Dragon's Embrace Chapter Three: School is Out Hacking Is In

Story by CherryBlossomSystem on SoFurry

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#3 of Dragon's Embrace

A/N: Here is a helpful definition.

mindscape: The mental landscape of a person. Essentially the visual representation of how a person's mind organizes itself. Both Weres and Telepaths are able to see Mindscapes however in the case of the Were they may only see their mindscape and the mindscape of their mate.


I was in a empty classroom taking a test that would judge my skills in basic Math,Science,History and Language. Honestly I found the test to be hard and tedious. I'm sure I flunked everything so when I turned it in I waited for a look of ridicule from the Teacher but none came.

Instead they took the test and went back to their office to score it. When we were first introduced I had to bite my tongue as the Teacher was a wolf. Several tense moments occurred between us as Mr. Cartwright seemed to stare me down and I met his gaze without blinking.

He had sniffed the air several times during our talk before the test and I'm sure he was scenting it now. I found myself wondering how much information my scent gave these weres. I knew it was beyond my control but the fact that they could learn things about me I didn't want them to know from a simple sniff bothered me on some level.

I didn't notice the teacher until he was in front of me and he said "From the results of the test your results show that you have almost no education." I gave him a blank look instead of replying. "So I made up your schedule You have four classes each of them will allow you to learn at your own pace in each subject. I also cleared it with financial aid so your set. Just come to class tomorrow at 7:00pm to get started." His tone wasn't condescending and it didn't hold pity either. He just stated the facts as they were and I found myself respecting him.

"Ok sir. Thank you for your time." I said as I collected my schedule from him and after taking a moment to get my bearings from the map on the door I headed outside and made my way to the foyer of the college. I chose a comfy looking seat and decided to wait for Jacob here.

As I waited I got into my meditation stance to help me focus my mind. It is a necessary exercise to make sure that I have control of my abilities and that they aren't getting away from me as they tend to do from time to time.


On my way to check on Saki I grabbed the casserole from the fridge and brought it with me. Then I began to head towards Financial Aid before I saw Saki meditating in the foyer. I smiled softly and walked towards him. Either he woke up his telethapy or he must have heard my approaching footsteps because he opened his eyes and glanced up with a smile.

"So did it all work out?" I ask him and he shrugged. "I have 4 classes tomorrow Night in the GED building. Financial Aid went well though I had a lot of trouble with some of the questions." He replied frowning slightly.

"Which ones?" I asked concerned. "Well since I never officially was born or even existed for all 18 years of my life I've never had to deal with a social security card. I swear that they thought I was an illegal immigrant or something." his tone held wariness and I saw him constantly glance around the place as if he was on edge.

"Saki you know that no one will harm you here." I say softly moving to sit beside him. He took a deep breath and let it out several times seemingly trying to compose himself. I didn't interrupt and when he was done he looked at me and replied. "Still not used to these situations the largest amount of people I ever saw at one time was five. Well not counting when I escaped."

I nodded and said "Well you seem to be more relaxed now." he smiled lightly "Already able to read my moods dragon boy?" but his tone was playful and I grinned back at him. "Yeah I can. So what are you gonna do about it?" I asked smiling back.

His eyes danced with amusement as he replied "I might have to change things up and keep you guessing." I laughed "Go head and try." He got to his feet and I did as well leading the way off campus.

Saki yawned on the way back home but kept pace with me as we headed home.The trip back was uneventful and once we got withing sight of the house Saki stopped and I looked at him in question. "I need to reawaken my abilities. I don't want to walk into the house with them going full blast though." I nodded and stayed at his side for the next ten minuets watching a purple aura dance to life around him until he said "OK they should be good now." I walked him inside to hear my mom already sleeping. I put the casserole in the fridge and asked Saki "Do you want something to eat?"

He shook his head. "I don't really eat at all." I frowned "Then how exactly have you been staying alive all these years?" I asked. "Well they did feed us but the food was drugged. So I found out how to pull the nutrients and substance from the food itself without touching the drugs." he replied.

I nodded and said "Well I can fix us both a salad that's drug free. Is that OK with you?" He nodded and looked around in askance like he wanted to do something but didn't know what. So that's why seconds later I had him chopping cucumbers for the salad after showing him how to use the knife. But he had several knives floating around him when I turned back from cutting the tomatoes.

"What?" he asked as I started seeing six knives chop the lettuce into fine pieces while he worked on the cucumber. He even separated the whole lot into two different bowls and set them onto the counter and the six knives floated to the sink and began to wash themselves as the water turned on.

I shook my head with amusement before saying "I just didn't figure you would use your abilities without careful planning." I replied and he smiled back at me "Well at least you see me as I really am instead of a tool to be used." I winced and he lowered his eyes in apology.

Once both salads were made we ate in silence and once finished both of us went to bed. Saki I'm sure wasn't really sleeping as I saw that same purple aura dance to life around him as he leaned against the couch.

I didn't comment as I trusted him. Maybe he just kept them active at night to warn him if something approached. As I closed my eyes I found myself in the mindscape by Monroe and I moved closer to him settling onto the blanket and pillow I had put there years ago. Hearing movement he opened one eye and then smiled a bit seeing it was me. I reached over and gently rested my hand on his head saying to him "I'm here for you big guy." he settled back down to sleep and I got comfortable underneath my blanket as I drifted to sleep as well.


I woke up shortly after I Jacob fell asleep by Monroe. So I found it strange when I was suddenly controlling the body. I mean a few times I had but it was by choice and Jacob had asked me too. This had never happened before so while the two of them slept I kicked off the covers and almost instantly the white haired boy that had been near the base of the couch got to his feet and turned around.

I held up my hands in a placating gesture and he eyed me suspiciously for a few moments almost as if he knew I wasn't Jacob. "Joshua?" he asked quietly still as tense as before as if I would at any second jump across the space between us and attempt to eat him.

"Yes I'm Joshua. Sorry to startle you Saki." Saki relaxed at my words and I said "You reacted pretty fast." "Yeah sorry bout that. I had my little mind field set to Jacob and his Mom's mental signature so that if he woke up in the night I wouldn't even notice. However if someone went through the house that wasn't either one of them then It would wake me up."

"Mind field?" I asked tilting my head. He gestured around himself "The purple Aura your seeing. That's my mind field." "I see. So how have things been for you?" I asked getting comfortable against the couch.

"So far so good. I mean it takes some getting used too." he replied sitting on the floor and drawing up his knees and resting his chin on the knee caps as he looked at me. I would have asked why but it wasn't my place. "So if your here I'm gonna assume that Jacob is with Monroe." He said it as a statement not a question and I nodded.

He didn't say another word and I didn't volunteer anything as I laid back down and slipped the blanket back on. Soon after he settled back against the couch and seemingly drifted back to sleep. I found myself staring at the ceiling for hours until Jacob's Mom woke up and I finally drifted to sleep.


"His name is Saki and he can read minds." I explained to my dad after outlining what I thought about the boy and the scents I smelt on him. My dad nodded thoughtfully and then dismissed me. I went to my room and sat down on the desk to do some paperwork. As I did I checked on the pack and made sure everyone was OK.

Therefore I was surprised when I noticed the link to Brain seemed to blink out. There are two ways that can happen. One that Brain was dead. Or Two he entered a room that had been spelled to stop the pack link from working.

In either case it was bad news. "I'm going out dad!" I called and slipped on a jacket before heading towards where I last had seen Brian's link. The path I took led me to the towns fishing and meat packing district towards the old warehouses. I stopped about ten miles from them and mounted a hill nearby using my keen eyes to decipher the buildings through the darkness.

Everything was quite and no matter how hard I strained my ears I failed to hear any sounds. Nor could I see any activity from around the warehouses. I still felt cautious and I didn't want to rush into a potential ambush so I returned home to await developments.


When Jacob's Mom started to brew a pot of coffee in the kitchen the scent enticed my nose but I didn't stir. She probably knew that I was already awake but I didn't feel like moving around just yet. I'm sure my mind field was flaring around me as I currently felt some minds enter the area that I wasn't familiar with.

By this I mean that they didn't feel like shifter minds. They were to hard for that. They didn't feel like normal human minds either. I frowned deeply and brought up my mental map. Each pin prick of light was an active mind on the map and as I watched all of the stranger minds were hiding in what appeared to be a warehouse.

I opened my eyes and canceled my mind field. Jacob's mom had been watching me over the rim of her coffee cup and asked "Something wrong?" I turned towards her. "I'm not quite sure. I sense a different mind then what I'm accustomed too." She nearly dropped her coffee cup and said very clearly "You can sense...minds?" "Yes ma'am. I thought Jacob might have told you but I'm a Telepath and Telekinetic"

"What does that mean?" "I can read minds and move objects with my mind." "So just now when you were glowing purple?" "That was my mind field. It kicks in when I use my abilities." She seemed to be taking the information remarkably well. Either that or she was freaking out. "You were born with these abilities?" she asked and I winced. "I wouldn't call it born." I said darkly and she didn't pursue that line of questioning further.

"So basically what you told me is we have a group of minds in the territory that you do not recognize and they are all grouped in the same place." she said and I nodded. "Can you tell me who or what they are?" I started to shake my head then stopped. "I could but it will take several hours depending on how well I can navigate their defenses." "So while your doing that should I tell the Alpha?" she asked and I faltered. "If it turns out to be a false alarm that will look bad on you. So I'll get to work and once I have enough proof I'll contact him myself."

"You don't have a pack link" She reminded me. "I don't need one" I replied and the light bulb came on over her head. "Ahh" was all she said before she got ready to go to work. I watched her go and then I looked at Jacob and sighed. I gently entered his mindscape being slightly less dense the very air itself.

_ "Joshua?" _ I called softly and the sleepy dragon seemed to instantly appear in front of me. "_ What are you doing here?" "I wanted you to relay a message to Jacob if you could. I'm sorry for waking you and for intruding. My message is this. There are several minds within the territory that I don't recognize. They aren't shifters like the rest of you so I am going to do my best to hack them. If I find out in time I'll relay the information to the Alpha. _ I paused in my speaking and said _ This could be very dangerous. So please no matter what don't disturb me. It will take all of my concentration to do this one slip could have drastic consequences. _

Joshua nodded and I smiled at him briefly before winking out of their mindscape and returning to my own mind. I then entered my own mindscape and approached the purple core of my power which rose from the ground in a swirling column. This place is where my power came from and at it's center there stood a computer terminal and several monitors along with a strange machine.

I keyed in the unlock code into the machine and slipped inside and it closed around me. I closed my eyes and from behind my lids the computer displays lit up the darkness. I reached out with my hands and began to manipulate them. As I did so a small tendril of my power began to stretch towards the warehouses.

Once it arrived at the proper warehouse the purple tendril began to touch the floor and it accumulated rapidly spreading over the top of the building. I made sure to make it invisible to anyone that might be looking for it and then I began to sink my power into the earth underneath the building. I ran into what seemed to be a concrete building. It had many rooms and the strange minds were spaced out within the complex.

I gathered my power and sent out a pulse through out the complex which brought every single one of them to attention and when I got the feedback I sorted through the data on the screens seeing which one was the weakest.

Once I had the data I made sure to save it in a file so I could "reference" it later. The strange minds were now moving around the complex so fast that it was difficult to track them.They all converged in one room so I decided to see if I could gather any more data since they were nice enough to move all to one spot.

I gathered power once more and chose an unoccupied room in the center of the complex and I made the power continue to gather and grow withing that room before blasting it out as hard as I could in all directions. Within this pulse I had laced a string of code that would attach to any mind it came across within the building and begin to quietly replicate itself like a virus.

Then once it had gone strong enough it would proceed to hack the mind of the host it had attached to. This was a crude method and I was sure that they would realize something was going on but I felt nothing in the way of retaliation. Probabley because they were to busy picking their butts off the ground and I had bounced my "signal" around so many times that it would take an elite psychic to trace it.

They were annoyed now and surged like ants after you disturb their nest. I watched with a raised eyebrow noticing that they all seemed to stay close to a central mind. That mind screamed of power and I seriously doubted in my ability to hack it at all.

I decided to let my virus do it's work and shut down my signal and the computers. I then stepped out of the chamber I was in and left my mindscape. Outside the world was dark and Jacob seemed to have already went to school and came back as I heard him moving around in the kitchen.

He stuck his head into the living room as he heard me get up with a groan and said "So your finally alive. I hope you don't get in trouble for missing classes tonight. " "Jacob I'm afraid that missing classes will soon be the very least of our worries." He frowned but didn't comment as he gestured for me to come eat.

I wandered into the kitchen and sat at the table. I didn't speak through out the meal and neither did Jacob. There wasn't any tension between us and the silence wasn't awkward I'm sure that Jacob had meant well and I gave him time to gather his thoughts.

"So what do you mean by you missing classes will be the least of our worries?" he asked and I replied "didn't Joshua mention it to you?" He nodded. "Yeah something about strange minds?" "Yep" I replied popping the p.

"I don't mean to sound dense Saki but why does it matter if you sensed a strange mind. It could be a visiting member from another pack." "Jacob when I say different I mean different. As they are not shifters at all. Nor do their minds feel human. and You darn well know I have a good idea of what a human's mind is like."

Jacob looked sheepish "I'm sorry." I sighed and replied "I'm sorry to my tone was sharper then it should have been." "So what do you think they are?" I made a disgusted face. "Whatever they are they react like a hive mind. You know like ants or something. One person in the group has all the power."

He nodded carefully at my words and said "So what do you propose we do?" "Well for now nothing. I worked a little magic and it will get back some data I need." Jacob looked perplex and was about to ask a question when I said "Not actual magic. Just... I did something to them that will eventually yield results."

So who do you think had come to town? Comment below.