Make Us Whole: A Dead Space Experience: Prologue

Story by Xran on SoFurry

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A fanfiction about the EA Game Dead Space

It was dark, nothing but darkness filled my line of sight. But then I hear something. A noise that begins to ring throughout my entire brain. I kept running, my feet paws were gliding across the metallic floor beneath me. I could hear them, hear them chasing me.

I knew that if I were to fall, or stop to catch my breath, they'd be upon me within minutes, if not seconds. I keep my plasma cutter close at hand, and make sure that it's fully charged. I close my eyes and continue to run.

I hear a loud roar from behind, I quickly lash out my right arm, my shoulder smashing right into a Slasher that was about to take a bite into me. My elbow manages to stagger it before its claws had a chance to grip me. .I quickly aim my Plasma Cutter and pull the trigger, sending forth a wave of energy right at its legs. The plasma beam shoots forth with a loud BANG!

Blood splatters across my suit which makes me wince slightly. I take deep breaths and lifts my heavy boot and smash it against the creature's skull, which then causes it to explode. Blood spills upon the floor and nearby walls.

I pant heavily and find a bench to sit on. I could feel blood sticking to my rear, which made me glad that I was wearing the suit. I sighed slightly and placed my head between my legs looking down at the blood stained floor as I pant.

I begin to hear a voice, a familiar voice that rings in my head. I let out a whine, wishing that it would stop as I place my paws over my ears.

"Naveen, Naveen!"

Codex Lupine: Prefaec: Vol #1 of Steam and Fur

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