Merry Bloody Christmas

Story by Allana(Kitty)De-Luca on SoFurry

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a little blood makes christmas

December 25 1745, spirits are high everyone's belly is warm with food n drink. Allana, Richard, his maker Luc and many friends/family sit around the lounge chit-chatting well past last light. She sits next to him, curled against his side. His arm around her protectively, circles are lightly traced round' her arm with his finger. "Two years you hid yourself away from us Richard, now we know why" A female guest says with laughter in her voice as she looks to Allana. "He always did have a thing for felines" Another says, still not over the fact that she's a leopard instead of a fox. Allana clearly uneasy and hungry as today's events prevented her feeding just sits quietly while the group talks. The pets have been given the night off. As talk goes one guests gaze never leaves the leopard,

"You should be a dear n refill our drinks."

"I'm not a pet nor slave" Allana says not looking at the man, a very soft growl grows in her voice

"And? You're a woman are you not?"

Before he can continue Richard cuts him off with a wave of his paw and whispers something into her ear that clams her down.

"Fine" Is all Allana says before standing and leaves the room not bothering to collect the man's glass or anyone else's for that matter. Heading to the kitchen to collect herself she stands with her back to the door. Paws slide up the base of her tail and back "Rich...." The leopard begins to say before realizing the scent is different.

"I knew you wanted to get alone with me, nice trick" The voice belongs to the man who spoke in the lounge, "Richard won't mind".

All ready annoyed and hungry Allana decides to play along, they won't miss one annoying guest right? "My love is just a bit over protective, but I can fend for myself now" She says softly the words roll of her tongue, using a tone once heard by Richard many a time.


"mhm" She nods putting her arms around his neck as she turns in his arms" why don't you follow little o me?" She says n begins to move pulling him with her.

"Where?" the male guest response, his tail thrashing excitedly, ears forward focusing on her every word.

"You'll see"

Allana lets out a playful yet sinister giggle as she grabs him by the paws and leads him to her chambers, careful not to create too much of a ruckus. Once alone she closes the door behind them, locking it from the inside. "You know I used to be a pet, actually I used to be THE pet.....Ever hear of the master killer?" she asks, finger trailing down his inner thigh. His eyes go wide when he realizes what she said, " did that? But....but why? You had everything! You were taken care of" He begins to speak more quickly, Allana lets go of her hold over his mind as to let him become fully afraid. "One I didn't do it" She watches him stand, "two I wish I did", he is trying to get out of the room checking the door and windows. "Three, the fact that I am Richards alone gives you reason to treat me with respect." Now Allana stands her eyes losing their pink color as they fade n change to a glowing neon cyan. She smiles to show her top k9s, now longer than they should ever be. The man's scream lasts only an instant as he is tackled by her, one of her paws move holding his maw shut, the other tilts his head to the side bearing his neck. Not wasting a moment she drives her fangs deep into his neck.

From the lounge Richard and Lucs ears twitch back hearing a scream muffled by the thick walls of the house. They have stopped talking n now sit still listening. Their names are called a few times before it registers. "Richard!" a guest calls out, "what's gotten into you?" She laughs, " I think you've had too much to drink my friend," " I agree" another says.

"I just suddenly don't feel well, excuse me. Please drink, be merry, and enjoy your evening" he says as he stands, nodding to Luc, since they both have a feeling something has happened. "I'll see them out" Luc says n goes back to talking with the party to keep everyone unaware that the man that followed Allana has not returned.

BANG BANG BANG, Richard pounds on the door to Allana's chambers. "I know you can hear me you idiot, open this door right now so or so help me god, I will make your first century as a vampire a living hell....." BANG BANG "Allana!" He hisses through gritted teeth, knowing full well she can hear him just fine.

"What's all that banging?" Richard hears asked from the lounge, if he keeps this up someone will come look, oh fuck that, he thinks to himself as he steps back from the door deciding it easier to break it down. Bracing himself he runs at the door, his full weight hitting it hard effetely breaking it down. When He's inside he quickly turns to close the broken door, in case anyone mange's to get past Luc to come look. The smell of blood is much stronger in here, in fact it almost masks Allanas scent. When Richard turns to look at her he's greeted by the site of blood all over the floor and sheets, some is even splattered on the walls. "Kitten dear....fuck" is all he says.

"He fought back before I gota good hold on him....was it naughty of me?" She asks trying her hardest to look cute and harmless. "Besides you saw how he....." was all she managed to say next before she's pined up against the wall, her feet paws off the floor, Richards paw round her neck. "What were you thinking you stupid girl? Have I taught you nothing? We have a house full of guests. You're hungry I get it, but I told you I would take care of you after the party, and I would have taken care of him later." He squeezes cutting off her air to get his point across, "If one of the other guests decided to come look for him you could have put all me and Luc built here at risk." He voice cold. "I'm.....I'm sorry" she mange's to squeak out. With a sigh he lets go of her, Allana drops to her knees in front of him, her ears back, a paw rubbing her throat. She says nothing, does nothing but look at the floor, it's Richard who speaks first.

"You need to start listening to me, I don't care what others do to you, I'll take care of it. When I say you'll get a meal later, I mean it. We have a good thing going here I don't want it ruined" Richard says as he moves to kneel in front of her. "Now you're going to come back to the party like nothing happened. Understand? Once everyone takes their leave your going to clean up this mess and dispose of the body, and for god sakes go wash your muzzle" With that he leaves her in the room. With a sigh Allana stands and does as instructed putting on a clam/collected face as she rejoins the party. Luc gives her a look showing he knows full well what happened. I'll probably get n ear full from him as well later, she thinks to herself.

Once all the guests are gone Allana begins to clean up her mess, Richard and Luc watching from the door way talking with each other.

"Two years n she's still got a lot to learn."

"I know, Luc. It's a work in progress"

"Work in progress? HA! I'll say, look let me train her, I had you fully trained by now" "Just leave it be, okay?" Richard asks his tone somber as he looks to his leopard

"No, I told you, you shouldn't have turned her." "What's that got to do with this? Besides you said the reason was she would eventually run, not cause me stress" He glances over at Luc

"Either way, pet or not she's a natural born killer. Good? Yes I love the thirst in her but she needs to control it or it will get to be too much. And she'll run or kill you."

"I doubt it. Look I just have to work harder at teaching her to control it before it controls her. I manage to do that all will be well."

"Mhmm" With that Luc leaves. By now Allana has finished cleaning n stands facing Richard her paws clasped in front of her, her head down. "I really am sorry.....I.....I couldn't help it" she says softly the words barely audible. "Just go to bed ok?" he says, "in here?" Allana looks around the room the blood washed away but replaced by the smell of bleach, "but".

Richard shakes his head, "you made your bed now you have to lie in it" she drops into the submissive pose looking at the floor. "Please Richard, please it won't happen again, let me share your bed, least till the smell is gone from mine". "All right all right fine" he says before helping her stand, they retire to his room for the night.

Allana sits cross legged on the chair, a santa hat adorns her head. "I wasn't always the cleanest or most discreet, but I did get better over time. Now a days I don't even spill a single drop, which considering I hardly ever have to feed anyway hardly matters. So I want to say happy holidays/Merry Christmas, which ever you prefer. I figured given the day I'd give you a not so nice Christmas story. I hope everyone's day goes well, me? I'ma just drink myself to sleep later. Next time I talk to you all I'll skip a head a good while and tell you about my trip to the states, now that's a good memory" she smiles as she stands n turns off the cam ending the stream for the day

New me

A week later In the end Richard got what he wanted. \*The space in front of the cam is empty, Allana is heard moving about behind it, intangible words are spoken then the sound of a door closing. Silence is followed by the sound of a package being...

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New friend?

A few days went by and Richard eventually convinced Allana to let him stay, saying that his group might pass by again and being here would make him easy to find. Allana, despite being unsettled by the fact he heard of her past master she agreed to let...

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Out with the old in with the new

"Ok easy Allana, easy you don't wanna spook it" She thinks to her self as she draws her crudely made bow. Back straight, shoulders back she holds her breath as she takes aim. If she hits its chest she might miss the heart. The head would be better if...

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