Inferno High - Chapter 6

Story by gigarandom on SoFurry

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#6 of Inferno High

Enjoy this installation of Inferno High! Please leave feedback and criticism as a comment! I repeat, enjoy!

Life lessons are not easily learned through video games , if they are at all, that is, but some how we all managed to agree that locking someone in an inescapable box is the best way to deal with the most dangerous people around you. Unfortunately, this life lesson is inapplicable in high school, thus it'll be forgotten in about two minutes.

We stopped playing Halo around six to get dinner, and we decided to sit somewhere other than the scene of the twins' beatings. We thought no where would be as perfect, but somewhere even better.

Tucked away on the first floor of the opposite side of the cafeteria, was a table. A table that no one sat at because it seemed illogical. You couldn't see the windows, but were within twenty feet of the lunch line, just tucked behind two walls. Basically, no one knew about this little hall that was filled with lunch rooms usable by students. We talked our fellow nerds and gays into sitting there, and we decided to make it our official eating place for the year.

"Dude, we need more games to play." [Alex]

"Why, getting bored of winning all the time?" [David]

"That, and I never really played games other than FPS games. They were the only ones my parents would get because those were the games they didn't like. They aren't Xbox fans."

"Oh. So you've never played games like minecraft?" [Isaac]

"Minecraft's for nerds!"

"Really, and why's that?" [Daniel]

"It's just digging in the dirt."

"Have you ever played it?" [Isaac]

"No, but-"

"So how do you know? Maybe you love sandbox games!" [Isaac]

"I seriously doubt that."

"I don't know, sandbox games are pretty cool, and Minecraft is the most popular..." [Me]

"I repeat, it's nothing but digging in the dirt."

"You're not even gonna give it a chance?" [Ted]


"So if my dad brought minecraft like, tomorrow, you wouldn't want to play it?" [Ted]


"Why's you're dad gonna be here?" [Isaac]

"Oh, he's bringing me school supplies like pencils and paper and notebooks and stuff." [Ted]

"Yeah, mine too. Except, they're mailing it." [Me]

"Huh. Our parents just gave us a fuck ton of that stuff at the start of the school year, because we tend to have a way of burning through stuff way too quickly." [David]

"How do you burn through an entire notebook in less than a year?" [Me]

"By writing all the notes." [Daniel]

"Even so, you shouldn't-" [Alex]

"We've been burned more than once by lack of note taking, so we just copy everything the teacher says. I'm dead serious." [David]

"Well, in that case..." [Ted]

"Seriously, I don't know why that's so weird. It's smart, there've been tests we've aced just because we could use our notes, and more times than not." [David]

"Yeah, as if we don't study anyways." [Daniel]

"True." [David]

"What? You... You actually do everything that the teachers want you to do?" [Ted]

"You aren't anthran." [Alex]

"Not in the least!" [Isaac]

"You guy are just jealous 'cause you don't have a boyfriend or a twin." [David]

"And it just so happens we're both." [Daniel]

"There's a thing called incest, ever heard of it?" [Ted]

"It's only a bad thing when there's a kid though." [Daniel]

"We're both guys, so it doesn't matter." [David]

"It still matters." [Me]

"Not really." [Daniel]

"Okay, but when you guys get so old and senile you forget who's who, don't come crawling to us." [Isaac]

"Oh yeah, like we're gonna actually get married." [David]

"No, this is like, temporary." [Daniel]

"Yeah, like, we won't break up until both of us has another guy to go to." [David]

"What?" [Ted]

"How does that make sense?!" [Alex]

"It still looks an awful lot like you guys are together." [Zane]

"Oh hey, when did you get here?" [Ted]

"I've been here." [Zane]

"How... Wait, is this for real?" [Me]

"Is what for real?" [Alex]

"I have spent my entire life without friends, and all of a sudden I have six." [Me]

"Seven if you include X." [Zane]

"Maybe he was excluding you." [Alex]

"Who's easier to forget about? The wolf who doesn't talk, or the annoying and bright colored folf?" [Zane]

"But the wolf is a little nicer to be around. Hint hint." [David]

"He's not gay." [Alex]

"How do you know?" [Zane]

"Maybe he's the gayest guy here." [Ted]

"Yeah, none of us knows anything about him other than he's a gray wolf that doesn't talk." [Me]

"Then how do we know his name?" [Alex]

"That's what his room mates called him." [Isaac]

"Yup. We know nothing about him." [David]

"Why don't we ask him?" [Ted]

"Okay, let's try that. Hey, X, if that is your real name-" [Alex]

"Well of course he won't respond if you're mocking him." [Ted]

"Hey, X, what's your real name?" [Me]

He looked up at me, glanced around at everyone who was starring at him, then went back to eating.

"Well, that worked." [Alex]

"X, why don't you talk?" [Zane]

X looked up again, grabbed Alex's unopen carton of milk and turned it upside down. He went back to eating.

"What the hell?" [Ted]

"I... I'm afraid to drink that." [Alex]

"Oh, as if he cursed it or something?" [David]

"Maybe you'll get scary demon powers or something." [Daniel]

"If anyone at this table is going to get scary demon powers, it's going to be me." I grabbed the carton, opened it, and chugged it all down. I set it down to see Alex steal mine.

"So?" [Zane]

I stood still for a minute, then threw my hand at Zane and he jumped a foot back. Everyone burst out laughing.

"That's not funny!" [Zane]

"Oh come on, it was pretty good." [Isaac]

"Hey, X. Why'd you turn his milk upside down?" [Zane]

He set down his pizza and made a few motions with his hands. It looked an awful lot like sign language, but what do I know, I never learned anything beyond "O".

"Oh, he's mute!" [Zane]

X shook his head, pulled out his phone and typed something up. He showed to David since he was sitting right next to him.

" 'My vocal cords are perfectly normal, but I got my tonsels out last week and talking feels like cat claws scraping up and down my throat.' ... Okay. There's a reason."

"Yeah, that sucks. Does it hurt normally?" [Me]

He typed something up again and showed me. " 'No, but that's because I have powerful pain killers.' " I handed his phone back, and he typed up something else and showed Zane.

" 'I turned his milk upside down because messing with people is fun. Also, you're obnoxious.' Well, that was rather rude." Zane typed something else up and showed him. " 'Stop making me talk.' Okay. Thanks for the answer, though."

"Yeah, that sucks that you had to have your tonsels out." [Alex]

"Are you okay with yes and no questions?" [David]

X nodded. He went back to eating while we all stopped because we had someone new and interesting to talk to.

"So, did you have strep throat or something?" [Zane]

X nodded.

"Oh, that sucks. Did the surgery hurt?" [Isaac]

X shook his head, then folded his hands and laid his head on them for a second.

"Oh. Right. So it hurt when you woke up?" [Ted]

X nodded.

"Huh." [Daniel]

"Wait, so you heard what I said before? About you being... cute?" [David]

X nodded and blushed a little.

"So, are you, umm... gay?" [David]

X tipped his head a little, and didn't respond. He finally shook it and pointed to me and Ted.

"Huh?" [Ted]

X made gestures between himself and Ted.

"Oh, you don't either!" [Me]

X nodded.

"Oh... You wanna find out?" Daniel smacked David upside the head for asking that. To make it even funnier, X nodded, so David cautiosly leaned towards him, when X straight up dove for the kiss.

"Woah!" [Isaac]

"Ha ha ha! Nice..." [Zane]

"Psh, this is unfair." [Alex]

"I'm the only person who could think this is normal and still be arguably straight." [Ted]

"What makes him so special?" [Daniel]

Everyone stopped laughing. X got up, walked around the table and kissed Daniel, too. They both blushed, and X was just smiling the whole time.

"Well, I guess X is available, now." [Alex]

X shrugged and put on a guilty face.

"So, how many days until you can talk?" [David]

X held up both hands, but his left thumb wasn't extended, so he had nine days. Nine days until we actually met him.

Then he spoke. Surprisingly, his voice actually sounded really smooth, aside from the pausing and occasional choking sounds, "Why... do you wear... beanies and... gloves. Seth."

"That's sad." [Alex]

"Wh-... y. Why do you?" [X]

"Oh, I umm... I'm cursed with these." I lifted my beanie, and turned my head, and his mouth dropped open.

"What? You- UGH, you... pent- URGH-... Pentagrams? ... What?" [X]

"Hey, maybe you should stop trying to talk." [Daniel]

X just shook his head. "Ex... -Plain."

"I don't know, it's like some kind of genetic mutation. I mean, I'm one fifth ferret, one fifth husky, one fifth wolf, and two fifths fox. My DNA's all kinds o' wrong." [Me]

"That... Is cool." [X]


X nodded vigorously, "Kinda cute, too."

"They also glow!" Alex reached over, ripped off my beanie, and cupped his hands over a pentagram to try to show him that it glowed.

"Would you stop that?" [Me]

"But they're adorable! You're like a living night light!"

"Well, then I can see why you like me." Alex blushed and sat back down.

"What?" [David]

"Don't ask." [Ted]

"It's best not to know." [Me]

"Okay..." [Daniel]

"Wait. If... You're... one fifth- Ugh, one fifth wol- URGH, IF-" [X]

"Just type it up, you don't need to talk." [Me]

"Um... What... are you? Like, fusky? Folf?" [X]

"Why a ferfuskifolf of course!" He just burst into laughter. It felt kinda nice seeing him smile like that. God, being around so many gays is starting to rub off on me. Eh, even so, they all seem to like the pentagrams instead of hate them.

"So... I take it you're gay?" [David]

X shrugged.

"But, we kissed." [David]

"What... about girls?" [X]

"Oh, I get it." [Ted]

"From that?" [Daniel]

"Yeah, he needs to kiss a girl and see if he prefers guys or girls." [Me]

X nodded and smiled at me.

"So, are you gonna try talking more, now?" [Alex]

X shook his head. "Pain meds... wearing off."

"Oh, fuck. We should get you back to the dorm, then, huh?" [Ted]

X nodded, and we all threw away the remaining scraps of food and headed towards the dorm. A few girls walked past us and one even smiled at me. I noticed Zane looking at them with interest.

"You're supposed to be gay." [Me]

"I told you, I relate to girls better. They understand me." [Zane]

"Dude, you're totally transgender." [Isaac]

"I am not!" [Zane]

"Sure you aren't, babe." [Isaac]

Zane blushed and scowled at Isaac, then stormed off in front of us.

"Was that really necessary?" [Alex]

"I was only kidding. I didn't think he'd take it so seriously." [Isaac]

"Well, you'd better apologize, 'cause he owns one of the Xboxes." [Ted]

"Is that all you can ever think about?" [Me]

"I gotta play my videut games!"

"Psh, what ever." [Isaac]

We opened the door to the stair well in the dorm building and climbed the ten flights [because it takes two to make one floor] of stairs to the fifth floor. When we got there, it was a living hell.

Basically, all the jocks were walking around with their shirts off. Perfectly normal for here, but what was really bad was that there were a few girls there. They were having a party. Weeding through this nightmare wasn't fun.

"So, can we stay at your dorm until the party's over?" [Daniel]

"Yeah." [Ted]

Some red haird tiger came up to us, "Oh, who're these guys?"

I pulled off my glove and waved the pentagram in her face, which freaked her out. Within a minute, people were practically pushing us to the back of the hall towards our room. We grabbed the twins' Xbox and TV and brought it into our room, making sure to close and lock the door.

Inferno High - Chapter 7

It was midnight. We'd played video games so long that we couldn't think properly, and the party was still going strong. Or at least it sounded like it, because the music was just as loud as when we'd started. We were all super tired and kinda afraid to...

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Inferno High - Chapter 5

Frantically searching through a stack of papers a quarter inch thick isn't easy, especially if you don't exactly know what you're looking for. This was me, Alex, and Ted for about thirty minutes, until we finally decided it's best to just go through...

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Inferno High - Chapter 4

When it's your first time at a bording school, and you meet seven kids with three Xboxes, you enter a state of a perfect circle of friends. After hooking up live to work between said Xboxes, we played Halo until the jocks caught on. Jealous and envious...

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