Chapter 4: A Warm Welcome

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#4 of Reawaken The Guardian

Sorry about the long wait between chapters. Part of the delay was due to being busy, and part was wanting to have more watchers before I continued with the story. I'll try not to go that long with out a post in the future. Anyways, this chapter is the first in the series to get into some naughtiness, so rejoice! But then hold onto your butts because this is where the story truly begins to take off. All that came before was but a mere warm up...

Chapter 4: A Warm Welcome

By TheOther

Indescribable warmth and comfort greeted Danny as he finally started to awaken from his long slumber. He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, but it may as well have been an eternity because he couldn't remember anything through his still bleary mind. His eyes fluttered open briefly, hoping to catch a glimpse of the alarm clock. The hotel room was nearly pitch black inside: only a dim red light filtered through what must have been the drawn curtains. Danny didn't see the clock anywhere, but it was apparently still dark out so he had plenty of time before he needed to pack up and check-out. He must have still been worn-out from the road, because he felt a strong urge to go back to sleep. He closed his eyes and snuggled against the soft blankets and pillows around him. Danny longed to return to the pleasant dreams he was having before he woke up. He could almost visualize them through the fog of sleep. Something about a sea of swirling stars...and a deer...a deer that could speak with its mind...

Danny's eyes shot open as the memories came flooding back to him all at once. He could still see nothing in the darkness, but now that he was fully alert he was quickly coming to realize that he was not in a hotel bed. He attempted to sit up so he could get his bearings, but his body was constrained to his current position. It felt as though he were encased in a thin, elastic layer of rubber. As he squirmed trying to slip free of the strange confinement, Danny heard a sloshing sound every time he moved. To his horror, he soon became aware that he was suspended in some kind of warm liquid, and for a minute he panicked thinking he was going to drown. He instinctively tried to hold his breath, but it was too late. His lungs were already filled with fluid and he knew it was only a matter of seconds before the pain of suffocation overtook him.

Danny struggled as hard as he could, trying to find a way out of his watery deathtrap, but now his own body seemed to conspire against him. His muscles were oddly weak and unresponsive, as if they had been atrophied. As he feebly tried to push against the membrane around him, Danny had the disconcerting sensation that his limbs were out of their proper position. His arms felt as though they were attached to his body at the chest instead of at the shoulders, and his legs seemed to be bent at an unnatural angle. His hands also appeared not to be working; his fingers were tightly bound together and he was unable to free them. The hard struggle for his life soon exhausted him, but when Danny realized after several moments that he was not drowning, his feeling of panic began to pass. He eventually discovered that he didn't need to breathe at all. While this was certainly strange, with all the bizarre events he had been forced to endure recently he simply accepted it as another mystery to be solved later. As he calmed down Danny began to examine his new environment more closely.    Â

The first thing he noticed was that he could hear his own own heart beat unusually well. No... as he listened closer Danny perceived that there were in fact two distinct heartbeats throbbing in the dark. There was his own, which thudded in his chest fast and loud; and another, slower beating that sounded near but was muffled somewhat by the fluid and walls surrounding him. With each beat of this second heartbeat, his unusual prison seemed to pulse around him, caressing his skin. Odd as it was, Danny felt comforted by the gentle massage and delightful warmth that soothed his body. He couldn't explain it, but the pleasant sensations felt vaguely familiar to him, as if he had experienced similar circumstances many years ago and had forgotten. After a while he fell back into a very relaxed state and all sense of time was again lost. He drifted in and out sleep, disturbed only by the occasional sense that his cozy resting place was shifting its position in space.

Suddenly and without warning the soft walls contracted around Danny, squeezing him hard for a moment and startling him back to full alert. Immediately Danny knew that something had changed while he had been sleeping. The rhythmic beating of the other heart had sped up, and likewise the pulsing around him had also become more rapid. Once again, the walls suddenly pressed against his body uncomfortably, this time hard enough to force his arms together under his head. And once again, Danny felt the chill of fear creep into his mind. How much longer until he was crushed within this strangely comfortable tomb?Â

A long cycle of ever strengthening contractions and relaxation soon began. Slowly, his body was being forced into an ever tighter fetal position and pushed forward against the fleshy walls that covered his head. For the first time, Danny could perceive something distinct in the inky blackness. A patch of darkness was beginning to give way to a faint red light, and the constant squeezing all around him seemed determined to push him towards it. The closer to the light he was forced, the brighter it became. It seemed he was going to escape his dark prison at last. Danny could only hope that something other than endless mystery lay in wait for him beyond it's walls. Finally, with one final mighty contraction, he was squeezed past the red glow, and the now familiar darkness gave way to a blinding white light that overwhelmed his unfocused eyes.


Golden rays of sunlight streamed down through the thick tangle of branches overhead. The late spring sun was hot during the mid-day , but down in in the shade Karen and her fawn Melissa were cool and comfortable lying among the grass. However, even though she was tired, now was not a time for the pregnant doe to relax. The last few weeks had been taxing on her body, as her swollen belly testified, and she could sense that it would soon be time to give birth. It had been a remarkable, and startling, experience watching and feeling the new life grow within her so rapidly. She had given birth to Melissa less than a month prior, and yet here she was about to have another fawn. Of course, Karen knew it was no ordinary pregnancy, and no ordinary fawn. Within her rested the savior the Great Guardian had sacrificed himself to bring to the Wisened Herd. It was a great honor to be the vessel through which this new chance at life for her kind would enter the world.

As she had predicted, it wasn't long before the familiar contractions of birthing a fawn began. She could feel the new life moving inside her as her womb began to ripple forcefully around it. The contractions were not overly painful, but it would be obvious to anyone watching that Karen was distressed. She carefully stretched her legs and got up off the ground, feeling some relief now that she wasn't so cramped. Melissa looked on with a concerned look in her eyes, but Karen had explained to her beforehand what was to going happen so the young doe wouldn't be scared when the time came. Karen couldn't remember any mother having to clarify the process of birth to their young. Under normal circumstances, an entire year would have passed before a fawn had the chance to witness their mother give birth. By then, they would have matured enough to know that bearing fawns was nothing to fear.

In truth, as soon as Melissa realized that her mother had entered labor, she struggled to mask her anticipation. Her concern for her mothers pain gave way to delight, and her wiggling little tail betrayed her excitement. Soon she could contain her eagerness no longer, and she sprang up out of the foliage and ran to her mother's side. She excitedly cheered to the whole forest "My mommy's having her fawn! I'm going to have a little brother!" Karen looked back at her daughter, smiled radiantly and said "Yes, my little one. Our little prince will be here soon."

Such important news didn't go unheeded in the forest, and after a pair of passing Owl's overheard the conversation, word spread fast and far. Within half-an-hour, a small army of creatures had turned up to watch the spectacle of birth. Among them were a few Wisened Deer, including Karen's friend Cassandra and her fawn. The smaller animals like birds and raccoons took up vantage point's in the trees while the larger Wisened Deer stayed on the ground at a short distance in order to give Karen room to breathe. As it was, Karen would have liked to have given birth in private, but she understood the interest in witnessing such a significant event and she wasn't about to turn away her friendly neighbors. She winced suddenly as the strongest contraction yet surged through her abdomen, forcing her to squeeze her muscles uncomfortably hard. The fawn in her belly twisted and squirmed as if to escape her body.          Â

Karen breath a strained sigh of relief as she felt the struggling body within her finally begin to exit her womb. A stream of liquids trickled down her hindquarters, dampening the fur around her quickly widening cleft. She instinctively raised her tail and spread her legs to help the fawn slip though her passage more easily. Soon a tiny pair hooves could be seen protruding from her opening, and the crowd of animals that had gathered to watch the fawn bearing gasped with joy in their hearts. Melissa in particular squealed with delight, for though she wasn't able to completely understand the importance of the event, she was very excited at the prospect of having a sibling to love and play with.

"Your almost there, Karen! One or two good pushes and your new fawn will be free!," Karen's friend Cassandra encouraged. A chatter of excitement went through the other creatures. The birds and squirrel's in the branches, the rabbits in the grass, and the deer at her side; all began to offer friendly words of motivation. Karen pushed with all her might, and she felt the fawns head slip out of her. To prevent the fawn from dropping to the ground, she slowly laid the side of her body down in the grass and lifted one hind leg into the air. With one final push, the fawn was released from her body, along with a flood of her warm fluids. There was a moment of awed silence, before Karen's friend made an important observation."It's a male!" Cassandra shouted in joy.Â

Immediately, a cheer went up in the little glen where Karen had given birth. Her fellow Wisened Deer were especially joyous. A male had finally been born! The Great Guardian's plan had succeeded! 38 years of barrenness had come to an end at last! Many of the Wisened Deer who were present breathed a silent prayer of thanks to the Guardian for this miracle. It was a time of celebration for the forest, and soon the happy news would spread far and wide. Karen, however, now had the serious business of caring for her fawn to begin. Though still feeling faint, Karen got to her shaky legs and turned to the trembling ball of wet fur in the grass. With a mother's love, she laid down beside her fawn and began to lick over his whole body, cleaning away the afterbirth.


Danny was in a state of shock. He had just been forced out of his warm, comfortable abode and into the cold dry air of the outside world. It felt like someone had dunked him in ice water and left him naked in the middle of of a snow storm. His whole body trembled and shivered uncontrollably. On top of this, his eyes refused to function properly; the world around him appeared too bright and blurry to make out any detail. As his ears began to drain of fluid, he listened to the first sound, other than the constant throb of heartbeats, that he had heard in what felt like weeks. There was a strange chattering noise all around him, and he soon realized that he was hearing many excited voices. The voices were barely understandable, and some sounded almost cartoonish. Many were abnormally high-pitched, and spoke so rapidly it was hard to pick out individual words.

Out of nowhere, Danny felt a warm fleshy appendage touch his nose and drag wetly across his face. It came again and again, each time lapping against a different part of his skin. His initial fear of the tongue like organ caressing him soon gave way to appreciation as he realized it was bringing him warmth and cleaning away the fluid that chilled his body. Danny, his lungs now starting to clear and fill with air, ventured a try at communicating with whatever was licking him so tenderly. He attempted to say an inquisitive "hello?," but to his surprise the only sound that he made was a tiny, whimpering bleat. He tried again with more force, but only succeed in bleating a little louder.

"Look! He's trying to talk!" a squeaky voice somewhere off in the blurry void exclaimed. Again the chatter of voices started up, and Danny heard many not quite human voices say thing like "Well, isn't that precious?" and "He is so cute, mommy!" Danny knew that the voices were talking about him and he didn't like the feeling of being on display. However, they sounded friendly enough so he wasn't afraid of them. Soon, though, his eyes began to adjust to the bright light outside the womb, and as the world came into focus all rational thought came to a halt as Danny's mind fought to reject what he was seeing.

He was laying in a patch of grass amongst many large pine trees. Unnaturally large. In fact, from his vantage point everything he could see looked to be more than twice the size it should be. It made him feel terribly small and vulnerable, and he instinctively sought to escape the monstrous forms around him by burying himself into the soft, warm mass that was snuggled against him. Even more perplexing than the size of the forest around him were it's inhabitants. Various woodland creatures: deer, rabbits, birds, and squirrels; were all looking on him and chattering away excitedly. With shock, Danny realized that he could understand what they were saying, and that the voices he had been listening to must have been theirs. Had the fantastical events that he had been through snap his mind? Did those events really happen to him, or was this all some kind of lucid dream? A flurry of questions assaulted his head, each one making a mockery of his sense of reality.

Danny just lay there for a minute, shivering and trying to absorb all the new and confusing information his eyes were giving him. Soon the tongue that was bathing him ceased its licking and Danny felt the warm mass against his side shift and press closer against him. Startled, Danny turned his head to see what had nuzzled t him and was stunned to see that he had been pressed into the flank of a female deer. Despite the fact that she was absurdly large like everything else in this forest, Danny felt an immediate connection to her that he could not explain. The whole forest seemed to fall silent when their eyes met. Her beautiful green eyes were more expressive than any normal deers should be, and she seemed to be looking into his own with a look of...affection?

"Hello, my little fawn. My name is Karen, but if you would like you can call me mother," the doe spoke softly into Danny's ear. He didn't know why, but just hearing her speak to him caused a wave of love to swell in his heart. The wonderful feeling only strengthened when the doe brought her muzzle to his and gently licked his nose. He suddenly felt warm and safe lying there, snuggled against her furry body and listening to that familiar heartbeat. But something in the back of Danny's mind was still uncomfortable with the situation, and it nagged at him worryingly. He felt like he was missing something obvious that everyone around him could see. Wait a minute...had the doe just said that she was his mother? That didn't make any sense. How could a deer be the mother of a human? Unless...

Danny swiveled his head to try and get a look at himself, and let out a bleat of terror when his nagging suspicion was confirmed. His human body had been replaced by that of a damp, trembling little fawn. Suddenly, everything fell into place. The doe had said it was his mother because it WAS his mother! The womb-like prison he had been trapped in WAS a womb! And the world around him looked so huge because he was so TINY! Even as wet as he was, he couldn't have weighed more than 10 pounds. Panic surged through him, and he wanted nothing more than to escape from this traumatic experience. Without thinking, he tried to get to his feet and run. However, his unfamiliarity with his new body meant he only managed to get up on his wobbly legs for a brief moment before he fell. He was left sprawling in the grass with his rump raised in air, little white tail stuck straight up. Immediately the chattering of creatures around him increased, and Danny heard comments that made him flush with humiliation. Many of the forest creatures giggled and laughed at the funny sight, and one of the younger deer said "Look mommy! He fell down! Why is he showing everyone his butt?"


"He is still learning to walk, Melissa. You were just as wobbly as he is when you were born," Karen explained to her older fawn. The mother doe chuckled softly to herself, but also felt compassion for her still frightened and confused offspring. Karen understood that the fawn she had just giving birth to was not a normal fawn, but was in fact a human in a deers body. As such, he would have already lived a long life before being born to her, and would have developed a strong sense of reality. A sense of reality that was being turned upside down right now. She new that he must be afraid and confused, and her motherly instincts made her want to protect and comfort him. It was time for him to have some peace so he could rest and recover from his long ordeal and adjust to his new world. After all, he would be no good to anyone if he came to fear those he was supposed to learn to love. She raised her head and spoke to the crowd that had gathered to watch the spectacle.

"I thank you all for coming to welcome the young prince into the world, but I think it is time he gets some rest. I would be most grateful if everyone could leave us in peace for now."

Somewhat reluctantly, the crowd began to disperse, and soon the mid-day forest returned to it's usual quiet, leaving only the gentle sound of the wind in the trees. Karen's fellow doe Cassandra, with her young daughter at her side, was the last to leave. Before she stepped into trees at the edge of the clearing, she stopped and asked "So what will be or little savior's name? I am sure the other does of the Wisened Herd will be eager to know."

Karen looked down at her fawn, who had once again snuggled into her soft flank for warmth and safety. She pondered for a long moment. A look of happiness spread over her face, as if she had just relived a fond memory. Without taking her eyes off of her fawn, she answered Cassandra's question.

"I will name him Gliven. Yes...Gliven. I think that name will serve him well, as it did my grand father."

Cassandra nodded, and disappeared into the forest with her fawn.


So my name is to be Gliven now?, Danny thought to himself. So be it. The faster he got used to his new life in the forest the faster these feelings of fear and confusion would go away. As it was, his head was buried in the fur of his new mothers body, trying to drown out the world with her heartbeat. He barely noticed that all the other creatures, save Karen and her fawn Melissa, had left and the forest was now quiet.

However, that just made it all the more noticeable when Gliven's stomach rumbled loudly. Almost immediately, all of his confusing emotions were sidelined and replaced by a new sensation...hunger. An intense kind of hunger he had known before, in the distant past of his human infancy. Karen heard the sound and looked down at her fawn, who was now looking up at her pleadingly. Gliven didn't know what he was supposed to eat when he was out in the middle of the forest, but he was sure somehow that his new mother would know how to feed him. Karen smiled, and called to him softly. "Are you hungry Gliven? You've had quite a bit of excitement, and I'm sure it's left you famished."

"Oh, I'm hungry too, Mommy!" Melissa announced enthusiastically.

Karen laughed, and then encouraged her daughter. "All right then, why don't you come and show Gliven how a good little fawn fills their belly." Melissa giddily bounded over to her mother, who got to her feet, leaving Gliven in the grass to stare up at the doe who towered over him. From where he was laying, he got a very uncensored view of what would be considered a private matter in the human world. Melissa stuck her head under Karen's legs and searched excitedly between her thighs. When her lips found what they sought, Melissa began thirstily sucking one of her mother's teats. Gliven was shocked. Was he really expected to do what she was doing? After several moments of loud slurping, Melissa withdrew herself from the swollen nipple. A few drops of milk dripped from the underside of her muzzle. She looked at her new brother and eagerly encouraged him to join in the fun." Come on Gliven! You'll like it. It tastes really good!"

Karen took a few short steps forward and then laid down in the grass again, this time on her side so that Gliven would have easy access to her udders. Knowing that this must be unusual for her son, she looked at him and smiled, and tried to ease his obvious unease. "Melissa is right, Gliven. You will surely enjoy my milk. I certainly did my mother's when I was a fawn. I know this must be something new for you, but you will have to learn to accept many new things to survive in the forest. You are not yet old enough to eat foliage, so the only way you can ease your hunger is to suckle me," Karen explained, worried that he might refuse her offer.

As it was, Gliven was debating what to do. Normally, just the thought of actually putting his lips on an wild animals udders, let alone actually drinking its milk, would have made him queasy. But that was the human part of him, and that part was now in conflict with his new cervine instincts. They urged him to nurse, to ease the pain of hunger in his stomach. They saw the pink flesh before him not merely as the parts of some animal, but as a beautiful wellspring ready to give him life. And considering that his only other option appeared to be starvation and death, he reluctantly gave into his craving.

He slowly put his nose on Karen's udder, searching for one of the teats like Melissa had done. Considering they were swollen with milk because of her recent childbirth, they were not hard to find. Gliven took a deep breath, gingerly wrapped his lips around the nearest nipple and began to suckle. Immediately a warm jet of milk spurted into his mouth. He paused for a moment, evaluating the unfamiliar, but surprisingly pleasant, taste. It was distinctly different from the cow's milk he was used to. Certainly it was much richer and more flavorful. It may have just been his deer body's instincts taking over, but Gliven decided he enjoyed it quite a bit. Gliven hungrily resumed suckling, his dainty tail waggling in obvious pleasure. As his belly started to fill with his mother's rich milk, the ache in his stomach was soothed and Gliven closed his eyes in quiet contentment. He enjoyed the first moment of real peace that he had had in a long while. That is, until Melissa saw something that piqued her curiosity.

Gliven's eyes shot open and he yelped in surprise. Something cold and wet had shoved it's way under his tail and was prodding insistently at his sensitive bits. Milk sputtering from his lips, he immediately withdrew from the nipple in his mouth and twisted his head backwards to see what was going on. When he saw what was intruding between his legs, he choked and blushed furiously in embarrassment. While he was nursing, Melissa had snuck in behind him and, noticing that Gliven had some extra appendages under his tail that she was not familiar with, had pressed her head against his rump to get a better look. Her nose was inquisitively exploring his fuzzy little sac, and Gliven yelped again when her tongue dashed out to taste the objects of her attention. Gliven hiked his bottom up, trying to squirm away from the unwanted fondling, but he only succeeded in giving Melissa easier access to his privates. The tickling was so intense that even if he had been able to speak, all he would have been able to do is gasp and squeal as he was now. After a few more curious licks, Melissa pulled her head away and looked up at her mother with an expression of puzzlement. "Gliven has these funny little balls hanging between his legs, mommy. Why doesn't he have a flower like me and you? Is he alright?" she asked in innocence.

Karen smiled and chuckled to herself before answering. "Thats part of what makes him a male, my dear. It's perfectly healthy and natural. You'll learn more about it when your older. Now, I think you had better leave Gliven's parts to himself. I don't think he's ready to have someone touching him there. " Gliven wholeheartedly agreed, and though he couldn't voice it yet, it showed through the mild look of annoyance in his eyes. He had had enough of being the world's plaything, and the last thing he wanted right now was some fawn nuzzling his crotch as he lay there helpless. Melissa wasn't satisfied with the explanation, but she didn't want to cause her brother any discomfort so she decided to put her curiosity aside for now. Instead, she laid down next to her brother and cuddled against him as if to apologize. When Gliven resumed nursing, Melissa joined him, and for a long while there was silence as the fawns quietly suckled.

Content that both her fawns were happy and occupied, Karen rested her head in the soft grass and closed her eyes. She was exhausted, and relished the chance to relax for a while. As she started to drift off to sleep, her mind wandered over many things. Karen smiled as the first tingles of a pleasant and welcome warmth spread through her body. The feel of eager tongues and lips on her sensitive flesh was bringing back erotic memories of things she had enjoyed in years past. The serious matters of raising a fawn and leading the Wisened Herd had weighed on Karen for so long now, and it felt good to let go of those pressures for a while and indulge her sensuous side. She was slightly embarrassed that the mere act of nursing her fawns could arouse her, but at the same time she was relieved. It was good to know that even as the oldest doe in the Wisened Herd she still had her feminine desires. She sighed quietly in pleasure and listened to the slurping of her fawns at her teats. If all goes well with Gliven, she thought to herself, perhaps one day soon I will be able relive those fond memories. Her tail flicked in excitement at the idea.

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When Karen woke from her nap, it was near sundown. The forest around her was a scene of serene beauty. Soft orange light filtered through the trees and cast long shadows over the small clearing. The distant rumble of thunder signaled the arrival of a late-spring rainstorm moving through the area. She and her fawns would need to find better cover before night fell if they were to stay warm and dry. For a brief moment, worry raced through her head when she realized that her fawns were not where she had left them. Karen's worry turned to delight when she found them a few feet away. Gliven and Melissa had curled up together under a large fallen tree and gone to sleep. It was a wonderful sight seeing her adorable little fawns snuggled against each other and it brought a warm smile to Karen. These two will make a lovely pair someday, she thought to herself. Karen decided not disturb the resting couple as they had picked a sleeping spot that was well sheltered from the coming rain.

Before she made her way into the forest to find food for herself, Karen visited her fawns to wish them both good night. She planted an tender kiss on Gliven's forehead and whispered softly in his ear, "Good night my little prince. I promise I will do all I can to make your time with us happy and loving." Gliven stirred slightly, and without opening his eyes, responded sleepily.

 "Good night, mother. I love you."