
Story by DiWolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of Forbidden Obsessions

Also if you arent supposed to be looking at anything 18+ get the heck away otherwise if you are 18+ enjoy the partial sexual stuffs. This is just meant to introduce the main characters :P

Please note I have NEVER written a yiff story ever so this was a bit awkward for me so if you want to bitch and moan about it, go do it somewhere else, I just did this for fun, not to try and start some writing career.



Chapter 1: Memories

"Kal Honey, it's time for dinner! Get down here before your food gets cold. You know I can't use the microwave!"

"Coming, mother!" Kalkinso said as he finished putting on his red t-shirt with the punk designed tie drawn on it. He slipped on his black cargo pants and put his wallet along with his cell phone inside. Kal walked out of his room and into the bathroom and proceeded to make sure he had everything on him in place so he looked his best for the day. As he stood there he looked into the mirror and started to reminisce about everything that had happened the last few months. Getting closer to his father, making alot of new friends at school now since he felt more open about himself, and also possibly finding the right one to claim as his mate.

"Kal I told you it's time for dinner! Now get your butt down here young man!"

"Ok ok mom don't blow a gasket!" Kal shouted and started making his way downstairs.

"It's about time you decided to join us, son; I thought we'd have to hire someone to deliver your meals to your room," the older dragon said to his son.

He looked at his son for a few seconds, remembering back when Kalkinso was but a young dragonling, holding him in his arms, tickling his belly with a claw, watching him giggle and squirm at the touch. Now his son was almost fully grown up, entering his teenage years where everything started sprouting up and he would become an adult.

The young dragon was now at the prime age of 16, standing at a proud 7 1/2 feet tall, his body developing all over into maturity. His scales were no longer the baby blue they were when he was younger, now a fierce sky blue which immediately catched one's eye as he walked by. His medium length silver hair draped down the back and sides of his face, some dropping in front to cover his eyes when he did his daily errands. The only odd part noticeable on his son were that all of the horns and claws on his body came out black, almost like a pure onyx black, but with such a shine to them that one would swear they were made over his real claws.

"Now sit down, your mother worked hard on getting this meal together for us tonight," the father said.

"Umm, Dad, this is Taco Bell, put on our dinner plates." Kal said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I was in a rush back from the office. Mr. Stevens has us on this CRAZY assignment and all the paperwork is stacked from the floor to the ceiling. I swear, I think the pile is taller than your father, right Syrus?"

"Sure, honey," Syrus said back to his wife. His wife's name was Lilyanne, a slender young crimson dragonness who he remembered back as being a wild, adventurous woman who hadn't a care in the world, who was always looking and striving for something better for her life, but now that she had reached it, she was non-stop busy. Her hair before was long and flowing, as dark as the night sky itself, but now it was always either kept short, or kept up in a bun for her professional status at her agency. She stood at about 10 feet, tall compared to her husband. The best part to her, though, was that she was still partly herself whenever they both were intimate in bed, and let her hair down only for his eyes to see.

The older dragon himself was your average dragon, standing at about near 11 feet in height and somewhat muscular from his work in the past in the construction field. He remained in that field for roughly 15 years until he decided to quit and continue his education in the technology field, He had already accumulated plenty of credits so he only had about 20 left to do which was a breeze. He was now a Systems Administrator for a very highly renowned computer company, however, due to the lack of muscle work, he invested in a home gym in the family's basement which he works out on regularly for a bit. He usually made sure no one was home when he did as he would tend to work out in the nude as to not accumulate even more laundry for him to wash.

After the family feasted on their take out food, they each cleaned up their messes, wiped down the table and made it look exactly like it did before anyone was there. They each went their seperate ways, Kal to his bedroom to study for school, Lily to her office to yap with clients and her boss to try and get the documents needed to finish the assignment on time, and Syrus to the living room to sit in his chair.

As Syrus sat down and flipped through the TV, he couldn't really find anything interesting to watch. He thought about going downstairs to the basement to clean up the equipment down there which made him remember a few months ago some noise that was coming out of basement from the equipment so he decided to investigate. The one day that changed everything. In his memory he remembered himself slowly opening the door and he peered his head inside, stumbling on something he would never have expected. He saw his son there lying on the workout table doing bench presses only he wasn't wearing his typical workout clothes; he was stark naked on the table, glistening in a slight layer of sweat from trying to work hard.

He noticed the muscles starting to form on his son, flexing with each press the boy made. Syrus remained standing there for what seemed like hours when he peered at the clock nearby and it was about 10 minutes in passing. He noticed his son place the bar down and sit up, grabbing a towel and starting to wipe his head and face.

"Whew... lets see, that's... 30 minutes. I'll take a five-minute break and work on my legs next for 30 minutes. Still can't believe my dad works out here nude, I can see why though, much more comfortable." Kal grabbed a bottle of water nearby and took a few swigs of it before setting it back down on the floor and flopped down on the bench to try and gather his breath.

Syrus couldn't help but admire the frame of this fine dragon that he helped take part in creating, knowing now that his son definitely inherited his genes from the two parents. The main thing he got from his mother were her piercing yellow eyes, gentle when he walked by that one can feel the warmth emanating from them. He noticed something started to stir down past his belly and saw that he actually found the sight of the young naked dragon somewhat arousing, a small tent starting to form in his work pants.

Kal slowly started to sit back up and hook his legs into the machine at the end of the bench, starting to push his legs out one rep after another. Syrus remained standing there for a few more minutes before he heard the sound of his wife's car pulling into the driveway. He quickly yet quietly went back upstairs and went into the living room and up the stairs into his bedroom.

Meanwhile Kal quickly jumped out of the machine and grabbed his towel off the floor and dried himself off from the sweat and quickly wrapped it around his waist. He gathered his clothing and belongings and made his way upstairs to the bathroom to hide in there.

"Honey, I'm Home!" Lilyanne said as she kicked the door closed, her hands full of files, folders and a few grocery bags all from running her errands after another day at the office.

"I'm getting ready to take a shower, Mom, I'll be right down!"

"Have you seen your father, honey? His truck is parked out front; he must have come home from work early today."

"No I haven't..." Kal replied as he stood there confused.

"I didn't see his truck before when I looked outside... I wonder how long he has been here... better yet where the heck he is... Oh well." Kal set his clothes down on the bathroom sink and slowly started to turn the water in the shower on.

Meanwhile, Syrus laid in his bed breathing a bit heavily, mainly from having to be incredibly sneaky and also lightning fast in escaping from being caught by his son. He knew it would be impossible to explain why he was peeping on his naked son working out in the basement. He laid there and now had to think of an excuse to why his son hadn't seen him, so he flipped the covers on top of himself, noticing the tent in his pants was a bit bigger now from the rush and the thrill he had just experienced just a few moments ago. He turned on his side and laid there for a few minutes.

Lily set down her things and started to put groceries into the pantry and fridge, deciding what groceries to leave out for tonight's meal as well as a 30-Minute Meals Cookbook. As dinner was now being prepared, Kal exited the bathroom with his jeans on and his towel in his hair trying to dry it out. He walked past his parent's room and looked inside, seeing his dad lying in the bed, though he noticed he was faking his eyes closed. He stopped and stood there for a few seconds and saw his dad's eye twitch which meaning that he was awake.

He decided not to press on why he was faking it and continued downstairs. When Syrus heard Kal was all the way down, he slowly crawled up out of bed and put on his best "I was taking a nap and didn't hear a thing at all dear" look on his face. He stumbled downstairs and gave out a big yawn as he was greeted by his wife and son.

"Mmmm, what is cooking? Smells very good dear."

"Its Chicken Parmesan I got from this cook book. It sounded easy so I decided to get the stuff to make it and give it a shot." she replied.

"Racheal Kray is famous for making some people look up at the sky and go WHY GOD WHY GOD WHY, heh," Kal added in sarcastically when he picked up the cook book to see the chef's scary smiling face.

"Now shush, she may be freaky but her recipes aren't half bad, set up the table dear with your father; food is almost done."

Syrus and Kal both went to the dishwasher and Syrus pulled out the plates and Kal pulled out the silverwear, they both looked up at the same time and exchanged glances at each other, both of them knowing that something was up with the other but not wanting to say anything in front of Lily.

They set up the table as per usual as Lily was bringing in the food and setting it all up on the plates.

"I hear that you place your starchy foods at the 10 o clock position, meat at the 2 o clock and vegetables at the 6 o clock, so lets see how it looks."

First 2 plates were fine but at the last plate, Carla stumbled on a chair leg and spilled sauce on the plate and splattered it all over the vegetables.

"Looks like you forgot your sauce at 8 o clock mom"

"Shut it, Kal, it was an accident Oh well, too late now."

The family ate their meals, said their goodnights and I-Love-Yous and headed off to bed. Kal stepped out of his pants and boxers while flopping back onto his bed, his arms behind his head while staring at the ceiling. He laid there for what seemed like forever but had only been an hour as he noticed dead silence, meaning it was time. He slowly slipped over to his computer desk and turned on his computer but quickly dimmed it so anyone who walked by wouldn't notice the light. He started to type in a few links and ended up at a dragon porn site. He flipped down halfway and clicked on some more links and got to his target place, Gay Male Dragons.

He slowly reached down to his crotch area and started to gently rub at his sheath, slowly sliding his paw along the rim of it as he continued to browse through the pictures, different dragons all engaged in different poses of anal sex or some on their knees taking huge sized shafts deep down their muzzles. Kal's preference was anal, but oral was always good as well; he had always seen pictures of some dragons taking dicks that seemed larger than life inside of their tailholes and seem to beg for more of it. He wondered if he would ever get the chance to play with one and maybe try taking one inside of his tail hole.

It was a few years ago he realized he preferred males over females; a few girls had asked him out but he always said "No but thank you, I'm busy," when really he used to go to the school football games and watch the jock dragons playing sports and their built, muscled, sweaty bodies clashing with each other. He nearly creamed himself one time when there was a dog pile. He continued browsing more pictures, his shaft now all the way out and sticking up at a proud 10 inches. His shaft was a few inches bigger than normal which helped him win some arguments in the shower rooms. Kal himself wasn't as built as his fellow sports players but he was comfortable being as he was for now, but wanted more.

Whenever he looked at his father he always stared in amazement at his figure, he knew he wanted to be just like his father and more to make him proud of him. Kal continued browsing through pictures of everything from big buff masculine dragons having sex to small skinny dragons taking it up the tail from big dragons, some with the facial expression of a little slut so to speak, created just to take dragon cock up their tails.

Kal used his right paw to cup his hanging ball sac and slowly massage them with his thumb, feeling them plump and full of his young spunk just ready to be shot out all over him. Rubbing them all around with the palm of his paw, he used his left paw to jerk faster as he felt his orgasm getting close to hitting.

Kal leaned back some in his chair and started to pant heavily before he leaned his head back and moaned out starting to shoot his young, thick dragon spunk up in the air, globs of it landing on his chest and belly as he continued to pump it out hard with his paw. He laid there breathing hard for a few minutes, feeling the slowly cooling dragon cream drip down his body when he opened up his eyes and nearly died at that second. His dad had been watching the entire time.