A dream come true, part 2/10

Story by Prince Xenon on SoFurry

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#2 of Jamie and Xavier

Part 2 of 10 of the story a dream come true

A dream come true part 2

Xavier stood in the park grinning like an idiot, holding his hands in the air triumphantly until he heard a sound behind him. *clap clap clap* "well good job, I told you it would work didn't I." Xavier turned around and there stood Adam holding his thumbs up and giving a sly smile. The smile was instantly wiped off his face as he had to duck a quickly approaching frisbee. "Woah woah woah, it worked didn't it. Just like I said it would." Adam quickly said. Xavier squinted at Adam and thought, "well he's right, it did work. I just wish it could've hurt less." He then said to Adam, "you got me there, although I bet the only reason you're still here is because I have the keys to the car. He wasn't even looking when it hit me and I saw you running for the parking lot." Adam started to rub the back of his neck and laugh nervously. "Haha, you may be right about that, but hey I saw you got his number. Lets just drive to the apartment we can get cleaned up and discuss where you're gonna take that fine piece of ass? Huh sound good?" Xavier stood and mulled the words over for a minute, then reached into his pocket and pulled out some car keys, "ok let's go." He said before walking off towards the parking lot. "Woohoo we did it bro!" Adam shouted as he leapt over to Xavier and put his arm over his shoulder. "Don't touch me," Xavier quickly spoke but didn't move to push off Adams hand. "Oh it's not that bad." Adam spoke as he squeezed Xavier's neck slightly harder, "I would like to say I didn't meant to throw it that hard the second time." "Yah I'm sure you didn't Xavier mumbled as he again felt a twinge of pain in his muzzle. Adam quickly ran forward towards the passenger door of the beautiful dark red Camaro and started to pull repeatedly on the door handle. "Well no shit you get passenger you're not driving." Xavier said, "and stop pulling on the handle like that its bad for it." Adam looked Xavier dead in the eye and continued to pull the handle, Xavier glanced over at him, sighed, then put the keys in and unlocked the door. He slid into the drivers seat then reached over and unlocked Adams door, then closed his door as Adam jumped in, sat down, then closed his door. Xavier turned the keys and the engine rumbled to life with a roar like an orgasming dragon. They both buckled up as Xavier peeled backwards out of the parking lot and Adam started to fiddle with the radio. "I've told you I drive I pick the music." Xavier spoke as he smacked Adams hand. "Well if you let me drive for once." Adam spoke pulling back his hand while rubbing it and sticking his tongue out at Xavier, who turned to Adam with a face that said, seriously? "The day hell freezes over is the day ill let you drive my baby." He said as Adam turned away from him feigning hurt. "After all I've done for you." He mumbled, Xavier just laughed and pulled out his phone and put on Sphere by Eurobeat brony. The two 24in rockfordfosgate punch series speakers lit up the car as Xavier slammed on the gas and the turbo spooling up lit up the front. Adam was pushed back in his seat as he let out a whooping cheer.

Jamie POV

Jamie was driving away from the park thinking about the cute horse that had talked to him, he cheeks just about caught on fire as he remembered what Xavier had said. "He called me cute...how long has it been since somebody had said that?" His thoughts were interrupted as a low riding red Camaro shot by past him, he had to move over as the Camaro shot through the yellow light before it turned red. "Man some people drive so crazy." He thought as he turned left and on towards home.

Xavier POV

Xavier pulled the car up to a small gated community of duplexes and entered a code into a key pad, then watched as the gate opened. He quickly turned down the music so as not to disturb anybody in any of the houses. "Wow you're nice." Adam said sarcastically his ears ringing. "What?" Xavier asked in confusion his ears also ringing. The cars blue LED headlights swept over a duplex in the back left corner as he pulled up to a garage door and hit a button, the door slid open and Xavier quickly pulled the car in, he slowly stopped the car, put it in park, then pulled the key. Adam hopped out and slammed the door, Xavier winced at the sound before slowly getting out and lightly shutting the door. "Oh Luna," he said to the car while rubbing the convertible roof. "You're such a good car." Adam turned and rolled his eyes," for the thousandth time Luna is purple, your car is red." He spoke exasperated. Xavier turned and looked at him smiling." And for the thousandth time, I don't care, you're just jealous." Xavier leaned over and kissed the hood of the car, then quickly pulled back his head, his muzzle slightly burned from the heat. "Oh Luna you're such a tease." He said while raising his eyebrows at the car. Adam made a gagging noise and turned away from the car and Xavier. "That's it this is a whole bunch of nope I'm out of here." He said as he started to walk out of the garage. Xavier turned towards Adam laughing and followed him out of the garage. They both approached the front door of the house, Xavier approached the door unlocked it and let them both in. They stepped into a semi-large living room with a kitchen attached and a hallway down to two bedrooms and a bathroom. Sitting on a couch across from a large TV watching YouTube off of an Xbox One was another wolf. This one was obviously female, she was much shorter than the two giants and had a light brown fur with patches of white on her stomouch. Hey Georgia Adam said happily walking over then sitting down next to her on the couch before embracing and kissing her. Xavier looked down at the two lovers then stuck his tongue out at them. As he walked towards the fridge he heard Adam start to tell Georgia about the days happenings. "And then get this." He said, "lover boy over there." Xavier guessed Adam was referring to him. "Took a frisbee to the face all just to talk to that fox he had been mercilessly stalking the past 3 weeks." Adam finished as Xavier shouted over his shoulder while looking in the fridge. "Not staking just...admiring from afar." Adam snickered and said," admitting from afar, stalking, is there even a difference." George looked over at Xavier while punching Adam in the chest. "Well this is good." She said, "that means you get to talk to him right, isn't that what you wanted." "Yes," Xavier agreed. "Just maybe you know not so painfully, that's what I get for listening to that doofus." He said gesturing to Adam. Xavier looked around the inside of the fridge before grabbing an old carton of Chinese take out. "Adam!" Georgia said seeming to now just take in the blood on Xavier's muzzle. "You didn't purposefully hurt him did you?" She asked while looking at Adam intensely. He shrunk under her glare and muttered, "NO-O I-I DIDN'T I SWE-EAR." He saw that she clearly wasn't buying it, he then quickly looked over toward Xavier who grabbed a fork and started to walk toward the back rooms. "YOU GOTTA HELP ME MAN TELL ER I DIDN'T MEAN IT." Adam said while Georgia started to look more menacingly at him. Xavier looked over at the couple and then continued walking away. "You're on your own broski this is your fight not mine." He added before walking into a room and shutting the door. He flopped down onto the bed and looked around at his room, there was a TV on the wall across from him with an Xbox 360 hooked up to it, a desk with a computer on it and there was clothing scattered haphhaserdly all over the floor, the window behind him was covered with a quilt and the door had a poster of princess Luna on it. Xavier the sound of heard playful yelling and stuff being knocked over through the wall to the right of him. "Lucky Adam," he thought as he opened up the box of vegetable noodles and started to eat. "He has somebody to love." Xavier reached into his pocket and pulled out the hastily scribbled number, he eyed it lovingly before putting it back in his pocket. "I have a chance now too though, I may have found somebody to love." Xavier mulled this thought over before shoving more cold food into his mouth. "I wonder what he's doing right now." He thought as he finished off the food and set the empty carton on a small table next to him.

Jamie POV

Jamie pulled his car next to the curb, put it in park, and pulled out the key. As he stepped out of the car he eyed the apartment building he was walking towards. It was a tall semi-rundown looking thing in the middle of downtown. He walked up to the front door and into the lobby, then across it and to an elevator. He pushed the button and waiting as the light came down the numbers and eventually settled on E, the doors slid open and a group of clearly drunk teens stumbled out, a bird with a missing eye and foul smelling breath looked over at Jamie and loudly asked, "the fuck you staring at fox?" Jamie turned away and looked down till the group passed snickering, he quickly stepped into the elevator before the door could close and pushed the button for the 17th floor. As he rode up again all he could think about was the horse he had met in the park, his memories wandered over the large biceps, the six pack clearly showing through his shirt, his pants and the bul-*DING* Jamie jumped slightly roused out of his thoughts by the elevator bell. The doors opened to reveal a dimly lit hallway. "I should tell the owner about this again, I've asked him like 7,000 times to fix it...well like 7 times....ok once and I'm not sure he knew who I was..." Jamie's mind was running through these thoughts as he approached a room at the end of the hallway. He had to quickly stop as one of the doors in front of him opened. "Oh shi-, oh hello Ian." Jamie said as a large old bear stepped out of the door. "Ah hello Jamie my comrade is so good to see you dah?" Ian asked clearly happy to see Jamie, Jamie laughed and smiled up at Ian. "Yes it's good to see you too." Ian smiled kindly down at the young fox, "you seem happy comrade did stupid horse finally ask ju on date? Is dat why you is blushing like that?" Jamie had a hard time putting together the bears broken accent usually but he had no trouble understand what he just asked. He blushed profusely as he moved past the bear. "I I uh wha yah..." Jamie stumbled over his words as he quickly opened his apartment. The bear laughed loudly and deeply. "Is no need to hide from me i understand you young kids and your love and all ze things with it." This didn't seem to help Jamie if anything it made it worse, he made a small sound like an *eep* and quickly walked in and shut his door. "Don't worry," he heard in the broken Russian accent. "Have fun while you're young, just try not to catch any of those new dangled STD's." Ian shouted through the door. Jamie made another, louder *eep* and quickly locked his door before walking across the studio apartment and jumping on to a couch while burying his face in a pillow.

Xavier POV

Xavier stepped out of the shower and stood and looked at himself in the full length mirror, he wiped the steam off so he could see better before looking himself up and down. He had slightly large than average biceps and pecs, with a clearly visible six pack. His body was completely covered in the dark grey fur, except for his close cropped jet black mane and vibrant hazel eyes. He turned away from the mirror and quickly got dressed before walking over to the door and opening it while watching all the steam billow out. From the living room he heard the sounds of gunfire and muffled cursing. "George leave?" He called out to Adam, "yah." He shouted back. "She left while oh were in the shower." Xavier turned away and walked into his room, he carefully took the number out of his pocket and set it on the table next to the food carton. He pulled the covers back and laid down in his bed. Lying down all he could think of was the fox, his mind drifted back and forth between the thoughts of the day and his thoughts of his possible future with the fox before lightly drifting off to sleep

Jamie POV

Jamie set his empty plate down and rolled over. He was lying on the couch and facing a TV. Pausing then turning off the TV his thoughts drifted back to the horse. "I hope he calls me tomorrow." He thought, "oh no, what if he doesn't like me, what if he didn't mean it....what if he doesn't call..." Jamie quickly pushed these thoughts out of his mind and turned them toward idyllic thoughts of what could be their future.

That night even though they were far apart both Xavier and Jamie fell asleep thinking of each other.