Beasts on the Run

Story by Bunny Hops on SoFurry

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#4 of Beasts

?Here's the fourth part of the Beasts series. I wrote each story to be able to be read individually, but it's best when read together in order. This story is a little more violent than its predecessors, and a little longer, too, but it works as a nice transition to the continuation of the story to come. I hope you enjoy it. +Fav's and comments always appreciated.

Beasts on the Run

By Bunny Hops

Kayla, 19 year old female

Luther, born 1843 London

In the dying month of summer, Kayla, still in her wolf form, had ran east as fast as she could, but it was slow going with a rickety basket of newborn cubs clenched between her teeth. She had to stop periodically to feed and tend to their whimpered cries, which was devastating since she could still smell her predators--the ones who took their father, Luther, from her--on her tail. Eventually she lost them somewhere in the central woods of Oregon; they most certainly did not know who or what she was, otherwise they'd never would have ended their pursuit.

She had managed to slip through the I-5 corridor between Portland and Salem without any humans spotting her, mostly hiding out in the day and slinking through the more populated areas at night, but it got a little close for comfort more than a few times. She made it to Mount Hood National Forest as the days grew noticeably shorter and the the nights likewise grew noticeably colder. Autumn had approached too fast. Although she was in a considerably less populated area, she hated her stealth being robbed from her by the selfishly brittle crimson leaves that not scattered the forest floor. She knew she could no longer do this on her own, so she turned to a pack of wolves.

She tried to stalk them out first, but a sudden change in wind direction gave them a whiff of her, so she let her presence be known a lot sooner than she had liked. Of course she hid her cubs before she made contact, who were only now beginning to be weened and had since no longer needed her to carrying them in a basket. At first the pack was aggressive to her, wary of the stranger before them, but her coquettish guise she mastered in her human days made the alpha male open up to her. It didn't hurt that she had so quickly and willingly opened up for him.

It was necessary to allow the alpha male to mount her in order infiltrate herself into the pack, but it still felt like cheating on Luther. He was still out there; she knew it, she could feel it, but he was so far away and she needed the protection that came with a pack. Luther knew this; he told her to find a pack to protect her and their offspring.

The other females had snapped at her, resentful of her being taken over and over by the alpha male who remained knotted into her longer than he had with them, entranced by her oversexed musk and unabashed willingness. In her days as a human, before her werewolf boyfriend had transformed her into the feral wolf she was now and impregnating her on that beach early last summer, she would have been labeled a whore. A part of her couldn't escape that, but she had a purpose...

...and a solution to make the pack hers.

She needed to get to Yellowstone, to protected lands, where Luther insisted she go. He would find her there. But this stubborn pack would not budge. It was stuck in a twenty mile loop hunting for game and encroaching dangerously on human space, despite her warnings. It was too hard to communicate to these wolves in a reasonable manner. She knew the growls, knew the body language, knew the scents, but they lacked the mental strength to understand. And the alpha male that had chosen her as his prime mate--his alpha female--was to blame.

They were in the woods, feasting on a fresh kill of a buck who refused to die without a fight and a couple of wild turkeys who practically killed themselves voluntarily. While Kayla was feasting on the heart and liver of the buck, the alpha male had insisted on mounting her. Kayla, of course, complied graciously. She wasn't in heat, so she wouldn't get pregnant, and he wasn't as big as Luther in his wolfman form so he caused her no undue harm and gave some pleasure in return. She had gotten so accustom to his constant mountings, it was almost a shame that she had to make her stand tonight.

He humped at her rear mechanically and barred his teeth at the other wolves to show them he was the boss. Once he managed to penetrate her he swelled up suddenly and gave her four or five meaningful thrusts before ejaculating his hot spunk inside of her and knotting her tight almost immediately, sealing the two of them together until he erection could subside in fifteen or twenty minutes.

She took her chance while he was panting in self-satisfaction as weak anal contractions milked his seed into her. He had flipped his leg over her so they stood locked, tail to tail, giving her the advantage she needed.

She twisted her upper body back around and dug her sharp canine teeth into the alpha's jugular before he could realize anything was amiss. Her muzzle was already bloody from feasting on the buck, but became drenched in the fresh warm wolf blood once she shook her head and fully opened his throat.

The pack went nuts, but she barred her teeth at them and growled deeper and more menacingly than they had ever heard before. All but a small minority hushed immediately; she made a mental note of all that did not.

The alpha fell on his face, blood pooling into the crunchy autumn leaves as each heartbeat gushed an ever increasingly important amount of blood out of him. He looked up at her with helpless, pleading eyes, and she looked down at him with ones that were cold and uncaring.

She knew he was dead when he didn't have even enough blood in him to sustain his erection and fell of out her. His hind legs could not support him and he flat on his side, forever unmoving. The pack was now hers.

She was finally able to bring her cubs out of hiding without having to worry about their safety. She had six cubs total, three sons and three daughters. She insisted that the females of the pack take care of them, and the males look after them, but a handful resisted. Under her command she had the rest of the pack chase off these resistors. They could form their own pack, for all she cared; without such a small population and not a single strong dog among them, they'd likely die off sometime mid-winter.

She wanted to get moving to Yellowstone as soon as possible to avoid, but once again the same bull-headed wolves resisted. From their scents and body language she knew they didn't want to leave their hunting grounds for uncertain fields, but her human intelligence knew this was their little power play. Unfortunately, they too will have to be dealt with.

With the beta female attempting to assert her own power, Kayla knew she had to take a mate, even if it meant losing some of her own power within the pack. She couldn't abide by a pack full of horny males with the beta fully willing to give them release in exchange for their loyalty. Besides that, she was desperately, painfully in heat and craved a males hardness inside of her. If her finding a male to mount her meant losing some of her power, she needed a male that would take power away from the beta female. So she took the beta's main ale from her.

The beta male--now the new alpha male--accepted her offer instantaneously. He was a much more thankful lover than the previous alpha, and his cock being humped inside her with primitive strokes washed away her anxious cravings with each pulsating thrusts. He last much longer than the previous alpha, and came much stronger once he finally climaxed. He wasn't as good as Luther--not by a long shot--but the beta female snapping uselessly at them while they were in coitus made it all that much better.

As they laid together on the brittle autumn leaves after their third mating of the day, still knotted together and sharing each other's body heat, Kayla knew she was once again pregnant. Her first litter was barely weened and still relied heavily on her, and Kayla had gone and gotten herself pregnant once again. Not only was this male not Luther, he was a feral wolf without a drop of human in him. Kayla felt the human side of her slipping away, but didn't know if that feeling was real or just a way for herself to justify a fully feral wolf's young growing inside of her.

Kayla pushed those thoughts out of her mind and focused on Yellowstone.

As winter threatened to show it's ugly face, the pack refused to venture across the barren land that lay east of the Mount Hood National Forest. The beta female was gaining too much power within the pack since she coddled all of their fears. They did not fear man, but they feared change. How could she have gotten herself mixed up with such stupid animals?

The first snowfall came without warning, waking Kayla up in the early morning. She paced around the pack, agitating the rest of the wolves awake. Mixed in with the earth raw scents she so loved about the Oregon woods, the smell of sex was being pumped into the air. She was immediately pissed.

It took no time at all to find the alpha male--her male, the one who fucked her so many times already and knocked her up so easily--balls deep in that resentful beta bitch.

The beta looked at her with victorious eyes and Kayla lunged at her, gouging deep ruts into her face with her vicious canine maw. She dug her teeth into the male's neck and wrenched him free of the female before his balls could release and seal the mating.

The beta bite back, but Kayla was much more ferocious. She combined the rage of a human woman scorn and a jealous, vengeful, and scared wolf. The beta came at her and Kayla gnawed half her ear off, twisting it off her skull effortlessly as she yelped in pain and backed away.

Kayla looked at the alpha male, his head down and his dick hard. She looked a the beta female, bloody and defeated; her head looked lopsided with her missing ear. Kayla let out a scent and made the male mount her and spill his seed uselessly into her already quickening womb as the beta female watched helplessly.

Kayla enjoyed the female's submission much more than the male inside of her. Her animal mind reveled in the victory of this one battle, but her human mind knew both of the them were beyond useless to her now: they were liabilities. They were enemies. Once the alpha male got it in his mind that he was above her he would kill the cubs she had with Luther so his own would not have to compete; the beta female was more than willing to put those thoughts into his mind.

The beta female would not submit and the pack would not move east, so Kayla did the only thing she could think of and let the beta win. It didn't take long for the female to assert her victory and get mounted again and again by the alpha male until he could no longer physically perform the task. Six or seven times a day it went on, and for more than a week. It didn't matter, though; the entire pack could smell that the beta had become pregnant on the male's third or fourth mounting. Kayla had become the beta, now.

The formerly-beta-now-alpha bitch insisted on finding cheap eats well within the human world, and Kayla let the pack go. The male was putty in the females paws--or cunt, rather--and lead the pack astray. They were attacking and killing more domesticated cattle than they could eat and moving into more and more human populated areas. By the time the second snow fall had covered the ground and trees they were eating house cats and small dogs, and mounting the larger domesticated dogs--both female and male. Kayla happily let it happen.

Kayla knew humans more than the collect conscious of the pack ever could, but they refused to listen to her. While the new alpha female and male sent the pack deep into human territory to feed off their animals and terrorize them, Kayla aligned herself with the omegas of the pack. She defended the females and trusted them to tend to her cubs; she let the males mount her one by one, over and over and over again to gain their loyalty and improve their confidence. She would soon need them, and she would need them strong.

The day finally came when the humans sought them out. Animal control, park rangers, and the local sheriff's department all came searching to decimate the pack, but the alpha male and female stood their ground with animalistic pride and ignorance.

Surprisingly, Kayla was legitimately scared for all their safety. Despite the alphas' wrongdoings, they were a part of the pack and deserved life as much as the next wolf, but they were too stubborn. Moreover, she feared the human retribution might harm her offspring, or kill her and leave her cubs helplessly alone.

Kayla tried one last time to get them to move, to understand, but she didn't know enough of the wolf language to persuade her most persistent comrades. They needed to cross the barren lands to the east as fast as possible before winter came and destroyed all hope of sustenance. But more importantly, they needed to flee the area before the humans came and murdered them all.

The pack stood on the crest of a gentle hillside overlooking several farms. Hostility ran high. Kayla was pleading with the alphas to run, to flee, going so much as offering herself to any willing male to pull them to her side, but none would since alpha, with his new found smugness, barred his teeth at her for daring such insulance. When she had first let him mount her--to spill his seed inside her and create new life--he was a coward of a canine, but the new alpha female had created this stubborn, stupid head of their pack that would be their demise unless Kayla stopped it.

Her heart was racing as she paced around the pack, poorly covered by sparse trees and bare shrubs. She could feel the humans coming even before she spotted the farmer on the edge of his field aiming a scoped hunting rifle towards the pack.

Never in the six months since she was transformed into a feral wolf had she wanted to be human than in that instant. But she wanted the rest of her pack to be human as well, so they would understand the dire nature of their predicament. If they did not do something right now, they were all going to die. It was up to Kayla to resolve the situation, but she didn't know how.

An idea came to her as quick as a lightning bolt, but she had to depend on the predictability of the alpha wolves to make it work.

She lunged at the alpha female, digging her teeth deep but harmlessly into the nape of her neck. She wanted the female to become aggressive enough to chase her east and away from the dangers of man, but she did not predict the protectiveness of her male.

The alpha male bit into her shoulder without restraint, tearing into her muscles and down to the bone. Never before had she felt so much physical pain or emotional impedance. He knocked her to the ground and stood over her menacingly. He wouldn't even mount her to assert his dominance: she was beneath him as a worm crawling through the dirt.

She looked towards the alpha female as she gave Kayla the worse stink-eye a feral wolf could make before turning back to gaze over the field. Kayla backed away, far enough into the wooded cover as was necessary, but not a step more. She had done all she could to protect them, now she had to let them learn from their mistakes.

Just as the alpha female's head stopped turning it vaporized to a chunky mist of blood, brains, and bones as a high caliber round tore through her. She spasmed uncontrollably and collapsed to the frosted ground; the bullet had entered cleanly through her left eye and exited messily out the back of her skull.

The pack was coursing around her in panic before the report from the rifle reverberated through the woods and echoed off the hillsides.

The alpha male wanted to bolt, but Kayla kept him where he was with a gnash of her teeth and staring daggers at him; without his alpha bitch he was as weak and cowardly as the day Kayla first let him mount her. Her gaze wouldn't hold him in place for long, but it was only him and her standing still among the pack, and he was the only one left out in the open.

He yelped and staggered to the ground as a pink effervesce surrounded his side. Just as the report from this second rifle shot came, the alpha whimpered helplessly and crawled to Kayla, who backed away with cautious steps. A round had entered just shy of his shoulders and likely pierced both of his lungs. A part of her wished the round was more accurate and tore through his heart, which would have mercifully killed him instantly.

The more callous part of Kayla knew the alpha male had made his decision. He would stay here, like he wanted, but she was going to Yellowstone.

Kayla was the only wolf among them to have the fortitude to take charge, once again making the pack hers. She was the alpha female again, and this time she would not let another wolf take the pack away from her. Not now, not ever.

While still panicked, she got all the wolves who remained alive to run with her away from human lands, but always running east.

The humans did not follow the pack for long and the pack was able to reach the eastern edge of the barren lands and enter another mountain range on the first day of winter. A light snow fell as her hungry cubs ran off into the woods and killed their first buck together. Even if the pack eventually left her, she would always have her family. She would reach Yellowstone. Everything was going to be okay.