEAL WITH IT.

We are after all following the story of what happens to Layla after the group is separated. Did you honestly expect me to have her tale be told without her getting violated?!? I mean really. Enjoy it if you can... :/

In all seriousness though, do let me know what you think once you've read it. :)

Votes, faves, and especially comments are greatly appreciated. <3


*<Earth-date: July 22nd, 3104; Syra: 398 Solar Days.>

*<Time: 11:24am>

*<Cameras in Operation: Forest 1 - 45, Aerial 1 - 36>


Syra is no Place for Foxes

Of all the dangerous situations you might face on Syra, nothing can get you eaten faster than walking through the woods. During this savage month it was especially dangerous, and you'd be lucky to make it more than a mile without a hungry, horny beast stumbling upon you. If you're fortunate, it'll be well fed and only require some sexual release; if not however, you'll likely find yourself inside the monster's belly faster than you can blink. Your best chance of survival would be to hide, but it would be difficult to find a spot where you wouldn't be discovered. The sounds of reptilian creatures devouring or mating with each other are constantly sounding around you, masking the silent approach of anything on the hunt for a small, defenceless creature to enjoy. By now, it's no secret that the protective "spray" many of our dear characters are wearing only serve to excite the numerous predators surrounding them. If Hale had known all this before, perhaps he would've stayed on the path, but it was too late for that now. Besides, Leech was no safer in doing so anyway. Both ended up in the belly of dragon, and they were powerless to stop it.

For Layla it would be no different.

Layla, like the others, had fled from the dragon as fast as she could when it attacked. She bolted through the woods, her canine agility carrying her faster into the dark foliage than any lumbering human could manage. Her heart was thumping in her ears, and all thoughts of finding someone to mate had evaporated completely in her terror-stricken retreat. She ran for quite a while, heading even further away from the ship in her desperate attempt to avoid being lunch. Her tail was a red blur, streaking behind her body and the tight black suit for a several minutes before she slowed down and came to a stop.

The fox's breathing was light and relaxed, surprisingly. Despite living a life of comfort and leisure, her lean form seemed to retain the ability to deal with strenuous activity without much complaint. She remained perfectly still for a few moments, taking a quick look around before dropping behind a tree for cover.

The path was nowhere to be seen. The narrow dirt road had ended abruptly after a quick bend around a tree, but she didn't stop. The possibility of finding safety in the mine up ahead had driven her onwards, but now it looked like everything had been a lie. There was no mine.

Letting out a soft whimper, Layla kept looking around, unsure of what to do next. She could hear the deep, primal sounds of creatures echoing throughout the woods surrounding her, barking and snarling in alien tones to a savage symphony that had no part for her to play. Every time she decided on a direction, another bestial grunt reached her sensitive ears from the forest ahead, freezing her in her tracks. It was almost as if the forest itself was playing a game with her, seeming to goad her into going one way before immediately proclaiming that it was unsafe.

Fear began to swell inside her chest like a balloon. She had no idea where the ship was, or any of her companions. Daimon was gone for sure, she knew that at least, and most likely Meirith as well. She doubted anything could get the drop and that big, handsome wolf, yet obviously something had. It was a shame that he was gone. She would've very much liked to get to know the impressive beast more: talking with him, listening to the deep, sonorous purr of his voice when he responded. She could only imagine what his rough, grey fur felt like, and how those big muscles danced under the thick patches as she dragged her claws through it. She imagined what it would be like to have him over top of her, stooping low to press his hips to hers... She imagined what it would be like to have that thick, canine cock pushed into her, his impressive form tensing above her, panting and snarling as he took her...

Layla shivered, closing her eyes and replaying the scenario in her mind over and over again. The smell of the forest and the odour of the spray from her suit wafted up to her nostrils, causing them to flare and excite her even more. She blocked out all other sounds as she imagined it, trailing her paw slowly down her chest and down to the cleft between her legs. She pressed lightly, digging her claws into the suit and moaning with need. When the suit prevented her from pushing in further, she pressed harder. Her once calm breathing became slightly laboured once again, and her heart thumped loudly in her ears.

She was just about to reach up and unzip her suit when a hand descended on her shoulder. "Layla..."

The vixen let out a sharp yelp and spun around, falling to the forest floor in a heap. In her daydreaming state, the shock of somebody behind her practically frightened her out of her wits. It felt as though somebody had reached inside her gut and pulled her stomach upwards into her chest. She let out another series of softer yelps and crawled frantically backwards along the ground until her back hit a tree. Then, looking up, her eyes went wide with disbelief as she saw Meirith standing in front of her, completely naked.

The big wolf smiled. "Sorry about that my dear, I didn't mean to startle you," he said in an uncaring tone. "Are you alright?"

Layla had to take a few deep breaths before she found herself able to respond. "Meirith? You're alive? How did you... I mean, how... "The fox couldn't stop staring between the other canine's legs. The grey mound at his crotch was bigger than she would've imagined, swelling lightly with a subtle tip of red flesh poking out from the top.

Meirith's grin broadened. "How did I what?"

"How did you escape?" Layla finished, pushing herself into a standing position with her back still against the tree. "You disappeared on the path, and then the dragon attacked, and -"

"A dragon?" Meirith said, his deep voice taking on a hint of surprise. "Why, I had no idea. If I'd had known you were in trouble my dear, I would've come right back of course." His tone was overly sincere. If Layla was more perceptive in this moment, perhaps she would've caught the hint of a lie in the wolf's voice.

Instead, the fox nodded her head, pleased with the wolf's response. "Yes, I'm sure that you would have." She suddenly looked to her right around the tree, the ears on her head perking up as a rough, bestial roar sounded loudly through the woods.

"Pay no attention to it, that cry was quite far away," Meirith said. "Besides, I think that particular animal was a little preoccupied doing something else." His smile told the fox all she needed to know.

Layla looked back at Meirith, her eyes still drifting uncertainly in the direction of the noise. "That's good I suppose," she said unsurely. "But now that you're here, what should we do? It's not safe." She sounded almost pleading in her tone. The sound of the beast had reminded her of the deadly situation with a disturbing abruptness.

"Make it back to the ship of course," Meirith responded. "We wouldn't want your delicate little form devoured by some horrible creature now would we dear?" Once again, his words carried with them an air of mock sincerity.

The fox smiled back, briefly dismissing concern from her mind. "You don't need to call me dear you handsome beast," she said warmly. Once again her hand drifted up to her breast, almost involuntarily before she forced her paw to drop. Now was not the time or place. Despite her urges, such a thing could get them killed.

"W-why... thank you," Layla responded, shifting her feet nervously. She was having a hard time concentrating.

"But of course. I couldn't resist returning to catch a damsel in distress like yourself, especially one so sleek and valuable," Meirith said, smirking.

Layla smiled at the odd compliment. "Thanks again," she said, giggling like a little school girl. She'd forgotten what it was like to be in danger. Her strong companion would protect her. "Are you going to help me make it back to the ship as well? That might be enough to earn you a little something later."

The sharp cry of something dying echoed through the foliage to the south. Both of them ignored it.

Meirith allowed his grin to broaden as he took a single step towards her, his toned form moving with a predatory ease that made the female fox quiver with excitement. "I imagine it would," he replied soothingly, his eyes gazing down at her body. "I'm sure that if you followed my lead we would make back relatively unscathed."

"Mm, yes, I'll do whatever you want, "Layla responded.

"Good," Meirith blinked once and tilted his head, looking down at her with his vibrant yellow eyes. "Then take off the suit."

Layla smirked. "You haven't rescued me yet, silly," she said. "Shouldn't we wait until we're back on the ship?"

"No, take it off now."

The vixen's smile faltered. "Don't be ridiculous Meirith, this suit is the only thing pro - "

"The suit doesn't protect you from anything Layla, Andy was right," the wolf stated matter-of-factly. "The serum we put on ourselves attracts the creatures, it doesn't deter them."

Suddenly, Layla was no longer staring at the wolf in front of her. She gazed down at the black suit covering her, an expression of horrified realization dawning upon her canine features. "A-are you sure..?"

"Yes, I'm sure," Meirith said. "If you want to come with me you have to take that off."

"Oh my God..." Layla said, whining with terror as she suddenly realized what it all meant. All thoughts of fucking her hulking companion vanished from her mind as she shakingly began unzipping her suit. "B-but that means that the company wants us dead right? DiamondSky didn't want us down here for resources, they just wanted to... oh God..." She began to cry softly.

"Hey, hey now...shhh," Meirith purred, walking up to her and bending his knees so that he was down at her level. He stroked his claws across her cheek, comforting her before using his other paw to help her pull the zipper down. "There's no reason to be upset my dear. If they truly wanted to kill us, they would've done it on the ship, remember? What Leech said was true as well, they wouldn't go through all the trouble sending us down here just to get rid of us."

Layla sniffed, letting go and allowing the big wolf to take her zipper the rest of the way down. "Are you sure?" She said.

Meirith put his paw under her chin, lifting her eyes to meet his. "Of course I'm sure. This has all just been a big misunderstanding. We'll sort it out once we're back in space and on the station, ok?"

She smiled back at him, licking his paw with her tongue. "Ok."

Meirith grinned at her before reaching up to pull the suit off her shoulders. As he pulled it down the fox stumbled out of it awkwardly, yanking her legs out of the gripping material that now disturbed her more than anything else. It took a bit of pulling and some effort on the wolf's part to free her, but once she was out, she took a deep, freeing breath and crossed her arms across her breasts.

Meirith was holding onto the suit with a single paw, staring down at her naked body with a gaze of pure lust. Layla's legs were sleek and soft, covered in a thin layer of vibrant red fur that stretched up to her loins before parting and heading up her back. Her front was a delicate white from her neck down to her crotch, with a vibrant outline of black to highlight where the colors changed, along with several dotted patterns to decorate her thighs and forearms.

Layla felt that same lust passing to her as she eyed the wolf in front of her. "Like what you see?" She said.

"Yes, I do..." Meirith responded. He held the suit up to his nose, inhaling deeply and stumbling as the powerful scent screamed in his nostrils. He was panting heavily when he stopped, the tip of his member poking from the folds of his sheath. "Let's see if my companions do as well." He gestured behind him with his paw, his tail swishing excitedly as a maniacal grin came across his features.

The grin frightened Layla. She'd never seen him use it, but there was something sinister about it that she didn't like. . The instinctual part of her brain was screaming with warning that something was wrong, that she should turn and flee, but she remained. Meirith would never hurt her.

Layla was just about to ask the wolf what he meant when she spotted a rustling in the bushes behind him. Her breath caught in her chest and she staggered back a few paces, her eyes wide with dread.

Two, massive lizards about the same size of the wolf stepped up to either side of him. Unlike the dragon that had attacked them, these reptiles stood on two legs, yet remained hunched as if walking on four would've been a possibility as well. Their limbs were thick and muscular, ending in a ferocious set of pale claws on both their feet and their hands. Thick, trunk-like tails swung casually behind them in light arcs, sliding across the forest floor with a dry, brushing sound that made the little fox shiver with repulsion. The worst part however, was their faces. Both of the lizards regarded her with a mute, lustful expression. Their dull, red eyes gleamed lazily down at her nethers with a hint of satisfaction. Their snouts were long and narrow with a set of thin, scaled lips and lined with a grimy set of white fangs. Small blotches of oddly mismatched color were splashed around their torso, whereas a more organized patter of red lines streaked diagonally down their cheeks and across the frills on their head.

They continued to stare at her for a long while. Layla remained frozen, barely daring to move in case she startled the dangerous looking creatures.

One of them reached over to Meirith and picked up Layla's suit, pressing it to its muzzle. There was a loud blast of air as the lizard inhaled deeply, his eyes growing bloodshot as he became slightly dizzy and stumbled; much like the wolf had done before.

The lizard gave a happy bark and gestured greedily towards Layla, a small glob of drool falling from the corner of its lips. Although she didnt think it possible, her eyes grew even wider as she noticed the ribbed spire of flesh beginning to sprout eagerly from between the monsters legs, pushing out from his slimy vent.

Meirith looked down at the swelling member with a nod before returning his evil gaze to Layla. "Well, I guess they approve of you as well," he said. "Now the fun begins."

The lizards darted forwards.

Layla screamed.



*<Earth-date: July 22nd, 3104; Syra: 398 Solar Days.>

*<Time: 1:35pm>

*<Cameras in Operation: Forest 1 - 45, Aerial 1 - 36>


Syra is Definitely No Place for Horny Foxes

One of the lizards had been carrying Layla through the forest for about two hours before she began to hear the sounds of beating drums in the distance. She was slung over the reptile's shoulder, with her head hanging low behind its back and her legs draped over the opposite side. Her middle was sore and most likely bruised from being carried for so long, and the fur along her front was dishevelled from rubbing against the rough back-scales of her captor.

Layla had been caught easily back when Meirith had given the word. The two lizards converged on her faster than she could blink. The one on the right tackled her to the ground just as she began to scream, slamming into her hard and smothering her with its bulk. The immense weight was more than enough to hold her easily in place. She felt the monster's rough scales slide across her as it shivered over top of her, clearly enjoying the otherworldly sensations her fur provided. A dry, meaty stench filled her nostrils as the creature pressed itself closed and looked down at her with its hideous red eyes. Its mouth opened at it flicked its tongue in her face, causing her to flinch back and whimper.

The fox feared for her life in that moment. She didn't know the beast's intentions, but they couldn't be anything she would welcome. Just as she began to fear the worst, the other reptile darted in from the side and smashed into the other, lifting him off the ground with a violent shriek of anger.

The two lizards tumbling down beside her and a scuffle immediately broke out. Layla let out a frightened cry of her own and leapt up, running a couple feet before the strong arms of Meirith wrapped around her, holding her in place.

"No need for that my dear," Meirith said. "Our two friends are battling to be the one to accompany you back to their home! Isn't that romantic?"

Layla struggled brief in his arms before watching the combatants with wide, fearful eyes. It was hard to track what was going on amidst the violent movements of whipping tails and raking claws, and the noise was horrendous. Although she managed the odd glimpse of one of their faces, the savage, hateful expressions she found there only frightened her more. Both of the creatures scratched and bit at each other without mercy, maiming each other in a wild attempt to gain the upper hand. It was perhaps the most primitive, violent display she'd ever had the misfortune of witnessing.

Then, almost as suddenly as it had begun, the reptile on top darted forwards and closed its mouth around the other's neck. There was a weak, gargling cry of dismay followed by a sickening crunch as the victorious beast twisted the other's head, killing his companion in a single, violent snap of his jaws. The triumphant beast stood up and let out a roar, announcing his victory.

Meirith remained where he was, holding that same, amused grin as Layla shrunk back in his arms. Then, the lizard stepped over its motionless companion and ripped Layla from the wolf's grip, tossing her over his shoulder before setting off.

Layla had screamed and beat at the lizard's back instantly before a powerful smack from the wolf trailing behind them silenced her.

"Time to shut up my dear, unless you want to end up like our friend back there," he said, flashing her his teeth.

The fox whimpered and closed her eyes, her face stinging from the blow. "Where are you - "

"Silence," Meirith hissed.

Defeated, Layla hung limply on the lizard's shoulders as the ventured through the woods, keeping her eyes on the forest floor as her captors carried her off to whatever fate awaited her. The trip had been mostly uneventful and silent, allowing the fox to think further about her current situation, and dread what the wolf and lizard had in store for her.

Though the sounds of the forest followed them the entire time, it wasn't until two hours later that she heard a muted, continuous roar, punctuated by the sound of deep, hollow-sounding drums.

"What is that?" Layla asked, grunting as the lizard stepped down a small incline. Her voice was thick with apprehension. She hoped that the question didn't permit another smack from the incredibly strong wolf walking behind them.

Meirith smiled. "You'll see very soon my dear," he said excitedly.

As the trio pressed onwards, the sounds became louder. After a short while the forest thinned, opening up to wider pathway lined with what looked to be greenish-colored soil. Boulders six times larger than the lizard that carried her were placed in a line to each side, acting as a sort of primitive entrance to wherever they were heading. Though Layla couldn't see behind her, she looked up to find Meirith's eyes fixed ahead, glowing brightly in anticipation. The beating of the drums and the rush of savage voices was getting louder.

There was a small incline, followed by set of rough stone steps. The lizard took them quickly, his tail held high as his padded feet thumped downwards before landing at a huge, spacious gap in the lined boulders. There was a platform of crudely aligned pavestones and rocks, mixed with dirt and the odd, curious stain.

Layla fixated on the floor for a moment, her breath coming in quick, sharp gasps as fear began to grip her. She had no idea what was past the entrance, but she feared the worst.

As the lizard carrying her stepped through, Layla almost cried out in terror as her appearance was met with an explosion of noise. The deep, alien bellows of reptilian beasts reverberated through her head, piercing her skull with unfathomable power. She closed her eyes and winced, pressing her paws to her ears and folding them back in a meager attempt to block it out. The sounds continued as a dull, thunderous roar even then, and she could feel her captor continuing onwards through it all. The reptile's steps had taken on a joyful, almost bouncing quality.

Layla kept her senses shut off from the world as long as she could before almost as suddenly as they begun, the noises stopped. Confusion and lingering fear gripped her, and she dared not open her eyes and hears. She didn't want to know what had made those horrible sounds.

The fox was forced to let go however, when the lizard stopped and unceremoniously deposited her on the ground. She yelped as she landed heavily on her side, the cold, flat stone bashing into her hip and elbow. Throbbing pain blossomed in her arm and legs from the impact. She moaned and curled her naked body into a ball. Unfortunately for her, Meirith didn't care if she hurt or not. She felt two large, furred paws grip her armpits and hoist her onto her feet. Then, she opened her eyes.

She chocked on a sudden cry of terror and almost collapsed in Meirith's arms as she saw what surrounded them.

The hideous reptilian creatures stood around her in a circle, closing around them from all sides. There were about twenty of them, standing in a large clearing with trees and rocks blocking any chance of escape. All of them were identical to the one that had carried her. The stench of their presence and the dry, heady smell of their bodies was palpable in the air, encompassing Layla in a soft blanket of repulsive warmth. Deep, ragged breathing accompanied the rise and fall of their muscled chests, yet other than that, they were completely silent. The once unbearable noise that had almost certainly been their primal cries had been replaced with an uncomfortable stillness. Their dull, red eyes stared at her, glinting with an excitement that disturbed Layla down to her very bones.

Most of them remained still, huddled close around the fallen fox to study her with an otherworldly curiosity. One of them however, remained slightly detached, holding a small bag of made of thick green leaves that seemed to be holding some kind of liquid. It wavered slightly as the lizard curled his head down and opened it, hunching over the contents like a mother caressing her newborn child. The lizard inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring intensely for a few moments before he let out a pleased sigh and shuddered with insurmountable pleasure.

Layla let out a small noise as she realized that the lizard was completely erect: it's thick, reptilian meat glistening wetly in the midday sun and bobbing up and down from the beast's excited movements.

Layla's cry of terror became a strangled wheeze as Meirith squeezed her tightly and raised his paw to her muzzle. "Shhh, little foxie. You don't want to excite them, not yet," Meirith said. "Listen to what their leader has to say."

The wolf's paws gripped her head and forced it to look forwards, and suddenly, Layla found herself staring at a massive wall of vibrant white scales. At first, she didn't know what she was seeing. It seemed an odd, alien sort of barrier to have in front of her, especially one that reeked nearly twice as bad of reptilian heat then the creatures surrounding her. Then, suddenly, the wall moved. Comprehension and over whelming fear froze her in the wolf's embrace as she slowly lifted her gaze skywards, and found herself looking up into the massive, narrow muzzle of a dragon.

The dragon was laying down in front of them all, encompassing the entire gathering in the crook of its gigantic legs. Its chest was directly in front of her, rising and falling in time with the deep, sonorous crescendo of its breathing. A striped pattern of colorful red lines decorated most of the beast's face, casting an almost beautiful color across its cheeks and down the length of its neck. Whether or not the pattern continued down his back, Layla couldn't tell: he was too large. Spiked frills jutted out from the backs of its jaws, and two, curved horns stretched outwards from the top of its head. The creature stared at her with its black, silted pupils with a mixture of calm serenity and mild curiosity.

Then, suddenly, its eyes flicked to Meirith and his jaws opened, erupting with a deep, booming voice. "This is the one you promised?" It said. The tone was distinctively masculine.

Meirith smiled. "Yes, this is the one," he answered. "I'm sure your subjects will find her not only pleasing, but willing to subject herself to whatever needs they might have." That sent a rippling of excited murmurs through the crowd that was quickly silenced by a narrowing of the dragon's eyes.

"Let her go wolf, I would study her myself," the dragon said.

Meirith released Layla and walked back to the outline of reptiles near the back. A brief snarl caused two of the creatures to part for him timidly, allowing the wolf to turn and stand with a comfortable view.

As soon as the wolf left her, Layla stood paralyzed in fear, he legs threatening to crumble beneath her at any moment. The dragon's eyes bore into her as they darted over her, inspecting her naked form closely with a sense of thoughtful inquisitiveness. She felt like a prized possession on display. Although she despised Meirith for betraying her, she missed his comfortable embrace. At least it would provide some measure of protection from her extreme vulnerability.

The dragon nodded thoughtfully. "What is your name, mammal?"

Layla winced as the beast spoke. Although his voice was smooth, it was difficult to remain standing when the deep, basso rumble of his chest threatened to topple her over. Her tail began to twitch back and forth in nervousness. "L-Layla," she managed to stutter.

"Welcome, Layla," The dragon said, his tongue curling on the roof of his cavernous maw before snapping downwards as he pronounced each 'L'. "I am King Belial, ruler of the forest of Syra and these loyal subjects that surround you." He made a circular motion with his snout, gesturing at the circle of reptilian creatures. "All of them have been most anxious to meet a female of Meirith's kind, ever since he stumbled into our midst."

Still shaking, Layla turned around briefly to look at the wolf. Meirith offered her a brief smile, flashing his fangs before motioning her to turn back around. Her mind was full of questions, yet she didn't dare speak unless bidden. She turned reluctantly, giving a nervous swallow as she looked up at the dragon once again.

Belial smiled, showcasing rows of sharpened, gleaming fangs under his curved lips. "I suppose you're wondering why you are here?" He said.

Layla nodded briefly, not trusting herself to speak.

"Yes," the dragon said. "I imagine that you would, seeing as Meirith has told you nothing of your purpose, just as he was told." He lowered his giant head, replacing the fox's view of his broad chest with his twisted, scaled lips, hovering only a few feet from where she was. "I've been informed that you enjoy mating more than any other creature from your planet, is this true?"

Layla shrunk back, tears coming to her eyes as the wyrm's rank breath assaulted her senses. She coughed lightly, finding herself unable to answer the question not only through her discomfort, but also from her sheer surprise at Belial's forwardness.

Meirith stepped forwards. "From the time we landed to now my king, she must've expressed her desire to fuck me at least three times," he said, smiling as he caused a chattering laugh to roll through the ranks of reptiles.

The dragon looked up and narrowed his eyes. "Speak out of turn again and I'll swallow you whole," he said. Meirth's grin vanished immediately as he took a nervous step back into the crowd. Layla had never seen him so shaken.

Belial returned his attention to the fox. "Is this true?" He asked.

There was a brief pause as Layla considered her answer. Usually her answer to such a question in public would have her fuming in rage, but she could hardly do that now. An angry reaction was one sure way to keep the unwanted rumors away, but once you'd slept with so many co-workers, the word would get out sooner or later.

As much as she wanted to, there was no point in lying here. She could feel the arousal of the beasts surrounding her, watching her naked body with their glowing eyes. Regardless of the answer she gave, the end result was probably going to be the same: she knew what they wanted. Meirith and every other motionless creature ogling her most definitely already knew about her promiscuity, and the dragon would certainly kill her if she lied. "I would say the most on the 'entire' planet, but yes," she stated flatly, fearing the worst.

The dragon nodded his head approvingly. "Yes, even here on Syra we've heard of the sexual drive of you young foxies," he said happily. "You've been given universal acclaim on all accounts." Belial leaned in closer, his massive jaws hovering a mere inches from where Layla stood. When he spoke next, his hot breath washed over her and she shuddered visibly. "And knowing this, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that you'll be satisfying each and every one of my pent up followers here. They get impatient and violent during this time, so it would do them good to get some release."

Layla felt a jolt of terror well up within her breast, mixed with an overwhelming sense of fear at the thought of so many hideous reptiles taking her at once. A small shiver of excitement crept through the lines of gathered creatures, rippling through their masses at the dragon's words.

"Each one of them will have their turn with you, with some taking two, three, or maybe even four turns until their needs are completely satiated," Belial continued. "You're going to be the first fox they've ever had, and if the rumors about your kind are true, you should have no trouble taking all that they have to offer. I would expect nothing less from a mammal well known for its breeding capacity."

The dragon was stating these points in without a trace of doubt, holding to them as if they were facts. Layla began to grow wary of the many faces staring at her. She back to look back and forth nervously, trying to hide herself from the curious, alien faces that bore into her most intimate of areas. Although she slept with a variety of partners quite frequently, she'd never been with more than two at a time. She didn't think that any amount of experience or need could make her enjoy what these hideous monsters had to offer. The dragon seems reasonable, she thought. Perhaps I could get myself out of this mess.

"I'm afraid the rumors you've heard about me have been more or less ex... exaggerated," Layla began, stumbling when the beast's eyes narrowed angrily down at her. "I've been with a few, but never more than a couple at once. Can we not do only a few?" She added hastily. She'd wanted to say more, but the dragon's annoyed gaze forced her to sputter her last few words and hold the rest back on her tongue.

"How can this be true?" Belial asked, growling in disappointment. "I thought you said this one was experienced Meirith, have you lied to us?"

The wolf stepped forwards, hastily clearing his throat to defend himself as all the reptile's turned to look at him as one. "N-No, your majesty, of course not," he said. "I was telling you the truth when I said Layla is an active lover. She sleeps with just about any attractive male she comes into contact with, which is beyond the normal amount of sex one could expect from a creature on my planet."

"Hmm..." Belial hummed, thoughtfully. "So even the best breeders on Earth are no better than the lowest horny beast here on Syra? What a shame." He sighed, before looking at Layla with a fire in his eyes. "Oh well, it hardly matters. We're going to have our fun with you regardless, so do try and enjoy yourself little foxie. If my subjects enjoy you enough, perhaps I'll keep you around as our little pet instead of eating you when they're done."

Layla's eyes went wide with fright. "No!" The fox yelled, "Please, don't do this - let me go! Meirith..." She turned around and looked at the wolf. "Please..."

Meirith ignored her and looked up at the dragon. "Shall I get her prepared my king?"

"Yes, you may," Belial answered, settling back and shifting his massive body into a more comfortable position to watch the show. "As it was your doing that got her here, you may be the first to take her before the others have their fun. Be sure to give us a good show..." The dragon rumbled with happiness and gave an affirmative nod, allowing the wolf to step forwards and begin his approach.

"No... Meirith, don't," Layla pleaded.

"Oh, come now, this is what you wanted," Meirith said, a smile coming across his canine muzzle. "You heard what our King said: if you enjoy yourself and make it worth our while, you'll get to live - it's as simple as that." He took a few more steps forward and grabbed her roughly by the shoulder. "I'll show these reptiles how to properly breed a little fox like yourself, and then the rest is up to you."

Layla only sobbed as the wolf began moving, pulling her along to the flat slab of rock in the middle of the clearing. Excitement began to blossom within the crowded ranks of lizards as they pushed forwards to get a good view, anxious to see the show that was about to start. This was the first time they would get to witness the furry creatures of Earth mating: it was going to be a ceremony to remember.

Meirith extended his arm, leading the fox lightly over to the rock. "Sit, please," he said, gesturing with his free hand.

Layla turned and timidly sat herself down on the rock, moving her tail so she didn't squish it underneath her weight. "Why are you doing this Meirith?" She asked in a small, sad voice. "I thought you were sent down here with us well: that you cared about our survival."

Oh, I never cared for YOU darling," Meirith answered, walking up beside her to put a reassuring claw underneath her chin. "I only ever cared about one thing, and I'm about to get it." He lifted the fox's head with his claw, forcing her to look into his eyes. "Our mission was never anything more than an excuse to get rid of you all: to cut loose the small group of employees stealing Diamond Sky's profits without contributing anything in return. You're a disgrace Layla, but that doesn't mean you can't make it up to us." He slowly dropped his hand down to cup her breast. "You may not know it yet, but I'm giving you a chance to make everything up."

Layla flinched at the wolf's touch, yet she didn't pull away. His paw felt warm and heavy against her breast and the rough pads immediately began pressing against her sensitive flesh and massaging them in pleasant, circular motions that made her heart start pounding in her chest. "And h-how is that?" She asked, still wary of the dozens of reptilian eyes staring at them both.

Meirith didn't answer. Instead, he gestured behind him with his paw, holding it out expectantly. Without a word, one of the lizards in the crowd shuffled forwards, depositing a rounded pouch made of intertwined leaves. It made a small sloshing sound when it was dropped and noticeably wobbled in the big, grey paw that held it. The lizard remained where he was for a moment, continuing to sniff eagerly at the bag in a last, desperate attempt to savor it before he ripped it from its grasp. A small, disappointed keen sounded from the reptile's mouth when the bag was in the wolf's grasp, and Meirith had to give a low growl to get the other creature to leave. When the lizard had moved back into its place, he brought the pouch forwards and help it underneath Layla's nose.

"This is the same substance we smeared our suits with back on the ship," Meirith said, inhaling long and deep before letting out a large sigh. The act of smelling it had similar effects to what Layla had seen from the lizard that carried it before: the wolf's sheath swelled with arousal, the red tip of his cock peeking out from his grey, furry pouch while his bloodshot eyes stared down at here with need.

"Mm, such a delightful little liquid," the wolf mused. "This was never developed by Diamond Sky little fox: it's always been brewed by the draconian tribes down here on Syra to give their sexual ceremonies a bit more... potency. The company acquired it for use after certain deals were struck this very year in fact." He grinned down at her. "You're the first, but I expect these lizards will be seeing many sexy little foxes in the future." With that, he reached out and grabbed the fox's ankle, pulling her body close.

Layla let out a soft whine and tried to pull herself away, but the wolf held firm. She felt an ache in her leg as the canine's paw tightened hard around her slender limb and yanked her back down on the flat piece of rock. A soft yelp escaped her lips as her back arched against the hard stone. The wolf's eyes brightened at the sight. Whether or not she wanted to, her body was now positioned in an enticing, vulnerable manner, with her loins and supple breasts in perfect view of her captor's questing eyes.

Taking his paw away, Meirith reached upward and dipped his claws into the bag of liquid held lighty against his body. "You wanted this Layla," he growled. "Even in your reluctance your body betrays you." He put his paw out, the furred digits of his hand covered in the smelly, green serum. "For the next few hours, all you have to do is sit back and relax. For you... this is going to be a dream come true."

As soon as he finished speaking, Meirith stepped forwards and reached downwards, pressing the tips of his smeared fingers deep into Layla's cunt.

Layla let out a frightened cry as the wolf pushed his claws inside her. She clamped down instinctively on the intruding digits, squeezing her thighs together in a desperate attempt to prevent the wolf from getting any further. With the odd serum covering his hand however, it became a nearly impossible task. The wolf growled at her playfully, grinning down at her in a flash of his white fangs before he pressed forwards, inserting his paw deeper and deeper with each passing second. The beast's digits began to squirm inside her, rubbing against her sensitive insides that set her leaning back and panting against the paved stone.

It was at that moment that Layla finally felt the serum's effect.

Her loins throbbed heavily and became alive with a blistering fire of overwhelming need. She arched her back and opened her legs wide, screaming with overwhelming bliss as she found herself taken by a burning state of arousal and sexual euphoria. The serum lathered every inch of her velvety walls before getting sucked deeper by the powerful tensing of her muscles, invoking a tingling sensation along every section of flesh as it went.

Meirith bared his fangs in a delighted smile as the fox squirmed at his touch. He could feel her nethers clenching down surprisingly hard on his penetrating digits, throbbing with need as the miraculous substance began to take hold. Even the most reluctant creatures couldn't withstand its effects. Smelling it was enough to make any male or female in the mood for sex, and for a concentrated dose like this on a horny fox like Layla, the need would be overwhelming.

Allowing his claws to slip free, Meirith dipped his paw into the bag again and this time smeared it on himself. He took out a great glob of the greenish liquid and inhaled its scent greedily before dropping his hand down and pressing it into his crotch. He purred pleasantly for a few moments, rubbing into the thick, grey fur before moving upwards to smear it across the length of his emerging cock. The effect was immediate.

With a sharp whine, Meirith's knees buckled and he fell to the ground. His body convulsed in a wave of pleasure and utter arousal as that same fire Layla felt inside her course through the length of his shaft. Although the bag of liquid swayed perilously in his grip, the wolf gritted his teeth and held on, pinching the bag at its opening to prevent it from slipping from his grasp. It was his second time applying the serum to himself, but he was still unprepared for the powerful response his body would have. Blood rushed to his half-erect cock with great speed, and it wasn't long before his red, moist length spilled eagerly from the spongy opening of his sheath, his bulbous knot veiny and throbbing at its base. Then, he slowly lifted his gaze, and fixed his eyes on the wet, panting fox draped across the rock in front of him.

Belial shifted restlessly where he lay, his scales dragged across the grassy ground with a dry rasp. His giants eyes were alight with fire and excitement as he leaned forward with interest and said, "Fuck her Meirith."

Without a word, Meirith dropped the bag and leapt onto his feet with a snarl. The special fluid splattered as it struck the grass and leaked out to stain the blades with its dark-greenish murk and fill the air with the raw stench of its musk, enticing fumes. There was no longer a need to keep the powerful substance enclosed, nor did he care. The fox of his dreams was just ahead of him, her legs spread wide and her pussy throbbing almost visibly as she let out a small whine of need. There was no sign of resistance in Layla's eyes: only the pure, primal need for a big, handsome male like himself to satisfy her desires.

A unified growl of surprise left the gathered lizards' throats as Meirith leapt forwards and wrapped both of his paws around Layla's thighs. The red, velvet fur felt soft under his touch as he licked his lips, pausing for only a brief moment before lunging down to bury his muzzle into the cleft of her legs and being running his rough tongue along the moist, warm lips of her cunt.

The fox's reaction was immediate.

Layla let out a sharp bark and arched her back, squeezing her legs together in an involuntary spasm of bliss before the wolf pulled them back, forcing her legs apart to keep lapping at her with that strong, heavenly tongue. Meirith's tongue worked at her cunt with a constant licking motion, demonstrating with every little motion of his mouth that he burned with desire just as much as she did. The wolf lapped at her moist entrance with greed, taking in her leaking sexual juices and swallowing lightly before leaning in for a soft kiss, pressing his black lips against her own and purring deep within his throat. In that moment, she lifted her head from the rock and looked down, baring her fangs with lust and doing her best to hump against the much larger canine's face and squeeze it with her thighs before Meirith's strong paws forced her legs apart and pushed her down again. The wolf looked up to give her a triumphant smirk and lick his lips before delving back down into her throbbing vent, this time sinking his canine tongue past her pussy-lips and into the smooth, rippling tunnel beyond.

Layla could barely keep herself still as the canine's muscle sunk deeper, sliding along her fleshy insides before rubbing against her clit, forcing another quick, mewling howl from her throat before it turned to a continuous, pleased groan. Electrified jolts of pleasure were quickly spreading through her loins and up her back, leaving a warm, tingling numbness that remained deep within the most sensitive areas of her body before another spike sent her reeling again. Each feeling was more powerful that she could've ever dreamt possible. Whatever substance Meirith had lathered inside her seemed to heighten every sensation tenfold, making her body unable to anything more than simply twitch and spasm in extreme pleasure while her legs remained tightly held in the wolf's grasp.

The fox lifted her head. "Meirith, what is this?" Layla exclaimed, managing the exasperated words before quickly dropping back down onto the rock and whining, spreading her legs wider for the wolf's tongue.

Giving only a snarl in response for the moment, Meirith slurped his tongue back into his mouth and smiled. With a quick push of his powerful legs he jumped up onto the rock and quickly laid down on his prize, keeping the female's legs spread wide with the weight of his body as his hips descended down to meet hers. He growled long and low in his chest as his rigid cock pressed hard against Layla's pussylips, the base of his shaft lying upon the wet folds of furry flesh, his balls resting lightly against her buttocks.

"This is what you've wanted my dear, only now, it's going to be better than you could've expected," Meirith answered, humping her lightly a few times to force another yelp of desire from his companion, his bushy tail flickering eagerly as it brushed up against hers. "And even better yet, we have an audience," he continued, gesturing out to the gathered crowed of lizards as they peered in closer with their yellow, horny eyes. "Let's be sure to give them a show shall we? We're the ones starting off their little ceremony, so it's going to have to be good."

Without waiting for an answer, Meirith opened his mouth and hunched down to give the fox a big, wide kiss on the end of her muzzle, sticking his tongue into her mouth. His paw lifted to massage her breath powerfully, squeezing and massaging it roughly as he continued to pump his hips eagerly against her. Though his cock wasn't yet inside her, the strong motions of his hips and the pressing of his cock on her cunt was more than enough to have Layla wrapping her arms around the wolf's broad body in return, opening her mouth to accept the kiss while hugging and pressing her body up against him eagerly in return.

Belial, who was watching all of this with an amused expression, suddenly let out a large growl deep in the back of his throat. Although the two canines on the rock only gave him a brief, sideways glance before continuing, the noise drew the attention of the nearby lizards, who look up at their massive leader with curiosity.

The dragon sniffed the air curiously, his eyes growing wide with lust. "I can already tell this is going to be a good show," Belial exclaimed, his tail twitching restlessly behind him as he continued to watch Layla and Meirith grope and ride each other. "You two," he said, flicking his gaze to the first two lizards standing closest to him. "Get down between my legs and make sure I enjoy this as much as I can." Without waiting for an answer, there was a large rustle of movement as the dragon rolled his haunches over to the side and opened his hind legs. Although he kept his gaze fixed on the two canines, the lizards he selected obeyed without question. With an excited, yet nervous hop, both of them walked past the dragon's chest and out of sight. Many of the gathered beasts couldn't see past their Master's body, but it wasn't long before the dragon let out a sharp huff and his eyes widened in delight, clearly pleased at whatever his faithful servants were doing to him down in his private regions.

When Meirith broke the kiss and stared down, he found himself looking into Layla's wide, lustful eyes, both of which burned with desire and need. There was nothing coherent in that gaze, only primal need and savagery. Whether it was the thick, draconic musk that began to waft over them or the strong pressing of his cock as he laid his muscular hips down upon her waist, it was evident that the fear had completely vanished from the once unsure vixen.

As the fox began grind herself back against him, Meirith let out a low, approving growl and lifted himself up, trailing his paw down between his legs to grip the knotted base of his shaft and guide the tip towards the warm entrance of her cunt. The practiced motion contained no hesitation, and Layla opened her legs wider and wrapped her ankles around his lower back, giving a soft whine as she waited for him.

Giving the fox one last smile, Meirith dropped his hips down and prodded her cuntlips with the tip of his cock for a brief second, wetting the velvety fur with precum before he pushed forwards with a soft growl, inserting the shaft head inwards to her moist, fleshy depths. Then, putting his paw back down on the rock next to Layla, he closed his eyes and bared his fangs in a pleasured grin as he slowly lowered himself, his thick, canine cock spreading his lover apart as inch after inch slid its way inside. He snarled as Layla let out a passionate whine underneath him, squeezing him with her legs as if to make him go faster. Meirith felt a small tickled of fur at the base of his balls as he realized that the fox's tail was curling inwards, flagging in time with the wet throbbing of her cunt as it clenched around his maleness. It was shortly afterwards that both parties let out a violent huff as his knot met with the lips of her pussy, the veiny, bulbous flesh twitching lightly as the rest of the buried shaft pulsed delicately within, already leaking with fluids to wet the hot passage of her sex.

With all thoughts of those watching them forgotten, Layla reached up with her paws and gripped the wolf's strong arms as she felt his cock move inside her. She let out a passionate bark that soon trailed down to a delicate whine as he body cried out with need, her nethers practically jumping as they exemplified the powerful, sexual effects of whatever substance the handsome beast had put inside her before. "Fuck me," she whined, looking up with tears nearly streaming down her face. "Fuck me Meirith, and don't you DARE fucking pull out."

Meirith smiled through his pleasure, his black lips curling upwards. "I had no intention of doing so my dear," he sneered, lifting a paw to cup her breast roughly once more as he bucked against her a few times, grinding his fleshy knot against her and eliciting another sharp whine of delight. "Before the day is done, and all have had their share..." He paused for a moment to look around himself, gesturing at the gathered reptilies that had now pressed in close to get a good view of the show. "You're little womb is going to be swelling with more semen than you can fathom."

Not allowing the fox a chance to respond, Meirith placed his paw back down on the rock for support before he began to rut her hard, growling low in his chest as he pumped his massive hips against her and shoved his cock in and out of her cunt, his muscles flexing with raw power as he did. The wet, sloppy sounds of bestial sex soon filled the air, and both him and Layla were immediately reduced to nothing but passionate grunting as their efforts overwhelmed their senses.

Meirith started out slow, yet powerfully as he humped the vixen with little regard for her well-being. If there was any indication that she was uncomfortable at being roughly fucked on top of a rock, she gave little sign. Besides, he doubted that any mild discomfort could distract from the amount of pleasure they were feeling in this moment. He remembered the first time the lizard beasts spread that heavenly substance over his cock, and the level of sexual ecstasy he felt when he was permitted to rut with some of the females of the tribe. The pleasures of sex were magnified tenfold when the mysterious substance touched your intimate bits. Although he'd heard that females were affected more, he didn't think it would've been physically possible for him to stop.

The wolf was already shaking with delight as he pumped himself back and forth, fucking the eager vixen with every ounce of strength he could muster. Drool fell from the end of his lolling tongue as he whined in pure bliss, wetting the bottom of his lip while some of it fell to dampen the white fur of Layla's breasts. Her cunt squeezed and gripped his length with an energy he'd never felt in a bitch before, and the warmth and moisture was practically unbearable. Greedily, he paused and ground his hips against hers, burying his length up to the knot before hunching low to clamp his jaws around the fox's left breast, lightly pressing his fangs into her flesh as his tongue danced in circles around her nipple. The vixen gasped and arched her back, wriggling her hips underneath him and squeezing his waist with her strong thighs, pressing back up against him with an insatiable urge for the dominant male to begin thrusting inside her once again.

"Yes," Belial purred, the strength of his massive vocal cords causing the entire clearing to vibrate with the sounds of his approval. "That's it. Look at how much they yearn for each other - how quickly our rich offerings have taken control of their desires. Even aliens are subject to the deep-set urges and primal needs brought forth from our tribe's celebration." He paused for a moment, his words catching in his throat as he let out a pleased warble as his tail flickered, thumping the ground heavily behind him. There was no telling what the two lizards were doing between his hind legs with such a bulk blocking the view, but it was clear from the sudden growl and shudder that came over the dragon's form directly afterwards that they were doing quite the splendid job. "Take note of how the male is pleasuring her my pets, for it will be your turn to take her soon after..."

Layla felt excitement well up within her chest as she heard the dragon's words. _It will be your turn to take her soon after..._Although she might've been horrified at the thought before, now she could barely contain her excitement. The potency of whatever the wolf had rubbed inside her was undeniable. Although the thought of having so many beasts inside her one after the other would've revolted even a promiscuous fox like her, she was past caring. Even with Meirith's cock buried deep inside her, she knew that it wasn't going to be enough to satiate her desires. She wanted more. Needed more.

With a small, desperate whine, Layla allow her legs to fall back down to the rock where she could get more leverage before she began arching her back and humping back against the wolf, doing what little she could while buried under such a heavy partner to feel his cock slide and jump inside her once again. Already she could feel the light, pleasant warmth of his semen inside her, the rich, fertile precum coating her walls and blending in with the excretions of her gripping cunt. As soon as she began moving, she felt the wolf give a shudder above her, the muscular body tensing on top of her own. As that thick, doggie cock gave another throb within the folds of her nethers, she let out a whine of her own and raked her claws into his back as a jolt of pleasure blasted through her body. She could already feel the beginning tingles of her orgasm approaching, and based on the way her partner was shaking and growling above her, it wouldn't be long before her strong lover joined her as well.

Meirith was having a difficult time holding back his ejaculation as the fox demonstrated her eagerness. As his tongue slid across the vixen's nipple in rough, circular motions he quickly obliged her once again, pumping his hips against her and sliding his thick, canine meat in and out of her at a rapid pace. The sounds of sex and the passionate moans of both beasts filled the clearing once again. The surrounding lizards hissed and warbled with pleasure, most of them showing signs of arousal as they pressed in close to study the otherworldly mating of the wolf and his prize. Some of them even began to stroke themselves off, unable to do restrain themselves from the enticing sight as they spat on their scaled paws and began sliding up and down their thick, purple-colored reptilian cocks.

As the vixen's pussy gripped and rubbed at his penetrating length, Meirith began to feel a tingling sensation in his loins. He felt warmth gather at the base of his shaft, sending pins and needles creeping up his spine as his furry testicles clenched upwards into his body. The wet squelching his efforts were making, combined with the divine grip of Layla's moist, warm cunt around his cock and the heavy, musky smell of canine sex made his mind swim in an overpowering sexual euphoria.

Lifting his mouth off her breast, Meirith propped his paws to either side of the rock for support and began to thrust into the fox with short, powerful bursts, pushing himself towards the brink with each and every needful hump of his hips. His tail flicked back and forth, brushing up against the inside of Layla's thighs as he took her, sliding every inch in and out at a rapid pace. His mouth remained open, filling the air with passionate grunts as thick drool continued to drop from the corners of his twisted lips. At this point, he knew he was only moments away from filling his partner's womb with the fertile contents of his testicles.

"Are you getting close?" Meirith grunted, leaning down to breathing hot air on the vixen's cheek. "You better cum with me bitch, this dragon is expecting a show, and we're going to gi - " He was cut off as the fox suddenly leapt up and bit down on his shoulder, sinking her pointed fangs lightly into the more muscular expanse of his chest. He let out a snarl and bared his fangs down at her, getting ready to extend a mating bite in return when her cunt immediately began to throb around his length, spilling a fresh wave of hot, gushing pussy-juice down the length of his shaft and out to wet the fur of his balls. The fox let out a passionate, muted cry of pleasure into his shoulder as she came, her toned body convulsing in the grip of sexual bliss as her cunt undulated around every inch of his buried dick.

Forgetting the rage he felt at being bit, Meirith collapsed onto his lover and ground his knot hard into the female's pulsing lips. The mild pain of the vixen's fangs was soon overwhelmed by the heavy sensations of his own, approaching orgasm as he forced his sensitive base inside her. After a few moments, both canines let out a simultaneous bark of delight as the wolf's massive knot slipped inside with a wet pop, locking them together and sealing the entirety of the fox's dripping fluids inside.

With a few more quick humps and a loud, passionate growl, Meirith came powerfully inside his partner's depths. The first rope of semen blasted out from his throbbing cock to coat Layla's walls. As cum continued to stream out from his pulsing length, his knot prevented anything from getting out. Not even a trickle was permitted to leave the fox's cunt as more and more of the steaming liquid flooded inside, shooting deep into the vixen to swim about the sauna-like space of her fertile womb. The wolf gritted his teeth and bucked his hips as his fearsome growl soon turned to a pleased whine as he lost himself in the depths of his ejaculation, completely forgetting all of the gathered company around him and focusing solely on getting the most pleasure out of this final moment.

All of the surrounding lizards and even the dragon bent in close to watch the final result of the two canine's efforts, bending their narrow muzzles to flash their beady eyes on the conjoined pair as their powerful orgasms struck. The sight of the two canines finally cumming was enough to drive more than a few of the masturbating lizards over the edge. There was an almost unified, reptilian snarl that echoed through the lizards' ranks as quite a number of them went over the brink, squirting powerful jets of thick, purple semen to decorate the grass and any other beast that wasn't quick enough to get out of the way, (not that any of them tried of course). Some of the creatures standing up front managed to hit both Meirith and Layla in their fits of bliss, which only managed to excite the two canines more.

As a splash of warm cum matted against the fur of his back, Meirith shuddered and collapsed down onto his partner, continuing to hump her weakly even with his knot still inside her as his own emissions kept streaming out from his throbbing cock, filling Layla's tunnel and making it thick and frothy with the combined mixture of sexual fluids. The heat that gripped his canine length was incredible in that moment. It flooded his loins with a tingling fire of pleasure that he'd never thought possible. As the joined beasts surrounding him began to grunt and snarl in an alien cacophony of bliss, he arched his back and flexed his muscles as he howled long and loud into the air, adding to the overwhelming noises that spread across the entire gathering. The fox squirmed underneath him, shaking from the onset of yet another gripping orgasm that caused her pussy to clench and milk him for every ounce that his body had to offer.

The wolf's cry echoed for a full thirty seconds, continuing even as his powerful orgasm slowly and regrettably came to a close. Meirith let out a small cough and immediately began to purr as his cock continued to pulse weakly inside his knotted companion, stirring the heated pools of cum and pussy-juices that pooled inside the vixen`s cunt.

The bitch is most certainly pregnant, Meirith thought, opening his eyes and staring down at Layla as she continued to squirm underneath him, biting down on her lip. But it wont matter. Belial will take care of her soon enough, as promised. The lizards couldnt have asked for a better show - not that the horny beasts would`ve been able to tell the difference. The dragon will be pleased with me. Panting heavily in the aftermath of his efforts, Meirith huddled down on top of Layla, continuing to hump her lightly and snarling in amusement as cock continued to drool with remnants of his seed.

"You were wonderful my dear," the wolf purred, stroked her cheek gently as her golden eyes opened to meet his own. "You finally got what you want, and you helped please a good number of our audience in the process." He snickered at the last comment and gestured to the surrounding company before dropped his paw down to his thigh to gather some of the lizard's purple cum that had drenched his fur and sticking his digits in his mouth. "Though I'm sure you'll be doing much more of that before the ceremony ends..."

Layla offered only a small whimper in response, her legs squeezing the powerful wolf gently as her own orgasm slowly faded away. She could feel his hot cum inside her, pooling in her insides and slowly leaking into the fertile depths of her womb. The sensation was beyond pleasant, slowly making her loins shiver and tingle with warmth as his canine cock remained lodged inside her. Although the wolf had emptied a good amount of semen into her, she wanted more. She didn't care if the lizards were of another world, or if she'd been brought here forcefully against her will. Although she'd been terrified of her circumstances before, she suddenly found herself completely calm, and desiring nothing more than to continue with the otherworldly event that was giving her everything she could've wanted.

After a few moments of remaining still underneath her captor, she lifted her head upwards and licked Meirith's lips with a smile. "I'm sure I will as well," she replied. "And they'll be much better than you..."

Meirith growled deep in his throat. He was about to speak before he was suddenly cut off by the booming voice of the dragon above them.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I do think we should move on. I must say, you two were quite the arousing couple," Belial purred, the red stripes along his muzzle fluidly bending upwards as he smiled down at them. "Although me and my kin have no reference as to the skills and quality with which your kind mate back on your world, I'm sure that many of us agree that the show was more than pleasing, and quite an impressive first act to start the evening." Holding his smiles for a few moments as the gathered lizards rumbled in approval, the dragon huffed suddenly and closed his eyes, gritting his fangs audibly as something made him groan in delight.

"My faithful pets are doing quite the wonderful job down there..." Belial moaned, his heavy tail making audible wooshing sounds as it flicked through the air behind him. "Despite their small size, each and every one of the gathered tribe you see before you has been taught how to pleasure me, and you two..." The dragon paused again to shudder visibly, his massive body rumbling with delight as his muzzles twisted with delight. "... helped quite a bit in your own way as well; I'm getting VERY close." He smiled and licked his lips. "Would you like to see?"

Without waiting for an answer or warning the lizards at his groin, Belial rolled over onto his belly and stood up, slowly walking forwards until the dark shadow of his cavernous chest blocked out almost all the light above them. As big as he was, the dragon had to be careful when taking his steps forward. As his paw came crashing down, some of the lizards were forced to leap backwards, narrowly avoiding their master's limb as it sunk into the ground to the right side of the rock. As the other paw followed however, the lizards easily moved out of the way, allowing the beast to make himself comfortable at a closer proximity. Then, with a small smile, Belial slowly sat down and eased his haunches forwards, opening up his legs to allow the entire gathered party members to take a good look at the entirety of his privates.

The first thing that Layla experienced was the heat. As the dragon brought his crotch forwards, a hot gust of musky air washed over her head and the sides of her arms, with most of it being blocked by Meirith's body. The heavy smell of dry, reptilian musk instantly made her eyes water with the sheer strength of its odor. She couldn't open her eyes at first, and instead found herself leaning forwards to bury her muzzle into the wolf's fur to protect herself from the humid air. Her sensitive, canine nose burned with the stench, and the back of her throat tickled despite her best efforts to keep her mouth closed after the initial wave of the smell. After coughing a few times and sniffing at the wolf's chest, Layla slowly leaned back and stared up at her partner. Meirith was looking over to her right towards the middle of the dragon's legs, his mouth agape and his eyes wide with awe. Following the wolf's gaze, Layla couldn't help but gasp out loud as she saw the entirety of the dragon's massive, sagging sheath, complete with large, scaled testicles resting on the ground underneath and a thick, moist cock throbbing powerfully above.

Never in her life had Layla seen such an enormous cock. The shaft itself was wider and longer than any of the gathered lizards, and even Meirith himself. The middle was colored a light, glistening red with dark veins pulsing lightly underneath the slimy skin. Spongy spines decorated the underside of the giant girth, all of which were flagging and moving in time with the powerful throbs of its impressive movements. The cocktip was spined as well, with pointed, fleshy spikes decorating the edges of the head while end continued to drool with thick, viscous fluids.

What surprised Layla the most however, were the two lizards that the dragon had summoned to please him earlier. Somehow, each of them had held on when the beast had moved, and were now actively fulfilling their duties as their master prostrated himself In front of them. The first lizard has positioned himself directly in the center of his master's balls and was pressing himself dutifully against them with as much strength as he could muster. The soft white scales of the dragon melded against his body, bending to every push and touch of his exploring hands as he rubbed and massaged as much of the smelly surface as he could. As his hands rubbed at the sides, he opened his mouth and frantically began to lick at the reptile's sweaty ballflesh, while occasionally pausing to greedily suck and kiss the deepest pockets of scales he could manage to reach. Although such a task demanded a good amount of strength and endurance, it was his partner that was managing the more difficult job.

The second lizard had wrapped himself completely around the dragon's cock. His tail was coiled about the base and pumping up and down dutifully, causing Belial to whine with pleasure every time the strong tail tightened its pleasurable grip. Up towards the tip of the shaft he was hugging dragon's meat against his body with his arms and legs, squeezing as best as he could from there was well while running his paws across the array of spines beneath and rubbing his rough tongue along the top. As the two canines watched, he pulled himself up along the dragon's cock and bent low against the tip, curling his body around to slurp and suckle on the cum dripping from the end of the enormous dick.

When this happened, Belial loud out a loud snarl and bucked his haunches involuntarily, shaking the ground and pushing the lizard at his testicles onto the ground. "Oh my... I truly have trained them well," he purred, flattening the grass with each footpaw as he shifted his haunches and got more comfortable, his shaft still pulsing and dripping with need. "I think it's about time you all got involved as well," he continued with a pleasured growl. "Meirith, get off of her and let my lizards have their fun. You've demonstrated quite enough. You can now service me."

Meirith gave a low growl of approval deep in his throat and looked down at the fox underneath him with a satisfied glare. "Of course," he said, pulling his knot out of her with an audible, wet squelching sound. "She's all yours, as promised." Semen began to pour from Layla's gaping cunt as the wolf backed away and stepped off the rock, his now-flaccid, slimy cock drooping in the aftermath of its release, yet beginning to show signs of life as he stepped towards the massive dragon cock looming in front of him. Joining the second lizard at the head of the cock, he held the tapered tip in his hand and pressed his face into the giant reptile's urethra, slipping his rough tongue inside to lap at the hot, leaking cum being pushed out with every flex of that fleshy length.

Layla barely moved as she felt the large group of lizards slowly close around her, filling the enclosed quarters with the dry heat and musk of their presence. Her breathing quickened and her heart beat against her ribcage like a hammer. Oddly enough, it wasn't fear she felt, but rather an overwhelming excitement. The bestial faces that looked down at her had terrified her before, but now she was more than ready to feel each of those thick, alien cocks throbbing deep inside her. As she stared at each of the purple lengths bobbing to each side of her, she took in every little detail: the fleshy ridges that folded across each flaring tip, the pointed spines that decorated the undersides, and some even showcased the odd, bulbous knot at its base and a large set of testicles hanging low just underneath.

Narrowing her eyes and giving a lustful huff, Layla spread her legs and rubbed the inside of her thighs with her paws. "Come and fucking get it," she purred, wriggling her hips directly at the array of lizards directly in front of her.

There was some mild scuffling, hissing and snapping of jaws before the lizards surged forth as one, gripping at the fox's legs and pulling her eagerly down onto the grass between them all. Claws dug lightly into her legs and scales brushed eagerly against the sides of her body as the group huddled in close. At first, the lizards seemed more curious in simply touching her, exploring every curve and smooth, furry parts of her body.

Layla felt claws trail lightly up her back, belly, and arms, while the lizards at her backside begin inquisitively rubbing her asscheeks and the insides of her thighs. She was pushed to the ground several times due to the force of their explorations, and roughly hauled back onto all fours before some semblance of coordination was achieved. She was surprised that they didn't get to the sex right away. From the numerous reptilian erections bobbing in front of her face, it was clear that they still wanted her. Although all of them had watched Meirith fuck her, if seemed that even the promise of sex wasn't enough to stave off the excitement of having a new, otherworldly toy to play with. Especially one that was soft and furry like herself.

That initial curiosity however, didn't last very long.

Almost immediately, one of the lizards at her backside pushed through his companions and mounted Layla from behind. His scaled body was much larger than the rest. The weight of his muscular form made it difficult for Layla to remain on all fours yet she managed it, flicking her tail aside eagerly to allow the reptile's cock to find its mark.

Layla heard several strained grunts from above her as the primal beast tried to thrust inside her, and she felt the warm, slimy sensation of drool matting against the back of her neck from above. Rough reverberations coursed through her body as the lizard struggled to mate. This reptilian partner was nowhere near as smooth or talented as Meirith, yet she couldn't help but feel incredibly turned on by the pure need and savagery that this simple monster was displaying. She was being used for one purpose only: to breed, at least as far as this needy creature was concerned. She panted and shook as she struggled to remain in one place, pushing backwards and trying to adjust her hips as that thick, slimy cock slipped between her thighs, rubbing against her moist cuntlips.

She lost count of how many attempts the lizard had to thrust inside her before his cock finally found its way inside.

It came as surprise to Layla at first, who let out a sudden, pained gasp as the lizard's cock slide inside her. All twelve inches of the creature's heavy, pulsing meat were pushing into her cunt in a rough, bucking motion of the animal's hips. There was no pausing for her instinctual partner. Instead, she whined and let out a pained yelp as her cunt was forced to take the massive pillar of flesh. The brief moment of discomfort as fleeting however, and after a few moments she let out a pleased purr, moving her hips sensuously against her reptilian lover as his penis throbbed warmly inside her.

Layla only had a brief moment to enjoy the lizard mounting her before another stepped up in front of her, hunching down and poking his cock eagerly at the front of her narrow mouth. With a lustful huff of hot air, she opened her mouth and took it inside, rolling her eyes as the smoky taste and warmth of bestial musk tickled the surface of her canine tongue. Although she'd pleased numerous large males in this way, the lizard tasted different from her usual sort of partner. The fleshy spines along the bottom of the beast's massive shaft slid sensuously over her tongue as she squeezed the purple length in her maw, sucking along the slimy ridges and running her rough appendage up and down as hot semen trickled into the back of her throat.

Both lizards let out a deep contented rumble of pleasure. Then, they started to fuck her.

Spit-roasting the horny female between them, the two creatures hissed with happiness as they became the first of their tribe to fuck the slut from another planet. Working in a coordinated rhythm, they pumped their strong hips against their willing captor, grunt with each powerful hump as they slid their cocks in and out of her at an ever-increasing pace. The vixen held firm between them and displayed nothing but love and adoration for the twin cocks pounding into each side of her body. Passionate moans and spasms of pleasure were visible across all three creatures as they were locked in a physical display of raw, primal mating.

As they had their fun, some of the other lizards began to grow tired of having to sit out and began to pair off with one another. The effect of being subjected to the sights and smells for the last while, coupled with the powerful influence of the bag of mysterious liquid, was more than enough to drive some of them insane by this point. There was some scuffling and a single fight broke out near the edge of the gathered beasts, yet nearly everyone found a spot to pleasure themselves. Some of the lizard bent down onto all fours and lifted their tails, simply allowing whoever arrived first to mount them and dig claws into their back as they quickly marked their partners for the next few hours. Some even found themselves in a similar position to Layla as the more dominant lizard piled on to double team the more submissive ones. It wasn't long before every single creature had found someone to fuck. The whole enclosure became an indistinguishable mix of bestial moaning, grunting, and hissing combined with the wet sounds and stench of reptilian sex. For several long seconds, there was nothing else to think of or feel; nothing but the powerful need for release as they all fell into one massive, otherworldly orgy.

Almost immediately, Layla felt another orgasm rising up within her loins as the reptile at her backside fucked her. The soft spines on the base of the creature's cock slid along her sensitive walls, tickling her for added pleasure as the purple length drove deep into her cunt. It didn't take long for the leftover cum from Meirith's ejaculation to decorate the lizard's member, acting as a natural lube as the hissing creature bucked his hips forwards in frantic, exasperated motions. With a moan, she pushed back against him. She could feel the tip of his cock nudging against her cervix with each push, leaking hot cum into the depths of her womb to join the canine emissions already residing within. As the lizard let out a snarl and dug his claws into her back she gasped with sudden pain, inhaling the musky stench of the creature at her front.

The second lizard had its paw on her head as he swabbed his cock around in her mouth. Layla couldn't help but stare directly ahead at the muscled, serpentine groin in front of her as it moved forwards and back, flexing in accompaniment with each thrust. Out of the corner of her vision she could see its tail flicking back and forth in mirth. Regardless of the otherworldly qualities of the beast's taste and smell, she found to be a great deal more satisfying than anything she'd ever experience. The reptile's cock had a dry, slimy taste to it, combined with a sticky, salty taste that seemed to be a mixture of precum and the slick, sexual juices residing inside the creature's slit.

With a playful huff, Layla lifted her paws up to the lizard's thighs to brace herself against the creature fucking her, wrapped her tongue around the thick cock in her mouth and sucking hard on the spined member. Almost immediately the creature let out a hiss of delight and nearly fell to the ground as his knees buckled and his cock throbbed with the promise of release. As she focused on the dick in her mouth, she gave her backside a slow, sensuous wriggle, bucking her hips and grinding her rear back into her lover's haunches.

The mounted lizard shook on top of her, letting out a low hiss as he suddenly slammed himself forwards, hilting inside of her and growling long and low as his tail began to flag up and down behind him. Cum poured out from his throbbing member like a river, blasting out to fill up her womb with rope after rope of viscous, steaming reptilian jizz. The pools of cum the Meirith left behind soon mixed with the torrents of cum spilling inside. Although the lizard had no knot to speak of, the dominant male hunched over his bitch and continued humping away in short, passionate bursts to ensure that the vixen's walls milked his ejaculation for a it was worth.

As she felt the lizard's warm seed rush inside her, Layla let out a cry of ecstasy and clamped down on her serpentine lover's cock, her mind swimming with sexual euphoria as a second orgasm rocked her drugged body. Her loins twitched and undulated against the encroaching shaft with a gripping, rhythmic energy. Never in her life had she felt such a rush of fluids inside her. The cum of both Meirith and the lizard, along with a gushing river of her own sexual juices poured out from her pussy to wet the fur of her legs and squirt down to the ground. In the throes of her orgasm, the lizard at her mouth let out a low hiss and came as well, pumping out his load into the back of her throat. Although she tried her best to swallow it all, the beast was simply too much for her to handle. Cum dripped down the sides of her mouth to stain the fur at her breasts and throat.

Much like the lizard mounting her had done, Layla began to shake within the mental assault of sensations that poured into every aspect of her being. The smells, the bestial groans, and the mating howls of the surrounding lizards made her feel a powerful satisfaction: one that hadn't been achievable before through the now seemingly boring, repetitious sex back on Earth. She felt as if she belonged, that she was one of the pack: the lowly female in a group of wild animals whose only purpose was to satisfy their urges.

As the hot cum slowed to a trickle at both ends, leaving her filled and satisfied, Layla moaned and opened her eyes, looking at the scene around her. Many of the lizards that had paired off with each other had cum as well, leaving the grass and their reptilian bodies wet and soaking with pools of white semen. The air was thick with sex in the aftermath of the various ejaculations, and the female fox breathed it all in with a continuing lust, gulping at the emissions that continued to leak into the back of her throat. Never in her life had she experienced such a rush of powerful sensations. She didn't think it would be possible for the stench to grow any stronger.

It was at that moment, as that thought passed through Layla's head, that the dragon came.

The ground suddenly shook as Belial, still sitting in front of them all with his massive cock pointed at them all, opened his massive maw and roared upwards towards the sky, arching his back and pumping his hips forwards as the first jet of cum blasted out the tip of his draconic length.

The first shot smacked Meirith directly in the chest, sending him tumbling to the ground and sliding through a fresh squirt of cum into the mating lizards behind him. The other two lizards that were tasked with treating their Master did their best to lick up and down the throbbing length as it spent its load all over the gathered creatures in front of it.

More cum than Layla had seen in her lifetime shot through the air in a massive wad to strike her and the two lizards fucking her sideways to the ground. She let out a pained gasp as the hot liquid matted against her fur, steaming visibly in the cool air for several moments before another jet of semen splattered down upon them once again. As her maw opened, the thick, draconic goop landed in her mouth and filled it instantly with its viscous texture. Closing her eyes tightly, the vixen swallowed her load down. It tasted similar to the reptiles' emissions, but much stronger in flavor. As the torrents of cum continued to rain down upon them, she found that there was little to do save keeping your eyes firmly shut, and occasionally opening your mouth to take in a fresh helping of the dragon's seed as it continued to spray from the tip of that magnificent cock.

Layla lost count of how many minutes passed before Belial's ejaculation finally came to a close. When it was over, she found herself inches deep in the dragon's semen. As she moved into a sitting position, she found that the heavy seed weighed down her limbs slightly, making it difficult to move as she shook in pure, sexual bliss at the fantasy that had just taken place. There were simply no words to describe the amount of pleasure that she felt in that moment. As shocked as she was at having been forced to experience such a thing first hand, she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit it was a dream come true.

Lifting her paws and doing her best to wipe her eyes, Layla cleared some of the goop away, only to find it impossible as more cum spilled down from her forehead, forcing her to close her eyes once again. After the second wipe, she was finally able to slowly crack her eyes open and cast her gaze at the surrounding mess.

All of the lizards surrounding Layla were in the same predicament. Each of them were just now beginning to moan and weakly push themselves to their feet, wiping the eyes and hissing as they revelled in the fresh ejaculation of their master. Some of them, she noticed, didn't even bother trying to wipe the beast's cum away. A few of the lizards simply sprawled out together, lapping away at the fresh piles of cum and swallowing with a passionate greed that suggested something along the lines of a religious fervour to their giant, scaly leader.

A deep, pleased rumble sounded in the dragon's chest, causing Layla to look over as Belial shifted his haunches in a pleased wriggle. His thick cock continued to drool between his legs, pumping the last remaining drips of seed onto the ground from his twitch urethra. One of the lizards at the side of his length dutifully moved forwards and began to lick at the beast's opening, ensuring that the last trickles of cum found their way into his obedient gullet.

"Very good my pets, that was wonderful," Belial said, his patterned face bending low to survey the mess he'd made before twisting into a delighted smile. "Enjoy my offerings as much as you please, you've all earned it. Come tomorrow, I don't expect to see a single drop left." The dragon continued to stare at his work for a long while, his eyes flashing with satisfaction as his tribe fell down and continued to engulf his emissions greedily. Not a single one of them seemed to balk at the task, nor did any of them complain.

Layla watched with fascination at the task being completed before she heard a weak moan from somewhere within the masses. Her eyes widened as she saw Meirith push himself up from the center of the goop, shaking his head and moaning as he clutched his chest in clear pain. The large wolf was ignored by the surrounding lizards, too occupied by their task to give the hurt canine a passing thought.

With a low growl Meirith pushed himself shakily to his feet, slipping only once before standing and walking carefully to the outside of the pool of cum. "Could you not warn me next time dragon?" He said, coughing and letting out a soft whine of pain as he spoke.

Belial growled angrily in his chest before dropping down into a crouch once again, his massive jaws hovered over the wolf's now-terrified gaze. "That's 'Master' to you, you ungrateful dog," he snarled, clacking his jaws together with a terrible noise. "If you forget your place again, I will eat you." The dragon finished his threat with a final huff, blasting hot air into the wolf's face and forcing the canine back down to his rump. Then, he craned his massive head back to Layla, studying her with a pleased curiosity.

"You did very well my dear," Belial said. "I don't think we've ever had one like you; usually the gifts we receive from Earth are much more... shall we say timid and unwilling than you?" He let out a large chuckle, the noise sounding more like grating series of powerful drums. "I'm almost tempted to keep you, "he continued, pausing to stare at her with a hungry look that chilled Layla down to her bones. "But... I wouldn't be much of a Master if I disobeyed my own rules. The tradition stands in this case my dear, I'm sorry to say." The giant reptile licked his lips, freezing the vixen in place as she looked up in horror. "You put on a good show, and for that you will be remembered by all that witness the pleasure you shared with us here today."

And with that the dragon opened his massive maw, his dark, red tongue sliding out as his cavernous jaws parted and slowly moved towards the little fox on the ground.

To be continued.... And finished in part 3.